Chapter 5 Review Humanities Assignment Help. Chapter 5 Review Humanities Assignment Help.
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In your chapter review, you should reflect on the knowledge content of the chapter and discuss the implications of the chapter. Your review should be properly constructed, well thought-out, insightful and inclusive of a public administrator’s standpoint. It must be at least 500-1000 words.
Provide your reflection on the main points of the chapter.
Please record some of the feelings/opinions you experienced while reading the chapter.
Please explain a minimum of 4 reasons why you agree or disagree with the chapter’s point of view.
Please support with examples or reasons. Use the chapter to complete your answer. If you use resources, they must be academic!
Has the chapter altered your perspective or views on the subject? Please explain why or why not?
Labor management: Budd, J. W. (2013). Labor relations: Striking a balance. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0078029430
Chapter 5 Review Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PSY 101 Carrington College Boise Personality Traits Addiction Subtypes Outline Writing Assignment Help
Create an Outline for your Course Project by completing the Outline Template using complete sentences. This will then be used to guide you in writing the Final Draft. At the end of each body paragraph section is a place to list the resources used for each paragraph. In the Final Draft, you will need to cite sources throughout the paper using APA formatting. Citing them here will assist you with this task on the Final Draft.
Includes a clear introduction overview including thesis statement. Contains three main points about the thesis and includes support for each point made.Ends with a conclusion that summarizes your presentation and refers back to the thesis statement.Well written using college level writing skills. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling is correct. APA formatting.
Chapter 7 Review Humanities Assignment Help
In your chapter review, you should reflect on the knowledge content of the chapter and discuss the implications of the chapter. Your review should be properly constructed, well thought-out, insightful and inclusive of a public administrator’s standpoint. It must be at least 500-1000 words.
Provide your reflection on the main points of the chapter.
Please record some of the feelings/opinions you experienced while reading the chapter.
Please explain a minimum of 4 reasons why you agree or disagree with the chapter’s point of view.
Please support with examples or reasons. Use the chapter to complete your answer. If you use resources, they must be academic!
Has the chapter altered your perspective or views on the subject? Please explain why or why not?
Labor management: Budd, J. W. (2013). Labor relations: Striking a balance. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0078029430
FSSC Gaming Hip Hop and Internet Culture and Sub Culture Analysis Health Medical Assignment Help
Sept 1: Distinguish between culture and Sub-Culture
Assignment overview
As Americans we are born into a dominant cultural narrative that helps understand what it means to be an American. While that may sound simplistic there is an American way of doing and being that is taken for granted — especially when it is violated. CULTURES share social traditions that may include language, social norms, beliefs, art, literature, music, traditions, pastimes, values, knowledge, recreation, mythology, ritual, and religion
On the other hand, within the main culture specific variants co-exist drawing down some facets of the dominant culture while changing or rejecting other facets we call these variants sub culture
Sub cultures are self organized community of shared interests lifestyles , beliefs, customs, norms, style or tastes. They may surround a hobby, art, movement music scene, Fashion sense, philosophy or lifestyle. Cultures surrounds pervasive social groups such as a nation, community, religion, ethnicity or social class. For example hip-hop, hipsters, bikers, emails, gamers, skaters, cosplayers, Jocks are just some of the subcultures active with America today
Consider your social life and associations. What sub-cultures are you part of presently? Develop a list of 3-5 identifiable subcultures that you belong to today.
Step 2: write your sub culture analysis
Select a subculture that you are part of and explain its composition in terms of: formal structure, it’s values, it’s leadership, and your part in it. Explain your chosen sub-culture in detail and give relevant examples. Use quotes, citations, and references to support your work.
Step 3: Look over your assignment for spelling or Grammer errors
SEU The Significance of Literature Search in Research Planning Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Discuss “The Significance of literature search in research planning and identification of research problem”. Write down your answer with supporting examples and explanation.
Due Date: 19th June 2021
The point for the Discussion Board Questions is 5.
The students have to post their original response on or before wednesday 16th June 2021 at 11:59 PM and respond to at least two of their classmate post on or before Saturday 19th June 2021 at 11:59 PM.
The literature search is one of the main steps in coming up with a valid and admissible research question and for planning the research process. Since there are various published data available for research, finding the right and relevant literature is key to the whole process. It can, however, be time-consuming and frustrating, which might lead to abandonment of the whole process.
The literature search is done to identify the main areas that go into the research question. This is done in a systematic and organized way to ensure that no part of the research is left out. For example, the literature search might identify the key reference points that the research needs to be based upon. It also ensures that the references presented are valid and from the available data that is to be used (Grewal,Kataria, and Dhawan,2016).
