case study discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. case study discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Discussion 2: Case 1
A 78-year-old female comes to your office escorted by a neighbor who is a patient of yours. The neighbor, who has lived next door to the older woman for years, relates that a week ago the elderly woman’s sister died and that she had been her caregiver for many years. The neighbor relates that although she would occasionally see the older woman, she did not visit the home. At the funeral last week, she noticed that the woman appeared fatigued, confused, sad, and gaunt in appearance. Later the neighbor approached the woman, inquired about her health, and determined that the woman had a very difficult time the past couple of months, caring alone for her sister until the end when hospice care was initiated. The neighbor convinced the woman to seek medical care and today is the first appointment with a provider that this 78-year-old female has had in 3 years. The older woman states that she is very fatigued and sad over the loss of her sister. Neither her sister nor the patient has been married. A distant niece came to the funeral but lives about 30 miles away. The woman states that she is not taking any prescription medication and relates no medical problems that she is aware of being diagnosed.
Vital signs: T 97.6°F, HR 98, RR 22, BP 95/60, BMI 21
Chief Complaint: Fatigue and sadness over the death of her older sister.
Discuss the following:
1) What additional subjective information will you be asking the patient?
2) What additional objective findings would you be examining the patient for?
3) What are the differential diagnoses that you are considering?
4) What laboratory tests will help you rule out some of the differential diagnoses?
5) What screening tools will you select to use on this patient?
6) What is your plan of care?
7) What additional patient teaching may be needed?
8) Will you be looking for a consult?
Submission Instructions:
- Your initial post should be at least 800 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric | |||||
Criteria | Ratings | Points | |||
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts |
5 points Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
4 points Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. |
2 points Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. |
1 points Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. |
5 points |
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines |
3 points Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
2 points Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
1 point Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail. |
0 point Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention. |
3 points |
Response to Posts of Peers |
2 points Student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each. |
1 points Student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal. |
0 point Student provided no response to a peer’s post.
case study discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Primary and Secondary Research Summary Writing Assignment Help
- To complete this project, you will form small groups and choose a local problem affecting USF or in the local Tampa Bay community. (the problem is homeless people in Tampa Bay area)
- Each group member will complete primary and secondary research on the problem and write a 2-3 page research summary report in memo format.
- Although you are part of a group working on a shared research problem, each group member will complete their own primary and secondary research and write their own research summary report memo.
- Your memo should include the following section headings:
- Memo header with Date, To, From, and Subject
- Section headings:
- Background Information
- Problem Description
- Impacted Populations
- Problem Causes
- References (Note: use APA format for references)
Project 3 Overview
Research in the workplace solves a problem. Tasked with a problem in the workplace, you may be asked to gather the information necessary to fully understand the issue at hand, solve that problem (or offer potential solutions), prove that your solutions are viable, and/or test your solution(s). Doing this work requires different types of research that go beyond simply querying (searching) a library database or using Google. Often, you will need to speak directly to target populations and audiences and directly contact resources and experts in different professions and in the community. You may also need information in addition to or instead of scholarly resources. Local and national journalism (newspapers and magazines) may add context and perspective. Professional experts, government agencies, and state and local authorities may serve as be relevant sources, as are individuals in target populations.
Essentially, research in the workplace requires you to think critically and creatively about:
- The type of information you need; and
- The best way to get that information.
Your job as a researcher is to address, explain, and/or solve a problem using the most relevant and applicable methods and resources. If a resource can supply information you need, then it is the right resource for the job.
It’s also important when thinking about a problem your researching to keep in mind that you probably aren’t the first person or organization to deal with this issue. Look at other organizations, groups, or communities negotiating the same or similar issue. Research how those groups describe and deal with the problem. The perspective of experience is invaluable to your work.
Project 3 Assignment Instructions
This project asks you to do community-based research into a local problem impacting USF or the surrounding Tampa Bay community. Your goal for this project is to describe a problem in detail using as much information as you can gather from as many different kinds of sources as are useful. This project requires a mixture of primary research and secondary research. This means you may look at research gathered by others (e.g., government agencies, non-profit organizations, professional and academic experts), but you will also gather your own data by contacting experts and asking impacted population for their perspective.
