Charles Sturt University ERP System in a Manufacturing Company Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Charles Sturt University ERP System in a Manufacturing Company Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. Charles Sturt University ERP System in a Manufacturing Company Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.

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You are the CIO of a manufacturing firm. The CEO and CFO continue to express concern over the lack of integration among business processes within their functional business areas. They believe the solution for this is an ERP system coupled with Supply Chain Management and Customer Relationship functionality.

Both executives have heard negative reports from executives in other companies and from the press of failed ERP implementations. To avoid duplicating the same situation in their organization, the CEO and CFO request that you submit a Proposed Approach to Implementing an ERP System report. Ultimately, they want to determine if their company is ready for ERP.

Your report should include the following content:

  • A proposed approach to evaluating ERP vendors and their software products’ fitness to meet your requirements. The requirements, at this stage, reflect the functional business processes that your firm needs to implement.

This submission is the second requirement of the final deliverable for the Portfolio Project. Your deliverable should be 6 to 8 pages in length not including the required title and reference pages and and conform to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Charles Sturt University ERP System in a Manufacturing Company Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Bridgeport Macro Environmental Forces Analytical Review Business Finance Assignment Help

I attached file for the chicken parts Article.

The Bloomberg News Chicken Parts article is an example of how an external macroenvironmental force can impact an organization’s profitability. Write a one-page analysis of your thoughts and ideas based on the article. Chicken Parts Article.pdf

Then, write a second page based on how you think macroenvironmental forces can impact new college graduates. Here is what you will be graded on:

  • Select 3 of the 6 macroenviromental forces
  • Identify and provide an example and brief explanation for each of your selections
  • Spelling and grammar
  • Include your name, title of one-pager, date, and page number in the footer of each page

Macroenvironmental Forces

  • Competitive
  • Economic
  • Legal/Regulatory
  • Political
  • Socio-Cultural
  • Technological


Albuquerque Barber College Service Learning Experience Discussion Writing Assignment Help

hi there i want you to write Service Learning Experience Prereflection about Community Composting at Greco Gardens (community garden!) this there website you should investigate it and write your responses to the following questions Your Pre reflection post would equal about two to three double-spaced pages and should address the following:

  • What is service learning and social responsibility to you?
  • Which service organization did you select
  • Why did you select this service organization?
  • What needs within the community does the organization serve?
  • What groups/individuals does the organization serve and what other groups/individuals/communities could benefit from the types of services provided by this organization?
  • Does the organization have a mission and/or vision statement and if so what is it?
  • What do you think you might learn from this project?


UArizona Single Firm to Produces Goods & Services With No Close Substitutes Reply Economics Assignment Help

or this assignment, you must use detailed statistical data, researched information and financial or economic theories to support the arguments that you will present in your text.

Research an issue related to Monopolies or Oligopolies which has negatively impacted the economy of a particular country or region of your choosing in the past or in the present.

You should include all of the following in your text, but can choose to incorporate more information so as to provide a more complete response:

  • Very briefly describe a Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopoly industry or Oligopoly industry operating in the country or the region of your choice. You must use statistical data and factual information to address this question.
  • Briefly describe the issue caused by that Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopoly industry or Oligopoly industry in the country or region that you chose.
  • You must integrate at least two economic concepts acquired in this class to explain how the Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopoly industry or Oligopoly industry negatively impacted the country or region that you chose. You can use graphs or equations to relate the theory that you chose.
  • Use the knowledge acquired in this class to make a normative assessment and propose a policy recommendation that you believe would help to mitigate the adverse impact(s) of the Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopoly industry or Oligopoly industry on the country or region that you chose. (This last question will account for a significant portion of your Discussion Forum grade)
  • While addressing your classmates,
  • Treat your response to your classmates as if you were addressing the question. As such, you should do one or more of the following:

This was the question. Three people answered it. You have to response to those people. each response should be 200 words at least.

I have attached the answer of those 3 people


Walden University Conflict Resolution Culture Identity & Power PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

Based on the attachment here make 5 to 8 slides powerpoint based on the chapter 7 here and the recommendation reading I attach here.

