CJUS 610 Liberty University Victimization Surveys Discussion Law Assignment Help. CJUS 610 Liberty University Victimization Surveys Discussion Law Assignment Help.
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please respond to the following discussion question with 250 EACH, 1 reference EACH AND a biblical viewpoint EACH!
This is the original post. You DO NOT have to respond to the original post. Only respond to the two classmates: After reading Chapter 5 of the Mosher textbook, the article entitled “Internet Development, Censorship, and Cyber Crimes in China” by Liang and Lu, and the article entitled “‘Snitches End Up in Ditches’ and Other Cautionary Tales” by Morris, discuss the following prompts:
- Although presented differently, how do the research articles affect the development of criminal justice public policy?
- As a criminal justice leader, does the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) give you a reason for concern? How/Why?
- What are the advantages of the NCVS versus the Uniform Crime Report (UCR)/National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data?
- As a criminal justice leader or school safety leader, does the “‘Snitches End Up in Ditches’ and Other Cautionary Tales” article cause you to act? In what way?
1) Emanuel-According to the textbook (Mosher, 2011), victimization surveys elicit information about crimes that citizens report to the police and those they do not. Therefore, victimization surveys provide us with further information regarding the dark figures of crime. These surveys have also had a profound effect on theories of crime causation. “Routine activity, opportunity, and even rational choice theory have flourished in the discipline of criminology in recent years in part because of the availability of victim survey data” (Mosher, 2011).
In the article “Snitches End Up in Ditches” and Other Cautionary Tales, evidence suggests that “stop snitching” has broadened into a more general “street code” (Anderson 1999; Rosenfeld, Jacobs, and Wright 2003), which criticizes any cooperation with police or other authorities. Some might adhere to the “no snitching” precept from simple fear of retaliation, and some might genuinely believe that cooperating with police creates more harm than good. Regardless, “the newest incarnation of this longstanding ethos among criminals has trickled out into larger segments of society, including otherwise law-abiding people (Kahn 2007)” (Morris, n.d.). Therefore, data must be collected from individuals but at the same time, its members could obscure it due to the pact they make through their network. Despite the fact they are doing something wrong, they rather protect the people next to them, giving them a sense of accomplishment when in fact, they become guilty by association.
Additionally, interviewees recounted stories of police bias, invasive surveillance, and brutality. In logical extension, these interviewees reported acute distrust of police and no desire to aid law enforcement. Even if interviewees stated that they themselves were victimized, they still disavowed seeking police help. These offenders thus adhered to a “code of the street” (Anderson 1999) in which “respect, security, and status come only to those with the proven ability to take care of their own business” (Rosenfeld et al. 2003: 298). These offenders emphasized resolving their own conflicts, without interference from external sources of authority” (Morris, n.d.).
As a criminal justice leader, the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) gives me a reason for concern due to unconscious bias from both sides and the accuracy/validity of the information collected. You can see for different reasons people hold information or censor it due to personal or federal regulations, such as in China. “China’s Internet control represents an “imperfect control,” aiming at keeping the vast majority from sensitive materials and preventing the nonconforming small minority from mounting a real challenge (Hartford, 2000)” (Liang, 2010). These sorts of regulations make people operate in the dark and in fear for their government; however, people are smart and will always find a way around it.
Some of the advantages of the NCVS provide data on reported and unreported crimes, such as rape, which are not reported to the police. The second advantage of NCVS data is that they offer a wide range of criminal victimization variables, including information about crime victims such as their age, gender, race, Hispanic ethnic origin, marital status, income, and educational level. Moreover, a criminal offender’s gender, race, approximate age, drug/alcohol use, victim-offender relationship, and the crime context like the time and place of occurrence, use of weapons, nature of the injury, and economic consequences. The third advantage of NCVS data is the high response rates. UCR also has its advantages. Some of its benefits begin with the fact that its oldest reporting system currently available in the country. It also provides a resource that reviews hate crime statistics in the United States, and it is highly accessible by everyone; it collects information about specific crimes in several different categories and places the data into a usable format.
