Choose one of the following questions to answer as an initial post. Then respond to one peer. Refer to the syllabus for due dates of initial post and peer response. Health Medical Assignment Help. Choose one of the following questions to answer as an initial post. Then respond to one peer. Refer to the syllabus for due dates of initial post and peer response. Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Choose one of the following questions to answer as an initial post. Then respond to one peer. Refer to the syllabus for due dates of initial post and peer response.
Week 6: Chapters 11 and 12
- Some people view increases in health care spending as a response to
consumer demand, while others see these increases as potentially
wasteful spending. When other industry sectors assume a rising share of
gross domestic product (GDP), it is viewed as a positive development.
Should we be concerned about the rising costs of health care and its
share of GDP? What types of health care spending might be classified as
valuable? Wasteful? - Is it ethical to limit access to care for patients covered by poorly
paying insurers? As a hospital administrator, how would you approach a
situation in which you needed to limit losses created by treating
patients with no insurance or poorly paying insurance who arrive in your
emergency room? Since health care tends to be local, as a policy maker,
what would you do to encourage the larger community—retailers,
restaurants, employers, schools, religious institutions, payers, and
providers—to improve the health of the community? For these
initiatives, should the government play a role or should they be
sponsored by other entities?
Y520 Reflections
Reflections posts are due in the Discussion Tab Thursday night and replies due Sunday night of same week. Initial answers to the discussion should be at least 300 words. Responses to one peer are required for full credit for any week. Resources/References per APA style must be added in your graded response, and are not included the word count.The Reflection is based on the assigned readings for the class.
- Post your entry to the appropriate discussion. You will have 2 questions each week from which to choose. Review the initial post due date on the course schedule.
- Read the responses posted from your classmates. Choose ONE student answer that you would like to “weigh-in” on. It may be that you agree with their responses/answer OR if may be that you see the situation very differently based on experience.
- Then respond to that person’s posting—but remember! “I agree” or “good post” (or some variation of this) is not a sufficient response! When answering questions OR in your responses to your colleagues, use YOUR OWN professional experiences and opinions. It makes it a rich way to share and learn about each other. Review the due date for the peer response post on the course schedule.
Grading of Online Discussions
Each module is worth 10 points each. Grading is based on pertinent thought and content given to answering questions for each module and your responses to your classmates’ postings. Correct spelling and grammar is expected. Assignments should be submitted on time and to the appropriate Discussion.
Grading Criteria
Performance/Points |
Criteria |
Satisfactory: Full Points (10) |
Marginal: 5-9 points |
Unsatisfactory: 0-4 points |
Kovner, A.R., Knickman, J. R., Weisfeld, V. D. (2015). Jonas and Kovner’s
Choose one of the following questions to answer as an initial post. Then respond to one peer. Refer to the syllabus for due dates of initial post and peer response. Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Psychology of Ethics Section 02 Humanities Assignment Help
Ethics News Assignment 1 – Choose an Ethics News Event related to material in Chapters 1-5
Ethics News Assignment 2 – Choose an Ethics News Event related to material in Chapters 6-10
Ethics News Assignment 3 – Choose an Ethics News Event related to material in Chapter 11-15
1. Go to the Georgia View course home page and click “Module 1” (under Content Browser).
2. Next, click “Ethics News 1 – Submit Here.”
3. Attach a blank file, and then locate the text box (called “Comments”) that will appear. You must attach a file before the text box will become visible.
4. TYPE or PASTE your work into the text box (DO NOT ATTACH) and submit.
5. Follow the same sequence of instructions for Module 2 (Ethics News 2) and Module 3 (Ethics News 3).
Do not submit attachments. Due to virus concerns, I do not open or grade attachments.
If your assignment is submitted as an attachment your grade will be zero.
Read the chapters assigned for each Ethics News Assignment. Choose an “Ethics News Event,” which is a current event, news story, or media example of an ethics situation. It may be an event you saw on TV, an event that you read in the newspaper or magazine, an event from an online news source, etc. Your Ethics News Event must provide an example of the assigned textbook material. It must be reasonably current, meaning that it occurred within the last 10 years. Your Ethics News Event may be taken from a factual (real life) source, or from a fictional source.