The literature search if done correctly identifies the appropriate methodology, design of the study question, and sampling methods. The methodology to be used in the research is identified from the available literature that is in line with the research method and question.
The literature search also helps formulate a good and unique research question that needs to be tackled as the main component of the research. The research question needs to be relevant and based on the available literature obtained from the initial process of literature search. The literature obtained then acts as both the guiding line and reference for the whole research. The question needs to meet certain criteria set, and in doing so, the question should be interesting and relevant to the area of study.
Grewal, A., Kataria, H., & Dhawan, I. (2016). Literature search for research planning and identification of research problem. Indian journal of anaesthesia, 60(9), 635.
no 2
Research in literature is usually carried out by medical academics, research and development staff, businessmen and health care in large institutions and companies. They rely on books, scientific journals, articles, and others for a specific topic to identify knowledge gaps and support discussions. One of the most important reasons is to obtain sufficient information to formulate a valid research question (SRIRAM, 2018).
The importance of literary research lies in determining the appropriate methodology, study design, sampling methods, analysis techniques, and how concepts are measured. In addition, it affects the final result, which contributes to avoiding defects or gaps. As I mentioned at the beginning, formulating a good question is very crucial to facilitate good clinical scientific research. It may be a general question or directed to the patient about the effect of a treatment, disease, advantage or defect. PICOT is a well-known approach to good question formulation, (p) stands for patients: significant category, (I) stands for intervention: what is the important intervention? ,(c) stands for comparison, (o) stands for outcome, (t) stands for time. For example, we need to evaluate a particular drug, so that the treatment of an anesthetic must comply with certain criteria referred to as FINER’ F-Feasible, I-Interesting, N-Novel, E-Ethical, R-Relevant (Grewal et al., 2016).
Without research, you are almost defenseless and your inability to confront. Suppose that we do not have forecasts and proactive tools for the weather, we cannot know the occurrence of hurricanes or volcanoes. This applies to scientific medical research and how to find solutions, ask questions, and search for answers to become an effective invention. Therefore, research is invaluable and is considered the most reliable method (“How does research impact your everyday life?”, 2016).
Grewal, A., Kataria, H., & Dhawan2, I. (2016). Literature search for research planning and identification of research problem. ncbi. Retrieved 13 June 2021, from
How does research impact your everyday life?. studyinternational. (2016). Retrieved 13 June 2021, from
SRIRAM, R. (2018). How to do an effective literature search in 5 steps. kolabtree. Retrieved 13 June 2021, from
UofM Impact of Producing Too Much Luxurious Food to Humanity Paper Writing Assignment Help
Word count at least 600
Has the mass production of foods that were once luxuries but are now commonplace (sugar, white flour, meat) benefited humanity, or harmed it? Explain, using specific examples?
Writing requirement:
I recommend completing outlines for each with a first sentence, thesis statement (your main idea), three paragraph ideas with specific examples, and the main idea for a conclusion.
1) THESIS STATEMENT. Make sure you address all parts of the prompt/question, and be specific. For example, if you are answering question 1, you must address both parts of the prompt – the factors causing separation from food sources AND the effects of this separation. (“Urbanization and the mass factory production of food during the Industrial Revolution caused humans to be increasingly alienated from nature and their food sources. The most important long term effects have been environmental pollution and cruelty toward animals.”) Your thesis statement needs to state your complete answer, which you will then go on to “prove” with specific examples in your essay.
2) OUTLINE/STRUCTURE. As you set up your outline (see template in midterm essay module) make sure that in addition to a clear thesis statement you’ve written down strong topic sentences and specific examples for each paragraph. In your midterm essays many of you started off with great ideas but did not provide specific examples. For example, if you wrote “Crops from the Americas led to many important changes in Europe,” you should go on to define what crops and what exactly those changes were; did the population increase because of corn and potato consumption? Provide a statistic, tell me where and when this happened. Once you’ve given your specific examples you should explain why and how this helps prove your thesis.
3) CONTEXT. Remember to address the “Five Ws” in your essay – who, what, when, where, and why – especially as you are setting up the historical context.
4) TEXTUAL SOURCES. Some of the readings that will help you most in your final essay prep:
Sugar Revolution / lecture on sugar, Cronon, Pilcher (Planet Taco), Schlosser (Fast Food Nation, chapte 5 only), Taste of Boredom
UofM Impact of Producing Too Much Luxurious Food to Humanity Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Drugs in Sports Essay Writing Assignment Help
ESSAY 2: Explaining a Concept
This essay is the first in a series of three essays that will deal with a single issue or event in the world today. In this essay, you will be explaining the facts of your event or issue, not presenting the various perspectives or your own personal view on your issue. This is the place where you present a view of the data the upcoming perspectives are based on.
