Chestnut Hill College Pennsylvania State Law on Segregation Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Chestnut Hill College Pennsylvania State Law on Segregation Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Chestnut Hill College Pennsylvania State Law on Segregation Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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Research a policy that was state law before it became federal policy. An example is the Harrison Narcotics Act of 1914. Every state in the nation had a passed a policy before the federal government acted. Describe the precipitating issues that prompted this change. Detail the historical landscape including the political climate. What was the goal of this policy? In your opinion was it successful? Is this policy still in effect today?

Some areas to consider:

Step 1: Identify and research a past state policy.

Step 2: What brought about the need for this change?

Step 3: What communities, groups were impacted by this situation?

Step 4: What process took place to make this policy happen?

Step 5: Develop evidence base with research support and policy justification.

Step 6: Was this policy successful in its goals?

he paper should be 3-5 pages with at least 3 peer reviewed journal references in APA 6th edition format. Before you begin your research, please email or text me the policy you will be researching. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking. Please reach out with any questions.

Chestnut Hill College Pennsylvania State Law on Segregation Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

EDF 1005 MDG Needs of Racially and Ethnically Diverse LGBTQ Students Paper Writing Assignment Help

You will select, read, and review a journal article that relates to a major topic covered in the course competencies for EDF 1005. This includes history, finance, ethics, and governance. You must:

  • Select a journal article written within the past five years that discusses a major topic covered in EDF 1005. The article must be a minimum of three pages in length.
  • Write a summary of the article. Then write your opinion of the article’s viewpoint. Include how the article relates to the topics in EDF 1005.
  • Use APA format to cite any ideas and reflections in your summary that are represented in the article.
  • Do not write more than three (3) pages.
  • Attach a copy of the article with your review/reflection.

Below is the article I chose


I’ve also attached the text book


IT 201 SNHU IT Consultant at MilleniAds Consulting Company Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Overview: Basic knowledge of computers is practically essential for productively engaging in twenty-first-century life. Working knowledge of computer platform technologies impacts everyone from help-desk personnel and field technicians to project managers and business executives. In order to make sound business decisions, one must have the ability to analyze business needs and compare available computer technology options for effectively meeting those needs.

Scenario: You have been hired as an IT consultant by an entrepreneur starting a small advertising company called MilleniAds. As a start-up, your client’s company is relatively small and has a limited budget. There are only 10 employees, including a few creative directors, graphic designers, sales staff, a financial accountant, and an office administrator, with the entrepreneur as CEO. The current IT budget cannot exceed $25,000 and ideally should come in as far under that number as possible. MilleniAds will produce customized sales flyers, brochures, and other branded items, such as letterhead and business cards, that apply a youthful, fresh perspective targeting millennial demographics. Therefore, the company needs the ability to store and manipulate digital images and to produce physical copies of their products for their clients. The CEO wants to keep track of inventory, sales, and expenses digitally, but she does not anticipate having very complex records for the first year. She projects having only a dozen or so accounts but hopes to scale up in the coming years. It would be ideal to have a simple and user-friendly system for sharing information and files between employees. Many of the employees are millennials themselves who have indicated that their current desktop PCs are limiting their capabilities and that they prefer using their phones and other mobile devices for their professional and personal responsibilities. Two of the ten employees will operate primarily outside of the office, soliciting business from regional firms, and they will need to access company information while on the road, in their home offices, and at customer sites.

Beyond the specific information given above, you have the ability to fill in the gaps with assumptions or additional details that will make your final project unique and meaningful to you. If you have any questions, reach out to your instructor for guidance.

Prompt: Given the scenario above, what are the best hardware, software, networking, and information security options for addressing your client’s business needs?

Specifically, the following critical element must be addressed:

I. Business Needs: (1-2 PAGES !!!! )

In this section, list and describe all of the business needs that you have been able to determine given the information in the provided scenario and your own choices for filling in the gaps. Be sure that you provide enough detail to fully support the rest of your report.

II. Hardware Components: (1-2 PAGES !!!! )

  1. Examine the business’s issues to determine specific hardware requirements. Based on these issues, what are the major categories andcomponents of hardware that should be considered? Identify each of the applicable requirements (hard drive storage, video cards, etc.), beingsure to cite specific examples wherever appropriate.
  2. Then, compare and contrast the various options for meeting the requirements. Be sure to cite specific evidence from the componentspecification fact sheets to support your evaluation. What are their functional strengths and weaknesses? How do they compare in terms of costand maintainability?
  3. Compose a final list detailing all of your specific hardware recommendations for your client. Be sure to logically justify your proposal as the best possible choice for meeting the business requirements.

