Chapter 3 Procedures Writing Assignment Help. Chapter 3 Procedures Writing Assignment Help.
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This is a dissertation, and everything should be cited and reference. Please read my proposal and write chapter 3 procedure section which is 2-3 pages. This instruction bellow is a summary of chapter 3 procedure. Please read the power point section “Procedures” and answer every question and that section skip bullet points A. Plus see the rubric for assignment 3 (Chapter 3)
Specifically, this is the “how-to” section of the chapter; a detailed description of the process of data collection based on the research questions. This begins from the final IRB approval, through the recruitment, the consent process, the data collection (describing the number of interview/ observation sessions, length and location of these sessions, and process of document collection if doing document analysis) through the member checking process checking. This section should read like a step-by-step recipe of how the study will be conducted. This section could also include a timeline of the data collection process and should be detailed enough to be replicated by another researcher.
[This section should be a minimum of 2-3 pages. Please note that this section can later be copied and pasted when completing your online IRB application]
Chapter 3 Procedures Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
need a 2- 3 pages for a white paper , The purpose of this assignment is to examine different perspectives in a scenario where an organization is having a testing company comprised of white hat hackers test their system for vulnerabilities. Programming Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to examine different perspectives in a scenario where an organization is having a testing company comprised of white hat hackers test their system for vulnerabilities. Choose a prominent organization or company (NOT your current organization), and write a white paper discussing the key perspectives of:
- The organization
- The testing company
- The white hat hacker
In this white paper, you will describe key infrastructure and then put reasonable constraints and restraints in place for the organization undergoing testing. From the organization’s perspective, the goal is to uncover vulnerabilities in their infrastructure. From the testing company’s perspective, the goal is to provide a “worst case” scenario. From the hacker’s perspective, the goal is to find what method/technique would be most effective and why (be specific) at attacking the system. The requirements will be spelled out below, but first I would like to discuss this white paper assignment with you and answer a few questions.
First of all, why write papers?
The reason why you will be writing papers throughout the curriculum is that we get constant feedback from our industry partners that engineers and others that have technical degrees can’t write. They are constantly having to mentor their new staff or send them to classes in writing technical reports and papers. Writing is a skill that will not only help you get the job but it will help you develop your career and be successful.
So, what are White Papers?
Technical Reports and Papers are commonly referred to as “White Papers”. “Originally, the term white paper was used as shorthand to refer to an official government report, indicating that the document is authoritative and informative in nature. Writers typically use this genre when they argue a specific position or propose a solution to a problem, addressing the audience outside of their organization.” ( This is the format that most commercial and US government organizations use to publish research findings; explain security requirements or to explain the findings from your security scans (your reports).
What is the White Paper Format?
The White Paper format is the standard APA format and “White Paper Guide” PowerPoint presentation is a great place to start. You should also review this White Paper: Purpose and Audience web page.
Now that you know why you are learning and practicing technical writing, why start this topic?
As you complete your masters degree, you are becoming the “Subject Matter Expert” for security, (no matter who you work for) your employer will expect you to know about all the incidents that could possibly affect your organization. If you are consulting you need this information to stay current and informed to be able to help the clients that hire you. I hope this explains the rationale behind this assignment as you continue building important skills that are essential to success in the profession. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
- Research a regional, national or international organization.
- Review the organization’s industry (i.e. education, government, construction, food, financial services, etc.) to determine any protected information categories you could expect them to use.
- Detail the information and any special handling instructions associated with it.
- From the organization’s view:
- What areas/information would be off-limits
- Protected infrastructure that would be off limits
- Any restrictions on techniques
- From the testing company’s view:
- What would the worst cast scenario a penetration test could cause
- Determine from the hacker’s perspective:
- Most likely avenue of success, and why you think that would work for the organization/industry you chose.
- The why is more important
- Most likely avenue of success, and why you think that would work for the organization/industry you chose.
