CO 210 GU Week 3 Restructuring Will Be Necessary for The Different Departments Email Business Finance Assignment Help. CO 210 GU Week 3 Restructuring Will Be Necessary for The Different Departments Email Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Formal Company Emails
Acting as supervisor for a company of your choice, draft two examples of formal company e-mails to employees.
The first email will be good-news message delivering information that your employees will likely view as positive.
The second email will be a bad-news email delivering information that your employees will likely view as negative.
Each email will be approximately two-three concise, professionally-written paragraphs in an appropriate tone. Post both emails in the same document.
NOTE – The chapters 6 & 7 Lecture Slides include an overview of this concept!
CO 210 GU Week 3 Restructuring Will Be Necessary for The Different Departments Email Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NUR 2214 Hennepin Tech Mod 5 Nursing Care of the Older Adult Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help
Consider Mrs. Y’s current health status and functional decline, then address the following:
- Download the Concept Map and Plan of Care worksheet below. An example is also provided for your reference.
- Identify three (3) priority nursing diagnoses for Mrs. Y. Consider using the resource below to assist you.
- eBook: Nursing Diagnosis Manual: Planning, Individualizing, and Documenting Client Care – Chapter 5 Nursing Diagnoses in Alphabetical Order
- eBook: Nursing Diagnosis Manual: Planning, Individualizing, and Documenting Client Care – Chapter 5 Nursing Diagnoses in Alphabetical Order
- Create a visual representation of the three (3) priority nursing diagnoses by incorporating them into the Concept Map (template in the worksheet). Be sure each nursing diagnosis includes the following elements:
- “related to (r/t)” — description of the client’s problem
- “as evidenced by” — description of the client’s symptoms
- Complete the Nursing Plan of Care (table in the worksheet) describing what should be implemented for Mrs. Y.
- Goals: Establish at least one (1) goal for each of the nursing diagnoses you identified (for a total of 3 goals). Goals should be: patient specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time limited.
- Nursing Interventions: Describe at least three (3) nursing interventions for each of the goals (for a total of 9 nursing interventions). Each intervention should be in alignment with the goal it is supporting.
- Complete the assignment using proper spelling, grammar, and APA.
Mrs. Y is an 84-year-old client who was recently discharged from the hospital for an infected diabetic ulcer on her left leg. During her hospitalization, Mrs. Y required intravenous antibiotic therapy through a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) line.Due to Mrs. Y’s long history of diabetes, her physician ordered that intravenous antibiotic therapy be continued at home. Subsequently, home health services were initiated, a home health nurse was assigned to Mrs. Y’s case, and an initial home visit was scheduled.The home health nurse arrives at Mrs. Y’s home and introduces herself to the client and the family. The nurse explains the home nursing services that will be provided, including the PICC line and intravenous antibiotic therapy treatments.During the initial home visit, the nurse assessed the physiological, psychological, functional, and safety needs of the client. The nurse’s findings were as follows:
- Mrs. Y lives alone; however, her daughter checks on her frequently throughout the day.
- The client is noted to have moderate functional issues and ambulates with a cane.
- The client has several throw rugs in the main walking quarters and minimal lighting throughout the hallways.
- Mrs. Y states “I used to get around my house with ease, but now I get a little tired and have to sit down and rest frequently.”
MKG 131 GU Week 3 Supply Chain Mapping Diamond & Channels of Distribution Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Identifying Channels of Distribution
For this week’s assignment pick a product with which you are very familiar with or take the time to go through your clothes closet and try and find a product made in the USA, or one that you can anticipate being able to research easily.
Map the supply chain of your product as far back as is feasible.A simple example is a diamond sold by a local jewelry store, purchased direct from diamond wholesalers in the Netherlands, bought by wholesalers from diamond centers in South Africa, and brought out of mines owned by a company in South Africa. Identify as many participants in the channel as possible by company name and location.
Identify the mode of transportation used between each stage in the channel.
Identify by name and location the component parts of the product if any.
The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.
Attempt APA style.
Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
Include cover page and reference page.
At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.
No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.
Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.
Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.
Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, online newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, etc. are not acceptable.
Examples of interesting products that have been researched by past students include:
Bricks produced by a local brick manufacturer—the kiln from a company in Germany; the clay from an open pit mine in Weir, Kansas; the water from Baxter Springs, Kansas; the sand from Kansas City; the manganese sulfate and iron oxide from Springfield, Missouri; and the color additives from St. Louis.
