CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry Green Extraction of Natural Products Presentation Science Assignment Help

CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry Green Extraction of Natural Products Presentation Science Assignment Help. CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry Green Extraction of Natural Products Presentation Science Assignment Help.

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Hello, this project(presentation) is for organic chem lab. I have uploaded all the instructions bellow please go through them carefully . And I will be uploading the handout an two files in order to complete this assignment successfully. Any question needed please let me know because this assignment worth a lot of grading points .


Choose one of these two articles to evaluate for your presentation:

You can choose on of these two papers , choose whatever you’re comfortable to

Paper 1.pdfPreview the document

Paper 2.pdfPreview the document

Start with the handout, and here are more specific instructions:

  1. Create a PowerPoint that summarizes one of the two papers and answers the questions from the instructions handout
    • 10 slides minimum, including Title slide and References slide (you can use as many slides as you like, but if there are more than 20, you’re probably overdoing it)
    • Title slide should include paper name with authors, and your name as the author of the presentation
    • Reference slide at the end should include a full reference for the main paper (not the large block of references used in the paper itself — those are the paper’s references, not yours).
    • If you include a figure or any information from the paper that has a citation, you should cite it like the main paper did and include that reference in your References slide. If you use any outside reference (another paper, a website, etc.) as supporting data, you should include that in the Reference slide as well.
    • No more than 1 of the 10 slides should be filled with a large figure (the table or graph you evaluate). You may include as many other figures and images as you like, just add extra slides if they take up space (in other words, you can’t fill up the 10 slide minimum with figures)
    • Avoid “filler” slides — for example, do not use a whole slide just for the title of a section
  2. “Creativity and delivery” from the instruction handout means to make slides aesthetically pleasing and organized: Don’t stuff them so full of text that I can’t read them, use a design (not plain white slides), vary the slide layout, adjust font sizes to make sense, proofread, balance the slides (use the space…don’t squish everything into the middle and leave the slide mostly empty, but also don’t cram every slide full), make sure I can see the figures. Basically, you can earn points just for making it look interesting and nice. Think about how the PowerPoint should look if you were actually presenting it.
  3. The sections under “Reviewing the Article” could make good titles for slides.
  4. It’s a PowerPoint, so bullet-points and brief, meaningful statements are the idea.
  5. There are 5 questions under “Reviewing the Article” – DON’T FORGET TO ANSWER THEM. It’s fine to list these questions and answer them directly.
  6. “Reviewing the Article” directs you to answer the 5 questions “in detail.” This doesn’t mean to use a bunch of words; it means to use chemistry detail or supporting information, not just a “yes” or “no” answer. Write meaningful statements, but not huge sentences or paragraphs.
  7. No more than 1 direct quotation from the paper is permitted. Quotations are not required, but if you choose to include one, keep it brief (rewriting concepts in your own words is what demonstrates understanding of material).
  8. Grading: overall presentation appearance, organization, following instructions, clarity, demonstrating understanding of the paper, effective summary, answering the questions thoughtfully, appropriate chemistry detail, and proper references will count. You’ve spent the semester learning to analyze and discuss, so say something meaningful, follow the requirements, organize it well, and you’ll do fine.
  9. Presentations will be uploaded in PowerPoint format and scanned by TurnItIn, so do not cut and paste text – use your own words. Do not convert to pdf.

CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry Green Extraction of Natural Products Presentation Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ucumberlandsedu Essay – Data Science in Artificial Intelligence Computer Science Assignment Help

Data Science is a vastly growing field. Part of what makes this such a significant field to be in is its applicability to many other fields and nearly every industry. One of these is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Specifically, artificial neural networks (ANN) is a sub-field of AI. The text notes issues with deep learning based on the vanishing gradient problem’s effect on learning. This is rather significant as it has made for ineffective learning, poor training, and test performance.

From the readings, intuitive reasoning, and experience, these appear to be related. Please describe how these are related. While this is the case, please also describe how these are different.


Nutrition Case Studies Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Post 1:

Following are two case studies. Read through them and answer the questions posed after each.

