cHealthy People 2030 Topics Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

cHealthy People 2030 Topics Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. cHealthy People 2030 Topics Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.

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(100 points) ALL I NEED IS THE 3 PEER RESPONSES! I HAVE ALREADY completed my own answer to this discussion. NOW I just need the 200-250 words response to my peers. I have chosen 3 different peers and I will post their response below that we have to respond to!! please let me know if you have any questions. 

Visit the Healthy People 2030 data sources web page: (Links to an external site.)

Pick a data source and identify the following:

  • The population surveyed
  • The information collected
  • What organization collects the data
  • How often the information is collected
  • what HP2030 objectives use this data source
  • How a public health professional could use this data to meet HP2030 objectives (provide 3 examples)

In response to at least three of your peers, react to their examples of how a public health professional could use the data source your classmate identified in their post. What limitations does this data source have? 

For this discussion:

  • Initial post: 300-350 words
  • 3 response posts: 200-250 words
  • References required: 2 references on initial post, one of them being from a source not included in the syllabus. Minimum of 1 reference per response post from a source not included in the syllabus
  • 1) I chose to have my post about “State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation System (STATE)” (,2021). According to “Healthy People 2030”, the collected data by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) organization, targets the general population with no specified age range (,2021). The annually collected data by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) contains information concerning both tobacco utilization activities and tobacco control methods (,2021).      The “Healthy People 2030” have many objectives that use the data from the “State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation System (STATE)” source. One of these objectives is encouraging people to stop smoking and providing them the needed help by providing them better medical insurances that cover the treatment cost completely (,2021). Health professionals can have a major intervention when it comes to this objective. These health professionals can advise and direct their patients to all the available medical insurances that reasonably cover patients smoking cessation treatment (,2021). The second objective that is worth mentioning, is prohibiting the use of any tobacco-containing products by those who are under the age of 21 (,2021). The way how any health professional can have a great intervention in satisfying this specific objective is to participate in medical campaigns that support this second objective. The health professionals’ goals would include explaining the importance of not smoking especially before the age of 21 and making sure that people understand all the harmful consequences of smoking at a younger age. The third objective that I would like to mention is raising the taxes on any tobacco-containing products (,2021). Professional health workers can help to accomplish this objective by working with the government to enhance this objective. These health professionals can use their science-based conclusions on tobacco causing serious health problems to regulate the policy of increasing taxes on tobacco-containing products.
  • 2) A staggering 450,000 people in the United States died from drug overdoses between the years 1999 to 2018, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020). The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) is the primary source of data on substance abuse like over-prescription drugs (painkillers, sedatives, stimulants, and others), besides providing up-to-date statistical information about drug misuse in the U. S and consequences of it.  This program is conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA), according to NSDUH (2021). The survey includes several series of questions through in-person interviews or computer-based collection of sensitive information about substance misuse, which takes place annually. The population covered by this survey is noninstitutionalized 12 years or older U.S citizens. Some of the objectives accomplished by this data source are: more adolescents have adults in their life they can consult with regarding serious problems-AH-03; reduce the proportion of adolescents reporting use of marijuana during the past month-SU-06; increase the proportion of adults with serious mental illness who receive treatment-MHMD-04; increase the percentage of treatment for adults with depression-MHMD-05; higher percentage drug-free pregnant women- MCIH-11; reduce the misuse of prescription drugs in the past year SU-12, and increase the treatment percentage among people with substance abuse- SU-01 (Healthy People 2030, n.d.). Public health professionals adopt these objectives to achieve the health and well-being of all people, involving stakeholders like nonprofit organizations, private and public sectors (Healthy, 2018). Some examples are offer parents programs to prevent youth substance abuse in different cultural environments (SAMHSA, 2018), implementing a routine substance check for pregnant women, especially the ones with a history of smoking or alcohol consumption while they are pregnant, and holding family therapy sessions to help family members recover from the trauma of mental illness and addiction.    

grading Competency:

Assess populations’ needs, assets, and capacities that affect communities’ health.

Learning Objective:

Core Professional Attributes:

Critical Thinking AND Social Responsibility

cHealthy People 2030 Topics Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 315 Ashford University Ethics and Intellectual Property Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Option #1: Ethics and Intellectual Property

Discuss a current ethical issue in the business world that arises out of intellectual property. Research and discuss at least one case to illustrate the ethical issue. Some areas to consider include:

Explain why it is important to protect intellectual property.

