CJ 300 San Diego State University Dreamland by Sam Quinones Law Case Study Law Assignment Help. CJ 300 San Diego State University Dreamland by Sam Quinones Law Case Study Law Assignment Help.
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***********Whoever does this assignment has to agree to send me their email so I can email them the book required for this assignment because it wont let me upload it here************
This paper has three parts:
1) Using Dreamland as your source material, illustrate and explain the complexity of concepts of crime, law, and justice in the US.
2) Drawing from all course materials from Weeks 1-9, identify and explain historical reasons for the complexity you illustrate.
3) Reflect on what you read in Dreamland and tell me three things you learned about crime, law, and justice in the US from reading it.
Specifically, identify and explain three complexities about the
concept of crime, three complexities about the concept of law, and three
complexities about the concept of justice. By complexity, what I mean
is that there is not one way of looking at the term since different
stakeholders have different views of it. By identify, I mean give me a
substantive and appropriate example of a complexity illustrated in the
book. By explain, I mean tell me why you chose that example that you
did to make your point. You will need to think critically here and, for
some answers, read between the lines of work.
Then, for each complexity, give me one specific, historically-based
reason why that complexity exists and tie that reason to any of the
other class material covered during Weeks 1-9. Your reason may be an
event, a theme, a trend, a person, etc. Next, explain your reason: why
is it applicable and relevant? You will need to think critically here
and, for some answers, read between the lines of work.
An example of one and two is as follows. I use tobacco instead of opiates to illustrate how this should be done:
“One are of complexity of crime is in the area of drug laws. What
drugs are legal and illegal? How are legal drugs regulated? For
example, tobacco is a legal product that has gone through many forms of
regulation. The federal government largely stayed out of the discussion
with states (some of them tobacco producing) taking the lead under dual
federalism traditions. Additionally, their was a major corporate
involvement in shaping the issue. Madison Avenue advertised tobacco to
specific demographics to increase the consumption of what they knew to
be a hazardous, deadly product. For example, Virginia Slims were
marketed to women; “smoke them because they increased your sex appeal.”
Marlboros were marketed to men; “smoke them and be a manly, John Wayne
type.” Menthol-infused KOOLs were marketed to African-Americans,
capitalizing on the “birth of cool” jazz culture and a cultural
preference for menthol in marketing studies. In each case,
millions-became addicted to the product and millions died from smoking
related illness. Still, they were not outlawed because addicted smokers
voted and the smoking lobby made sure politicians were well compensated
for keeping the product legal no matter the cost. The juxtaposition to
marijuana illegality during the same period of time is striking.”
Whenever citing from Dreamland and any other course
material, you will use direct quotes if merited. You will always cite
your source. For our purposes, just use the author’s last name and the
page number or the film title if a film/documentary). For example:
(Roth: 45).
Do not write in essay form. Outline your responses in the following manner:
I. Crime
A. Complexity example 1
1. Historical reason
B. Complexity example 2
1. Historical reason
C. Complexity example 3
1. Historical reason
2. Law
A. Complexity example 1
1. Historical reason
B. Complexity example example 2
1. Historical reason
C. Complexity example 3
1. Historical reason
III. Justice
A. Complexity example 1
1. Historical reason
B. Complexity example 2
1. Historical reason
C. Complexity example 3
1. Historical reason
IV. Reflection
You may cut and paste the outline as is so you can maintain the headings and sub-headings.
You should write a short paragraph for each point in the outline above. Be thorough, not trite.
Your responses will be assessed with an eye to your ability to
follow directions, write clearly and effectively, the thoroughness and
appropriateness of your responses, and your interaction with the breadth
and depth of the source material.
Keep in mind just answering the question does not merit an A. It
merits a C. How well you execute your answers compared to your peers
moves you to the above average (B) and excellent (A) ranges, or to the
below average (D) levels (i.e., you answer questions inconsistently,
rely on just one or two sources, fail to proofread, etc.). Failure to
meet criteria as established will result in a failure for this
assignment (up to a zero).
Proofreading is important folks. Don’t get hammered for the same mistakes you have been making in your weekly assignments.
Please use a 12-point Times New Roman font. Please use single
spacing. Please do not exceeded four single-spaced pages. No
bibliography/works cited is needed. Just cite sources in-text as
CJ 300 San Diego State University Dreamland by Sam Quinones Law Case Study Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Robotic Independent Design Project Writing Assignment Help
his course requires you to prepare and submit an Independent Design Project demonstrating an understanding of robotic design processes, fundamentals, and interactions by designing a simple robot to utilize sensors, central processing, and locomotion/physical interaction.
This module week’s assignment is to prepare a 300-word overview of the project that identifies:
- A perceived need (i.e., mission/use) that could be met through the use of a robotic system.
- Why such a need exists and how a robotic system would be well suited to perform.
- Operational domain of the mission (e.g., fixed-position, ground, aerial, water, or exo-planetary/space).
