Clustering and topic modeling in Python Programming Assignment Help

Clustering and topic modeling in Python Programming Assignment Help. Clustering and topic modeling in Python Programming Assignment Help.

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Use 2 datasets (test and train) in the format of a json files.

K-mean clustering: Generate tfidf weights. Cluster train documents into 3 clusters. Test clustering model performance. Predict the cluster ID for each document in test file. Map predicted cluster IDs to the truth labels in test file. Calculate precision, recall and f-score for each label. Compare results from the 2 clustering models. Print confusion matrix.

LDA clustering: (A) Use LDA to train a topic model with documents in train and K=3. Generate tfidf weights. Predict the topic distribution of each document in test file and select topic with highest probability. Map the topics to labels and show classificaiton report. Return array of topic proportion array.

(B) Find similar documents (3 that are the most similar). Calculate Euclidean distance between 2 documents. Return IDs of similar documents.

(C) Compare results. Describe how to tune the model parameters. Discuss effectiveness of model

Code should be written in Python and should be provided in .py or .ipynb for Jupyter notebook.

Clustering and topic modeling in Python Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Ethical Reviews for Films Writing Assignment Help

You are to write reviews of SIX of these films.

These films come from many genres, including comedy.Many should be available in our library.Others should be available on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Google Play, etc. Renting some of them may be the only incidental cost of this class.Your job is to watch them – and then find a way to review them (two pages double-spaced for each review) that shows you’re seeing the ethical problems shown in the films.It should be partly fun – and partly serious education. Not all the suggested questions will be relevant to every movie in that category – and are provided only as suggestions to get you started.

*These films contain strong language or violence – others may, as well, use to check for ratings if you’re concerned.

Some films may appear in more than one category – but you can only count them one time.Always watch an earlier version of any film.

Businesses and the behavior of individual employees, interns, underlings.Customer service ethics.Watch ONE from this category.

Write on:1) What factors, other than money, are playing a role in employees’ behavior?2) what real world parallels have you observed, in which unhappy employees might make or break (eventually) a business?

Amarcord, Clerks*;Do the Right Thing*; The Aquatic Life of Steve Zissou; The Big Kahuna; Wall Street (1987); Z Channel; Syriana

Documentaries or nearly.Watch ONE from this category.

What role do documentaries play in telling the world what’s really going on?What is a corporation – based on what you see in the film?What are the ethical dilemmas shown?Besides corporations, what other entities employ people and influence the economy?Don’t forget that the film business…is a business.If you see no corporations in the film – think harder about it.

The Corporation;Supersize Me; Revolution OS; A Day Without a Mexican; McLibel, Roger & Me,; DIG!;Maya Lin:;A Strong Clear Vision; Shooting War: WW2 Combat Cameramen; Voices of Iraq*;

Ethical activism, ethics from outside the corporation.Watch ONE from this category.

What roles do activists and journalists play in assuring that corporations are ethical – or at least not evil?How does an educated population fit into activism?College reproduces many aspects of broader society when it’s working – what are those?Why does the government view some activists as terrorists – and others as acceptable?

Norma Jean; The China Syndrome; Broken Rainbow; All the President’s Men; Higher Learning; Waco: The Rules of Engagement; You Can’t Be Neutral; Control Room; This is What Democracy Looks Like; The Awful Truth Season 2; The War at Home.

History, the individual, the law, social forces. Watch ONE from this category.

What role does leadership play in shaping ethical behavior in a community?What are some kinds of leaders? What role does history play in choosing leaders?What kind of businesses need highly specialized employees and leadership?

Amarcord, Lone Star;American History X,; The Magnificent Seven (1960 version); Alexander; The Scorpion King; Glory; Saving Private Ryan; My Architect: A Son’s Journey; Faster; How to Draw a Bunny;The War Room; The Trials of Henry Kissinger

Personal consciousness, meta-perspective.Watch ONE from this category.

