Colorado School of English Concept of Trinity Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Colorado School of English Concept of Trinity Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Colorado School of English Concept of Trinity Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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No analogy is perfect; the Trinity remains beyond our understanding. Your assignment is to write a summary of two analogies. Summarize how the illustration is like the Trinity, and then note strengths and weaknesses of the illustration. Write a paragraph or two for each; total writing—at least a page (double-spaced, 12-point font).

1) Read the page at… Summarize the egg illustration, and give its strengths and weaknesses. 2) Read the page at… Summarize the illustration of one person with different roles. (You don’t need to write on it, but read the Flatland comparison carefully; this helps put the assignment in place.)

2 page


Colorado School of English Concept of Trinity Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Strategic Gene Editing and its Impact on the Society Paper Writing Assignment Help

For the final paper, you will write a short
essay which is encouraged to be in the genre of speculative fiction. Your
minimum word count for the assignment is 1700 words; if you are struggling to
integrate your reading citations into the format of your main writing piece,
you may want to use 400 words of this as a reading response reflection in which
you describe your writing process and expand on your use of course reading
materials. If your citations are integrated into your main writing piece you
may absorb this extra 400 words into your main assignment. If you have any
questions about your paper, reach out to the instructor or your TA! Each paper
will likely look quite different. Our aim with this assignment is to see you
working through an idea that matters to you using ideas you have learned this
quarter. We encourage you to be creative, or to use experiences from your own
life if applicable. Optional suggested readings DO count towards your
citations, as do films from the class. Bibliographies are not required;
citations can be in any format.


ENG 120 CC Promoting Master Zombie Apocalypse Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Epic Quest # 4 – Essay # 4 – Zombies
Essay Suggested Due Date: 11:59 PM – Sunday 10th May 2020
An Electronic copy of Epic Quest # 4- Essay # 4 – Final Draft – must be
submitted to the plagiarism checker.
Students benefit from a minimum of 6-paragraph structure, but you’re
welcome to add more. A sample student essay will be provided on Canvas as
well as the grading rubric.
Format Requirements: 1,500 to 2,500 words, MLA format.
Writing Requirements: Must meet academic writing standards. Papers should
clearly state the significance of the topic, and be organized with adequate
Work Cited Page is required.
Essay Structure Requirements:
INTROUCTION PARAGRAPH: introduction paragraph with a hook, both
essay titles, the authors of both readings, publications the article appears in,
explanation of what is the authors’ main claims are (what are their
arguments), explanation of the readings (a brief summary), and a clear thesis.
BODY PARAGRAPHS: Detailed supporting paragraphs started by topic
sentences, and an adequate concluding paragraph. Each supporting paragraph
must focus on only one aspect, trait, reason or point. Create detailed
illustrations so your reader can “see” what’s going on. YOUR BODY
READING. You must explain the Rhetorical Strategy the Author is using
after you have incorporated the quote and how that strategy works on the
reader. You can use “I” statements (this is a personal essay).
CONCLUSION: Full conclusion that ties up your essay.
Purpose: to write an essay that analyzes the assigned text.
Audience: your classmates, instructors, and people unfamiliar with the topic. Length: 1,500 to 2,500 words. THE WORK CITED PAGE DOES NOT
Are we zombies or zombie slayers? Explain your reasoning.
Your answer to this will form your Thesis Statement. You will
develop your argument in at least the first three body paragraphs of
your essay.
Your last body paragraph must be a counter argument to your
argument and must include a rebuttal.
What is a counter argument that can be used against your
position? Your counter argument must have a rebuttal (Your counter
argument – rebuttal should be together in one paragraph – there should
be a quote included. This paragraph should be the last paragraph before
your conclusion.
For this essay you should present at least three clear topics or opinions
(each topic or opinion should be its own paragraph – so this essay MUST BE a
minimum of 6 paragraphs in total – (the counter argument is included as one
of these topics). Explain your answers and support with examples from any
of the article I have assigned. You must use the Assigned Readings in all
your body paragraphs. You are only allowed one quote per body paragraph
(maximum of 3 to 4 lines) – NO block quotes are allowed. The quote you
use should support your position. You are not expected to conduct ANY
research and you cannot add your own materials. This essay should
include personal opinions, previous experience and observations to support
your thesis.