Finally, the information presented in Snitches End Up in Ditches’ and Other Cautionary Tales article causes a reaction, not an action, to the data collected. The article suggests that Bourdieu’s notion of habitus helps explain the problem of anti-snitching. “Habitus can capture the fact that “stop snitching” has indeed become codified in certain communities. However, because of the flexibility and experiential basis of habitus, it does not imply that anti-snitching is rooted in torpid oppositional values” (Morris, n.d.). The article suggests it’s not a function of race, urban location, or criminal activity necessarily, but rather a collective response to institutional marginalization, which may be found within a number of disadvantaged communities. But this seems to excuse the fact that their actions clearly define them in that environment. So how can these be dismissed exactly? The only rationale I can give to maybe make some sense of these results is that the previous oppression had suppressed and marginalized the population to operate in fear. Yet, they are working in the dark to commit crimes and cover for one another. Despite previous experiences, the law doesn’t consider the past it weighs your actions in conjunction with the immediate now and the future. Are you doing what’s right as a law-abiding citizen, or are you doing what you want against the law…?
A Biblical perspective on the issue is pretty simple. Proverbs 10:18 says, “He who conceals hatred has lying lips, And he who spreads slander is a fool” (Biblica, 2021). Isaiah 29:15 also goes on to say that “Woe to those who deeply hide their plans from the Lord, And whose deeds are done in a dark place, And they say, “Who sees us?” or “Who knows us?” (Biblica, 2021). So eventually, what you hide will come to light, and there will be repercussions for it. Something that is very excusable with this new culture reform wave we see erasing our very own morals and values in society today.
Bachman, R., & Schutt, R. K. (2008). Fundamentals of research in criminology and criminal justice. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Biblica, (2021). The holy bible. NIV. colorado springs, CO. Retrieved January 20, 2021, from https://www.biblehub.com/niv/
Liang, B. (2010). Internet Development, Censorship, and Cyber Crimes in China2. Retrieved January 23, 2021, from https://learn.liberty.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-44521760-dt-content-rid523593332_1/courses/CJUS601_B04_202120/CJUS601_LUO_8WK_MASTER_ImportedContent_20180723123237/InternetDevelopmentCensorshipandCyberCrimesinChina.pdf
Morris, E. (n.d.). “Snitches End Up in Ditches” and Other Cautionary Tales. Retrieved January 23, 2021, from https://learn.liberty.edu/bbcswebdav/courses/CJUS601_B04_202120/CJUS601_LUO_8WK_MASTER_ImportedContent_20180723123237/SnitchesEndUpinDitchesandOtherCautionaryTales.pdf
Mosher, C. J., Miethe, T. D., & Hart, T. C. (2011). The mismeasure of crime. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE Publications.
2) Sierra- Both articles present challenges in the development in criminal justice public policy. What is acceptable? What is going to far in law? As criminal justice practitioners we want to be proactive. As a criminal justice leader the NCVS does give me concern because as previously discussed it varies in reports compared to the UCS in that there are un-reported crimes. Why are these crimes not being reported? Could it be out of fear? Such as being considered “a snitch.” The NCVS gives an advantage over the UCR and NIBRS to see previously unreported crime and get a comparison to be more proactive in the future. As a criminal justice leader or a school safety leader “Snitches end up in ditches and other cautionary tales” is concerning and should cause anyone to act. We should be proactive to youth to prevent adult offending. Many of these youth could be gang related. The Pittsburgh youth study found that 52 to 57 percent of juvenile delinquents continue to offend up to age 25 (NIJ, 2014). Next looking at censorship, we should consider this as well because it can impact our youth. However, what amount of censorship is too much censorship? In a sweeping victory for free speech rights in cyberspace the Supreme Court struct down the Communications Decency Act in Reno vs. ACLU in June 1997 (ACLU, 2021.) One state Virginia, proposed a bill blocking software at state-funded libraries for communicating online material that is harmful to minors, resulting in criminal penalties. This form of censorship would impact cyber bullying and help prevent it. Romans 7:12 says, “So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.” When we propose law we should put our trust in God and ensure that our hearts are in the right place and that it’s for the good of the people.