How much is a person expected to know?If a person has no goal of “being a better person” how ethical do you think they’ll be? What kinds of problems are there in ordinary assessments of what makes a “good employee” or a “competent person”?What kinds of experiences are organized by business and society for the individual?

Amarcord, Run, Lola, Run;What the Bleep do we Know?;Donnie Darko;Baraka; Save the Tiger; Touching the Void;Riding the Rails; The Kid Stays in the Picture

Un-bannable businesses?Pseudo-businesses without government oversight?Watch ONE from this category.

(For Mallrats: List the total number of different businesses you see in the movie, and why it would be very difficult to ever fully get rid of that type of business including food courts).For the others, focus on the ways in which other institutions do what business does – but with very different ethical regulations and concerns.How are these like business?How are they different?Also, look at what occupations seem unbannable – even if there’s no profit to be made.

Mallrats; Grass; The Smashing Machine; Up and Down; Magnolia; At Play in the Fields of the Lord; National Geographic: The Photographers.


To complete this assignment, first choose a short story or novel to work with; this can be a favorite story or novel or just one that you are intrigued by. Humanities Assignment Help

Once your text is chosen, READ IT. After reading your story, you’ll write six different paragraphs about it. See the details of each paragraph below.

Paragraph 1: Summarize

In your own words, describe what happens or is being discussed in the text (at the literal level). The work’s title, in quotation marks, and the author’s name should appear in one of the first two sentences. Relate the work’s nature and most essential ideas in your own words. Describe what is literally taking place in the story to an outside observer—you are merely telling someone what the story is about. You must use third person for this paragraph and generally will not use direct quotations from the story.

Paragraph 2: Apply

Look for the theme, message, and meaning in the work. Why do you think the author wrote this work? What is he or she is trying to say? What does this story make you think about after several readings? In any case, your paragraph will go into the meaning or interpretation of the story. You may explain several themes, a couple, or even one very strong theme. You must use third person for this paragraph and may or may not directly quote from the story.

Paragraph 3: Analyze

Break down the work in order to examine the parts and relate those parts to the whole (theme or meaning). What words, phrases, or structures does the author use to convey his/her meaning? Identify key words or phrases, especially images or comparisons (metaphors, similes, and other figures of speech) and/or structural techniques. How do these things support the theme, message, or meaning you’ve stated in the previous paragraph? You must use third person and direct quotations in this paragraph.

Paragraph 4: Compare

Find another text (any text in the world—song, poem, film, short story, novel, TV show, etc.) to compare for theme or structure. Draw meaningful parallels—how are the texts similar in treatment of theme/message/meaning? How do they go about getting to this theme/message/meaning? If you can’t find a partner for your story, contact me and I’ll be happy to help you. You must use third person and could use direct quotations from both texts in this paragraph.

Paragraph 5: Personalize

Relate the work’s theme or message to your own life or contemporary life in general. What connections can you make to the work? How is this story relevant to today’s society/people/world? In this paragraph feel free to use first person (I, me, my, etc.) when you refer to yourself and your experiences. You may also find it helpful to use direct quotations in this paragraph, though they are not required.

Paragraph 6: Evaluate

Is this work worth reading? Why or why not? What are the main things that make you recommend this work or not? You are not a reviewer providing quips and quotes but a judge weighing the merits of the piece. This paragraph may include limited direct quotation and can be written in either first or third person.

The Result: Compile these paragraphs in the order presented here and a works cited page in one document. By writing these six paragraphs and then arranging them together with your works cited page, you will have completed a literary analysis of your story! Again, the six separate paragraphs should be submitted together as one paper. Also note: you are only turning in one paper (so you’ll write five paragraphs utilizing only one story, and one paragraph in which you compare that story to another text.


short paper Business Finance Assignment Help

As an HR Manager part of your job is to analyze the staffing levels
within the organization. You have to hire to fill one position within
the organization. You can choose the organizational position where you
currently work, or a future position. For this assignment, create a new
position and write a description of the needs it fills in the
organization, the job description, and the compensation and benefits

You will create and submit your assignment by using the ecree link.
Just click on the link and start writing. Your work will be saved
automatically. You’ll see some feedback on the right-hand side of the
screen, including text and videos to help guide you in the writing
process. When you’re ready, you can turn in your assignment by clicking
“Submit” at the bottom of the page.