- Subsystems and critical elements that you propose to include in your design, based on your review of similar systems, and a basic overview of their function (these can change, as your design evolves over the course).
- At least five supporting reference citations (in current APA format).
University of Maryland Baltimore County Cybersecurity Processes and Technologies Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Project #1: Incident Response Report
Your Task
You have been assigned to assist with After Action Reporting in support of the Sifers-Grayson Blue Team. Your immediate task is to assist in analyzing and reporting on a Red Team penetration test described later in this document. As part of that report, you will identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities exploited by the attackers (the Red Team), compile a set of lessons learned, and then make recommendations for actions the company should take to close the gaps in their cybersecurity posture (at a minimum, you must address the identified vulnerabilities and weaknesses that were exploited by the Red Team). The Blue Team has provided you with a set of enterprise architecture diagrams (see figures 1-4 in this file) to help with your analysis of the incident and preparation of the summary report. You should also use the readings from Weeks 1-4 to help you identify security gaps and incident response capabilities which the company needs to implement.
Sifers-Grayson is a family owned business headquartered in Grayson County, Kentucky, USA. The company’s physical address is 1555 Pine Knob Trail, Pine Knob, KY 42721. The president of the company is Ira John Sifers, III. He is the great-grandson of one of the company’s founders and is also the head of the engineering department. The chief operating officer is Michael Coles, Jr. who is Ira John’s great nephew. Mary Beth Sifers is the chief financial officer and also serves as the head of personnel for the company.
Recent contracts with the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security have imposed additional security requirements upon the company and its R&D DevOps and SCADA labs operations. The company is now required to comply with NIST Special Publication 800-171 Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information in Nonfederal Information Systems and Organizations. The company must also comply with provisions of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFARS) including section 252-204-7012 Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting. These requirements are designed to ensure that sensitive technical information, provided by the federal government and stored on computer systems in the Sifers-Grayson R&D DevOps and SCADA labs, is protected from unauthorized disclosure. This information includes software designs and source code. The contract requirements also mandate that Sifers-Grayson report cyber incidents to the federal government in a timely manner.
The company has agreed to allow an external Red Team to conduct penetration testing of its operations to help ensure that it is able to meet the government’s requirements for cybersecurity and the protection of government owned sensitive but unclassified information. The company has also assigned personnel to conduct After Action Reviews of the penetration testing. You
Company Operations
Engineering Department
The Engineering Department is housed in the company’s R&D center with a satellite facility at the test range. The desktop and laptop computers are a mixed bag of hardware (multiple manufacturers) running Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and variants of Apple’s OSX and iOS. The support for these computers and the internal networks is provided by the junior engineers assigned to one or more of the department’s development teams. The Engineering Department’s philosophy is that all of the company’s engineers should be trained and capable of providing support for any and all hardware, software, and networks used by the department. This training is provided through on-the-job experiences and mentoring by more senior engineers. When a problem arises, the department head or one of the lab supervisors assigns an engineer to find and fix the problem.
Engineering Department: SCADA Lab
The SCADA lab was originally setup in 1974. It has been upgraded and rehabbed several times since then. The most recent hardware and software upgrades were completed three years ago after the lab was hit with a ransomware attack that exploited several Windows XP vulnerabilities. At that time, the engineering and design workstations were upgraded to Windows 8.1 professional. A second successful ransomware attack occurred three months ago. The company paid the ransom in both cases because the lab did not have file backups that it could use to recover the damaged files (in the first case) and did not have system backups that it could use to rebuild the system hard drives (in the second case).
The SCADA Lab is locked into using Windows 8.1. The planned transition to Windows 10 is on indefinite hold due to technical problems encountered during previous attempts to modify required software applications to work under the new version of the operating system. This means that an incident response and recovery capability for the lab must support the Windows 8.1 operating system and its utilities.
Engineering Department: R&D DevOps Lab
The R&D DevOps Lab was built in 2010 and is used to develop, integrate, test, support, and maintain software and firmware (software embedded in chips) for the company’s robots, drones, and non-SCADA industrial control systems product lines. The workstations in this lab are running Windows 10 and are configured to receive security updates per Microsoft’s monthly schedule.
Data Center & Enterprise IT Operations
The company uses a combination of Windows 10 workstations and laptops as the foundation of its enterprise IT capabilities. The servers in the data center and the engineering R&D center are built upon Windows Server 2012. A firewall was installed to protect the Data Center from network attacks but, as you can see in Figure 2, the placement of the firewall on the corporate network provides no protection for the Data Center. An external attacker could use the network path through the R&D center’s networks to reach the Data Center.
