Case Report – Information Systems and Business Transformation – Boeing 787 Dreamliner Writing Assignment Help

Case Report – Information Systems and Business Transformation – Boeing 787 Dreamliner Writing Assignment Help. Case Report – Information Systems and Business Transformation – Boeing 787 Dreamliner Writing Assignment Help.

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Please find the attached chapter 5 including
case study 5-2 Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Please read the chapter 5 and 5-2 Boeing
787 Dreamliner case study and write case report on the case study by following
below instructions. Case reports should be no more than 5 pages of
double-spaced text, and no smaller than one-inch margins and 12-point Times New
Roman font ( Please follow APA guidelines for formatting citations and
references as well). Please check for plagiarism before sending.

student will write a case report, which synthesizes their analysis of the
assigned case study Case reports should demonstrate excellent understanding of
the case study along with accurate application of appropriate frameworks and
tools that have been discussed in class and highlighted in the readings. Case
reports should also offer a clear, direct analysis as well as a well-argued
position (again, supported by course material). You should acknowledge in the
report(s) when you are making assumptions and/or predictions. Ultimately case
reports should demonstrate your ability to assess a situation and develop
strategies on how to improve the situation and avoid future problems. Case
reports should be no more than 5 pages of double-spaced text, and no smaller
than one-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font ( Please follow APA
guidelines for formatting citations and references as well).

Case Report – Information Systems and Business Transformation – Boeing 787 Dreamliner Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FSM or BT Engineering Assignment Help


Chapter 4 of Playing Smart by Julian Togelius, “Do Video Games Have Artificial Intelligence?” (Attached)

Additional reference: Chapter 2, section 2.2, “Ad-Hoc Behavior Authoring” (pp. 32-39) of the Yannakakis & Togelius AI & Games textbook (PDF version here)


A common approach to writing AI for games, especially for non-player characters (NPCs), is to write the desired NPC behavior “manually”, also called ad-hoc behavior authoring. This is “ad-hoc” in comparison to using a systematic AI technique to drive behavior, like game-tree search, machine learning, or planning algorithms. “Manually” does usually mean in a more structured way than just a big pile of code, though. Usually the behavior is specified in a high-level structure, which helps also guide how the behavior interacts with the game engine at a technical level and gets executed.

Two common frameworks for ad-hoc behavior authoring are finite state machines (FSMs) and behavior trees (BTs). Togelius (Ch. 4) goes through an example of an FSM AI for an NPC in detail, and the Yannakakis & Togelius reference (Ch. 2.2) gives a more textbook definition of FSMs and discusses behavior trees as well. Yannakakis & Togelius also discuss utility-based AI, an alternative that is more suited for cases where the reasons for switching between behaviors are more gray-area or fuzzy and easier to encode as floating-point numbers than as graphs or trees.


Choose an existing game, and write how AI for the game would work, using one of these ad-hoc behavior authoring techniques (of your choice). You can either write a bot that plays the game, or AI for a specific NPC within a game, depending on which kind of game you choose.

When thinking about how to structure your AI, a typical approach is to think of high-level logic and low-level logic. High-level logic will be represented by arrangement of nodes and edges within an FSM or BT, and encodes how the AI should make its top-level decisions about what to do, and when to change to doing something else. Low-level logic is represented by specific nodes that aren’t broken down any further, things like “patrol” or “move left”. Of course, patrolling has sub-parts too, but at some point these low-level behaviors are reasonable to leave as something atomic to be implemented as just code.

Your job as AI designer in this case is to:

1) identify which low-level behaviors you’ll need, and then

2) write the high-level logic in either an FSM or BT (or possibly utility-based AI). You only need to turn in the FSM or BT – you can assume that your team will write the code for the low-level behaviors you need. You might want to consider whether the low-level behaviors can truly be written though! Do your low-level behaviors themselves require a lot of “smart” decision-making?


Please answer as detailed as possible Writing Assignment Help

1, Explain how culture, diversity, and cognition support each other’s development. Provide support for your answers.

2, How have you seen diversity in the classroom change over the past 30 years? Give specific examples.

3. NBPTS states, “They (national board certified teachers) know how to work collaboratively with parents to engage them productively in the work of the school.” How can teachers make this goal a reality in the classroom setting?

4, NBPTS Proposition 5 states, “They collaborate with others to improve student learning.” How can teachers ensure that they uphold this statement in the classroom?


Discussion- Collaborating with other disciplines Humanities Assignment Help

After you have completed the Reading, and without reviewing your classmate’s responses, post your initial response to the following Discussion. Your post should be at least 400–450 words in length and should extend the discussion of the group supported by your course materials and/or other appropriate resources.

After you have submitted your initial post, take time to review your classmates’ responses and to respond specifically and substantially to at least two of them. Refer to the Discussion Rubric for specific grading explanation.

