CJ650 Everest College Link Between Business & Public Safety Administration Paper Law Assignment Help. CJ650 Everest College Link Between Business & Public Safety Administration Paper Law Assignment Help.
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Political scientist Wallace Sayre once said, “Public and private management are fundamentally alike in all unimportant respects.” There is a debate about the similarities and differences between managers in the public and private sectors. Some reformers of the public sector laud the practices of the private sector and believe public managers should emulate its techniques. This assignment will give you insight into both sides of the debate and inform your own research about implementing a successful strategy for the final project scenario you have chosen.
To complete this assignment, review the Presentation Guidelines and Rubric document.
CJ650 Everest College Link Between Business & Public Safety Administration Paper Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Grand Canyon University Short Term and Long Term Goals Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Here is the initial question:
Based on your personal experience with your mentoring program, how is your mentee responding to the techniques or strategies being implemented to support the short-term and long-term goals? Offer techniques or strategies to your peers’ mentoring experiences.
Reply to my classmate’s response in bold:
Our journey into this plan has developed a bit of a wrinkle. While not unanticipated, it is cause for some concern. The wrinkle is fear, and the fear is being sure of the will of God. In reality, the will of God ought to be considered in all that we do, but for us, I guess it is more pronounced. My mentee is preparing to be a deacon in our local assembly and his greatest obstacle is the fear of “missing the will of God.” Because of this, we have called an “audible” in our plan and are introducing a technique to help one in determining the will of God. This is where a true mentoring behavior takes place. I am instructing Ross on 2 elements of the will of God, and letting him discover it for himself. One technique I have fond to be helpful and reassuring to the mentee is self-discovery. I have taught him 2 principles surrounding the will of God: 1. The will of God can be understood (Ephesians 5:17. King James Version) 2. The peace of God can confirm the will of God (Colossians 3:15, King James Version). By just knowing we can know, understand, and be assured of the will of God, the anxiety of failure is subsiding. The introduction of fear into this process is primarily applicable to the long term goal
Within the overall scheme of things, the process is smooth, with interaction on a weekly basis our initial strategies appear to be effective when it comes to the specific short term goals. I have learned inside the mentoring relationship there are times for coaching. This is the case with my mentee. While guiding Ross to a role of deeper service in the local assembly, I have determined the need for coaching. Ross needs to be coached in understanding himself as a deacon. As a result of this coaching then Ross develops a confidence in executing his role, and finally a time of coaching in the commitments involved in this leadership role. This is a demonstration of the 3 C’s model of coaching. The South African College of Applied Psychology (2017) describe the 3 C’s as Clarity, Confidence, and Commitment. At the end of the day, we want the individuals we interact with to be more competent and confident in the place we are helping them reach.
South African College of Applied Psychology. (2017, September 22). 5 innovative coaching techniques that actually work. Retrieved from https://www.sacap.edu.za/blog/coaching/coaching-te…
You must use at least one scholarly reference, APA format, not title page.
200 words.
Grand Canyon University Ch 2 Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Answers Writing Assignment Help
Answer the following question:
List a minimum of three tips that might help teachers develop a partnership with parents and families of students with ASD. Support your ideas with evidence from the text and readings.
Respond to student discussion board:
1 posts
Re: Topic 3 DQ 2
Ruble, Dalrymple, and McGrew (2012) give very helpful and specific tips that can help teachers develop a partnership with parents and families of students with ASD. Overall, respect and open communication with parents and families is what will build a trusting relationship that leads to providing the best support for students with ASD. Ruble, Dalrymple, and McGrew (2012) reminds us to empower parents and caregivers because they are the lifelong advocates for the student (p. 64). I teach students with moderate to severe disabilities and can have students in my class anywhere from 1 – 3 years. Often times, they make progress at school but I wonder (and honestly worry at times) if they will continue to receive the best support when they leave. Empowering parents to be advocates for their child is the best way to develop a partnership of parents and educator, whether that is me or someone else.
