CDYC 213 Colorado College Birth History and Caregiver Qualities Writing Assignment Help. CDYC 213 Colorado College Birth History and Caregiver Qualities Writing Assignment Help.
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Part 1
Please read my handout on the three A’s and give your opinion on it as it relates to infants/toddlers and caregiving in general..
(search for it on google)
Part 2
Explain the three-R interactions. Describe a caregiving interaction (in other words, give an example that you have done or seen when visiting) that is reflective of a three-R interaction. Analyze your example, and identify the ways that the caregiver demonstrated respect, responsiveness, and reciprocity.
Part 3
See attachment that says birth history
Part 4
1. What makes an infant-stimulation program different from one that focuses on infant education? 2. What are four roles adults can play in infant-toddler education? 3. How would you define the term curriculum as it relates to an infant-toddler center-based program? Would the definition be different in a family child care home?
4. Think of an answer to give a parent when he or she asks, “Do children learn anything in your program, or do they just play?” How can you explain that your program is educational, not “just babysitting”?
Part 5
Pay attention to her thoughts on play and what they choose, , how she responds to what happens if a another child hits one over the head (oh my) and how to remediate it…….. if they fight? Also what about her ideas on stimulations , interruptions etc.
So basically , get some popcorn Watch the video and take notes. ….write down what strikes you. Type it in a in a discussion.. Then AFTER that – please respond to a peer. Just like if you were talking in class about what you read.
Part 6
What is your experience working and/or living with special needs children?
What is your interest level and what do you hope to learn in our course?
Part 7
What are some teacher responsibilities towards inclusion and some things that you as a teacher or future teacher can do to (structure or teach) to ensure that inclusion is a success?
Part 8
1. Which law / act or part establishes services for children birth – age three? When was it created?
2. Which law establishes services for three, four and five year olds? WHen was it created?
3. WHat is least restrictive environment? Why should that concern you as a teacher?
4. What are the three types of prevention explained in our textbook? Please identify and explain each one.
5. WHat was the educational significance. of Brown versus the Topeka board of education?
6. What law applies to gifted and talented children?
CDYC 213 Colorado College Birth History and Caregiver Qualities Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
FNU Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Types of Budget Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Bibliographic have to be in APA Format, minimum 3 references citations with 3 years old or less.
No short answers!!
Read Chapter on Davis Plus:Finance
1-Mention the types of budgets that you know and give examples of then?
2- What is budgeting?
3- What is directed and indirect cost?
4- Give examples of productive and non-productive hours?
5- What does HMO, PPO, POS means?
A) Mention one example of each of then in your city, or state?
6- What is DRGs.?
7- Give some examples of strategies for Cost-conscious nursing practice that your Nursing unit use to lower medical care cost?
Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management
Sally A. Weiss, MSN, EdD, RN, CNE, ANEF
Professor of Nursing
Nova Southeastern University Nursing Department Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Ruth M. Tappen, EdD, RN, FAAN
Christine E. Lynn Eminent Scholar and Professor
Florida Atlantic University College of Nursing Boca Raton, Florida
F. A. Davis Company 1915 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19103
Influence of Social Media Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help
According to Loren Soeiro in Is Social Media Bad For You?, what implications does social media use have on individual’s mental health? Do any of the described implications resonate with you? If so, why? If you disagree with the negative implications, describe what positive outcomes may come from social media use. Be sure to also draw on Sternheimer’s arguments from Ch. 3 (“Does Social Networking Kill?”) in your response.GRADING RUBRIC
To earn 20 points your posts must:
· Answer every part of the question
· Demonstrate that you understand the class material, including the main arguments
· Reference specific material from the reading and, if relevant, the lectures
· Demonstrate critical thinking
· Back up claims with evidence and/or fully explain the logic behind the argument(s)
ECON Alamo City Barber College Disbursement and Opportunity Cost Discussion Economics Assignment Help
If you were a supervisor in charge of medical resources allocation in a local hospital, what method will you use in allocating scarce medical resources during an emergency? [Say, which patients should get priority when allocating ventilators or intensive-care beds? Should it be “first-come, first-served”? Should it be based on patients’ ability to pay? Should it be based on expected outcome? Or Should it be based on the other consideration of patient health benefits?]
It is worth bearing in mind that every choice you make has a cost, called the “opportunity cost.” What is the Opportunity Cost of your decision on medical resources allocation?
BUS 461 UA Week 3 Coke & Pepsi Preference Confidence Intervals Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
In this week’s reading, we discussed different types of samples, their distributions, sampling errors, probabilities, and confidence intervals. Using the appropriate support tool, sequence, and equations, complete Problem 33 in Chapter 8 on page 351.
Problem 8-33. You have been assigned to determine whether more people prefer Coke or Pepsi. Assume that roughly half the population prefers Coke and half prefers Pepsi. How large a sample do you need to take to ensure that you can estimate, with 95% confidence, the proportion of people preferring Coke within 2% of the actual value?Show work.
EC 3012 Central Michigan University The Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis Business Finance Assignment Help
. DONT IGNORE these INSTRUCTIONS. this work must be 1250 words and not less. note that only section 2 of the work need to be done. the model to be used here is the portfolio balance model take note of that. use harvard referencing style. further make sure you use more than 12 references. make sure you follow this instructions please since I will have no time to change it. don’t complicate words and be straight to the point. use many equations and graphs as possible from the attached power point. i will send the structure here so that you follow please. make sure you stick to it. check the attachments for further instructions.
