Chamberlain College of Nursing The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Chamberlain College of Nursing The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare Analysis Humanities Assignment Help. Chamberlain College of Nursing The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare Analysis Humanities Assignment Help.

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  • Textbook: Chapter 8
  • Play from the Internet, YouTube, DVD, iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, etc.
  • 1 primary source (written version of selected play)

Plays are meant to be performed, rather than read. The purpose of dramatic arts often extends far beyond the words written on a page; staging, lighting, costumes intonation, expression, and audience experience are all part of the experience of a theatrical production. To develop your understanding of the cultural role of the dramatic arts, you will view a production of a play this week and write a reflection to explain your viewing experience. Choose a play that you would like to view and find a version online, YouTube, DVD or iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, etc. You can also choose to see a play live if you prefer.

Play Suggestions:

  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • As You Like It
  • Taming of the Shrew
  • The Tempest
  • Much Ado About Nothing
  • The Comedy of Errors
  • Macbeth
  • King Lear

Write an analysis of the play that you viewed. Include at least one quote from the play in your essay. In your essay, address the following:

  • Identify the performance that you have selected.
  • Describe the staging, lighting, costumes, and characters of the performance. How do these match or revise the written version of the play? You do not need to read the entire play, but you should skim the text.
  • What type of mood and tone does the performance create? How?
  • What parts of the play are easier to understand through performance? What are some details that stood out through performance?
  • What are your feelings about this performance? What did you take away from viewing it?

Watch the original version and the adapted version. In your essay, address the following:

  • How is the adaptation the same as the original? Discuss plot, characters, theme, conflict, language, etc.
  • How does the adaptation differ from the original? Discuss setting, time period, characters, plot, language, etc.

Chamberlain College of Nursing The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare Analysis Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Cumberlands Building Shared Services at RR Communications Case Study Computer Science Assignment Help

Read the mini case, Building Shared Services at RR Communications (pp. 156-159).

Submit a Word document with the following:

  • Complies with the APA and writing standards for this course
  • Has a SafeAssign score of less than 10%. You may submit your assignment multiple times to check the SafeAssign score. Only the final submission will be graded. Final submissions with a SafeAssign score of 10% or higher will not be graded.
  • Has three scholarly sources, not including our textbook.
  • Answer question two and five on page 159. Your answer to each question should be about two pages long.


Taylor University Acme EVPI and Risky Venture Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help



1. We related EVPI to the value of an envelope that contains the true ultimate outcome. This concept can be extended to “less than perfect” information. For example, in the Acme problem suppose that the company could purchase information that would indicate, with certainty, that one of the following two outcomes will occur: (1) the national market will be great, or (2) the national market will not be great. Note that outcome (2) doesn’t say whether the national market will be fair or awful; it just says that it won’t be great. How much should Acme be willing to pay for such information?

2. In the risky venture example, the more risky alternative, in spite of its dominating EMV, is not preferred by a decision maker with a risk tolerance of $1.92 million. Now suppose everything stays the same except for the best monetary outcome of the more risky alternative (the value in cell D14). How much larger must this value be for the decision maker to prefer the more risky alternative? What is the corresponding EMV at that point?

Note : Paper should be in APA formate, Abstract & conclusion.



PSYC 780 CVCC Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling and Therapy Paper Humanities Assignment Help

1. DQ #1 (Chapter 3) – DUE 06-23-20; Initial Post not later than 06-03-20
Dealing with Value Conflict
Identify one of your core values as it relates to ethics in counseling. Illustrate how this value could
either enhance or inhibit the effectiveness of your counseling. Demonstrate how you might proceed
to lessen the chances that you would impose your values on this client. How might you resolve a
value conflict and use a referral as a last option?

Requirements. APA format, 12 font Romans, 350 word.

Reguired reference Textbook ISSUES AND ETHICS in helping professions by Gerald Corey, Marinne Schneider Corey, Cindy Corey, Patrick Callanan 9th Edition.

2. Assignment:
1. Students will select a minimum of 10 but not more than 15 of the terms below that are
generally associated with legal and ethical issues in counseling and develop a collage.
2. The collage can be of pictures and/or clip art and assembled as per the format below.
3. After assembling the collage, students will provide a brief narrative which explains: 1)
what principle or term the picture represents; and 2) why this principle is important. In
other words, if explaining this picture to a middle school student how would you relate it
to ethics in psychology. Students should be able to complete each narrative in a few
4. This assignment will be completed and submitted as a Microsoft WORD document,
12 Pt. Times New Roman font, single spaced. A PDF or other format will be accepted.
5. Students are encouraged to Be Creative!
6. Since presentations will be made over several days, student’s must upload their projects
the day of, but not later than midnight the day after their presentation.
7. This research project is worth 75 Points toward your final grade.
8. Students will provide a separate source page for the pictures or clip art used for this
assignment. No personal pictures will be used for this project.
9. Students will provide a brief conclusion paragraph (2 to 3 sentences) of what they learned
from the assignment.
10. The terms from which students will obtain visual images for their collage are as follows:
Non-Maleficence Informed Consent Confidentiality Duty to Warn
Transference Countertransference Beneficence Justice
Fidelity Values Ethics Morales Integrity
Respect Virtue Ethics Gate Keeper Role Mandatory Ethics
Dual Relationships Veracity Empathy Sympathy.

