Colorado State University Cyber Attack IT Management Simulation Project Business Finance Assignment Help. Colorado State University Cyber Attack IT Management Simulation Project Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Execute the IT Management Simulation: Cyber Attack!
1.Assess Online Retail Co (ORC) information assurance monitoring and methods capabilities. Formulate recommendations to address vulnerabilities.
2. Identify incident handling procedures undertaken to manage the consequences of the breach that minimize both tangible and intangible damage.
3.Can computer forensics be used to examine and analyze this cyber attack event? Briefly outline an accepted set of processes that could be used.
4.Does backup and restoration have a role in ORC’s intent to recover “normal” operation? If yes, briefly describe the role. If no, briefly justify why not role exists.
Colorado State University Cyber Attack IT Management Simulation Project Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Cuyamaca College Findings in The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
1. After reading the research article titled The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness, use the functionalist, conflict and symbolic interactionist perspectives to discuss the findings of the authors. Reply to two peers.
2. After reading Ch.15 “Religion”, reviewing Ch.6 “Groups & Organizations” and watching the Ted Talks (Links to an external site.)“Religion, Evolution and the Ecstasy of Self-transcendence” (Links to an external site.), reply to the the following prompt:
How does selflessness contribute to group solidarity? How and why is self-transcendence conducive to group success? What is the difference between “the sacred” and “the profane”? According to Durkheim, what is the function of “religion”? Explain how this concept is related to a) the family and b) society. Which theoretical view would this be? Reply to the posts of two classmates.
3. After reading and watching the assigned material in this module, answer the following questions:
- What is the relationship of sex and marriage for you personally? (Be honest and you are allowed to change your mind) (1-2 sentences)
- What do you think is the relationship of sex and marriage for your ingroup(s) and/or reference group(s)–family, close friends, acquaintances, etc.? Do you think this determines or influences your views? (1-2 sentences)
- What does marriage mean to you personally? What character traits would a person need to have for you to agree to marry them? What would be your role, privileges and obligations as spouse? What behavioral roles would you expect from a spouse? (2-3 paragraphs)
- Why do sociologists consider marriage a societal institution–that is , relevant to society– as opposed to just a contract or sexual-emotional bonding of two individuals? (Give at least one reason.)
- Explain what the “insights”, behaviors and sociological conditions of “religious” or otherwise “moral” couples are that contribute to marital success. (Provide at least one example of the religious command or secular/non-religious philosophy, provide at least two behaviors they should or must do as good spouses, and list at least one example of a societal ritual or custom intended to facilitate the success for the individuals/couple
PSYC 436 University of Maryland Global Clinical Psychology Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Clinical psychology is a broad field that encompasses both research- and clinical-based activities. Psychologists can work exclusively as researchers in an academic setting, but a large majority become clinical practitioners working with people who have mental health needs in private practice, clinics, or institutions such as hospitals or prisons. Psychologists who are focused primarily on clinical practice and do not plan on engaging in any type of research activity are still trained in the scientific method including firm grounding in statistical procedures in order to become critical consumers of research. Discuss why this would be important for the field particularly with regard to treating mental or psychological disorders. Does a psychologist working exclusively with patients in a clinical setting (no academic research involvement) have an ethical responsibility to stay current with research in the field? Why or why not? Additionally, conduct some research via the internet and familiarize yourself with the scientist-practitioner model in the field of clinical psychology. Share your thoughts about what you have learned with this model and how it may align with the ethical code of conduct for psychologists.
I do not have the time to do this discussion post due to being recalled for riot control for the election.
i just need 400-500 Words.
University of South Florida Small Sociology Types in Care Management Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I will provide the readings for the assignments.
Assignment 1:
In this week’s discussion you will be analyzing the differences between fathers with special needs children and those without. The article I assigned describes how children with special needs directly impact a father’s level of life satisfaction. In your own words, what do you think are the biggest contributors to a father’s wellbeing and levels of stress, according to the article? What information from previous weeks can we draw on to contextualize why that indicators are more salient than others? Please construct a response to both questions, using at least three specific examples (with citations) from the article.
Assignment 2:
In the article regarding conflict that arises between healthcare professionals and parents the authors argue that “it is also clear that coming to a decision about a child’s treatment extends far beyond the scientific information that clinicians try to convey to parents. ” In this board I want you to formulate an argument to answer the following question: What should parents rely on when making decisions regarding their children’s health? In your response you will need to complete the following: 1) Based on your readings, make an argument for what you consider to be THREE most important factors parents should consider when making decisions about their children’s health, 2) Use THREE specific citations or references from your readings to support your argument, and 3) Embed your answer in the socio-historic context. In other words make sure you discuss what is happening socially and historically in our country that makes you feel like these are the best choices for parents when they have competing information and their decisions interact with public, health, and educational settings. Total length should a minimum of four paragraphs.
Assignment 3:
For this activity, I would like for you to create a two-part report and submit it to me. The first part of this report is to create a visual diagram that displays the four levels of the adaptation process that adoptive parents go through when they adopt a child with special needs. Please make sure your diagram specifically differentiates and describes them thoroughly. Second, please incorporate your diagram into a one page response (formulated as a paper) that addresses the following question: How are the beliefs of parents transformed when they adopt a child with special needs? Please cite the article and draw on specific examples to make your points.
Cuyamaca Community College Education System of America and Indian Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Primary Source Analysis #1
Using chapters 16 & 17 from the American Yawp Reader (Links to an external site.) (Primary Source Reader), select one primary source to analyze. You will write a 2-3 paragraph analysis of the primary source answering the following questions:
- Content: What is the document about?
