CMRJ 329 American Public University System Week 5 Arson Crime Discussion Law Assignment Help

CMRJ 329 American Public University System Week 5 Arson Crime Discussion Law Assignment Help. CMRJ 329 American Public University System Week 5 Arson Crime Discussion Law Assignment Help.

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Discuss the dichotomy between arson as a property crime and arson as a crime against a person(s), and how that dichotomy presents challenges in forensic evidence collection, criminal profiling, and criminal prosecution. In doing so, research the APUS online Library for peer-reviewed articles to cite in your post support your assertions.

-Post must be a minimum of 300 words

-Students should provide supporting materials (references/citations) to demonstrate/acknowledge the source of the information utilized to formulate the response

– At least two responses to classmate postings that are substantive, relevant, and engaging (must cite as well)

CMRJ 329 American Public University System Week 5 Arson Crime Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HHS 320 Ashford University Week 2 Racial Identity Models Discussion Foreign Languages Assignment Help


Racial Identity Models

Read pages 70-86, where the texts describes the various racial identity models and discuss your own identity and what influences impacted how you see yourself in relation to these models and your stage of personal cultural development. What biases and prejudices do you have yet to address or confront in order to elevate your level of professional practice and multicultural competency? Write your response in 250-300 words, supporting your comments with two references and respond to at least two of your classmates.




Hello Class, Hope everyone is well,

Growing up in Detroit, as a young African American male my views of other ethnics groups personally played a negative role of my views toward people who didn’t share the same culture background as I was once taught . Due the tragic history of how African Americans were treated by a specific ethnicity, in my opinion these tragic events that effected many generations was too hard to overlook. Occasionally I have had the honor of talking with war veterans at several nursing homes in my area. According to this veterans, the fight for freedom was a unforeseen reality. In their words, ” freedom was a result of death”.

According to the Racial and Cultural Identity Model (R/CID) this view is based on the Resistance and immersion; the development, of a group or ethnicity that identify more strongly with beliefs and values held by their racial group, while they reject many views held by society’s dominant race.

According to the Cultural, Racial and Ethnic Identity Model, I identify myself as Black. As I matured into my mid 20’s and became a father and husband. I developed an optimistic self-identity that helped replace the negativity that was instilled in me by society. With the help of positive role models and the understanding my reflection in the mirror, I learned to how to replace negative beliefs with proven facts and was able to finally listen to different grounds of people. Its strange how listening to one another most of the times creates clear understanding.

As I understood my reflection in the mirror, in my mid 30’s, I now fall into the Phase 5; Phases of Optimal Theory Applied to Identity Development. As of today, I’m still learning to address and confront my level of multicultural competency as a professional. Earning and giving respect as a leader in the military as well as society, I learned to increase my sense of security with individuals of all ethnic groups. With lessons learned, I have been able teach and mentor individuals on how to move forward an be authentic in order to acceptance of others

Reference (Links to an external site.)

Schmidt, J. (2006). Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling and Human Services: Multiple Influences on Self-Concept Development. Pearson Learning Solutions



Hello everyone! I am Caucasian so I am in the category white. I see all ethnicities as equal, I don’t see myself as better then anyone else just because I am white. I believe we should all be treated equally regardless of color, race or gender. I have grown up with a few people that were prejudice and racist in my family, but I did not let it form of effect me. I had grandparents that were racist and set in their ways. I however hated that anyone would treat anyone differently, so I grew up accepting and loving everyone equally.
Looking at the categories listed in the textbook, I would have to put myself into the white 6th section. The textbook calls this reactive. “ In this category people understand the benefits Whites have garnered at the price of discriminatory practices and attitudes toward people of color and furthermore, they are sensitive about societal inequalities and might tend to overlook the implications of individual choice and responsibility in assessing the impact of institutional racism on minority groups”( Schmidt, 2006 ). I am very sensitive towards other races. I am always one to stand up for what is right. I hate seeing others putting down others simply because of the color of their skin.
I read this article that I found in Ashford University Library that I found very interesting called, Why White Instructors Should Explore Their White Racial Identity.
One quite I loved was taking on a colored blind view of the world. “Color blind view of the world for its seeming emphasis on the universal aspect of humanity”( Clemans, 2019).
Could you imagine if we all walked around blind, not knowing another’s skin color? We woild actually have to learn to view each other based off of their personality!
“ — the more seeds of empathy would be planted, the more commonalities we recognize in each other”( Clemans, 2019).