You may choose to approach this assignment in one of several ways, depending on your issue. You may choose to present a timeline of events leading up to present day. You may choose to present the basic concepts on which your issue rests. You may choose to combine these approaches. However you approach this assignment, you need to remember to retain an empirical stance while striving to present your data in a unique, interesting way. For presentation ideas, refer to the example essays in Chapter 4 of The Saint Martin’s Guide to Writing, “Explaining a Concept”.
Some tips to completing this assignment successfully:
- Try to find a unique angle or presentation for you issue in order to engage the reader.
- Focus on one aspect of your broad issue–you’re going for depth, not breadth of coverage
- Remember to stick to an empirical stance. You will have the chance to present the different sides of your issue, as well as your own position, at a later date.
This essay must be at least 4 pages long, set in Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins. Your text must be double-spaced and you must use MLA format. Also, remember to cite all information that you cull from outside sources.
West Coast University Week 7 Health Issues and Diseases Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
What Can America Learn From Japan?
As the week’s resources reveal, the Japanese experience demonstrates the importance of cultural issues, such as caring and sharing, that profoundly influence health outcomes. Without considering culture, one cannot begin to explain why Japan is the world’s healthiest nation on most mortality indicators despite having a high proportion of men smoking and the highest rates of low-birth weight babies among rich nations.
Furthermore, health outcomes in Japan are significantly better than those in the U.S., even though the U.S. spends much more on health care. What can the U.S. learn from this country?
To prepare for this Discussion, review your Learning Resources on Japan’s health status.
By Day 4
Post a brief analysis of how reconstruction after World War II contributed to Japan’s contemporary health status. Then, summarize one significant political feature and one legal feature of Japan’s contemporary health care system that contributes to Japan’s population health status. Offer two reasons (historical, political, legal, and/or cultural) for the disparity between the Japanese and American populations in health achievement. Finally, suggest two lessons other countries can learn from the Japanese experience to improve their own health status. Expand on your insights utilizing the Learning Resources.
Use APA formatting for your Discussion and to cite your resources.
By Day 6
Respond to your colleagues’ postings. Provide a substantive reply to your colleagues in one or more of the following ways and expand on your insights utilizing the Learning Resources:
- Validate an idea with your own experience.
- Offer polite disagreement or critique, supported with evidence.
In addition, you may also respond as follows:
- Offer and support an opinion.
- Make a suggestion or comment that guides the discussion.
Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.
Response 1
Jasmine James
RE: Discussion – Week 7
Japan’s Health care System
Reconstruction after World War II contributed to Japan’s contemporary health status by enhancing the distribution of basic needs across Japanese communities. After the war, access to necessities such as food, housing, water, and sanitation increased, thus reducing the vulnerability of Japan to ill-health. For example, the government instituted price controls, a move that facilitated an equal distribution of rice across all households (World Health Organization, n.d.). Moreover, cooperation policies like the dispensation of disinfectants and waste collection boosted child growth by protecting children from sanitation-related diseases. Hence, the wide distribution of basic needs, courtesy of reconstruction, enhanced public health in Japan.
The political and legal features of Japan’s contemporary health care system that have ameliorated public health include universal health insurance and the Long Term Care Insurance Law. The strong egalitarian principles implemented by the government led to the introduction of National Health Insurance (NHI). Under NHI, health coverage is extended to the entire population under Employees’ Health Insurance and Community Health Insurance (CHI) plans (World Health Organization, 2018). In the legal context, the introduction of the Long Term Care Insurance Law provides coverage for elderly care. Under this law, any senior citizen battling health issues is legible for coverage (Suzuki, 2018). Its merits include diminishing caregiver burden and increasing access to the resources vital for the aging population. Therefore, Japan owes its contemporary health status to universal health insurance and Long Term Care insurance Law.
Universal health care and labor policies have contributed to disparities in health between Americans and Japanese. In Japan, universal health care is available to all people. However, only senior citizens enjoy this privilege in the U.S. (Suzuki, 2018). Furthermore, labor and employment protection policies are weaker in the U.S. than in Japan. For instance, by 2010, single-earner nuclear families with two children earned 45% in long-term unemployment insurance, while the rates were 90% in Japan (Avendano & Kawachi, 2014). Hence, the U.S. lags in health status due to the lack of universal coverage and weak labor laws.
