Chapter 2 Interorganizational System Strategic Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Chapter 2 Interorganizational System Strategic Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.
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You are a member of the Human Resource Department of a medium-sized organization that is implementing a new interorganizational system that will impact employees, customers, and suppliers. Your manager has requested that you work with the system development team to create a communications plan for the project. He would like to meet with you in two hours to review your thoughts on the KEY OBJECTIVES OF THE COMMUNICATIONS PLAN. What should those objectives be?
Content |
Writing Skills |
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References Supplied |
Chapter 2 Interorganizational System Strategic Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MAN 4701 Rasmussen College Delta Pacific Leading Change Strategic Plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
- Analyze leadership and management roles in change management
- Evaluate different change management models.
- Examine various roles in change management.
- Analyze methods for understanding and mapping change in an organization.
- Critique strategies for removing barriers to change.
- Examine leadership’s role in executing successful change.
You serve as the change leader for Delta Pacific Company (DPC). Up until this point, the organizational culture has been one of a traditional culture as the company had a manufacturing environment.
DPC has undergone an extensive change from manufacturing to consulting, including new employee roles and responsibilities, training, and resources. However, there have been organizational barriers and employee resistances to the changes, resulting in a declining profitability.
You have decided to design a Change Leadership Strategy plan to present to the leaders of DPC to meet their goal of changing the culture from the more traditional manufacturing environment to one of a contemporary consulting environment. To complete your Leading Change Plan, please include the following:
- Identify the problems facing Delta Pacific.
- Analysis the different roles leaders and managers use for successful implementation of change.
- Discuss the roles and responsibilities of leading team members for change.
- Compare and contrast advantages and disadvantages of two (2) popular change models. Discuss at least three (3) similarities and three (3) differences of change models. Select one (1) model that you feel best compliments your strategy.
- Explain how the change model you selected to use will ensure the most effective and efficient process of changing an organizational culture.
- Discuss at least two (2) strategies for overcoming barriers to change.
- Discuss the behaviors that Delta Pacific leaders need to exhibit to ensure a positive and successful cultural shift for the long-term.
Provide an APA formatted title page and attribution for credible references used in the development of content ideas following academic guidelines
.Additional information
1.Comprehensive attempt to identify the problems facing Delta Pacific.
2. Comprehensive analysis of the different roles leaders and managers use for successful implementation of change.
3. Comprehensive attempt to discuss the roles and responsibilities of leading team members for change.
4. Comprehensive attempt to compare and contrast advantages and disadvantages of two (2) popular change models. Detailed discussion on the similarities and differences of change models and the selection of a change model that compliments chosen strategy.
5.Comprehensive attempt to explain how change model selected will ensure the most effective and efficient process of changing an organizational culture.
6.Comprehensive attempt to discuss two (2) strategies for overcoming barriers to change.
7.Comprehensive attempt to discuss the behaviors that Delta Pacific leaders need to exhibit to ensure a positive and successful cultural shift for the long-term.
8. Reasonable attempt to provide an APA formatted title page and attribution for credible references used in the development of content ideas following academic guidelines. No grammar and spelling issues present.
J 533 Colorado College Managing and Running a Classroom Summary Writing Assignment Help
Get the information for the topic from this.
I have also come to terms that some of the teachers within the school district do not exercise effective classroom management skills. Too often students are being sent out of the classroom and to the office simply because teachers do not exercise effective classroom management skills.
Part 1
- Introduce your topic selection and include at minimum your topic, title of your project, and a 2-sentence summary.
- Then, based on your topic selection for the course project, identify a learning need and target audience and explain why you believe this need can be addressed effectively by an instructional intervention.
- Then, examine two possible causes of the described need.
- Lastly, propose an introductory action to address the identified learning need. Provide a rationale.
Part 2
- Create the tasks for the trainer for your final project. Using the six structures listed in the text, select one and specify how it relates to the responsibilities of the trainer/instructor. Provide a rationale for your response.
- Note: Be sure to include the title of your project and a brief description to provide your classmates with context for their responses.