Contractual & Regulatory Requirements
- Newly won government contracts now require compliance with DFARS §252.204-7008, 7009, and 7012
- Derivative requirements include:
- Additional Contractual Requirements for Lab Operations include:
Red Team Penetration Testing
Sifers-Grayson hired a cybersecurity consulting firm to help it meet the security requirements of a contract with a federal agency. The consulting firm’s Red Team conducted a penetration test and was able to gain access to the engineering center’s R&D servers by hacking into the enterprise network through an unprotected network connection (see figure 2). The Red Team proceeded to exfiltrate files from those servers and managed to steal 100% of the design documents and source code for the AX10 Drone System. The Red Team also reported that it had stolen passwords for 20% of the employee logins using keylogging software installed on USB keys that were left on the lunch table in the headquarters building employee lounge (see Figure 3). The Red Team also noted that the Sifers-Grayson employees were quite friendly and talkative as they opened the RFID controlled doors for the “new folks” on the engineering staff (who were actually Red Teamers).
The Red Team continued its efforts to penetrate the enterprise and used a stolen login to install malware over the network onto a workstation connected to a PROM burner in the R&D DevOps lab (See Figure 3). This malware made its way onto a PROM that was then installed in an AX10-a test vehicle undergoing flight trials at the Sifers-Grayson test range (See Figures 1 and 4). The malware “phoned home” to the Red Team over a cellular connection to the R&D center. The Red Team took control of the test vehicle and flew it from the test range to a safe landing in the parking lot at Sifers-Grayson headquarters.
The Red Team used three stolen logins to send Phishing Emails to employees. These phishing emails appeared to come from coworkers (employees of the company) and contained a link to one of three videos. Each video was linked to a server that tracked the email address and IP address of the computer used to access the video. The Red Team reported that over 80% of the recipients clicked on the video link for cute kittens or cute cats. Twenty percent (20%) of the recipients clicked on the video link for a business news story. A video link to a sports event wrap-up for the Kentucky Volunteers basketball team had over 95% click-through rate. All three videos displayed a “Page Not Found (404 Error)” message from the target server. The Red Team did not put a tracking beacon in the emails to track forwarding of the phishing emails. But, the team reported that the target server collected email addresses and IP addresses for over 1500 external recipients within 24 hours of the original mailing; at that point, the target server was shutdown.
After completing their penetration tests, the Red Team provided Sifers-Grayson executives with a diagram showing their analysis of the threat environment and potential weaknesses in the company’s security posture for the R&D DevOps Lab (see figure 5).
Incident Response During the Penetration Test
Sifers-Grayson has limited Incident Handling and Response capabilities in place. The company’s Chief Operating Officer has a small IT team (team lead and two support specialists) that focuses primarily on the IT needs of headquarters personnel. Their duties include staffing the help desk phone line and handling any incidents that affect availability of company owned IT equipment and networks. The single firewall for the company falls under this team’s management and control. It was not capable of detecting the Red Team’s intrusions and was not configured to provide alerts for any failures or faults.
Computer and network operations for the SCADA Lab and R&D DevOps Labs have traditionally been the responsibility of the Engineering department. Engineering sees itself as separate from the rest of the company and takes care of its own IT needs. There is no formal incident response capability. Instead, the lab manager for each lab tasks engineering staff to manage the workstations. If network maintenance or upgrades are required, the Engineering Department hires contractors to perform the work. Responsibility for providing oversight for these contractors is rotated between the junior engineers.
The Data Center manager has a staff of two systems administrators who are also responsible for identifying and responding to incidents which impact server availability. The Data Center does not have any automated detection systems in place to provide alerts for intrusions. It does, however, have heat alarms, smoke detectors, and water detectors which sound audible alerts through klaxon horns. Neither of the system administrators detected any anomalies in server or local area network operations during the penetration test.
There was no effective incident response during the penetration test. In large part, this was due to the lack of a centralized team with responsibility for enterprise monitoring and response for network incidents and computer security incidents. Incident response also fell short because there were no automated detection capabilities. Finally, the company’s ability to perform forensics investigations after the penetration testing was limited due to a lack of knowledge (no trained personnel), lack of forensic analysis tools, and a limited number of log files on the servers and firewall.
Your Deliverables
Your deliverables for this assignment are:
- Part A: Completed Incident Report Form
- Part B: Summary After Action Report in narrative format
First, you should complete the Sifers-Grayson Cybersecurity Incident Report Form (use the template found at the end of this file) using the above information provided. You should also consult some information providedbelow for additional directions regarding completion of the form.
Next, perform a more thorough analysis of the information provided about the Red Team’s penetration testing and the vulnerabilities / security gaps which were uncovered. You should pay attention to areas where the incident response capability needs to be improved (people, processes, policies and technologies). Prepare a Summary Report of your findings and recommendations in narrative format. Your Summary Report should have four major sections. The required sections are:
Introduction (provide an overview of the purpose and contents of the report)
Analysis of the Incident (summarize what you know about the red team’s activities / the resulting security incidents using the information provided in the classroom and in this file). Your incident analysis should address: people, processes, policies, and technologies.
