CJ 675 SNHU Problems Facing Police Department and Data Analysis Techniques Paper Law Assignment Help

CJ 675 SNHU Problems Facing Police Department and Data Analysis Techniques Paper Law Assignment Help. CJ 675 SNHU Problems Facing Police Department and Data Analysis Techniques Paper Law Assignment Help.

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The final project for this course is the creation of a solution proposal. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency because you must present an analysis, defend a proposed solution, and illustrate a plan for communicating a proposal to both internal and external audiences. The project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

– Determine patterns and trends present in criminal justice data that inform data-driven decision making regarding contemporary criminal justice issues 

-Determine appropriate research that supports decision making regarding contemporary criminal justice issues 

-Employ strategic methods used by leaders in the field of criminal justice for informing the decision-making process of data-driven solutions 

-Propose data-driven solutions that address contemporary issues in criminal justice agencies 

-Communicate to diverse audiences data-driven recommendations that address contemporary criminal justice issues using best practices of the field

Prompt For your final project, you will assume the role of a leader within a criminal justice organization of your choice. (FOR POLICE) Based on your chosen scenario, you will be presented with a specific challenge faced by your organization that is emblematic of wider issues in contemporary criminal justice. Your task is to develop an evidence-based solution for the problem, which will be articulated in a formal solution proposal to be presented to your organization’s leadership team. You will be given information (including this data set) for your scenario, but you must also conduct your own research on comparable organizations and trends in the field to determine opportunities and external threats. You will use the data, your research, and your knowledge of theory to develop an informed, data-driven solution to the issue. Finally, you will conclude your solution proposal by identifying internal and external audiences for your solution and creating examples of targeted communications for disseminating your ideas.

Based on the best available data and research, what is the ideal solution for addressing the challenge facing your organization?

Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below. Most of the critical elements align with a particular course outcome (shown in brackets).

I. Introduction: In this section, establish a context that provides your audience with any background information that is necessary for understanding your proposal.

II. Theory and Methods:
In this section, explain the theoretical frameworks that underpin your analysis and proposed solution.

a) Identify foundational criminology theories that apply to your chosen organization and the challenge it faces. Draw connections between the theories and the specific context that will ultimately support your analysis and your proposed solution.

b) Examine the strategic methods used by leaders in the field for approaching problems such as yours. For example, what do the current best practices in the field suggest in terms of researching and investigating the issue? Highlight methods that support your proposal.

c) Similarly, identify best practices in the field for communicating with diverse audiences. Illustrate these practices with specific examples that will ultimately support your communication plan.

III. Literature Review: In this section, present all of the evidence that you have analyzed (including the provided data and your independent research) and that will support your proposed solution. a) Data Analysis: Using the provided data, determine any patterns and trends that are present. What meaning and significance can you glean from the data? b) Research: Present your research on the issue that builds on the patterns and trends you identified in the data. For example, are there prior solutions that similar organizations have implemented in addressing this type of issue? What meaning and significance can you glean from your research? c) Root Causes: Based on your data analysis and independent research, explain what you believe to be the root causes of the issue. Logically justify your conclusion using the evidence.

IV. Proposal: In this section, present and defend your plan for solving the issue facing your organization. a) Solution: i. Based on your theoretical framework and your analysis and research, propose a solution that effectively addresses the issue. ii. Illustrate your proposal with the specific steps that the organization would need to take in order to properly execute the solution. iii. Recommend strategic methods that leadership of the organization could apply in effectively implementing your proposed solution.

b) Defense: i. Explain how your solution will improve the situation for both your organization and the community that is affected by the issue. Use specific examples to illustrate. ii. Explain how the data you analyzed and the trends you identified have guided you to this solution. In other words, how did your analysis of the data inform your decision making? Use specific examples to illustrate. iii. Explain how your research led you to this solution. In other words, how did the evidence in your research inform your decision making? Use specific examples to illustrate.