Collaborating with other disciplines

Your textbook points to many similarities and many differences between OBM and OD. The text also highlights potential areas for collaboration. Throughout your future careers in Applied Behavior Analysis, you will often have to collaborate with others from other disciplines. This will require an understanding of other fields as well as the skills to determine where you can collaborate and create the most effective treatment environment for clients.

For this week’s Discussion you will compare and contrast OBM and OD as well as extend some of the points from this week’s Reading to your future practice:

  1. Identify and explain two key ways in which Organizational Behavior Management and Organizational Development are different.
  2. Describe one of the areas you feel OBM can contribute the most to in the field of OD and why.
  3. Discuss what is meant by “humble behaviorism,” as referenced in your textbook from Nuernger (1991).
  4. Discuss how the ideas of reciprocation and “humble behaviorism,” will impact collaboration with other disciplines in your future career in behavior analysis.

Required resourses.

Johnson, M., Redmon, W.K., and Mawhinney, T.C. (2001). Handbook of organizational performance:
Behavior analysis and management. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press

In the textbook read:

Chapter 14: “Organizational Behavior Management and Organizational Development: Potential paths to reciprocation”

Read the following article from the Library:

Srivastava, A. K. (2015). Do smart goals lead to better performance?Human Capital, 19(2), 30–33.

Visit the following website and review the article:

Morrison, M. (2010). History of SMART objectives. Rapid Business Improvement. Retrieved from


Analyzing Published Research Writing Assignment Help

The purpose of this paper is to interpret the two articles identified as most important to the group topic.

Pressure Ulcer prevention is my paper topic.

For previous paper in this class, I chose two articles. please USE THESE TWO ARTICLES below to answer all questions in the rubric. I will attach my 1st paper so you have a good understanding of what to write in 2nd paper.

“You MUST READ the paper I attached because 2nd paper is related to 1st paper.”

Thomas, E., Vinodkumar, S., Mathew, S., & Setia, M. S. (2015). A study of the factors associated with risk for development of pressure ulcers: A longitudinal analysis. Indian journal of dermatology, 60(6), 566. Retrieved:… Yap, T. L., Kennerly, S. M., Bergstrom, N., Hudak, S. L., & Horn, S. D. (2016). An EvidenceBased Cue-Selection Guide and Logic Model to Improve Pressure Ulcer Prevention in PREESSURE ULCER PREVENTION 6 Long Term Care. Journal of nursing care quality, 31(1), 75. Retrieved:…

Assignment Criteria





Clinical Question



1. Problem is described: What is the focus of your group’s work?
2. Significance of the problem is described: What health outcomes result from your problem? Or what statistics document this is a problem? You may find support on websites for government or professional organizations.

3. Purpose of your paper: What will your paper do or describe? “The purpose of this paper is to . . .”

**Please note that although most of these questions are the same as you addressed in paper 1, the purpose of this paper is different. You can use your work from paper 1 for items 1 and 2 above, including any suggestions for improvement provided as feedback. Item 3 above should be specific to this paper.

Description of Findings: Summary



Summarize the basics of each article in a matrix table that appears in the appendix.

Description of Findings: Description



Describe in the body of the paper the following.

  • What concepts have been studied?
  • What methods have been used?
  • Who are the participants or members of the samples?
  • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe thereliability and validity?
  • How do you answer your original “purpose of this paper” question?Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question?
  • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work.

Description of Findings: Conclusion




total 200 point



Conclusion: Review major findings in your paper in a summary paragraph.

page3image2704536592page3image27045322881. Correct grammar and spelling

2. Use headings for each section: Problem, Synthesis of the Literature

(Concepts, Methods, Participants, Instruments, Implications for Future Work), Conclusion.

3. APA format (sixth ed.): Appendices follow references. 4. Paper length: Three pages




WKFR – Writing Assignment – SOCY Humanities Assignment Help

Prepare a two to three page, double-spaced paper on the topic: “A Look From the Outside – In

Guidelines: Use the website:

“Watching America” is an online foreign news source that has numerous political, social, and economic stories of how the world understands us from their (foreign) perspective, not from an “American” view.

(1) Select and read a recent article of your choice (translated in English). Assume the role of the concerned citizen and author of the article who is presenting his or her position on the topic

(2) Then switch roles to provide your own assessments of differences in a balanced and realistic outlook from a news person looking into and evaluating people’s values in the American Society. Is it possible for foreign personnel to look at people in the American Society in a “relatively fair” manner? Conclude by evaluating how to envision other nations’ “typical” values, defining and using the cultural relativism perspective.

Rubric Example for Part Two:


All criteria in assignment instructions have thoroughly been met

Background or introduction/abstract

Concisely introduces needed information, making it appealing to the reader.

Narrative with Evidence

Contains a highly accurate, precise description of the issues and problems, along with a careful consideration of possible alternatives or solutions.