Business Needs Rubric :

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Proficient (85%)

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Needs Improvement (55%)

Not Evident (0%)


Business Needs: Software

Meets “Proficient” criteriaand fully qualifies the business needs to create a strong foundation for the report

Lists and describes all of the business software needs based on the scenario and choices for filling in the gaps, with enough detail to fully support the rest of the report

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Lists and describes the business software needs, but there are gaps in necessary detail, or issues of accuracy or plausibility

Does not list and describe the business software needs


Business Needs: Hardware

Meets “Proficient” criteriaand fully qualifies the business needs to create a strong foundation for the report

Lists and describes all of the business hardware needs based on the scenario and choices for filling in the gaps, with enough detail to fully support the rest of the report

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Lists and describes thehardware business needs, but there are gaps in necessary detail, or issues of accuracy or plausibility

Does not list and describe the business hardware needs


Business Needs: Other

Meets “Proficient” criteriaand fully qualifies the business needs to create a strong foundation for the report

Lists and describes all of the business needs other than hardware or software based on the scenario and choices for filling in the gaps, with enough detail to fully support the rest of the report

Lists and describes the business needs other than hardware or software, but there are gaps in necessary detail, or issues of accuracy or plausibility

Does not list and describe the business needs other than hardware or software


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Articulation of Response

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Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to- read format

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas





Hardware Components Rubric:

Critical Elements

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Exemplary (100%)

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Proficient (85%)

Needs Improvement (55%)

Not Evident (0%)


Hardware Components: Requirements

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Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates an advanced ability to apply fundamental IT problem-solving methods

Examines the business’s issues to determine specific hardware requirements and cites relevant examples

Examines the business’s issues but fails to determine specific hardware requirements using relevant examples

Does not examine thebusiness’s issues todetermine hardware requirements


Hardware Components: Compare and Contrast

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Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates an advanced ability to apply fundamental IT problem-solving methods

Compares and contrasts the various options for meeting the requirements and cites specific evidence from the component specification fact sheets to support the evaluation

Compares and contrasts the options for meeting the requirements, but there are gaps in necessary detail, or submission fails to fully support the evaluation with specific evidence

Does not compare and contrast the options for meeting the requirements


Hardware Components: Recommendations

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a nuanced understanding of basic hardware options

Composes a final list detailing all of the specific hardware recommendations and logically justifies the proposal as the best possible choice for meeting the business requirements

Composes a final list of the specific hardware recommendations, but list is incomplete, contains inappropriate recommendations, or is not fully justified given the business requirements

Does not compose a final list of the hardware recommendations for meeting the business requirements


Articulation of Response

Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to- read format

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Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas






Colorado State University Mexican American War American Perspective Essay Writing Assignment Help

Option #2: Mexican-American Interaction: The American Perspective

The most dramatic event in the history of relations between Mexico and the United States took place a century and a half ago. U.S. historians refer to this event as “The Mexican War,” while in Mexico they prefer to use the term “The U.S. Invasion.”

In a paper, discuss the annexation of Texas, the Texas Rebellion against Mexico, and the Mexican-American War from the American perspective. What were the underlying issues in the conflict, from the American perspective? Why did the United States believe it was justified in its actions? Conclude your discussion by explaining the outcome of the war.


  • Your paper should be 2 pages long, not including the required Title and References pages.
  • Format your paper according to APA style, following the CSU-Global guides (Links to an external site.) in the Library.
  • Your paper should include an introduction, a body with at least three fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion. It should contain a fully developed and supported thesis statement.
  • Include a minimum of two academic sources (journal articles, books, etc.) other than the textbook for the course.


Rasmussen College Rocks and Minerals in Everyday Life Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Modern civilization uses rocks and minerals in a variety of ways. Some are so common place that it’s easy to overlook them. For example, rocks and minerals are commonly used in the production of soaps, flooring, streets, buildings, and cars. For this assignment, you will need to take note of the rocks/minerals that you encounter in your everyday life and showcase them in a PowerPoint presentation.

To complete this assignment, address the following:

  1. Your PowerPoint presentation should:
    1. Have a title slide.
    2. Contain at least 6 content slides.
    3. Reflect proper spelling and grammar.
    4. Cite at least 2 credible references and present the sources in APA format on a References slide.
  2. Identify at least 6 rocks or minerals that are found in items you use or see used on a regular basis. Devote at least 1 PowerPoint slide to each rock/mineral, and incorporate the items listed below:
    1. State the name of the rock/mineral.
    2. Describe the physical environment in which the rock/mineral would have formed and include an image showing its original appearance as a raw material (e.g. iron ore)
    3. Explain where you encountered the rock/mineral and include an image of the item where it’s being used (e.g. bicycle frame). Identify at least 2 additional uses for the rock/mineral in modern civilization.
    4. List rock or mineral characteristics:
      • For rocks, list the mineral composition.
      • For minerals, list at least 3 physical/chemical properties.



