chemistry gas laws lab, homework help Science Assignment Help. chemistry gas laws lab, homework help Science Assignment Help.
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Complete this Virtual Lab by interacting with the online Simulation. Answer the Virtual Lab Questions in complete sentences to demonstrate your learning. Submit your answers in a word document.
- Click on the link to View the Lab Report Outline. Your work must be done in this format.
- To open the lab link:…
chemistry gas laws lab, homework help Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Read carefully the recommendations and correct the mistakes Writing Assignment Help
This is the Professor feedback, please read carefully the recommendations and correct the mistakes
Professor feedback: Hi! I reviewed the paper for content and grammar, and content-wise, you make some good points about the research involving cardiovascular disease. The biggest issue I noticed in the paper was a tendency toward wordiness, and I also noticed quite a few typos and minor word choice errors as well. Format-wise, you’ll want to make sure each paragraph of the paper is indented, not left-aligned as it is here, and you’ll also want to make sure that the “References” heading is centered, not left-aligned. I’ve included more detailed comments in the paper itself (see attached file), and I hope you find those comments helpful as you revise.
1. Check out my embedded comments in the paper (see attached file).
2. Avoid wordiness as much as you can.
3. Proofread.
4. Make sure those paragraphs are indented and the “References” heading centered.
Disscussin Forum Response Science Assignment Help
Respond to each post in 150 words.
1 of 1
The subject regarding Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox is a little confusing to me. Although I have read multiple articles about Zeno’s Paradox, it does have a common theme which revolves around mathematics and philosophy; however, when looking at motion, Zeno seems to look at this as fluent and never really defined. Looking at this theory, it seems impossible to reach the end point. In order to do so, you must continue to travel half the distance from point A to point B then continue to travel half the remaining distance and so on. Many of the articles have disproved his Dichotomy Paradox when looking at the physical science aspect but agreed that it was true when looking at mathematical aspect.
One article I found to be very interesting was asking if Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox can be resolved with Quantum Mechanics. The author of this article provided an alternative perspective which did not disprove Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox but reasoned it could require an infinite number of actions to move from point A to point B. This author gave an example of having a box of some macroscopic size which it was in the process of moving with constant velocity from point A to point B, the box was made up of atoms. When you focus more in on the leading face of the box, “you can see the motion of this said box is really the motion of a very large number of atoms moving in the same direction making it impossible to determine both a particle’s momentum and position simultaneously.” () Supposedly behind this reason is due to all particles having wavelike characteristics which in the end makes it hard to define.
I do not entirely support Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox but it is very interesting to see how his theory could possible be true. If you would like to view this article, I will have it cited below. The author of this article gave two different ideas how Zeno’s Paradox could be resolved.
“Can Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox be Resolved with Quantum Mechanics?” Physics Stack Exchange. N.p., 09 Oct. 2014. Web. 12 Apr. 2017.
2 of 2
The ancient Greek philosopher Zeno has a few different paradoxes. In our forum it appears that we are talking about the dichotomy paradox. It is the idea that there are an infinite number of halves between you and your destination. If you are to reach your destination you must first reach half way then there is another half and another half, so on and so forth. I do not agree. First off I feel that the data provided for the paradox contradicts itself. If you have point A which is a start point or a beginning, then how can you say that you have infinite halves of tasks before you even reach A. Saying that you have a point A implies that there is nothing before it because what comes before A? So if we have a beginning which is A and an end which is B then we have a distance or a measurement between the points. Now that we have a distance between two fixed locations in time you could measure at what speed you or the object is moving and how long it takes you to get from point A to point B. Yes you will have to cross X number of halves before you reach B but to say that you would never reach B would imply that location B is continuously moving away from A. So if you have either infinite times or you had a beginning and an end something would still have to be moving and how can we say that there is no motion?