- Conclusion, summarize the overall objectives of the paper (highlighting YOUR thoughts)
- Use the APA paper template
- Including the following:
- Font: New Times Roman, 12 pts, full-page illustrations are not counted as a page. I’ll check: subject matter, contents, linkage, exhibits, etc.
- Title page: subject title, Student’s Name, Instructor’s name, course number and title, Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering (SMSE), University of San Diego.
- Body pages: Minimum: 2 pages, Maximum: 3 pages.
- Reference page: I’ll check references
PMC6601 Week 3 Communication, Risk, and Human Resources. Business Finance Assignment Help
Due August 3 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
Communication, Risk, and Human Resources.
This week, you will submit the next three parts of the course-length project. The deliverables for Week 3 are:
- The communications plan: Determine stakeholders from the requirements determination section. Add a new stakeholder and determine the following information for him or her:
- Information need
- The messages to be communicated
- The timing and frequency of communication
- The person responsible for communication
- The medium for communication
- Risk assessment: Determine potential risks that can prevent the project’s objectives from being met on time and within the budget. Develop a risk mitigation plan to manage the risks. The plan should have a severity ranking for each risk. For the most severe risk, develop a risk mitigation strategy that includes risk triggers and the team members responsible for responding to the risk.
- The organization and human resources plan: Prepare an organizational structure for the project and identify the skills required to perform the work effectively and efficiently. Identify project team members and define their functions, responsibilities, qualifications, and capabilities. Explain where each team member fits into the organizational structure, including the details of the stage of the project where the team member will be assigned. Create a responsibility assignment matrix (RAM).
- Provide a summary of the key information you have learned in the project so far. What seem to be the most important ideas? What ideas are you still finding challenging? What practical ways can you apply what you are learning?
Submission Details:
- Submit your answers in a 6- to 8-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
- Project: Automotive Industry (Telsa)
4 pages assignment is attached Business Finance Assignment Help
This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s):
SC200-2: Compare and contrast discipline-specific scientific concepts.
GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.
The Future of Energy: Guiding Decisions with Evidence
To reduce the negative environmental impacts of an ever-growing human population and increasing demands for energy as technological advances continue, individual countries, states, cities and even households could shift their energy sources to those that are renewable. However, not all locations are equally amenable to any form of renewable energy. For this Assignment, you will assess your own location, existing energy use, the advantages and disadvantages of different energy sources, and ways to reduce energy demand through conservation.
Be sure to explore the following resources to begin your research and to support your ideas with accurate facts. While the provided resources focus on the United States, you are welcome to explore the energy situation within your own state of residence, one that you would like to live in or have visited in the past, or an international location. Use only one region for your entire argument.
Review the Assignment resources.
For additional information on different energy sources review the Science Center Resource.
Your Assignment should be a compare and contrast essay written using APA formatting. The assignment should include a title page, introduction, and conclusion. The paper will require you to include details from research including the course materials and sources you locate on your own. Use APA format to cite your sources of information, both within parenthetical citations and also within a reference page at the end of the Assignment.
Your paper should include all the following parts.
- Assess your own energy use. Think about how you rely on different types of energy throughout your day. Identify the energy source you use to do the following tasks and indicate if the energy source is renewable or nonrenewable.
- The main energy source you use to heat your home if applicable
- The main energy source used to cool your home if applicable
- The main energy source you use to run your household appliances (reminder: if you use electricity you will need to do some research to determine what energy source is used to generate your electricity)
- The main energy source you use for transportation
- Using the provided materials, determine and discuss the renewable source of energy that would be the most, and the renewable source of energy that would be the least appropriate for use in your chosen location. Explain how you arrived at your decisions so it is clear why one is the most appropriate and why one is the least appropriate.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the energy sources you currently rely on as well as the two renewable energy sources you identified above. Include both the economic (costs/benefits) and ecological impacts of each.
- In your opinion, should the US pursue the use of more renewable energy sources going forward? Should any policies be put in place to encourage people to use more renewable energy sources? Support your position with reputable sources.
Minimum Submission Requirements
- This Assessment should be a Microsoft Word (1000 words) document, not including the title and reference pages.
