CC Negative Effects of Isolated Families & Psychological Disorders Paper Humanities Assignment Help. CC Negative Effects of Isolated Families & Psychological Disorders Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
I’m working on a education & teaching multi-part question and need guidance to help me understand better.
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( This is my assignment ? you see all the details and please read it carefully, you dont have to use advanced English words, and it must be in MLA) Thanks
art I: Answer the following questions:
What do you know about the negative effects of isolation on families? Please explain in detail (give examples) while responding to the question. Part 1 needs to be 200 or more words.
Part II: Community Resources
After answering the question above, now use your past experience/knowledge and describe a family (this can be an imaginary family or a real one-if it is a real one, please respect the privacy of the family and do not include any personal information; i.e., names, address, city, etc) that is experiencing isolation due to different problems and difficulties; i.e., homelessness, job loss, lack of health insurance, mental illness, substance abuse, run-away youth, losing a family member (death), divorce, stress, etc.
Next, I need you to research your immediate area (county, city) and find a community resource(s) that would be a good match with this particular family and their particular need(s).
Later, provide us some information on this community resource and the services that it provides. Please remember to include the contact information, address, services, programs, etc.
Part 2 must be 300 or more words.
Part 1 +Part 2=minimum 500 words (without quotes)
(Your assignment must be written in your own words (if you use information from other sources you must give credit for the original source and the quotes will not included in the minimum word requirement). Please type your report by using 12-point-font size, Times-New Roman, double-space, standard margin)
ECD 62- Assignment Grading Rubric
Mostly YES |
Almost |
Mostly NO |
1. You followed the guidelines that were provided. You produced a well-written and reflective assignment. |
5 |
3-4 |
0 |
2. Your assignment includes your personal touch/opinion/ideas to the assignment or activity, and it is written in your own words and you deeply reflect on your experiences. |
5 |
3-4 |
0 |
3. Your assignment is complete. and you have a strong conclusion section which demonstrates your clear understanding of the concepts covered in this particular section. |
10 |
7-8 |
0 |
4. It is free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. |
5 |
Less than 10 errors 3-4 |
0 |
Attempt 1
Choose One
CC Negative Effects of Isolated Families & Psychological Disorders Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of North Texas The Crash Reel Movie by Lucy Walker Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology Discussion and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Step 1- Watch The Crash Reel, an HBO documentary directed by Lucy Walker. It tells the story of snowboarder Kevin Pearce, his rise to the top of the sport, and the training accident that changed his life.
The Crash Reel can be accessed for free if you have an HBO account, or you can see if you can obtain a free trial. The film is also available on Amazon Prime or other streaming services for a $3.99 rental fee.
Step 2- Complete the Discussion Board assignment.
You will submit THREE posts for 10 points.
FIRST- Did the movie make you think? Write 2 questions or comments about how the movie opened your eyes to traumatic brain injury. You can ask follow up questions about the medical, developmental, social implications of TBI, or you can discuss how the movie changed your perspective. In the same post, write #1 with your first comment/question and #2 with your second comment/question.
SECOND- Where are they now? Pick one of the characters (not Kevin Pearce or Shaun White) and see where they are today or share information about their lives since the making of The Crash Reel.
THIRD- Respond to a classmate’s post.
PUB 660 GCU Racism Discrimination and Ethnicity in Public Health Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a public health discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.
When developing a culture of health, one must understand how racism, discrimination, and ethnicity affect a community. Research an example of a public health situation related to racism, discrimination, or ethnicity. Discuss whether you agree with how the situation was handled by public health leaders and explain why. Considering the tenets of servant leadership and your personal leadership style, explain how you would address the situation if you were the leader in this community.
– minimum of 250 words or more
– strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED
– scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.
– please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.
ENGL 341 University of Bahrain Impact of Cyberbullying on Our Society Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me study.
hello i will upload a sample report our report should be similar use APA format and also i will upload a presentation tips for good report that presentation you should follow that slide by slide also for the references do just like the sample where url was provided and also automate table of content also apndinces also after you finish do presentation for the report for the summary put purpose and everything thing in the slides don’t make this long 2500 words is enough
The spacing is 1.5. Use no hard English make sure you follow the presentation and you do same as the sample even the order and also page numbers just like the sample and also Alphabetical order for the refrences
San Jose State University Anne Frank Remembered & Night and Fog Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a history writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Survivors revisit the sites of their ordeals, decades after the end of the war. Compare the two films, and consider how this strategy of return achieves its results in each case.
Films: Anne Frank Remembered and Night and Fog
Night and Fog
Anne Frank Remembered
Linked are the two films
-4 Page
-MLA format
–an incisive, illuminating thesis
–well-selected examples of your thesis drawn from the films
–clear, engaging, error-free writing.