Your Ethics News Event must be an example of at least two textbook topics. A topic can be a word or phrase in bold type, or it can be a chapter section or subsection. It can also be other terms or theories mentioned in your reading assignment. If it is in the book, the topic is fine to use.
You may choose an Ethics News Event that is psychology-related, or one that is not psychology-related. For example, you might choose an event from psychology, medicine, legal proceedings, or the business/corporate environment.
Your Ethics News Event may show either ethical behavior or unethical behavior. Either option is fine.
Give a detailed description of your Ethics News Event, and explain why it is an example of the two textbook topics.
Your Ethics News Assignment must be 1000 words for full credit. It must be divided into three sections, as shown in the example below.
1. For full credit, your Ethics News Assignment must consist of three paragraphs, formatted like the example below. Paragraph 1 must be a description of the Ethics News Event. Paragraphs 2 and 3 must be topics from the assigned textbook chapters, with explanations of how your Ethics News Event is an example of each topic.
2. Include a reasonable citation for your Ethics News Event. For example, you might cite a news story and explain that it aired during the first week of February 2018, on CBS. If possible, give a web address. If you use a fictional source, cite it as specifically as possible. For example, you might state that the event occurred during an episode of The Big Bang Theory entitled “An Unjust Universe,” which aired during the summer of 2016.
3. Protect the privacy of other people — If you describe another person, do not use his/her real name (use initials).
EXCEPTIONS: You may use the names of public figures, people in the news, or your own name.
Ethics News Event: Larry Nasser, a sports doctor, convicted of multiple cases of sexual abuse of his patients
Source Citation: From a CBS news story in November of 2017 (
Description: Since 2016, there have been numerous news stories regarding the behavior of Dr. Larry Nasser. He was a physician who treated hundreds of young, female gymnasts over a period of many years. More than 150 young women have stated that Dr. Nasser abused them, including episodes of groping, fondling, and penetration. These events occurred during treatment sessions, which the women attended while in gymnastics training. Continue describing/explaining your Ethics News Event.
Topic 1: Moral Foundations Theory, Textbook p. 19
Moral Foundations Theory is an explanation of human moral behavior. According to the theory, there are five central value systems that influence human behavior. More than one of the systems would apply to the Larry Nasser case, but I will use the “Care” value system for my first topic. The Care value describes the idea that people should care for others and avoid actions that harm them. In my example, it is obvious that Dr. Nasser violated the Care value, since his actions harmed many people. Continue describing the topic, and explain how it relates to your example.
Topic 2: Parameters of Consent – Who Can Participate in the Decisions, Textbook p. 88
Psychologists are very careful to obtain informed consent from their patients. In some cases, it is difficult to determine whether the patient is able to give consent. This is true of minors in most cases, with some exceptions. Although Dr. Nasser is not a psychologist, it seems that the medical treatment he provided should have required consent from the patient or her parent. In my opinion, there was an issue with the process of obtaining consent from these young patients. They (or their parents) may have been pressured to give consent, as a condition of training in a particular gym or with a particular coach. If that is the case, I feel that the consent was not voluntary and therefore it would violate ethical standards. Continue describing the topic and explain how it relates to your example.
Full Credit – 30 points
1. To earn full credit, your Ethics News Assignment must meet the “Requirements” listed above. In addition, it must include three paragraphs:
a. Paragraph 1 must be an introduction and description of the Ethics News Event you selected. It must include the title, the source citation, and the description.
b. Paragraph 2 must be a topic from the textbook. Your paragraph must describe/explain the textbook topic, and explain why your Ethics News Event is an example of the topic. I encourage you to use your critical thinking skills. Think beyond the psychology application of your topic. What would happen in real life? How might a person reasonably think or react? If you know someone who had a similar experience, it’s fine to include his/her situation as part of your explanation.
c. Paragraph 3 must be another topic from the textbook. Once again, your paragraph must describe/explain the textbook topic, and explain why your Ethics News Event is an example of the topic. Again, remember to think independently and engage in critical thinking.
2. Your Ethics News Assignment must be at least 1000 words long. I suggest that you use the “word count” feature (in Word) to check the length, since I use this tool when grading the Ethics News Assignments.
Partial Credit
To earn partial credit, your Ethics News Assignment must meet the “Requirements” listed above. But you may earn partial credit for an Ethics News Assignment that is shorter than 1000 words, or has only one topic paragraph (from the textbook).