Once you have formed small groups and agreed on a local problem, you will conduct research using any of the following methods and resources, or anything else that helps you explain the scope of your problem. Remember that your report must include a mixture of primary (original) and secondary (published) research.
- Newspapers (local, university, national)
- Reports from government agencies, universities, and/or NGOs
- Scholarly research
- Facts and statistics compiled by government agencies and/or NGOs
- Interviews with experts and/or impacted individuals
- Surveys (social media makes doing surveys easy)
- Online audience analysis using Voyant tools: (Links to an external site.)
- See student example using audience analysis here: Project 3 Voyant.png
- Click here for instructions on how to use Voyant-Tools for Project 3.
As a deliverable, you will produce a report memo approximately 2-3 pages in length that reports your findings and provides readers with a robust understanding of the problem you have researched.
Upon successful completion of this project, you will be able to:
- Identify and engage with a problem-based scenario similar to those found in the workplace
- Develop primary and secondary research skills appropriate for addressing a specific problem
- Integrate research into a written deliverable
- Develop professional writing and editing skills
- Practice writing for a specific (local) purpose and audience
- Produce a specific genre of professional discourse (research summary report in memo format)
Develop a multi-dimensional model to solve a business problem by creatIng a star schema. Business Finance Assignment Help
Develop a multi-dimensional model to solve a business problem by creatIng a star schema. There are two samples for this assignment that can help you. You should complete this assignment based on the examples.
Your Specific Assignment is as Follows:
- Identify a business process or event, such as Retail Sales or Stock Trades, which you will develop in the assignment. You need not be confined to traditional areas and events; for example, one student is a baseball fan and has selected baseball as his subject data area. If you select something such as baseball, make sure you carefully identify the events to capture in your star schema. For example, I think Player Statistics is a good candidate for a fact table with facts such as homeruns, hits, and batting average (or, all of these metrics, depending on the grain you select).
- Identify where and how you will access the data necessary to build your star schema. Describe where in your company or on the Internet this data exists and how you plan to access it. Include the departments and systems you plan to access as well as web sites and social media sites.
- Design your dimensional model, identifying fact(s), fact table(s), and dimension tables as well as selected attributes and keys. Provide an annotation as you progress in your design. Highlight important design considerations and techniques in your discussion (e.g., explaining the grain you selected). This item is the central part of the assignment.
I will be looking for the following traits in item #3 above:
- Properly design dimension tables, including embedded hierarchies and single attribute, surrogate primary keys. Conformed dimensions may also be included.
- Properly declare a grain and design a fact table, including numerical and textual facts and a composite primary key of surrogate, foreign keys.
- You are able to apply advanced design principles to, for example, create a design that will manage rapidly changing, very large dimensions and other situations. Outrigger and bridge tables should also be considered.
In general, I will be looking to see how well you apply and fully exploit basic and advanced design principles to produce a robust design that can withstand change (e.g., how well your design manages rapidly changing, very large dimensions, etc.).
Helpful Hints
Since this is an assessment of understanding, try to make your answers as concise as possible. For example, your answer to items 1 and 2 above can be answered with a few sentences and bullet points. On the other hand, item 3 is the key and requires a good diagram with annotation that should accompany your design of the star schema.
Module 05 Discussion – Find an Example of Walk Cycles in Animation Humanities Assignment Help
A character’s walk is one of the best indicators of their personality, current state of mind, and physical condition. A walk cycle clues us into whether or not they’re a hero or villain, young or old, rich or poor, being sneaky or being kind, and so on.
Search online for a walk cycle or clip of walking for one of your favorite animated characters. You DO NOT need to find original walk cycles of famous characters. In fact, it’s better if you don’t, but, instead, find other student work interpreting how that character might walk.
For example, you could find a “Pink Panther” walk cycle test here: or a walk cycle test of “Finn from Adventure Time” here:
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Do not use the two above examples. You can find plenty of different walk-cycles on your own. |
In your initial post, provide the link to the walk cycle you found and in two to three paragraphs, explain:
- How does their walk define who they are?
- What about their personality is showcased in their walk cycle?
- Are any areas of their physical appearance strongly defined by their walk cycle and movements? How so?
