Career Institute of Florida Religion Ethnicity and Gender Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Career Institute of Florida Religion Ethnicity and Gender Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender in 19th Century Schooling
- Rury, Chapter 3
- Mintz, Ch. 5
Identify three to five (3-5) Take-Aways from the assigned readings/videos (not the TED talks or assignments.
The Take-Aways should
- Specifically identify a direct quote/issue in the reading
- Discuss what you found interesting, conflicting, new, important, noteworthy as you read
- Connect to other course content or other items you have learned in other courses.
- Be succinct and specific to this course and what you’re learning
- Identify the author, the page number and the direct quote (if you are quoting).
For example (and you may use this format until you get comfortable with your own voice):
As I read hook’s text the following quote seemed particularly relevant to me, “We must courageously challenge the privileged who aggressively see to deny the disadvantaged a chance to change their lot” (p. 99). How is it that we are still having this conversation around who gets what and why in 2018? This was written in 2000, and in my own naïveté, I have always assumed that people generally want to help others. I think this connects directly to Baldwin’s “A Talk to Teachers” and it seems that the same people are talking about the same issues and ideas.
Second assignment
In order to begin to develop a global perspective of cultural pluralism as it relates to world languages, view the TED talk by Wade Davis. Respond to the ideas presented by Davis and address some of the ideas that have you have read about in Rury and Mintz. How does the notion of culture/identity/nationalism appear in society and education. What are some of the outcomes of the intersection of these issues? Be sure to connect specifically ideas from BOTH the text and the video.
1.Dreams from Endangered Cultures
Career Institute of Florida Religion Ethnicity and Gender Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Howard Community College The Biopsychosocial Model Discussion Writing Assignment Help
This week’s discussion is on the Psychosocial and Other Models of Drug Use and Abuse. You will watch a video entitled “Psychosocial Model,” which is presented by Dr. Femke Buisman-Pijlman of the University of Adelaide. After watching the video (AddictionX, 2015), please select one of the three components that make up this model—preferably, one of those which you know nothing, or the least about—and do a brief report on it. Define the component, and using some aspects of it, discuss briefly how it is used to explain SUD origin, development, and treatment–based on your review of the literature. Cite your sources within the text of your discussion.
Support your discussion with reliable medical and/or scientific sources, not the popular media sources. You will gain more points if you provide information from at least two references not already listed in this assignment. Make these references quality and scholarly peer-reviewed references–(preferably primary sources) from the U.S.
Link (Links to an external site.)
AddictionX. [University of Adelaide]. (2015, October 7). Biopsychosocial model. [Video]. YouTube.
MGT 3102 Georgia Institute of Technology Vitality Performance Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
1) What were the specific issues with Vitality’s old performance management system? Provide evidence to justify your answer from Exhibit 2, 2008 data.
2) What is a compa-ratio? Using the salary calculation formula on Exhibit 3, calculate the base salary of an entry-level management trainee whose job is evaluated at 350 points and who has a compa-ratio of 85.
3) Do you think the new system is an improvement from the last one? Justify your answer.
4) What is your main takeaway about rewarding and managing employee performance after studying this case and based on the content we covered in class on these subjects?
No more than 2 pages, double-space, 12-point font for ALL answers. Please number each answer.
NRP 531 University of Phoenix Advanced Health & Nervous Systems Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Assignment Content
USH Efectos De La Estimulación Eléctrica Neuromuscular Bibliografía Anotada Humanities Assignment Help
Trabajo de Investigación: Bibliografía anotada
Vas a desarrollar una tarea en el eje de investigación bajo la modalidad de bibliografía anotada.
Vas a realizar una segunda búsqueda bajo el mismo tema de investigación inicial¹. La diferencia es que identificarás cinco (5) investigaciones nuevas. En la bibliografía anotada No puedes integrar artículos de periódicos, libros y ningún otro documento, aunque se relacione con el tema. Para efectos del este curso PSI-201, tienes que mantener la búsqueda en investigaciones cualitativas, cuantitativas o metodologías combinadas.
Referencias Bibliográficas del trabajo de investigación inicial para hacer la Bibliografía Anotada.
Biblioteca Madre María Teresa Guevara. (2020). Recuperado de
Sentandreu Mañó, T. (s.f.).Efectos de la estimulación eléctrica neuromuscular en el tratamiento fisioterápico de la mano del paciente mayor con hemiplejia espástica tras ictus…
Miami Dade College Human Evolution Paper Science Assignment Help
The paper should be easily read and have a professional appearance. It should contain your name, the full title of the topic, be single spaced and typed in a 12 font. The paper must be no less than 650 words. Please tell why you are interested in the topic and consider it important. Add any information and illustrations that you find particularly interesting. The paper must include references: searched sites and other sources of information (use either MLA or APA format). You need a minimum of three sources not older than 2014, your textbook can be one of them.