Diamonds sold by a local jewelry store—purchased direct from diamond wholesalers in the Netherlands; bought by wholesalers from diamond cutters in South Africa; brought out of mines owned by a company in South Africa.
SSS 606 Catholic U Logic Model Description and Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Agency Analysis Paper
Overview: In order to help clients achieve a desired change, strong and successful programs are both intentional in their goals and activities, as well as replicable among similar environments. A logic model details specific program elements in order to enable critical analysis of a program. Students will create a logic model for a selected program and explain the connections among the various program elements.
Purpose of the Analysis: The purpose of this assignment is for foundation year social work students to develop skills in applying analytical tools used by agencies to describe, develop, review, and evaluate a selected program. A logic model documents the resources and activities needed to create and operate a program, the results expected, and the outcomes or changes envisioned as a result of participation. By constructing a logic model for al selected program, students will gain an understanding of the structure and function of the program.
Requirements: Gather information about your agency from your agency’s written materials, websites, and/or discussion with staff members (e.g., field supervisor). Read and reflect on course materials related to organizational theories and the logic model. Then, create a logic model for a selected program at your agency. This model should be aspirational (how the program intends to work). The logic model must fit on a standard letter size piece of paper and must include: resources/ inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, assumptions, and external forces. The model must be your own work and not one prepared by the agency/program.
For the written analysis:
- Agency & program overview: Include a brief description of the agency and of the selected program. Identify strengths and challenges of both.
- Organizational theory: Using either rational, natural, or open systems, choose an organizational theory from the class to understand the organization’s functioning. Identify at least two concepts from the theory, describe them, and then apply them to describe how personnel are organized and how decisions are handled.
- Logic model description and analysis:
- Program strengths/ challenges: Identify the strengths and challenges of the program as it is currently functioning. This may be different from the aspirational vision of the logic model.Discuss the continuity or discord among the identified elements.
- External factors: Identify and discuss the external factors (political, economic, cultural, service environment, funding, etc.) that may be impacting the program’s functioning. Identify factors on both the agency and community levels. This may require some logical leaps, so be sure to think about what external factors may be shaping the program, its processes, or the target population.
- Assumptions: Identify the assumptions supporting the current program operations (e.g., client needs, funding, effective programming, etc.)
- Visual depiction of the logic model
- Recommendation: Identify and provide rationale for ONE recommendation to improve the program’s functioning based on your analysis.
- Conclusion
Writing & References: Papers should be 5-6 pages in length including the visual of the logic model but excluding the cover page and reference page. All papers should be in APA format. All papers should draw from a minimum of two class readings.
Grading Rubric
Content |
Points |
Feedback |
Agency & Program Overview: A brief overview of the organization (both agency & program) |
10 |
Organizational theory application: Two concepts are described and accurately applied to explain organizational (agency or program) functioning |
10 |
Logic Model: A 1-page visual graph of the logic model is presented |
15 |
Program Strengths & Challenges: Compare and contrast program functioning to the aspirational logic model |
15 |
External factors: Analysis of environmental factors impacting the program’s functioning is described in relation to the logic model. |
15 |
Assumptions: Unwritten assumptions impacting program operations are addressed. |
10 |
Recommendation: One recommendation is provided with a strong rationale that draws from the above analysis. |
10 |
5 |
Writing & References
10 |
STU Importance of Nurse Manager & Budget in Healthcare Institutions Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
Nurse Manager & Budget
Imagine you are the nurse manager on a unit. What strategies will you use to include your team in budget development? How will you keep your team informed about budget decisions throughout the year?
Submission Instructions:
- Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
- You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
- All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible
Impacts of Neighborhood Characteristics Sociology Draft Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Using the following topic and sources, you could use other sources, but please pick creidble one
1.Sociology Research Topic: Impacts of neighborhood characteristics on juvenile victimization and delinquency
2. Motivation 1:
The physical and social characteristics of a neighborhood affect the lives of its members in remarkable ways. The neighborhood conditions partly shape the cognition, education, social status, and emotional wellbeing of an individual, and these effects are more pronounced among the minors (Erdmann, 2020). The primary motivation for studying this topic is to explain the association between neighborhood conditions and juvenile victimization and delinquency.