PHI 210 Strayer University Consequences of Substance Abuse Among the Youth Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
Week 5 Discussion
Please respond to the following:
- Find an online article (news, magazine, journal, etc.) of interest that uses statistics to make its conclusion.
- Share a link in this thread, and answer these questions about that article:
- What is the premise and conclusion of the argument based on statistics?
- Determine whether or not the argument uses any deceptive statistics.
- Give your opinion on whether the argument has persuaded you. Explain why or not.
- Determine the primary ways in which statistics or authority are used in your current position in developing persuasive arguments and provide examples here
PHI 210 Strayer University Consequences of Substance Abuse Among the Youth Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
AMU Osteoarthritis Syndrome History Statistics Causes and Diagnosis Outline Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a anatomy project and need support to help me study.
Using the annotated bibliography attached, on Osteoarthritis, create an outline.
The outline format: Your outline must be formatted as described and exemplified in the example attached. Please note that this format will be assessed in your grade:
The required elements: Your outline should contain the following elements in the following order (keep in mind that your presentation, Assignment #3, should be 10-15 slides, so you need to be concise and clear with your information – some information researched will be written on your slides but most will be narrated in the audio portion of your presentation): I. Introduction Section – this section must contain the following: A. Topic selection and reason for selecting B. Thoroughly define the disease/condition C. History of the disease/condition II. Content Sections – this section must contain the following four main topics (the subtopics are recommendations to use if appropriate to your disease/condition): A. Statistics/Epidemiology: 1. Statistical prevalence (e.g. overall, gender, age) 2. Types of distributions (e.g. frequencies, patterns) 3. Types of determinants (e.g. causes, risk factors) B. Financial Costs: 1. Costs to the individual/family 2. Possible costs to society 3. Loss of productivity C. Anatomy & Physiology/Etiology: 1. The normal and abnormal structure & function behind the disease/condition 2. Cause(s) of the disease/condition D. Diagnosis/Treatments/Prognosis: 1. How this disease/condition is diagnosed (e.g. history, exam, diagnostic imaging, labs) 2. How the condition/disease is treated (e.g. traditional medical treatments, alternative methods of treatment) 3. The prediction of this disease/condition’s outcome (i.e., prognosis) III. Conclusion Section – this section must contain four to six sentences that sum up the main topics of the outline. IV. Reference Section – This is not just the reference page; rather, referencing should occur throughout the outline as it will in your presentation. Therefore, your outline should include both a separate reference page containing a minimum of five sources listed in proper APA reference list format AND internal citations throughout the outline where appropriate. Please be sure to see the resources below for assistance regarding in-text citations and reference list formatting, and/or ask me if you have any additional questions. Please make note of the following tips and tricks:
The outline will shape the final project due in 3 weeks, this is just an outline! |
ELA City University of Seattle Tragedy of Julius Caesar Questions Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Answer the following questions, using text evidence when necessary:
- In Brutus’ soliloquy, Lines 10-34, what does he decide must be done in order to stop Caesar from being crowned King?
- If Caesar were crowned, what changes does Brutus think would come over Caesar?
- How does Brutus react to the letters that Cassius “plants” and Lucius finds?
- When the conspirators come to see Brutus, why is he upset by their appearance? How does Brutus think they should appear?
- When Cassius says,” And let us swear our resolution,” Brutus says, “No, not an oath.” Why doesn’t Brutus want them to swear an oath? Was this wise judgment on Brutus’ part?
- Although Cassius wants to kill Antony as well as Caesar, why does Brutus disagree?
- According to Portia, what has Brutus’ behavior been like lately?
- What request does Portia make of Brutus? Does Brutus give in to her request?
PUB 660 Grand Canyon University Leadership Cultural Differences Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a public health discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Think about potential leadership opportunities you could engage in or ways that you currently exhibit leadership, formally or informally, in various settings within your community. This could be within specific organizations or social groups with which you engage. As a member or potential leader of these organizations or groups, describe ways you have or may exhibit, acknowledge, address, and assess cultural differences. Include discussion of and specific examples that illustrate this. In replies to peers, provide additional strategies your peers could employ to address cultural differences in the leadership roles they have described.
– minimum of 250 words or more
– strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED
– scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.
– please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.
COMM 111 Ohlone College National Network to End Domestic Violence Presentation Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing presentation and need a sample draft to help me learn.
This speech covers all pertinent chapters in the book. Student speeches should be 3.5 to 4 minutes long. Students are advocates. They must represent a non-profit agency and speak for their needs and betterment; therefore, a call to action is required. This speech is much like a Shark Tank speech except students are advocates and not making a sales pitch.
Mine is Tto persuade people to make actions to support NNEDV (National Network to End Domestic Violence
CC Negative Effects of Isolated Families & Psychological Disorders Paper Humanities Assignment Help
CC Negative Effects of Isolated Families & Psychological Disorders Paper Humanities Assignment Help