Determine how intellectual property should be protected.

Examine if intellectual protections ever go “too far”.

Propose the proper balance between content producers and the public good.

Your well-written paper should be 3-4 pages in length, not including the title or references pages. Include a minimum of three credible sources beyond the textbook. The MGT315 Business Law Library Guide (Links to an external site.) can help you with finding quality resources.

Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed from the Module 5 folder, and make sure to follow the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Please be sure to reach out to your instructor early in the week if you have any questions about the assignment.


JGR 200 Temple College Skills and Roles Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

You are in charge of putting together a fundraising event for an organization that you are passionate about. It could be for a charity, church, school, or any other cause you support. Feel free to be creative! Your fundraising event will include a dinner, performers (artists and/or speakers), and a request for donations to support your chosen organization.

For this assignment, you’ll pick the organization you’re planning the event for. As the team leader, you’ll be in charge of the planning committee — a team of 4 people and yourself. You’ll determine what role each team member will play on the committee, choose the tasks they will be assigned, and identify the skills they’ll need to complete them. We’ll guide you through it step by step!


Step 1: Download the Understanding Skills and Roles Worksheet and save it to your computer.

Step 2: Follow the directions in Parts 1-2 of the worksheet to complete the assignment.

Step 3: Save your document as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR200_ A1.

Step 4: Submit your assignment using the Week 3 assignment link in Blackboard.This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.


ACT 676 Colorado College Issues on Health Laws Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Reply to reach part with 150 words a piece.

Part 1


Act 676 Recently Established in Arkansas in 2019


In Arkansas, there are several new healthcare laws that have been instated in 2019. According to the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement (ACHI) author Jennifer Wessel (2020) states, there are six banners of laws that take healthcare into effect. The six banners are tobacco, injury prevention, the scope of practice, nutrition, immunizations, and miscellaneous. Starting out as Bill Number HB1786 introduced March 11, 2019, at 3:38:20 PM, lead by Representative Justin Boyd (R) of District 77 turning into Act 676, House Bill on April 3, 2019, 1:38:11 PM.


Per health officials, in Arkansas students, K-12 are required to have vaccinations including diphtheria, measles, mumps, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, chickenpox, whooping cough, polio, tetanus, rubella, pertussis, meningococcal disease, and tetanus. These vaccinations can be exempted by expressing concern to the Arkansas Health Department for religious, medical, or personal beliefs and with these reasons school sessions 2014-2015 exempted 6,397 students and in the 2018-2019 session an increase of 25% to 8,016 in the school year (Golden, 2019). According to the Arkansas Health Department for the 2018-2019 school season, only 2% of the children not vaccinated were due to medical exemption which leaves 7,856 children not vaccinated for either personal or religious beliefs (Arkansas Health Department, 2019).


This led to where Representative Justin Boyd (R) sponsored, and the legislature passed Act 676 which required schools to keep on file the public reports on the number and percentage of children not vaccinated or not to have shown proof of vaccination and the reported numbers and percentages must be posted on the school’s website and updated every year. With this Act allowance of a reasonable step to inform the other parents of the non-compliance or exemption of vaccinations for the other students in the school. This Act does not single out individual children or their parents (Golden, 2019).


According to the World Health Organization school health settings have the chance to intervene with the proof of vaccinations that will improve the health of the population. While children are undergoing their routine vaccinations the caregiver has the opportunity to not only help stop preventable diseases and quite possibly help eradicate diseases, but this also gives caregivers the opportunity to tell children and their parents about other health-related issues such as tobacco use, HPV, and certain cancers (WHO, 2017) which will help the population as a whole.


Part 2




Health Care laws emphasize the judicial, legislative, and executive rules and regulations in health care. The health care sector involves all the insurers, both public and private. It also includes the hospital systems, urgent care, emergencies, hospitals, individual practitioners that go to the homes, pharmaceutical and distributions manufacturer. These are a complex of regulations and laws that reflect all the aspects of the health care laws. The Health Law & Justice Program views health law as health care delivery law and financing, and other areas of study focus on the intersection between law and health.


The Purpose of The Act & Background Of Law


To respond to the high incidence of tobacco use and the resulting burden, the North Carolina Parliament substantially amended the tobacco control legislation. Some of the most substantial tobacco regulation guidelines in the WHO European Region have been the new regulations adopted in recent years (Kang, 2020). In the next few years and the future generation, tobacco control regulation will enforce the following key provisions.


