Cloud Storage Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Cloud Storage Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Q) Discuss the cloud threats, vulnerabilities, controls/best practices for securing the cloud and its mechanisms. Further, discuss the implications for cloud consumers vs cloud vendors.
Answer in proper APA format including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced with proper references and in text citations.
There must be at least two APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation). Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.
One of the references should include this text Analytics, Data Science, & Artificial Intelligence: Systems for Decision Support 11th Edition
Make sure no Plagiarism!
Cloud Storage Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MECH 420 Kettering University Heat Exchanger Experiment Engineering Assignment Help
I’m working on a mechanical engineering project and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Choose a real-world application where a specific design of Heat
Exchanger is used to exchange heat, and it is of interest to you. Reverse engineer the design you choose by
performing a detailed examination of its construction, intended use, and
performance. Then, determine
modifications that potentially could improve its performance. Heat transfer
principles, sample calculations, and graphical results of calculations are
required; see grading rubric below. A
fully typed final report is be uploaded on Blackboard. Must use a pdf format to avoid conversion
issues. Email submissions or other
will not be accepted.
Undocumented Immigrants in the United States Essay Paper Writing Assignment Help
- For the essay on Dear America by Jose Antonio Vargas, students will address one of the prompts from The Reading Group Guide on pages 233-235. SELECT FROM THESE OPTIONS ONLY: QUESTIONS 3, 7, 8, 13, OR 14. The questions are here in case your version of the book does not include the guide.SELECT FROM ONE OF THE QUESTIONS BELOW: #3. What does it mean to be an American? What makes an individual a citizen? Who should get to choose who is and isn’t allowed to become an American and live here? In learning about Jose, is he any less an American than those who are born here? Why or why not?#7. What does it take to survive as an undocumented person in the United States today? How has living a lie and hiding shaped the person Jose is and the profession he chose to pursue? How did he mask his status from those who did not know his secret before he came out as undocumented?#8. Jose touches on race in the book. Why is race a charged issue for Americans? Why do many Americans feel the need to identify foremost by race? How do race, nationality, and immigration influence one another?#13. What did you discover about Jose Antonio Vargas from reading Dear America? Did anything you read surprise or shock you? What does his story say about the plight of the millions of other undocumented men, women, and children in the United States today?#14. How has reading Dear America affected your opinion about immigration, migration, citizenship, and being an American? What are some common misconceptions the author dispels about “illegal” immigrants? Did you know that the process of citizenship was as difficult as it is?
- You should have a main focus for your paper, meaning a thesis explaining the point or argument you are making. Then proceed to support this thesis with evidence from the text and identify the sections with page numbers (p.#) when appropriate.
- Do NOT provide a descriptive summary of the book, include long quotes from the texts, or merely write a personal opinion piece. You can include some personal experiences, but focus on analyzing the content of the memoir with information from the book.
- You can refer to other materials from the class, including readings/videos, lectures, and discussion sections, such as about Filipinx American history, immigration policies, undocumented immigrants, resistance, etc., to support your points or arguments. Do NOT include materials outside of class though.
- The Dear America essay is due at the same time and in the same Word document as the 2 essays for Weeks 9-10 and must be uploaded on your TA’s Canvas page and will be graded together. The 1,000-1,100 word essay should be in 12-point font, double-spaced, and have one inch margins in a Word document.
MGT 323 SEU Project Management Methodology the Cost and Desire Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment Question:
Please read the Case-5.2 “Post-Graduation Adventure.”from Chapter 5 “Estimating Project Times and Costs” given in your textbook – Project Management: The Managerial Process 8th edition by Larson and Gray page no: 164 also refer to specific concepts you have learned from the chapter to support your answers. Answer the questions asked in case study as deliverables where you should consider the milestones and technical requirements. Answers to the questions should be within 500 Words limit.
1. Assume you are either Mike or Josh; how would you go about making a decision using project management methodology?
2. Looking first at only cost, what decision would you make?
3. After cost, what other factors should be considered before making a decision?
- Referencing and in-text citation APA
- Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced)
- Without cover page or header
MATH 3A UCI Exact Value Difference Quotient & Derivative of Functions Exam Practice Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a mathematics question and need guidance to help me understand better.