Purpose of Research Project:
Students studying Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling and Therapy are generally required to
demonstrate a working knowledge of the basic principles and terminologies used to identify the
fundamental doctrines in the mental health profession. The purpose of this assignment is for
students to combine research, narrative and creative skills to develop a collage using many of the
terminologies that are associated with ethics in the mental health and counseling profession. In
doing so, students will develop visual connections to many of the ethical concepts in counseling
which can be of benefit when practicing their profession in real time.

Format. The following narratives will speak to the pictures from left to right. For example picture #1 will
be the sunset and picture #2 the woman exercising and so forth.
Picture #1 represent emotional wellness. This is important to one’s health because emotional
wellness inspires self-care, relaxation, stress reduction and the development of inner strength.
Picture #2 represents exercise. Routine exercise has many health benefits includes weight loss,
increase in energy levels, brain, and memory health, etc.
Picture #3 represents a sedentary lifestyle. This can cause health a number of health issues in
the long run including obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
Picture #4 represents spiritual wellness. This is important because…………………
Picture #5 represents cultural wellness. Cultural wellness provides……………………….
Picture #6 represents the environment. Climate changes impacts the environment in many
ways including………………


Social Problems And Popular Culture Questions Humanities Assignment Help

1. What are some of the studies and articles linking smoking to popular culture, and what issues does Sternheimer point out about them? According to the reading, what are the more likely indicators/predictors of smoking in both the lives of teens and adults? Finally, what factors do you think relate to the steady drop in smoking rates in the United States since the 1990s?

2. According to Sternheimer, why might media conglomerates themselves focus on media and popular culture in regards to social problems? What role might they play in how Americans frame social problems like poverty? Beyond money itself, what overall impact does poverty have on the lives of children? Finally, why do you believe Americans as a whole have seemed so reluctant to talk about racism and poverty in our own country?



Santa Monica College Corporate Social Responsibility Response Humanities Assignment Help

Your initial post should respond to both questions below and should be around 350 words. In your response, be sure to include reference to specific details.

–What have you found most interesting about corporate social responsibility as a result of your research into your company’s handing of the issue you’re focusing upon? This question is asking for an idea that you would like to share.

–What is one thing you have learned in your research that you think your classmates might benefit from learning about? This question is asking for a fact that you would like to share.

In addition, you will need to respond meaningfully to TWO of your classmates’ posts, and those responses should be at least 100 words.

Santa Monica College Corporate Social Responsibility Response Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grossmont Cuyamaca Community Contextual Causes of Crime Essay Writing Assignment Help

I want you to write 7 paragrahs essay. I attached the file already you can check them. I expect at least 90. please folllow the instructions, and do not make plaigraism.

This paragraph should be done in 15 hours “Argument Analysis and Audience and Purpose Paragraphs”

In the first body paragraph, you are to write the Argument Analysis. This is the summary and map of Gladwell’s argument. How does he get to his main claim? Summarize for a reader who has already read it but has not made connections yet. Refer back to the prompt for more details.

In the second body paragraph, you are to write about who his audience is and what his purpose of writing “The Power of Context” is. This is the Audience and Purpose paragraph. I also want you to mention why someone may be resistant to his argument in this paragraph.

You can also look at the outline I wrote on the board for information. Many of you took pictures.

Let me know if you have any questions.


University of Nevada Las Vegas Nevada Politics Never Changes Article Discussion Law Assignment Help

After reading an article that pertains directly to Nevada government or politics by using one of the internet links above to various Nevada newspapers, submit your own letter to the editor in this discussion forum as a response to the story. Remember, letters to the editor are critical responses to particular newspaper articles. They are commentaries on information provided in a newspaper article and can be written in support or opposition to the author’s viewpoint or the issue being presented.

Emphasize thought over emotion when issuing your response. Your response should be based on reason and your thoughtfulness will be taken into account.

Be sure to include the specific story url (internet link) with your post for reference.


Campbellsville University Networking and Social Capital Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help

Point Presentation

Part 1: Networking and Social Capital

As a group, review at least four (6) academically reviewed articles on the use of Networking and Social Capital to manage the external dynamics of a team. Develop power presentation based on the articles. Support your presentation with appropriate references. Use APA format throughout.

Part 2: Discuss your learning outcomes:

As a group, present a discussion of your learning outcomes from the article review. Present your learning outcomes using power points.

Specific Instructions:

  • As a group, discuss requirements for Parts 1 and 2 above.
  • Develop power points. You power points should contain a minimum of 25 slides (excluding the cover page and reference page.
  • Use APA format throughout.


NRSE4580 Ohio University Patient Experience Model of Customer Service Questions Writing Assignment Help

For this discussion, you will use information from your assigned readings, the literature and leaders in your organization to answer the following:

  • Describe your organization’s customer service/patient experience model. Include standards, measures, staff training, reward and recognition programs. If you are not currently part of an organization, interview a nursing colleague about their institution for this discussion.
  • Discuss how well the customer service model works. Provide 2 examples illustrating the effectiveness of the model. If it is not effective, provide 2 examples illustrating the ineffectiveness of the model. Provide rationale for your answer.
  • Describe the customer service model/patient experience on your unit or in your department. What is nursing’s role? What is the nurse manager’s involvement?
  • Describe how customer satisfaction is measured on your unit? If customer satisfaction is high, how is it maintained? If it is low, what strategies are in place for improvement?
  • Why is customer satisfaction now tied to reimbursement? Cite references.

must contain minimum of two peer reviewed references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.


Diane Huber (2018)

  • Chapters 14, 21, 22, 23, 24


Chamberlain College of Nursing The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Chamberlain College of Nursing The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

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