CJA 345 University of Phoenix Criminal Justice Research Models Questions Law Assignment Help

CJA 345 University of Phoenix Criminal Justice Research Models Questions Law Assignment Help. CJA 345 University of Phoenix Criminal Justice Research Models Questions Law Assignment Help.

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Wk 2 – Signature Assignment: Research Design and Ethical Issues

Research is instrumental in the field of criminal justice, whether it’s for solving crime, determining suspects, or using statistics and financial tracking to help create programs and outreach programs within communities. This week, you have learned about research models and the ethical variables you may encounter in the future. 

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you:

  • Describe research models that can be used in criminal justice research.
  • Identify which type of research model you feel is most compatible. Provide an example to support your choice.
  • Explain why ethics are important in criminal justice research. Provide examples.
  • Explain informed consent and confidentiality. Why are they important? Include examples.
  • Identify and discuss a criminal justice topic, program, or process that has ethical concerns. Recommend how the ethical concerns might be addressed.

CJA 345 University of Phoenix Criminal Justice Research Models Questions Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Wake Technical Community American Revolutionary War Against Britain Discussion Writing Assignment Help


As we have seen in this unit, the origins of the American Revolution were complicated. While the Declaration of Independence has long been viewed as the beginning of the Revolution, in reality, the storm had been brewing for decades by the time Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

In this essay, you will be analyzing and evaluating the causes of the American Revolution using both primary and secondary sources.

In the process, you will be practicing one of the key skills in the historical thinking: evidence-based argumentation. Learning to make a clear argument that is supported by specific evidence is essential to the kind of critical thinking that your time in college should help you develop.


Please ensure you read the following from the content of this unit:

Assigned Readings:

  1. Ideas and Theories For and Against American Independence
    1. Primary Source: The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved
    2. Primary Source: Soame Jenyns and Samuel Johnson
  2. Events Contributing to the Rise of an Independence Movement in the Colonies
    1. see images below


“Bostonian’s Paying the Excise Man, or Tarring and Feathering. Philip Dawe, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.”

Boston Massacre as portrayed by Paul Revere. Not entirely an accurate depiction of the event that transpired.
“Boston Massacre as portrayed by Paul Revere. Not entirely an accurate depiction of the event that transpired. Engrav’d Printed & Sold by Paul Revere Boston. The print was copied by Revere from a design by Henry Pelham for an engraving eventually published under the title “The Fruits of Arbitrary Power, or the Bloody Massacre,” of which only two impressions could be located by Brigham. Revere’s print appeared on or about March 28, 1770., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.”

 "This is the place to affix the stamp. Bradford, William, 1719-1791, publisher. Illus. in: The Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser, 1765 October 24. From the Library of Congress: https://lccn.

“This is the place to affix the stamp. Bradford, William, 1719-1791, publisher. Illus. in: The Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser, 1765 October 24. From the Library of Congress: https://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2004672606/.”

Then, in an essay of at least 5 paragraphs and 1000 words:

identify the main arguments used by supporters and opponents of American independence and why each side thought their viewpoint was correct. Then, identify the events portrayed in each of the three images and explain why they occurred, and combined with what happened after each event, show how they support for independence to grow. You should not limit yourself to discussing only these three events; simply use these three to help shape an analysis of various cause-effect relationships between the British and colonist actions.

Expectations and Criteria for Success

You should base your discussion with the information in the course content; outside research is not allowed. As always, be sure to keep track of where you find your information so that you can provide citations in your final essay. Citations must be formatted according to the MLA guidelines, including both in-text and a final source page. Guidelines for MLA can be found using the Purdue Owl or you can reference the Citation Help.pdf from the Start Here Module of the course.

Essays should be typed in 12-point font with a simple, clean font such as Times New Roman or Arial. Use 1″ inch margins on all sides and double-space the text.

Successful essays should be carefully organized, with strong thesis statements and specific evidentiary support from the primary sources themselves. Your introduction should include a clear statement of what you will argue in the essay (thesis statements are never questions). The body of the essay will include at least three paragraphs (though you can write more). Conclude by discussing the key conclusion you reached and why (remember not to use the first person in formal academic essays). Be sure to revise and edit carefully.


MHE 509 Trident University International Module 2 Military Partnership Case Study Science Assignment Help

Module 2 – Case


Case Assignment

Answer the three questions below:

  1. How would you include the DoD in your Emergency Response Plan? Or would you?
  2. Scenario: A federal building suddenly blows up in your city where you oversee the Emergency Response Plan. You are called by law enforcement officers who note that they have apprehended three military personnel with explosives in their possession. The two men and one woman are listed as AWOL; they have threatened that if they are not released, another operative will blow up more undisclosed buildings. The police have contacted the FBI and will detain the suspects. Meanwhile, two more buildings explode near a military outpost in which civilians and military personnel were killed.