V. Communication Plan: In this section, explain how you will disseminate the key ideas of your proposal. a) Determine who the key internal and external audiences for your proposal are, and explain how you would present the information to them. Your communication plan should reflect the best practices in the field, as discussed in your Theory and Methods section.

b) Choose one internal audience and develop a sample communication for them regarding your proposed solution. Be sure that your communication is appropriate for this audience and is aligned with best practices in the field.

c) Choose one external audience and develop a sample communication for them regarding your proposed solution. Be sure that your communication is appropriate for this audience and is aligned with best practices in the field.

VI. References: In this section, cite all of your sources using APA formatting and guidelines.

Guidelines for Submission: Your solution proposal should be 10–12 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and should be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

CJ 675 SNHU Problems Facing Police Department and Data Analysis Techniques Paper Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 425 Ashford University Leadership Motivation in Workplace Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Week 5 – Final Project

Final Project

You have been named the manager of a task force charged with conducting a critical but challenging change within your workplace. This change is likely to be met with some opposition. You will manage the task force and accomplish this change in just three months. So, you have a very short timeline in which to motivate your organization’s workforce to cooperate with your team and embrace the change it is implementing.

Use a current or past workplace as your hypothetical organization. Choose from one of the following changes to accomplish in the three-month timeframe:

  • Move your office location to a smaller workspace.
  • Reconfigure your workspace (cubicles) to a design with reduced privacy.
  • Merge two sales force offices into one location, which requires a 10% reduction of your team.
  • Due to reduced sales, reduce your organization’s work week (and employee pay) by one full work day.
  • A proposed change of your choosing. You must obtain your instructor’s approval before completing your plan.

Refer to Chapter 5 of Managing Motivation on how to plan a motivation improvement project. Using the four steps, create a comprehensive plan to motivate your workforce to cooperate, and even support, this difficult change. Be sure to include:

  • A description your hypothetical organization and the change associated with that organization.
  • A description of how you will plan the proposed change.
  • An investigation of the strength of each connection and possible causes of weak connections.
  • Identify appropriate solutions with thorough explanations to help generate employee buy-in and support.
  • Explain the results measurement process, including an employee feedback component.

Writing the Final Project
The Final Project:

  • Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  • Must use at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of two from the Ashford Online Library.
  • Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


BUS 409 SU Discretionary Benefits & employment reimbursements Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Part one: Respond to the following:

  • In your opinion, are discretionary employee benefits an entitlement, or are they earned based on performance?
    • Support your response with specific examples.
  • Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.

Part two: Respond to Chelesha Harding

Hello Classmates and Professor,

Are discretionary employee beneftis an entitlement, or are they earned based on performance? In my opinion, neither of those are considered in discretionary employee benefits. These are benefits that are not mandated by law for an employer to provide an employee. These benefits are simply earned due to the employee needs that need to be met while being employed at a company. However, if I had to choose one in order to comply with the question then it would be that its earned based on performance. The job I currently have, sick time, pto and vacation time are accrued in one entity. The more hours you work as a full time employee the more Paid time off you accrue which can qualify you for a large amount of time off to use over a period of time. Its actually an incentive to working, the more you work, the more you can play.


Walden University Culture and Conflict Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Please answer the following questions in no more than 500 words (Two paragraphs). Please keep to the word limit – get straight to the point. Be concise and clear.

You must post before you view posts by others. Once you have posted your answer, you will then be able to read and respond to two other posts.


Questions: What is culture? How is it connected to conflict, conflict resolution, violence, and peace (phenomena of the CR and Peace Studies fields)?

Using APA style and base the answer on those authors here:




Required reading

Avruch, K. (2013). Context and Pretext in Conflict Resolution: Culture, Identity, Power, and Practice. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. Chapter1.


Lebaron, M. (2003). Culture and Conflict. In G. Burgess and H. Burgess (Eds.), Beyond Intractability. Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. URL: https://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/culture_conflict (Links to an external site.)

Galtung, Johan. (1990). Cultural Violence. Journal of Peace Research, 27(3): 291-305).



BUS 499 Strayer University Firm Globalization Benefits Of International Expansion Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Part one: Discussion question

Please respond to the following:

  • What incentives influence firms to use international strategies? What are the three basic benefits firms can gain by successfully implementing an international strategy? Why?
  • Determine why, given the advantages of international diversification, some firms choose not to expand internationally. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • As firms attempt to internationalize, they may be tempted to locate their facilities where business regulation laws are lax. Discuss the advantages and potential risks of such an approach, using specific examples to support your response.