Lessons Learned (what went wrong in the incident response process, what did not happen that should have happened). Your lessons learned analysis should address: people, processes, policies, and technologies.
Recommendations for Improvements to Incident Response Capability (what needs to change, who should take actions, what actions must be taken to improve the incident response capability).
After you have completed the Incident Report Form and the narrative Summary Report, submit both files as separate documents.
- Use the incident report form that appears at the end of this file. Copy it to a new MS Word document. Insert a title page at the beginning of your file and include the title of the report, your name (John Tako), and the due date. Attach the file containing this form as a separate file before submitting.
- DOCUMENT YOUR ASSUMPTIONS about people, policies, processes, and technologies.
- Do not change any of the factual information provided in the assignment file.
2.Your Summary Report deliverable should be professionally formatted and should not exceed 10 pages for the report and 3 pages for the Incident Response Form. The goal is to be clear and concise in your reporting of your analysis of this incident and your recommendations for improvements. Your file containing the report must include a title page at the beginning of your file that includes the title of the report, your name, and the due date.
3.Your work for this project should reflect learning and analysis. For that reason, the citation rules are relaxed, and you may write from your own knowledge as an “expert.” BUT, if you paste exact phrases, sentences, or paragraphs from another document or resource, you must cite that source using an appropriate and consistent citation style (e.g. footnotes, end notes, in-text citations).
4.You may include annotated diagrams if necessary, to illustrate your analysis and/or make your point(s). You may use the figures in this assignment as the foundation for diagrams in your final report (no citations required).
5.Use the NIST Incident Handling Process (see Table 1) to guide your incident analysis. You do not need to cite a source for this table. (You may also use information from the Certified Incident Handler textbook.)
How to Complete the Incident Response Form
- For section 1 of the form, use your own name ( Use the name: John Tako) but provide reasonable but fictitious information for the remaining fields.
- For section 2 of the form, assign IP addresses in the following ranges to any servers, workstations, or network connections that you need to discuss.
- R&D Center
- Test Range
- Corporate Headquarters
- For sections 2, 3, and 5, you should use and interpret information provided in this file and elsewhere in the classroom. You may use a judicious amount of creativity, if necessary, to fill in any missing information.
- For section 4 of the form you may provide a fictitious cost estimate based upon $100 per hour for IT staff to perform “clean-up” activities. Reasonable estimates are probably in the range of 150 to 300 person hours. What’s important is that you document how you arrived at your cost estimate.
- Discuss the contract requirements and derivative requirements for cybersecurity at Sifers-Grayson in 3 to 5 paragraphs under “Section 6 General Comments.”
Figure 1. Overview of Sifers-Grayson Enterprise IT Architecture
Figure 2. Combined Network and Systems Views:
Sifers-Grayson Headquarters, R&D Center, and Data Center
Figure 3. Combined Network and Systems View for Sifers-Grayson R&D DevOps Lab
Figure 4. Combined Communications and Systems Views for Sifers-Grayson Test Range
Figure 5. Threat Landscape for Sifers-Grayson R&D DevOps Lab
NIST Incident Handling Checklist by Phase
Detection and Analysis |
1. |
Determine whether an incident has occurred |
1.1 |
Analyze the precursors and indicators |
1.2 |
Look for correlating information |
1.3 |
Perform research (e.g., search engines, knowledge base) |
1.4 |
As soon as the handler believes an incident has occurred, begin documenting the investigation and gathering evidence |
2. |
Prioritize handling the incident based on the relevant factors (functional impact, information impact, recoverability effort, etc.) |
3. |
Report the incident to the appropriate internal personnel and external organizations |
Containment, Eradication, and Recovery |
4. |
Acquire, preserve, secure, and document evidence |
5. |
Contain the incident |
6. |
Eradicate the incident |
6.1 |
Identify and mitigate all vulnerabilities that were exploited |
6.2 |
Remove malware, inappropriate materials, and other components |
6.3 |
If more affected hosts are discovered (e.g., new malware infections), repeat the Detection and Analysis steps (1.1, 1.2) to identify all other affected hosts, then contain (5) and eradicate (6) the incident for them |
7. |
Recover from the incident |
7.1 |
Return affected systems to an operationally ready state |
7.2 |
Confirm that the affected systems are functioning normally |
7.3 |
If necessary, implement additional monitoring to look for future related activity |
Post-Incident Activity |
8. |
Create a follow-up report |
9. |
Hold a lessons learned meeting (mandatory for major incidents, optional otherwise) |
Source: NIST SP 800-61r2
Cichonski, P., Millar, T., Grance, T., & Scarfone, K. (2012). Computer security incident handling guide (NIST SP 800-62 rev. 2). http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-61r2
- Contact Information for the Incident Reporter and Handler
- Incident Details
- Cause of the Incident (e.g., misconfigured application, unpatched host)
- Cost of the Incident
- Business Impact of the Incident
- General Comments
– Name
– Role
– Organizational unit (e.g., agency, department, division, team) and affiliation
– Email address
– Phone number
– Location (e.g., mailing address, office room number)
– Status change date/timestamps (including time zone): when the incident started, when the incident was discovered/detected, when the incident was reported, when the incident was resolved/ended, etc.
