Central Michigan University The Royal City of Susa Human Civilization Essay Humanities Assignment Help. Central Michigan University The Royal City of Susa Human Civilization Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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1. The paper is intended to test your academic capacities to plan, research, argue, and
write a well-organized paper. It has to include an introduction, a thesis or a series of
arguments, and a conclusion. The paper has to include a bibliography or a list of
references specifically used in the text. The length of the paper has to be from 1750 to 2000 words.
2. Any topic in connection with ancient Iranian cities and monuments is acceptable.
However, the research paper cannot be a mere description of a city and its monuments.
The paper needs to introduce a question or a specific topic; it has to tackle a specific
problem or to answer a set of questions. The paper has to be analytical or critical. For
formatting and styles, refer to the Chicago Manual of Styles.
PLEASE remember that this is not a description of the cities but more focal points of monuments in the city, important people, poets, and also link the cities to present day history and contextualize it in modern history. Give your opinion on what interests you about that place and make your opinion clear.
Please use the sources i provided but if you do need extra you can use outside RELIABLE sources
General readings:
– Pierre Amiet, “An introduction to the history of art in Iran,” The Royal City of Susa, New York,
1992, pp. 1-15. (available in CCLE)
– Gavin Hambley, “The traditional Iranian city in the Qājār period,” Cambridge History of Iran,
ch. 15. (available in CCLE)
– Masoud Kheirabadi, Iranian Cities: Formation and Development, Syracuse Univ. Press, 2000.
– Laurence Lockhart, Persian Cities, London, 1960.
– David Stronach and A. Mousavi (eds.), Ancient Iran from the Air, Mainz, 2012. (the required
sections will be made available in CCLE)
– Encyclopedia Iranica available at www.iranicaonline.org.
Central Michigan University The Royal City of Susa Human Civilization Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
California State University The Year 2020 Global Health Emergency Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need a sample draft to help me study.
You may upload a word document at least 2 to 3 pages in length, doubled-spaced, one inch margins, 12 point font.
This assignment gives you the opportunity to be an historian. Taking into consideration the events of this year (2020) how would you as an historian write about it.
Will 2020 be remembered as solely the year of Covid-19 or will there be more to it? Imagine you are a social historian how would you write the history? What role did politics play in 2020? How will the economy be assessed? Most important, how will future generations look upon this year? What will they learn about us the people and our leaders?
Have fun with this!
MGT 444 SDSU Human Nature Characteristic Principles of Utilitarianism Theory Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Write 700-800 words essay about Utilitarian Theory,
know it so thoroughly that you can write a compelling, persuasive,
detailed essay about its characteristics (answering the questions in your theory’s study suggestions), its methods
of decision-making, and defenses against its criticisms (this essay will be at least one-third of the exam). I
strongly recommend using the following outline:
1. In your introduction, clearly and persuasively state your position and give a brief justification
2. In the body, explain the system in detail (cover study suggestions and more), being persuasive
and elaborating throughout
3. Give the opposition’s arguments (the problems/criticisms) and rebut them convincingly
4. Finish with a persuasive conclusion
HCA 430 Ashford University Week 2 Individual Abuse Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Social Versus Human Capital |
This week’s first discussion forum will focus on the population of abused individuals. Abuse is a pervasive problem in our society. Although the forms of abuse, as well as the intensity and duration can vary from case to case, each abused person is tasked with dealing with the scars left from the abuse. As you can imagine, this task can be very challenging to say the least. Using research to help you form an opinion, which form of capital (social or human capital) do you feel will have a greater influence over resources accessible to the abused? Discuss which form of capital you would rely on for emotional support and help through difficult times if abused. Explain your rationale. Chapter 3 of the course text defines these terms in more detail.
Your initial contribution should be 250 to 300 words in length. Your research and claims must be supported by your course text and at least one other scholarly source. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
PSY 340 WilmU Focus on Understanding PTSD Among African American Youth Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
Research Portfolio: Introduction
In their portfolio introduction, students will identify their selected topic and provide a concise review of the relevant historical context for their topic. The goal of the introduction is to:
- Explain the relevance or significance of their topic and address the question, “How would the field of psychology benefit from further research into this topic?”
- Students should provide enough background information on their topic to help the reader assess the relevance and significance of their topic.
- Describe their goals for their research.
- What would you hope to accomplish with additional research into this topic?
- Some things to consider include both basic research (improved theoretical understanding of the variables associated with your topic) and applied research (how this understanding might translate into practical application or usage by psychologists).
- What would you hope to accomplish with additional research into this topic?
- The introduction should be concise, with a 2-page maximum.
*I have done all work for oral presentation just need it pieced togehter into a powerpoint.
Please review the portfolio assignment details via the attached document. As a reminder, your completed portfolio should include the following:
- Introduction
- Survey Mini-Study
- Experimental Mini-Study
- Observational Mini-Study
- Reflections on the Research Process
- Via oral presentation
The oral presentation should:
- Introduce your topic, its relevance and significance to your educational or career goals
- Discuss the research questions presented in your mini-studies:
- Key design decisions for your research (including participants, procedures, data collection, etc.)
- Review the strengths and limitations of your mini-studies
- Discuss the conclusions and implications of your mini-studies
California State Balance in the Ecosystem Along the American River Discussion Paper Science Assignment Help
Your report needs to have an introduction, proposed methods and discussion section (no results).
Remember, this is a proposed experiment, not actually something you did. The introduction should already be done from the assignment you turned in earlier in the semester it needs to have a proposed hypothesis and rationale of a study you want to conduct on your river species (File will be attached of the intro done.). The methods should be actual methods that scientists use. The way you find these is by looking up similar studies that have been done in the past. Finally, your discussion should talk about what you hope to learn from this proposed study and why it is relevant or important to biology.