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Before posting, make sure you’ve chosen a unique character to analyze. If someone else has already posted about that character, please choose a different one. |
For your reply, on the assumption that the walk cycle is a student like you, learning to create a walk cycle, discuss in a couple of paragraphs what about this animation doesn’t work. Consider the principles you’ve studied this term: stretch and squash, slow in/slow out, overlapping action, secondary action, and so on. Essentially, you’re looking for parts of the animation that could be improved.
see Requirements for instructions Writing Assignment Help
instructions (Absolutely no plagiarism, education/ professional/ credited sources only!
Prepare a 5-page document that is typed, double-spaced, and grammatically correct in Times New Roman with Font size set at 12 point with margins of 1 inch. Be sure to follow APA (6th ed.) format, including: appropriate cover page header, title, author(s) , in text citation, and reference Page, course information. References cited page must be in APA format.
Read the following excerpt before responding to the questions that follow afterwards.
Brunt Hotels, PLC, owns more than 60 hotels throughout the United Kingdom. They recently acquired a small hotel chain headquartered in France. Brunt’s chief executive decided that half of the new hotels in France would be retained and rebranded as part of the Brunt Hotels Group; the other half will be sold. This will support Brunt’s strategic objective of growing the organization slowly to make sure that new ventures are well supported and opened on time and on budget. Brunt’s hotels are considered budget accommodations; they are functional, clean and reasonably priced.
Most guests stay for one to three nights and are a combination of business and leisure travellers. The hotels are typically situated in downtown locations that are easily accessible by mass transit. Tourists are attracted to these hotels in popular visitor destinations where the many local attractions mean that they will not be spending much time in their hotel rooms.
The organization has decided to use an ethnocentric approach and send some of their existing UK-based managers to France to lead the changeover of the new hotels and then manage them after they re-open. If this new overseas venture is successful, Brunt may decide to acquire other small hotel groups in other European countries. The organization would like to own 150 hotels in the next five years. Their 10-year plan is to own 300 hotels across Europe. This is an ambitious target; so it is important that the organization finds an effective formula to operate successfully in other countries.
The organization has never owned any hotels outside the UK before, and has hired a team of independent management consultants to advise them on how to proceed. They provided the consultants the following information during their initial meeting:
Spring 2020
March 10, 2020
Dr. Barbara Flemming
A majority of their existing managers said they would like a chance to work abroad.
None of their existing managers speak French fluently.
They will allow four weeks to rebrand the hotels. The new hotels must be ready to
open after that time.
They expect to recruit a large number of staff for the new French hotels, because
more than 70 percent of the employees from the acquired organization left.
They will require their managers to be flexible and move between countries if any
problems arise.
The management team liked your recruitment advertisement, but realized that they did not consider the salary for these new positions! Since the organization has never hired managers to work outside the UK before, they do not know how to start determining the compensation. They provide you with the following information that they found on the Internet:
Existing salary for managers is £30,000 (45,000 Euros) plus bonuses.
Surveys show that the average salary for hotel managers in France is 60,000 Euros
with no opportunity to earn bonuses.
The directors want to have a consistent approach as to how they compensate expatriates because they expect their overseas business to expand in the future. They also want existing employees to be enticed into working abroad and want to have a good range of incentives.
The management eventually approves the advertisement and the compensation package and distributes both internally. Interested candidates are asked to write a letter to the CEO to explain why they think they are the best person for the job. Thirty managers apply for one of the new positions (there are 10 positions available), which means there will be 20 unsuccessful candidates still working for the organization.
The management team acknowledges that the application letters were not helpful with making decisions and that they need a more robust selection process. There must be a strong sense of fairness in the selection process because they do not want to de-motivate any of these existing employees. They want to select the right candidates because it is essential that the new hotels are successful and up and running quickly and efficiently. The senior managers know all of the candidates quite well (personally and professionally). They would like you, as independent consultants, to design an appropriate selection methodology.
The management team advises you that they do not want to take into account the marital or family situation of the expatriate candidates; they are concerned that this may fall afoul of UK equal opportunities legislation.
The management hires six candidates to work overseas because they did not feel that the other candidates were qualified. They feel confident that these six can successfully open the new hotels. The success of these managers is vital to the success of setting up the new business, so management wants to ensure they provide effective support for them in terms of training and development. They believe that the best option is to divide training into two parts: Pre-
departure training and on-the-job training in the new country. Since the organization has never sent employees abroad before, they are not sure about what should be included in these training programs.