Motivation 2:
Different neighborhoods have different conditions that influence the physical and emotional wellbeing of people who live in them. Some are characterized by high levels of insecurity, violence, and drug and substance abuse. In contrast, others are characterized by heightened security levels, a sense of law and order, and reduced crime rates. Thus, this study’s second motivation is to explain specific neighborhood conditions that can predict juvenile delinquency and victimization.
Motivation 3:
The socio-economic conditions of a neighborhood influence crime rates and delinquency in considerable ways. It is expected that impoverished neighborhoods record varying juvenile criminal activity levels than the more prosperous communities (Newbury et al., 2018). The third motivation for this topic is to explore and compare juvenile delinquency between the impoverished and affluent neighborhoods. Findings will help uncover the effects of the risk of victimization in the poor communities and bring to the surface implications for crime prevention measures in these neighborhoods.
Motivation 4:
Currently, little is known about the potential effects of macro-level social structures like crime, social fragmentation, and urbanicity on the emergence of juvenile experiences and predisposition to crime. Exposure to these environmental conditions can potentially predict crime and influence the prevalence of behavioral risk factors like drug abuse and psychotic disorders. A burgeoning literature suggests that adverse neighborhood conditions affect early childhood development negatively and could cause low levels of social cohesion and low-income family relations (Newbury et al., 2018). Compared to rural settings, cities, and mostly the poor urban neighborhoods, are more threatening to children’s survival. In this regard, the fourth motivation for choosing this topic is to explain the association between low urban areas and juvenile victimization.
Motivation 5:
Understanding how neighborhood characteristics shape children’s health, cognition, social, and emotional wellbeing is key to understanding juvenile victimization and delinquency. Some neighborhoods threaten children’s wellbeing and create conditions that encourage deviant behavior like drug and substance abuse, violence, and crime. The fifth motivation for choosing this topic is to explore social structures that influence juvenile delinquency and discover actionable insights and alternatives that can be used to create a safer environment for children.
3. Research Questions:
i. Research question 1 (research motive)
Can the prevailing neighborhood conditions (measured using factors like crime rate, pollution, drugs and substance abuse, family patterns and relations, economic status, among others) be used to describe juvenile victimization and delinquency?
ii. Research question 2 (research motive):
What can specific neighborhood conditions be used to explain the prevalence of juvenile victimization and delinquency?
iii. Research question 3 (research motive):
How does juvenile victimization and delinquency compare and contrast between the poor and impoverished neighborhoods and the wealthier neighborhoods?
4.The research question that is most interesting to you:
I want to understand whether the prevailing physical and social conditions of a neighborhood can be used to predict juvenile offending and victimization.
5.Literature (链接到外部网站。)
Erdmann, A. (2020). Does the Neighborhood Context Shape Violent Victimization Independent of Delinquency? A Mediation Analysis of Victimization among German Urban Adolescents. Victims & Offenders (链接到外部网站。)
Mennis, J., Harris, P. W., Obradovic, Z., Izenman, A. J., Grunewald, H. E., & Lockwood, B. (2011). The effect of neighborhood characteristics and spatial spillover on urban juvenile delinquency and recidivism. The Professional Geographer.
Newbury, J., Arseneault, L., Caspi, A., Moffitt, T. E., Odgers, C. L., & Fisher, H. L. (2018). Cumulative effects of neighborhood social adversity and personal crime victimization on adolescent psychotic experiences. Schizophrenia bulletin
- Make sure that the publications are listed following the ASA reference formatting guidelines, which you may refer to and use the following resources:
- Also make sure to hyperlink your publications to a URL with more information about them
Impacts of Neighborhood Characteristics Sociology Draft Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Cj 244 St. Joseph’s College Policies for Covid19 Management Essay Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a criminal justice multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
. In 2020, the world faced its first global pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In the United States, over 18 million people were infected with COVID-19 with over 300,000 deaths. The Prison Systems of the United States and around the world were not exempt from this deadly disease. Go to and research what kind of protection and treatment was provided to prisoners during the pandemic. In your 1000-word essay, answer the following questions:
Were appropriate steps taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
Were prison conditions helpful or a hindrance to the spread of COVID-19?