Click the assignment link to start your assignment in ecree. Please note that ecree works best in Firefox and Chrome.

Write a five to seven (5-7) paragraph paper in which you:

  • Explain three or four job components in the job description and specifications for the job.
  • Explain what will be included in the compensation and benefits package related to the job.
  • Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
    • Include at least 1 reference to support your paper.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Outline the requirements for a new position, including a job description and the compensation and the benefits package.


now I need final paper Writing Assignment Help

hi dear

how are doing?

this is what you made for me (Final Paper Proposal)

I upload below and it was her comment init (Be sure to use the management literature for your paper and include very specific recommendations for the HCO leader on how to reduce error.)


now I need final paper I copy and paste what she require (((Your final paper is an essay that addresses a significant current issue in health care management. The paper must be consistent with the requirements of the American College of Healthcare Executives’ (ACHE) annual Richard J.Stull Essay Competition. Please see below for the essay requirements. Your paper topic must be approved in advance by the professor.

and pleas be sure for Essay Requirements:

The essay may be up to 10 pages in length, excluding executive summary, endnotes and bibliography. The executive summary should be 100 to 150 words and follow the title page.

(((The student’s name should appear only on the title page; the title of the essay should appear on the executive summary and on the first page of the text. All essays must be typed, double-spaced (including references) and have margins 11/4 inches all around.))

View Sample Essays:


if you have any question let me know please



lab 10 (My sql) Programming Assignment Help

lab 10

  • Creation and Design of MySQL Schema Objects
  • Creating and modifying views
    • List the benefits of using views
    • Create a view
    • Alter or drop a view
    • Select and update database information using a view
  • Understand user privileges in SQL
    • Create, rename and drop users
    • Grant view and revoke user privileges
  • Query for data
  • Backup your database


  • Identify the types of users that would be using your database by job type. For example, you might have a sales clerk entering sales information and an hr rep entering personnel information. You should have at least 3 different categories of users for your system.
  • For each user category determine which tables they would need access to and the type of access they would need (select, update, insert, delete, grant)
  • Identify at least one view for each user category that would help them easily retrieve the data that they need access to. One of the views should be an updatable view.
  • Create the views and save the commands in a script file.
  • For each user category, identify and write 5 queries that they would need to use on a regular basis. You should have 15 queries, including the following:
    • At least 2 queries that join tables
    • At least 1 insert query, 1 update query and 1 delete query
    • At least 1 queries that uses a view
    • At least 1 query that includes a calculation or an aggregate function.
    • Save your queries in a .sql file.
  • Create one user for each role and grant them the privileges they need to do their job. Save the commands in a .sql file
  • Describe to me the role of each user, the access needed, the views created and why. This may be in a text file or typed into the comments for the assignment.
  • Perform a full backup of your database using the Export function in the workbench.
  • Attach all sql queries (views, queries, users and privileges) as well as the database export file to this assignment.

Grading Rubric:

Criteria Points

Identify 3 categories of users and the access required

5 points

Create 3 views – 1 for each category.

15 points

Create 1 user for each category and grant them access to the tables and views required.

15 points

Describe the roles of each user, access needed, views created and why. 15 points

Create 15 queries, including:

  • At least 2 queries that join tables
  • At least 1 insert query, 1 update query and 1 delete query
  • At least 1 queries that uses a view
  • At least 1 query that includes a calculation or an aggregate function.
15 points
Full database backup 10 points
Attach a file with the scripts and database export 5 points


80 points

lab 10 (My sql) Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

8-1 Journal: Family Systems Writing Assignment Help


Utilizing the developmental concepts of parenting style, social class and cultural variations, and sibling relationships, reflect on your own family experiences or those of another person (either real or fictional). Apply one to two key concepts from each area to your own experience or that of the person chosen for this assignment. Consider how influential or impactful each concept was in development, and reflect on which holds the greatest influence on you or the person chosen to this day. Which do you believe has contributed most to your drive to complete this educational program or to the selected person’s drive for success in his or her career?

