CMIT 326 University of Maryland Global Campus Cloud Computing Executive Summary Computer Science Assignment Help. CMIT 326 University of Maryland Global Campus Cloud Computing Executive Summary Computer Science Assignment Help.
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This week, you will submit the one- to two-page executive summary that you started last week. This summary is for the owner of Don & Associates, where you are employed in this scenario. Use this Executive Summary Template. In the template, you will see specific instructions. Delete the instruction text before you submit the project. Your summary must include:
Be sure to include at least 2 cited sources.
Use the template attached and look at the instructor’s comments which are also attached.
CMIT 326 University of Maryland Global Campus Cloud Computing Executive Summary Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PHY 221 Grantham University Week 7 Wave Functions Particles Quantum State Lab Report Writing Assignment Help
PH221 – Week 7 Lab
Wave Functions
Welcome to this week’s laboratory component. This week is different than previous weeks in that you will not be using a KET simulation for this activity. Instead, you will be creating and analyzing graphs of a wave function using Microsoft Excel.
Download the instructions for the laboratory activity you will complete this week. You may wish to print it out and use it to collect and organize your results.
*** Wave Functions Lab ***
Use the answers to the laboratory questions to help you write your lab report. Your report will focus on graphs of the wave function vs. position. You should discuss what these graphs mean in terms of probability of finding a particle at specific position at a point in time.
The lab report will have the following six sections. Include section headings in bold at the beginning of each section.
1.Introduction – Explain the purpose of this laboratory and what results you expect to see in this experiment.
2.Background – Discuss the concepts that form the foundation for this lab. You should address what you learned from the weekly lectures and readings that are related to the lab.
3.Methodology – Describe the apparatus that was used in the experiment(s) and how it was used in performing the experiments. Also explain what tools were available within the laboratory that allowed you to collect or analyze the data.
4.Data – Enter the data that you collected in the lab. You can use screen shots from the Data Table within the Pivot Interactives labs. Data should be clearly labeled with physical quantities and units.
5.Analysis – Analyze your results. If your Data Table included Calculated Columns, then the equation you used in those calculations should be included and described here. Any graphs created with the data go in this section, as well as your interpretations of their meaning. Were your results consistent with your original expectations?
6.Conclusion – Provide a concise summary of the results of your experiment(s) – what you did, what you found and what it means. Speculate on possible sources of experimental error and/or uncertainty within the experiment. Describe an additional experiment that could be run with this equipment to expand on what you’ve learned OR explain how you could use this equipment to answer another real-world problem.
*** Please, provide sources or links if used ***
Distribution of Reefs and Offshore Ecosystems Discussion Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a ecology multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.
qs1. -Summarize what is known about the Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease and -qs2-What makes this disease so uniquely troubling and efforts to control it. Cite your sources.
–Only use the sources I will attach here, use all of them .
–Only 300-450 words .
–Please use in text citation (MLA or APA)
–Please add a reference page.
–Sources you are only allowed to use:
Links for information about the Sony Coral Tissue Loss Disease(please see pdf attachment)
Links for Several of marine species found in our coral reefs:
Flying Atlantic Black Sea Hare – Florida Diving (Links to an external site.)…
Human Resources Hazards that Could Health Wise Hurt an Employee Exercise Writing Assignment Help
Using your assigned picture, you are required to identify 10 hazards, then explain how each hazard could physically, mentally, or health-wise hurt an employee if they came into contact with that hazard. (10 marks)
You will then choose 3 of those 10 hazards and explain what an employer would do to control the hazard. Remember, there are 3 overall hazard categories – E A P. You don’t have to categorize your control, but you need to state specifically what would be done. (3 marks)
For instance, let’s say one of your hazards is a liquid spill on the floor; it could hurt an employee because they could slip and fall and break a bone. To control that spilt liquid hazard an employer needs to have trained employees what to do if liquid spills on the floor i.e. immediate clean-up. They would also instruct employee to place a yellow caution “wet floor” sign beside the spill.