Zeno’s paradoxes. (2011). In National Geographic (Ed.), The big idea: How breakthroughs of the past shape the future. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society. Retrieved from…
“Playing with Perceptions” Humanities Assignment Help
Psychology Podcast Papers
writing a 2-3-page paper relating the podcast to information covered in the course (lecture and textbook). You do not need to summarize the podcast; rather, you should discuss how the material in the podcast compares to what we learned in class. It is encouraged that you connect the podcast and course material to your own experiences. A sample of a podcast paper assignment is available on D2L. Each paper must be between 2 and 3 pages in length with double-spaced Times New Roman font (size 12) and 1-inch margins. Each paper is worth 2 extra credit points (5 papers maximum) and must be uploaded to the designated D2L drop box prior to due dates. These papers will be due as subjects are covered in class, therefore, please check D2L regularly. Late submissions will not be awarded points.
There are 12 podcast options assigned to various chapters and lectures. You may complete 5 podcast papers for extra credit. Podcast papers are due one week after we cover the chapter to which the podcast relates. Again, late submissions will not be accepted.
Below is a list of possible podcasts, the chapter to which it relates, and due date. Podcasts can be listened to on a computer or smart phone. On iPhones, the podcasts can be downloaded for free on your device in the “Podcast” app. On Android devices, you may use PRX or Stitcher. Some podcasts have transcripts available if listening is not an option for you, and links to transcripts have been pasted below as well. However, if possible, it is recommended that you listen to the podcasts for the full experience.
Chapter 12: Social Psychology “Playing with Perceptions” by TED Radio Hour…
((Please make sure that you are listening to the podcasts assigned on the podcast and make sure to talk about the podcast in the papers))
macro project, economics homework help Economics Assignment Help
Directions: Answer ALL the sections below
You are expected to use your knowledge of Module 2 to answer these questions. You are NOT required to do research i.e hunt down data or statistics to answer any of these questions. In fact, I really don’t want any statistics or data I want you to use the economic definitions and concepts from Module 2 & 3 to explain your answers. This project is intended to help you examine concepts you have studied in the textbook and videos, and apply these concepts to potential situations. Your graphs should be correctly labeled and support your answers. A correctly labeled graph or diagram must have all axes and curves clearly labeled and must show directional changes.
Assume that the United States economy is operating below full employment.
- a)Define full employment – hint this is what economist call the natural rate of unemployment
- b)Explain why we expect to have some degree of unemployment regardless of how well the economy is doing
- c)Draw a correctly labeled graph of long-run aggregate supply, short-run aggregate supply, and aggregate demand, AND show each of the following when the economy is below full employment
- i.Current equilibrium output and price level, labeled as Y1 and PL1
- ii.Full employment output, labeled as Yf
- d)Assume that the Federal Reserve targets a new federal funds rate to reach full employment. Should the Federal Reserve target a higher or lower federal funds rate
- e)Given the Federal Reserve action you identified in part (b), draw a separate correctly labeled graph of the money market and what the effect on the nominal interest rate
- f)Assume that policy makers pursue a fiscal policy rather than a monetary policy in (B). Assume that the marginal propensity to consume is 0.6, and the value of the recessionary gap is $400 billion.
- i.If the government changes its spending without changing taxes to eliminate the recessionary gap, calculate the minimum required change in government spending.
- ii.If the government changes taxes without changing government spending to eliminate the recessionary gap, will the required change in taxes be greater than, smaller than, or equal to the minimum change in government spending in part (Fi)? Explain your answer.
- g)Assume the government lowers income tax rates to eliminate the recessionary gap. Will each of the following increase, decrease, or stay the same. Explain your answers.
- i.Aggregate Demand
- ii.Long-run Aggregate Supply.
case question Assignment Help
This modified Q&A paper will give you an opportunity to evaluate a failed organizational change and address key questions from a project perspective. Give detailed analytical answers to support all the “scope of the questions. Be sure to support your answers with proper references as needed.
As Information Assurance/Security Managers, you are now equipped to see the flaws in failed projects. You are have been brought in as a consultant to do the post-mortem. Analyze the assigned case and answer the questions as the consummate professionals you are.
example is attached on how to answer the question.