The only mandatory area that must be included is an introductory language section (including basic business French) so that the managers have a basic grasp of the French language by the time they open the new hotels. However, they hope that the managers will enjoy their introductory language course and will continue to attend more advanced language classes when the new hotels are open.
The management team decides to select only one of the three proposed training programs, confident that it will be useful and informative for the new expatriates. However, they would also like to provide external support for the new expatriates to make their transition to a new country as smooth as possible. They are aware of some of the services that can be offered to support employees on both a personal and professional level, but do not have a comprehensive overview.
Brunt Hotels, PLC decide to set-up a new hotel in the United States Virgin Islands.
What processes would be involved in the initial set-up of the new hotel?
What should be accomplished to prepare for the new hotel?
Devise a plan for this organization in terms of innovative and exemplary customer service.
What human resource initiatives could be undertaken to achieve maximum organizational performance at the new hotel?
Design an appropriate selection activity which could be used for potential expatriate staff.
Provide an outline of a cross-cultural training program for new expatriate staff. Design a poster which could be used to attract existing staff to apply for expatriate positions. Highlight the advantages of being an expatriate (not just the salary).
Create a checklist that could be used to ensure that expatriates receive the relevant information about the new country in which they are going to work. Also, create a pamphlet (maximum of two pages) that could be provided to the spouse/partners of the expatriates who are going to move to a new country.
Decide the best method of performance management for expatriate staff. Provide as many details as possible.
What skills have you developed and what knowledge have you acquired as a result of this assignment?
Gross Negligence in Nursing Field and Disciplinary Action Health Medical Assignment Help
Gross Negligence: An extreme departure from the standard of practice for RNs. An extreme departure means the repeated failure to provide the required nursing care or failure to provide care or exercise precaution in a single situation which the nurse knew, or should have known, could result in patient harm.
* Write 5 pages using the APA format for health care professionals. The title page and reference list are not included in the maximal number of pages. The APA format is a guideline for scholarly written documents and is the format you will be using as you continue your education in healthcare.
* The basic APA documentation and format is acceptable for this assignment. Jane E. Aaron, Essential Handbook for Writes has the basic concepts included for APA. ISBN # 0-321-20-257-0 is another example. (Attached)
* Complete a reference list with at least five professional, researched based references in APA format. Web sites such as Mayo clinic, WebMD etc, are not professional references for college papers.
For this essay I would like examples given about nursing negligence in the hospital and how it was taken care of (consequences, how it was dealt with, the outcome).
1. Definition the gross negligence.
2. Description of five consequences of the issue
3. Citation of the data from three or more scholarly sources to support importance of the issue
4. Addressing the challenges and consequences of being negligent.
5. 1 or 2 strategies to solve the issue
6. Your personal thoughts on the severity of the problem as your introduction and your personal recommendations on how to solve the issue as your conclusion
Gross Negligence in Nursing Field and Disciplinary Action Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ethics Presentation Law Assignment Help
This assignment will assess the following competency:
5. Assess the need for ethical conduct and professional responsibility for criminal justice managers
Read the scenario and content prompts below and create a PowerPoint presentation with at least twenty (20) slides. Use Times New Roman font. Design the presentation to be visually captivating yet not aesthetically overwhelming.
The slides are to thoroughly explain what is analyzed; in other words, anyone should be able to view your presentation and understand the material. Again, you will be turning this presenation into a video as you did on LP3.
You are the elected Sheriff for a county that encompasses a major metropolitan area. There has been an unfortunate series, in the past year, of officer-involved shootings and police brutality, allegations of racial profiling, and officers answering questions from the media that are not authorized to do so.
In Learning Plan 3, you provided a presentation to the State Sheriff’s Association Conference (SSAC Spring Conference). You were recently called to provide a follow-up presentation (at the SSAC Winter Conference) on the recurring ethical problems in criminal justice. You have decided upon the following content for the presentation:
Content Prompts:
- Outline the Seven Recurring Problems in Criminal Justice and provide examples of each.