Although I do see myself as a loving person without prejudices, I believe there is always room for more growth. Maybe by hanging out more with others of different ethnicities more, I can see more from another perspective of what they they actually endure on day to day basis. J believe this will help me grow and make me a better counselor in a professional practice. Also researching. Knowledge can open your eyes in many ways. And sharing with others the knowledge you’ve learned.
I hope everyone of ya’ll is learning and growing from this class. And are enjoying it as much as I am.


Clemans, S E.. (2019) Response to Stephen D. Brookfield’s “Why White Instructors Should Explore Their White Racial Identity.Adult Literacy Education, v1 n2 p61-65 Fall 2019. (EJ1246148). Retrieved from Ashford University Library.

Schmidt, J. (2006). Social and Cultural Foundations of Counseling and Human Services: Multiple Influences on Self-Concept Development. Pearson Learning Solutions


STAT 101 NCCU Permutations and Combinations Problems Mathematics Assignment Help

Please do this problem by hand. Answers given by the calculator function will not get full

7. The average TV viewing time per week for children ages 2 to 11 is 22.5 hours and the
standard deviation is 5.5 hours. Assume the viewing times are normally distributed, answer
parts (a) – (e) below.

• Formulas

• Pictures

• calculations

• use Table II

-Standard Normal Table.

Final answers should be rounded to the nearest tenth.

7a) What percent of the children have viewing times less than 10 hours per week? (2)

7b) What percent of the children have viewing times between 15 and 25 hours per week? (2)

7c) How many hours of TV viewing cuts off the top 25% of the data?

7d) How many hours of TV viewing cuts off the 90th percentile? (2)

8. The mean age of the nonresidential buildings is 30 years and the standard deviation of the
ages of nonresidential buildings is 5 years. The distribution of the ages is not normally

8a) Calculate the standard error for the distribution of the means of the samples from the
distribution of ages of nonresidential buildings for sample sizes n = 50. Answers should be
rounded to the nearest hundredth. (1)

8b) Calculate the standard error for the distribution of the means of the samples from the
distribution of ages of nonresidential buildings for sample sizes n = 100. Answers should be
rounded to the nearest hundredth. (1)

8c) Looking at parts a and b, what happens to the standard error as the sample size increases?

8d) What is the central limit theorem? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(1)

8e) What is the mean of the distribution?______________________________________ (1)

Please do this problem by hand. Answers given by the calculator function will not get full

8f) Determine the probability of selecting a sample of 50 nonresidential buildings that will have
a mean age of 30.5 years or less. Answers should be rounded to the nearest thousandth. (2)

• Formulas

• Pictures

• calculations

• use Table II

-Standard Normal Table.

9) A National Survey conducted by The Social Science Research Center at Old Dominion
University found that 56% of all drivers admitted they run red lights. Assume this proportion is
true for the population of all US drivers.

9a) What is the population parameter? ___________________________________________(1)

9b) What is p?_______________________ (1)

If a random sample of 500 drivers is selected from this population.

9c) How many drivers in the sample admit to running red lights? ______________________(1)

9d) What is the mean of the sampling distribution of the proportion of drivers that run red
lights? Use the correct notation.__________________________(1)

9e) What is the standard error of the sampling distribution of the proportion of drivers that run
red lights? Use the correct notation, formula and round to nearest hundredth. (1)

9f) Does this distribution satisfy the Central Limit Theorem? Show why or why not. (1)

9g) A National Survey conducted by The Social Science Research Center at Old Dominion
University found that 56% of all drivers admitted they run red lights. Assume this proportion is
true for the population of all US drivers. If a random sample of 500 drivers is selected from this
population, then determine the probability that the sample proportion, �̂, of drivers who admit
to running red lights is greater than 61%.
Using the information, you found in the prior steps of this problem, please find the probability

Please do this problem by hand. Answers given by the calculator function will not get
full credit. (2)

• Formulas

• Pictures

• calculations

• use Table II

-Standard Normal Table.


University of California Los Angeles Personal Experience with Geography Essay Writing Assignment Help


Body/Writing: 55 points

Map: 5 points

Photo: 5 points

References: 5 points

=70 points possible


The body of the paper must be between 2-3 full pages of writing (double-spaced) PLUS a map, photo, and references. So, your paper should have approximately 5 pages total.