Part 3
- Summarize the information from your learner and task analyses that outlines the knowledge, skills (behaviors), and attitudes that may be required for the learners in your project.
- Then, write three instructional objectives for your project that include one instructional objective from each domain (cognitive, behavior, affective).
Part 4
- Describe your target audience for your project and identify whether they are beginners or experts.
- Determine a sequencing strategy for your project and provide a rationale for your selection. Include at least one example of how you will implement your strategy
- Note: Be sure to include the title of your project and a brief description to provide your classmates with context for their responses.
Purdue University General Mills Warm Delights Marketing Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
1.Read attached pages 647-649
2. Watch video
3. Respond to case questions.
You have been asked by your cousin, who owns a small commercial bakery, to help launch a new product inspired by Warm Delights. You have been asked to consult on developing a marketing plan for this new product. They are specifically looking to grow this brand in terms of product line and brand extensions.
In your suggestions, specify:
- The target market you would pursue with your plan.
- The potential opportunities and hindrances of the target market.
- How you would position or re-position this product against Warm Delights in that market place.
- The product changes you would recommend competing against Warm Delights.
Assess marketing planning frameworks in the design of a marketing strategy (PowerPoint attached may help)
These questions are intended to elicit thoughtful reactions to contemporary marketing strategy initiatives and challenges then thoroughly and explicitly address each component of the corresponding case study questions.
There is no minimum number of references that need to be utilized to support the completion of this assignment; however, it is generally understood that any good case study analysis will incorporate the appropriate quality and quantity of scholarly sources to support any suppositions and recommendations.
Responses should reflect higher level cognitive processing (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation), which is essential for someone in any industry, as marketing decisions affect all levels and stakeholders within the organization and in the external marketplace/marketspace.
Case study should be only (4) pages in length, excluding the title and references pages. And double spaced
Must adhere to the APA writing style. Content
All components of the case study have been explicitly addressed. The content reflects graduate-level execution with clear evidence of critical thinking synthesis of relevant information from credible sources, and clear mastery of the concepts necessary to successfully execute each component of the case study. The content is logically organized and contains only hat information necessary meet the expectations of the assignment and does not contain content that could be considered superfluous or distracting. All arguments. Recommendations and positions are logically presented and properly supported with credible or scholarly sources
Narrative submissions are prepared consistent with the APA Manual (6th edition) and include a title and reference page. The submission contains very few or no grammatical, punctuation, syntax and verb tense agreement errors
ITEC 4010 Walden University The Environmental Theory Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
No client directly uses DNS. In some ways, DNS is the precursor of contemporary directory services. From the very beginning, it was not practical to use IP addresses directly; address assignments change after time. Hosts files, which are tables with name to number matching, grew too large to manage as the size of the Internet increased. This caused DNS to gain in popularity. One of the advantages of DNS is its ability to scale, because it can distribute and interconnect lists of names and addresses.
Though it has been of great value to the ease of use of the Internet, configuration errors of clients, servers, and resolvers can occur in many ways. In addition, new ways are being discovered all the time to warp, corrupt, or disable the function of the server, resolver, or client. These range from co-opting delegation for a given domain at the top of the hierarchy to poisoning a local resolver with inaccurate addresses. Most users will not suspect a compromised lookup that takes them to a site that looks legitimate, and many will, when experiencing a timeout or failure of a host lookup, simply conclude that “the Internet is down.”
In 3–4 paragraphs:
- Enumerate as many DNS errors as you can, and propose a method to detect one of them, or a small cluster of related ones.
- Analyze the errors you have chosen for their potential to be used as a deliberate or accidental attack (for example, a man-in-the middle attack).
- Propose a method to reduce or eliminate the risk. Since some problems are only truly fixed by updated software or infrastructure, there may be interim workarounds, so you may propose one of those, and those steps to improve security or stability may reduce the functionality of the systems.
Florida National University Areas of Prenatal Care to Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Mary and Elmer’s fifth child, Melvin, was born 6 weeks prematurely and is 1-month old. Sarah, age 13, Martin, age 12, and Wayne, age 8, attend the Amish elementary school located 1 mile from their home. Lucille, age 4, is staying with Mary’s sister and her family for a week because baby Melvin has been having respiratory problems, and their physician told the family he will need to be hospitalized if he does not get better within 2 days.