Other countries should emulate Japan’s lifestyles and doctor compensation systems. Physical activities like walking are embraced in Japan, given the high cost of driving (Suzuki, 2018). Moreover, the Japanese are incentivized to eat less since food prices are high. Americans should thus emulate Japan, given their physical inactivity and binge eating habits. Likewise, Canada should scrap its fee-for-service model where doctor’s compensation depends on the services offered. The framework motivates physicians to provide expensive, unnecessary treatments (Laberge et al., 2017). They should copy Japan’s system of putting some specialists on salaries to lower health care costs. Hence, Japan’s health status woes other countries to be physically active and shun fee-for-service models.
Jasmine T. James
Avendano, M., & Kawachi, I. (2014). Why do Americans have shorter life expectancy and worse health than do people in other high-income countries? Annual Review of Public Health, 35, 307-325.
Laberge, M., Wodchis, W. P., Barnsley, J., & Laporte, A. (2017). Costs of health care across primary care models in Ontario. BMC Health Services Research, 17(1), 511.
Suzuki, T. (2018). Health status of older adults living in the community in Japan: Recent changes and significance in the super‐aged society. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 18(5), 667-677.
World Health Organization. (2018). Japan health system review. Health Systems in Transition, 8(1), pp. 7.;jsessionid=D71EC76B9D491C7DE77732D94C0D9741?sequence=1
World Health Organization. (n.d.). Global database on the Implementation of Nutrition Action (GINA).
Response 2
Winnifred Obeya-Ekoja
RE: Discussion – Week 7
Health status in japan
Analysis of how reconstruction after World War II contributed to Japan’s health status.
After the defeat of Japan in the second world war (WWII), the health situation of the country was very poor, so much that the country ranked low in comparison to many countries in terms of health indicators while the United States of America was one of the healthiest nations of the world. After the destruction of Japan by the war, the subsequent years that followed, saw Japan being led by the Allied Force, which the United States was a member of. The Allied force occupied Japan for some time and created the famous reformation of military, political, economic, and social changes in Japan. These were done primarily in three ways: Through demilitarization, democratization, and decentralization. After this historical period and after the creation and enactment of numerous health policies, Japan became one of the healthiest nations in the world. (Suzuki, 2018) (Bezruchka, 2011).
Political Feature That Contributed to Japan’s Population Health Status.
The war was devastating for Japanese but after the war, the Allied Force who took over the country were able to create a democratic state of governance. After democratization and the enactment of the constitution thereafter, the new constitution gave the Japanese citizen a right to vote, academic freedom, free education, and public health as one of its focus. The constitution empowered the government to reduce economic disparities and improve the health of the citizen. Today we would be able to conclude that the continued health status being relished by the country was facilitated by the democratic political government that established the constitutions and the policies, public health policies included. (Suzuki, 2018) (Bezruchka, 2011).
Legal Feature That Contributed to Japan’s Population Health Status.
After the War, through the decentralization of the Japanese government, Japan was able to introduce legislation and create policies that were able to address equity. This included land reform and equal distribution of wealth and power. (Bezruchka, 2011). Provision of basic needs like food water, sanitation, and shelter after the war facilitated subsequent health improvements. Strict legislation of the staple food, (rice) also ensured the equal distribution of rice which is the main nutrition for the citizens. Japan’s good health status today is primarily the result of the country’s health care legislative system that focus on economic equality. (Suzuki, 2018)
Two reasons for the disparity between the Japanese and American populations in health achievement.
As of 2016, Statistics obtained from the World Health organization shows that Japan has a Life expectancy at birth for female at 87 and male at 81. The total expenditure on health per capita remains at 3,727 while the total expenditure on health as % of GDP is at 10.2. While on the other hand, the United States of America (USA) has a life expectancy at birth for females at 81 and male at 76. The total expenditure on health per capita remains at 9,403 while the total expenditure on health as % of GDP is at 17.1(2016). These numbers were obtained in less than 35 years after the war, due to the policies enacted by the country. First, the Japanese government focus on Legislation that dealt with Land reform which gave 94% of the land to the people, bridging the gap between the have and the have nots. These policies focused on continued economic equality that would foster continued public health. With these measures and legislation, the country became an economic egalitarian society that contributed to the deep changes in disparities. Secondly, the Japanese believe in the culture and values of collectiveness called the “wa”, which also means “social Harmony”. Although this system was practice prewar, it still exists today. The Japanese viewed the value of collective functioning which enable them to work together to enact laws, and policies, making japan, one of the healthiest nations in the world. (Bezruchka, 2011) (Suzuki, 2018).