Be sure to respond to at least one other student.

Part Two: Respond to Sharon Levius

Hello Professor and Class,

The biggest influences for any business to seek international strategy is money, all businesses go into business to make money and using the international strategy will help them achieve that. It is not bad; the company just need to follow ethical guidelines.

The three The basic benefits a firm can gain by successfully implementing international strategy are to find new customers/workers and give them the opportunity to build your business from the inside out. Teach the workers to be effective, encourage them to be productive, and reduce the turnover rate. Even though labor is cheaper internationally, make sure all the workers are treated fairly.

There is always saying to use made in America, help local business grow, support American business; but the reason businesses move is because of cheaper labor and they can make a bigger profit. They also move to other countries so that they can establish their business globally. Every item I use has “made in China” so we need to have more “made in America”.

I bought an airline ticket online several times and there was always someone from another country on the other end of the phone. They outsource the business to other countries. Businesses that outsource their jobs must be careful to treat their employees respectfully and with dignity. They must follow the guidelines for the environment.




HLS 571 TUI Whole Of GOVT Response Is Required to Address Cyberattacks Response Law Assignment Help

Discussion Requirements

A substantive comment should be approximately 300 words or more for the response.

Read the initial comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.

Before writing your comments:

  • Review the Discussion grading rubric to see what is expected for an excellent discussion, in order to earn full credit.
  • Review some resources to help you synthesize, such as the following:

Sullivan, J. (2011). Strategies for Synthesis Writing. Retrieved from http://www.findingdulcinea.com/features/edu/Strategies-for-Synthesis-Writing.html

NOTE: You are required to cite sources and include a reference list for the second post if it is simply your opinion. However, if your opinion is based on facts (as it should be), it is good practice to strengthen your position by citing sources.

Be sure to meet all of the criteria in the rubric, as noted in the instructions above.

Third post for each module discussion:

Read the initial and secondary comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.

Directly respond to at least one classmate in a way that extends meaningful discussions, adds new information, and/or offers alternative perspectives.


Classmates and Professor,

Considering a cyber-attack that was traced to another state-sponsored group, what actions should be taken?

Cyber-attacks are common in the complicated technological world, According to the article, by Mark Pomerleau 2015, the cyber world is still in its “Wild West” stages, hence, there exists an urgent need for precautionary measures to be taken in cyberspace to prevent vulnerability to cyber-attacks and at the same time respond to cyber-attack threats (Bakjhi, 2013). With the rise of state-sponsored cyber-attacks, the US needs to have a strong policy against such practices to help reduce the frequency or possibility of an attack. Therefore, considering the threat of cyber-attacks on the security of US citizens and the globe at large there exists an urgent need to respond to cyber-attacks with swiftness and stern measures as possible (Surfwatch, 2021).

Considering cyber-attacks are criminal offenses in the cyber world, cyber-attacks orchestrated and funded by state-sponsored groups are categorized under acts of war, and efforts to mitigate these kinds of threats go beyond cybersecurity defense upgrade of systems (Barnatt, 2017). The US responds to such aspects as acts of war, and as an aspect that jeopardizes the US national security, hence, several precautionary steps are taken to respond to cyber-attacks. Initially, considering that these activities happen in cyberspace, the US is limited to the use of policy and investigative actions against these threats, hence, cyber attackers are indicted and brought to justice by US investigative agencies (Bissell, 2019). They use the suspects to gain information on the level of breach against their cyber systems and if found guilty are subjected to trials including being charged with war crimes.

Finally, the US military cybersecurity team considers a cyber-attack from state-sponsored groups as an act of force against the US systems, hence the need for the response to be swift and in line with war rules and regulations. In this case, the US military can respond to cyber-attacks with sanctions against the state involved, criminal trials for those involved (Pomerleau, 2015, PR 30). For instance, in the incident of the Sony hack in 2013 where North Korea was responsible for the attack, the US reached out to other nations with similar problems and improved their cybersecurity systems while implementing sanctions on North Korea in response to the cyber-attack (U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2015).