- Citation: When was this document created and by who?
- Context: What was going on in the world and/or the region when this document was written? What major economic, social, political trends might this document be directly or indirectly responding to?
- Connections: Does this document reflect, support, and/or challenge what we are learning in class?
- Communication: Does this document have an identifiable point of view or bias? Is this document reliable?
- Conclusions: How does this source contribute to our understanding of history? What is the main idea and what does it tell us about the moment in time in which it was written?
Sociology Problem in Not Smiling but Frowning Article Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a Social Science project and need support to help me study.
I need help with my assignment from my sociology class this is the assignment description and attached bellow will be the articles that you can choose from you can pick anyone you would like 🙂 :
The goal of this assignment is to introduce you to scholarly Sociology journal articles that have been peer-reviewed by social scientists for research validity and reliability. Read the article and write a summary and analysis of it using the following questions:
1. What was the purpose of the article? Why did the author(s) do the research? What were the guiding questions?
2. How did the researcher approach the question? What method was used (e.g. survey, interview, historical analysis, observation)?
3. What were the primary conclusions and what and do you agree with them? Why or why not?
4. Does the author take a functionalist, conflict or symbolic interactionist approach to answering the questions?
5. Using materials from the textbook, identify an additional question you would ask about this topic that either add to or challenges the author’s approach. Indicate the page numbers on which the textbook discusses this topic in the text.
Your paper should be 3-5 pages, double-spaced with 12 point font.
Sociology Problem in Not Smiling but Frowning Article Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENG 3105 BU ?Wk 8 Manufacturing Companies Business Operation Project Reports Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
This week you are learning about progress reports and how they are used to give an update on the status of a lengthy project. For this week’s discussion board, you will be providing a brief summary of your progress on the Feasibility Report. You don’t have to write this as a memo, but please do use the following headings and briefly touch on each of these areas:
- Purpose of Report
- Work Accomplished
- Problems Encountered
- Work Remaining
- Project Completion
For your participation posts, comment on your classmates’ ideas and offer any thoughts or suggestions you might have for them!
Colorado Technical University Integrated Audit Framework Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
4-6 slides with speaker notes
Using the integrated audit framework, develop an audit program presentation using relevant financial and operational information provided in the case. For this assignment, be sure to identify relevant areas that will be audited, objectives, control tests, substantive tests, documentation, and sampling procedures. The audit program should be developed based one of the following business cycles:
- Review process
- Purchasing process
- Human resource management process
- Inventory management process
- Financing and investing process
The relevant assertions to be used as audit objectives are as follows:
- Existence
- Completeness
- Accuracy or valuation
- Rights and obligations
- Presentation and disclosure
The audit program should be designed for a well-known information technology company. You should review relevant information from the case as well as perform further research regarding the company. Consider past and present issues that could be relevant or that could impact the audit. Include the methodology that was developed to design the audit program.
Your audit program should be developed in the form of a PowerPoint presentation with 4–6 slides and speaker notes for each slide.
Kensington Aldridge Academy Southdown Inc Business Forecasting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Q1: Southdown, Inc., the nation’s third largest cement producer, is pushing ahead with a waste fuel burning program. The cost for Southdown will total about $37 million. For this reason, it is extremely important for the company to have an accurate forecast of revenues for the first quarter of 2000. The data are presented in the table next page. Solve
i. Use exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant of .4 and an initial value of 77.4 to forecast the quarterly revenues for the first quarter of 2000.
ii. Now use a smoothing constant of .6 and an initial value of 77.4 to forecast the quarterly revenues for the first quarter of 2000.
iii. Which smoothing constant provides the better forecast? iv. Refer to part
iii. Examine the residual autocorrelations. Are you happy with simple exponential smoothing for this example? Explain. (Use a chi-square value of 30 as your reference for the LBQ test.)
v. Now apply double exponential smoothing using the optimal ARIMA constants.
vi. Examine the residual autocorrelations. Are you happy with double exponential smoothing for this example? Explain. (Use a chi-square value of 30 as your reference for the LBQ test.)
vii. Finally, apply winter’s method using a smoothing constant of 0.4, a trend constant of 0.1, and a seasonality constant of 0.3.
viii. Examine the residual autocorrelations. Are you happy with Winter’s method for this example? Explain. (Use a chi-square value of 30 as your reference for the LBQ test.)
ix. Which of the methods applied gives the best fit? Explain.
1. solve this assignment using MINITAB software. A MS Word file is to be prepared, where you present the solutions and conclusions you obtained through solving this assignment on MINITAB.
2. You are expected to submit TWO files: The MINITAB project file with the solution, and a report written on MS Word. The files should have proper formatting and labeling.
3. Collaboration between students in solving this homework is PROHIBITED.
4. Show all the relevant DETAILS of your solutions.
5- attaché video or picture of solution how you have done in Minitab Software .
Ashford University Stress and Anxiety Annotated Bibliographies Humanities Assignment Help
- Annotated Bibliography Assignment: This assignment will be due the third week of class. The annotated bibliography should be double spaced in a 10-12 inch font and include citations and references in APA style from no more than four peer reviewed sources. The annotated bibliography should show understanding and thoughtful reflection on a topic that speaks to the mission and objective of the course. For example you can choose a topic such as Bipolar disorder, grief or stress. Ms. Viki, our great librarian will come in and explain this assignment and how to do it with you. Please ask questions while she is there if you have any!