Sascha is 37 years old. She has been maintaining the same healthful
body weight throughout her adult life. She recently began drinking a
glass of wine with dinner every evening (5 ounces; 125 Calories) but has
made no other changes in her diet or level of physical activity.

  1. According to the energy balance equation, how much weight
    should Sascha gain if she continues to drink this amount of wine each
    night for one year?
  2. Do you predict that she will actually gain this much weight? Explain why or why not.

Joe has a hectic schedule. During the day, he works full time at a
warehouse distribution center filling orders. At night, three times a
week, he attends class at the local community college. On weekends, he
likes to watch sports on television, spend time with family and study.
Joe has little time to exercise or think about what he eats. He stops
for coffee and a pastry on his way to work, has a burger or pizza for
lunch at a fast food restaurant, and for dinner picks up fried chicken
or fish at the drive through on his way to class. Over the past few
years, Joe’s weight has been climbing. He is 5 ft 10 inches tall and
weighs 230 pounds. Watching a game on television the other night, he saw
an infomercial for a weight loss supplement that promises to increase
his energy level, allow him to continue to eat large portions of tasty
food but not gain weight. A famous actor supports the claims. This
product is of great interest to Joe.

  1. What is Joe’s BMI? Has he been in positive/negative/neutral energy balance? Why?
  2. What aspects of Joe’s lifestyle (other than diet) are contributing to this energy balance?
  3. Should Joe be skeptical of the claims of the weight loss
    product on the infomercial? What advice would you give Joe for
    evaluating weight loss programs?

Post 2:

Is it simplistic to claim that obesity can be understood as a problem of
“Calories in, Calories out.”? Why or why not (use references and data,
not just what you “think”). Give your response and respond to at least
one other student.

Post 3:

New products with ergogenic claims appear on the market almost daily.
Most are classified as supplements, which means the contents of the
product and the claims on the label have not been evaluated by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration and may not have any scientific basis. Find
one ergogenic aid that I did not cover and answer the following

  1. What is the name of the ergogenic aid?
  2. What is the physiologic basis or theory for this product’s action?
  3. Are there any scientific studies published in peer-reviewed journals
    that support or refute the claims that the product makes? (look up in
    Pubmed or library journal website).
  4. Is it safe? Are there any side effects, especially any potentially serious adverse effects?
  5. Would you consider taking it? Why or why not?

(look at file uploaded below)

Post 4:

keep track of everything you eat for two typical days, and enter this
information in the My Fitness Pal app. Also keep track of any
activities you do.

Then, report on the following:

Describe how the body uses carbohydrate, protein, and fat during
physical activity. Include a discussion on how intensity of exercise
alters the fuel type used by the body.

How do your percentages of carbohydrates/proteins/fats track with
recommendations for your levels of physical activity? Do you think
changes would improve your energy levels?


Northcentral University Team Leadership Analysis and Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Analyzing team leadership can help you to understand how to benefit your leadership style. Using the assigned readings for the course as well as additional applicable scholarly sources, develop a PowerPoint presentation to present to a team you would hypothetically lead within an educational setting of interest. Within your PowerPoint presentation, describe (in sufficient detail) by using supportive reference to cite your team leadership role, including: 1) the leadership approach(es) or style(s) you plan to employ when leading the team, 2) specificity regarding how you plan to utilize these leadership approach(es) or style(s) to lead the team, 3) techniques, strategies, and evaluation procedures to support your team’s performance, and 4) your level of involvement within the day-to-day functionality of the team.

Length: 10-12 slides, not including a title slide or reference slides

Notes: Include 200-350 words per slide using the speaker notes section of the PowerPoint.

References: 3-5 scholarly resources


BUS 308 Ashford University Week 4 Correlations and Regression in Excels Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Read Lecture 3. React to the material in this lecture. Is there anything you found to be unclear about setting up and using Excel for these statistical techniques? Looking at the data, develop a correlation table and regression (either linear or multiple) for a variable—other than compa-ratio or salary—you feel might be important in answering our equal pay for equal work question. Interpret your results.

Guided Response: A key element of discussions involves helping yourself and others understand and master the material. As you engage others in this discussion, please ask questions, probe for greater understanding, and offer suggestions to help others master the material. Please respond to at least two others in the class early enough in the week so that they can respond back to you.