- Choose two or three areas of prenatal care that you would want to discuss with Mary, and then write brief notes about what you know and/or need to learn about Amish values to discuss perinatal care in a way that is culturally congruent.
- Discuss three Amish values, beliefs, or practices to consider when preparing to do prenatal education classes with Amish patients.
Submission Instructions:
- Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
- You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
- All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
- Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
- You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric | |||||
Criteria | Ratings | Points | |||
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts |
5 points Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
4 points Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. |
2 points Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. |
1 points Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. |
5 points |
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines |
3 points Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
2 points Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
1 point Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail. |
0 point Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention. |
3 points |
Response to Posts of Peers |
2 points Student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each. |
1 points Student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal. |
0 point Student provided no response to a peer’s post.
2 points | |
Total Points: 10 |
Florida National University Areas of Prenatal Care to Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
J 573 Colorado College Formative & Summative Evaluations in Classrooms Lesson Plan Writing Assignment Help
Part 1
Create an extended lesson plan in which you address the following: Discuss the subject to be taught, including activities, lesson hooks, and other factors that impact teaching. Include a detailed demographics section, addressing school setting, environment, and student body. Identify at least three potential advantages and two potential challenges to teaching this mix of students. Define the time necessary to teach the lesson and other classroom or school resources to be used. Describe how the plan fits into a single-subject curriculum or how it connects as an interdisciplinary plan.
Part 2
Don’t worry about the textbook, just create a good lesson plan
Your textbook contains a template or outline for organizing a lesson plan. Take into account that you may need to modify the outline to better fit the plan you created in the first assignment as you add the following to your lesson plan: Create the measurable objectives for your lesson plan and describe how they relate to Common Core Standards or your state’s requirements. Create the evaluation methodology for measuring authentic learning within your plan. Integrate technology that helps to ensure that your plan is relevant to today’s tech-oriented students. How does the use of that technology benefit your students? What is your backup plan should the technology be unavailable on the day of your teaching?
Part 3
Complete the following in your online lesson plan: Describe which educational theory your plan is based upon and why you believe this is the most appropriate theory. Describe and justify your instructional strategies. Address how you will introduce the lesson, teach the main material, wrap up the lesson, and transition into the assessment. Indicate if your strategy changed for online delivery, and if so, why. Explain why you chose each strategy and why you think each one is effective for each part of your lesson. Outline and provide three examples of how you plan to respond to the needs of different types of learners: learning disabilities, English language learning students, and so on. Describe your strategy to ensure inclusion for all students in the class, such as specific questions, analogies, or in-class activities. Identify remediation activities for students who need help or additional time to fully understand or complete the lesson. Identify additional material or activities to keep gifted students engaged if the lesson appears too easy for them. Describe the difference between your formative and summative evaluations for this lesson.
Part 4
Unit plans are used to organize and sequence content. For this assignment, you will create a miniunit with three lessons, including the lesson you started in the first assignment and refined in subsequent assignments. If you need samples, refer to an example of a unit plan. A lesson plan is also found in Chapter 6 of your course text. Include three lessons: 1. For the first lesson, revise the lesson from the Week 3 assignment, Lesson Plan Development Part 1, taking into account the feedback you received. 2. Add two more lessons using the same format as the first lesson. 3. Using the rubric and guide from the Week 3 assignment, Lesson Plan Development Part 1, make sure to address all the parts of the rubric for lessons two and three. 4. The structure of each lesson within the unit must include standards, objectives, instructional practices and resources. 5. Each lesson must also include methods for assessment, feedback, and reflection.
Part 5
Using an example of a unit plan, create a unit plan that contains the three lessons from the Week 9 assignment, Developing a Unit Plan Part 1. While there is no set format for your unit plan, it must contain: 1. Unit description: Unit topic and title. Grade level. Course and discipline. Time allocation to complete unit. 2. Main purpose of the unit study. Describe the purpose of the unit and how it will fit in the overall scheme of the course. 3. Instructional resources or technology. Describe instructional materials, resources, or technology used in this unit. 4. Evaluation of unit. How will you decide if the students successfully completed the unit? How will you reflect on your teaching of the unit and lessons?