Spelling and grammar count for part of the grade – be sure to run the spellchecker on your word processing program. (In MS Word, it’s under Tools -> Spelling and Grammar). Your paper should have a logical introductory paragraph and end with a conclusion paragraph.

Have someone you know review your paper for you before you submit it – especially if English is your second language.

Warning: do not copy whole sentences or paragraphs from the web… I check for this and its considered plagiarism if you do it. Instead, read your source material, take notes, and then write the paper in your own words.


You must include a map related to your topic. The map will most likely be found on one of the websites you used for research and/or you can do a Google Images search for one.

For example, if you mentioned that you want to visit (or have visited) Tikal National Park in Guatemala, find a map that shows the layout of the national park and/or where the site is located.

If your writing does not refer to a specific country (example: your topic is Global Positioning Systems), then choose a country and research the topic as it relates to that location (example: GPS use in Russia).


Find (Google Images) or include a personal photo of the topic. Perhaps it’s you on a recent international vacation or perhaps it’s you as a kid looking at a paper map. Be sure to include photo credits (who took it, where you found it, etc.) Cite the source and date retrieved just below the photo.

Example:Temple 1 in Tikal National Park in Guatemala. Picture courtesy of Raymond Ostertag. Retrieved from: on November 20, 2018.


Include a list of references (you need at least two) at the end of your document on a separate references page. Also, cite any direct quotes or source material (including websites) within the text of your paper in proper format. References should follow this format:

Example of a periodical reference:

Kanfer, F. H., & Busemeyer, J. R. (1982). The use of problem-solving and decision-making in behavior therapy. Clinical Psychology Review, 2, 239-266.

Example of an online document reference:

Van Wagner, K. (2006). Guide to APA format. About Psychology. Retrieved on November 16, 2028 from

(I highlighted the “retrieved-on” date because it essential! What date did you visit the website?)

More examples here:

DO NOT use Wikipedia as a text source!! It is editable by anyone, and therefore not a reliable primary source. It is ok to use an image from Wikipedia as long as the copyright allows for the use of it.


FSU Even Though Your Ancestors Are from Ireland Regard Yourself as An American Reply Writing Assignment Help

For this discussion you will draw on an anthropological understanding of ethnicity –as a constructed identity– to reflect on the role of ethnicity in your own life. Write a post about your own ethnic identity. How did it develop? Has it changed over time? If you do not think of yourself as having a strong ethnic identity, why do you think that is the case? Either way, consider the relationship between your own ethnic identity (or lack of) and your nation-state; how do they intersect? What concepts from the chapter or the lecture can you use to support your ideas? (Make sure to use at least one)



Digital Evidence on Mobile Devices Discussion Response Law Assignment Help

I’m studying for my Law class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Discuss what you believe to be the most difficult aspect of acquiring digital evidence from mobile devices in an investigation. Discuss two ways in which this difficulty might be overcome by investigators.

What are some issues that should be considered in acquiring digital evidence from the Cloud?

Respond to this post (Gio):

A first example of an obstacle that may create a challenge in acquiring digital evidence from a mobile device is that modern mobile phones often come equipped with built in security features to protect user data and privacy. The reason this may create an increased burden in acquiring data as that modern mobile phones are equipped with a default mechanism that encrypts information from the hardware layer to the software layer. The investigator may need to utilize tools to breach through this encryption mechanism before they can begin to extract data. Another challenge in acquiring digital evidence from a mobile cellphone is preventing data modification and ensuring that an attempt to extract data from the device will not alter data that is currently present on the device. The act of switching on a device that was previously shut off upon discovering runs the risk of altering the data as even when the device may appear to be shut off, background processes may still be in progress. This is why it is in best practice to remove the batter upon retrieval from a crime scene and to avoid turning on the phone directly at the scene. Forensics experts should keep the device powered off with the batter removed until the device is ready to be connected via USB with a forensics workstation. The work station will send the mobile device commands as the device will communicate back to the work station with stored data.

A potential difficulty with extracting data as digital evidence from the cloud is that there may be occasions where the investigators might require support or cooperation from the Cloud Service Provider. The distribution of the data stored in the cloud my span across several states or several nations which can complicate legalities of the chain of custody. Investigators are unable to maintain physical control over data that is stored in the cloud, therefore investigators may rely on support from the provider which may not necessarily guarantee an audit trail to maintain an appropriate chain of custody. As the data stored in the cloud may cross borders, there is potential difficulty in acquiring permission and authentication in acquiring data that is stored for an evidence search.