ACLU (2021) Online censorship in the states. Retrieved from https://www.aclu.org/other/online-censorship-state…
NIJ (2014) From juvenile delinquency to young adult offending. Retrieved from https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/juvenile-delin…
CJUS 610 Liberty University Victimization Surveys Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
GEO 105 Arapahoe Community College South America and Ancient Civilization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Answer each of the ten questions below to the best of your ability.
- Type each of your answers directly below the relevant question.
- Each answer should be in paragraph(s) form.
- Each written answer is worth 5 potential points.
- Poorly written answers will have points deducted.
South America Homework Questions
1. What are altiplanos? Why are they important in South America and which civilization thrived in the altiplano valleys of Peru until Spanish conquest overtook them?
2. What are favelas in Brazil?
3. What is grassification? Why is it relevant to the Amazon Basin in Brazil?
4. Which ancient civilization referred to as a cultural hearth center existed in South America between the 15th and 16th centuries? Which countries did this empire exist in and who eventually brought their empire to collapse?
5. What are megacities? Are they present in South America? Provide some examples.
6. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? Why is it relevant today?
7. What are the risks of commodity dependence for nearly every South American country? (i.e. what are the risks of having a few primary resources that are exported around the world that contribute to much of each country’s economy?). Please provide some examples from the region.
8. Is there a South American country that interests you the most? Why or why not?
9. Using the graph on urbanization in South America below, which countries are the least or most urbanized in South America? Which countries have the most rapid projected growth in urban population by 2050? And, are any countries expected to decrease in urbanization level? (SCREENSHOT OF WHITE PICTURE)
10. Using the map of South America below, combine your answers to the following questions below in paragraph form. Which countries of South America does the Andes Mountain range run through? Which South American countries does the equator run through? Which two South American countries are landlocked, meaning they have no physical access to the ocean? Which two countries in the far north have the highest elevations? And, which countries have significant areas of their territory designated as lowland (less than 200 meters above sea level)? (SCREENSHOT OF COLORED MAP)
Florida National University Community Health Project Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Community Nursing
– Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.
· Minimum three paragraphs per DQ
· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5
· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.
Note: All DQ submissions will be monitored for plagiarism.
Community and Public Health Nursing (3th Edition)
Authors: DeMarco, R. F. & Healey-Walsh, J. (2020) Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
ISBN: 978-1-975111-69-4
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition)
American Psychological Association (2019)
ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1
Chapter 14: Risk of Infectious and Communicable Diseases
There is a planned community health project to decrease the incidence of human papilloma virus (HPV).
1. Who is/are the target population? Why?
2. What are some key factors to consider when planning an HPV prevention program?
Florida National University Nursing Role and Scope Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Nursing Role and Scope
DQ 1:
· Select one question as your DQ 1
· Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.
· Minimum three paragraphs per DQ
· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5
· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.
Note: All DQ submissions will be monitored for plagiarism.
Author: Masters, K. (2020). Role development in professional nursing practice. Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
ISBN: 978-1-2841-5292-0
Chapter 8: Safety and Quality Improvement in Professional Nursing Practice
1. How do best practices contribute to quality and safety?
2. How can the commitment to quality improvement be integrated throughout all roles and at all levels of professional nursing practice?
BUS 205 Cayuga Community College New York Dram Shop Law Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business law discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
You need to know the following NYS definition of Dram Shop Law for this question:
New York dram shop law is found in section 11-101 of the New York General Obligations law. Under this law, it is illegal for businesses to serve alcohol to persons who are visibly intoxicated. The definition of “visibly intoxicated” is left largely to the discretion of the employee who serves the alcohol. Tell-tale signs of visible intoxication may include slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, and lack of physical coordination.
New York is unique in that patrons themselves may not sue the business establishment. Instead, the bar or tavern may be held liable for damages caused to third parties who were injured by the patrons of the bar who were served alcohol. For example, if a bar serves a person alcohol, then that person drives away and injures another person in a car accident, the people injured may sue the bar for contributions.