Bakjhi, S. (2013, May 6). 25 Biggest cyber-attacks In history. Retrieved from http://list25.com/25-biggest-cyber-attacks-in-hist…

Barnatt, C. (2017, May 14). Computing security. Retrieved from https://www.explainingcomputers.com/security.html

Bissell, K., Lasalle, R. M., & Dal Cin, P. (2019, March 6). The cost of cybercrime: Ninth annual cost of cybercrime study. Retrieved from https://www.accenture.com/_acnmedia/PDF-96/Accentu… Read pp. 6–13.

Pomerleau, M. (2015, June 10). How might the US respond to cyber-attacks? Retrieved from: https://defensesystems.com/Articles/2015/06/10/US-response-scenario-cyber-attack.aspx

Pomerleau, M. (2015, Sep 30). Intelligence officials: Cyber domain is still the ‘Wild West.’ Retrieved from https://defensesystems.com/articles/2015/09/30/ic-congress-cyber-wild-west.aspx

Surfwatch. (2021) Cyber Risk Intelligence. Retrieved from https://www.surfwatchlabs.com/threat-categories#Ac…

U.S. Government Publishing Office. (2015, January 13). The North Korean Threat: Nuclear, Missiles and Cyber. Retrieved from Committee on foreign Affairs: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-114hhrg92…



Professor and Classmates,

The fist article, How might the US respond to cyber attacks?, the author seems to suggest that response from a State-sponsored cyber-attack will yield a whole-of-government response, similar to the DIME (diplomacy, information, military, and economics) concept of American power. Yet, as the article goes on, previous documented responses have been a little lopsided depending on which adversary we are talking about. As the author pointed out, China is a large creditor and trading partner with the US, and I believe this weighs heavily on the minds of policy makers when it comes to formulating a response. And yet, the United States has been quick to launch attacks against Iran and North Korea. Another challenge pointed out in the first article is attributing these attacks…Simply put, figuring out who did it. These non-kinetic attacks are often able to mask their origins; making it difficult to determine their origin or bring those responsible to justice (POMERLEAU, How might the US respond to cyber attacks?, 2015).

In the second article, Intelligence officials: Cyber domain is still the ‘Wild West’, I believe the author hits the nail on the head with addressing the issue with responding to a cyber-attack…What do we constitute a cyber-war (POMERLEAU, Intelligence officials: Cyber domain is still the ‘Wild West, 2015)? Most conflict fought in years past, began as a kinetic attack, like the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. With a cyber-attack, we need to first establish what our “go to war” boundary is. By doing nothing, I believe, will just embolden our adversaries into taking their attacks (or data breaches) to higher levels; causing even more damage.



POMERLEAU, M. (2015, June 10). How might the US respond to cyber attacks? Retrieved from Defense Systems: https://defensesystems.com/Articles/2015/06/10/US-…

POMERLEAU, M. (2015, September 30). Intelligence officials: Cyber domain is still the ‘Wild West. Retrieved from Defense Systems: https://defensesystems.com/articles/2015/09/30/ic-…


Module 1 – Background


Reading Expectation: Though you may find some of your readings technical, you are not responsible for detailed knowledge, formulas, or other scientifically-oriented material. The expectation is that you have a general working knowledge of the material.

Required Reading

Bakjhi, S. (2013, May 6). 25 Biggest cyber-attacks In history. Retrieved from http://list25.com/25-biggest-cyber-attacks-in-hist…

Barnatt, C. (2017, May 14). Computing security. Retrieved from https://www.explainingcomputers.com/security.html

Bissell, K., Lasalle, R. M., & Dal Cin, P. (2019, March 6). The cost of cybercrime: Ninth annual cost of cybercrime study. Retrieved from https://www.accenture.com/_acnmedia/PDF-96/Accentu… Read pp. 6–13.