Provide detailed responses to all answers.
case question Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Self-efficacy is a general concept that measures how well we think we can control different situation, statistics homework help Mathematics Assignment Help
Self-efficacy is a general concept that measures how well we think we can control
different situations. A multimedia program designed to improve dietary behavior
among low-income women was evaluated by comparing women who were randomly assigned to
intervention and control groups. The intervention was a 30-minute session in a computer
kiosk in the Food Stamp office. In this study, the participants were asked, “How sure are
you that you can eat foods low in fat over the next month?” The response was measured on
a five-point scale with 1 corresponding to “not sure at all” and 5 corresponding to “very
sure.” Here is a summary of the self-efficacy scores obtained about 2 months after the
PART A: Is it appropriate to use the two-sample t-procedures? Give reasons for your
answer. Choose one correct answer.
A.Itisnotappropriatetousethetwo-sample -proceduressincethedistributionisnot
B.Itisnotappropriatetousethetwo-sample -proceduressincewecannotassess
Normality without knowing the detailed data.
C.Theuseofthe -proceduresisappropriate,becausetheproximityofthemeansand
standard deviations show that the two distributions are similar.
D.Assumethattherearenooutliers.The -proceduresshouldbeappropriate,becausewe
have two large samples.
PART B : Let m1 denote the mean self-efficacy scores obtained from the “Control” group
and m2 denote the mean self-efficacy scores obtained from the “Intervention” group.
If the research question is to determine whether the data provide significant evidence to
conclude that women participating in the control group (no intervention) have less self-
efficacy scores than women participating in the intervention on average, which one of the
followings includes the appropriate null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis?
A. H0 :m1-m2 =0 versus Ha :m1-m2 10
B.H0:m1-m2=0versus Ha:m1-m2>0
C. H0 :m1-m2 =0 versus Ha :m1-m2 <0
D.H0:m1-m2£0versus Ha:m1-m2>0
PART C: Suppose that you are not certain whether the two populations of interest have
the same standard deviations. Calculate the standard error of x1 – x2 (denoted by SEx1-x2 ).
Page 1 of 12
PART D: By hand, calculate the appropriate test statistic associated with the hypotheses
set up in PART B. What are the degrees of freedom for the test statistic? Use the
conservation approach (i.e. the smaller of n -1 and n -1 ) to determine the associated
degrees of freedom
PART E: Draw a sketch of a t-distribution curve and mark the location of your test
statistic found in PART D. Shade the appropriate area that represents the P-value. Using
an appropriate statistical table, approximate the P-value.
PART F: At the significance level of 0.001, do the data provide significant evidence to
conclude that the population mean self-efficacy scores of women participating in the
control group (no intervention) is less than the population mean self-efficacy scores of
women participating in the intervention group? Justify your answer (i.e. How do you reach
your conclusion?)
The study of 584 longleaf pine trees in the Wade Tract in Thomas County, Georgia, had
several purposes. Are trees in one part of the tract more or less like trees in any other
part of the tract or are there differences? In this exercise we will examine the sizes of
the trees, measured as diameter at breast height (DBH), by dividing the tract into
eastern and western halves and taking random samples of 30 trees from each half. Here are
the diameters in centimeters (cm) of the sampled trees:
The eastern distribution is right-skewed and the western distribution is left-skewed as
shown in each histogram below.
Page 2 of 12
Below is the summary statistics for DBH each half of the tract:
PART A: Is it appropriate to use the methods of this section to compare the mean DBH of
the trees in the east half of the tract with the mean DBH of trees in the west half? Give
reasons for your answer.
A.The -methodsarenotappropriatebecausethetwodistributionsareskewed.
B.The -methodsarenotappropriatebecausethedistributionsofthenorthernand
southern halves are not similar.