    Evaluate your resource and recommend appropriate courses of action relative to homeland security. What will be your first step? Why? Be specific and cite your sources.

  3. As Incident Commander, would you oversee posting U.S. Army personnel in strategic locations in your town during a terrorist attack? Please cite specific policy in your response.


Examination and Assessment in The Primary Care Setting Discussion Response Writing Assignment Help

In this week’s clinical rotation, I further learned how to better assess and examine patients in the primary care setting.  In the hospital setting, I am used to performing full body exams on all of my patients each shift.  In the primary setting, assessments seem to be a little less complex in some ways however more challenging in other ways.  For example, the provider in the primary care clinic are not challenged with assessing intravenous lines, pressure injuries, or cardiac rhythms on every single patient.  While these assessments may present themselves occasionally in the primary setting, they are extremely common in the hospital setting.  While this may allow assessments to be more streamlined in some aspects, challenges also exist in the primary setting due to these differences.  For example, if a provider senses a cardiac abnormality, the patient may be required to undergo certain tests and exams that may not be available in the primary care clinic.  In this case, I have seen many examples of “tentative” diagnoses that my preceptor makes until the patient is able to undergo further testing.I am still trying to get used to the differences in resources within the hospital and primary care setting.

This week, a 27 year old female patient presented to the clinic with complaints for heartburn that has lasted for the last three months.  She presented with a temperature of 98.6 F, heart rate of 76, blood pressure of 132/76, 16 respirations per minute, and spO2 of 99% on room air.  Additionally, she stood at 5 feet 6 inches and weighed 170 pounds, putting her body mass index at 27.4.  Her current pain was rated a 3/10 and reported it to be dull and within her epigastric region.  She described her typical heartburn sensation as a dull burning sensation that has occurred approximately 30 minutes after eating any meal for the last three months.  She stated that she tries to eat bland and avoids spicy food.  She also reported to have tried over-the-counter omeprazole for a month with no relief.  My preceptor diagnosed her with gastroesophageal reflux disease, otherwise known as GERD, and prescribed her 40 mg pantoprazole twice a day as well as a stool sample to examine for presence of blood.  Differential diagnosis includes peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, gastroparesis, angina, hiatal hernia, H. pylori infection, and irritable bowel syndrome (Cesario et al., 2018).  Diagnostic testing includes endoscopy and biopsy, 24-hour ambulatory reflux monitoring, esophageal manometry, and a barium x-ray of the upper digestive system (Gyawali et al., 2018).  Furthermore, patients can be started on a proton pump inhibitor trial, as in the case of this female patient, which will allow the patient and provider to determine relief from symptoms with medication use (Gyawali et al., 2018).  However, this technique runs the risk of over-diagnosing GERD and overusing proton pump inhibitors (Gyawali et al., 2018).This patient was instructed on following medication plan as ordered and to follow up with the clinic in one month to determine effectiveness.

This week’s clinical experience allowed me to further improve on my assessment skills and collaborate with my preceptor.  Additionally, I am feeling more comfortable with educating patients on lifestyle modifications they can make to improve their symptoms and overall quality of life.  I educated this patient on avoiding foods that trigger reflux such as fatty foods, fried foods, spicy foods, citrus, alcohol, and caffeine (Mayo Clinic, 2020).  I also advised the patient avoid laying down after meals and to use an additional pillow to elevate her head while in bed.  Additionally, I encouraged the patient to initiate some regular exercise into her daily routine and maintain a healthy weight, as her BMI sets her at a higher risk of GERD and complications.She agreed with the treatment plan and verbalized understanding of the improvements she could implement.


Cesario, S., Scida, S., Miraglia, C., Barchi, A., Nouvenne, A., Leandro, G., Meschi, T., De’ Angelis, G. L., & Di Mario, F. (2018). Diagnosis of GERD in typical and atypical manifestations. Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis, 89(8-S), 33–39. https://doi.org/10.23750/abm.v89i8-S.7963

Gyawali, C. P., Kahrilas, P. J., Savarino, E., Zerbib, F., Mion, F., Smout, A. J., … & Roman, S. (2018). Modern diagnosis of GERD: the Lyon Consensus. Gut, 67(7), 1351-1362.

Mayo Clinic. (2020, May 22). Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gerd/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20361959. 