Campbellsville University Persuasion as it Relates to Negotiation Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Each student will select one of the key terms listed below and conduct a search of Campbellsville University’s online Library resources to find 1 recent peer reviewed article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format:
Key Terms:
- Influence as it Relates to Negotiation
- Persuasion as it Relates to Negotiation
- Power as it Relates to Negotiation
- Pressure as it Relates to Negotiation
DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.
SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.
ANALYSIS: Using 300-350 words, write a brief analysis, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. An analysis is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.
REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format.
Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.
Any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment.
UN Data Science & Programming Skills Multivariate Calculus & Linear Algebra Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Write a paper evaluating your data science skills and include a plan for improving the skills you need to develop. Your plan should include courses you intend to take, books you intend to read, and other resources and activities that will help you achieve your goals (e.g., projects in Tableau, SAS, Python, R, or other tools). Use Figure 2.6 (Nelson, 2018, Critical Competencies for Analytics section) and the subsequent paragraphs of our text as a general guide for the skills needed in data science.
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including title and reference pages, and conform to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). (Since this is a personal reflection, you may write your paper in first person.) Support your plan with citations from the textbook and include the citations of at least two scholarly references that will help you develop the skills you have identified. The CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a good place to find these references.
UN Data Science & Programming Skills Multivariate Calculus & Linear Algebra Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CUSP IT Applications Microsoft Company & Organizational Purpose Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
1. When should application security be applied to a project? If it is not applied during this phase, what is the best way to make sure it is added?
IT applications are like the affiliation’s veins since they pass on essential information and execute basic techniques. Application security is the way toward making applications safer by discovering, fixing, and improving the security of applications. A lot of this occurs during the improvement stage, however it incorporates apparatuses and techniques to ensure applications whenever they are conveyed. Nevertheless, application security is routinely excused on account of a periphery approach to manage security. Applications require solid embedded security to prevent enters. From this time forward endeavors should start to address security at the item headway lifecycle’s (SDLC) starting stages.
If not applied during this stage, construct a danger model: A peril model for your application is basic to recognize the included risks, possible attack circumstances, controls, and danger help costs. To start, you should fathom the application’s utilization. You can sort an application reliant on use (web or intranet), data affectability (tricky or non-fragile), and the advancement used (on the web or non-electronic application). These limits help you with arranging the application security level as high, medium, or low. Considering this request, security controls are composed during the application design measure.
2. Over the years, Microsoft has moved from one of the worst offenders of securing their applications to one of the more respected software vendors. Why have other software vendors not moved to a more secure model?
Bill Gates was acclaimed for sending messages when he was in order at Microsoft. Most were minutia. Some were distinct advantages, for example, the message he sent Jan. 15, 2002, swearing to go through the following 10 years making Microsoft items as secure as could be expected under the circumstances.
Not at all like IT frameworks in a quality worker farm, in cloud putting one’s active, undertaking to do about giving bearings for the odds that result from these one thing on a rundown feebleness’s is shared between the CSP and the cloud customer (Hurwitz J. S. what’s more, kirsch D. 2020). Likewise, purchasers must hold the division of commitments and have confidence in that the CSP has a gathering with their endeavors to do. While propelling resources/tasks to the cloud, affiliations lose some permeability and authority over those focal points/works out. While utilizing the outside cloud finds support, the obligation about a piece of the techniques and framework moves to the CSP. The basic move of undertaking to do relies on the cloud association model(s) utilized, irate causing a change in Context for workplaces giving the tale of wellbeing checking and making a record. Cycles of making associations need to watch and see news given about applications, associations, realities, and people getting backing or merchandise without utilizing framework-based checking and preparing a record (to be utilized) for on-premises it.
Hurwitz, J. S., & Kirsch, D. (2020). Cloud computing for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
Velte, A. T., Velte, T. J., & Elsenpeter, R. (2019). Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach.