C.The -methodsareappropriatebecausethesamplesizesarerelativelylargeeven
though the two distributions are skewed, and there are no outliers in either
D.The -methodsareappropriatebecausetheyarerobustagainstallkindsofdeviations
from Normality.
PART B: Suppose that we use a two-sided significance test that help us investigate
whether there is a significant evidence that the mean DBH of the trees in the eastern
half of the tract is NOT the same as the mean DBH of the trees in the western half of the
What is (are) the most appropriate reason(s) for your choice of using the two-sided test?
Choose one correct answer.
A. The data shows us it is more likely that the western trees and the eastern trees have
different DBHs.
B. We have no reason to expect a difference in a particular direction.
C. The results from the two-sided test give more information.
D. A and B are correct.
E. A, B and C are correct.
PART C: Suppose that we use a two-sided significance test that help us investigate
whether there is a significant evidence that the mean DBH of the trees in the eastern
half of the tract is NOT the same as the mean DBH of the trees in the western half of the
Let m1 denote the mean DBH of the trees in the west and m2 denote the mean DBH of the
trees in the east.
State the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses in terms of m1 and m2 .
PART D: By hand, calculate the appropriate test statistic associated with the hypotheses
set up in PART C. What are the degrees of freedom for the test statistic? Use the
conservation approach (i.e. the smaller of n -1 and n -1 ) to determine the associated
degrees of freedom
Page 3 of 12
PART E: Draw a sketch of a t-distribution curve and mark the location of your test
statistic found in PART D. Shade the appropriate area that represents the P-value. Using
an appropriate statistical table, approximate the P-value.
PART F: Which one of the followings summarizes your conclusion based on the P-value
found in PART D and the appropriate hypotheses stated in PART C?
A. At the 5% level of significance, we have significant evidence to suggest
DBH of the western trees is smaller than the mean DBH of the eastern trees.
B. At the 1% level of significance, we have significant evidence to suggest
DBHs of the two populations are different.
C. At the 5% level of significance, we have significant evidence to suggest
DBHs of the two populations are different.
that the mean
that the mean
that the mean
An industrial psychologist is investigating the effects of work environment
attitudes. A group of 28 recently hired sales trainees were randomly assigned to one of 7
different “home rooms” – four trainees per room. Each room is identical except for wall
color, with 7 different colors used. The psychologist wants to know whether room color
has an effect on attitude, and, if so, wants to compare the mean attitudes of the
trainees assigned to the 7 room colors. At the end of the training program, the attitude
of each trainee was measured on a 100 -pt. scale (the lower the score, the poorer the
PART A: Identify the response variable in this study.
PART B: Identify the treatments for this study.
PART C: How many treatments are in this study ?
PART D: How many replications are in each treatment group ?
PART E: What is the total sample size in this study?
In a completely randomized design experiment, 10 experimental units were randomly chosen
for each of three treatment groups and a quantity was measured for each unit within each
group. In the first steps of testing whether the means of the three groups are the same,
the sum of squares for treatments was calculated to be 3,110 and the sum of squares for
error was calculated to be 27,000.
PART A: Complete the ANOVA table. That is, find the values of a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, and
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on employee
PART B: Which of the following is not a condition required for a valid One-Way ANOVA F-
test for a completely randomized experiment?
A) The sampled populations all have distributions that are approximately normal.
B) The samples are chosen from each population in an independent manner.
C) The variances of all the sampled populations are different.
A partially completed ANOVA table for a completely randomized design is shown here.
PART A: Complete the ANOVA table.
PART B: How many treatments are involved in the experiment?
PART C: Do the data provide sufficient evidence to indicate a difference among the
population means? Test using α = .05.
An industrial psychologist is investigating the effects of work environment on employee
attitudes. A group of 20 recently hired sales trainees were randomly assigned to one of
four different “home rooms” five trainees per room. Each room is identical except for
wall color. The four colors used were light green, light blue, gray, and red. The
psychologist wants to know whether room color has an effect on attitude, and, if so,
wants to compare the mean attitudes of the trainees assigned to the four room colors. At
the end of the training program, the attitude of each trainee was measured on a 60-pt.
scale (the lower the score, the poorer the attitude). The data was subjected to a one-way
analysis of variance.