Mahalik, Heather, Tamma, Rohit (25 April, 2016) Mobile Forensics and Its Challanges. Retrieved:

Kostadinov, Dimitar ( 6 July, 2019) The Mobile Forensics Process: Steps & Types. Retrieved:

Feng, Xiaohua, Zhao, Yuping (Accessed: 16 February 2021) Digital Forensics Challenges to Big Data in the Cloud. Retrieved:

Requirements: 150 – 250 | .doc file

Digital Evidence on Mobile Devices Discussion Response Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UOC Management Conflicting Culture in Globalization Question Business Finance Assignment Help

The signature assignment for this course will require research, academic writing, critical thinking, and analysis on a current issue facing the area of Managing in a Global Environment. Through this assignment, you will demonstrate your ability to conduct academic research. The signature assignment requires a minimum of 20-pages (not including cover page, abstract, table of contents, and references), double-spaced, APA formatted academic research paper. Please note that this course requires you to focus your research based on existing research literature from peer-reviewed articles (a minimum of 15 sources are required). The academic research paper will include the basic components of a non-empirical research paper which requires the following:

  • An introduction

1. Identification of a contemporary “Managing in a Global Environment” problem to be addressed;

2. A purpose statement;

3. Significance of the issue under study;

  • A literature review; and
  • A conclusion (recommendations and managerial implications)


American Military University Effective Communication in Intimate Relationships Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a wellness writing question and need support to help me understand better.

Assignment 5: Effective Communication in Intimate Relationships

Imagine a scenario in which two partners are discussing getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In this scenario, the partners demonstrate through discussion their understanding of the symptoms of STIs, the methods used to test for STIs, and the way in which STIs are treated as well as their capacity to engage in effective communication with one another about this sensitive topic.

Write out a role-play conversation between the partners in which they make use of effective verbal and nonverbal communication strategies (including active listening, “I” statements, and emotional validation) to discuss getting tested for and the possibility of getting treated for STIs. At the end of your role play, produce a brief, 1-paragraph summary of how effective communication was used.

Your script must be at least 650 words long. Your script should demonstrate accurate knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases, and how to test for them as well as knowledge of communication strategies. Use at least 2 references to support your work.

If you would like, you may write a script for a couple that differs from your personal experience (culturally or in terms of orientation, for example) or even write a script detailing how you would convince two clients of yours to get tested.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source. Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge.

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which is a plagiarism checking tool. Any assignment receiving a score of 30% or better raises serious concerns about the originality of your work. An originality score should generally be no more than 20%. Assignments with originality scores between 20 and 50% will have points deducted. Any originality score over 50% after review will be graded with a 0. Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work.

Grading Rubric

Week 5: Conflict Resolution – Setting Ground Rules

Possible Points

Student Points

The script demonstrated an understanding of effective communication strategies. Paper includes a 1 paragraph summary of communication strategies used in the script.


The script demonstrated accurate knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases, and how to test for them.


At least two appropriate references are included and follows APA 6th ed. formatting style.

Citations are included in the body of the paper to show how and where the references are used.


Writing structure is consistent and clear. Spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar rules are followed.


The script meets the minimum 650-word count requirement.





AMU Sexual Tolerance and Discrimination the Times They Are Changing Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a wellness writing question and need support to help me learn.

Assignment 7: Sexual Tolerance: The Times They Are A’changing

People in the United States vary widely in their acceptance of the sexual and gender choices and orientations. The impact of those with views of lesser acceptance is felt the hardest by the most vulnerable among us- our children.

Watch the following video of a Ft. Worth City Councilman speaking about his experiences as a young man marginalized based on his sexual orientation and consider the impact such a message would have on a young person in a similar situation and on an adult who is intolerant of the LGBTQ community.

· Joel Burns: It Gets Better (transcript located on YouTube site)

Compare and contrast what you believe the experiences of these two individuals (the insecure LGBTQ youth and the intolerant adult) viewing this message would be. How might it reinforce existing beliefs about themselves or motivate them to see themselves and/or the world differently? What additional information would you propose to share with either or both of these individuals to persuade them into such a paradigm shift?