Bella Capelli – a Paul Mitchell Partner School Philippines Economic Changes in The 19th Century Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

1. What were the most important economic changes in the Philippines during the 19th century?

2. How did these economic changes affect the lives of Filipinos during that time?

3. The Spaniards also provided educational reforms especially in higher education in the country. Universities in the Philippines such as Ateneo and University of Santo Thomas were required to provide secular courses to Filipinos. How did education help in shaping the nationalistic consciousness of Filipinos during that time?

4. Based on your personal assessment, how were these events in the 19th century crucial to the formation of Rizal’s love for his country?

Bella Capelli – a Paul Mitchell Partner School Philippines Economic Changes in The 19th Century Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Kennedy King College Application of Physics in Analytical Chemistry Research Paper Writing Assignment Help


Analyze why physics is central to understanding our world.


In a two-page paper, research how physics is used in a specific profession of your choice. You should identify two physics principles used in the profession as well as explain, in detail, how they are used.

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
Not Submitted No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted Student attempted to identify physics principles used but incorrectly identified all of these. Student attempted to identify physics principles used but identified some incorrect principles. Student listed physics principals, including identification of a strong majority of elements, but explanation lacked detail. Student correctly identified principles used in chosen profession with details.
Not Submitted Student provided an incomplete explanation of how physical principles are applied. Student provided an explanation of the application of physics principles, but it is significantly underdeveloped. Student provided general overview of how physics is applied in chosen profession. Student provided accurate explanation of how physics is applied in chosen profession.


Barstow Community College Night by Ellie Wiesel Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Night by ellie wiesel…

I want you to identify and discuss with your classmates what you think one of the central themes of Night is. This discussion is meant to aid you in your revisions of your literary analysis of the text. Your assignment asks that you analyze the text to give your insight into the author’s purpose in writing his personal history as an inmate at a concentration camp during WW2. So for this assignment, write a paragraph that elaborates upon the themes of the work, and cite a specific instance in the text that helps evidence or support your reading of the text. Lastly, do not forget to comment on two of your classmates’ responses with a thoughtful response that helps guide the discussion of themes of this work.


Veronica Walker

I think one of the central themes for this book was silence. Throughout this book, there is no doubt that religion was a central theme as well, but I think silence from their God and from other people was a main factor. In the beginning of the book, when they are being forced to run thought the streets, he states, “From behind their windows, from behind their shutters, our fellow citizens watched as we pass.” (pg. 19) A little while longer when they are in the concentration camp, his father states, “The world? The world is not interested in us. Today, everything is possible…” (pg. 33) His father gets slapped by an officer, and knocked him down. He states, “My father had just been struck, in front of me, and I had not even blinked. I had watched and kept silent.” (pg. 39)

Silence plays a key role in this book because there are many times people are getting tortured or dying, and they question the silence of God and start losing their faith. He gets separated from his mother and sister forever, has to watch his father get beat, his father has to watch him get tortured and whipped 25 times. He has to silently watch children and babies get thrown and burned to death. Watch people get shot daily. He questions the silence of his God and why he hasn’t shown up. In the book, he questions his faith a lot in the concentration camp and says, “Why, but why would I bless Him? Because he caused thousands of children to burn in his mass graves? …. Praise be to Thy Holy Name, for having chosen us to be slaughtered on Thine altar?” (pg. 67) There is silence not only from God, but from the people themselves. He also questions his own silence towards the end of the book, especially with his father’s death.


Esperanza Nelson

In one of Night’s most renowned sections, Eliezer states, “Never will I overlook that nighttime quietness which denied me, forever, of the longing to live.” It is the possibility of God’s quietness that he finds generally alarming, as this portrayal of an occasion at Buna uncovers: as the Gestapo hangs a little youngster, a man asks, “Where is God?” yet the main reaction is “[t]otal quietness all through the camp.” Eliezer and his colleagues are left to consider how an all powerful, all-ground-breaking God can permit such awfulness and remorselessness to happen, particularly to such faithful admirers. The presence of this loathsomeness, and the absence of an awesome reaction, always shakes Eliezer’s confidence in God.