Page 5 of 12
PART A: Give the null hypothesis for the one-way ANOVA F-test shown on the computer
output above.
- A) : where the ′ represent mean attitudes for the four rooms
- B) : where the ′ represent the proportion with the corresponding
attitude - C) : where the ′ represent attitude means for the person in each room
- D) : where the ′ represent the room colors
PART B: Using the one-way ANOVA table given above, identify the following values:
Sum of Squares for Groups (SSG)=
Sum of Squares for Error (SSE)=
Degrees of Freedom in the numerator (DFG)=
Degrees of Freedom in the denominator(DFE)=
Mean Squares for Groups (MSG)=
Mean Squares for Error(MSE)=
Four different leadership styles used by Big-Six accountants were investigated. As part of
a designed study, 15 accountants were randomly selected from each of the four leadership
style groups (a total of 60 accountants). Each accountant was asked to rate the degree to
which their subordinates performed substandard field work on a 10 -point scale called the
“substandard work scale”. The objective is to compare the mean substandard work scales of
the four leadership styles. The data on substandard work scales for all 60 observations
were subjected to an analysis of variance.
3 2728.17 909.390 5.210 0.003
56 9774.63 174.547
59 12,502.80
Interpret the results of the one-way ANOVA F-test shown on the printout for α = 0.05.
A) At α = .05, there is sufficient evidence of differences among the substandard work
scale means for the four leadership styles.
B) At α =.05, nothing can be said.
C) At α = .05, there is no evidence of interaction.
D) At α =.05, there is insufficient evidence of differences among the substandard work
scale means for the four leadership styles
Page 6 of 12
There have been numerous studies investigating the effects of restaurant ambience on
consumer behavior. A recent study investigated the effects of musical genre on consumer
spending. At a single high-end restaurant in England over a 3-week period, there were a
total of 141 participants; 49 of them were subjected to background pop music (for
example, Britney Spears, Culture Club, and Ricky Martin) while dining, 44 to background
classical music (for example, Vivaldi, Handel, and Strauss), and 48 to no background
music. For each participant, the total food bill, adjusted for time spent dining, was
recorded. The following table summarizes the means and standard deviations:
PART A: State a set of hypotheses that is appropriate for investigating the effects of
musical genre on consumer spending.
Let denote the followings:
= the mean bill from the population subjected to background classical music.
= the mean bill from the population subjected to background pop music.
= the mean bill from the population subjected to no background music.
PART B: Is it reasonable to assume that the variances are equal in order to be pooled?
A. It is reasonable, because the sample variances are highly similar.
B. It is not reasonable, because the ratio of largest variance 11.10 to smallest variance
5.03 is greater than 2.
C. It is reasonable, because the ratio of largest standard deviation . 0.481 to
. √
smallest standard deviation √ 0.338 is less than 2.
D. It is reasonable, because the ratio . 1.49 is less than 2.
PART C: Give the numerator degrees of freedom and the denominator degrees of
freedom associated with the F-statistic for the hypotheses set up in PART A.
PART D: A computer software computed the sum of squares for groups of 164.66 and the
sum of squares for error of 1,069.39. Calculate the F statistic for the hypotheses set
up in PART A.
PART E: Given that a computer software gives the P-value of 0.00005, which of the
following is the most appropriate conclusion?
A. We have strong evidence that the means are all the same.
B. We have strong evidence that the means are not all the same.
C. We have strong evidence that the mean is higher for classical music.
D. We have strong evidence that the mean for classical music is different from the other
two means.
Page 7 of 12
A study of 865 college students found that 42.5% had student loans. A single random
sample of 865 college students were randomly selected from the approximately 30,000
undergraduates enrolled in a large public university. The overall purpose of the study
was to examine the effects of student loan burdens on the choice of a career. A student
with a large debt may be more likely to choose a field where starting salaries are high
so that the loan can more easily be repaid. The following table classifies the students
by field of study and whether or not they have a loan:
PART A: Identify the explanatory variable and the response variable in this study.