Contains relevant values’ examples, and indicates the salient issues the examples highlight.


Breaks the argument, issue, or problem into relevant parts.

Connections between the parts area clear, highly accurate, and articulate.

Thoroughly and accurately applies the concept of cultural relativism.


Clearly written with 4 or fewer mechanical, grammatical, or spelling errors

WKFR – Writing Assignment – SOCY Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Topic 3 DQ 1.2 Writing Assignment Help

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:

The type of communication that would be utilized to present my ideology on the manner in which patient care can be improved within the upper-level management would include the use of research and its findings. First and foremost, the inclusion of research and its findings would communicate clearly and concisely the areas that need to be addressed in improving patient care, an element that would be used in influencing decisions. The research findings need to be translated to non-researchers within the upper management for understanding. Researchers therefore bring together a wide array of evidences from several research studies that strengthen the research ideas aimed at improving patient care. The research findings and ideas are translated in the production of programmatically useful information (Clochesy et al, 2015). To achieve this goal, the researchers need to communicate the results of the findings through multiple channels in a bid to reach an audience, with the ideology aimed at repeating the same message severally with the aim of increasing the probability of resource utilization. For instance, if communication is done on the same idea, final report summaries, national workshops, program briefs, announcements and international conferences. This therefore, gives a greater chance for other individuals to determine the ideas raised for consideration. Additionally, the results of the findings and ideas can be shared among individuals and specialist organizations who effectively synthesize the information, hence promoting communication.


Clochesy, J. M., Dolansky, M. A., Hickman Jr., R. L., Gittner, L. S., & Hickman, R. J. (2015). Enhancing Communication between Patients and Healthcare Providers: SBAR3. Journal Of Health & Human Services Administration, 38(2), 237-252.Retrirved From:…


choose a disease and write about it using the rubric provided. (contact me for clarification.) Science Assignment Help

Resources for Project Development

Content should be for Web Based Presentation and be current: use the most current references no more than 5 years old

1.A brief statement that tells the student what disease will be covered in the presentation.

2.normal anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology

•how normal anatomy and physiology is altered by the disease

•new information on etiology of disease/problem: within the last 2 years ;include discussion of genetic etiology of disease, if applicable.

•how the body compensates or attempts to compensate for change in anatomy and/or physiology

•risk factors (this can be included as it’s own objective)

overview of health promotion/disease prevention: BRIEF

4. signs and symptoms of the disease include the scientific rationale behind the S/S

5.optional areas to be discussed [This depends on the topic being presented.]

•growth and development issues would be covered under this section

•environmental issues, socioeconomic issues

6.diagnostic testing emphasis on what’s new: within the last 5 years research supporting the new approach to diagnosis

7.microbiology: if this is an issue discuss organism, method of transmission,vulnerable populations, methods of prevention

8.overview of treatment:

•emphasis on what’s new: within the last 5 years

•results of research studies: science behind recently recommended changes in treatment…remember this is a SCIENCE class

9.application of information to a professional discipline (for example: nursing) practice education

10. current research ongoing research

what clinical trials are in progress

preliminary findings

What is currently being researched? What are the research questions?

What can we expect within the next 3-5 years…how might practice change as a result of current research?


Help needed Business Finance Assignment Help

I Live in Missouri

Topic: E-Discovery in your State

Please review the E-Discovery Law.

  • Locate the E-Discovery rules in your state and review them.
  • Locate ethics opinions on E-Discovery from your state. Upon review of this information, share with the class an overview of your state’s policy in regards to E-Discovery.
  • How do the rules of your state compare to the rules in the Federal Courts?

Compare and contrast your state’s rules to those of your classmates by responding to three other posts.

Source: K&L Gates E-Discovery Law. Current Listing of States That Have Enacted E-Discovery Rules. Retrieved from


Organizational capacity (REWRITE REMOVE PLAGARISM) Writing Assignment Help


In this assignment, answer the following question: How does communication affect organizational capacity?

Consider the following stakeholders, and then evaluate how leaders can best use communication strategies to improve capacity:

  • Teachers
  • Administrators (both superior and subordinate)
  • Staff
  • Parents (if applicable to the educational institution)
  • Governing Board
  • Students
  • Local community

Length: 8-10 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: A minimum of five scholarly resources

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Above is the actual assignment requirements. I have attached a paper that was written but will not pass plagarism requirements for the TurnItIn program.

Can you please REWRITE the paper to remove plagarism AND ensure that it makes good sense? Just running it through a plagarism re-writer wont be acceptable.

Mertkan, S. (2013). Building institutional capacity: More accountability than autonomy? Journal of Organizational Change Management, 27(2), 331-343.


Case Report – Information Systems and Business Transformation – Boeing 787 Dreamliner Writing Assignment Help

Case Report – Information Systems and Business Transformation – Boeing 787 Dreamliner Writing Assignment Help

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