Ruble, Dalrymple, and McGrew (2012) also reminds us to “work well and communicate clearly with all parents [to] demonstrate awareness, knowledge, and respect for their input as well as sensitivity to cultural differences” (p. 64). In addition, the “Self-Evaluation of Process Skills Necessary for Level III COMPASS Consultation” lists items as a checklist to assess areas of strengths and needs in consultation and coaching teachers and families. I found these useful to consider:
- Provide written information to parents in their language of origin
- Avoid imposing one’s own values that may conflict or be inconsistent with those of other cultures or ethnic groups
- Demonstrate that family/parents are the ultimate decision makers for services and supports for their child
- Adjust allotted time to address issues or concerns that arise
- Validate concerns
- Develop clear action plan for follow-up
- Avoid acting as “expert”
Ruble, L. A., Dalrymple, N. J., and McGrew, J. H. (2012). Collaborative model for promoting competence and success in students with ASD (1st ed.). Colorado Springs, CO: XanEdu Publishing.
1. Build a relationship with parents before meetings to help them feel welcome and valued, and contact parents after the meeting to follow-up with them and make sure that they are comfortable and understand everything that occurred during the meeting (Cavendish, Connor, & Rediker, 2017).
2. Use jargon or language that is parent friendly and easy to understand during the meeting (Cavendish & Connor, 2018).
3. Empower parents and help them to understand their role as an advocate for their child with a disability, especially those advocating for individuals who are incapable of advocating for themselves (Ruble, Dalrymple, & McGrew, 2012).
There are so many other ways that we can work to develop relationships with parents and students. I love to send monthly newsletters home that have tips, local organizations (Autism Society of Cumberland County), and other tips for helping parents and hopefully making things a little easier on them. My parents know that they can contact me for just about anything and that I encourage open communication. Building relationships with parents and students is so important to ensuring that we are able to reach their goals and meet their needs before, during, and after meetings.
Cavendish, W., & Connor, D. (2018). Toward authentic IEPs and transition plans: Student, parent, and teacher perspectives. Learning Disability Quarterly, 41(1), 32-43.
Cavendish, W., Connor, D. J., & Rediker, E. (2017). Engaging students and parents in transition-focused individualized education programs. Intervention in School and Clinic, 52(4), 228-235.
Ruble, L. A., Dalrymple, N. J., and McGrew, J. H. (2012). Collaborative model for promoting competence and success in students with ASD. Colorado Springs, CO: XanEdu Publishing.
Re: Topic 3 DQ 2
The development of a partnership between teachers and parents/families of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder is vital to providing the student with the best success in school and life. As a special educator, I place my relationship with the parents (typically mothers) as a high priority. It is not always easy and it definitely takes effort and work. The benefits of a team approach to servicing a student with ASD is worth the effort. Students with autism tend to have difficulty generalizing skills, so the relationship between school and home has to work or the student will not transfer the skills learned in school to their home environment. The following three tips can help build and maintain a supportive relationship between parents and teachers:
1. Communicate before and after an IEP or FBA. The more parents are involved in planning the greater the chances of implementation of interventions. Communication needs to include . Progress reports, IEPs, FBAs, and what is working and what could be improved (Blair, Cho, Dunlap, and Lee, 2011).
2. Educators and parents should receive training to teach the importance of effective collaboration, to develop strategies and identify roles and responsibilities for everyone involved in the behavioral support plan (Blair, Cho, Dunlap, and Lee, 2011).
3. Use everyday language when communicating with parents. Special education has a lot of acronyms. It is important to speak to parents on simple terms and explain the terms being used.
Blair, K. C., Lee, I., Cho, S., & Dunlap, G. (2010). Positive behavior support through family–school collaboration for young children with autism. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 31(1), 22-36. doi:10.1177/0271121410377510
Read “Positive Behavior Support Through Family-School
Collaboration for Young Children with Autism,” by Blair, Lee,
Cho, and Dunlap, from the Topics in Early Childhood Special
Education (2010).
Module 4 Spreadsheet Workbook Excel Worksheet Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, you will create several spreadsheets in an Excel®workbook and demonstrate different functions. Read all the instructions in this module item and view the required tutorials before you begin. If you are familiar with functions used in Excel, you will still want to review these to see what is expected
Your workbook requirements are as follows:
- Label all values and name the worksheet tabs.
- Apply formatting such as bold text, colors, etc. as appropriate.
- Save your workbook in .xlsx format.
View each section and complete both parts.
Spread sheet 1
- Create a new spreadsheet that contains three separate data sets. Place each dataset onto its own worksheet. Example lists of datasets are the following:
- Temperature of your city for the past 5-10 days
- Scored points per game of your favorite sports team for their past 5-10 games
- Amount you paid for gas for the past few months
- Miles flown/driven per day/trip etc. for the past month
- Most anything else you can tabulate or can track
- Use at least four different functions (e.g. SUM, MAX, AVERAGE, MIN, COUNT, etc.) to summarize each data set. You choose which to use, but be sure each worksheet has at least four. It is acceptable if the functions are common between the three sheets.
