Central Michigan University Comparative Economic Systems Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Central Michigan University Comparative Economic Systems Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Central Michigan University Comparative Economic Systems Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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ignore the word “edouardturchi” in the topic. it has nothing to do with the work. TAKE NOTE OF THIS TWO: the country to be analyzed is FRANCE, and not any other. First, i need the outline well developed with all points to be discussed in the essay, within 6 hours. Check the instructions of the essay below. it must be 2000 words and not less.

Comparative economic systems
1. 2000 (+/- 10%) WORD ESSAY (1800-2200).
3. EXAMINE THE POLITICAL, LEGAL AND ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS (three sections, (political system, democracy dictatorship), legal structure (protection of property rights etc), economic institutions (free market, central bank independence, macro-economic policies),
– PUTTING INTO A “STANDARD SYSTEM” (capitalist, market socialism, transition, socialist)
AND SHOWING HOW IT IS DIFFERENT TO THE STANDARD (really free market? really socialist?)
APA FORMAT (formatting, references, citations etc.)

Central Michigan University Comparative Economic Systems Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of California LA Problems of Political Events on Media Bias Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Please choose one of the following questions and react to it briefly in the discussion boards.

When you submit answer, please begin by pasting the question you are responding to in the text field. Then write your answer below.

Discussion question options:

To what extent do you think media bias is a problem in the way political events are covered in the news? Do you think the press should become more explicitly partisan? Why or why not?

President Trump has frequently derided unfavorable coverage of his administration as “fake news” and has stated that the mainstream media are “the enemy of the American people.” Why has the President taken this unprecedented approach to the media? What is his objective? What impact do you think this will have on the freedom of the press in our democracy?

Twitter recently fact checked several of President Trump’s tweets, leading the President to threaten measures to limit protections for social media companies. Facebook has largely declined to fact check the President, and has even relaxed some of its existing standards to accommodate misleading political speech. What role should social media companies play in censoring/verifying speech on their platforms? What should these look like? What are the costs of allowing any speech to be published? What are the costs of heavily regulating speech?


University of California Los Angeles British Museum of London & Anthropology Essay Writing Assignment Help

3 pages of Online museum. one page for each online anthropology museum. therefore, you have to visit three museums.

Cultural event and extra credit:

Two are required, one or two more can be added for extra credit but the expectations are the same.

These must be pre-approved online museums or events during the semester. Pre-approved events include: Farmers’ Market (interview a farmer and submit summary with proof of attendance photo); online museums such as but not limited to the following. Students are encouraged to explore online for a museum that interests them. Simply google museum online and then add your area of interest, like: museum online Rome or museum online Aztecs, just be sure it is a credible source of information. Be sure you are not reporting a museum description rather than exploring the online contents of a museum.

Students are required to do at least one online museum that has exhibits related to anthropology and summarize those exhibits. An additional museum may be submitted for extra credit under Extra Credit. Include a link to the online museum. See syllabus for examples of pre-approved museums or check to see if one you have in mind is acceptable. Be sure it is an actual online museum or tour, not just a description of a museum.

You may submit an additional online museum summary here. Remember, you had one required under Cultural Event, you may do two extra credits, either two more museums, the event at the beginning of the semester that was online (now closed) or a Farmers’ Market. You cannot do more than two extra credit total, 10 points max.

https://www.amnh.org/research/anthropology (Links to an external site.)

https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/75809/12-world-class-museums-you-can-visit-online (Links to an external site.)

https://mna.inah.gob.mx/ (Links to an external site.)

https://anthromuseum.missouri.edu/e-exhibits (Links to an external site.)

https://www.bishopmuseum.org/anthropology/ (Links to an external site.)


ECON 121 San Jose State University Price Discrimination Questions Paper Economics Assignment Help

Question 2b: Graph and explain the steps a monopoly uses to set the profit-maximizing price and quantity if there are two market segments (i.e., high and low valuation groups).