PART B: Suppose that we are investigating to determine whether there is significant
evidence that “Student loan” and “Field of study” are dependent. State an appropriate set
of hypotheses.
PART C: If it is true that “Student loan” and “Field of study” are independent, how
many students who study Science and who have student loans would you expect to see from
the sample?
PART D: The partial Excel output using MegaStat add-in for the above table is given
below. The output includes the observed cell counts (in yellow), the expected cell counts
(in green), and the contributions to the chi-square statistic in orange cells. Some
expected cell counts and some contributions to are missing.
Recall that a contribution to is calculated by which is
represented by in the MegaStat output below.
Page 8 of 12
Answer the following questions below:
(1) What is the expected cell count for students who study Science and who have student
(2) What is the expected cell count for students who study Agriculture and who do not
have student loans?
(3) Is the chi-square test appropriate for performing the significance test of the
hypotheses in PART A? Why or why not?
- (4) What is the value of ?
(5) How many values of the response variable are there? That is, how many rows
(excluding the total row) are there in the two-way table (given above PART A)?
(6) How many values of the explanatory variable are there? That is, how many columns
(excluding the total column) are there in the two-way table (given above PART A)?
(7) What is the degrees of freedom for the chi-square statistic ?
Page 9 of 12
The area (in read on the right) on the
right tail of the chi-square distribution
with the degrees of freedom found in PART D
represents the P-value associated with the
chi-square statistic . Using Table F
, approximate the P-value.
PART F: Using the significance level of 0.05, what do the results of the significance
test show? Choose one correct answer.
A. There is no significant evidence that having a loan and field of study are related.
B. There is significant evidence that having a loan and field of study are related.
C. There is significant evidence that having a loan and field of study are not related.
Because statistical software plays such an important role in modern statistical
applications, many studies have encouraged the use of technology in statistics courses.
The Guidelines for the Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) (Aliaga
et al., 2005) project was funded by the American Statistical Association to examine needs
for college level statistics courses. One of the six recommendations from GAISE is the
use of technology for developing conceptual understanding and analyzing data. Suppose a
survey was sent to 115 students at different universities across the United States to
access the relationship between ease of learning the statistical software program SAS and
a student’s currently level of SAS proficiency. The results of the survey are are shown
To access the relationship between ease of learning the statistical software program SAS
and a student's currently level of SAS proficiency, the appropriate hypotheses are
: of learning the statistical software program SAS and a student′s currently level of SAS are independent.
: of learning the statistical software program SAS and a student′s currently level of SAS are dependent.
Page 10 of 12
PART A: If the null hypothesis is true, how many students who find SAS to be
somewhat easy to learn and who are somewhat proficient in SAS would you expect to see in
the sample?
PART B: The partial Excel output using MegaStat add-in for the above table is given
below. The output includes the observed cell counts (in yellow), the expected cell counts
(in green), and the contributions to the chi-square statistic in orange cells. Some
expected cell counts and some contributions to are missing.
Recall that a contribution to is calculated by which is
represented by in the MegaStat output below.
Answer the following questions below:
(1) What is the contribution to for students who find SAS to be somewhat easy to
learn and who are somewhat proficient?
- (2) Which cell contributes most to the chi-square statistic ?
- (3) What is the value of the chi-square statistic ?
PART C: Determine if the following statement is appropriate. Give your reasons.
At 1% level of significance, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that ease of
learning the statistical software program SAS and a student’s currently level of SAS
proficiency are dependent.