I’m working on a mathematics question and need guidance to help me study.
how all work neatly for credit. No work=no credit. Circle/Box your answers. Do not approximateunless asked to do so.Nographing calculatoror cellphone allowed on all all work neatly for credit. No work=no credit. Circle/Box your answers. Do not approximateunless asked to do so.Nographing calculatoror cellphone allowed on all tests.
BUS 166 Stanford University Business Question Writing Assignment Help
Please spend 10-15 minutes responding to those two questions below. Remember, there are no wrong answers.
No need to write into essay format, just answer the questions in order, one paragraph each is enough.
1. As they face the possibility of new federal regulations relating to competition, privacy, and other concerns, the big technology companies (i.e., Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google) are spending more money on lobbying then they ever have before. Is this kind of political influence concerning in your view? If so, why? If not, why not?
2. Do you think Netflix should be pursuing a globalization or multi-domestic strategy (or a combination)? Please explain your answer.
BUS 166 Stanford University Business Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PSY 8711 Capella University Industrial Organizational Psychology Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Applying Theory to Practice
Your final project, the 8–10 page Applying Theory to Practice paper, is due in this unit. The purpose of this paper is to delve further into an evidence-based examination of the research and practices of the I/O subfield you have chosen to study. This paper should not be a survey of the subfield you have been studying. Instead, your goal should be to examine an I/O psychology topic in depth. If you find that your topic has become too broad to address within about 10 pages, focus on a particular trend or niche within the subfield.
You have already built a foundation for this paper through your prior project activities, including your research, your Annotated Bibliography discussion and Workshop Presentation assignment, and other project-related discussions and studies completed throughout the course. Based on your self-evaluation from Unit 9, finalize your paper.
Refer to the course project description for further information, including the submission requirements. Examine the Applying Theory to Practice scoring guide as a reference to ensure your paper meets the criteria on which it will be evaluated.
Final Paper Structure
Organize your final paper according to the following sections:
- Title Page.
- Introduction: Present an overview and brief assessment of the fundamental competencies needed to practice this subfield of I/O psychology. Explain the current major trends in the subfield, as applied in professional practice (up to 1 page).
- Literature Review: Based on your research in the professional and scholarly literature of I/O psychology, present the historical and foundational theories that support current practices in your chosen subfield. Incorporate both theoretical works and empirical studies in your literature review (1 page).
- Theory Evaluation: Evaluate two specific theories that support practices in your subfield, referencing the professional literature to support your statements. Present the key concepts of each theory. Compare and contrast the relevance of these two theories in relation to your topic (2–3 pages).
- Applying Theory to Practice: Discuss how you could apply each of the two theories to practice in this subfield. Present a short synthesis of methods and ideas for practice that would integrate the key concepts of each theory (2–3 pages).
- Ethical Standards: Briefly discuss one ethical challenge that could arise in practicing this subfield and provide some guidelines for strong ethical decision-making in resolving the challenge. Your guidelines should be based on your analysis of literature on ethical decision-making practices. Cite the standards from the APA code of ethics that are related to this specific ethical challenge. Propose an ethical decision-making practice or set of guidelines that would exceed the professional standards or might resolve an aspect of the ethical challenge that is not clearly defined in the current professional standards (1 page).
- References Page.
New England College of Business and Finance Computer Science Questions Computer Science Assignment Help
Attached Files:
Question 1
The attached file contains hypothetical data for working this problem. Goodman Corporation’s and Landry Incorporated’s stock prices and dividends, along with the Market Index, are shown in the file. Stock prices are reported for December 31 of each year, and dividends reflect those paid during the year. The market data are adjusted to include dividends.
- Use the data given to calculate annual returns for Goodman, Landry, and the Market Index, and then calculate average returns over the five-year period. (Hint: Remember, returns are calculated by subtracting the beginning price from the ending price to get the capital gain or loss, adding the dividend to the capital gain or loss, and dividing the result by the beginning price. Assume that dividends are already included in the index. Also, you cannot calculate the rate of return for 2015 because you do not have 2014 data.)
- Calculate the standard deviation of the returns for Goodman, Landry, and the Market Index. (Hint: Use the sample standard deviation formula given in the chapter, which corresponds to the STDEV function in Excel.)