After the defeat of Japan in World War II, the United States led the Allies, in the bid to reconstruct the country, enacted widespread military, political, economic, and social reforms. And during the reconstructive years and up till date, the Japanese local and national government enacted laws to ensure quality health care for its citizens. This reconstruction empowered japan towards a remarkable health care system that showcases the health advances they have, making it one of the healthiest nations in the world Bezruchka, S. (2011). Japan’s statutory health insurance system (SHIS) offers coverage to 98.3 percent of the populace, including Citizens, and residents/noncitizens, however, undocumented immigrants and visitors are excluded from coverage (Tikkanen et al, 2020). The pathway to this insurance coverage erupted from the strong egalitarian principles and policies enacted by the country, therefore, the Japanese health care system should be an example for the United States of America. (Bezruchka, 2011).
Bezruchka, S. (2011). Laureate Education (Producer). Global health and issues in disease prevention. “Health Status in Japan”. [Multimedia file]. Retrieved from
Milestones: 1945–1952. (n.d.). Office of the Historian.
Tikkanen, R., Osborn, R., Mossialos, E., Djordjevic, A., Wharton, G. (2020). International Health Care System Profiles. Japan. Commonwealth Fund. Retrieved 7/15/2020 from
Response 3
19 hours ago
Charles Maumo
RE: Discussion – Week 7
Japan is at the forefront of the international health index, boasting one of the highest life expectancies in the world (OECD, 2019). This has not always been the case, however, as the country suffered one of the poorest health rates during World War II. Their rise to prominence occurred after the political power exchanged hands after the war.
Japan’s Reconstruction after WWII and the Healthcare System
Following the conclusion of WWII, Japan suffered one of the lowest health rates in the continent. However, multiple changes in policies, political organization and social perspectives were implemented over three decades, leading to an upsurge in results. The Allied occupation that regulated the region after the war instated a democratic government to succeed the previous regime (Bezruchka, Namekata & Sistrom, 2008). This substitute implemented a collection of new policies that were established by the occupying force which led to the improvement of the healthcare system.
A cross-sectional connection between health levels and income distribution is noted via the enhanced life expectancy of the region (Sakamoto et al., 2018). This suggests that improved economic conditions can have a positive influence on the health status of a population. As such, Japan’s efforts towards creating a better life for their citizens resulted in better levels of healthcare in the process (WHO, 2016). The government’s egalitarian approach also ensures that issues such as increased income disparity are effectively addressed and negated. This was achieved through the decentralization of wealth and power, demilitarization of the society, and democratization of political processes (Bezruchka, Namekata & Sistrom, 2008). As such, the Japanese army was abolished and a new constitution was drafted to govern the region.
Economic influence was also ceased from the ruling families that had previously dominated the nation. This was done through the rewriting of the civil code and the takeover of education from the central bureaucracy. Maximum wage was also legislated, while the emergence of labor unions was genuinely fostered (Bezruchka, Namekata & Sistrom, 2008). The land reforms instituted after the war allowed tenants to purchase the land they tilled, enhancing the distribution of wealth.
The overall improvement of Japan’s political and economic system encouraged the sustained improvement of its health status. The focus on a variety of elements including economic stability, income distribution and government support affected healthcare through multiple diverging facets. This change was further backed by the actual healthcare policies set in place for the community.
Japan’s Contemporary Healthcare System
A major political factor that played a role in the development of Japan’s healthcare system is the egalitarian principles practiced by their government. Though other countries aim to focus their policies based on the welfare of their citizens, the level of implementation is not similar to Japan. The country details the rights and duties of its people in 31 clauses, three of which bend the government towards addressing economic disparity, as well as improving the healthcare of its citizens (Bezruchka, Namekata & Sistrom, 2008). This is a major difference compared to other constitutions such as the United States. An excellent example of this dedication was seen in the enactment of the Health Insurance Act of 1922, which was dedicated to providing sufficient healthcare to all workers. This bill was supported by both the government and different industrial sectors (Sakamoto et al., 2018).
A significant legal feature in the Japanese healthcare system can be found in the regulation of ownership and management of hospitals and other institutions in this sector. Japanese hospitals are required by law to operate as non-profit establishments and can only be managed by qualified physicians (Hiromoto, Suwa & Hamada, 2019). All for-profit organizations are strictly prohibited from owning such facilities. This regulation ensures that the primary objective of any hospital is the provision of healthcare services to members of the community, as there is no business opportunity related to the venture. The requirement of an official physician running the facilities also ensures that the appropriate individuals are placed in charge. By insisting that hospitals be run by doctors, the healthcare system effectively enhances the potential functionality of these institutions (Hiromoto, Suwa & Hamada, 2019).