SOC 386 Grand Canyon University Examining Social Work Core Competencies Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

Complete “The Role and Value of Theories in Social Work Worksheet” according to the instructions in the worksheet.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines

And then

In a 500-750-word reflection, select and discuss research-informed practice and three additional core competencies that align with your identity as a generalist practitioner.

Include the following in your reflection:

  1. Which of the competencies do you think will be most challenging for you and why?
  2. How does the strengths perspective inform your role as a generalist practitioner?

SOC 386 Grand Canyon University Examining Social Work Core Competencies Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Texas at Brownsville Lynch Law & Racial Violence Discussion HW Humanities Assignment Help

Read the prompt below which gives instructions and questions on what to do for this discussion post.

There are many moments when a certain historical topic has deep relevance to our current events. One of those topics is racial violence, or the history of people being targeted because of their race. As you will come to understand from our lecture about the New South and the end of Reconstruction, one of the ways that African Americans were stripped of their civil rights and forced to accept, in some cases, extreme poverty, was through the use of violence by whites. There is a well documented history of this violent behavior, often referred to as lynching.

For this activity, you will be using the online database of newspapers curated by the Library of Congress, called Chronicling America, which provides a large variety of free historical sources. Please go to this website: and use the search menu to look for the term “lynching” between the years 1870 and 1930. You should read/examine at least 4 different articles, all from different states. Then, return to this discussion board and explain what you read. Where were the articles from (geographic location), what did the articles say about lynchings? Did the article seem biased to you in any way? Were there any noticeable differences between the locations or dates of the articles you read? Then, consider newspapers as a source — who writes newspapers and what do we need to consider in terms of the inherent bias of newspaper sources?


Raritan Valley Community College CH2 JustWatch App Analysis Discussion Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

For this assignment, we’re asking students to begin exploring a world they’re already familiar with (smart phone apps) through the lens of one of the books for the course this semester – Living In Information.

The rubric for the grading of this assignment is available here – Discussion_Board_Rubric_S20.pdf

After reading the Introduction and chapters 1-5 from Living in Information, follow these steps:

  1. Look up which smart phone app you’ve been assigned to work on. This information is listed in the IA assignment spreadsheet linked here.

    PLEASE NOTE: If you want to change the app to another app being used by your IA, you must let your IA know via email (copy Silvia Muller on the message) that you are switching to another app and which app you’re switching to by Friday, 3/6.

  2. Install the app, look through the assigned app and try using it yourself. Be sure to take notes of anything that seems remarkable.
  3. Think about the question Arango asks in chapter 2 – “Where are you and what can you do there?” (p. 23) With respect to the app you’ve been working with, how did the designers of the app suggest the answers to that question for their users? Are there features (things the app can do) that you didn’t pick up on immediately? What about the app helped you (or hindered you) to identify the possible actions you can do?
  4. Choose one feature of the app that you found particularly interesting with regards to this question of how the app users assess the possibilities of the information environment they find themselves in. Document the feature using screen shots. If you’re unsure about how to make a screen shot, see (Links to an external site.) or a similar site for directions.
  5. Using the concepts from chapters 2-5 of Living in Information (i.e., semantic environment, vocabulary choices, layout of the screen, use of icons, etc.) write a short essay that answers the following points:
    • Briefly describe the app you were assigned and the feature you’ve chosen to focus on for this assignment. Use the screenshots you’ve created to illustrate the feature.
    • Discuss at least two specific ways in which the apps’ designers are either successful or unsuccessful in their choices for presenting this feature to the users of the app. In short, how do the designers’ choices help to answer the question, “Where are you and what can you do there?”
    • In Arango’s definition, the “… success of the design depends on whether or not it supports the goals its users have for the sort of place it creates.” How well have the designers succeeded at this task and specifically, how did they create that success?

For this assignment, your written answer should be in the range of approximately 800-1000 words. It’s also required that you’ve documented the feature using at least two screenshots. It’s likely that you may need more screenshots to successfully describe the feature you’re writing about. If you’re unsure how to embed screenshots in a discussion post in Canvas, you can read directions here (Links to an external site.).


You will do a total of 3 postings: your initial post is you posting the essay you wrote in step #5 to the discussion board. After you make your initial post, you need to return to the discussion before the deadline and post 2+ replies in response to other students’ postings.

  • To post your initial response to the discussion topic, click the Reply bar below the topic, respond to the questions, and then click the Post Reply button at the bottom right to save it.
  • Use the toolbar to check for spelling (highly recommended), format your text, or add a link. Directions for embedding your screen shots in the post are available here (Links to an external site.). You may want to resize your screen shots to make your post more readable.
  • Students must make their initial posting before they will be able to view other students’ postings.