- On a stand-alone basis which corporation is the least risky?
- Construct a scatter diagram graph that shows Goodman’s and Landry’ returns on the vertical axis and the Market Index’s returns on the horizontal axis.
- Estimate Goodman’s and Landry’s betas as the slopes of regression lines with stock returns on the vertical axis (y-axis) and market return on the horizontal axis (x-axis). (Hint: use Excel’s SLOPE function.) Are these betas consistent with your graph?
- The risk-free rate on long-term Treasury bonds is 8.04%. Assume that the market risk premium is 6%. What is the expected return on the market? Now use the SML equation to calculate the two companies’ required returns.
- If you formed a portfolio that consisted of 60% Goodman stock and 40% Landry stock, what would be its beta and its required return?
- Suppose an investor wants to include Goodman Industries’ stock in his or her portfolio. Stocks A, B, and C are currently in the portfolio, and their betas are 0.769, 0.985, and 1.423, respectively. Calculate the new portfolio’s required return if it consists of 30% of Goodman, 20% of Stock A, 30% of Stock B, and 20% of Stock C.
Question 2
Quest Financial services balance sheets report $200 million in total debt, $100 million in short-term investments, and $30 million in preferred stock. Quest has 10 million shares of common stock outstanding. A financial analyst estimated that Quest’s value of operations is $1000 million. What is the analyst’s estimate of the intrinsic stock price per share?
Question 3
Lincoln Incorporated is expected to pay a $4.5 per share dividend at the end of this year (i.e., D1 = $4.50). The dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 5% a year. The required rate of return on the stock is, rs, is 12%. What is the estimated value per share of Boehm stock?
Question 4
Assume that the average firm in Masters Corporation’s industry is expected to grow at a constant rate of 3% and that its dividend yield is 5%. Masters is about as risky as the average firm in the industry and just paid a dividend (D0) of $2.5. Analysts expect that the growth rate of dividends will be 25% during the first year (g0,1 = 25%) and 10% during the second year (g1,2 = 10%). After Year 2, dividend growth will be constant at 5%. What is the required rate of return on Masters’s stock? What is the estimated intrinsic per share?
Question 5
Several years ago, Macro Riders issued preferred stock with a stated annual dividend of 5% of its $600 par value. Preferred stock of this type currently yields 10%. Assume dividends are paid annually.
a. What is the estimated value of Macro’s preferred stock?
b. Suppose interest rate levels have risen to the point where the preferred stock now yields 14%. What would be the new estimated value of Macro’s preferred stock?
Question 6
1. Define each of the following terms:
- Call option
- Put option
- Strike price or exercise price
- Expiration date
- Exercise value
- Option price
- Time value
- Writing an option
- Covered option
- Naked option
- In-the-money call
- Out-of-the-money call
2. The current price of a stock is $50. In 1 year, the price will be either $65 or $35. The annual risk-free rate is 10%. Find the price of a call option on the stock that has an exercise price of $55 and that expires in 1 year. (Hint: Use daily compounding.)
3. The exercise price on one of Chrisardan Company’s call options is $20, its exercise value is $27, and its time value is $8. What are the option’s market value and the price of the stock?
Submit your answers in a Word document.
A1BTC Customer Visit a Company or Brand Website Question Business Finance Assignment Help
Please listen to the following to respond to the questions below.
Questions Group 1 – approx. 0m thru 15m
1) List and describe the steps that happen between A to Z:
A – when you as a customer visit a company or brand’s website (which uses digital ads).
Z – when an add is rendered by your web browser and displayed to you on your computer from that website.
2) how many total steps did you list?
3) “Programmatic Advertising” and “Real-Time Bidding” are for a world without ” __________” ; and to” ________________.” (fill in the blanks).
Questions – Group 2 – approx. 15m thru 21m
1) How many different types of companies may be involved in the process you outlined in the Group 1 questions?
2) How many different types of data processing purposes might be at play in the processes you outlined in the Group 1 questions?
3) How do these various types of companies and purposes enforce control over what happens to personal data once it’s been created and shared?
4) Does non-personal data have any value (why or why not)?