The Disparities between the Japanese and American Healthcare System
A major political difference between the Japanese and US healthcare system is the egalitarian approach implemented by the government of the former. The bond between citizens and the social structure of the Japanese culture has affected the manner in which the government conducts its business (Sakamoto et al., 2018). Leaders from Japan view the delivery of effective services to their citizens as a proud achievement that is strived for while in office. US leaders have a lower level of commitment to their responsibilities, as seen by their constant struggle to amass more influence to their office.
The legal regulations influencing the control and management of healthcare institutions such as hospitals can be another reason for the disparity between US and Japanese systems. The enforced non-profit status of hospitals in Japan automatically negates the involvement of money-minded profiteers who would lower quality to enhance margins. The presence of a distinct functionary role as a provider of an essential utility means that these positions attract individuals who are interested in the provision of these services as a calling and not an enterprise (Hiromoto, Suwa & Hamada, 2019). This enhances the level of quality available from each hospital, as well as ensures the uniform distribution of medical services and products to members of the community.
The Japanese Healthcare Experience
A major lesson that can be learned from studying the Japanese healthcare system in relation to the social structure and political influence involved is the application of an egalitarian approach. The provision of equal rights and opportunities to the public greatly enhances the distribution of resources within a system. This approach should be taken by everyone involved, including citizens, public officials and related government policies (Bezruchka, Namekata & Sistrom, 2008). The US system is greatly prohibited by the financial implications involved with healthcare delivery, as people are treated according to their economic standing in life. Getting rid of this imbalance is crucial in developing a new and improved healthcare system.
The increased regulation of hospitals and related institutions is another crucial lesson that can be taken from studying the Japanese system. Expensive medication is a problem for many countries due to the exorbitant prices charged by hospitals in the industry. Restricting these facilities from making a profit effectively reduces the potential price of products and services provided. It also stabilizes the cost of living in connection to acquiring appropriate healthcare services.
Bezruchka, S., Namekata, T., & Sistrom, M. (2008). Interplay of Politics and Law to Promote
Health. Retrieved 8 July 2020, from
Hiromoto, F., Suwa, N., & Hamada, M. (2019). Healthcare Law Review – Japan. Retrieved 8
July 2020, from
OECD, (2019). OECD Reviews of Public Health: Japan: A Healthier Tomorrow, OECD Publishing, Paris.
Sakamoto, H., Rahman, M., Namura, S., Koike, S., Yasunaga, H., & Okamoto, E. et al. (2018).
Response 4
Odion Clunis
RE: Discussion – Week 7
What Can America Learn From Japan?
How reconstruction after World War II contributed to Japan’s contemporary health status
The Supreme Command of Allied Powers (SCAP) is responsible for Reconstruction after World War II in Japan (Reynolds et al., 2008). SCAP dismantled the Japanese Army and banned former military officers from taking roles of political leadership. Reports that demilitarization, democratization, and decentralization within Japan have improved the overall health and wellness(Bezruchka et al., 2008).
Significant political feature & legal feature of Japan’s contemporary health care system
One significant political feature of the reconstruction was the new constitution enforced by SCAP in 1947(Reynolds et al., 2008). The constitution included; downgrading the Emperor’s status to a figurehead without political control and placing more power into the parliamentary system (Reynolds et al., 2008). The legal feature highlighted more rights and privileges for women and land reform. The “reverse course,” which lasted until 1950, prepared Japan for economic rehabilitation. Occupation policies to address the weakening economy ranged from tax reforms to measures aimed at controlling inflation(Reynolds et al., 2008). For example, both female educational attainment and an increase in ‘career-minded women’ have increased over the last decades of women in the working-age population (20–40 years old) (Mariko et al., 2016). More women represent Japan’s labor force, in which participation rates increased from around 50% to 70% during the years of 1975 to 2014 among the working-age population (Mariko et al., 2016).
Reasons for the disparity between the Japanese and American
The prevalence of overweight and obesity is higher in the US than in Japan (Jansen et al., 2014). Education level and marital status are predictors of overweight for older Americans but not for older Japanese people (Reynolds et al., 2008). In Japan, the majority of employed women categorized as non-regular workers. Non-regular workers include part-time workers and other groups, such as dispatched workers, contract workers, and temporary employees (Mariko et al., 2016). Precarious employment, including non-regular workers in Japan, is a social determinant of health; the World Health Organization (WHO) has drawn attention to its effects on workers’ health (Mariko et al., 2016).