Spreadsheet 2
On another sheet of the same file, create a worksheet that contains data and a calculation determining monthly payments for a proposed purchase. Include the following:
- Identify your dream vehicle (plane, automobile, boat, etc.) and estimate its cost and the interest rate if you financed its purchase.
- Enter data (loan amount, interest rate, term, etc.) onto the spreadsheet and use the PMT function and cell references to determine the monthly payments
Everest College Colorado Springs Personnel Development Discussion Law Assignment Help
Strategies in public safety administration have to consider the development of personnel. Development of personnel grows both the workforce’s skills and the organization’s ability to meet the community’s needs. In your initial post, justify proposals for training and developing personnel. Use the questions below to help guide your post:
- What are some of the key items that need to be considered in creating a strategy for personnel development?
- How are resources for personnel development allocated?
- What steps need to be taken in order to create effective training for the workforce?
- How does training and development support the organization’s current and long-term goals and objectives?
- What is the difference between proactive and reactive training?
Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts. Did they justify their proposals for training and developing personnel? Compare their initial posts to your own. Are any of the proposals similar or different?
Refer to the Discussion Rubric for directions on completing these discussions.
BIO 1302 CSU Ecological Biome of North Carolina Discussion Law Assignment Help
Unit I BIO 1302 Discussion Board
PART 2: Think about the ecological biome that you currently live in or grew up in and share your thoughts with the class. How would you classify your biome – temperate forest, temperate grassland, etc.? What are the dominant types of vegetation and animal species that live there? How have human activities changed your biome over time?
For inspiration, see the Unit I lesson and the BiomeViewer from HHMI Biointeractive. Click on the link in the BiomeViewer to learn more about various biomes. Once on the website, click the Launch interactive button and a new screen will appear with a base map of the Earth’s biomes. A color-coded key to the biomes is on the left size of the screen. Click a place on the map or enter a place name or latitude and longitude coordinates in the dialogue box on the right side of the screen to learn more about a specific biome, especially your own. Very cool!
Best, Chuck
Please note: APA format and references are not required for discussions. This is a college-level course and I expect that all discussion board posts and replies are written in complete sentences using proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. Please refrain from submitting “I agree” replies that essentially restate another student’s post. Substantive points will be deducted for restated replies. Please see the attached grading rubric for information on how discussion board posts and replies are assessed:
Unit I BBA 2026 Discussion board
The purpose of this discussion board is to encourage reading, writing, and interaction with your fellow students. The classroom can be a place where students come together to read content-related items and to discuss what the readings mean. Therefore, you should think of these discussion boards as a place for that interaction.
Below is a question to get you started. The idea is that you will find new ways to respond and react to the reading assignments.
Andrew Fastow, the former chief financial officer (CFO) of Enron who was convicted of wire and securities fraud, explains that the culture of an organization starts with the behavior of the top executives. Employees do not follow empty rhetoric though: Employees imitate the behavior and decision-making processes of top management (Useem, 2016). Based on what you have learned in this unit, do you believe this is an accurate statement? How big of an effect can empty rhetoric have on organizational behavior?
Response to classmate this is what they wrote:
I absolutely believe that this poor behavior of a leadership role can affect the company throughout. If a manager of a facility leads with a poor attitude of accomplishment, it definitely trickles down the line, to supervision and floor employees. I have seen this many times in my current employment. If the manager works alongside and promotes a more positive attitude and outlook to the supervisors and the employees then things seem to run smoother. If you have a leader that is a “bad egg” he/she can spoil the whole group’s behavior. If a supervisor can give positive feedback along with constructive criticism then he can keep his morale high, but if he continuously bashes an employee for doing poorly then he will break that employee’s spirit of motivation and he will be less likely to be motivated. Now imagine this with 150 employees, this leader just destroyed his whole team and their morale. Once moral is lost, it can take a long time to return.
BIO 1302 CSU Ecological Biome of North Carolina Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Week 12 Cerebrovascular Disease Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Week 12: Question for Discussion
(Week # 12: March 22 to March 29 – Main post under Assignment by Wed, March 25 at 11:59 PM EST).