In order for the drinking establishment to be held liable, the plaintiff must prove:
- The person who injured them was intoxicated
- The defendant (the bar or tavern) sold or provided liquor to the intoxicated person
- The defendant also caused or contributed to the person’s subsequent intoxication
The ACME Police Department, having complaints of underage drinking at the ACME Bar & Grill, enter without a warrant and conduct an Alcoholic Beverage Control Act underage drinking check. Officers find Wile E. Coyote, Jr., age 18, at the bar and visibly drinking a beer. On approach they ask for his identification and he presents them with a fake ID card. He is removed from the bar and charged with violations of underage drinking and forged identification, as the ID card looked nothing like him. Further, the bartender is told to step outside to the patrol car where he is arrested for Prohibited Sale of Alcoholic Beverage to a Minor and the Penal Law charge of Unlawfully Dealing with a Child. Forms were filed with NYS to have the business’s license to sell alcoholic beverages suspended or revoked. Both the bartender, the bar owner and Coyote plead Not Guilty to the charges. Coyote states that he was not read his Miranda Warnings when arrested and that it was an unlawful search by the police, as they do not have the right to check for identification. The bartender also claims that the police had no right entering the establishment unannounced, and that he, too, was never read his warnings. Further, there was no proof that he ever served the beer to the minor. Lastly, the bar owner said that the license punishment should be negated, as Coyote showed valid NYS identification to the bartender, even though it was not his. He claims the bartender is not required to secure multiple proofs of identification.
Hint – check both Sections 65 of the NYS Alcoholic Beverage Control Act
Complete the following to engage in the discussion process
- Were the actions of the police entering the bar legal?
- Was this an illegal search by the police when asking for identification from Coyote, as there was no proof of a crime having been committed at that time?
- Were the police required to read Miranda Rights to Coyote?
- Were the police required to read Miranda Rights to the bartender?
- Do the police have sufficient probable cause to file for the revocation of the bar license?
6.. Create one question to pose to the class regarding this case.
CJ 497 SDSU How Police Agencies Oversee Officer Use of Force Paper Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a criminal justice case study and need an explanation to help me learn.
investigate how police agencies oversee officer use of force through policies and/or training
As part of your culminating research experience, you will conduct an independent research project on an aspect of the work in the criminal justice realm that you’re interested in doing. In this paper, you will provide information on an organization/type of organization, its employees, and investigate an aspect of interest related to the actual work being conducted. You will also examine the research considering histories, contexts, and incidence of systemic racism and discrimination, and identify how the organization and your professional role can attend to these issues. It is important that you include references to the scholarly papers you are using as sources, including Davis’ book Race and Restorative Justice, and any other pertinent information. Anything you reference must have a corresponding in-text citation and vice versa. use at least 12 sources
Your paper will should be approximately 9 pages in length, NOT including a title page and references page. You will produce the paper following APA formatting guidelines for text, in-text citations, and references. If you would like to include graphical data or information please seek prior approval and it is imperative to properly cite it.
Here is a basic rundown of what should be included in the paper:
- Title Page
- Introduction (a paragraph or two setting up the paper; there is no need for an abstract)
- Description of the organization/professional role, including scope, key demographics, and other pertinent information
- Specific research into a component of the organization, operations, professional role, policies, practices, or programs.
- Research and discussion of systemic racism and how the agency or professional role can be anti-racist
- References page in APA format
Grading Rubric:
Quality of the content in the paper (100 points)
- Description of the organization/professional role, including scope, key demographics, and other pertinent information (20 points)
- Specific research into a component of the organization, operations, professional role, policies, practices, or programs. (50 points)
- Research and discussion of systemic racism and how the agency or professional role can be anti-racist. (30 points)
APA Formatting, Grammar and Spelling, and References (25 points)
Final Paper
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization Description Description of the organization/professional role, including scope, key demographics, and other pertinent information |
20 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organizational aspect (research)Specific research into a component of the organization, operations, professional role, policies, practices, or programs. |
50 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Racism and Restorative Justice Research and discussion of systemic racism and how the agency or professional role can be anti-racist. |
30 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Formatting Accuracy in APA Formatting, Grammar and Spelling, and References |
25 pts |
Total Points: 125 |
CJ 497 SDSU How Police Agencies Oversee Officer Use of Force Paper Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Colorado Technical University Planning a Role in Human Services Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management question and need support to help me understand better.
Response Guidelines
Respond to at least one other learner regarding his or her position in the human services profession.