ISOL 534 UOC Application Security Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Course : Application Security (ISOL-534-31)

Please provide research paper based on the Course. I can’t find any material related to this. If you do some research on this and provide answers.

  • Residency Assignment 1 – Reflective Paper

    Residency Assignment 1 – Reflective PaperProvide a reflection of at least 500 words (2 pages double spaced excluding Title and Reference pages) that summarizes what you feel are the most important or interesting concepts you have learned so far in this Cloud Computing course. Would be good to include an insight as to whether the learning was new to you or reinforced knowledge that you already had.
    Requirements: Provide a 500-word (2 or more pages double spaced not counting the title and reference pages) paper. The paper should include a title page, body pages, and a reference page. An abstract and introduction is not required for this assignment. Correct use of APA guidelines for sources and citations is required. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

  • Possible points: 100
  • Residency Assignment 2 – Practical Connection Paper

    Residency Assignment 2 – Practical Connection PaperDevelop a paper describing how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share how you could leverage the knowledge gained working as an IT consultant working for an organization of your choice.Requirements: Provide a 500-word (2 or more pages double spaced not counting the title and reference pages) paper. The paper should include a title page, body pages, and reference page. An abstract and introduction is not required for this assignment. Correct use of APA guidelines for sources and citations is required. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

  • Possible Points: 100


Pasadena City College Relativism and Religion Questions Response Humanities Assignment Help

Read the attached pages.

Answer Questions at end of reading: pg 19 (1-4)
Be sure to use complete sentences

  1. What is the different between the kind of “compassion and tolerance” taught by relativism and that taught by Jesus?
  2. Do you believe that there are some actions that are wrong every time they are done, i.e., actions that can not change from wrong to right (or vice versa) with a change in circumstances? Explain.
  3. What does it mean to be “self-contradictory”? Why does the author maintain that relativism, specifically cultural relativism, is self-contradictory?
  4. Are you convinced by the author’s arugments against relativism? Why or why not? Provide specific reason for your position.



ENG 120 Cuyamaca College Community Relations Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Epic Quest # 2 – Essay # 2 – The Ways We Lie
Essay Suggested Due Date: 11:59 PM – Sunday 05th April 2020
An Electronic copy of Epic Quest – Essay # 2 – Final Draft – must be
submitted to the plagiarism checker.
Students benefit from a minimum of 6-paragraph structure, but you’re
welcome to add more. A sample student essay will be provided on Canvas as
well as the grading rubric.
Format Requirements: 1,500 to 2,000 words, MLA format.
Writing Requirements: Must meet academic writing standards. Papers should
clearly state the significance of the topic, and be organized with adequate
Work Cited Page is required.
Essay Structure Requirements:
INTROUCTION PARAGRAPH: introduction paragraph with a hook, title of
the reading, the author of the reading, publication the article appears in,
explanation of what is the author’s main claim (what is their argument),
explanation of the reading, and a clear thesis.
BODY PARAGRAPHS: Detailed supporting paragraphs started by topic
sentences, and an adequate concluding paragraph. Each supporting paragraph
must focus on only one aspect, trait, reason or point. Create detailed
illustrations so your reader can “see” what’s going on. YOUR BODY
READING. You must explain the Rhetorical Strategy the Author is using
after you have incorporated the quote and how that strategy works on the
reader. You can use “I” statements (this is a personal essay).
CONCLUSION: Full conclusion that ties up your essay.
Purpose: to write an essay that analyzes the assigned text.
Audience: your classmates, instructors, and people unfamiliar with the topic. Length: 1,500 to 2,000 words. THE WORK CITED PAGE DOES NOT
Is Lying a Good or Bad thing? Explain your reasoning.
Your answer to this will form your Thesis Statement. You will
develop your argument in at least the first three body paragraphs of
your essay.
Your last body paragraph must be a counter argument to your
argument and must include a rebuttal.
What is a counter argument that can be used against your
position? Your counter argument must have a rebuttal (Your counter
argument – rebuttal should be together in one paragraph – there should
be a quote included. This paragraph should be the last paragraph before
your conclusion.
For this essay you should present at least three clear topics or opinions
(each topic or opinion should be its own paragraph – so this essay MUST BE a
minimum of 6 paragraphs in total – (the counter argument is included as one
of these topics). Explain your answers and support with examples from any
of the article I have assigned. You must use the Assigned Reading in all
your body paragraphs. You are only allowed one quote per body paragraph
(maximum of 3 to 4 lines) – NO block quotes are allowed. The quote you
use should support your position. You are not expected to conduct ANY
research and you cannot add your own materials. This essay should
include personal opinions, previous experience and observations to support
your thesis.