Miami Dade College Human Evolution Paper Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
A1 Business and Technical College Developing a New Job Position Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Over the last few weeks, you have addressed many important human resources (HR) issues related to expansion. Since SaharaOasis’s plans to continue such an expansion, a new position of logistics manager is being developed to help organize and manage resources across facilities and with suppliers.
Using Bloomberg Businessweek B-School Connection resources, research job analysis and create a draft paper of 750–1,000 words that addresses the following:
- Discuss the process you would use to develop this new position.
- What role does job analysis play in developing a job description and subsequent job posting?
- Specifically, which job analysis techniques would you use, and why?
- How would you ensure internal and external pay equity for the position?
- Once the job analysis and subsequent job description are developed, how can the organization use this information to make this position a success?
- Process improvement in the organization from a production and operations management is a key component of the Logistics Manager position. Considering this, describe the potential selection criteria that you will use for the new Logistics Manager.
Provide a reference list at the end of your presentation of at least 1 Bloomberg Businessweek B-School Connection articles, and include in-text citations for the articles in APA format.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
California State University Northridge The Blind Side Video Discussion Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, you must first post a thoughtful response to the prompt posted below. Then, you must also respond to the post of one of your classmates. Each response should be at least one paragraph in length (five clearly written, thoughtful sentences).
The goal with this discussion question is to try and understand how (mis)representation affects the content of media messages. You will watch two different video clips. I want you to address how the stories told in each clip differ and how that is connected to who is telling the story. How does this help us understand why it is so important to have media messages that are produced by members of non-dominant groups, allowing non-dominant groups to speak for and represent themselves and in the same way members of dominant groups can?
1) Video clip 1: This is a clip from the film The Blind Side, which was released in 2009 and is based on a true story about NFL offensive tackler, Michael Oher. The film was written and directed by John Lee Hancock, Jr. (a white middle-aged man born in Texas) and though the film received a lot of praise from Hollywood (Sandra Bullock won an Oscar for her role in the film), many others criticized the film because of its racist undertones. Most notably, the emphasis on the “White Savior” trope and the depiction of Oher as dumb and incompetent and the fact that he doesn’t speak more than 2 lines of dialogue in the film (many of the aspects of the film have been disputed by Oher himself, in particular, the film’s false claim that his white adoptive mother had to teach him how to play football). (Links to an external site.)
2) Video clip 2: This is a clip from the TV show black-ish, which premiered in 2014 on ABC and was created by Kenya Barris, a middle-aged African-American man from Inglewood, Ca. The show is about an upper middle class African-American family, and looks at the expectation and experience of cultural assimilation in a primarily white, affluent neighborhood. The show has received a lot of critical acclaim because it tackles racial and sociopolitical issues head on.
MSU Integrating Play Into Literacy Instruction for Your Classroom Essay Writing Assignment Help
- Write a review of the video:
- A synopsis of the video (its purpose, intent, etc)
- What the video meant to you: what did the video teach you / inform you of / impression it made on you.
- How you feel the video is related to the material in Chapter 2 of the course text.
- Identify a learning theory that we’ve covered that aligns with one of the strategies presented in the video.
- Write a summary:
- Lessons you think teachers and organizations could learn from the videos.
- The most important information you personally took away from watching the videos.
- Would you recommend watching the videos to others (why or why not)?
The video review formatting requirements are below:
Document Settings: 1 inch margins, 12 ft. Times New Roman, double spaced
Length: Minimum 2 pages
MBA 6247 FU Application of Applied Psychology for Human Behavioral Problem Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Prior to beginning work on this discussion,
- Read Chapter 1 in Applied Psychology in Talent Management. (attached)
- Read the articles The Impact of Psychology on Talent Management (Links to an external site.) and Talent Management: The End of the Era or the Dawn of the New Age?
Search the Internet for three examples where applied psychology is used. Reviewing current events is a good place to begin. How does this method of management contribute to organizational goals?
Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Support your response with at least one scholarly resource in addition to the text.
textbook reference
Cascio, W. F., & Aguinis, H. (2019). Applied psychology in talent management (8th ed.). Retrieved from
Career Institute of Florida Religion Ethnicity and Gender Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Career Institute of Florida Religion Ethnicity and Gender Discussion Writing Assignment Help