Talking about his own understanding, Wiesel once expressed, “My resentment ascends inside confidence and not outside it.” Eliezer’s battle reflects such an estimation. Just in the most reduced snapshots of his confidence does he walk out on God. In fact, in any event, when Eliezer says that he has abandoned God totally, Wiesel’s steady utilization of strict similitudes undermines what Eliezer says he accepts. Eliezer even alludes to scriptural entries when he denies his confidence. At the point when he fears that he may surrender his dad, he goes to God, and, after his dad’s passing, he communicates lament that there was no strict remembrance. Toward the finish of the book, despite the fact that he has been everlastingly changed by his Holocaust experience, Eliezer develops with his confidence unblemished.


PGCC The Spread of Covid 19 and Tracking Apps Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

The proposal has two parts, the written summary of what your  topic/research is about and a list of 5 or more sources, each citation  followed by a summary of each of the five sources.

HERE is an example of an Proposal and Annotated Bibliography I suggest you follow this format exactly for your topic and research.

1)  Introduction:  a brief articulation of the proposal (i.e. remind your readers of the purpose of your project).

2)  Provide an overview of the topic  and then move to a more specific statement (thesis). Follow the example  above. The proposal can be 1-1 1/2 pages.

3) Follow the annotated format in the  online example Give the citation for your article (in MLA format) and  then provide a summary breakdown. You need at least 5 or more sources.  For your final paper, you need 6-8.


Follow the linked example above. Your  paper should look like the example. Do not do the same topic or use the  same sources. Use the paper as a model. Format can vary, but each  citation for your 5 or more articles (related to you topic) should be in  MLA format (the format shown in the example).


Will vary, but proposal will be 1 to 1 1/2 pages followed by a annotated bibliography. Make ONE document. 


Grossmont College Buddhist Religious Tradition Interview Questions Writing Assignment Help

Scholars involved in the field of religious studies often interview religious practitioners in order to get a better idea of “lived religion”, or how individuals live out their religious beliefs, as it can often differ greatly from official doctrine and sacred texts. In order to get a better idea of the work done in the field of religious studies and how individuals live out their religious beliefs, you will be conducting an interview with someone who self-identifies as a practitioner of one of the traditions that we study in this course (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam).

In order to complete this assignment, you will need to:

  • Choose an individual in your life that you would like to interview and ask him/her if they would be willing to be interviewed for your project. This could be a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker, classmate, etc. You can also contact a local house of worship if you are interested in interviewing someone from a particular faith but don’t know anyone personally.
  • Schedule a time for the interview that is convenient for him/her (be sure to let them know that the interview should take about 45 mns.). Since we are currently living in the time of the pandemic, the interview will likely be conducted over phone or video-conferencing software (like skype, google hangout, zoom, etc) unless you interview someone that you live with. You are welcome to meet in-person with your intervewee, just be sure to be safe and only do what you are comfortable with!
  • Compose a list of at least 10 questions for this individual about their religious beliefs and practices. You may choose from the list of example questions listed below, or compose your own questions.
  • Interview your subject. The interview should last about 45 mns and should focus on their religious beliefs and practices. Ideally, the interview should be done in person so that you can better gauge your subject’s reaction to your questions. However, it is perfectly okay to conduct your interview over the phone or skype.
    • You should record the interview in some way – if it is done in person you could either bring a notebook and write down the subject’s answers or bring an audio recorder of some type (most smartphones have this capability).
  • Compose a 1000-word paper discussing the interview. The paper should address the following questions:
    1. Who is your interview subject? What religious tradition are they a member of? Why did you choose this individual?
    2. Describe the interview itself: what questions were asked and how did the individual respond?
      • You will not be able to include every question and answer, so focus on the responses that were most interesting to you
      • This should not be a transcript of the interview, but a summary of the questions you asked and how the subject responded to them.
    3. Describe your subject’s demeanor: Did he/she seem nervous? Did they enjoy speaking about their religious beliefs? Had they ever spoken about them before to another person? Which aspect of their religious beliefs did they seem to enjoy speaking about the most? The least?
    4. Did you learn anything new about the religious tradition that your subject practices?
    5. You should also include a paragraph about your own response to the interview: did you learn something new about this person? Was it interesting to learn about his/her religious beliefs/practices? Were any of their answers surprising or not?
  • Turn in your list of interview questions along with your paper.