  1. Prohibition of smoking in all enclosed public areas, offices, and open vehicles (including e-cigarettes and Hookahs),
  2. Prohibition of advertising, sponsorship, and promotion of tobacco,
  3. Prohibition of the sale of cigarettes and retailers,
  4. Implementation and incorporation of the detailed leaflet covering 65% of tobacco smokers and e-cigarettes,
  5. Enforcement of the plain packaging of tobacco products,
  6. Protection of state tobacco control policy against tobacco interference and regulation of state-industry relations,
  7. E-cigarettes are graded by nicotine as tobacco products.


The new law has taken several years to create, including the WHO and the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), in the work of national and international partners. Improvement of the tobacco tax system in 2019 and setting-up of the Parliamentary Health Care and Social Issues Committee’s Health Promotion and Preventative Board oversee the implementation and execution of the integrated legislative action plan on tobacco taxation are important milestones. North Carolina’s goal is to increase tobacco use by 2030 by 20% among people aged 18 and over. In 2019, tobacco use was 31% for this age group (Kang, 2020).


How This Law Effect Health Care Organization


Despite the clear evidence of effective tobacco control, SHS exposure, and related risks and the ratification by 181 FCTC countries, only minority countries are concerned with fully implementing MPOWER policies. It is essential to successfully communicate research results to policymakers to encourage the global adoption of effective tobacco control measures. Researchers should recognize their position and aspire to include policymakers and the media to help shape evidence policy in the future. Health Care Organization health workers’ funding has also helped promote the introduction of smoke-free public places and non-smoker vehicles in North Carolina, setting a precedent for countries without entirely smoke-free policies (Fooks, 2017).


In future years, to track the tobacco-free environment results, tobacco may be prohibited by licensing age limits for smoking and limitations on sales or supplies of prescription tobacco. However, there has been no effort to avoid cigarettes. Fooks (2017) notes that some options include restricting the number of outlets and tobacco licenses and setting quotas for cigarette production and imports. It will likely be necessary for the near future to formulate new and potentially more forward-looking policies and evaluate their capacity to enhance public health, including children.


Part 3


  • What tort or criminal law was violated?
  • Who was the investigating agency?
  • Were there civil or criminal penalties and what were the penalties?
  • In your opinion, was this a fair penalty for the violation that occurred?



I came across a case that took place at one of the major healthcare organizations in the Atlanta area, known as Emory Healthcare, Inc. This case involved a log-term worker, whom feel ill back in October of 2012, his illness caused him to take an extended amount of time off of work for necessary treatment. Emory Healthcare found themselves facing a lawsuit for discrimination against the disabled. Kendell McCoy was a nurse technician, who was hired back in 1988 (, 2016) McCoy was fired once the organization realized he required further accommodations to continue treatment, which is a violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The organization settled the lawsuit with a payment to McCoy for $15,000 and furnished other relief in order to finalize the disability discrimination lawsuit filed by the EEOC (, 2016).


According to tenBroek, McCoy’s lawsuit falls under, The Right to Live in the World: The Disabled in the Law of Torts. “Movement, we are told, is a law of animal life. As to man, in any event, nothing could be more essential to personality, social existence, economic opportunity—in short, to individual well-being and integration into the life of the community—than the physical capacity, the public approval, and the legal right to be abroad in the land” (tenBroek,1966).


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, investigated and charged Emory Healthcare Inc, with a disability discrimination lawsuit, for the employee Kendall McCoy and the organization grated the long-term employee a $15,000 settlement along with other accommodations the organization agreed too to settle the charges. In my personal opinion, $15,000 is not enough of a settlement, for an employee who has been with the organization for 24 years. That’s not even a year worth a salary, the fact that McCoy still has additional treatment to undergo on his road to recovery. Emory Healthcare Inc. Is one of the largest healthcare organizations in the state of Georgia, and they should treat their employee whom suffer from any physical disabilities much better. $15,000 is hardly enough for a employee suffering illness.


Part 4


In the 1990’s many pharmaceutical companies assured medical professionals across the nation that addiction to prescription opioid pain medications was nothing to worry about. Based on this assurance, healthcare providers began prescribing opioids at higher rates. The increase in prescriptions led to misuse, addiction, and devastating consequences. By 2016, opioid overdoses were responsible for over 42,000 deaths and 40 percent of those deaths were from a prescribed opioid (Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 2019). In 2017, HHS formally declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency.