Your assignment must meet BOTH criteria (word length and topic paragraphs) to earn a specific partial point level (see below). If the topic paragraphs and word length fall at two different point levels, your post will earn the lower of the two point levels. For example, if your Ethics News Assignment has two topic paragraphs and is 570 words long, it will earn 10 points.
To earn 25 points
Your Ethics News Assignment includes the Ethics News Event paragraph (with the title, source citation, and description). It also includes two topic paragraphs AND it is at least 800 words long.
To earn 20 points
Your Ethics News Assignment includes the Ethics News Event paragraph (with the title, source citation, and description). It also includes two topic paragraphs AND it is at least 700 words long.
To earn 15 points
Your Ethics News Assignment includes the Ethics News Event paragraph (with the title, source citation, and description). It also includes one topic paragraph AND it is at least 600 words long.
To earn 10 points
Your Ethics News Assignment includes the Ethics News Event paragraph (with the title, source citation, and description). It also includes one topic paragraph AND it is at least 500 words long.
To earn 5 points
Your Ethics News Assignment includes the Ethics News Event paragraph (with the title, source citation, and description). It also includes one topic paragraph AND it is at least 400 words long.
NO CREDIT – 0 points
Under these conditions, your Ethics News Assignment will receive a grade of ZERO.
1. Your Ethics News Assignment is less than 400 words long.
2. Your Ethics News Assignment does not include the Ethics News Event paragraph (with the title, source citation, and description). This is one main point of the assignment, and your work will not earn credit without it.
3. Your Ethics News Assignment does not include a topic paragraph (from the textbook).
This is the second main point of the assignment, and your work will not earn credit without it.
4. Your Ethics News Assignment was submitted as an attachment. I do not open or grade attachments.
5. Your Ethics News Assignment was unformatted. Unformatted assignments are too difficult to read and interpret.
Point Deductions
Your Ethics News Assignment grade will start with the point level earned above. After that, there are several types of point deductions that might apply.
10-Point Deductions
1. There is a 10-point deduction for using another person’s name. Remember to use initials instead.
EXCEPTIONS: You may use the names of public figures, people in the news, or your own name.
2. There is a 10-point deduction for not including a correct, reasonable source citation.
Variable Deductions (5-25 points, depending upon seriousness of the mistake)
1. There is a deduction for using topics that are not from the assigned material. Make sure you use the correct chapters.
2. Check your observation for spelling and grammar errors. There is a deduction for excessive (5 or more) spelling and/or grammar errors. Use spell check.
3. Check your formatting. Deductions for formatting mistakes depend upon how much your paper differs from the requirements. Completely unformatted assignments earn a grade of ZERO. They are too difficult to read and interpret.
Do not copy material from another source, unless you enclose the copied material in quotation marks and correctly identify the source. You are allowed to quote short passages (50 words or less) in your Ethics News Assignment, but it is not required. If you choose to use quoted material, remember to identify the source in a bibliography at the end of your post. I do not care what type of bibliography you use, as long as I can identify your source.
Exception: You may refer to our textbook simply by chapter or page number. Just put quotation marks around the passages you use, and explain that it comes from our book.
Do not copy material from another student and submit it as your work. Do not give your work to another student to be copied.
If you engage in these behaviors, or any form of plagiarism, you will be subject to the Academic Misconduct penalties described in the course syllabus.
college composition Unit 6 Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Academic Essay Draft
Step 2 Preview the academic essay Assignment.
Post: Write and post your Unit 6 Discussion Board initial post.
Compose a rough draft of your first 3 paragraphs of the Unit 6 academic essay Assignment. Be sure to develop your draft using your own ideas about the change in your field of study you are writing about. Use your own thoughts and observations to explain either what caused the change or to analyze the effects of this change.
Post your first 3 paragraphs, but if you are further along in the drafting process and your draft is longer, that is not a problem. Remember that a draft will have weaknesses, so do not hesitate to post your draft because it is not perfect. You will receive helpful feedback on your draft from your instructor and classmates.
Review: Use the feedback you received in step 2 to help you revise and edit your first 3 paragraphs, write the rest of your essay, and get it ready for submission to the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox.