Capella University Healthcare Matters Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help

Assessment 1 Instructions: CDS Functions, Users, and Patient Outcomes

  • Create a slide presentation (20 minutes; 12-15 slides) on clinical decision support (CDS) systems for a new hire orientation. Address CDS functions, users, and the distinctions among coded, non-coded, structured, and unstructured EHR data entry. Include audio recording and speaker notes with presentation.Clinical decision support (CDS) systems have been a discussion topic in the health care and research communities for the past 20 or 30 years. While these systems have demonstrated potential, few have been implemented in a health care setting. A CDS system is actually multiple solutions and technologies with the underlying goal of transforming health care data into useful information.A CDS system, or intervention, is an application that analyzes data to assist health care providers in making clinical decisions. Most CDS applications are components of electronic health record systems. They can also, however, stand alone. A number of types of CDS systems exist along with various tools to enhance the decision-making process. Some CDS systems support administrative activities. Others involve clinical details and protocols and treatment processes.A successful CDS system implementation requires the ability to identify CDS end-users and their roles in mitigating risks and issues. Another critical factor in successful CDS system implementations is the ability to select a CDS system that supports organizational goals and stakeholders. Now, imagine that you are a data analyst. The HIM director has asked you to deliver a presentation on the CDS system at a new hire orientation. The HIM director hopes your presentation can provide new hires with a solid foundational understanding of a CDS system, or intervention. In particular, she wants you to address CDS functions and the importance of CDS users. These individuals are critical to system acceptance, resolution of system issues, and other performance strategies. In your presentation, you will want to incorporate what you have learned in the EHR Go preparatory activities that are part of this assessment. In addition, you will be submitting a voice-over narration with your slides and speaker notes.


    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 1: Examine analytics and decision support.
      • Describe CDS systems’ functions and users.
      • Distinguish between coded, non-coded, structured, and unstructured data entry in the EHR.
      • Evaluate the clinical implications of structured versus unstructured data entry in the EHR.
      • Explain how clinical decision support functions contribute to patient outcomes.
    • Competency 6: Communicate effectively in a professional manner.
      • Create a clear, well organized, professional presentation that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
      • Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.


    EHR Go

    As soon as your faculty member provides the information you need, create an account to access the EHR activities planned for the course. If you need help with your EHR Go account, please contact the EHR Go help desk or phone at 1-877-907-2186. Direct questions related to the content of the learning activities to your faculty member.Before beginning your assessment, do all the assigned EHR course activities. This will help to ensure you have the skills and experience necessary to complete the assessment. Also, as you use various EHR applications, pay attention to your experiences and lessons learned. This information will inform your completion of the assessment.Complete these specific EHR Go activities for Assessment 1:

    • This first activity introduces basic navigational skills to review and enter data in an EHR.
    • This second activity focuses on what the EHR can do and how it can be used.

    You will need information from these two activities to complete your first assessment.

    Independent Research

    If you are less familiar with EHRs and CDS systems, you may wish to conduct additional independent research. The suggested resources provide a good starting point. You may also wish to consult the Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide for research tips and help in identifying current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.


    As a data analyst, you are ready to begin work on a task your boss, the HIM director, assigned to you. You will deliver a presentation on the CDS system at the new hire orientation. In particular, your boss wants you to emphasize CDS functions and the importance of CDS users. These are the individuals who are critical to system acceptance, resolution of system issues, and so on. You have a total of 30 minutes for your presentation (20 minutes = presentation; 10 minutes = Q & A). You expect it will take 12- to 15-slides to cover your content. You also want to keep in mind that these new hires may be a bit overwhelmed by the volume of information that has been presented to them since they started. With this in mind, you plan to make sure that your slides are not too text heavy and know that you will include additional information in your speaker notes. Your speaker notes will spell out what you will say during the presentation. The slides will cover the highlights. You also want to be sure to incorporate examples in your presentation to illustrate your points. You plan to liberally make use of what you’ve learned in the EHR Go activities for this assessment and the independent research you’ve conducted on CDS systems. From past experience, you know your boss always wants to know the source of your information, so you will make sure to include references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.Here is the outline you’ve prepared for your presentation that your boss has approved. You’re now ready to begin building your presentation.