In a criminal trial which concluded in November 2020, Purdue Pharma pleaded guilty to charges of conspiring to defraud the United States. Purdue Pharma had falsely claimed to be working to prevent opioid drugs from being distributed to patients how did not have a medical need for them. During the trial, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) provided proof that Purdue was actually marketing the drugs to medical professionals it knew, or had reason to suspect, were distributing them to patients who did not need pain control (Ryskamp, 2021). Through irresponsible marketing practices and dispensing opioids outside of legal channels, the DOJ argued that Purdue played a large role in fueling the national opioid crisis.


Purdue Pharma reached a settlement with the DOJ in the amount of $8.34 billion and pleaded guilty to three felony counts in a New Jersey court. The charges included one count of fraud in violation of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and two counts of violation of the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute (Ryskamp, 2021). The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act violation was based on Purdue’s illegal dispensing of opioids. The Anti-Kickback violations were due to Purdue paying incentives through speaker programs to providers so they would prescribe more opioids. In resolution, Purdue must pay $3.54 billion in criminal fines. In addition, they will pay $2 billion in criminal forfeiture fines, and $2.8 billion in civil liability as governed by the False Claims Act (Ryskamp, 2021).


In addition to the criminal charges, civil charges were made against the Sackler family who were majority shareholders in the company. The resolutions had to be approved by the bankruptcy court and an all-day hearing was held in November in White Plains, New York. Now that the settlement has been approved, the company will be dissolved and its assets repurposed for public benefit to help reduce the opioid epidemic (DOJ, 2020).


In my opinion, this settlement was fair and just. I feel that pharmaceutical companies which participate in illegal and unethical practices that hurt people solely for financial gain deserve to be brought to justice. This was a case that spanned decades. In my research, I learned Purdue Pharma executives pleaded guilty to illegal marketing practices in 2007. Almost immediately after settling the case and paying their fines, they resumed the same marketing campaign in efforts to increase profits. Those legal actions came at little to no consequence to the company or executives who spent the next thirteen years profiting from the devastation the opioid crisis has brought to our country. This current settlement will hopefully bring move us forward in reducing the impact of this national tragedy.


Part 5


In the past, patient’s rights were not being respected to the latter. Lack of respect to the patients’ rights led to the formation of the HIPAA which mainly intended to protect the rights of the patients, especially to ensure privacy of patients (Sitkoff, 2019). Despite efforts to ensure privacy, there are still some cases of breach of privacy against the patients. Scholars argue that when breach of privacy happens a breach of fiduciary duty has happened. Therefore, this will discuss this argument and explain how a breach of privacy can be equated to a breach of fiduciary duty.


Breach of Fiduciary Duty


In healthcare law, fiduciary duty refers to one party acting responsibly in the best interest of another party. Therefore, it means that one party has discretionary power over another party. For example, the healthcare providers have a fiduciary duty towards their organization and patients. The patients always expect the physicians or nurses to attend to them diligently without exposing their confidential information. HIPAA also requires the healthcare providers to attend to patients and ensure utmost privacy. Thus when a breach of privacy has happened there is a breach of fiduciary duty because the doctor did not act in the best interest of the patient (Sitkoff, 2019).


Worth noting is that in fiduciary duty the healthcare provider should confidentially expose any records, mistakes or conflicts professionally. Fiduciary duty results in the duty of data and information security that is fully taken by the healthcare organization and its workers (Virgo, 2018). The HIPAA states that healthcare providers should adhere and respect a patient’s privacy and ensure personal data protection and increase medical confidentiality. The confidentiality only arises from the fiduciary state of the patient-physician relationship and the nature of the patient’s information. At times revealing a patient’s information can be best to save the patient. However, when such cases arise, the healthcare provider has to seek the patient’s consent otherwise this will be termed as a breach of fiduciary duty.


The requirement for the medical professionals to exercise confidentiality and enhance data privacy gives the hospitals a fiduciary duty towards their patients (Virgo, 2018). Thus a breach of this law leads to a breach of fiduciary duty. In this case, the healthcare providers are held liable for the breach of privacy. For a breach of privacy to be termed as a breach of fiduciary duty, the breach of patient data must be done on the best interest of the physician or any other healthcare provider and not in the best interest of the patient.