ENG 120 Cuyamaca College Community Relations Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Saudi Electronic University Amazon Company Strategic Decisions Answers Business Finance Assignment Help

Critical Thinking: Weight:5 Marks

Technology is molding our world at a speed unimaginable, just few decades ago. Communication mainly has created, a business environment focused on effectiveness, value and speed. Companies that focus on speed, cost and quality are the only ones who have been successful to survive and prosper in today’s environment as they deal with a broad spectrum of contemporary challenges.The effective management of technology as a source of competitive advantage is of vital importance for many organizations. Virtually every company today sees itself as technology intensive. To operate a technology based business the requirement is of new leadership and managerial skills that focus on the knowledge generators i.e. the human resource of the enterprise.

Select any high technology organization and answer the following questions on its basis.

Q1- Analyze your selected company in terms of its technology supporting infrastructure and resource function. What changes would you recommend?

Q2- What strategic decisions and directions at your selected company were key to the company’s success.

Q3- Develop an assessment tool (i.e. checklist) for measuring the technological intensity of your selected enterprise.


CY 520 KBU How to Write a Review Paper For IT 737 Publication & Importance of Cybersecurity in Boardroom Paper Computer Science Assignment Help


Submit brief description of your research topic–no more than half page


1-Cyber security and business

2-Cyber security and boardroom

* Submit Weekly Published Paper Summary

* Identify research paper topic

*Read/Watch Lecture Materials

*Upload research paper topic and brief description to Professor for approval

Identify one paper (only one) based on the week’s topic -The publication, white-paper, or report must:

•Be an academic peer-reviewed research publication (from a credible research source) such as Scopus, IEEE Xplore etc. or a white paper/report from a high-profile organization –Contact Marymount Library for access to academic resources and services.

•Be no more than 2 years old –So it must bepublished on or after January 01, 2018

Your submission must:

•Reflect the week’s lecture topic. (If you are currently working on a research, I will be happy to work with you and map thesetopics to your current research)

•Summarize the identified publication, white-paper, or report from end to end highlighting key points.

•Be between 350 -400 words (excluding images, and paper citation), following the format presented in the Topic Summary –Review Paper Format. Format is available on Canvas.

•Not be a copy and paste. I will upload your paper to Turnitin before grading. If your paper is above 10% similarity index it will automatically receive a 0 grade. –You have access to Turnitin. Use the Turnitin credentials to access the class/module space.

•Be uploaded to Canvas in .docx format by the final due date

•Be Typo and grammar-error free.

Topic summary:


University of Florida Black Lives Matter Contemporary Social Movement Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

For the experiential learning component, you will choose Black Lives Matter (BLM) a contemporary social movementand examine how their strategies and tactics have changed due to COVID-19.

To complete this assignment, I will need to carry out 3 activities:

The first is to identify a leader (global, national, state, or local) of the movement and interview them. (You should set up the interview sooner rather than later). The second is to attend at least one online organizing and/or training meeting of the movement.