– Physical location of the incident (e.g., city, state)
– Current status of the incident (e.g., ongoing attack)
– Source/cause of the incident (if known), including hostnames and IP addresses
– Description of the incident (e.g., how it was detected, what occurred)
– Description of affected resources (e.g., networks, hosts, applications, data), including systems’ hostnames, IP addresses, and function
– If known, incident category, vectors of attack associated with the incident, and indicators related to the incident (traffic patterns, registry keys, etc.)
– Prioritization factors (functional impact, information impact, recoverability, etc.)
– Mitigating factors (e.g., stolen laptop containing sensitive data was using full disk encryption)
– Response actions performed (e.g., shut off host, disconnected host from network)
– Other organizations contacted (e.g., software vendor)
Probation and Parole Questions Law Assignment Help
Directions: Fill-in-the-blank with the word, concept, or phrase that best completes each statement. Type your responses to the separate answer sheet you create per the instructions above. Each question is worth one point. For questions that require multiple answers, you must get all answers correct to get credit for the question. Again, all questions below were developed from Chapters 4 & 5 from the Abadinsky textbook.
1. In completing the Pre-Sentence Investigation report, because much of the necessary information is received from people, report quality is often dependent on the __________________ skills of probation and parole personnel.
2. A probation officer must always act professionally and must control his/her ___________________ when dealing with hostile defendants.
3. To determine an offender’s ability to pay fines, restitution, and probation fees, determining the __________________ of defendants has become important in preparing a pre-sentence investigation report.
4. Probation officers, during the pre-sentence investigation (PSI) interview, must work to lower the ________________ of their probationers who often equate the PSI interview to stressful interviews conducted by the police that were often unpleasant experiences.
5. _________________ officers often make sentencing recommendations to judges through the presentence investigation report particularly for or against probation.
6. Before recommending a sentence in the pre-sentence investigation report, the probation officer must ‘weigh” the following factors:
a. ____________________________________
b. ____________________________________
c. ____________________________________
7. In several states and the federal government, sentencing guidelines have been imposed with the goals of limiting ______________________ and reducing ________________________.
8. ______________ is a period of conditional supervised release following a term of imprisonment.
9. Today’s indeterminate sentencing practices can be traced back to a person named _______________________, a formal naval officer and eventual superintendent of the remote British Penal colony on Norfork, Island who believed convicts should be punished for the past and trained for the future.
10. The first legislation authorizing parole in the United States was enacted in the state of ______________________ in the year _____________________.
11. Although most states had a mechanism in place for parole release prior to 1929, the impetus for the expansion of the use of parole was the ____________________ and the related demise of the __________________ system.
12. The _________________ approach seeks to explain crime and criminal behavior using the principles and methods of science.
13. ____________________ took the “rap” for the Attica uprising, prisons being seen as inhumane and ineffective, and the rise of intractable crime rates.
14. During the Just Desserts era, the political left and political right agreed on _____________________, ________________________, & ________________________, but for different reasons.
15. Some presume that parole is based on the medical model or some humanitarian effort gone astray, but the history of prisons and parole in the United States underscores the fact that that parole release has been used (and possibly abused) as a mechanism for maintaining prison _______________________ and reducing prison _____________________.
NUR 3805 Bowie State University Hospital Falls among Elderly Patients PICOT Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Scholarly Paper: Using the PICOT process, analyze a current nursing practice-related issues.Select an issue from your NURS 412 clinical practice and write a PICOT research question.
The scholarly paper should be typed, double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman using APA format, and limited to 6 pages including title and reference pages. The references cannot be older than 2018.EVALUATION OF UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARLY PAPER RUBRIC WILL BE USED.
Support your position with references no older than 2018 from at least two peer reviewed journal reference articles.
the Rubric is in the SYLLABUS and some power point slides are attached below for clarity
Troy University Digital Media Law First Amendment Rights Essay Law Assignment Help
I will expect you to think critically about First Amendment rights as you develop these essays. Four cases will be presented after these instructions. You are to write your essay on only one of the cases for Essay 1 and one of the remaining 3 for Essay 2. In the first paragraph, describe the dilemma you have, the situation you are in. In your essays, address the questions posed following the scenario, but make it all flow as though those questions are thoughts you have and know that they must be considered in arriving at a solution to your journalistic dilemma. Do not list the questions within your essay and then answer them individually. You must fully justify the path you choose. In other words, whether you choose a solution that is provided to you within the case scenario or another one you have come up with on your own, you must explain completely why you have made this choice. Refer to at least two previously decided cases (precedents) as partial support for your decision. Remember: The First Amendment is NOT a precedent. Do not start off writing the scenario as it appears in this assignment simply to add words to your essay. You must begin by briefly explaining the dilemma you are facing. Remember: The reader of your paper doesn’t know what the assignment is. Your paper must be submitted to Turn-ItIn by the deadlines above to receive full credit. Do your own work. I have caught many students plagiarizing the work of previous students, and it did not end well. Turn-It-In has all papers submitted for this assignment for the past six years in its repository, and I have them, also.