Your response must be substantive and contribute to the discussion. Compare your analysis to that of your peer and comment on the similarities and differences that you see. If there are aspects that you do not agree with, present an argument to support your position. If you need more information from your peer, be sure to ask questions for clarity.
Student post down below:
My position in the human services profession is a Social Services Specialist our Early Head Start Childcare Partnership program. Our agency has several programs that’s design to help our community in many ways. The EHS-CCP program is a program that serves the neediest , low income working, or pursuing an education family in our community. We offer ten hours of child care for their children and provide all the things that their children would need while in our care. My job is to work with the family as a whole. I assess the families through their need’s assessments, and family outcomes report. Any resources they may need I find and help as much as possible.
My role is very important to me because helping people is a passion for me , which brings joy to my heart. So many people have the drive to be better as well as succeed in life, but just doesn’t have that helping hand or extra push they need. My professional mission is to help each one of my families achieve at least one of their goals that they have set at the beginning of each grant year. If continuing their education is a goal, I go above and beyond to get the information and help them enroll. If buying a house is one, I find all resources as well as bring in financial experts to my monthly parent meetings to help with this process. If they want a better job or to learn new job skills, my mission is to make sure that happens. The five years I have been in this position, I have given my all to help my families. This is truly my motivation.
Strayer Univeristy Health & Medical Healthcare Finance Interview & Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical multi-part question and need support to help me study.
Health Care Finance Interview
Identify a leader in a health care setting who is responsible for fiscal planning and financial management. This person may be solely responsible for financial management or have multiple duties and responsibilities that include fiscal planning and financial management. Request an interview with that person. You may conduct your interview in person, via teleconference, or via videoconference. Use the interview guide you created for last week’s assignment. Also, use Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library and other sources to locate publicly available financial information for this organization. Use it as context for your interview.
The Interview Guide you created in Week 2 should include 10 questions. Seven questions are provided for you. You should develop three additional questions. You should ask the following seven questions in addition to the three questions that you developed:
- Can you tell me about your role within your organization? What are your duties and responsibilities? How long have you been in this role?
- Can you share with me all of your duties and responsibilities that involve fiscal planning and financial management?
- How does your organization approach strategic planning?
- How do you approach operational budgeting? How does your organization approach capital budgeting?
- What is the most expensive aspect of health care delivery?
- How is health care finance related to the cost of care, quality, value, waste, performance improvement, regulatory compliance, provider relationships, and insurance reimbursement?
- What cost-containment measures has the organization used?
Write a 3–4 page paper in which you report your findings from your interview and research:
- Indicate the name and title of the person you interviewed. Share some background about their organization. List the responsibilities and scope of their role, and how long they have been in the role.
- Share the mission, vision, and strategic priorities of the organization.
- Provide some organizational background (location, size, focus, services provided, demographics of patients served, for- or nonprofit status, et cetera).
- Explain all of the financial-related tasks and responsibilities that your interviewee engages in.
- From your interviewee’s perspective, explain how health care finance is related to the cost of care, quality, value, waste, performance improvement, regulatory compliance, provider relationships, and insurance reimbursement.
- Comment on the organization’s strategic planning process and its relationship to financial management. Is there appropriate alignment? Support your perspective.
- In a final paragraph, explain what you see as the most important aspect of financial management for health care administrators.
The specific learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Assess the relationships among health care costs, quality, performance improvement, regulatory compliance, provider relationships, and payors.
Health Care Finance Interview
Identify a leader in a health care setting who is responsible for fiscal planning and financial management. This person may be solely responsible for financial management or have multiple duties and responsibilities that include fiscal planning and financial management. Request an interview with that person. You may conduct your interview in person, via teleconference, or via videoconference. Use the interview guide you created for last week’s assignment. Also, use Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library and other sources to locate publicly available financial information for this organization. Use it as context for your interview.
The Interview Guide you created in Week 2 should include 10 questions. Seven questions are provided for you. You should develop three additional questions. You should ask the following seven questions in addition to the three questions that you developed:
- Can you tell me about your role within your organization? What are your duties and responsibilities? How long have you been in this role?
- Can you share with me all of your duties and responsibilities that involve fiscal planning and financial management?
- How does your organization approach strategic planning?