Following complaints about the working conditions in some apparel factories both in the
United States and abroad, a joint government and industry commission recommended in 1998
that companies that monitor and enforce proper standards be allowed to display a “No
Sweat” label on their products. Does the presence of these labels influence consumer
behavior? A survey of U.S. residents aged 18 or older asked a series of questions about
how likely they would be to purchase a garment under various conditions. For some
conditions, it was stated that the garment had a “No Sweat” label; for others, there was
no mention of such a label. On the basis of the responses, each person was classified as
a “label user” or a “label nonuser.” There were 296 women surveyed. Of these, 63 were
label users. On the other hand, 27 of 251 men were classified as users.
PART A: Display the data in a two-way table. Use the columns for the values of the
explanatory variable in the study and the rows for the values of the response variable in
the study.
Page 11 of 12
Suppose we want to perform an appropriate significant test to determine whether or not
there is a relationship between gender and use of No Sweat labels.
Give an appropriate set of hypotheses, an appropriate test statistic, its associated
degrees of freedom, and its associated P-value. Use TABLE F to approximate the P-value.
Using the significance level of 0.0025, which of the followings is the appropriate
A. There is no significant evidence that gender and label use are dependent.
B. There is significant evidence that gender and label use are dependent.
C. There is significant evidence that gender and label use are independent.
Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help
Contemporary World Literature
The Norton Anthology of World Literature
- Franz Kafka. The Metamorphosis, p. 207
A lot of interpretation of literature depends on a reader’s expectation. For example, it is likely that once you beganThe Metamorphosisand learned that Gregor had been hideously transformed into a monster insect, you thought that you were going to be reading a horror story or work of science fiction. Thus, you expected certain things to happen, namely the events associated with those genres: horrified surprise, people running away in fright, and so on. Did any of the characters in the actual story act in this manner? What was the nature their general reaction, and how did they differ from what you would normally expect? In your discussion, be specific and refer to examples from the story.
Please make this 1-2 paragraphs and in APA format.
Please include a reference page and site sources within the paper.
interview a business manager Writing Assignment Help
write a 3 pages essay for interviewing a business manager.
Last week you interviewed an Owner. This week I want you to interview a Manager. Even though Owners perform the functions of a Manager, I would like you to seek out a different person who supervises people. Management has been defined as “The Art of getting things done through people”, and requires skills that can be learned and developed through experience. Find someone who supervises people and ask them about how they Plan, Organize, Lead (or “Direct”, as it’s called in your book), and Control – the functions of Management.
Chapter 16: Therapy and Treatment “The Problem with the Solution” by Invisibilia Humanities Assignment Help
Psychology Podcast Papers
writing a 2-3-page paper relating the podcast to information covered in the course (lecture and textbook). You do not need to summarize the podcast; rather, you should discuss how the material in the podcast compares to what we learned in class. It is encouraged that you connect the podcast and course material to your own experiences. A sample of a podcast paper assignment is available on D2L. Each paper must be between 2 and 3 pages in length with double-spaced Times New Roman font (size 12) and 1-inch margins. Each paper is worth 2 extra credit points (5 papers maximum) and must be uploaded to the designated D2L drop box prior to due dates. These papers will be due as subjects are covered in class, therefore, please check D2L regularly. Late submissions will not be awarded points.
There are 12 podcast options assigned to various chapters and lectures. You may complete 5 podcast papers for extra credit. Podcast papers are due one week after we cover the chapter to which the podcast relates. Again, late submissions will not be accepted.
Below is a list of possible podcasts, the chapter to which it relates, and due date. Podcasts can be listened to on a computer or smart phone. On iPhones, the podcasts can be downloaded for free on your device in the “Podcast” app. On Android devices, you may use PRX or Stitcher. Some podcasts have transcripts available if listening is not an option for you, and links to transcripts have been pasted below as well. However, if possible, it is recommended that you listen to the podcasts for the full experience.
Chapter 16: Therapy and Treatment “The Problem with the Solution” by Invisibilia…
((Please make sure that you are listening to the podcasts assigned on the podcast and make sure to talk about the podcast in the papers))
chemistry gas laws lab, homework help Science Assignment Help
chemistry gas laws lab, homework help Science Assignment Help