Pomerleau, M. (2015, June 10). How might the US respond to cyber-attacks? Retrieved from

Pomerleau, M. (2015, Sep 30). Intelligence officials: Cyber domain is still the ‘Wild West.’ Retrieved from https://defensesystems.com/articles/2015/09/30/ic-…

Required Websites

Surfwatch. Cyber Risk Intelligence. Retrieved from https://www.surfwatchlabs.com/threat-categories#Ac…

Optional Reading

Levin A., & Ilkina D. (2013). International Comparison of Cyber Crime. Retrieved from

Ferbrache, D. (2016). How vulnerable are governments to cybercrime? KPMG. Retrieved from https://home.kpmg.com/xx/en/home/insights/2016/05/…

HLS 571 TUI Whole Of GOVT Response Is Required to Address Cyberattacks Response Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

IAS 5030 CSU IT Risk Management Plan for The Best Healthcare Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

I need a executive summary made for my IT Risk Management plan, I chose workstation domain as my main focus. I’ve attached a sample from my professor as well as my own half way completed management plan.

Write an executive summary that addresses the risk assessment results and risk assessment impact, and provide recommendations to mitigate areas of noncompliance.

Paragraph #1: Summary of findings (risks, threats, and vulnerabilities found throughout the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure) • Paragraph #2: Approach and prioritization of critical, major, and minor risk assessment elements • Paragraph #3: Risk assessment and risk impact summary of the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure • Paragraph #4: Recommendations and next steps for executive management


Collin County Community College Aspect of Illustrating a Thesis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Read “Part 1” in They Say / I Say and write a 1-2 page (300-600 word) response documenting the most helpful parts of this portion of the book. (This lab is optional because the book is recommended–not required. See syllabus for book details.)

Please upload response paper to this assignment link as a Word document or PDF. (Though Canvas lists this lab as zero points, it is actually worth 10 points extra credit.) DUE: on designated day by 11:59 p.m.

NOTE: If you’ve already completed these labs in one of my ENGL 1301 courses, please practice using the templates from Part 1 or do enough of the Exercises to fill up 1-2 pages (300-600 words).

Read “Part 2” in They Say / I Say and write a 1-2 page (300-600 word) response documenting the most helpful parts of this portion of the book. (This lab is optional because the book is recommended–not required. See syllabus for book details.)

Please upload response paper to this assignment link as a Word document or PDF. (Though Canvas lists this lab as zero points, it is actually worth 10 points extra credit.) DUE: on designated day by 11:59 p.m.

NOTE: If you’ve already completed these labs in one of my ENGL 1301 courses, please practice using the templates from Part 2 or do enough of the Exercises to fill up 1-2 pages (300-600 words).


San Diego State University Why Nations Fail Political Science Essay Writing Assignment Help

Part of being a Political Scientist is writing. Writing is an instrumental aspect of our communicating and of applying the scientific method for when we publish research, it allows others to read and then to build on our findings.

Instructions: For your writing assignment, you are to choose either Why Nations Fail or Guns, Germs, and Steel and write a review of those works, identifying the arguments in the respective works, and very important, offering your comments on why you agree or disagree with these authors. Download Acemoglu Why Nations Fail.pdf Download Jared Diamond Guns, Germs, and Steel.pdf

Grading: You will be graded on (1) did the students identify the arguments in the chosen work, identifying the political question and the causal variables? (2) Did the student demonstrate they read/watched the sources on the given work through quotes to support the arguments? (3) When expressing agreement or disagreement, does the student provide a clear reasoning as to why they agree or disagree (e.g. offering another variable not considered). (4) Page length there is about Three Double-Spaced Pages. NO PLAGIARISM, PROOF READ, AND IF ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE ASK!


Southern Arkansas University Main Campus Block Cryptographic Hash Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

a research paper

the paper with an introductory paragraph.

1 “Blockchain” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of a blockchain. Be sure to include how blockchain is affecting a global
economy and how you see it growing in the future.

2 “Big Data” (1-2 pages): Describe your understanding of
big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used
either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is
big data placing on organizations and data management technology? How
does big data affect a global economy?

3 “Government and Policies” (1-2 pages): Discuss the role
government plays in a global economy. Also, look at what policies are
currently in place and then discuss what policies should be put in

your paper with a detailed conclusion section.

paper needs to be approximately six to eight pages long, including
both a title page and a references page (for a total of eight to ten
pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid

paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be
    approximately six to eight pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow
    APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body
    with fully developed content, and a conclusion. Be clearly and
    well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and
    style techniques.