- How do you approach operational budgeting? How does your organization approach capital budgeting?
- What is the most expensive aspect of health care delivery?
- How is health care finance related to the cost of care, quality, value, waste, performance improvement, regulatory compliance, provider relationships, and insurance reimbursement?
- What cost-containment measures has the organization used?
Write a 3–4 page paper in which you report your findings from your interview and research:
- Indicate the name and title of the person you interviewed. Share some background about their organization. List the responsibilities and scope of their role, and how long they have been in the role.
- Share the mission, vision, and strategic priorities of the organization.
- Provide some organizational background (location, size, focus, services provided, demographics of patients served, for- or nonprofit status, et cetera).
- Explain all of the financial-related tasks and responsibilities that your interviewee engages in.
- From your interviewee’s perspective, explain how health care finance is related to the cost of care, quality, value, waste, performance improvement, regulatory compliance, provider relationships, and insurance reimbursement.
- Comment on the organization’s strategic planning process and its relationship to financial management. Is there appropriate alignment? Support your perspective.
- In a final paragraph, explain what you see as the most important aspect of financial management for health care administrators.
The specific learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Assess the relationships among health care costs, quality, performance improvement, regulatory compliance, provider relationships, and payors.
AmeriTech College Provo Lesson 7 HandsOn Exercise Programming Assignment Help
I’m working on a r exercise and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
For this hands on, you will be calculating the answer to several questions. This Hands-On will be graded, so be sure you complete all requirements. Please provide your R script file as well as a document that discusses the bullet points below.
The nhtemp
built-in data set gives the mean annual temperature in New Haven, CT, for the years 1912 to 1971.
Suppose you want to test whether the average over the first 25 years (1912 to 1936) of the data is statistically significantly different than the average over the last 25 years (1947 to 1971) of the data set. You create two vectors from the data set: first25
and last25
, using the following code:
first25 <- nhtemp[1:25]
last25 <- nhtemp[36:60]
Compute a test to see if these two vectors have the same mean.
What type of t-test should you use?
- Single sample
- Independent
- Dependent
Hover your mouse pointer here to check your answer.
Within a text document, discuss the following:
- The problem to be solved
- The hypotheses
- The results of the hypothesis test and the conclusion
What is the p-value for this test? Based on this p-value, do you reject the null hypothesis?
Be sure to zip and submit all your files when finished!
University of Central Florida Zachman Framework Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need support to help me understand better.
1 – Zachman Framework
Three of our readings in this unit describe the evolution of the Zachman Framework. The 1987 article represented the initial version of the framework at a time when the information systems field was very immature. The levels of the framework, as well as its three perspectives was considered a revolutionary way to look at the process for defining and building information systems. Weaknesses in the framework became apparent over time to the more mature organizations using the model, and the 1992 version of the complete framework followed.
The Framework gave practitioners a way to understand what engineering deliverables were needed by an IS or MIS project, how those deliverables differed based on the stakeholders involved, and how those deliverables evolved over the project lifecycle. Most importantly, the Framework presented the entire engineering project as a single conceptual architecture. No one had effectively done that prior to Zachman. The term architecture is used throughout the IT world today, but this use of the term was revolutionary at the time.
Discuss why an industrial engineer might value all six dimensions (columns) of the Framework compared to a software engineer who might value the three left dimensions from 1987 but feel that the three right dimensions added later weren’t really needed in software (a feeling expressed by many software engineers at the time). Additionally, how might a systems engineer focus on the various representations (rows) compared to a software engineer? How might this Framework aid in your performance of future systems engineering duties when working with teams of people that include software engineers?
Response Guideline
Post your response of 1-3 paragraphs (about 200-300 words) early in the week, and then reply to at least two initial responses of your peers, particularly focusing on responses that might differ from your own. Also respond appropriately to anyone who posts questions against your own postings.
2 – Aspects of IT Outsourcing
Information systems functional and organizational structures are evolving. A key element of IT staffing today involves the use of outside contractors to complement, or even substitute for, internal human resources. The use of outsourcing, sometimes to other countries, has risen to a level where even politicians are paying attention and expressing opinions. Outsourcing today include many service jobs like software or systems engineering rather than earlier scenarios where typically just manufacturing jobs were being regularly outsourced.