Review a sample student Discussion Board post.
Discussion requirements
Initial post should:
- demonstrate effectively developed paragraphs
- be on topic
- be original
- contribute to the quality of the discussion
- make frequent and informed references to the unit concepts
ART HISTORY MAJOR Assignment Humanities Assignment Help
Question 1
Use the image in the following and write a COMBINED ANALYSIS for that artwork. The analysis should be 500 words and should include at least 3 different Modes of Analyses, in addition to a brief formal analysis. Please make clear to your reader which modes you are employing. Each mode should offer a thorough analysis of the artwork. Here are the combined analysis options- Formal Analysis • Stylistic Analysis • Gender Analysis • Psychological Analysis • Feminist Analysis • Contextual Analysis • Biographical Analysis • Iconographic Analysis • Marxist Analysis (Pick any 4 types of them to analyze the artwork)
The essay should begin with a brief description of the image (use formal analysis). This description does not need to be very detailed, but should provide a solid base on which you can mount your combined analysis.
The grade will be based on the breadth, depth, and insight of your analysis. A good combined analysis will explore the discourse, or conversation, about an artwork. I am not expecting you to create original scholarship on these artworks, but to show a grasp of the basic art history surrounding them. You should make your best effort to write a cohesive and organized essay. Everything should be in your OWN WORDS, and if you use any references please cite them!!
Image – Pablo Picasso, Girl with a Mandolin (Fanny Tellier), 1910
Question 2
Watch the following film and write a brief report about the movie. Answer the questions in the file that I attached. Each question should be a paragraph about 150 words with your own words.
Obesity Discussion Writing Assignment Help
The case scenario provided will be used to answer the discussion questions that follow.
Case Scenario
Mr. C., a 32-year-old single man, is seeking information at the outpatient center regarding possible bariatric surgery for his obesity. He reports that he has always been heavy, even as a small child, but he has gained about 100 pounds in the last 2–3 years. Previous medical evaluations have not indicated any metabolic diseases, but he says he has sleep apnea and high blood pressure, which he tries to control with sodium restriction. He current works at a catalog telephone center.
Objective Data
- Height: 68 inches; Weight 134.5 kg
- BP: 172/96, HR 88, RR 26
- Fasting Blood Glucose: 146/mg/dL
- Total Cholesterol: 250mg/dL
- Triglycerides: 312 mg/dL
- HDL: 30 mg/dL
Critical Thinking Questions # 1 – 4
# 1.) What health risks associated with obesity does Mr. C. have? Is bariatric surgery an appropriate intervention? Why or why not?
Mr. C. has been diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease and the following medications have been ordered:
- Magnesium hydroxide/aluminum hydroxide (Mylanta) 15 mL PO 1 hour before bedtime and 3 hours after mealtime and at bedtime.
- Ranitidine (Zantac) 300 mg PO at bedtime.
- Sucralfate/Carafate 1 g or 10ml suspension (500mg / 5mL) 1 hour before meals and at bedtime.
The patient reports eating meals at 7 a.m., noon, and 6 p.m., and a bedtime snack at 10 p.m.
# 2.) Plan an administration schedule that will be most therapeutic and acceptable to the patient.
# 3.) Assess each of Mr. C.’s functional health patterns using the information given.
(Hint: Functional health patterns include health-perception – health management, nutritional – metabolic, elimination, activity-exercise, sleep-rest, cognitive-perceptual, self-perception – self-concept, role-relationship, sexuality – reproductive, coping – stress tolerance.)
# 4.) What actual or potential problems can you identify? Describe at least five problems and provide the rationale for each.
– A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.
– Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines. -An abstract is not required
-This assignment will be submitted for plagiarism.
Discussion reply Health Medical Assignment Help
Mela Kissoon-Persaud
RE: Discussion – Week 4
Mela Kissoon-Persaud
Main Discussion Post
Fee-for-Service Versus Case-Based Payment Service
In the fee-for-service payment method, “the provider of services is paid according to the service performed” (Baker, Baker, & Dworkin, 2018, p.g. 38). This is the most traditional payment model in health care. One benefit of this method is that physicians can charge a reasonable amount for a plan and offer precise assistance to their patients (Divi, 2018). A disadvantage to this payment method is that it may incentivize doctors “to order unnecessary tests and procedures to generate more income, and encourages them to practice ‘defensive medicine’” (Divi, 2018).