Was the mortality rate higher or lower than the general population?
Were any unusual steps taken to protect the inmate population at prisons or jails?
Did prisoners benefit in any way due to the COVID-19 response?
APA Format – No title page, no abstract, Times Roman font (12 pt.), 2.0 spaced, APA format reference page (Double-spaced with ‘hanging’ format). Include a heading as follows:
University of Maryland Global Campus Economic Order Quantity Question Other Assignment Help
I’m working on a other question and need guidance to help me learn.
Appliance for Less is a local appliance store. It costs this store $15.88 per unit annually for storage, insurance, etc., to hold microwave in their inventory. Sales this year are anticipated to be 247 units. Each order costs $67. The company is using Economic Order Quantity model in placing the orders.
It takes approximately 3 day(s) to receive an order after it has been placed. If the store insists on a 5 day(s) safety stock (assume 365-days a year), what should the inventory level be when a new order is placed?
(Round the answer to the whole number)
STATS Pacific University The Average Amount of Caffeine Questions Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a statistics multi-part question and need guidance to help me understand better.
The average amount of caffeine in a 12-oz serving of Coke is 35 mg… if it were to come straight from the factory in Atlanta, GA; however, because soda fountain machines are not always cleaned adequately, the actual amount of caffeine in Coke varies depending on where it is purchased and served. A researcher buys 20 fountain Cokes from 12 different restaurants and records the mean caffeine amount for each restaurant. The researcher finds that the average amounts of caffeine in the Cokes served at McDonald’s, Burger King, and Five Guys are 35.5 mg, 37 mg, and 42 mg, respectively.
1. Imagine that the researcher conducted three separate t-tests comparing the Cokes at McDonald’s, Burger King, and Five Guys (in that order) with the average of 35 mg. Assume that the standard deviation of each sample was identical. Would the absolute values of the t-tests get smaller, bigger, or stay the same? How do you know? Be sure to define what a t-score tells you.
2. Would the p-values associated with the above t-tests get smaller, bigger, or stay the same? How do you know? Be sure to define what a p-value tells you.
3.The figure to the right shows more data from the previous experiment. Each bar represents the mean caffeine of Coke, and the error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Use it to answer the questions below.
Why does the first bar not have error bars?
4. Which sample(s) is (are) significantly different from the population?
5.Rank Arby’s, Burgerville, and Taco Time in order from biggest p-value to smallest p-value and explain your answer in one sentence.
6. A man with psychic powers tells you that one of the above three tests is associated with a Type I error. Which example do you think is associated with a Type I error, and how do you know?
Faulkner University Unfair Employment Discrimination Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Prior to beginning work on this discussion,
- Read Chapter 2 in Applied Psychology in Talent Management.
- Read Chapter 3 in Hiring: A Practical Guide for Selecting the Right People.
- Read the article Discrimination: How and Why Can It Be Legal? (Links to an external site.)
- Read the Week 1 Discussion video above with Dr. Paula Zobisch, Program Chair of Entrepreneurship transcript.
- View the video Rethinking Talent Management—Interview With Professor Jay Conger (Links to an external site.).
“Discrimination” is a word commonly used without a definite and universal meaning. Within the employment context, however, discrimination is defined as “giving one group an unfair advantage over other members of other groups” (Cascio & Aguinis, 2019, p 18).
Even though a job position may have more applicants than is needed for the job and exclusion is implied, organizations must take care to know and avoid violating federal and state employment laws.
Imagine you are the HR director at ACME Financial Services. The CEO has advised you to only hire Asian males that appear to be between 35 and 50 years of age since many of ACME’s clientele seem to believe this population has great insight into financial matters. As the HR director, you know federal and state laws prohibit such practice.
Identify a specific section in Chapter 2 of your course textbook that assures everyone equal opportunity and how you would respond to the CEO using this section. Include in your discussion an example when exclusion fair employment practice does not violate federal and state fair employment laws.
Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Support your response with at least one scholarly resource in addition to the text.
Textbook reference
Cascio, W. F., & Aguinis, H. (2019). Applied psychology in talent management (8th ed.). Retrieved from
Oedekoven, O. O., Robbins, D. K., Bishop, B., Thomas, M., & Mansheim, R. (2018). Hiring: A practical guide for selecting the right people. Retrieved from