Specifications: Use this list as your checklist before you submit through Turn-It-In! Points will be taken off if you do not follow this checklist! You must write this on your own. This is not a group project!
____ 650–900 words (This is a firm minimum and maximum number of words—not one word fewer nor one word more.) ____ 12-pt. Times New Roman, double spaced ____ 1-inch margins on all four sides of page ____ Contact info and name in header on every page; you MUST include your email address!! ____ Indent paragraphs ½ inch with NO extra spacing between paragraphs ____ Include page numbers ____ Do not submit PDFs. I cannot correct them. _____ Include a reference/bibliography section.
The cases follow:
Case 1
How much information should you report?
THE SCENARIO: You are a reporter for a local newspaper. You come back to the office one day to find several staff members discussing this story:
Two teenagers have been killed in an automobile accident. The driver, who survived, had been drinking prior to the accident. The two girls in the back seat, both of whom were killed, were nude at the time of the accident. Your colleague, another reporter, is pushing for all the known facts to be reported. But the editor argues that the fact of the girls’ nudity should not be revealed; he claims that such information will just be an additional insult to their parents, who already are suffering from the girls’ deaths. Ask: Do you have a right to publish: The fact that the driver was drinking? The fact that the girls were nude at the time of the accident? Would it be responsible to publish these facts in reporting the accident? Brainstorm ALONE about things to consider in deciding whether to report this information: Do we have all the facts? Has anyone interviewed the survivor? Does the newspaper have a policy on printing names of sexual-assault victims? Will publishing the information help anyone else?
Case 2
Detachment or involvement?
You are a reporter for a large urban daily. The paper plans a major series on poverty. Your editor assigns you to do an in-depth piece on the effects of poverty on children, with special emphasis on what happens when drug addiction becomes part of the story. You have identified several families willing to be subjects for the story. Three families agree to be photographed — and identified — and you spend four months with them, visiting their homes every day and observing what goes on. You tell them your job is to be an observer — a “fly on the wall” — so you can gather information for this important series. In one home, you watch as a mother allows her three-year-old daughter to go hungry for 24 hours. You see this same child living in a filthy room, stepping on broken glass and sleeping on a urine-soaked mattress. You know the mother is HIV-positive and you watch as she brushes her daughter’s teeth with the same toothbrush she uses. You see the mother hit the child with full force. You see the little girl about to bite on an electrical cord. Her plight haunts you.
What do you do to satisfy both your conscience and your responsibilities as a reporter?
A. Report the mother to the authorities so the girl will be removed from this environment and placed in a foster home. Then write the story.
B. Write the story first, detailing your observations. After the story has been published, notify the authorities, giving the mother’s address.
C. Write the story, but don’t identify the mother or child to police or social service authorities. Remember, you are a reporter. You’ve put the information in the newspaper. It’s not your job to act as a police officer.
D. Your own solution to the dilemma.
Case 3
To what lengths should you go to get a story?
You are a correspondent for a major television network. Your producers have done a great deal of research about a national grocery chain; they allege that some of its grocery stores are asking employees to participate in unsanitary food-handling practices. This is an important story. Consumers may get sick if they eat tainted food, you argue, and they have a right to know that a food store is not handling its food in a safe manner. You want to make sure this story airs on national television. You believe that to get good footage you have to go into the store with cameras and film the store’s workers actually engaging in unsafe practices. You need proof. As the television correspondent, how will you get your story?
A. Call the store manager and request an on-site interview, with cameras. Explain that you have some information that consumers will want to know about and give the store a chance to show its side of the story.
B. Just appear at the store one day, without advance notice to the manager. That way you won’t tip off the staff that you’re onto a story.
C. Pretend to be looking for a job in the store; complete an employment application and actually get hired. Then, while you’re at work, use hidden cameras to document the unsafe practices you see.
D. Your own solution to the dilemma. Be specific.
Case 4
Will a negative story be allowed to run in a high school newspaper?
As a high school journalist, you have developed several sources of information about the football camp held each year at your school. You hear that brutal hazing is part of athletes’ initiation to 4 the team. Investigating further, you learn that new players are subject to various humiliations and assaults, sometimes with broomsticks, electrical cords and socks stuffed with tennis balls. This is a big, important story. Kids are being hurt. You work hard to get your facts right and spend a great deal of effort checking and double-checking your sources. Your newspaper’s adviser supports you and your work. But when you are ready to publish the story in the school newspaper, the principal says you can’t run it unless you make substantial changes. You must eliminate a player’s comments and add a prepared statement from the football coach. The coach also says this is “negative journalism” and wants you to hold the story until after the playoffs.