- Determine which of the Seven Recurring Problems in Criminal Justice apply to each of the four problems that you experience as a Sheriff (officer-involved shootings, police brutality, allegations of racial profiling, and officers answering questions from the media that are not authorized to do so). There could be more than on Recurring Problem for each of the four problems.
- Create a voice narration, during the presentation, discussing the content on the slides.
* Use Microsoft Office’s support page about how to add narration to a presentation.
* Include at least three academic or professional sources to support your work. APA citations need to be included both in-text and in a separate reference page. Email the URL to your Youtube video to your instructor.
Pick one of the movies and anwser the questions Business Finance Assignment Help
It is time to apply the concepts you have learned. Choose a movie that you would like to study. Make sure it is a movie you can relate to this course. In addition, the movie should be one that you enjoy, because you may need to watch it numerous times. Movies that have worked well for this assignment are listed below. However, you are not restricted to this list. You may choose any movie you wish to analyze, but here are some ideas below:
8 second
Back to the Future I, II, III
The Big Chill
Born on the Fourth of July
Brian’s Song
Or any feature length movie you wish. No documentaries and NO THE BREAKFAST CLUB (this is the most plagiarized movie analysis out there).
Assignment Objective: The objective of the film analysis is to allow students a critical thinking opportunity through film analysis. The film analysis is a partial fulfillment of the writing requirement of Interpersonal Communication, a writing intensive course. The aim of this project is to cultivate students’ critical thinking ability as it relates to the integration of film analysis, culture, and interpersonal theory.
Directions: Students must write a typed analysis of a selected film.
The introduction must include an attention statement, brief preview, and thesis that frames the body of the analysis. The thesis statement should include at least three main themes that group the ten required key terms to be discussed in the body of the paper as the basis of analysis.
The body includes a discussion that will define the ten required key terms(these are vocabulary words, any ten that you have read about in your readings thus far) from the Inter-Act textbook. Define each term and bold face each term the first time discussed. Immediately after each definition give an illustrative film scene that applies to the term. Students will then provide an analysis of how relationships of character might be improved based on their understanding of the terms. Therefore, the paper will consist of ten terms, ten separate corresponding examples from the film, ten analysis and recommendations for improved interpersonal communication. Each term, corresponding scene, analysis, and recommendation warrant at least one paragraph. Be thorough.
The conclusion includes a brief summary, reiteration of thesis, and interesting conclusive remarks. Think in terms of the moral of the story or the major lesson gleaned from the film analysis.
Outside Research: The film analysis paper does not require research beyond Verderber et al. However, if references outside of the required class textbook is included use either MLA or APA referencing within the context of the analysis and on the last page entitled Works Cited or References. Works Cited is used in MLA citations and References is the title used for APA citations.
Length: Analysis will be 4-6 typed pages in length (double spaced – 12 font).
Grading Method: Your analysis will be graded on the following: (1) perceived understanding/development of terms and connection to film scenes, (2) format: page length, organization and structure, and (3) use of proper grammar and spelling. See attached grading rubric for details.
Consider the following prompts when writing your paper. You do not have to answer these questions. These are only prompts to help you understand and flesh out what you have observed in the film.
1. How might you characterize the meaningfulness of the film? Explain in detail using at least ten primary key terms from any chapter from the class textbook. Remember that you will make an analysis of each scene and provide a recommendation for improved communication. Therefore, you should select ten terms and corresponding scenes that will allow for recommendations for improved communication competency.
2. Many of the characters show intense resentment and/or bitterness toward each other. What creates these emotions? Conflicts easily and often result. What do you think might reduce the resentment and/or bitterness?
3. Consider discussing the relational dialectics present in the film.
4. Do you believe it is possible to replace intolerance, elitism, classism, or sexism with openness and acceptance? How would you begin this process?
5. How is the notion of self-esteem and relational satisfaction or relational dissatisfaction woven into the plot of the story?
6. How does the screenwriter subvert the traditional ideology of gender role differences? Use the feministic perspective.