In the case-based service payment method, “the health purchaser pays all hospitals in the system a fixed payment rate for each treated case that falls into one of a set of defined categories of cases, such as diagnosis-related groups (DRGs)” (Cashin, 2010). This method was made with the goal of furthering cost containment in health care facilities (Cashin, 2010). A benefit to this payment method is that it reduces the number of excessive inputs used to treat each case (Cashin, 2010).
Alternative Reimbursement Strategies
The two alternative reimbursement strategies being discussed in the “Which Health care Payment System is Best” are episode payment and comprehensive care payment. The episode payment method is “paying a single price for all of the healthcare services needed by a patient for an entire episode of care” (Center for Healthcare, n.d.). While this payment method reduces costs and variations within episodes, it does not discourage high numbers of episodes of care for patients with certain conditions (Center for Healthcare, n.d.). The comprehensive care payment method is “paying a single price for all of the services needed by a specific group of people for a fixed period of time” (Center for Healthcare, n.d.). This payment method decreases the number of unnecessary episodes of care for patients with certain conditions (Center for Healthcare, n.d.). Using both the comprehensive care payment and episode payment method would be beneficial for my department because I currently work with patients who have heart disease. As stated by “Which Health care Payment System is Best,” using the comprehensive payment method for a group of people with heart disease would be beneficial and then any individual who needed to go to the hospital, the episode payment would beneficial for them to receive care (Center for Healthcare, n.d.).
Impact on Nurse-Patient Ratio and Quality
While nurses are an essential part of healthcare organizations, they are also considered to be “pricey.” In an attempt to cut costs, facilities are staffing more healthcare assistants than they are licensed nurses. As a result, nurse-to-patient ratios are taking a steep dive into threatening numbers: “latest figures show there is one registered nurse to an average of between 9.1 and 10.3 patients” (Moore & Waters, 2012). With each additional patient assigned to a nurse, the chances of nurse burnout increased by 23 percent, failure-to-rescue rates increased by 7 percent, and 30-day patient mortality increased by 7 percent (Moore & Waters, 2012). Sufficient nurse-to-patient ratios are associated with increased patient satisfaction, decreased burnout rates, and creates a better working environment (Nurse to patient ratios, 2012). In addition, adequate ratios are directly associated with reduced patient deaths (Gillen, 2012).
Baker, J. J., Baker, R. W., & Dworkin, N. R. (2018). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
Cashin, Cheryl. (2010). “Case-Based Hospital Payment Systems: Summary of Key Aspects of Design and Implementation.” RBF Health,….
Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform. (n.d.). Which health care payment system is best? Retrieved from…
Divi. (2018). “What Is Fee For Service In Healthcare?” PrognoCIS EHR
Gillen, S. (2012). Most nurses are struggling with inadequate staffing, survey shows. Nursing Standard, 26(34), 9. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Moore, A., & Waters, A. (2012). Getting ratios right, for the patients’ sake: when nursing is undervalued, care is inevitably undermined. Nursing Standard, (31), 16. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibrary.or…
Nurse to patient ratios impact burnout worldwide. (2012). Australian Nursing Journal, 19(10), 19. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Discussion reply Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Future Tech: Genetic Interventions and the ethics of enhancement of human beings Writing Assignment Help
MLA Format,
- Length: 600- 750 words (about 1 page, single-spaced)
The key Question need to be answered in the paper is (when you first start writing the paper mention what is the key question) : we look at ethical questions raised by our ability to edit our genome. What moral issues arise in being able to enhance human abilities beyond those we have evolved?
Also you can talk about : What are the ethical implications of revolutionary technologies that are on their way to being common place in our lives? First we look at the ethical issues raise by autonomous cars. What are the risks and benefits? Are they worth it?