What do you do?
A. Drop the story. You know you’ve done a good job, but if the principal won’t let you run the story as you have prepared it, you won’t run it at all.
B. Wait until after the playoffs, as the coach requests, and then print the story according to the principal’s requirements: Drop the player’s comments and run the football coach’s statement. At least some of the information you have uncovered will come out.
C. Print the story as your principal demands, by dropping the player’s comments and running the football coach’s statement. But add an editor’s note at the end of the story, explaining that school officials, including the coach, reviewed the story and insisted that changes be made to it before it was published.
D. Your own solution to the dilemma. Be specific.
Troy University Digital Media Law First Amendment Rights Essay Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Graduate School Week 8 King of Prussia Mall Active Shooting Incident Brief Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the following & Answer the following assignment (USE THE ATTACHED FORM)
“For this week, you are to integrate the reading lessons into the creation of an Incident Action Plan (IAP) and document that on ICS 201. Remember to utilize the “Incident Priorities” established in your prior reading assignments, for example: protection of life, incident “stabilization” (prevent it from getting bigger), protection of property, protection of environment, restoration of community.
Don’t overthink this. Use the fillable form 201 to document your IAP after you have considered what incident priorities you need to include. Look at the examplar (ATTACHED) I posted as a model for you.
Group B (MY GROUP) – A trio of individuals has opened fire using Soviet style automatic rifles in an enclosed two story shopping mall on a major shopping day. There are 50 stores listed on the mall directory, and the reports from the Police “Hunter” Team that deployed immediately upon arrival reports ‘bodies everywhere’, in excess of 50. One shooter has been ‘neutralized,’ and one has been ‘isolated’ in the north end of the north-south oriented “W” configured mall. The closest hospital (200 beds) is 2 miles, the closest trauma center (500 beds) is 15 mi. There are two other intermediate size (350 bed) hospitals within 10 mi.
FEMA Form 201 is attached
I suggest you quickly review the Wayne University document below. It is very brief and will help you make your IAP objectives SMART.
https://hr.wayne.edu/leads/phase1/smart-objectives “
UCLA The Grand Tour Europe on Fifteen Hundred Youan a Day Article Analysis Writing Assignment Help
This is a compulsory exercise and readings will be assigned on a first come first served basis. A maximum of two students can present on the same reading. Each student works independently.
This is an informal way to break the ice and spark discussion on a topic.
Presentations should not be longer than 10 minutes. You should come prepared with answers to the following questions:
-What is the reading about? Who is the author? What is the main argument exposed? Why it matters to our class?
-One personal experience or news on the topic that you are presenting to share
-One discussion question for the class to write on the board
No power point is needed. Just bring your thoughts, notes, sketches or drawings and extra energy to lead discussion that day!
the article: News: “The Grand Tour. Europe on fifteen hundred youan a day”. The New Yorker
2011 at http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/04/18/the-g…
JWI518 Strayer Principal Duties of The Chief Marketing Officer Question Business Finance Assignment Help
how would you respond to this?
The principal duties of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) are problem-solving and setting direction. Most problems the CMO will solve involve researching what the customer needs, and creating campaigns that convince potential customers that the CMO’s products and services fit that need (JWI, 1). The CMO’s role has changed over time and includes a range of responsibilities, which include data analysis, digital marketing, communication and public relations (Godin, 2). The CMO first needs to understand the customer’s needs, then work backward to create the marketing stagey that highlights the company’s products and services. There are different kinds of products or services, and the marketing campaign needs to be configured to what the company can offer that is unique. Seth Godin describes a commodity as a product that you need but doesn’t want (2). Successful marketers can increase profitability by creating marketing campaigns that use branding to turn commodities into needs. Branding has been a successful way of achieving this distinction to elevate one company’s product from the commodity market.
A successful CMO that has impressed me is Tim Mapes from Delta Airlines (Mapes, 3). Before Tim Mapes took over as CMO, Delta Airlines was one of my last choice airlines to take on international trips. During his time as CMO, my image of Delta changed because of their successful rebranding campaign, and they are now my preferred airlines when flying internationally. Delta started the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion); the most significant impact I saw was linked to the 4th P, Promotion with the rebranding of Delta to be passenger oriented (MbasK, 4). I noticed that Delta employees started treating customers like they wanted the customer to return. Tim Mapes’s rebranding of Delta airlines was successful.