This paper must be e-mailed to the instructor as an attachment. Be sure to proof-read and spell-check your document before sending
Discussion Board Law Assignment Help
For this response, I will present to you four excepts from Michelle Alexander’s controversial novel, “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness”. In a basic summary, Alexander argues how since slavery has been abolished in the United States, proponents of slavery and institutional racism have passed laws, which mimick the social conditions of American pre-slavery. Also, how the infamous Black Codes & “Jim Crow Laws” ensured that Black-Americans remained in economic and social subjection in the United States. These laws, as Alexander argues influences how people view citizens who are a minority and/or criminal.
Here are the excerpts:
“In an era of colorblindness, it is no longer acceptable to use race, explicitly, as a justification for discrimination, exclusion, and social contempt. So we don’t. Rather than rely on race, we use our criminal justice system to label people of color “criminals” and then engage in all the practices we supposedly left behind”.
Those of us who have viewed that world from a comfortable distance yet sympathize with the plight of the so-called underclass tend to interpret the experience of those caught up in the criminal justice system primarily through the lens of popularized social sciences, attributing the staggering increase in incarceration rates in communities of color to the predictable, though unfortunate consequences of poverty, racial segregation, unequal educational opportunities, and presumed realities of the drug market, including the mistaken belief that most drug dealers are Black and Brown. This type of remark was invariably accompanied by nervous laughter, intended to convey the impression that although the idea had crossed their minds, it was not an idea a reasonable person would take seriously.”
“The term mass incarceration refers not only to the criminal justice but also to the larger web of laws, rules, policies, and customs that control those labeled criminals both in and out of prison”
“We avoid talking about the racial caste system in our society because we are ashamed of our racial history. We recognize that mobility may be difficult, but the key to our collective self-image is the assumption that mobility is always possible, so failure to move up reflects on one’s character.”
The excerpts I posted both express how informal and formal social control has influenced the United States overtime. Rather a person believes he or she does not experience social control, they ultimately do everyday. No matter your ethnicity, gender, skin color, or race, people in society are influenced and rely on some form of colorblindness and mass incarceration. Whether the experience is positive or negative, we in society have had experiences with racial informal and formal social control.
For this response, you can respond to one or all of my requests. One, I want you to incorporate the journal article and new articles Professor Vandersip has assigned for you in the racial profiling discussion. Second, I want you to respond to these excerpts with your personal opinions about what Alexander has presented in her book. How does her argument in these excerpts make you feel? Do you agree or disagree with what she says? Lastly, I want you to write about an experience you have had with colorblindness, discrimination, or racial social control; whether was formal and/or informal. Since this is an extra credit discussion, I want quality responses! A vague summary will not receive full credit. I would like to see a minimum of 10 sentences wrote for this discussion. However, if you reach the minimum, this will not guarantee you full credit. For this discussion, I encourage discussion amongst your peers, but it is not required. Also, you can earn up to two points for this post. We look forward to reading your responses and all opinions are welcomed! Don’t be shy. 🙂
Gross Negligence in Nursing Field and Disciplinary Action Health Medical Assignment Help
Gross Negligence: An extreme departure from the standard of practice for RNs. An extreme departure means the repeated failure to provide the required nursing care or failure to provide care or exercise precaution in a single situation which the nurse knew, or should have known, could result in patient harm.
* Write 5 pages using the APA format for health care professionals. The title page and reference list are not included in the maximal number of pages. The APA format is a guideline for scholarly written documents and is the format you will be using as you continue your education in healthcare.
* The basic APA documentation and format is acceptable for this assignment. Jane E. Aaron, Essential Handbook for Writes has the basic concepts included for APA. ISBN # 0-321-20-257-0 is another example. (Attached)
* Complete a reference list with at least five professional, researched based references in APA format. Web sites such as Mayo clinic, WebMD etc, are not professional references for college papers.
For this essay I would like examples given about nursing negligence in the hospital and how it was taken care of (consequences, how it was dealt with, the outcome).
1. Definition the gross negligence.
2. Description of five consequences of the issue
3. Citation of the data from three or more scholarly sources to support importance of the issue
4. Addressing the challenges and consequences of being negligent.
5. 1 or 2 strategies to solve the issue
6. Your personal thoughts on the severity of the problem as your introduction and your personal recommendations on how to solve the issue as your conclusion
* Include at least three academic or professional sources to support your work. APA citations need to be included both in-text and in a separate reference page. Email the URL to your Youtube video to your instructor.