Question 3e: Assume an innovation lowers a firm’s marginal cost, and its marginal cost is a horizontal line. Graphically show why perfectly competitive firms have more incentive to innovate than a monopoly. (6 pts)

Question 3f: What area in the above graph shows firms under-invest in innovation? (2 pts)

Question 3g: If we consider the issue of timing, do we necessarily find the result that firms under-invest in innovation from society’s perspective (i.e., the result in Arrow’s model and part f)? Yes or no. Explain. (4 pts)


POLS 370 Montclair State Impact of Social Media on Political Change Essay Humanities Assignment Help

  • This assignment takes 30% of the entire grade.
  • Regardless of the option of your choice, word count is 2000-2500 words. (Anything beyond 2500 words will not be read nor be part of the evaluation.)
  • This assignment is due on Dec. 10th.

[Option A] Research Proposal

Identify a research question that interests you. It can be in the discipline of political economy, but can also be in other disciplines of social science or interdisciplinary. Design your research through which this inquiry can be answered in the most appropriate way. Assert your readers why this question is interesting, valuable, and necessary. Make it clear how this research, if conducted, can contribute to the academic dialogue.

Note: This assignment does not require the research to be conducted actually, although the research design has to be clear and operable should anyone tries it.

The research proposal could include:

  1. Research Question
    • Explanation on your research question with some background. In other words, what is the puzzle that you are trying to solve?
  2. Case Selection Method
    • If the research involves specific case, explain why this case provides insight to your research question.
  1. Literature Review
    • Analyze the scholarly works that previously investigated your question.
    • Identify their core questions, and how they answer the question.
    • Differentiate your research by emphasizing how you are going to do it differently and how you are filling in the “gap” that the previous research missed.
  2. Theoretical Framework
    • Provide theoretical background for your research.
    • Explain the theories that support your hypothesis.
  3. Data and Method
    • Explain data selection.
    • Explain your research method.
  4. Preliminary Answer
    • If you have any initial evidence for your hypothesis, include it.
    • In other words, include any preliminary evidences that show whether your hypothesis would work or would not work.
  5. Possible Issues
    • Point out the limitations of your research.
    • Suggest future research.
  • Grading Rubric (total 30 points)
  • Importance and necessity
  • Originality
  • Clarity
  • Specificity
  • Identified puzzle
Literature Review
  • Identified core literature and addressed extensive literature
  • Analysis, not simple list
  • Identified gap in the literature
  • Make clear how the research would contribute
  • Well organized
Theoretical Frame
  • Relevance of theory
  • Correct account of theory
  • Theory should be reconstructed, not simply summarized
Method and Data
  • Sample selection justified
  • Operable method (specified variable)
  • Clearly defined process
  • Detailed explanation on method

Case selection

Preliminary Answer


If needed
  • Grammar and syntax
  • Organization
  • Clarity
  • Persuasiveness

[Option B] Research Paper

Conduct a research based on your research question. It can be in the discipline of political economy, but can also be in other disciplines of social science or interdisciplinary. Present your results. Make clear how this research contributed to academic dialogue.

The research paper could include:

  1. Research Question
    • Explanation on your research question with some background. In other words, what is the puzzle that you are trying to solve?
  2. Case Selection Method
    • If the research involves specific case, explain why this case provides insight to your research question.
  1. Literature Review
    • Analyze the scholarly works that previously investigated your question.
    • Identify their core questions, and how they answer the question.
    • Differentiate your research by emphasizing how you are going to do it differently and how you are filling in the “gap” that the previous research missed.
  2. Theoretical Framework
    • Provide theoretical background for your research.
    • Explain the theories that support your hypothesis.
  3. Data and Method
    • Explain data selection.
    • Explain your research method.
  4. Research Result
    • If you have any initial evidence for your hypothesis, include it.
    • In other words, include any preliminary evidences that show whether your hypothesis would work or would not work.
  5. Possible Issues
    • Point out the limitations of your research.
    • Suggest future research.
  • Grading Rubric (total 30 points)
  • Importance and necessity
  • Clarity
  • Identified puzzle
Literature Review
  • Identified core literature and addressed extensive literature
  • Analysis, not simple list
  • Identified gap in the literature
  • Make clear how the research would contribute
  • Well organized
Theoretical Frame
  • Relevance of theory
  • Correct account of theory
  • Theory should be reconstructed, not simply summarized
Method and Data
  • Sample selection justified
  • Operable method (specified variable)
  • Clearly defined process
  • Detailed explanation on method