Write a 5-paragraph essay that includes each of the elements listed below in the grading rubric. Be sure to use at least 2 references to support your essay. Your paper must meet the minimum 750-word count requirements AND use the 5 paragraph structure.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source. Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge.

All assignments are submitted to Turnitin, which is a plagiarism checking tool. Any assignment receiving a score of 30% or better raises serious concerns about the originality of your work. An originality score should generally be no more than 20%. Assignments with originality scores between 20 and 50% will have points deducted. Any originality score over 50% after review will be graded with a 0. Please keep this in mind as you are submitting work.

The Five-Paragraph Essay: Three Formulas for Writing the Basic Academic Essay

Grading Rubric

Assignment 7: Sexual Tolerance: The Times They Are A’changing

Possible points

Student points and instructor feedback

The writer provides a clear comparison and contrast of the experiences of the two individuals viewing the message


The writer provides a discussion on the motivation to change or reinforcement beliefs as a result of the video


The writer identifies additional information to share to help promote a paradigm shift.


At minimum, 2 appropriate references are used to support the writing and are listed according to APA 6th ed. formatting style.

Citations are included in the body of the paper to show how and where the references are used.


Writing structure is clear and follows spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation rules.


Writing assignment meets the minimum 750-word count requirement and is written using a 5 paragraph format.





IT 216 Northern Virginia Community College System Analysis and Design Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Project Report – Phase 1
IT216 – System Analysis and Design
Due date: February 26th
Instructions: upload your pdf and annexes in Blackboard (in the discussion forum of your group)
1) Form a group of 5 students, post the group information in the discussion forum if you have not done that yet
2) Select a topic of your choice to work on your project. Examples of topics include, but are not limited to: e-commerce
web application, online platform for education, airline services, etc. The project involves the design and the analysis
of a system. We will focus on specification and design rather than a fully functional implementation.
3) Based on the topic you selected for your project and the course materials, complete the project report following the
structure described below. The report will be evaluated according to the quality of the contents, considering both
completeness and correctness. The project contents are based on course materials. Illustrative examples are provided
in the course book. If you have questions or comments, please contact the TA or the instructor.
4) After completing your report, upload the pdf document online in Blackboard. Do not forget to add the project title,
the name of each student in your group, and the answers to the questions defined in the project structure (as
presented below). Use graphs, tables, diagrams, models, figures and external references whenever needed to
illustrate your work.
Report Structure
Part 1: Defining your problem [45 points]
1) Describe the domain and the scope of your project [10 points]
a. Examples of Domains: data warehouse, e-commerce application, learning platform, telemedicine services,
b. Examples of Scopes: online retailer, mobile application, physical store, hospital, university, etc.
2) Describe the problems you would like to address in your project (up to five), and why (your motivations and rationale
to select those problems). State your goals, specific aims, and purpose (general examples: to support a given activity,
to improve a metric, to automate a set of services). [25 points]
a. Examples of Problems: the sales decreased in 10%, the purchase takes too long to be completed, the
delivery dates are often delayed, etc. What are the metrics you use to identify those problems? Provide
illustrative examples.
b. Examples of Motivations: to increase profitability, to improve customer satisfaction, etc.
c. Examples of Goals: improve customer services, increase sales, shorten the shipping period, etc.
d. Specific aims: provide concrete examples of how you plan to reach your goals (what activities and tasks
are necessary? why are they necessary?)
3) Formalize the definition of the problems you plan to work on (provide three to five examples). Use tables to define
the problems, including a brief description of: statement, issues, objectives, and requirements. [10 points]
Part 2: Defining your solution [45 points]
1) Define the concepts involved in your solution:
a. Who are the stakeholders involved (personnel, staff members, employees, etc.)? What are their main roles,
relationships, and set of activities performed?
b. What are the components involved in your system (e.g. reports, machines, documents, processes)? Provide
a general description, list and define each item, use a context-level data flow diagram and level 0 to model
these components. Include also their relationships (input and output data from each component).
c. List at least 10 use case scenarios to exemplify how a given user can interact with the system you are
proposing in your project (i.e. what are the features and functionalities available in your project for specific
actors). Use a table to specify the use case scenarios.
d. Define a workload table to compare how your proposed solution improves the current practices
e. Describe a set of requirements for hardware, software and personnel (at least three for each) needed to
implement your solution. Justify your choices.
Part 3 Preliminary Analysis of your solution [10 points]
1) Critically analyze the solution proposed:
a. What are potential risks involved in the implementation of your project? Use a Fishbone diagram to provide
examples of potential risks. Include at least three different factors (e.g.: quality, time, costs, etc.) and two
examples for each factor (e.g.: the performance is too slow, the time for completion of each activity is
underestimated, the budget for programmers is insufficient).