I recommend that you get started on setting up your interview as soon as possible as scheduling can often take longer than you think!

Example Questions:

  1. How and why did you become a member of this religious tradition?
    1. If you grew up in this religious tradition, was there a time that you decided to commit yourself independently to this tradition?
  2. Do you perform any daily (or weekly, monthly, etc) religious rituals?
    1. How long have you performed this ritual?
  3. Do you believe in a higher power?
    1. How do you describe this higher power? Or higher reality?
  4. How does your religious tradition view American society?
  5. Who is allowed to be an authority figure in your religious tradition?
  6. How does your religion influence your daily life?
  7. Are there particular texts or narratives in your religious tradition that are particularly important to you?
  8. Have your religious beliefs changed over the course of your life?
  9. Were there particular times during your life when you were more or less involved with your religion?
  10. Have you ever had a religious experience that changed the way you lived your life?
  11. How does your religion conceive of ‘the good life’?
  12. How does your religious tradition view the issue of gender? Does it promote gender equality?
  13. Are there any aspects of your religious tradition (ethical teachings, rituals) that you disagree with or would like to see changed?
  14. What do you think will happen to your religious tradition in a hundred years? Do you think it will grow, diminish, or change in any way?
  15. How do you view members of other religious traditions or those without any religion at all?
  16. Has your religion provided you with comfort/solace during these uncertain times (in regards to coronavirus outbreak)?
  17. Do you think that living through this outbreak will change the way you view your religion? Or change your religious tradition at all?

[supanova_question] is an example of an Proposal and Annotated Bibliography I suggest you follow this format exactly for your topic and research.

1)  Introduction:  a brief articulation of the proposal (i.e. remind your readers of the purpose of your project).

2)  Provide an overview of the topic  and then move to a more specific statement (thesis). Follow the example  above. The proposal can be 1-1 1/2 pages.

3) Follow the annotated format in the  online example Give the citation for your article (in MLA format) and  then provide a summary breakdown. You need at least 5 or more sources.  For your final paper, you need 6-8.


Follow the linked example above. Your  paper should look like the example. Do not do the same topic or use the  same sources. Use the paper as a model. Format can vary, but each  citation for your 5 or more articles (related to you topic) should be in  MLA format (the format shown in the example).


Will vary, but proposal will be 1 to 1 1/2 pages followed by a annotated bibliography. Make ONE document. 


Grossmont College Buddhist Religious Tradition Interview Questions Writing Assignment Help

Scholars involved in the field of religious studies often interview religious practitioners in order to get a better idea of “lived religion”, or how individuals live out their religious beliefs, as it can often differ greatly from official doctrine and sacred texts. In order to get a better idea of the work done in the field of religious studies and how individuals live out their religious beliefs, you will be conducting an interview with someone who self-identifies as a practitioner of one of the traditions that we study in this course (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam).

In order to complete this assignment, you will need to:

  • Choose an individual in your life that you would like to interview and ask him/her if they would be willing to be interviewed for your project. This could be a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker, classmate, etc. You can also contact a local house of worship if you are interested in interviewing someone from a particular faith but don’t know anyone personally.
  • Schedule a time for the interview that is convenient for him/her (be sure to let them know that the interview should take about 45 mns.). Since we are currently living in the time of the pandemic, the interview will likely be conducted over phone or video-conferencing software (like skype, google hangout, zoom, etc) unless you interview someone that you live with. You are welcome to meet in-person with your intervewee, just be sure to be safe and only do what you are comfortable with!
  • Compose a list of at least 10 questions for this individual about their religious beliefs and practices. You may choose from the list of example questions listed below, or compose your own questions.
  • Interview your subject. The interview should last about 45 mns and should focus on their religious beliefs and practices. Ideally, the interview should be done in person so that you can better gauge your subject’s reaction to your questions. However, it is perfectly okay to conduct your interview over the phone or skype.
    • You should record the interview in some way – if it is done in person you could either bring a notebook and write down the subject’s answers or bring an audio recorder of some type (most smartphones have this capability).
  • Compose a 1000-word paper discussing the interview. The paper should address the following questions:
    1. Who is your interview subject? What religious tradition are they a member of? Why did you choose this individual?
    2. Describe the interview itself: what questions were asked and how did the individual respond?
      • You will not be able to include every question and answer, so focus on the responses that were most interesting to you
      • This should not be a transcript of the interview, but a summary of the questions you asked and how the subject responded to them.
    3. Describe your subject’s demeanor: Did he/she seem nervous? Did they enjoy speaking about their religious beliefs? Had they ever spoken about them before to another person? Which aspect of their religious beliefs did they seem to enjoy speaking about the most? The least?
    4. Did you learn anything new about the religious tradition that your subject practices?
    5. You should also include a paragraph about your own response to the interview: did you learn something new about this person? Was it interesting to learn about his/her religious beliefs/practices? Were any of their answers surprising or not?
  • Turn in your list of interview questions along with your paper.