Sometime when you schedule one online organizing and/or training meeting of the movement they ask you to send list of Interview Questions. Open the attachment you will see those questions

The third is to prepare a powerpoint presentation and present to the class to discuss what you learned about the movement in general, about their pre-COVID and post-COVID strategies and tactics, and your personal reflection about your experiences during the interview and the organizing and/or training meeting of the movement. Your presentation will be approximately 30 minutes long.


Owning A Small Business During Corona Virus Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Owning A Small Business During Coroavirus-19 1

Minimum word count: 600 words.

The Assigment

Imagine that you are the owner and chief chef of a small restaurant in Santa Clarita. The restaurant

advertises “Breakfast served all day” and your little coffee shop has grown famous for big breakfasts

with lots of food: pancakes and eggs and bacon, waffles with the same, and four more menu pages

devoted to various combinations of other breakfast staples: sausages, baked muffins, and the usual

arrangement of meats, breads, and fruits.

The restaurant has done well for over 40 years, and you bought it from the original owner, who had it

for 35 of those 40+ years. Your locations is on a well-travelled street, a half block from the freeway, and

many cars pass by your windows all day. Foot traffic is also good.

When the governor ordered all restaurants to close, except for those which could offer delivery or

pickup outside the front door, revenue plummeted. You took in about 20% of what you usually made,

but your three waitresses—two of whom had worked for the restaurants for over 20 years, each, had to

be let go. They are now collecting unemployment insurance of about $400 per week and an additional $

650 from a federal supplementary fund that ends at the last day of July. In total, their weekly income of

$ 1050 is more than they made working for you, and two of them have told you they would not return,

at least until Federal funds ran out at the end of July.

Now that restaurants are opening with some seating and occupancy adjustments, you’re stuck: your

restaurant income is now far less than what it was, and you see that you’ll be able to remain open in this

limited version for about two months before you would have to shut the doors permanently.

There are a few options that might allow you to make money more money, but they would involve

making significant changes to your restaurants (and you can think of man others and use them):

Placing more emphasis on takeout food that customers can now call in and pickup in your shop.

Offering to deliver food within a limited number of miles

Hiring new workers on a parttime basis for both the kitchen and the waitstaff.

Changing the types of food you offer.

Increasing your marketing efforts: you’ve done almost none.

There are more changes you could make, but the dynamics remain fairly constant: you need more

income and should lower your expenses. For example, you could hire more parttime workers—maybe

students?—to replace the fulltimers who don’t want to come back yet. The downsides to this are that

you have many longtime customers who know your waitstaff well and would be saddened to see them

not coming back. You could do the same thing with your cooks, hiring culinary students parttime from

College of the Canyons.

What will you do to save your business?


1. Explain your solutions and strategies well and completely, taking into account all of the factors above.

2. You might also consider the dynamics of the Rotary International Four-Way Test: you may or may not

be able to conform to each of them, and if that’s the case, also explain why you might not be able to

completely adhere to one of more of their goals:

“Of the things we think, say or do:

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?



Sample possible essay organization

1 Introduction. What is happening? Tell the reader about your business and its new challenges.

Sample response beginning: I own the Golden Unicorn Coffee Shop. It has been in existence . .

. However, now we have struggled with being forcibly closed for almost three months, and we

need to make changes to be able to stay open.

2. Explain each new strategy or tactic you plan to introduce to cut costs and increase your

business. Provide at least three, and explain each one thoroughly.

Sample response beginning: The first thing we could do is xxxxxx That would xxxxxxx. Of

course, there’s a possibility that would not work well because of xxxxxx. However, xxxxxxxxxxxx

(a compensating factor)

3. Describe the Rotary International Four-Way Test. Detail its strengths and weaknesses as

they affect or could affect your business. Explain what the challenges could be in meeting one

of more of the four requirements.

Sample response beginning: I struggle with these decisions because I want my business to

succeed, and the changes I am thinking of making may not be good for all of my employees and

even my customers. The Rotary International Four-Way Test offers a evaluation method for all

that we do, but . . . . xxxxxxx


Colorado School of English Concept of Trinity Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Colorado School of English Concept of Trinity Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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