Research Result

  • Clear presentation of the result
  • The research result is persuasive or scientific
  • The research results successfully fill in the gap identified in the literature review section
  • Interpretation of the result is correct, clear, and accurate
  • Grammar and syntax
  • Organization
  • Clarity
  • Persuasiveness


After reading the assigned chapters (13, 14) in Lowenthal, Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy, 6th Edition (2017), the section on cyberspace in chapter 12, and (9) in Treverton, Intelligence for an Age of Terror (2009), and watching the video, United States of Secrets[i] Part I

Link (Links to an external site.)

please answer the following questions in a 3-5 page paper (not including endnotes and bibliography).

You should confine your analysis to the above sources. If you must include another source for a crucial piece of information, it must be cited in an endnote.

Please note that this assignment is due on Thursday, December 10th and due to the short final grading period can only be accepted through Sunday, December 13th

  1. In the video, we find out that President Obama, and, for a while, The New York Times, agreed with the Bush Administration’s argument that the NSA’s electronic surveillance program was effective and necessary. Based on your reading of Treverton Chapter 9 and the video, discuss how Presidents Bush and Obama, as well as the media, balance the tradeoff between security and privacy.
  2. As Lowenthal describes in Chapter 13 Ethical and Moral Issues of Intelligence, officials who work in and with intelligence issues face many conflicting pressures. How did Department of Justice and NSA officials (not including Edward Snowden) address their misgivings about the NSA’s surveillance program?
  3. On p. 413 of that same chapter, Lowenthal questions whether or not Snowden can really be called a whistleblower. With reference to the video and the assigned chapters, how do you evaluate this statement: “Snowden said that he had serious qualms about the NSA programs and wanted to foster public debate. However, he did so by fleeing, first to China and then to Russia and releasing a great deal of classified information beyond the NSA programs. Are his claims to being a whistleblower legitimate given that he refused to avail himself of a process that might still have led to a broader discussion with Congress?”[ii]
  4. Has information technology improved the effectiveness of intelligence gathering or introduced new complications? Explain your answer by referring to Lowenthal Chapter 12 The Intelligence Agenda: Transnational Issues (especially pp. 346-369) and the video.

[i]United States of Secrets, Part I, DVD, directed by Michael Kirk (Boston: WGBH, 2014).

[ii] Mark M. Lowenthal, From Secrets to Policy, 7th Edition (Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press, 2017), 458.




Harvard University Evaluate Clarkes Critique of Voluntarism Philosophy Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Request: Write a philosophy essay which answers the following questions. There are two questions which need to be answered separately but in the same document. The professor already provided the references to be used so it is best to focus on these one. Each of the answer needs to include its own introduction and conclusion and an academic thesis. The essay needs to be written in APA Format, Times New Roman, 12 ,Double spaced. Each of the prompt from the final essay needs to be answered in 1000 words which means that the final work should be around 2000 words. Please focus on using the references which will be provided once the tutor is selected. The paper needs to use academic language without grammar errors and no plagiarism.

The following represent the two questions for this paper:

Prompt 1.Evaluate Clarke’s critique of voluntarism (explain the voluntarist position and explain Clarke’s argument before you proceed to evaluate it).

Prompt 2 .Prichard and Scanlon argued (or would have argued – since Prichard lived many years before SON was written) that Korsgaard’s Normative Question cannot be taken seriously as a starting point for understanding the nature of normativity. Explain what the normative question is and present Prichard’s and Scanlon’s reactions to that question. Evaluate this debate.