I recommend that you get started on setting up your interview as soon as possible as scheduling can often take longer than you think!

Example Questions:

  1. How and why did you become a member of this religious tradition?
    1. If you grew up in this religious tradition, was there a time that you decided to commit yourself independently to this tradition?
  2. Do you perform any daily (or weekly, monthly, etc) religious rituals?
    1. How long have you performed this ritual?
  3. Do you believe in a higher power?
    1. How do you describe this higher power? Or higher reality?
  4. How does your religious tradition view American society?
  5. Who is allowed to be an authority figure in your religious tradition?
  6. How does your religion influence your daily life?
  7. Are there particular texts or narratives in your religious tradition that are particularly important to you?
  8. Have your religious beliefs changed over the course of your life?
  9. Were there particular times during your life when you were more or less involved with your religion?
  10. Have you ever had a religious experience that changed the way you lived your life?
  11. How does your religion conceive of ‘the good life’?
  12. How does your religious tradition view the issue of gender? Does it promote gender equality?
  13. Are there any aspects of your religious tradition (ethical teachings, rituals) that you disagree with or would like to see changed?
  14. What do you think will happen to your religious tradition in a hundred years? Do you think it will grow, diminish, or change in any way?
  15. How do you view members of other religious traditions or those without any religion at all?
  16. Has your religion provided you with comfort/solace during these uncertain times (in regards to coronavirus outbreak)?
  17. Do you think that living through this outbreak will change the way you view your religion? Or change your religious tradition at all?

[supanova_question] is an example of an Proposal and Annotated Bibliography I suggest you follow this format exactly for your topic and research.

1)  Introduction:  a brief articulation of the proposal (i.e. remind your readers of the purpose of your project).

2)  Provide an overview of the topic  and then move to a more specific statement (thesis). Follow the example  above. The proposal can be 1-1 1/2 pages.

3) Follow the annotated format in the  online example Give the citation for your article (in MLA format) and  then provide a summary breakdown. You need at least 5 or more sources.  For your final paper, you need 6-8.


Follow the linked example above. Your  paper should look like the example. Do not do the same topic or use the  same sources. Use the paper as a model. Format can vary, but each  citation for your 5 or more articles (related to you topic) should be in  MLA format (the format shown in the example).


Will vary, but proposal will be 1 to 1 1/2 pages followed by a annotated bibliography. Make ONE document. 


Grossmont College Buddhist Religious Tradition Interview Questions Writing Assignment Help

Scholars involved in the field of religious studies often interview religious practitioners in order to get a better idea of “lived religion”, or how individuals live out their religious beliefs, as it can often differ greatly from official doctrine and sacred texts. In order to get a better idea of the work done in the field of religious studies and how individuals live out their religious beliefs, you will be conducting an interview with someone who self-identifies as a practitioner of one of the traditions that we study in this course (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam).