Grading: You will be graded on (1) did the students identify the arguments in the chosen work, identifying the political question and the causal variables? (2) Did the student demonstrate they read/watched the sources on the given work through quotes to support the arguments? (3) When expressing agreement or disagreement, does the student provide a clear reasoning as to why they agree or disagree (e.g. offering another variable not considered). (4) Page length there is about Three Double-Spaced Pages. NO PLAGIARISM, PROOF READ, AND IF ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE ASK!


Southern Arkansas University Main Campus Block Cryptographic Hash Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

a research paper

the paper with an introductory paragraph.

1 “Blockchain” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of a blockchain. Be sure to include how blockchain is affecting a global
economy and how you see it growing in the future.

2 “Big Data” (1-2 pages): Describe your understanding of
big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used
either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is
big data placing on organizations and data management technology? How
does big data affect a global economy?

3 “Government and Policies” (1-2 pages): Discuss the role
government plays in a global economy. Also, look at what policies are
currently in place and then discuss what policies should be put in

your paper with a detailed conclusion section.

paper needs to be approximately six to eight pages long, including
both a title page and a references page (for a total of eight to ten
pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid

paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be
    approximately six to eight pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow
    APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body
    with fully developed content, and a conclusion. Be clearly and
    well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and
    style techniques.



Grading: You will be graded on (1) did the students identify the arguments in the chosen work, identifying the political question and the causal variables? (2) Did the student demonstrate they read/watched the sources on the given work through quotes to support the arguments? (3) When expressing agreement or disagreement, does the student provide a clear reasoning as to why they agree or disagree (e.g. offering another variable not considered). (4) Page length there is about Three Double-Spaced Pages. NO PLAGIARISM, PROOF READ, AND IF ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE ASK!


Southern Arkansas University Main Campus Block Cryptographic Hash Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

a research paper

the paper with an introductory paragraph.

1 “Blockchain” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of a blockchain. Be sure to include how blockchain is affecting a global
economy and how you see it growing in the future.

2 “Big Data” (1-2 pages): Describe your understanding of
big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used
either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is
big data placing on organizations and data management technology? How
does big data affect a global economy?

3 “Government and Policies” (1-2 pages): Discuss the role
government plays in a global economy. Also, look at what policies are
currently in place and then discuss what policies should be put in

your paper with a detailed conclusion section.

paper needs to be approximately six to eight pages long, including
both a title page and a references page (for a total of eight to ten
pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid

paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be
    approximately six to eight pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow
    APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body
    with fully developed content, and a conclusion. Be clearly and
    well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and
    style techniques.



Grading: You will be graded on (1) did the students identify the arguments in the chosen work, identifying the political question and the causal variables? (2) Did the student demonstrate they read/watched the sources on the given work through quotes to support the arguments? (3) When expressing agreement or disagreement, does the student provide a clear reasoning as to why they agree or disagree (e.g. offering another variable not considered). (4) Page length there is about Three Double-Spaced Pages. NO PLAGIARISM, PROOF READ, AND IF ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE ASK!


Southern Arkansas University Main Campus Block Cryptographic Hash Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

a research paper

the paper with an introductory paragraph.

1 “Blockchain” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of a blockchain. Be sure to include how blockchain is affecting a global
economy and how you see it growing in the future.

2 “Big Data” (1-2 pages): Describe your understanding of
big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used
either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is
big data placing on organizations and data management technology? How
does big data affect a global economy?

3 “Government and Policies” (1-2 pages): Discuss the role
government plays in a global economy. Also, look at what policies are
currently in place and then discuss what policies should be put in

your paper with a detailed conclusion section.

paper needs to be approximately six to eight pages long, including
both a title page and a references page (for a total of eight to ten
pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid

paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be
    approximately six to eight pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow
    APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body
    with fully developed content, and a conclusion. Be clearly and
    well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and
    style techniques.


CJ 675 SNHU Problems Facing Police Department and Data Analysis Techniques Paper Law Assignment Help

CJ 675 SNHU Problems Facing Police Department and Data Analysis Techniques Paper Law Assignment Help

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