5) Are CMOs (Chief Marketing Officers) happy with the status quo? (why or why not)?
Questions Group 3 – approx. 21m thru 35m
1) Why is cooperation, collaboration, consensus across all parties in the Ad Tech and Digital Ad Industry critical?
2) Companies that run websites and apps are called________ (fill in the blank). Why are they positioned to struggle the most if practices don’t change, or don’t change quickly enough?
3) Two types of businesses (that are companies that end users interact with) that are exposed to the most risk if GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) mandated changes don’t happen quickly are: the ______________you are visiting, and the ________________ being advertised (fill in the blanks).
4) What tool or industry group was mentioned to help find trusted partners and online ad service providers that are making the shift to the new non-personal data standards in online advertising and the ad tech industry?
5) Many small changes can be made that would make a big difference like with the example of how “Frequency Capping” can be done differently (using a Campaign ID and Non-tracking Cookies). What is Frequency Capping?
6) What is at the center of getting ad tech to work in a privacy friendly way?
Questions Group 4 – approx. 35m thru conclusion
1) “Publishers make ______ cents for every dollar that goes through the system….” and “lose ____% to it (fill in the blanks).”
2) What makes the “complicated ecosystem” of various companies that supports this industry very fragile?
3) What did Max Schrems create?
4) What US organization is “way ahead of its peers globally” (because they’ve created better representation for publishers in understanding privacy laws and the implications of choosing to use personal data vs. choosing to change and use non-personal data?
University of the Cumberlands Week 11 Interactive Data Visualization Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
Answer 1 :
Interactivity means communication with new information transmitted between two or more parties. Interactive data visualization is different compared to traditional static data visualization from two directions. From the viewers’ direction, audiences can trigger requests and change the views of how data are visualized. From the other direction, data can be kept updating and represented the changes in graphs. Both of these two directions can be considered as interactive data visualization, which has various benefits in contrast to static graphs.
Firstly, interactive data visualization is easier to explore as it supports changing parameters, plots and colors. Secondly, interactive data visualization can be manipulated instantly. Also, it usually provides the (near) real-time update. Last but not least, it is much easier to understand, which supports better decision-making and provides more important insights.
With saying all of the advantages, interactive data visualization also introduces much more challenges compared to static graphs and charts. Obviously, interactive approaches cost more than static data visualization. First of all, compared to static graphs, interactive data visualization asks for much more designs and advanced UIs, which skill sets may not have in the team already. Secondly, most interactive data visualization requires connecting to diverse of data sources for (near) real-time data and keep refresh graphs. Those skill sets may ask some engineering experience. Thirdly, static graphs can be treated as images that are easy to save and store. In contrast, saving interactive data visualization is not that straightforward. The tasks to achieve this goal includes preserving multiple layers, from data extraction, integration to the representation layer. Last but also important is, it is not an easy task anymore to represent nice job and keep interactivity function on different devices (mobile, laptop, and other bigger screens) for an interactive data visualization compared to present a static graph (Belorkar et al., 2020, pp. 1–3). Let’s take a look at this example, Manhattan Population Explore Map. Well known as the densest city in the U.S, Manhattan resides 1.6 million people according to 2010 US census, and actually, there are nearly 4 million people during workdays. That’s why it is called sleepless Manhattan. On the other hand, Manhattan also has the highest ratio of daytime-to-nighttime population around 2 to 1. But are we clear how the population distributed block-by-block and hour-by-hour? Here comes this Manhattan Population Explore interactive map. Apparently, it is a cool map from the first of the view. You can filter by district and drag the day and time bar to view the population distributions. You can even switch between tags to retrieve more background information. Actually, as different viewers, urban planners, public safety managers, and tourists, they use this map very differently. As a powerful piece of data visualization, it is armed with several sharp techniques, such as visualization design, data modeling, map engine and graph engine.
Manhattan Population Explore Map.
Belorkar, A., Guntuku, S. C., Hora, S., & Kumar, A. (2020). Interactive Data Visualization with Python: Present your data as an effective and compelling story, 2nd Edition (Illustrated ed.). Packt Publishing.Manhattan Population Explorer. (2019).
Manhattan Population Explore Map.