In today’s healthcare landscape, respecting a patient’s privacy is a must. Failure to respect a patient’s privacy results in a breach of privacy that can further be termed as a breach of fiduciary duty. It is also termed as a breach of fiduciary duty because the healthcare provider does not act in the best interest of the patient. A patient’s privacy can only be violated when there is a patient’s consent and only when it is only solution that helps to treat the patient. Otherwise, if a doctor uses a patient’s information against for their interest, this will be a breach of fiduciary duty.


Part 6


To have fiduciary duty means the fiduciary will act with the utmost good faith, confidence, candor, and trust. It means they will hold the highest degree of honesty, integrity, and loyalty toward the beneficiary and will act in the best interest of that person. There are various types of fiduciary duties which include care, loyalty, good faith, obedience, discretion, confidentiality, prudence, and disclosure (Cornell Law School, n.d.).


Fiduciary law governs any relationship where one party or entity has discretionary power over any practical concern of another person or party. In the physician-patient relationship, the physician’s advanced knowledge and expertise creates a relationship of unequal power. Based on the definitions and governance of fiduciary law, health care professionals have a fiduciary duty to the health care organization they work for and the patients cared for by that organization.


A HIPAA breach is defined by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to be any use or disclosure of a patient’s protected health information (PHI) that is not permissible under the HIPAA Privacy Rule and that poses a security or privacy threat to the patient. Any use or disclosure of PHI not allowed by the Privacy Rule is deemed to be a breach unless the health care provider can prove a low probability of risk to the patient (HHS, 2013).


When relating a HIPAA breach to fiduciary duties, discretion, confidentiality, and disclosure duties are the most applicable. Under the discretion duty, a health care provider must exercise judgement in the best interest of the patient. The disclosure duty requires the provider to disclose mistakes, records, and conflicts of interest to the patient. The confidentiality duty limits a health care provider’s use and disclosure of patient information and requires the provider to take reasonable and customary steps to safeguard the information (Unique Writers Bay, 2019). These obligations clearly identify that a HIPAA breach is also a breach of fiduciary duty.


While the HIPAA Privacy Rule and HHS do not give patients the right to sue health care providers, more and more cases are being seen in courts across the nation alleging negligence, breach of contract, and breach of fiduciary duties related to HIPAA breaches. While these types of lawsuits are not easy to win, more and more attorneys are taking the cases to court and the judges are listening.


In a case claiming negligence, breach of contract, or breach of fiduciary duty, the patient must prove injury or damages. When a HIPAA breach occurs, the damage to the patient is not always obvious or able to be compensated with a monetary award. However, as cyber crimes increase and as health care providers continue to fail at implementing effective privacy and security programs, more cases will be brought to court. The more cases tried, the more likely precedent will be set naming HIPAA breaches as negligence, breach of contract, and breach of fiduciary duty (Hales, 2020).


SOCW 6311 WU Social Work Stress Relief Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing presentation and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Assignment: Planning a Needs Assessment II

One of the many reasons social workers conduct needs assessment is to provide support for new programs. Social workers have many methods available to collect necessary data for a needs assessment.

Social workers can use existing data from a wide range of sources, including local and national reports by government and nonprofit agencies, as well as computerized mapping resources. Social workers can gather new data through interviews and surveys with individuals and focus groups. This data can provide the evidence that supports the need for the program.

To prepare for this Assignment, review the needs assessment plans that you and your classmates generated for this week’s Discussion. Also, review the logic models that you created in Week 7 and any literature on needs of caregivers that you used to generate them. Consider the following to stimulate your thinking:

  • Getting information about the needs of the target population:
    • Who would informants be?
    • What is your purpose for interacting with them?
    • What questions would you ask?
    • What method would you use (interview, focus group, questionnaire)?
  • Finding potential clients:
    • Who would informants be?
    • What is your purpose for interacting with them?
    • What questions would you ask?
    • What method would you use?
  • Interacting with the target population:
    • Who would informants be?
    • What is your purpose for interacting with them?
    • What questions would you ask?
    • What method would you use?