Harvard University Evaluate Clarkes Critique of Voluntarism Philosophy Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of California Sustainable Archaeology and Slavery Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Summarize the significance of the research topic.

The paper should be divided into three sections as follows:

  • Section A (400-500 words): In your own words, summarize the presenter’s research topic, arguments, concepts, and conclusions for the lecture video.
  • Section B (400-500 words): Summarize the reading associated with the presenter you chose. What concepts are explained in the reading? What arguments are put forward in the reading? What evidence is used to justify these arguments?
  • Section C (400-500 words): Make an argument in your own words about why you think this research topic is important. What convinced you about the presentation and the reading? Finally: Imagine you are a researcher, just like the lecturers we watched all quarter. If you could design your own research program around the same general topic as the presenter you picked, what would your research program look like? What kinds of questions would you ask? What exact topic would you explore and why? Where would you do your research? What methods would you use to conduct your research? How would your research program be global in orientation?

Lecture Video:

Required reading attached


Carleton University Gender and Race and Racism Essay Writing Assignment Help

Topics: race and racism; gender; colonialism

• Reflect/think about this Introduction to Sociology course as a whole and share what you
learned from it in the form of a short, written essay.

• To highlight two areas of interest you found engaging about sociological topics.

• Practice academic essay writing skills.

At the very beginning of this class, ‘way back’ in September, I asked you all to take a look at the
syllabus and identify a topic that you found potentially interesting. It wasn’t an in-depth question
but I was curious to see what topics would be chosen by students who had yet to really begin the
course. Now that you are all almost done with this course, it’s time to reflect back on your
learning experiences and take stock of where you are at as a student/learner as you move on in
your studies. Writing this essay (ideally) provides you with an opportunity to reflect upon your
experiences in this class and to think about the things that you find interesting to learn about in
sociology and more generally as an undergraduate student. Read through the following guide to
better understand what you need to do for this assignment.

More information is below


San Diego State University Scorpion TV series Small Group Analysis Writing Assignment Help

This paper is an evaluation of a small group. Watch a movie or TV show that involves a small group of people. If you choose a TV show, the amount of time that you should watch is about 1½ to 2 hours. Pick a show that really has interaction between the group. Be choosy because you are going to have to write for 3-4 pages about the small group. This should be a film that has an identifiable small group, not just a group of people.

Use the information from the small group informationhttps://open.lib.umn.edu/communication/chapter/13-…

Please note the movie or TV show. If you decide to use a TV show, please note the episode that you are using.

Describe this group. How many people? Remember a small group is at least three (but usually no more than 15). Who are they? What are the character’s names?

What are the internal and external influences? What is the shared purpose? Why are they interdependent?

Describe why you think these people formed this group. Are they together by chance or in some other way? For example, are they coworkers? Is this a formal or informal group?

What is their shared identity? What is the function of the group? Instrumental? Interpersonal?Identity? Give examples of why you believe this.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this group?


HY 103 The University of Alabama American History Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Part I

  • Select 12 terms (terms can be events, people, concepts, or places). Please number your terms. *Please note: terms drawn from weeks 1-8 will not earn any points.
  • Explain 8 of the terms you selected: what they are, who was involved, when and where they were, why they’re significant as we have discussed them in this class, and why someone needs to know about each one to understand United States history. Each answer must be at least 150 words.
  • Write one paragraph (at least 150 words) that identifies the themes that link subgroups of the 12 terms and explains why those themes are important. Refer to the terms by number.

Part II

  • Write three essay questions covering significant aspects of the material in weeks 9-15.
  • Answer one of those essay questions, using specific examples from class materials. Your essay must be at least 500 words.

For a refresher on what makes strong essay questions, reread Rael, “How to Read and Write for a College History Course” from the beginning of the semester, available in Perusall.

Bonus (10 pts)

  • Identify a term that we did not cover this semester.
  • Explain why you think we should have covered it.


Central Michigan University Comparative Economic Systems Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Central Michigan University Comparative Economic Systems Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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