Using APA Style, In order to do the powerpoint slides you have to read the book chapters (7) I attach here.

In each powerpoint slide put a summary in the add note what each slide powerpoint is about.


1. Time: 5 minutes per individual for presentation on the assigned readings.


a) Read the assigned required material (e.g. readings, audiovisual material). Identify the author’s main argumentor overall point, the overall question the author’s main argument answers, the reasons and evidence the author gives to support their argument, and the aspect of conflict (or violence, conflict resolution or peace) that is the author’s focus.

A good way of addressing these main elements of a text is to ask questions and jot down answers. For example, ask: What does the author argue in this chapter (book, video, podcast, article, etc)? What overall question is the author’s argument responding to? What reasons and evidence does the author give to support their main argument? What specific thing about conflict (violence, peace, conflict resolution, etc) does the author focus on or highlight? What is the purpose of each section? What does the author want the reader to know and understand well?

b) State your position clearly and concisely. What do you say in response to the author? Demonstrate your ability to read, reflect and contribute a thoughtful response. Your answer may be either one of the following: “I agree that/with….”; “I disagree that/with…….”; “I agree that….., however, I disagree that_____.” It is not enough to merely agree or disagree. Support your answer with one good reason.

2. Finally pose ONE good question. Yes, several questions come up as you read and worked on the assignment. Please note them down. However, notice you do not have much time and you do not want to overwhelm your audience with so many questions or throw them off! So, please look at the many questions you had and select one that is clear, brief (not long winded) and compelling. Tell your audience why you think it is important for them to consider or worth discussing. You can always return to what you wanted to explain in greater detail during the Q&A.

On the matter of a good question. Learning to pose a good question is an important conflict resolution skill. A good question is one that advances discussion or debate in a way that invites the audience to join you in thinking again about a conflict issue, or, generating new knowledge or insights, or expanding existing understanding and knowledge. It gets your audience’s attention. Engages them. Provokes thought and motivates participation.

So, how do I get to do this you may ask? A good way is to read your assigned readings carefully for the way the authors pose questions and/or respond to question posed by other scholars and practitioners in the conflict resolution field. Observe how they pose questions. Consider their questions carefully, especially their “fruitfulness” or potential to advance debate on a phenomenon of concern to a broader community of scholars and practitioners. Not all questions advance debate or open up new avenues of inquiry. For example, rhetorical questions, questioning the obvious, and questions that elicit an automatic NO or Yes. Think carefully about the questions you ask. Required reading

Avruch, K. (2013). Context and Pretext in Conflict Resolution: Culture, Identity, Power, and Practice. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. Chapter 5.Brigg, M. and Muller, K. (2009). Conceptualizing Culture in Conflict Resolution. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 30(2), 121-140.


Busch, D. (2012). Cultural Theory and conflict management in organizations: How does theory shape our understanding of culture in practice? International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 12 (1), 9-124.

Busch, D. (2010). How does Culture Affect Conflict Mediation? Disentangling concepts from Theory and Practice, In D. Busch, C-H. Mayer, and C.M. Boness (Eds.), International and Regional Perspectives on Cross-Cultural Mediation(pp.15-47). Peter Lang.



Long Island Business Institute Change Initiative in the Business Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

The Term Paper will be a researched paper.

This paper should focus on analyzing a major change initiative in your business, college, or school.

When writing this paper, you should incorporate terminology and models that were discussed in class.

The paper should follow APA format as required by the UC Dissertation Handbook and include, at minimum, the areas noted below.

In addition, the paper should include extensive use of references from peer reviewed journals, textbooks, and reputable websites. The primary sources of references should be journals and textbooks.




Course Name : The Change Process

Long Island Business Institute Change Initiative in the Business Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECO 2013 Miami Dade College Unemployment Types and Benefits Discussion Economics Assignment Help

Here are four individuals telling you their stories of how they became unemployed. In a multi-paragraph essay, apply the theories of unemployment to explain the type of unemployment that each of these individuals is facing and explain which of these individuals qualifies for unemployment benefits:

1. Two months ago, Marcelle used to work full time in an automobile manufacturing firm. “The factory where I used to work has closed because our market contracted so much, and so I was laid off. This is happening to people all over the country-all you see in the papers is that economic growth has fallen and incomes across the country have fallen. I have been looking very hard for a new job, but have had no luck yet.”