Part 6
- Complete the Teacher Concerns Checklist using Appendix A in your textbook or the Fuller Concerns Checklist.
- Reflect on your checklist.
- The concerns in the checklist relate to multiple categories: self, tasks, institutional decisions, state or federal standards, and so on.
- Which category is dominant in your concerns?
- How do your concerns affect your ability to be more effective in the classroom?
- What proactive steps can you take to help alleviate some of your concerns and how would you initiate a discussion about the concerns you cannot address on your own?
Part 7
Read the case history on page 62 of your text about Anna Ramirez and her experience in Mrs. Dodge’s math class. Thinking about how multiple intelligences and differentiated learning play a key role in ensuring that all students are able to learn, retain, and apply knowledge, give three different examples of how Mrs. Dodge might have helped Anna understand the concepts discussed in the case history.
Support your suggestions from your research, reading, and practical experience teaching or if you are not yet teaching, what practices have you observed in your own educational journey.
Good Evening everyone, Three examples that I would like to discuss on how Mrs. Dodge might have helped Anna understand the concept discussed in the case history is first Mrs. Dodge could have encouraged Anna instead of belittling her in front of the entire class. She could have encouraged her by assisting Anna in working out the problem she gave her in a step by step method. She could have used art as a way of helping Anna to understand based on her love of drawing pictures. Second she could have given Anna a real chance to answer instead of moving on to another student. This would have allowed Anna to speak up about not understanding and possibly being able to receive some extra help. Third I would say that Mrs. Dodge could have pulled Anna aside after class to discuss how she could better encourage Anna to want to learn more about math or to at least better understand it so that she is able to retain something. As well Mrs. Dodge could have created the groups where students who were good in math were divided up amongst the class so that they could assist the learners who didn’t understand or know how to do the work. I have seen where some learners do better with peer to peer learning. These methods were based off of our text on The teacher and culture, linguistic, socioeconomics bias in the classroom.
Part 8
A PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports) matrix is a way for a school to standardize its approach to school safety and positive behavior. The premise is that students can and do learn good behavior when expectations are clear.
You have been tasked with creating a matrix for your school or institution. Keeping in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all approach for managing a classroom, create a simple matrix that allows for flexibility for students who have challenges (single parent, improper nutrition, learning challenges, language barriers, and so on).
Part 9
According to the Common Core State Standards Initiative (2019), “Building on the best of existing state standards, the Common Core State Standards provide clear and consistent learning goals to help prepare students for college, career, and life” (1).
- On the Common Core Standards Web page Read the Standards, access and read the linked standards for English language arts literacy and mathematics and choose one for a grade you currently teach or hope to teach.
- Include the standard in your response and create one learning objective and a brief summary of how your lesson plan achieves the objective.
- Respond to at least one peer and discuss whether their objective and plan leads to mastery of the standard.
1. Common Core State Standards Initiative. 2019.
Part 10
Using your assignment topic, discuss how your lesson plan relates to a Common Core or state standard.
Create a matrix that maps out the topic, standards, and objectives for your unit. Based on your matrix, outline a classroom activity or assessment that measurably demonstrates how you ensure authentic learning has taken place.
Ashford University Week 1 Your Curriculum Philosophy Building a Foundation Journal Writing Assignment Help
Your Curriculum Philosophy: Building a Foundation
In order to effectively choose a curriculum approach, you must have the knowledge base regarding curricular approaches, an understanding of your own core beliefs about children, and your image of yourself as a professional. Much of how you approach choices related to curriculum relates to the assumptions and internalized values you bring to your particular school or center (Jaruszewicz, 2013, section 2.4). An important step in this process is connecting what you know about curriculum approaches and how this information fits into your core beliefs. As Jaruszewicz (2013) posits, excellent teachers and caregivers are “reflective” and purposefully think about the curriculum decisions they make and their teaching practices (section 1.5). This journal is a start in that reflective process.