Grading Rubric

Assignment 7: Sexual Tolerance: The Times They Are A’changing

Possible points

Student points and instructor feedback

The writer provides a clear comparison and contrast of the experiences of the two individuals viewing the message


The writer provides a discussion on the motivation to change or reinforcement beliefs as a result of the video


The writer identifies additional information to share to help promote a paradigm shift.


At minimum, 2 appropriate references are used to support the writing and are listed according to APA 6th ed. formatting style.

Citations are included in the body of the paper to show how and where the references are used.


Writing structure is clear and follows spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation rules.


Writing assignment meets the minimum 750-word count requirement and is written using a 5 paragraph format.





IT 216 Northern Virginia Community College System Analysis and Design Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Project Report – Phase 1
IT216 – System Analysis and Design
Due date: February 26th
Instructions: upload your pdf and annexes in Blackboard (in the discussion forum of your group)
1) Form a group of 5 students, post the group information in the discussion forum if you have not done that yet
2) Select a topic of your choice to work on your project. Examples of topics include, but are not limited to: e-commerce
web application, online platform for education, airline services, etc. The project involves the design and the analysis
of a system. We will focus on specification and design rather than a fully functional implementation.
3) Based on the topic you selected for your project and the course materials, complete the project report following the
structure described below. The report will be evaluated according to the quality of the contents, considering both
completeness and correctness. The project contents are based on course materials. Illustrative examples are provided
in the course book. If you have questions or comments, please contact the TA or the instructor.
4) After completing your report, upload the pdf document online in Blackboard. Do not forget to add the project title,
the name of each student in your group, and the answers to the questions defined in the project structure (as
presented below). Use graphs, tables, diagrams, models, figures and external references whenever needed to
illustrate your work.
Report Structure
Part 1: Defining your problem [45 points]
1) Describe the domain and the scope of your project [10 points]
a. Examples of Domains: data warehouse, e-commerce application, learning platform, telemedicine services,
b. Examples of Scopes: online retailer, mobile application, physical store, hospital, university, etc.
2) Describe the problems you would like to address in your project (up to five), and why (your motivations and rationale
to select those problems). State your goals, specific aims, and purpose (general examples: to support a given activity,
to improve a metric, to automate a set of services). [25 points]
a. Examples of Problems: the sales decreased in 10%, the purchase takes too long to be completed, the
delivery dates are often delayed, etc. What are the metrics you use to identify those problems? Provide
illustrative examples.
b. Examples of Motivations: to increase profitability, to improve customer satisfaction, etc.
c. Examples of Goals: improve customer services, increase sales, shorten the shipping period, etc.
d. Specific aims: provide concrete examples of how you plan to reach your goals (what activities and tasks
are necessary? why are they necessary?)
3) Formalize the definition of the problems you plan to work on (provide three to five examples). Use tables to define
the problems, including a brief description of: statement, issues, objectives, and requirements. [10 points]
Part 2: Defining your solution [45 points]
1) Define the concepts involved in your solution:
a. Who are the stakeholders involved (personnel, staff members, employees, etc.)? What are their main roles,
relationships, and set of activities performed?
b. What are the components involved in your system (e.g. reports, machines, documents, processes)? Provide
a general description, list and define each item, use a context-level data flow diagram and level 0 to model
these components. Include also their relationships (input and output data from each component).
c. List at least 10 use case scenarios to exemplify how a given user can interact with the system you are
proposing in your project (i.e. what are the features and functionalities available in your project for specific
actors). Use a table to specify the use case scenarios.
d. Define a workload table to compare how your proposed solution improves the current practices
e. Describe a set of requirements for hardware, software and personnel (at least three for each) needed to
implement your solution. Justify your choices.
Part 3 Preliminary Analysis of your solution [10 points]
1) Critically analyze the solution proposed:
a. What are potential risks involved in the implementation of your project? Use a Fishbone diagram to provide
examples of potential risks. Include at least three different factors (e.g.: quality, time, costs, etc.) and two
examples for each factor (e.g.: the performance is too slow, the time for completion of each activity is
underestimated, the budget for programmers is insufficient).