    Welcome (1 slide)
    • How will you open your presentation in a way that engages your audience? For example, consider a compelling quote, a startling fact or statistic, or a thought-provoking question
    CDS Systems Definition (1 slide)
    • What is a CDS System?
    CDS Functions and Users (2–3 slides)
    • What are the three to five major functions of a CDS system?
    • Who are the main users of CDS systems?
    • How do these users contribute to successful CDS system implementation and usage?
    CDS Functions’ Contribution to Patient Outcomes (1 slide)
    • How do CDS functions contribute to patient outcomes?
    Coded vs. Non-Coded vs. Structured vs. Unstructured EHR Data Entry (4 slides)
    • What is coded data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).
    • What is non-coded data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).
    • What is structured data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).
    • What is unstructured data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).
    • How can you present this information in a table, chart, graphic, et cetera to help new hires keep these terms straight? (1 slide).
    Clinical Implications of Structured vs. Unstructured Data Entry (1 slide)
    • What are the clinical implications of structured vs. unstructured data entry?
    Key Takeaways (1 slide)
    • What are the three or four most critical takeaways that you want new hires to retain from your presentation?
    Closing (1 slide)
    • What do you anticipate are the three to five questions new hires will have about your presentation?
    • Note: This will help prepare you to respond effectively to the new hires’ questions.
    References (1 slide)
    • What credible resources did you draw on for your presentation in case new hires want to learn more?


    • Format: Slide deck with 12–15 slides and speaker notes. Include your voice-over narration (maximum of 20 minutes) with your slides.
    • Visuals: Balance visuals and text in your slides. Incorporate appropriate charts, graphs, tables, diagrams, pictures, visuals, et cetera to help convey your message. Avoid making your slides too text heavy. Place additional information in your speaker notes.
    • APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. This guide is a good refresher on APA style and formatting guidelines: APA Style and Format.
    • Writing: Create a clear, well organized, professional presentation that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

    Resources: Introduction to Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Systems

  • Aziz, H. A., Bearden, R. L., & Elmi, A. (2015). Patient-physician relationship and the role of clinical decisions support systems. Clinical Laboratory Science, 28(4), 240–244.
  • Liberati, E. G., Ruggiero, F., Galuppo, L., Gorli, M., Gonzalez-Lorenzo, M., Maraldi, M., . . . Moja, L. (2017). What hinders the uptake of computerized decision support systems in hospitals? A qualitative study and framework for implementation. Implementation Science, 12.
  • Mitchell, J., Revere, L., & Ayadi, M. F. (2014). Association of clinical decision support systems on process of care measures and quality outcomes for patients with heart failure. Academy of Information & Management Sciences Journal, 17(2), 99–111.
  • Resources: Clinical Decision Support (CDS) System Functions and Users

  • Chorpita, B. F., Daleiden, E. L., & Bernstein, A. D. (2016). At the intersection of health information technology and decision support: Measurement feedback systems … and beyond. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 43(3), 471–477.
  • Chou, W., Tien, P., Lin, F., & Chiu, P. (2017). Application of visually based, computerised diagnostic decision support system in dermatological medical education: A pilot study. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 93(1099), 256.
  • Troiano, D., Jones, M. A., Smith, A. H., Chan, R. C., Laegeler, A. P., Trinh, L., … Chaffee, B. W. (2014). The need for collaborative engagement in creating clinical decision-support alerts. Physician Executive, 40(3), 71–74.



CJAD 301 CC Elements of Stalking Crime Clements v State Case Analysis Journal Entry Law Assignment Help

Read the capstone case in the link below and answer the questions in a paragraph format. 1 paragraph will be sufficient.


  1. What are the elements of the crime of stalking under the statute discussed in this case?
  2. Do you agree with the court of appeals that the statute is not unconstitutionally vague?
  3. Is the evidence in this case sufficient to support a stalking conviction?

1 paragraph per video

Describe the URL posted 1 paragraph

. American Mock Trial Association (AMTA)


    AMTA sponsors annual mock trial tournaments for undergraduates. The organization seeks to help students understand the work of a trial attorney.

AMTA sponsors annual mock trial tournaments for undergraduates. The organization seeks to help students understand the work of a trial attorney.at Do You Think?

CJAD 301 CC Elements of Stalking Crime Clements v State Case Analysis Journal Entry Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UOTC Application of Cloud Computing Skills & Knowledge Teaching Information Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

In a Word document, write a paper describing how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share how you could leverage the knowledge gained working as an IT consultant working for an organization of your choice.