HSA 4922 Rasmussen CollegeHSA Healthcare Management Questions Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Barbara receives an email from her manager asking about the progress of the strategic plan. The manager informs Barbara that UCCO is wanting to implement a new electronic health record (EHR), to improve the overall process of providing quality patient care; and organizational challenges. After her discussion, Barbara realizes that she would need to complete a situational analysis. By performing a situational analysis, planners can help anticipate and manage change. Understanding the internal and external environment is also critical to an effective strategic plan. For the external environment, planners look at opportunities and threats. For the internal environment, planners look at strengths and weaknesses.
For this project assignment on UCCO, complete a minimum of a 1-2 page report and two SWOT tables to describe key opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses in selecting an electronic record system. Your written report should address the following concepts:
Visit the Rasmussen online Library and search for a minimum of 2 articles covering the topics of electronic health record implementation. Conduct academic research using the library’s databases, like:
- Discovery
- Business Source Complete via EBSCO
- Business via ProQuest
- What is the current economic situation for UCCO? What suggestions can Barbara make to help mitigate financial issues? Use the financial review provided in the UCCO case.
- What type of electronic record system should Barbara recommend for the company? What is her best option? What are the financial implications? Explain the choice based on what the system can provide in comparison to the organizational challenges?
Visit the Internet and search for a minimum of 2 electronic health record systems. Search for types of EHR systems.
To complete this assignment, construct two situational/SWOT analysis tables – one for each electronic record system being considered – that contains the following:
- External influences – opportunities and threats.
- Internal influences – strengths and weaknesses.
- Trends that can impact clinic performance, market and financial position
- EHR System functions and capabilities
- EHR End-user requirements and ease of use
Remember to integrate citations accurately and appropriately for all resource types; use attribution (credit) as a method to avoid plagiarism. Use NoodleBib to document your sources and to complete your APA formatted reference page and in-text citations.
Transferable Skills for this Project Stage:
- Digital Fluency
- Critical Thinking
Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
UMUC Cross Gender Staffing in Correction Facilities Prison Settings Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Directions: For this assignment, you are to fully answer the following questions and support your answers with resources. Answers should be incorporated into a narrative paper. You must use resources to back up your thoughts. Be sure to take a look at the rubric to see how to earn maximum points.
Format Directions:
BIO 100 Rutgers Univ Psychological Responses to Climate Change Amazon Case Study Science Assignment Help
This unit we’ll be investigating ecosystems and their functions, with a focus on the human impacts on these systems. For this project, you will select one endangered species or one threat (such as habitat loss) to investigate further, and then propose your own solution. Focusing on a specific species or one specific problem in a local region will help you create a more targeted solution.
You can focus on any of the major ecological issues leading to biodiversity loss today. But, you should choose one specific issue in one location. Or focus on one endangered species and the threats it faces. The issue and the location (or species) you choose to focus on is up to you, but I can provide guidance and suggestions if you don’t know where to start.
- Habitat Loss
- Overharvesting
- Exotic Species
- Climate Change
- Pollution
You will then design a solution to the problem that is specific to the location in which that problem is occurring. For instance, if you’re investigating loss of wetlands habitat in Los Angeles County, the solution should reflect the unique aspects of this issue in this location.
- First, define the problem: What is the problem you are trying to address through your solution? What are the main causes of this problem? What data or evidence can you provide to underscore the importance of this issue? How can you prove that changing human activity could have a positive impact?
- Next, design the solution: You have read steps that people are taking to address the crisis facing particular endangered species. Based on what you have read and discussed, and with an eye to the individual species or threat you are focusing on, what could a possible solution to the problem be?
- Then, evaluate the solution: How would you know if it is working? What are the environmental, social and economic concerns with implementing this solution?
- Refine the solution: Suggest some ways to address these concerns. What else might be needed? What organizations or stakeholders would be necessary or helpful to implement the solution?
Please follow the rubric as well!
Unit 5 Ecological Issues & Solutions Project Rubric