In order to complete this assignment, you will need to:

  • Choose an individual in your life that you would like to interview and ask him/her if they would be willing to be interviewed for your project. This could be a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker, classmate, etc. You can also contact a local house of worship if you are interested in interviewing someone from a particular faith but don’t know anyone personally.
  • Schedule a time for the interview that is convenient for him/her (be sure to let them know that the interview should take about 45 mns.). Since we are currently living in the time of the pandemic, the interview will likely be conducted over phone or video-conferencing software (like skype, google hangout, zoom, etc) unless you interview someone that you live with. You are welcome to meet in-person with your intervewee, just be sure to be safe and only do what you are comfortable with!
  • Compose a list of at least 10 questions for this individual about their religious beliefs and practices. You may choose from the list of example questions listed below, or compose your own questions.
  • Interview your subject. The interview should last about 45 mns and should focus on their religious beliefs and practices. Ideally, the interview should be done in person so that you can better gauge your subject’s reaction to your questions. However, it is perfectly okay to conduct your interview over the phone or skype.
    • You should record the interview in some way – if it is done in person you could either bring a notebook and write down the subject’s answers or bring an audio recorder of some type (most smartphones have this capability).
  • Compose a 1000-word paper discussing the interview. The paper should address the following questions:
    1. Who is your interview subject? What religious tradition are they a member of? Why did you choose this individual?
    2. Describe the interview itself: what questions were asked and how did the individual respond?
      • You will not be able to include every question and answer, so focus on the responses that were most interesting to you
      • This should not be a transcript of the interview, but a summary of the questions you asked and how the subject responded to them.
    3. Describe your subject’s demeanor: Did he/she seem nervous? Did they enjoy speaking about their religious beliefs? Had they ever spoken about them before to another person? Which aspect of their religious beliefs did they seem to enjoy speaking about the most? The least?
    4. Did you learn anything new about the religious tradition that your subject practices?
    5. You should also include a paragraph about your own response to the interview: did you learn something new about this person? Was it interesting to learn about his/her religious beliefs/practices? Were any of their answers surprising or not?
  • Turn in your list of interview questions along with your paper.

I recommend that you get started on setting up your interview as soon as possible as scheduling can often take longer than you think!

Example Questions:

  1. How and why did you become a member of this religious tradition?
    1. If you grew up in this religious tradition, was there a time that you decided to commit yourself independently to this tradition?
  2. Do you perform any daily (or weekly, monthly, etc) religious rituals?
    1. How long have you performed this ritual?
  3. Do you believe in a higher power?
    1. How do you describe this higher power? Or higher reality?
  4. How does your religious tradition view American society?
  5. Who is allowed to be an authority figure in your religious tradition?
  6. How does your religion influence your daily life?
  7. Are there particular texts or narratives in your religious tradition that are particularly important to you?
  8. Have your religious beliefs changed over the course of your life?
  9. Were there particular times during your life when you were more or less involved with your religion?
  10. Have you ever had a religious experience that changed the way you lived your life?
  11. How does your religion conceive of ‘the good life’?
  12. How does your religious tradition view the issue of gender? Does it promote gender equality?
  13. Are there any aspects of your religious tradition (ethical teachings, rituals) that you disagree with or would like to see changed?
  14. What do you think will happen to your religious tradition in a hundred years? Do you think it will grow, diminish, or change in any way?
  15. How do you view members of other religious traditions or those without any religion at all?
  16. Has your religion provided you with comfort/solace during these uncertain times (in regards to coronavirus outbreak)?
  17. Do you think that living through this outbreak will change the way you view your religion? Or change your religious tradition at all?

[supanova_question] is an example of an Proposal and Annotated Bibliography I suggest you follow this format exactly for your topic and research.

1)  Introduction:  a brief articulation of the proposal (i.e. remind your readers of the purpose of your project).

2)  Provide an overview of the topic  and then move to a more specific statement (thesis). Follow the example  above. The proposal can be 1-1 1/2 pages.

3) Follow the annotated format in the  online example Give the citation for your article (in MLA format) and  then provide a summary breakdown. You need at least 5 or more sources.  For your final paper, you need 6-8.


Follow the linked example above. Your  paper should look like the example. Do not do the same topic or use the  same sources. Use the paper as a model. Format can vary, but each  citation for your 5 or more articles (related to you topic) should be in  MLA format (the format shown in the example).


Will vary, but proposal will be 1 to 1 1/2 pages followed by a annotated bibliography. Make ONE document. 