For additional details, please refer to the Module Eight Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.


7-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Draft of Sociocultural Evaluation and Draft of Program Evaluation Writing Assignment Help


For Milestone Three, you will submit a draft of your sociocultural evaluation and a draft of your program evaluation. The Sociocultural Evaluation requires you to examine the selected program’s ability to be utilized across a diverse population. The goal is to collect information, present your findings, and receive feedback on how to improve each section for your final submission.

For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric document and the Final Project Document.



HUMI 6 papers Humanities Assignment Help

1.Using one or two examples, analyze the ways in which Islamic architecture embodies the deeper values and ideas of Islam.

and Buddhism are both fundamentally focused on alleviating suffering in
the world through compassion, and both religions have a rich artistic
and cultural production reflecting this idea.Using either religious
writings or artworks (or both), explore the ways these two traditions
are similar and in what ways they differ.

3.Hinduism, like
Buddhism, believes that karma and our misguided view of the self are
what cause us to suffer in the world.Using the Dhammapada and the
Bhagavad Gita, analyze the concepts of karma and self in these two
religions.Do you see them as the same or are they different?


incremental present value Business Finance Assignment Help

Freedom Corporation acquired a fixed asset for $230,000. Its estimated life at time of purchase was 4 years, with no estimated salvage value. Assume a discount rate of 5% and an income tax rate of 40%. (Use Exhibit 12.4, Appendix C, TABLE 1 and Appendix C, TABLE 2.)


1. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from calculating depreciation using the sum-of-the-years’-digits (SYD) method rather than the straight-line (SLN) method on this asset? Use the SYD and SLN functions in Excel to calculate depreciation charges.

2. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from calculating depreciation using the double-declining-balance (DDB) method rather than the straight-line (SLN) method on this asset? Use the SLN and DDB functions in Excel to calculate depreciation charges.

3. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from using MACRS rather than straight-line (SLN) depreciation? The asset qualifies as a 3-year asset. Use the half-year convention.



1. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from calculating depreciation using the sum-of-the-years’-digits (SYD) method rather than the straight-line (SLN) method on this asset? Use the SYD and SLN functions in Excel to calculate depreciation charges.

2. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from calculating depreciation using the double-declining-balance (DDB) method rather than the straight-line (SLN) method on this asset? Use the SLN and DDB functions in Excel to calculate depreciation charges.

3. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from using MACRS rather than straight-line (SLN) depreciation? The asset qualifies as a 3-year asset. Use the half-year convention.



1. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from calculating depreciation using the sum-of-the-years’-digits (SYD) method rather than the straight-line (SLN) method on this asset? Use the SYD and SLN functions in Excel to calculate depreciation charges.

2. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from calculating depreciation using the double-declining-balance (DDB) method rather than the straight-line (SLN) method on this asset? Use the SLN and DDB functions in Excel to calculate depreciation charges.

3. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from using MACRS rather than straight-line (SLN) depreciation? The asset qualifies as a 3-year asset. Use the half-year convention.



1. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from calculating depreciation using the sum-of-the-years’-digits (SYD) method rather than the straight-line (SLN) method on this asset? Use the SYD and SLN functions in Excel to calculate depreciation charges.

2. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from calculating depreciation using the double-declining-balance (DDB) method rather than the straight-line (SLN) method on this asset? Use the SLN and DDB functions in Excel to calculate depreciation charges.

3. What is the incremental present value of the tax benefits resulting from using MACRS rather than straight-line (SLN) depreciation? The asset qualifies as a 3-year asset. Use the half-year convention.


Clustering and topic modeling in Python Programming Assignment Help

Clustering and topic modeling in Python Programming Assignment Help

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