You should also have a literature cited at the very end with the sources you used for your paper.
California State Balance in the Ecosystem Along the American River Discussion Paper Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Human Mind Reasoning and Contemporary Philosophers Article Review Humanities Assignment Help
Ideas are everywhere: they are the means by which people attempt to understand the world around them, communicate with others, and change the way things are. Contemporary philosophers often engage with current social problems in order to help us understand those problems better, identify alternative possibilities, and collaborate on solutions.
The Article Review invites you to engage in learning about philosophy in the contemporary world through a philosopher’s writing in a popular magazine, news source, or other media outlet.
- Choose an article from the list below. Look for something that interests you and that you think is relevant and important. You may also work on an article not on the list below if it was a) written by a professional philosopher (PhD or graduate student), b) published in a major publication, and c) is relatively current (from the past 5 years).
- Read the article and take notes on it. Try to identify the main points of the article; most articles will be presenting a particular perspective or main claim (thesis). In addition to identifying the main point, also look for supporting arguments, specialized vocabulary that needs explanation, and any ideas that need clarification. Also think about the issues that the article addresses and their importance.
- Write a 500-700 word review of the article. Think of this as a synopsis of the article, but also give it your own voice and provide your own critical lens with which to view the article. Here are some questions to consider, but you may also create your own questions:
- What ideas are especially important and why?
- What challenges the status quo?
- Is there anything in the article that seems incorrect? If so, what, and why?
- What is your own take on these issues?
- Upload your article review here on Blackboard by clicking on this assignment and uploading a .docx or .pdf file.
CBR 600 Johns Hopkins Medical Systems System Breach Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me learn.
Question: You are a systems administrator in the IT department of a major metropolitan hospital. Your duties are to ensure the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of patient records, as well as the other files and databases used throughout the hospital. Your work affects several departments, including Human Resources, Finance, Billing, Accounting, and Scheduling. You also apply security controls on passwords for user accounts. Just before clocking out for the day, you notice something strange in the hospital’s computer system. Some person, or group, has accessed user accounts and conducted unauthorized activities. Recently, the hospital experienced intrusion into one of its patient’s billing accounts. After validating user profiles in Active Directory and matching them with user credentials, you suspect several user’s passwords have been compromised to gain access to the hospital’s computer network. You schedule an emergency meeting with the director of IT and the hospital board. In light of this security breach, they ask you to examine the security posture of the hospital’s information systems infrastructure and implement defense techniques. This must be done quickly, your director says. The hospital board is less knowledgeable about information system security. The board makes it clear that it has a limited cybersecurity budget. However, if you can make a strong case to the board, it is likely that they will increase your budget and implement your recommended tool companywide. You will share your findings on the hospital’s security posture. Your findings will be brought to the director of IT in a technical report. You will also provide a nontechnical assessment of the overall identity management system of the hospital and define practices to restrict and permit access to information.
What I need help with: 4 pages of the technical paper with 8 references. Below is the outline to follow for the 4 pages.
Technical Review Definitions
A summary of the component parts of a technical review.
Introduction to Policy, Procedure, and Processes
Description of the current policies, procedure, and processes at Johns Hopkins
Describe the OSI model
Technical discussion of what Johns Hopkins will need to be successful
Hardware Options
Technical discussion of what Johns Hopkins currently has and how it meets their needs
ECO 1023 Santa Monica The Effects of Corona Virus on Economy of US Discussion Economics Assignment Help
One major goal of this course is to provide you with skills and knowledge of both the theory and the practical tools necessary to start your own research. The best way to achieve this goal is to write an original research paper. The paper will discuss why you chose the topic, economic model, econometrics specification, data and empirical finding.
I. Title page.
II. Abstract. This should be less than 50 words and summarize the topic, methodology, and main findings. It
should appear on your title page.
III. Introduction. This section should state the nature and objectives of the project along with a brief review of
any relevant literature. Make sure to provide some background or motivation for why your project is interesting.
IV. Description of the model. The model should be clearly stated and any equations carefully explained. You
should write out the econometric model you plan to estimate, and discuss the expected impact of the exogenous
variables in your model.
V. Data description and model estimation. You should use the techniques developed in class to analyze your
data and estimate your model. Make sure to describe the dataset you are using by providing summary statistics
of important variables. Your results should be reported and discussed in this section and could include:
parameter estimates, standard errors, t-statistics, F-statistics, R-squared, tests for autocorrelation, heteroskedasticity, and possible multicollinearity, as appropriate.
VI. Conclusion. Review the major findings as well as possible extensions for future work. Make sure to mention
any limitations of your approach as well as alternative explanations of your results. Policy implications, if any,
could also be included in this section.
VII. Tables and graphs. Your paper must include at least one table and one graph. The tables and graphs should
be well-labeled and accessible to the reader—do not merely print out your regression output with cryptic
variable names.
Appendix If you have a lot of regression results or other details in your theoretical/statistical model that merit to
be included yet, they may distract the reader, you may include them in an appendix.
San Diego State University COVID 19 & Disability Artistic Expression Presentation Writing Assignment Help
Covid-19 & Disability
Artistic Expression
5 points
For this extra credit assignment, you are required to apply the concepts covered in this course and CREATE (NOT COPY) a poster, flyer, or art piece on the topic of Covid-19 & Disability.Be intentional and thoughtful with your explanation. If you choose to create a poster or art piece by hand, make sure to take a photo of it and include the photo with your explanation.
- Poster, flyer, art piece submitted in Microsoft Word format| 4 pts.
- Demonstrating artistry and creativity
- Representing advocacy for disability rights, dignity, access, and/or life quality
- Paragraph Explanation | 1 pt.
Explain what your image represents and why you chose to create this piece.