Chapter 23 – Neurological Disorders. Question(s): Choose one neurological disorder discussed in your textbook. Mention signs and symptoms of the chosen disease / disorder. Discuss its management and important nursing implications.
Guidelines: The answer should be based on the knowledge obtained from reading the book, no just your opinion. If there are 4 questions in the discussion, you must answer all of them. Your grade will be an average of all answers.
Grading Criteria: Student mentions one neurological disease / disorder from the textbook (25%). Student mentions signs and symptoms of the chosen disease / disorder (25%). Student discusses management of the mentioned disease / disorder (25%). Student discusses important nursing implications.
28 |
MGT 322 SEU Supply Chain Management and Logistics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
- What are Third party logistics firms?
- Explain the motivational factors for going internationally?
- On what ground companies choose developing countries location for offshoring? Use examples. (Mention the country and decisive factors)
- Assess the reasons for using third party logistics service in Saudi Arabia? Using examples, Explain
No plagiarism
The Answer should be 3- 4 pages in length including the cover page and reference.
You can support your answer by reading chapter 4 of your book. You can use secondary source available on internet. Please use APA-style referencing
MGT 211 SEU Employee Health and Safety in the Organization Case study Business Finance Assignment Help
Organization officials have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that the workplace is free from unnecessary hazards. Employers hold responsibility for understanding what is necessary to keep workers safe from harm. Conditions surrounding the workplace must be secure for employee’s physical and mental health. As many organizations have implemented wellness program, that focus on smoking cessation, weight control, stress management, early diagnosis of health problems, prevention and education about life-style related and contagious illness. Wellness program can cut Employers health cost and lower absenteeism by preventing health related problems.
Reference: Textbook- DeCenzo, D. A., & Robbins, S. P. (2013). Human resource management , Chapter 13 Health and Safety.zz
Assignment Questions:
- Describe the role of HR in offering Healthy and safe work environment to the workers. Also write the ways that Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA assist employers in creating a safer workplace. ( Marks:4)
- Discuss the purpose and significance of Wellness Programs/Disease Management in the Organization. Support your answer with the example of two companies that provide these programs to their workers.(Marks 2.5)
- If you’re HR Manager, how can you support your employees during the Public Health Emergency/Outbreak? Present your HR planning to run the organization effectively along with employees’ safety.(Marks: 3.5)
(i need it to be 0 plagiarism)
BIO 1302 Columbia Southern University Ecology and the Environment Questions Law Assignment Help
Unit I BIO 1302 Assessment
- In this biome, frequent fires limit the growth of woody plants, like trees and shrubs, to the sides of streams and rivers.
Temperate forest |
Subtropical desert |
Boreal forest |
Temperate grassland |
- Which of these different ecological systems do we understand the least because of its size and complexity?
Landscape |
Ecosystem |
Biosphere |
Biome |
- What is the type of variable in an experiment called the treatment variable?
Independent variable |
Dependent variable |
Random variable |
Response variable |
- If you wanted to study the effects of soil moisture and light intensity on the growth of soybeans and required a high ability to regulate these independent variables, what type of experiment would you choose?
Laboratory experiment |
Field experiment |
Natural experiment |
Reference experiment |
- Ecological levels of scale are listed by what?
Increasing diversity and functions |
decreasing diversity and functions |
Increasing size and complexity |
decreasing size and complexity |
Match the biome to the corresponding description,
- List the two biomes that are dominated by grasses. What are the abiotic factors that control the dominance of grasses in these biomes?
Your response must be 200 words in length.
Unit I BBA Assessment
In “What Was Volkswagen Thinking?,” Jerry Useem (2016) discusses James Burke, the CEO of Johnson & Johnson, and highlights Burke’s decision to hold a meeting with his top executives to discuss eliminating the company credo. Burke was concerned that the managers were not reflecting upon the company credo for everyday decisions. He called for a debate among his top managers about the document and the role of moral duties in daily business. Instead of voting to remove it, the managers chose to revitalize the message of the credo within the company (Useem, 2016).
In your response, explain why this meeting was effective. Why do you believe Burke chose this type of channel—where the managers could not only directly talk to him, but they could also talk to each other—over other types of communication?
Your response must be 500 words in length
CJ650 Everest College Link Between Business & Public Safety Administration Paper Law Assignment Help
CJ650 Everest College Link Between Business & Public Safety Administration Paper Law Assignment Help