- Include a title page.
- Double spaced, font size 10 or 12.
- Reviewed for grammar and spelling errors.
- No evidence of plagiarism.
- Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
- Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
- Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
- Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
- A separate page at the end of your research paper containing a list of a minimum of five references, in APA format must be included. Use your textbook, the Purdue Global Online Library, and peer reviewed academic sources.
- Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA formatting and citation style found in the Writing Center. To access the Writing Center, select this link.
SC200 | Assignment Resources U.S. Department of Energy: • Energy Saver. (2016). Retrieved from • Department of Energy. (2016). Retrieved from U.S. Energy Information Administration. (2016). Retrieved from State energy profiles provided by the U.S.E.I.A. (2016). Retrieved from Energy4Me. (2016). Retrieved from
Srinivas dis – I need a discussion on the below topic Writing Assignment Help
This week we will discuss what you learned from this course and most especially the residency. As I stated at the Residency Weekend, I am very proud of all the hard work you all put into your presentations. Our class basically put together a mini dissertation in a single weekend! A topic was selected, research was conducted, data was analyzed, visualizations were created, findings were discussed (compared and contrasted), and conclusions were stated based on results.
What did you learn about yourself during the residency weekend? What was the hardest part of the Residency Weekend? What was your overall experience from the Residency Weekend?
I have attached the syallbus
500 words, APA format
Please answer the following questions. Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Pick one of the following terms for your research: code of ethics, conscious capitalism, corporate social responsibility (CSR), culture, ethical dilemma, external adaptation, mission culture, social capital, values-based leadership, or whistle-blowing.
2. Pick one of the following terms for your research: Integrity, ethical dilemma, conflict of interest, bribery, or fraud.
3. Pick one of the following terms for your research: authority, competition, confrontation, dependency, empowerment, intergroup conflict, negotiation, organizational politics, power, or rational model.
Instructions for Questions 1,2 and 3:
Each student will select one of the key terms and conduct a search of University’s online Library resources to find 1 recent peer reviewed article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format:
DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.
SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.
DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.
REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format. (continued) Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.
Any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment.
4. Read Wells Fargo Banking Scandal and complete the questions at the end of the case study.
Instructions for
Question 4: For each case study, conduct a search of University’s
online Library resources to find 1 recent peer-reviewed academic journal
article (within the past 3 years) to include in your assignment. (Minimum – 2 pages).
5. Using the MLB steroids case as an example, explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules. (Instructions – 250 words, Include references.)
Please answer the following questions. Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Write an essay Humanities Assignment Help
Instructions: write an essay, 4-6 pages long, double-spaced, 12-point font answering the following questions:
Question: are artificial persons (or A.I.) possible in the future?Could machines think?
Answer this question(s) and be sure to:
[1]Describe the Turing test. Describe in detail how it works and what its goal is. What counts as a pass and what does pass mean? If a woman passes the test what does Turing think that proves?
[2]Describe Functionalism and why it makes possible future artificial intelligence (see Putnam’s interview on website)
[3]Describe and explain Searle’s “Chinese room” counterexample to functionalism and the argument it illustrates: do not forget to explain the distinction between syntax and semantics.
[4]Describe and explain at least one(more is better) reply to Searle. Make a conclusion; could machines think and have minds?
Important Notes: (i) do not mention material other than that assigned to you, although you should read other material if you need help; reading comprehension is what you are being tested on as well as your ability to understand the material, so focus on explaining Turing, Searle and watch the material on the website including my lectures…
I need in APA format Writing Assignment Help
Assume that An agency has focused its system development and critical infrastructure data collection efforts on separate engineering management systems for different types of assets and is working on the integration of these systems. In this case, the agency focused on the data collection for two types of assets: water treatment and natural gas delivery management facilities. Please identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.