Use this article for your reference:
Attach file is a module of the to organize the paper (check it before starting).
disucssion reply Health Medical Assignment Help
Alexa Belleau
RE: Discussion – Week 4
Fee for Service vs Cash-Based Payments
The fee for service payment method is when “the provider of services is paid according to the service performed” (Baker, Baker, &
Dworkin, 2018, p.g. 38). An example of this is if you go to the Emergency Room. You are billed separately for lab, imaging and
physicians. Cash based payments are when you pay for the service upfront. After this you may seek reimbursement from your insurance
company. For example, a specialty provider such as a chiropractor. You would pay at each visit but then ask for reimbursement from
Health Care Payment System
There are two alternative reimbursement strategies involved in “Which Health care Payment System is Best.” They are the episode
payment and comprehensive care payment. The episode payment method is “paying a single price for all of the healthcare services
needed by a patient for an entire episode of care” (Center for Healthcare, n.d.). The comprehensive care payment method is “paying a
single price for all of the services needed by a specific group of people for a fixed period of time” (Center for Healthcare, n.d.). This
payment method decreases the number of episodes with certain chronic conditions.
Nurse to Patient Ratio
The payment and revenue of clinics and hospitals can be affected by nurse to patient ratios (Moore & Waters, 2012). The more revenue
a medical facility receives the more staff they can hire to take care of their patients. With lower ratios patients will receive better care
because they have more one on one time with their patients.
Baker, J. J., Baker, R. W., & Dworkin, N. R. (2018). Health Care Finance: Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.
Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform. (n.d.). Which health care payment system is best? Retrieved from
Moore, A., & Waters, A. (2012). Getting ratios right, for the patients’ sake. Nursing Standard, 26(31), 16–19. Retrieved from:…
Use EView answer the question- please post the answer on the upload sheet Mathematics Assignment Help
Experiential Learning – Forecasting models for the rate of inflation
The variable PCEP is the price index for personal consumption expenditures from the U.S. National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA).
- Compute the (annualized) inflation rate,
- Plot the value of Infl from 1963:Q1 through 2012:Q4. Based on the plot, do you think that Infl has a stochastic trend? Explain.
Double click in the table below to access to the excel table.
- Compute the first four autocorrelations of
- Plot the value of Infl from 1963:Q1 through 2012:Q4. The plot should look “choppy” or “jagged.”Explain why this behavior is consistent with the first autocorrelation that you computed in part (i) for .
- Compute Run an OLS regression of on . Does knowing the change in inflation this quarter help predict the change in inflation next quarter? Explain.
- Estimate an AR(2) model for Infl. Is the AR(2) model better than an AR(1) model? Explain.
- Estimate an AR(p) model for . What lag length is chosen by BIC? What lag length is chosen by AIC?
- Use the AR(2) model to predict “the change in inflation from 2012:Q4 to 2013:Q1”-that is, predict the value of
- Use the AR(2) model to predict “the level of the inflation rate” in 2013:Q1—that is, .
- Use the ADF test for the regression in Equation (14.31) with two lags of to test for a stochastic trend in .
- Is the ADF test based on Equation (14.31) preferred to the test based on Equation (14.32) for testing for stochastic trend in ? Explain.
- In (i) you used two lags of . Should you use more lags? Fewer lags? Explain.
- Based on the test you carried out in (i), does the AR model for contain a unit root? Explain carefully. (Hint: Does the failure to reject a null hypothesis mean that the null hypothesis is true?)
- Using the AR(2) model for with a sample period that begins in 1963:Q1, compute pseudo out-of-sample forecasts for the change in inflation beginning in 2003:Q1 and going through 2012:Q4. That is, compute:
- Are the pseudo out-of-sample forecasts biased?That is, do the forecast errors have a nonzero mean?
- How large is the RMSFE of the pseudo out-of-sample forecasts? Is this consistent with the AR(2) model for estimated over the 1963:Q1–2002:Q4 sample period?
- There is a large outlier in 2008:Q4. Why did inflation fall so much in 2008:Q4? (Hint: Collect some data on oil prices. What happened to oil prices during 2008?)
Comparison and Contrast Essay Humanities Assignment Help
You will be typing a 800 – 1000 words Comparison & Contrast Essay on the topic of:
- The similarities and differences in the behavior among married and unmarried couples.
, and you will also create a Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Template
The paper must be between 800 – 1000 words and be sure to follow the rubric that i posted. Also use this link to help guide you:
Compare and Contrast Essay Topics For College Students
When attending a college, at any time your professor will assign you the task of writing this form of essay. Consider these topics for college students to get the grades you deserve.