Structure :
– state model “variable”, “diagram” or “equation” describe it, show the analysis and then link to Greece crisis
As many diagrams from the PowerPoint
As many equations from the PowerPoint
As many references about Greece crisis linking the analysis of the diagram and equations.make sure you use the attachments and the pilbeam attached pdf has good content. make sure you use more than 12 references.
EC 3012 Central Michigan University The Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CIS 332 Strayer University Network Administration Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
As you recall from previous weeks, VMs are quite a handy tool to reduce equipment costs for your company’s infrastructure. As it happens, clusters can be created in your network that employ VMs.
- How would you maintain network health if you have an infrastructure configured with VMs and clusters?
- How would you use PowerShell to accomplish this?
Flesh out your thoughts and interact with your classmates. Post your initial response by Wednesday each week and then return on a couple of other days to see what’s going on with the discussions. The more you interact, the more you learn from your peers, and the more you share with them about what you know. You’ll also be showing your instructor what you’ve picked up.
Answer 2 classmates
Jason Harris
Class, The first thing that would have to be addressed is detection. Regardless if there is an automatic remediation technique, administrators just be made aware of the enterprise’s network status as quickly as possible. As an instructor once stated, “if it cannot be detected then it cannot be measured; if it cannot be measured then it may as well not exist.”
There are multiple methods to monitor a network. The most popular is through a SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) program that automatically pings all devices at a preset interval. This one of the quickest methods to track all devices on the network. There are also Cisco’s SD Access’s VManage software that can be used to manage both physical and virtual network architecture. VManage provides a centralized GUI for managing all network devices while providing highly customizable methods of security. It is what network management most likely will look like in the future.
When it comes to VM and clusters there are similar methods to detect issues. I have mostly seen the Windows proprietary programs being used to view overall virtual network health but there are Virtual SNMP software that can be used as well. Maintaining network health is a different story. Fortunately, many virtual problems can be solved by simply restarting the VM. To maintain uptime, normally a subsidiary or secondary server will run to allow load balancing and/or provide repudiation (failover clusters). These methods along with an interim backup technique solve a large amount of problems for networks as long as the underlying physical equipment continues to run properly. The Windows OS allows all of these methods to be implemented through powershell (due to command line being to preferred method of configuration for windows systems).
Alfred Cianfrani
VMs and VMs in Clusters have lots of benefits and options for your network. The ability for hosts to live migrate when issues arise such as a simple network disconnect is just one automation benefits of many. Cache allocation, VM drain on shutdown, shared virtual disks, resilency, dynamic witness, node splits are many extra benefits using Hyper-V or VMWares version as well. Cluster node health detection increases your resiliency for VMs in a cluster. When I used to run the hardware in a data center back when Windows Server 2003 was the hot ticket, VMWare was barely a startup. All of our servers in the data center were independent physical machines. Some of ours were clustered, like the SQL databases, the AD nodes, the Domain Controllers and a few other core servers that maintain the operational network. Everything was clustered for redundancy with multiple NICs, multiple hard drives, multiple processors, just about everything you could think of had an extra physical attachment to it that drew power. My experience is limited with Microsoft Hyper-V but when the first 2 versions of VMware came out we were tasked to implement this into our infrastructure. We started replacing the antique servers with HP Blade systems, this was probably 10-12 years ago. Still they were the hottest servers on the market at the time. 128GB of Ram when Server 2008HPC just came out was unheard of…Our SQL db had about 4 GB of Ram and that was considered good at the time. Anyway, we integrated version 1.0 and 2.0 VMware after the beta into our infrastructure and immediately saw only incredible benefits. Automation, fail over switching, reduced carbon footprint, shared and pooled resources, increased network speeds, less downtime all around. The console monitored the network health. We ran scripts through powershell to force the GPO policy updates and server settings and to install and create new VMs and start services for the different servers we built, like IIS, Web, AD,Radius and such. When Server 2008 came out we were in VMWare 2.0 if I recall correctly. I know this is a Windows class, I am just trying to show the correlation, as Hyper-V and VMWare are pretty much alike in almost every way down to the core kernel. If you understand all the commands through Powershell, you really can control all aspects of a virtual datacenter with ease. Thats where I am trying to excel. I have seen it done that way , but I am one of those point and click the interface option people since both ways work.
University of Alabama Business Mission Functions Discussion & Reply Business Finance Assignment Help
Functions of most companies range from “very (mission) critical” to “not important.” After thinking about and researching this topic, you are asked to discuss what makes one function more important than another. Give an example of a mission critical function and one for a “not important” classification. Next, think of one way to promote an awareness within the company of vulnerabilities that could prove to be precursors of a larger incident. See references to this concept on Page 6 of our text.
Write your answer in 200 to 250 words then write a response to other post ( I will provide it later) 80 to 100 words.
University of Phoenix Long Term Care Facilities vs Transplant Centers Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help
Assignment Content
Rasmussen College Transitions of Care for Older Adults Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Course Competency:
- Identify local, state, and national resources which facilitate safe and effective transitions of care for older adults.
Your supervisor at Rasmussen Home Health Services is satisfied with
the resources described in your annotated bibliography and is eager for
you to continue your work. As a next step, your supervisor wants you to
develop and share the following items with them.
- Write an introduction about your in-service presentation topic.
- Create an outline that identifies and describes the important content areas for your in-service presentation topic.
- Write a conclusion.
- Provide
an APA formatted References list that contains at least 2 credible
references that you intend to cite in your presentation.
For information about creating an outline and writing an introduction or conclusion, consult the resource below.
- What are the essential parts of an introduction?
- What does a “good” outline look like? What does a full-sentence outline look like? How do I create one?
- How do I write a conclusion?