Michael Awalt
- JWI 518. Week3 video. Morgan Fatley
- Set Godin. 2012. All Marketers are Liars
- Tim Mapes. Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-mapes-5443474/
- MbasK. 2019. Delta Airlines Marketing Mix (4Ps) Strategy. https://www.mbaskool.com/marketing-mix/services/16907-delta-airlines.html
- Delta. 2019. Tim Mapes named Chief Marketing and Communications Officer effective May 1. https://news.delta.com/tim-mapes-named-chief-marketing-and-communications-officer-effective-may-1
CMRJ524 APUS 500 Labor Racketeering Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help
1: Examine labor racketeering and the “Big Four,” (i.e., International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the Laborers International Union, the Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union and The International Longshoremen’s Assn), and cite at least two “specific” examples. Lastly, conclude your post by identifying some of the potential advantages a company may gain by entering into a corrupt relationship with their employees union (pls ensure your views are well supported, i.e., not just opinion). 500 words Note: This will require additional research outside of the attached readings.
2. Compare the role of organized crime in gambling in Las Vegas and New Jersey. As part of your response, explain how Las Vegas and New Jersey would be different today (good or bad) if not for the influence of organized crime (pls ensure your views are well supported, i.e., not just opinion). 500 words
Note: Each Forum question response should be “minimum” of 500 words of content (does not count references and or restating a question) and include “at least” two different and properly referenced sources, in accordance with APA 6th edition, for full credit.
Forum Rubric
Zero Points |
Beginning |
Developing |
Accomplished |
Exemplary |
Substance (Possible 40 points) |
Zero points: Student failed to respond to the question(s) |
25 points: Presentation is unclear; a basic understanding of the topic and issues is not evident; explanation is lacking; segments of the required answer are lacking; sources and supporting facts are not utilized; length requirements may not have been met. |
30 points: Student’s initial posting did not meet the length and or source requirements; and/or presentation evidences some confusion concerning topics under discussion; analysis may be lacking and/or elements of the question are not answered; support and references may be lacking. |
35 points: Student answered/addressed most aspects of the question/topic posed in the Forum; initial posting met length and source requirements; a basic understanding of relevant concepts/theories is demonstrated; relevant sources were located; minimal or no facts/examples were used in support of presentation. |
40 points: Student answered/addressed all aspects of the topic/question posed in the Forum; initial posting met length and source requirements; analysis of concepts and theories clearly demonstrates superior knowledge and a clear understanding of the topic; relevant and scholarly resources were located and used appropriately; facts and examples are used in support of presentation. |
Collaboration (Possible 30 points) |
Zero points: Student filed none of the required replies. |
15 points: Student filed only one of the required replies OR filed the required replies but failed to meet length and or source requirements. |
25 points: Student filed the minimum number of replies, meeting the length and source requirements and evidencing an understanding of the issues under discussion and the views of colleagues. Student failed to respond to specific queries posed to him by colleagues or by the Instructor. Student did not take initiative in advancing the discussion throughout the week. |
30 points: Student filed at least the number of required replies and they met the length and source requirements; the replies were substantive, thoughtful responses and contributed to the discussion; student exceeded minimum requirements by answering all queries posed to him by others and remained present and actively engaged in the discussion throughout the week; student led the discussion by raising complex issues, connecting concepts, and illuminating the discussion with examples. |
Timeliness (Possible 10 points) |
Zero points: Student filed more than two required postings in an untimely manner. |
2 points: Student filed two required postings in an untimely manner. |
7 points: Student filed one required posting in an untimely manner. |
10 points: Student filed all required postings in a timely manner. |
Writing (Possible 10 points) |
Zero points: Student failed to respond to the essay question |
4 points: Writing contains several grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors. Language lacks clarity or includes some use of jargon and /or conversational tone; sentence structure is awkward. |
6 points: Student demonstrates consistent and correct use of the rules of grammar usage, punctuation and spelling, with a few errors; there is room for improvement in writing style and organization. |
8 points: Student demonstrates consistent and correct use of the rules of grammar usage, punctuation, and spelling. Language is clear and precise throughout all submissions. Sentences display consistently strong, varied structure and organization is excellent. |
10 points: Student demonstrates a quality of writing consistent with scholarly works in the relevant discipline; student is facile in the use of subject-matter vocabulary and terminology consistent with the level of instruction; student applies concepts with ease; writing style and organization are designed to successfully convey the message and the related information to the reader with maximum effect. |
Citations (Possible 10 points) |
Zero points: Student failed to include citations and/or references |
4 points: Citations of reference sources exist; citations apparently correspond to the correct source but do not enable the reader to locate the source. APA 6thedition format not evident. |
6 points: Attempts to cite reference sources are made, but the reader has difficulty finding the sources; attempts to useAPA 6th edition format are evident but poorly executed |
8 points: Reference sources are cited as necessary, but some components of the citations are missing and/or APA 6th edition format is faulty in some respects. |
10 points: Reference sources relied on by the student are cited appropriately and accurately. No writing of others is left without quotation and/or attribution, as appropriate. APA 6thedition format is used correctly and consistently. |
CJ 300 San Diego State University Dreamland by Sam Quinones Law Case Study Law Assignment Help
CJ 300 San Diego State University Dreamland by Sam Quinones Law Case Study Law Assignment Help