Grading Rubric

Assignment 7: Sexual Tolerance: The Times They Are A’changing

Possible points

Student points and instructor feedback

The writer provides a clear comparison and contrast of the experiences of the two individuals viewing the message


The writer provides a discussion on the motivation to change or reinforcement beliefs as a result of the video


The writer identifies additional information to share to help promote a paradigm shift.


At minimum, 2 appropriate references are used to support the writing and are listed according to APA 6th ed. formatting style.

Citations are included in the body of the paper to show how and where the references are used.


Writing structure is clear and follows spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation rules.


Writing assignment meets the minimum 750-word count requirement and is written using a 5 paragraph format.





IT 216 Northern Virginia Community College System Analysis and Design Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Project Report – Phase 1
IT216 – System Analysis and Design
Due date: February 26th
Instructions: upload your pdf and annexes in Blackboard (in the discussion forum of your group)
1) Form a group of 5 students, post the group information in the discussion forum if you have not done that yet
2) Select a topic of your choice to work on your project. Examples of topics include, but are not limited to: e-commerce
web application, online platform for education, airline services, etc. The project involves the design and the analysis
of a system. We will focus on specification and design rather than a fully functional implementation.
3) Based on the topic you selected for your project and the course materials, complete the project report following the
structure described below. The report will be evaluated according to the quality of the contents, considering both
completeness and correctness. The project contents are based on course materials. Illustrative examples are provided
in the course book. If you have questions or comments, please contact the TA or the instructor.
4) After completing your report, upload the pdf document online in Blackboard. Do not forget to add the project title,
the name of each student in your group, and the answers to the questions defined in the project structure (as
presented below). Use graphs, tables, diagrams, models, figures and external references whenever needed to
illustrate your work.
Report Structure
Part 1: Defining your problem [45 points]
1) Describe the domain and the scope of your project [10 points]
a. Examples of Domains: data warehouse, e-commerce application, learning platform, telemedicine services,
b. Examples of Scopes: online retailer, mobile application, physical store, hospital, university, etc.
2) Describe the problems you would like to address in your project (up to five), and why (your motivations and rationale
to select those problems). State your goals, specific aims, and purpose (general examples: to support a given activity,
to improve a metric, to automate a set of services). [25 points]
a. Examples of Problems: the sales decreased in 10%, the purchase takes too long to be completed, the
delivery dates are often delayed, etc. What are the metrics you use to identify those problems? Provide
illustrative examples.
b. Examples of Motivations: to increase profitability, to improve customer satisfaction, etc.
c. Examples of Goals: improve customer services, increase sales, shorten the shipping period, etc.
d. Specific aims: provide concrete examples of how you plan to reach your goals (what activities and tasks
are necessary? why are they necessary?)
3) Formalize the definition of the problems you plan to work on (provide three to five examples). Use tables to define
the problems, including a brief description of: statement, issues, objectives, and requirements. [10 points]
Part 2: Defining your solution [45 points]
1) Define the concepts involved in your solution:
a. Who are the stakeholders involved (personnel, staff members, employees, etc.)? What are their main roles,
relationships, and set of activities performed?
b. What are the components involved in your system (e.g. reports, machines, documents, processes)? Provide
a general description, list and define each item, use a context-level data flow diagram and level 0 to model
these components. Include also their relationships (input and output data from each component).
c. List at least 10 use case scenarios to exemplify how a given user can interact with the system you are
proposing in your project (i.e. what are the features and functionalities available in your project for specific
actors). Use a table to specify the use case scenarios.
d. Define a workload table to compare how your proposed solution improves the current practices
e. Describe a set of requirements for hardware, software and personnel (at least three for each) needed to
implement your solution. Justify your choices.
Part 3 Preliminary Analysis of your solution [10 points]
1) Critically analyze the solution proposed:
a. What are potential risks involved in the implementation of your project? Use a Fishbone diagram to provide
examples of potential risks. Include at least three different factors (e.g.: quality, time, costs, etc.) and two
examples for each factor (e.g.: the performance is too slow, the time for completion of each activity is
underestimated, the budget for programmers is insufficient).