Lessons other countries can learn from the Japanese experience
When compared to the US, Japan has improved its health status considerably. They have been successful at acknowledging the importance of the Japanese culture and its significance to sustaining and improving the health of a population. Other countries should act similarly by understanding that external influences want to control their country must remain limited. For example, decentralization in Japan created social harmony because people from various cultural experiences were able to work collectively to develop and implement policy (Bezruchka et al., 2008). They were also utilizing the culture to influence policy and improve health care systems. Moreover, a shift towards diverse employment patterns influences deteriorating health among the entire working population, regardless of Japan’s employment status. The vicious cycle of non-regular work and poverty arguably influences the next generation; all sectors of society should engage in efforts to prevent this from continuing (Mariko et al., 2016).
Reynolds, S. L., Hagedorn, A., Yeom, J., Saito, Y., Yokoyama, E., & Crimmins, E. M. (2008). A tale of two countries–the United States and Japan: are differences in health due to differences in overweight?. Journal of Epidemiology, 18(6), 280–290.
Mariko, I., Mariko, N., & Shinobu, T. (2016). Female non-regular workers in Japan: their current status and health.
Jensen, M., Gibson, P., Collins, C., Hilton, J., & Wood, L. (2014). Obesity Influences on The Lung: Sleep, Diet, Activity, And Metabolic Outcomes in Children with And Without Asthma: A Cross-Sectional Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 189, 1.
Bezruchka, S., Namekata, T., & Sistrom, M. (2008). Interplay of Politics and Law to Promote
Health. Retrieved 8 July 2020, from
WHO, (2016). Key Country Indicator Summaries. Japan. Retrieved on 14 July 2020, from
West Coast University Week 7 Type of Bias Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
cholarly writing has traditions and expectations. It is different from journalism or letter writing because you are providing insights on the issues that are grounded in research, critical reading and analysis rather than presenting an opinion or a personal belief. Scholarly writers strive for academic integrity and work to keep personal bias and beliefs out of their writing. Review your Learning Resources and view the media provided on scholarly writing.
For this Discussion identify a type of bias that you may have committed (or you could imagine committing due to carelessness) and share steps you can take to avoid it in future communications.
By Day 4
Post a brief summary or statement involving a type of bias, other than research bias, that you may have committed, Then, explain why you think it presents bias. Provide an example of how the bias can be reduced by using scholarly voice. Expand on your insights using the Learning Resources..
Use APA formatting for your discussion and to cite your resources.
By Day 6
Respond to your colleagues’ postings. Provide a substantive reply to your colleagues in the following way:
- Expand on the colleague’s posting with additional insight and resources on his or her use of scholarly voice and bias.
Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message
Michelle Gordon-Releford
RE: Discussion – Week 7
Bias in writing can lead to generalization, objectivity, and false hierarchies in the scholarly literature (2020a, 2020b) Walden University. Generalization of groups does not acknowledge the variation among groups Walden University (2020). The specificity of a topic for the targeted audience is vital to avoiding bias, as it clarifies description (2020). Objectivity in scholarly writing will provide a negative/positive opinion, subjective information, and personal pronouns Purdue University Online Writing Lab (2020a, 2020b) Walden University.
According to 2020, the order of grouping in a presentation may imply that the first-mentioned group is baseline causing the reader to believe that any groups mentioned after are below the baseline.
I am pretty sure that I am guilty of generalization and possibly emotion-filled language. My passions include helping young women (12-25 approximately) who experience intimate partner violence. In my writing, the description has varied from youth to women. Corrections will vary depending on which section of the age group the literature pertains too.
Reference Principles for Reducing Bias (2020).
Purdue University Online Writing (n.d). Lab Tips for Writing in North
American colleges: Objectivity.… Retrieved July 13, 2020
Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.) Scholarly voice: Avoiding bias.
Response 2
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2 days ago
RE: Discussion – Week 7
One of the biases I have unfortunately committed several times is the “recall bias” when it comes to working on case control studies. Recall bias is defined as bias created when researchers ask participants to recall exposures that might have happened in the past to contribute to a certain disease/outcome (Vetter & Mascha, 2017).In doing this, the researcher relies on the basis that the information being recalled by participants is accurate even though it may not be. In many of my case-control studies I published earlier on, this was a problem especially in environmental studies because they can be a great number of exposures that occur at the time and thus it may be difficult to attribute the certain exposures to an outcome. If the primary aim is to show that an exposure leads to a chosen outcome, then a randomized clinical trial is much effective for this type of study. In a clinical trial design, we are able to randomized subjects to the exposure/intervention group and then monitor them to see whether they develop the outcome (Beghi, 2016). I have noticed that detailing the specific aims and purpose of my study helps to lead me in designing an effective study design, at least one less bias.