After posting the initial posting, return to the discussion forum and post responses to at least two other members of the class. In these responses…

  • Try to think critically about which posts are the most provocative to you, if a posting has generated a reaction in you it’s probably a good candidate for you to respond to.
  • When responding, use the student’s name and describe the point you’re reacting to so that the discussion group can follow along. Example: Jessica, you make an interesting point about technology increasing without training increasing.
  • Whether you are asserting agreement or disagreement, provide clear and credible evidence to support your response. If your response is less than 150 words, you probably haven’t done that part of the response well enough.
  • Avoid using unsupported personal opinions, generalizations, or language that others might find offensive, and when you disagree with someone, keep responses respectful and academic in tone.
  • To reply to a student’s posting, click the “Reply” link at the bottom left of the comment you are responding to and then click the Post Reply button at the bottom right to save it.
  • Remember, you need to post two responses in addition to your initial posting before 11:59 pm on Friday to avoid late deductions.



University of Southern California Real America Essay Writing Assignment Help

You will write a three-page or 750-word paper on any one of the plays that we have read in the first three weeks of class or any one of the writers/actors that we have covered in class during the same period.

· You may not write compare and contrast papers between two plays or two authors that we have studied. (ONLY ONE)

· Use the following as prompt:

The plays in the first half of the term talk about the real America, an America that was built on the backs of exploited people. You will develop this argument and back it up with relevant scholastic sources.

· These include avoiding the use of online resources other than relevant news sources or magazines and digital downloads of play texts and journal articles from the library website. NO ONLINE SOURCES ARE ALLOWED!

· Whenever necessary you will cite your sources using the Chicago Manual of Style author-date referencing style. Whenever necessary you will cite your sources using the Chicago Manual of Style author-date referencing style. Use the following guide for sources: one is not enough, two is too little, three is the threshold, four is fantastic, five is fabulous, six is stellar, seven is stupendous, eight is enough, nine is nice, ten is the maximum, eleven is you’re pushing it. GO for 7!

· Your argument while not necessarily original will have to demonstrate rigor and a suitable understanding of the material that you are dealing with.

· You will be expected to have an introduction where you introduce your thesis, several paragraphs in the middle where you develop your argument and finally a conclusion where you demonstrate how you proved your thesis or argument.



Ashford University Prison Management & Management Philosophy Essay Law Assignment Help

After 19 years of service, Paul was appointed as the warden of a small mixed-security prison in a rural community. He oversees 105 inmates and 51 staff members in a facility designed to hold 100 minimum and medium security prisoners. Over 80 percent of his correctional officers have three or more years experience on the job, and the treatment and education programs are run by qualified professionals with long work histories at the facility. Generally, Paul is happy with his job and doesn’t mind dealing with a few inexperienced correctional officers who tend to make minor mistakes. He occasionally gets some tough prisoners, but they settle down quickly because of the fair policies enforced by Paul. The overall environment of the prison is peaceful.

One day he had lunch with his friend Stephen, who is the warden of a large maximum-security prison located outside a metropolitan city with a high crime rate. Stephen oversees 720 inmates and 130 staff members in a facility designed to house 375 prisoners. Due to overcrowding and budget cuts, the prison offers limited treatment and education programs, most of which are staffed by volunteers. The majority of the inmates are repeat offenders with lengthy sentences, and 20 percent of them are serving life without the possibility of parole. Major disciplinary infractions occur on a daily basis. Although the overall atmosphere of the prison is orderly, there is constant tension between the staff and inmates, and maintaining security is an ongoing struggle.

Stephen’s views about his job are completely different from Paul’s. Stephen finds his job overwhelming, thankless, and stressful. This is surprising to Paul because both of them underwent the same training, worked together as fresh officers, and use similar managerial techniques. Paul begins to wonder how situational determinants are affecting his and Stephen’s ability to be effective leaders and managers.

  • Assess the reasons for the different patterns in the relationships that the two wardens have with their subordinates.
  • How can Paul and Stephen’s management philosophies affect the work patterns in their respective facilities?
  • How could work pattern and size of the organizational unit affect Paul and Stephen differently? How could it affect the desired management philosophy?
  • How could the prisons that Paul and Stephen work in differ with regard to crises? How could this influence their management philosophy?

Support your responses with research and supporting data. Review and comment on the submissions of at least two of your classmates by the end of the week.

Cite any sources using APA format on a separate page


Chestnut Hill College Pennsylvania State Law on Segregation Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Chestnut Hill College Pennsylvania State Law on Segregation Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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