By Day 7

Submit a 2- to 3-page paper outlining a hypothetical needs assessment related to the support group program for caregivers. Include the following:

  • The resources needed to operate this service
  • The program activities
  • The desired outcomes
  • A plan for gathering information about the population served
  • Justifications for your plans and decisions
  • A one-paragraph conclusion describing how you might conduct a follow-up to the needs assessment at the implementation stage of the program evaluation



California National University Violence Against Women Prevention Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Choose ONE of the prompts to respond to. Include detailed, and clear descriptions. Use ONLY the TEXT as a reference for this exam. Include APA citation and reference in the response.

Prompt A: Chapter 12

Chapter 12 provides examples of policy to prevent sexual assault on college campuses

In 2014 President Obama issued a memorandum and established a task force to tackle this issue. Out of this effort, Title IX was written and signed into law.

  • What does Title IX prohibit educational institutions that receive federal funding from doing?
    • Who does Title IX apply to? Be specific.
  • When are a student’s rights violated under Title IX specifications?
  • Title IX regulations specifies 3 requirements for educational institutions to adhere to. What are two of them?

Prompt B: Chapter 11

Chapter 11 provides many examples of policy success in the injury prevention space.

  • State, describe, and clearly explain two (2) examples of successful policy implementation for injury prevention policy.
  • For One example:
    • Include a detailed explanation of two different components of the Advocacy process** (listed below and in ch 17) that was described in each policy success.
      • If the text does not include adequate information about the advocacy process, you may create a scenario to describe an advocacy process step that might have been used.

Use ONLY the TEXT (Chapter 11 and 17) as a reference for this exam. Include APA citation and reference in the response.

**Advocacy Process as outlined in Chapter 17:

1.Define the problem and possible solutions

2. Form a coalition

3. Begin “Ground Softening”

4. Determine Who Has the Power to Make the Change Sought

5.Translate research for Decision-makers and the Public

6. Understand the Opposition

7. Understand Public Opinion

8. Outline Possible Solutions

9. Consider unintended consequences

9. Plan Your Media Advocacy Strategy

10. Evaluate Your Advocacy Efforts

California National University Violence Against Women Prevention Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ST Thomas University Week 6 Neurological Disorders Health Assessment Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Neurological & Male Genitourinary Disorders

For this Discussion, you will take on the role of a clinician who is building a health history for one of the following cases. Your instructor will assign you your case number.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Chief Complaint
“It burns when I urinate” “I had a severe headache yesterday with difficulty to speak” “I have been having frequents headaches lately”
History of Present Illness (HPI) A 68-year-old Caucasian male who reports to have increase on the frequency of urination with urgency for the last 5 days. He also present dysuria and nocturia. A 64-year-old African American female who reports having a severe pulsatile diffuse headache yesterday with sudden difficulty to talk with last for about two hours. She did not seek medical attention. This morning she woke up with no problems but is here today due her husband advise. A 25-year-old Hispanic female presents to your clinic with a headache located on right temporal area, pulsatile.
PMH Benning prostatic hyperplasia diagnosed 3 years ago, UTI 6 months ago, Lithotripsy left kidney 10 years ago. No issues after treatment Atrial Fibrillation, Hypertension. Is allergic to Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs Aspirin Frequent headaches since I was 15, with menses.
Drug Hx Rosuvastatin 20 mg
Olmesartan 20 mg
Losartan 50 mg
Xarelto 15 mg BID
Ibuprofen for Headaches
Fever and chills, no changes in vision or hearing, no difficulty chewing or swallowing. No sexually active, nocturia, dysuria.
Yellowish urethral secretion.
Feels Palpitations, joint pain with yesterday’s episode Light makes headache worst Nausea associated with headaches. No vomiting, Headaches improve usually with rest, ibuprofen, and sleep, but it is annoying to have to sleep all-day
Objective Data
VS B/P 150/96; Pulse 89; RR 16; Temp 99.4; Ht 6,1; wt 180; B/P 131/80; temperature 98.2°F; (RR) 18; (HR) 84, irregular; oxygen saturation (PO2) 96%; B/P 108/64; Pulse 86; RR 16; Temp 98.6;
General well-developed male, no acute distress well-developed female, no acute distress 25-year-old female appears well developed and well-nourished, healthy appearing, wearing dark glasses in a dim room
HEENT Atraumatic, normocephalic, PERRLA, EOMI, arcus senilus bilaterally, conjunctiva and sclera clear, nares patent, nasopharynx clear, edentulous. Atraumatic, normocephalic, PERRLA, EOMI, conjunctiva and sclera clear; nares patent, nasopharynx clear, good dentition. no injection, anicteric, PERRLA, EOMs intact, without pain to movement; normal vision
Card S1S2 without rub or gallop S4 present Irregular heart beat with normal rate S1S2 without rub or gallop
Abd No tenderness normoactive bowel sounds x 4; No tenderness normoactive bowel sounds x 4;

benign, normoactive bowel sounds x 4;