Alvarez-Dardet, C., & Ashton, J.R. (2014). Bias. Journal of epidemiology and community
health, 58 (8), 629.
Beghi E. (2016). The Basic Structure of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Frontiers of neurology and
neuroscience, 39, 1–7.
Vetter, T. R., & Mascha, E. J. (2017). Bias, Confounding, and Interaction: Lions and Tigers, and
Bears, Oh My! Anesthesia and analgesia, 125(3), 1042–1048.
Response 3
Perry McClinton
RE: Discussion – Week 7
Week seven discussion one
Student: Chaplain P. McClinton
Class: PUBH 8003
Subject: Finding yourself
Greetings to all.
Self-Serving Bias
In my younger days and yes I was young once, self-serving bias could have been my nickname, because when things went right I knew that my voice made the outcome results positive and when things didn’t add up my actions and voice never embraced negativity just seen no glory (Karpen, 2018). Never understood why, I had to always be on the winner’s side of everything and thoughts and words mint more then my team members.
My late mother once told us a story, in which I was the center of the whole story. She said when I was a go getter but thought I was born great and nothing goes right without me, she ended the story by saying “A stump is useless without its top and a wild boy becomes idol in his ways and loses his spunk, stop thinking that you’re the center fold of the world”.
It took me some years to figure this out, the moral of this story, is where you may not feel or see bias others do.
In checking myself, and seeing the other side of the individuals whom receiving the negativity. The idea behind self-check is to become a motivator for the bias, there are thought to be two motivations for using the self-serving bias (Park & Kitayama, 2012). a). Self-enhancement and self-presentation b). The concept of self-enhancement applies to the need to keep up one’s self-worth.
Park, J & Kitayama, S., (2012). Self-Serving Bias. ScienceDirect.…
Karpen S. C. (2018). The Social Psychology of Biased Self-Assessment. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 82(5), 6299.
Response 4
Samantha Smith
RE: Discussion – Week 7
There are various types of biases, but regardless of the type, it is still rooted in judgment. According to The University of California, San Francisco Office of Diversity and Outreach, bias is a prejudgment supporting or opposing a thing, person, or group in an unfavorable comparison. Two of the main types of biases are conscious and unconscious. Also, respectively are identified as explicit and implicit biases (Unconscious Bias, n.d.).
I used to think that I was not biased. I consider myself to be objective and non-judgmental. However, after some research, I know I am guilty of unconscious bias. It is an unintentional act derived from a preconceived idea (Brownstein, 2019). When I reflect, my bias was subtle. I realized I always had a subconscious thought of morbidly obese individuals. I automatically assumed they overeat, are lazy, and inconsiderate of their health. Acknowledging this bias was difficult, but I cannot deny it because I know I formed a judgment about a group of people without any insight into their mental and health.
Initially, I would have been unable to write about my bias in a scholarly tone because it lacked objectivity and was not evidence-based. However, to reduce the bias and write in a scholarly tone, I would research peer-reviewed articles that target the mental and physical well-being of morbidly obese people. The articles may support or oppose my opinion but enable me to write in a clear, concise, and unbiased tone.
Learning Resources videos were helpful; I appreciate that the delivery of the information is brief and concise. Sometimes the number of Learning Resources can be overwhelming, but I have learned to embrace each of them because something I obtained can help me in my professional and personal life.
Brownstein, M. (2019). “Implicit bias”, the Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Fall 2019 ed.). Edward N. Zalta (ed.). (Original work published 2015)
Unconscious bias. (n.d.). UCSF Office of Diversity and Outreach.
Carrington College My IQ Was Estimated to Range BW 102 & 118 Intelligence Report Writing Assignment Help
IQ Activity
Intelligence is a term we hear a lot but what exactly measures our intelligence? Your activity for this assignment is to explore an intelligence test and write about your results.
First, type in your search engine “free intelligence test” and locate an intelligence test you can take online that will give you your IQ results. If you are unable to find one, your instructor can give you some suggestions.
Once you have completed the test, review the results that are provided to you.
Then, write a one-page (three paragraphs) report in which you answer the following questions.
- Briefly describe the test and your results.
- In considering your experience with taking the test, what variables may have influenced your scores?
- Do you think this test is a valid measurement of intelligence? Why or why not?