Grossmont College Buddhist Religious Tradition Interview Questions Writing Assignment Help

Scholars involved in the field of religious studies often interview religious practitioners in order to get a better idea of “lived religion”, or how individuals live out their religious beliefs, as it can often differ greatly from official doctrine and sacred texts. In order to get a better idea of the work done in the field of religious studies and how individuals live out their religious beliefs, you will be conducting an interview with someone who self-identifies as a practitioner of one of the traditions that we study in this course (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, or Islam).

In order to complete this assignment, you will need to:

  • Choose an individual in your life that you would like to interview and ask him/her if they would be willing to be interviewed for your project. This could be a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker, classmate, etc. You can also contact a local house of worship if you are interested in interviewing someone from a particular faith but don’t know anyone personally.
  • Schedule a time for the interview that is convenient for him/her (be sure to let them know that the interview should take about 45 mns.). Since we are currently living in the time of the pandemic, the interview will likely be conducted over phone or video-conferencing software (like skype, google hangout, zoom, etc) unless you interview someone that you live with. You are welcome to meet in-person with your intervewee, just be sure to be safe and only do what you are comfortable with!
  • Compose a list of at least 10 questions for this individual about their religious beliefs and practices. You may choose from the list of example questions listed below, or compose your own questions.
  • Interview your subject. The interview should last about 45 mns and should focus on their religious beliefs and practices. Ideally, the interview should be done in person so that you can better gauge your subject’s reaction to your questions. However, it is perfectly okay to conduct your interview over the phone or skype.
    • You should record the interview in some way – if it is done in person you could either bring a notebook and write down the subject’s answers or bring an audio recorder of some type (most smartphones have this capability).
  • Compose a 1000-word paper discussing the interview. The paper should address the following questions:
    1. Who is your interview subject? What religious tradition are they a member of? Why did you choose this individual?
    2. Describe the interview itself: what questions were asked and how did the individual respond?
      • You will not be able to include every question and answer, so focus on the responses that were most interesting to you
      • This should not be a transcript of the interview, but a summary of the questions you asked and how the subject responded to them.
    3. Describe your subject’s demeanor: Did he/she seem nervous? Did they enjoy speaking about their religious beliefs? Had they ever spoken about them before to another person? Which aspect of their religious beliefs did they seem to enjoy speaking about the most? The least?
    4. Did you learn anything new about the religious tradition that your subject practices?
    5. You should also include a paragraph about your own response to the interview: did you learn something new about this person? Was it interesting to learn about his/her religious beliefs/practices? Were any of their answers surprising or not?
  • Turn in your list of interview questions along with your paper.

I recommend that you get started on setting up your interview as soon as possible as scheduling can often take longer than you think!

Example Questions:

  1. How and why did you become a member of this religious tradition?
    1. If you grew up in this religious tradition, was there a time that you decided to commit yourself independently to this tradition?
  2. Do you perform any daily (or weekly, monthly, etc) religious rituals?
    1. How long have you performed this ritual?
  3. Do you believe in a higher power?
    1. How do you describe this higher power? Or higher reality?
  4. How does your religious tradition view American society?
  5. Who is allowed to be an authority figure in your religious tradition?
  6. How does your religion influence your daily life?
  7. Are there particular texts or narratives in your religious tradition that are particularly important to you?
  8. Have your religious beliefs changed over the course of your life?
  9. Were there particular times during your life when you were more or less involved with your religion?
  10. Have you ever had a religious experience that changed the way you lived your life?
  11. How does your religion conceive of ‘the good life’?
  12. How does your religious tradition view the issue of gender? Does it promote gender equality?
  13. Are there any aspects of your religious tradition (ethical teachings, rituals) that you disagree with or would like to see changed?
  14. What do you think will happen to your religious tradition in a hundred years? Do you think it will grow, diminish, or change in any way?
  15. How do you view members of other religious traditions or those without any religion at all?
  16. Has your religion provided you with comfort/solace during these uncertain times (in regards to coronavirus outbreak)?
  17. Do you think that living through this outbreak will change the way you view your religion? Or change your religious tradition at all?


CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry Green Extraction of Natural Products Presentation Science Assignment Help

CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry Green Extraction of Natural Products Presentation Science Assignment Help

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