Discuss the benefits and pitfalls of the move toward outsourcing information technology jobs, both domestically and internationally. Discuss whether these factors affect the organization doing the outsourcing, or whether they actually accrue to the economy or society at large. When benefits accrue to the organization but pitfalls accrue to the society, what are the ethics to which the organizations should feel responsible? What roles do or should regulators play in balancing these perspectives?
Response Guideline
While you are likely to hold a personal opinion on this topic, this discussion is not about your opinion. It’s fine to allow you opinion to influence your analysis, but keep your response fact-based and analytical. Post your response of 1-3 paragraphs (about 200-300 words) early in the week, and then reply to at least two initial responses of your peers, particularly focusing on responses that might differ from your own. Also respond appropriately to anyone who posts questions against your own postings.
3 – Evolution of CRM and SCM Strategies
Much has been written about the need for, and implementation of, enterprise-level systems for the management of customer, suppliers, and partners as part of an effective business strategy. (see p. 22-25 in Peppard & Ward) These discussions tend to take the traditional viewpoint of an organization that has those systems. As industrial engineers, we need to potentially look at a much broader systems perspective. We have to recognize that our customers view us as a supplier, so our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system overlaps their Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems. Our suppliers see us as their customer, so our SCM system overlaps their CRM systems. Given this broader perspective, CRM and SCM systems would benefit from being highly integrated, and might mature in the future to actually be the same systems. CRM and SCM might then be considered two sides of the same coin rather than as separate enterprise systems.
(If you have not had much exposure to enterprise systems, feel free to conduct some quick web-based research into CRM and SCM systems in order to become more familiar with the basic functionality of these kinds of enterprise systems. For this purpose of this discussion thread, you do not need to cite those sources in your response.)
Discuss your thoughts on what this possible evolution could mean in terms of integrating these two enterprise systems capabilities in the future. What would such an evolution mean in terms of the functionality of those two enterprise systems as they today exist? What aspects of their functionality might seem to offer the best integration points? What might it mean to an organization to have an enterprise system that would be used to manage both customers and suppliers rather than have those two types of relationships managed in different systems? What might be the major advantages or disadvantages of such an evolution?
Response Guideline
Post your response of 1-3 paragraphs (about 200-300 words) early in the week, and then reply to at least two initial responses of your peers, particularly focusing on responses that might differ from your own. Also respond appropriately to anyone who posts questions against your own postings
https://anyessayhelp.com/ and other sources to locate publicly available financial information for this organization. Use it as context for your interview.
The Interview Guide you created in Week 2 should include 10 questions. Seven questions are provided for you. You should develop three additional questions. You should ask the following seven questions in addition to the three questions that you developed:
- Can you tell me about your role within your organization? What are your duties and responsibilities? How long have you been in this role?
- Can you share with me all of your duties and responsibilities that involve fiscal planning and financial management?
- How does your organization approach strategic planning?
- How do you approach operational budgeting? How does your organization approach capital budgeting?
- What is the most expensive aspect of health care delivery?
- How is health care finance related to the cost of care, quality, value, waste, performance improvement, regulatory compliance, provider relationships, and insurance reimbursement?
- What cost-containment measures has the organization used?
Write a 3–4 page paper in which you report your findings from your interview and research:
- Indicate the name and title of the person you interviewed. Share some background about their organization. List the responsibilities and scope of their role, and how long they have been in the role.
- Share the mission, vision, and strategic priorities of the organization.
- Provide some organizational background (location, size, focus, services provided, demographics of patients served, for- or nonprofit status, et cetera).
- Explain all of the financial-related tasks and responsibilities that your interviewee engages in.
- From your interviewee’s perspective, explain how health care finance is related to the cost of care, quality, value, waste, performance improvement, regulatory compliance, provider relationships, and insurance reimbursement.
- Comment on the organization’s strategic planning process and its relationship to financial management. Is there appropriate alignment? Support your perspective.
- In a final paragraph, explain what you see as the most important aspect of financial management for health care administrators.
The specific learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Assess the relationships among health care costs, quality, performance improvement, regulatory compliance, provider relationships, and payors.