The topic to write about is :
- The similarities and differences in the behavior among married and unmarried couples.
I have attached images of the Template guideline that you should follow when you make the outline template for the essay.
I have attached an article from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill that explains the process of writing comparison/contrast papers as a supplement to our text and handouts..
You are to read and comprehend the assignment. On Wednesday, I will post both discussion questions and questions that you are to submit for participation grades.
Please check announcements for postings.
The following rubric will be used to grade the Narrative, Comparison/Contrast and Cause/Effect Papers:
Levels of Achievement |
Total 100 points Criteria |
Exemplary 100 – 90 points |
Exceeds Expectations 89 – 80 points |
Meets Expectations 79 – 70 points |
Developing 69 – 60 points |
Content |
20 to 18 points The essay has a clear and perceptive evaluative thesis that is fully supported with specific, relevant examples. |
17 to 16 points The essay has a clear evaluative thesis that is supported with many specific, relevant examples, but the support may include a few generalizations. |
15 to 14 points The essay has a clear thesis that is supported with some specific details and examples, but the support contains some generalizations. |
13 to 12 points The essay has a thesis that is not clearly defined or is ambiguous; the support is primarily generalizations. |
Organization |
20 to 18 points The essay demonstrates a clear and appropriate progression of ideas, which are effectively balanced and objective. Transitions are seamless and skillful, and the essay has a logical and sophisticated structure that effectively supports the purpose. |
17 to 16 points The essay demonstrates a clear progression of ideas, which are balanced and objective. Transitions are effective, and the essay has an overall effective structure that supports the purpose. |
15 to 14 points The essay demonstrates a clear progression of ideas, which are mostly balanced and usually objective. Transitions are adequate but often mechanical, and the essay has an overall adequate structure. |
13 to 12 points The essay lacks a clear progression of ideas. Content is not well-balanced or objective. Transitions are abrupt and sometimes inaccurate, and the essay has an inconsistent structure. |
Language/ Audience |
20 to 18 points The language choices are fresh and innovative. Sentences are skillfully worded, and sentence structure is both varied and sophisticated. The tone shows sophisticated awareness of the audience and purpose. Sense language is used to “show not tell” the reader what is being described. |
17 to 16 points The language choices are precise and purposeful. Sentences are clearly worded and unambiguous, and sentence structure is varied and competent. The tone is well-suited to the purpose and audience. Word choice is appropriate with fairly good sense language to create imagery. |
15 to 14 points The language choices are appropriate and accurate. Sentences are generally clearly worded although there might be minor problems with syntax and/or omissions; these minor errors do not interfere with readability. Sentence structures are varied. The tone is appropriate for the purpose and audience. While sense language is used, it is not very effective in creating imagery. |
13 to 12 points The language choices are basic but adequate; occasional errors in diction and/or usage may interfere with meaning. Occasional errors in syntax and/or wording problems may lead to ambiguity or interfere with readability. Sentence structures lack variety and tend to be mechanical. The tone shows some awareness of audience and purpose, although some choices may be inappropriate for the assignment. |
Mechanics |
20 to 18 points The essay has impeccable grammar, punctuation, spelling, and/or usage. |
17 to 16 points The essay has occasional, but insignificant, grammar, mechanics, spelling, and/or word choice errors. |
15 to 14 points The essay has some grammar, mechanics, spelling, and/or word choice errors, but these do not interfere with readability. |
13 to 12 points The essay has frequent grammar, mechanics, spelling, and/or word choice errors that sometimes interfere with readability. |
MLA Style |
20 to 18 points The essay fully adheres to MLA style formatting and meets the required word length. |
17 to 16 points 2-3 errors but MLA style is recognizable; paper meets required word length. |
15 to 14 points 4+ errors and MLA style is hard to recognize.Paper is less than required length. |
13 to 12 points 5+ errors and MLA style is not evident, though the paper is typed clearly. Paper is less than the required length. |
In the essay, i need you to type up a point-by-point outline, and for the essay and the outline you must have 3 bases for comparison and 3 bases for contrast. I attached images of an example outline. Be sure to look at them for further help
I have attached samples of the essay and outline. Please be sure follow accordingly for my essay and outline. And the topic you are to write about is
- The similarities and differences in the behavior among married and unmarried couples.