After you given the discussion i will provide 2 others post i need reply on those 2 posts
Vellore Institute of Technology Post Feminism and Popular Culture Article Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Choose two TV show episodes (preferably 1 from Gilmore Girls and 1 from Modern Family) or any popular Netflix show where it is easy to talk about Feminism. [Please confirm what show and episode you’re choosing before starting]
Then, apply the arguments from the article provided. (Citation style MLA)
How are the female characters represented? the similarities and differences. Gender roles.
To what extent can these films and/or TV episodes be read as feminist interventions? How does seeing the films and/or TV episodes through this lens of the arguments made in the article you have chosen change how you perceive the TV episodes? why it is important to examine these examples together.
Reference dialogue quotations, scene descriptions, explanations of narrative, and character descriptions to support your analysis.
need a 2- 3 pages for a white paper , The purpose of this assignment is to examine different perspectives in a scenario where an organization is having a testing company comprised of white hat hackers test their system for vulnerabilities. Programming Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to examine different perspectives in a scenario where an organization is having a testing company comprised of white hat hackers test their system for vulnerabilities. Choose a prominent organization or company (NOT your current organization), and write a white paper discussing the key perspectives of:
- The organization
- The testing company
- The white hat hacker
In this white paper, you will describe key infrastructure and then put reasonable constraints and restraints in place for the organization undergoing testing. From the organization’s perspective, the goal is to uncover vulnerabilities in their infrastructure. From the testing company’s perspective, the goal is to provide a “worst case” scenario. From the hacker’s perspective, the goal is to find what method/technique would be most effective and why (be specific) at attacking the system. The requirements will be spelled out below, but first I would like to discuss this white paper assignment with you and answer a few questions.
First of all, why write papers?
The reason why you will be writing papers throughout the curriculum is that we get constant feedback from our industry partners that engineers and others that have technical degrees can’t write. They are constantly having to mentor their new staff or send them to classes in writing technical reports and papers. Writing is a skill that will not only help you get the job but it will help you develop your career and be successful.
So, what are White Papers?
Technical Reports and Papers are commonly referred to as “White Papers”. “Originally, the term white paper was used as shorthand to refer to an official government report, indicating that the document is authoritative and informative in nature. Writers typically use this genre when they argue a specific position or propose a solution to a problem, addressing the audience outside of their organization.” ( This is the format that most commercial and US government organizations use to publish research findings; explain security requirements or to explain the findings from your security scans (your reports).
What is the White Paper Format?
The White Paper format is the standard APA format and “White Paper Guide” PowerPoint presentation is a great place to start. You should also review this White Paper: Purpose and Audience web page.
Now that you know why you are learning and practicing technical writing, why start this topic?
As you complete your masters degree, you are becoming the “Subject Matter Expert” for security, (no matter who you work for) your employer will expect you to know about all the incidents that could possibly affect your organization. If you are consulting you need this information to stay current and informed to be able to help the clients that hire you. I hope this explains the rationale behind this assignment as you continue building important skills that are essential to success in the profession. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
- Research a regional, national or international organization.
- Review the organization’s industry (i.e. education, government, construction, food, financial services, etc.) to determine any protected information categories you could expect them to use.
- Detail the information and any special handling instructions associated with it.
- From the organization’s view:
- What areas/information would be off-limits
- Protected infrastructure that would be off limits
- Any restrictions on techniques
- From the testing company’s view:
- What would the worst cast scenario a penetration test could cause
- Determine from the hacker’s perspective:
- Most likely avenue of success, and why you think that would work for the organization/industry you chose.
- The why is more important
- Most likely avenue of success, and why you think that would work for the organization/industry you chose.
- Conclusion, summarize the overall objectives of the paper (highlighting YOUR thoughts)
- Use the APA paper template
- Including the following:
- Font: New Times Roman, 12 pts, full-page illustrations are not counted as a page. I’ll check: subject matter, contents, linkage, exhibits, etc.
- Title page: subject title, Student’s Name, Instructor’s name, course number and title, Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering (SMSE), University of San Diego.
- Body pages: Minimum: 2 pages, Maximum: 3 pages.
- Reference page: I’ll check references