2. Until last week, Dominic used to work full time as a hair-dresser in downtown Cincinnati. “I decided to quit my job, because I want to move to New York City.”

3. Until last month, Francine worked part time at a ski resort. “Well, it is summer now, and so the resort is closed. I will apply again in the winter when the snow is back. I am not interested in working until then.”

4. Two months ago, Beauvoir had been working full time as a secretary. “I was a good typist, but I don’t know how to use a computer. My boss wanted to upgrade the office to computers, and so I was replaced by someone who is computer-savvy. I have been looking for another job, but it appears that I need to learn some computer skills.”


Stanford University Corporate Elections S Corporation Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Corporation Election

Use your favorite search engine to find the IRS’ website; then locate and summarize the information required in making an S corporation election. Why do you think the IRS included these particular items as requirements?

This is a small business election. What portion of the requirements makes this a small business election? In other words, is there anything in the requirements that would make only small companies qualify?

Your postings should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the Discussions.

Do the discussion and do the response #1 and 2 down below

Posted 1

An S Corporation is an election that businesses can make if they qualify under the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) rules. To qualify to become an S Corporation, you must be a company that is solely based in the United States under U.S law. The corporation cannot be expressly recognized as an ineligible corporation. These types of corporations may only have one class of stock and are limited to 100 shareholders in total. An S Corporation is like a partnership in that they are flow-through corporations. They elect to have all income, losses, deductions, and any credits directly to shareholders. Each shareholder will receive a schedule K-1 form that they must include with their taxes. S Corporation is another way to avoid double taxation for shareholders.

S Corporations are a small business election because of the limited number of shareholders and who can be a shareholder. Limits the double taxation on shareholders and reduces liabilities. Shareholders can be individuals, certain types of trust, and estates. They cannot be partnerships, C corporations, and all shareholders must be U.S. citizens. The requirements to be an S Corporation enable small businesses that the corporation owners typically operate, which prevents large corporations from benefiting from being an S corporation.


S Corporations. Internal Revenue Service. (2021, February 16).

Posted 2

For starters, the small business element of the small business election relates to entities with no more than 100 shareholders. In that, the rules state that a company must be a U.S. domestic corporation, one class of stock, less than 100 shareholders, and a few other requirements. A couple of reasons the rules are the way they are is 1) to allow bonified small businesses to take advantage of the liability protection and business structure of a corporation while avoiding double taxation by flowing profits and loses through to its owners and 2) limit bigger corporations from taking advantage of rules designed to benefit small business and small business owners. Small business are usually owner-operated and therefore benefit from the ability to receive their portion of the profits from a business without tax at the entity level. For an entity to elect the S-election they must file form 2553 no later than 2 months and 15 days of the beginning of the tax year the election is to take effect. LLC’s can also elect S-Corp status in order to help avoid payroll taxes! As long as the business continues to meet the requirements for S-Corp election, the business will maintain it.


Bridgeport Why do Organisations Strive for Mediocrity Instead of Excellence Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

read the instructions carefully and im going attach the file

Review and create a two-page analysis of the attached 3 Kinds of Mediocrity article. You must support your analysis by including at least 2 cited references (other than the source article). Your submission is due on or before Sept 27 @ 11:59p.

Include the following in your analysis:

  1. What is mediocrity?
  2. Describe the key points – what are the essential message(s) of the article?
  3. Provide at least one real world example of each type of mediocrity
  4. Explain what you learned – how might this help as you develop your own career strategy?


Miami Regional University Should Childhood Immunizations Be Mandatory or Optional Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

The United States’ health-related views and laws are shaped by social, political, and historical factors that are often part of the larger debate over individual rights versus the collective good.