Grading Rubric

Assignment 7: Sexual Tolerance: The Times They Are A’changing

Possible points

Student points and instructor feedback

The writer provides a clear comparison and contrast of the experiences of the two individuals viewing the message


The writer provides a discussion on the motivation to change or reinforcement beliefs as a result of the video


The writer identifies additional information to share to help promote a paradigm shift.


At minimum, 2 appropriate references are used to support the writing and are listed according to APA 6th ed. formatting style.

Citations are included in the body of the paper to show how and where the references are used.


Writing structure is clear and follows spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation rules.


Writing assignment meets the minimum 750-word count requirement and is written using a 5 paragraph format.





IT 216 Northern Virginia Community College System Analysis and Design Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Project Report – Phase 1
IT216 – System Analysis and Design
Due date: February 26th
Instructions: upload your pdf and annexes in Blackboard (in the discussion forum of your group)
1) Form a group of 5 students, post the group information in the discussion forum if you have not done that yet
2) Select a topic of your choice to work on your project. Examples of topics include, but are not limited to: e-commerce
web application, online platform for education, airline services, etc. The project involves the design and the analysis
of a system. We will focus on specification and design rather than a fully functional implementation.
3) Based on the topic you selected for your project and the course materials, complete the project report following the
structure described below. The report will be evaluated according to the quality of the contents, considering both
completeness and correctness. The project contents are based on course materials. Illustrative examples are provided
in the course book. If you have questions or comments, please contact the TA or the instructor.
4) After completing your report, upload the pdf document online in Blackboard. Do not forget to add the project title,
the name of each student in your group, and the answers to the questions defined in the project structure (as
presented below). Use graphs, tables, diagrams, models, figures and external references whenever needed to
illustrate your work.
Report Structure
Part 1: Defining your problem [45 points]
1) Describe the domain and the scope of your project [10 points]
a. Examples of Domains: data warehouse, e-commerce application, learning platform, telemedicine services,
b. Examples of Scopes: online retailer, mobile application, physical store, hospital, university, etc.
2) Describe the problems you would like to address in your project (up to five), and why (your motivations and rationale
to select those problems). State your goals, specific aims, and purpose (general examples: to support a given activity,
to improve a metric, to automate a set of services). [25 points]
a. Examples of Problems: the sales decreased in 10%, the purchase takes too long to be completed, the
delivery dates are often delayed, etc. What are the metrics you use to identify those problems? Provide
illustrative examples.
b. Examples of Motivations: to increase profitability, to improve customer satisfaction, etc.
c. Examples of Goals: improve customer services, increase sales, shorten the shipping period, etc.
d. Specific aims: provide concrete examples of how you plan to reach your goals (what activities and tasks
are necessary? why are they necessary?)
3) Formalize the definition of the problems you plan to work on (provide three to five examples). Use tables to define
the problems, including a brief description of: statement, issues, objectives, and requirements. [10 points]
Part 2: Defining your solution [45 points]
1) Define the concepts involved in your solution:
a. Who are the stakeholders involved (personnel, staff members, employees, etc.)? What are their main roles,
relationships, and set of activities performed?
b. What are the components involved in your system (e.g. reports, machines, documents, processes)? Provide
a general description, list and define each item, use a context-level data flow diagram and level 0 to model
these components. Include also their relationships (input and output data from each component).
c. List at least 10 use case scenarios to exemplify how a given user can interact with the system you are
proposing in your project (i.e. what are the features and functionalities available in your project for specific
actors). Use a table to specify the use case scenarios.
d. Define a workload table to compare how your proposed solution improves the current practices
e. Describe a set of requirements for hardware, software and personnel (at least three for each) needed to
implement your solution. Justify your choices.
Part 3 Preliminary Analysis of your solution [10 points]
1) Critically analyze the solution proposed:
a. What are potential risks involved in the implementation of your project? Use a Fishbone diagram to provide
examples of potential risks. Include at least three different factors (e.g.: quality, time, costs, etc.) and two
examples for each factor (e.g.: the performance is too slow, the time for completion of each activity is
underestimated, the budget for programmers is insufficient).


CMRJ 329 American Public University System Week 5 Arson Crime Discussion Law Assignment Help

CMRJ 329 American Public University System Week 5 Arson Crime Discussion Law Assignment Help

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