Rectal exam Warm, swollen and painful prostate gland Non contributory Non contributory
Integument good skin turgor noted, moist mucous membranes intact without lesions masses or rashes. intact without lesions masses or rashes.
Neuro No obvious deformities, CN grossly intact II-XII No obvious deficits and CN grossly intact II-XII Cranial nerves II to XII intact; sensation intact, DTRs 2+ throughout.
Functional neurological exam is WNL

Once you received your case number, answer the following questions:

  1. What other subjective data would you obtain?
  2. What other objective findings would you look for?
  3. What diagnostic exams do you want to order?
  4. Name 3 differential diagnoses based on this patient presenting symptoms?
  5. Give rationales for your each differential diagnosis.
  6. What teachings will you provide?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your instructor will assign you your case number and you will post on the case number you have been assigned.
  • You will reply to the other two case studies (One of each).
  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
  • Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date


ASU Rebuilding Trust and Establishing Psychological Safety Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Sometimes we can learn a great deal from situations where things did not go ideally. Author Dr. Margaret Paul once wrote, “When trust is broken, it does not need to be the end of a relationship. Much can be learned from staying in a relationship and learning from the conflict situation.” Reflecting back on your own experiences (in your current organization or a prior one), recall a time when you broke and then rebuilt trust (with either an individual or a team). Integrating your experience with our Module 4 resources as well as any additional references you may want to add, write a reflective memo that addresses the following questions:

  • How did you communicate to help rebuild trust and establish psychological safety again?
  • How did the breaking and rebuilding of trust impact ongoing communications with this individual/team?
  • How did this experience impact collective leadership practices with this individual/team?
  • What insights do you have from this experience on how you can build and rebuild trust and create psychological safety with others in the future?

You should submit:

  • A 4-5 page, double spaced, Times 12 point font Word document containing your reflections and a minimum of 3 references.

Module 4 Resources:………


San Jose State University Contrast Between Jazz Rock Fusion Soloists Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Written Assignment #4: Jazz-Rock Fusion

Listen again to Birdland, the famous jazz-rock fusion piece by Weather Report: Wayne Shorter, soprano and tenor saxes; Joe Zawinul, keyboards, piano, vocal, melodica; Jaco Pastorius, electric bass, mando cello, vocal; Alex Acuna, drums; and Manolo Badrena, tambourine, and address the following questions:

  1. The order of solos in this piece is: Zawinul, Shorter, Zawinul. Provide counter numbers for the beginnings and ends of these solos.
  2. Describe the keyboard and piano accompaniment during Shorter’s solo. How would you compare/contrast the solo style of Shorter in Birdland with his tenor solo in Miles Davis E.S.P.?
  3. How would you compare/contrast the solo style of Zawinul in Birdland with that of Herbie Hancock in E.S.P.?
  4. Do you detect any ties between these jazz-rock fusion soloists and hard bop or free jazz?


MGT 101 Saudi Electronic University Changes Needed At Chipotle Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment Workload:

  • This Assignment comprise of a short Case.
  • Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.

Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:

After completion of Assignment-3 students will able to understand the

LO 2. Recognize the functions of planning, organizing and controlling and how they interrelate (Lo2.1)

LO 4. Apply knowledge and techniques of strategic planning and decision making. (Lo2.1)


  • Please read the case“Chipotle needs to change” on Page number 406, Chapter 10 “Organizational change and innovation” available in your textbook/e-textbook“Management: A Practical Approach”9th edition by Kinicki, A., & Williams, B., and answer the following questions:

Assignment Question(s):(

What is the underlying problem in this case from CEO Brian Niccol’s perspective?

  • What type of change Niccol need to inspire- reactive or proactive? Explain
  • Using Fig 10.1 on page 380, describe what forces for change exist both inside and outside Chipotle.
  • Utilize Lewin’s change model (Fig 10.2 on page 384) as a blueprint and describe how Niccol can inspire change at Chipotle?(1 mark)


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