  • The reflection paper should be 2 – 3 pages in length (deductions will apply if page count is not observed)
  • Page count does not include title and reference pages
  • The paper should include a title page and reference page
  • An abstract is not required for this assignment
  • Correct use of APA 7th edition guidelines is required
  • Save as a Word document (not Pdf)
  • Load assignment in Blackboard upon completion


ANTH 1102 Kennesaw State University The Anthropologist Film Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Description: A film analysis is not a review or summary of the plot, it goes deeper into analysis and reaction. IT MUST BE TYPED and double spaced using a 12 point, easily readable font. Your review should be approximately 2-3 pages long. You are expected to write your review in essay format, meaning that you do not need to copy and paste the sections and subsections here included; you are expected to include the sections that are relevant to the documentary you are writing about and include them as part of the narrative of your essay. the rest of the directions will be attached


CHEM 121 Simon Fraser University Pre Lab Worksheet Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a chemistry question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The pre-lab will be collected together with the lab report pages, as file uploads of the images. Observations for the reactions can be made from the linked photos and videos below. Recall that we considered the reaction of HCl and NaOH in the Heat and Energy lab, and found that the test tube gets warmer. (Lab 3 Part C: Watch the video and record your observation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNvAZVaFLLs&ab_channel=PdstChemistryOpens externally)


answer all question on the Pdf


ISM 3011 USF Sample HTML Resume with Images & Text Programming Exercise Programming Assignment Help

Please use HTML and notepad

  • Page 1 – resume.html:
  • o The first page should be named ‘resume.html’ and should display your resume information in an attractive format and be interesting enough that someone would want to call you for an interview.

    o Do not use any cascading style sheets, CSS, commands in the resume.html page. See HTML 1 assignment for more on this.

    o Your resume page should link to your second ‘biz.html’ page.

    o HTML Details – include the following skills and tags. All of these required tags should be on your resume.html page

    a) Correct HTML structure tags (html, head, title, body & ending tags) on both web pages

    b) A comment tag

    c) A tag that link let you go to your biz.html page

    d) At least 2 image tags – besides any background images. Use an image you have or have downloaded to your computer, not a link to an image on another site and don’t use the image files from the HTML 1 project.

    e) Tag or tag attributes that display a background image or color

    f) Tags to create a useful ordered or unordered list (with 3 list items in at least one of your ordered / unordered list). NOTE: if you center your unordered or ordered list and view it in Chrome or IE or Safari, the bullets may not center. Try viewing it in Firefox – that’s what we use to grade projects.

    g) A tag that displays a colored (not black/grey) horizontal line

    h) Two different size heading tags (for example, <h1>)

    i) Font tags that demonstrate two different text colors (these should be separate from the heading and link tags)

    j) Tags that format text so that it is bold or strong, underlined, and italicized or emphasized (can be used separately or together)

    k) A paragraph tag and a break tag

    l) A tag that creates a useful table containing at least 3 rows and 3 columns with relevant content in all cells.

    m) If you are unsure about any of these tags use our TIPS page or do a little Google-ing. You can use additional tags.

    In the interest of a sane grading process, please keep to the basics of this assignment. Please do not use inline, internal or external CSS for this resume.html page (see http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_howto.asp for info on this). If you are using a command that includes the word ‘style’ you are using CSS – please don’t. Web gurus…. If you feel like your web prowess is not being fully appreciated (I totally get this!), you can use CSS in your biz.html page (see below). We’ll check them out and be impressed!

  • Page 2 – biz.html:
  • o This second page should be named ‘biz.html’ and the first page for an online business you might create. You’ll be graded on the effort, thought and how well it illustrates and details your products or services.

    o Required:

  • Correct HTML structure tags (html, head, title, body & ending tags) on both web pages
  • A tag that links you go to your resume.html page
  • o And 8 of the tags listed these bullet points

  • A comment tag
  • At least 2 image tags – besides any background images. Use an image you have or have downloaded to your computer, not a link to an image on another site and don’t use the image files from the HTML 1 project.
  • Tag or tag attributes that display a background image or color
  • Tags to create a useful ordered or unordered list (with 3 list items in at least one of your ordered / unordered list). NOTE: if you center your unordered or ordered list and view it in Chrome or IE or Safari, the bullets may not center. Try viewing it in Firefox – that’s what we use to grade projects.
  • A tag that displays a colored (not black/grey) horizontal line
  • Two different size heading tags (for example, <h1>)
  • Font tags that demonstrate two different text colors (these should be separate from the heading and link tags)
  • Tags that format text so that it is bold or strong, underlined, and italicized or emphasized (can be used separately or together)
  • A paragraph tag and a break tag
  • A tag that creates a useful table containing at least 3 rows and 3 columns with relevant content in all cells.
  • If you are unsure about any of these tags use our TIPS page or do a little Google-ing. You can use additional tags.
  • On this page (biz.html only), you can add some Cascading style sheet commands (CSS), but if you use them, include a comment above each one with details of what the CSS commands do.
  • [supanova_question]

    CJA 345 University of Phoenix Criminal Justice Research Models Questions Law Assignment Help

    CJA 345 University of Phoenix Criminal Justice Research Models Questions Law Assignment Help

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