Although this debate reaches beyond the focus of this week’s topic, discuss and weigh in on some of the following issues:

Should childhood immunizations be mandatory or optional?

Should the government regulate workplace safety, or does this type of regulation stall the growth of companies and the economy?

Should higher insurance rates or taxes be used to punish poor health choices (e.g., cigarettes, “junk” food)? Would this be unfair to individuals, or is this fair since all Americans pay a portion of the healthcare costs to care for these choices?

When, if ever, does national security trump state or individual rights? In major health pandemics? In cases of bioterrorism or biologic weapons?

[supanova_question] You must support your analysis by including at least 2 cited references (other than the source article). Your submission is due on or before Sept 27 @ 11:59p.

Include the following in your analysis:

  1. What is mediocrity?
  2. Describe the key points – what are the essential message(s) of the article?
  3. Provide at least one real world example of each type of mediocrity
  4. Explain what you learned – how might this help as you develop your own career strategy?


Miami Regional University Should Childhood Immunizations Be Mandatory or Optional Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

The United States’ health-related views and laws are shaped by social, political, and historical factors that are often part of the larger debate over individual rights versus the collective good.

Although this debate reaches beyond the focus of this week’s topic, discuss and weigh in on some of the following issues:

Should childhood immunizations be mandatory or optional?

Should the government regulate workplace safety, or does this type of regulation stall the growth of companies and the economy?

Should higher insurance rates or taxes be used to punish poor health choices (e.g., cigarettes, “junk” food)? Would this be unfair to individuals, or is this fair since all Americans pay a portion of the healthcare costs to care for these choices?

When, if ever, does national security trump state or individual rights? In major health pandemics? In cases of bioterrorism or biologic weapons?

[supanova_question] You must support your analysis by including at least 2 cited references (other than the source article). Your submission is due on or before Sept 27 @ 11:59p.

Include the following in your analysis:

  1. What is mediocrity?
  2. Describe the key points – what are the essential message(s) of the article?
  3. Provide at least one real world example of each type of mediocrity
  4. Explain what you learned – how might this help as you develop your own career strategy?


Miami Regional University Should Childhood Immunizations Be Mandatory or Optional Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

The United States’ health-related views and laws are shaped by social, political, and historical factors that are often part of the larger debate over individual rights versus the collective good.

Although this debate reaches beyond the focus of this week’s topic, discuss and weigh in on some of the following issues:

Should childhood immunizations be mandatory or optional?

Should the government regulate workplace safety, or does this type of regulation stall the growth of companies and the economy?

Should higher insurance rates or taxes be used to punish poor health choices (e.g., cigarettes, “junk” food)? Would this be unfair to individuals, or is this fair since all Americans pay a portion of the healthcare costs to care for these choices?

When, if ever, does national security trump state or individual rights? In major health pandemics? In cases of bioterrorism or biologic weapons?

[supanova_question] You must support your analysis by including at least 2 cited references (other than the source article). Your submission is due on or before Sept 27 @ 11:59p.

Include the following in your analysis:

  1. What is mediocrity?
  2. Describe the key points – what are the essential message(s) of the article?
  3. Provide at least one real world example of each type of mediocrity
  4. Explain what you learned – how might this help as you develop your own career strategy?


Miami Regional University Should Childhood Immunizations Be Mandatory or Optional Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

The United States’ health-related views and laws are shaped by social, political, and historical factors that are often part of the larger debate over individual rights versus the collective good.

Although this debate reaches beyond the focus of this week’s topic, discuss and weigh in on some of the following issues:

Should childhood immunizations be mandatory or optional?

Should the government regulate workplace safety, or does this type of regulation stall the growth of companies and the economy?

Should higher insurance rates or taxes be used to punish poor health choices (e.g., cigarettes, “junk” food)? Would this be unfair to individuals, or is this fair since all Americans pay a portion of the healthcare costs to care for these choices?

When, if ever, does national security trump state or individual rights? In major health pandemics? In cases of bioterrorism or biologic weapons?


Charles Sturt University ERP System in a Manufacturing Company Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Charles Sturt University ERP System in a Manufacturing Company Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

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