To prepare for this journal:
- Please refer to the Week One Guidance for further tips and examples that will support your success on this journal.
In your journal,
- Describe the major differences between an approach and a model.
- Compare and contrast the effectiveness of multiple early childhood curricular approaches to your own beliefs by completing the Matrix for Reflection and Decision Making and Interactivity.
- Explain how making these comparisons supports your ability to make appropriate curricular decisions (i.e., respond to the unique needs of children based on culture and experiences, consider developmentally appropriate practice, etc.).
Suggested Journal Length:
- One to two double-spaced pages (not including title and reference pages).
Research and Resource Expectations:
- Sources are not required for your journal assignments. However, if you need to cite information, you must cite in APA format (Links to an external site.) and include a reference page. (Links to an external site.)
Writing and Formatting Expectations:
- First person: You may write in first person (Links to an external site.) within a journal assignment.
- Syntax and Mechanics: Writing displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
- Before you submit your written assignment, you are encouraged to review the The Grammarly Guide: How to Set Up & Use Grammarly tutorial (Links to an external site.), set up a Grammarly account (if you have not already done so), and use Grammarly to review a rough draft of your assignment. Then carefully review all issues identified by Grammarly and revise your work as needed.
Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment
- Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) to ensure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion and submit in Waypoint for evaluation no later than Day 7.
Florida National University Nursing Home Patients with Hypertension Discussion Writing Assignment Help
The advanced practice nurse is updating the plan of care of nursing home patients with hypertension.
- Briefly describe the therapeutic actions of drugs affecting blood pressure (diuretics, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, CCB, sympathetic nervous system drugs).
- What important teaching points should be addressed for patients receiving antihypertensive drugs?
Submission Instructions:
- Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
- You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
- All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
- Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
- You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.
Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric | |||||
Criteria | Ratings | Points | |||
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts |
5 points Identify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
4 points Identifies and demonstrate an accomplished understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. |
2 points Identifies and demonstrate an acceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. |
1 points Identifies and demonstrate an unacceptable understanding of most of issues, problems, and concepts. |
5 points |
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines |
3 points Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
2 points Effectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
1 point Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail. |
0 point Ineffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. An unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention. |
3 points |
Response to Posts of Peers |
2 points Student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal to each. |
1 points Student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded or provided a rebuttal. |
0 point Student provided no response to a peer’s post.
2 points | |
Total Points: 10 |
OPS 405 Colorado State University Corporate Social Responsibility Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Module 7: Discussion Forum
1.Analyze and synthesize the different sourcing strategies that you would recommend for indirect and direct materials for a single company. For example, Ford Motor Company sources office supplies (indirect) and car-seat components (direct) but uses different strategies for those.
2.Explain, analyze, and synthesize why different sourcing strategies are used for direct and indirect materials in the case of another company of your choosing. Do not use auto manufacturers or the office supply companies.
3.Now, locate other direct and indirect products for another company in another industry, different from what you have done in #1 and #2, above.
4.Cite a minimum of two current (published in most recent five-year period), credible references. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find sources. Make sure to cite your sources following the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.).
5.Post a minimum of 150-250 words for initial discussion posts. Post a minimum of 100 words for each of your required two peer responses. Make all your posts substantive by adding valuable insight and information.
Module 8: Discussion Forum
1) Analyze and synthesize the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports for two companies by doing the following:
a. Identify actions across supply chain drivers that have improved sustainability and explain how that improvement occurred.
b. Detail the areas that each company found challenging to improve. Recommend strategies for how each company could improve its challenging areas. (As an example, Starbucks found it difficult to increase the amount of coffee sold in reusable cups because the success of the initiative required effort on the part of customers. To improve participation in this Starbucks’ example, the company found it must include options that incentivize the customer to participate.)
2) Cite a minimum of two current (published in most recent five-year period), credible references. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find sources. Make sure to cite your sources following the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.).
3) Post a minimum of 150-250 words for initial discussion posts.
Chapter 2 Interorganizational System Strategic Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Chapter 2 Interorganizational System Strategic Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help