Colorado State University Fire Risk Global Warming Paper Writing Assignment Help

Colorado State University Fire Risk Global Warming Paper Writing Assignment Help. Colorado State University Fire Risk Global Warming Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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I am asking to complete this risk assignment based on the senior provided below:

Research the smoke hazards on different communities’ long-term effects, short term, immediate. Consider how to reduce smoke exposure, besides wearing a mask and staying indoors. You can also evaluate the damages of the fires. What was destroyed, what will that path forward look like (i.e. regrowth). What types of chemicals are involved in fires? Do they pose risk to the environment, to humans? Pick a topic and explore it in-depth, before, during, and future predictions. Saying there is not enough data or information to suggest a path forward is not a viable conclusion and will result in a zero.

This assignment is meant to investigative report and should be written as though you are handing them to city or government officials. The way you communicate is extremely important. Look into previous outcomes from devastating fires and how they were handled.

The first paragraph should outline the paper. What is being investigated, why does it matter and how are you going to convey your findings. The introduction should contain the background, purpose and scope.

I am looking for the first paragraph of the paper and the introduction for this paper. I need to post this no late than Tuesday night. Also, keep in mind the style of the references. I want it to be in APA style.

Thank you for your help and looking forward to see the introduction part.

Here is the grading Criteria:




The topic is clearly stated in the introduction and remains the focus throughout the paper



Future risk and prevention ideas are coherent and relative to the paper. Must have references to support.


Information gathered

Three (3) or more sources are used to support impact and future risk assessments.


Grammar and Spelling

Spelling and punctuation are correct.



Logical sequencing and sentence structure.


Colorado State University Fire Risk Global Warming Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

College of St Joseph How to Eat Healthy While in Lockdown Speech Writing Assignment Help

1. Post 5 possible topics for your Informative Speech and state which one you plan to use. Explain what you want the audience to know about your topic. Also discuss some of the supporting ideas you plan to include.

2. Complete the Informative Speech Outline Template. then write it. its not essay so write it for speech. At least for 5-10 mins speech.


  • a Thesis
  • a possible Hook
  • 3 Main Ideas
  • at least 3 scholarly sources.

For an Informative Speech, the Thesis should summarize the main idea you want the audience to learn; for example, “The rainforests in the world are shrinking at an alarming rate.”


PSY 3002 South University Memory Span Experiment Report Humanities Assignment Help

Memory Span Experiment

Using CogLab, complete the memory span experiment and create a report on the experiment.

In your report, write a brief introduction explaining the theory involved in the experiment. Next, in the Methods section, describe the process that you followed to complete the experiment. Make sure to include enough information so that others can also perform the same experiment successfully.

Finally, describe the experimental results, including conditions where you performed the best and the worst. Provide a rationale explaining why the results differed in both the conditions. Summarize your report, including answers to the following questions:

  • Were the results in accordance with your expectation? Provide a rationale to support your answer.
  • Did anything about the experiment surprise you? If yes, what?
  • What extraneous factors would influence the results of the memory span experiment?
  • Cite any sources you use using APA format on a separate page.


MAN 551 Keiser University Foreign Direct Investments Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You may complete ONLY ONE of the following discussions.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is growing and the rise of economic multinational organizations in the global marketplace.

1. What can developing countries (like Algeria, Ghana, Botswana, Zimbabwe in Africa or Peru, Ecuador, or Nicaragua in South America) do to encourage more foreign direct investments for sustainable economies?


2. Given the growth of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the rise of economic organizations, list the benefits and cost, the impact of FDI on the home and host country, the growth of FDI, and the implications that FDI decisions have on management issues.

Submit 3 paragraphs, 6 lines each with a minimum of 2 references in APA Format!

Policy: You must make a minimum of three substantive contributions on two separate days of the learning week to each discussion topic, with the first to the professor. Post your response to the first discussion question early in the learning week (no later than Wednesday), and then respond to a minimum of two other classmates’ posts using critical thinking skills – meaningful and thought provoking. Your initial post must be 3 paragraphs 6 lines in length with a minimum of 2 references in APA format. No Wikipedia, BLOGS with ads from search engine, as they present a biased opinion. Use peer-reviewed articles to support your thoughts!

Please submit your initial discussion post to Discussions – SafeAssign Checks for an originality check. Make corrections as required. After making corrections, you must submit to this week’s discussion thread or your discussion will not be graded.

Safe Assign Submission:

You first need to go to Discussions – SafeAssign Checks link on the left navigation panel or Getting Started -> Discussions – SafeAssign Checks (Weeks 1-8). In this link, you have unlimited attempts to upload your original post, return to check your SafeAssign score, fix your post if needed, and resubmit the corrected document by selecting the START NEW button. Once you press START NEW, you no longer have access to the previous posts or their SafeAssign scores. So, save those if you need a record to refer to as you make further corrections.

After you have submitted your final version of the original post and you are satisfied with the SafeAssign score and your corrections, copy/paste that same version of the original post to the discussion forum so your classmates and instructor can read it, by following the next steps below.

Remember: When you are ready to place your post in the discussion forum and/or reply to other threads, select the Week 4 Discussion Forum link just above.


MKT 574 University of Phoenix Wk 4 Strategic Marketing Plan Paper Writing Assignment Help

Need this done for PepsiCo

Internal Data

Evaluate internal sources of information available to you inside the organization and what information you will receive from each source. Identify 3-6 sources of internal data. Insert or remove rows as needed.

Secondary Data

Evaluate secondary data sources and the specific information you need from each source. Insert or remove rows as needed.

Primary Data

Evaluate primary data needs to create and evaluate the marketing plan. Insert or remove rows as needed.

Customer Relationship Management

Establish customer touchpoints and develop appropriate CRM events for customer acquisition, retention, and profitability. Insert or remove rows as needed.



FIN 526 AMDALA Behavioral Finance Information Processing Errors Biases Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Hello, need help with the questions below:

Question 1

We tend to make information-processing errors because of our biases:

  1. Overconfidence (a tendency to overestimate the precision of our forecasts and abilities)
  2. Conservatism (when we are too slow or too conservative to update our beliefs in response to new evidence)
  3. Sample size neglect and representativeness (not taking into account sample size, acting as if a small sample is representative of a larger population)

Discuss a time when you have experienced overconfidence,
conservatism, or representativeness in your financial or business
decision making. Pick one—you do not have to discuss all three
behavioral biases.

Question 2

We also tend to suffer from mental accounting, regret avoidance, disposition effect, and framing.

Discuss a time when you may have experienced mental accounting,
regret avoidance, disposition effect, or framing in your financial or
business decision making. Pick one—you do not have to discuss each behavioral tendency.

You are encouraged to support your arguments with scholarly research.

Your initial post must be between 250 and 500 words in length. If
citing sources in your post, your writing should follow APA citation

Attached the rubric.

FIN 526 AMDALA Behavioral Finance Information Processing Errors Biases Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Park University Netnography on The Philippine Community Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Unit 6: Discussion- Qualitative Methods: Observing, Participating, Listening

11 unread reply.11 reply.


Welcome to Unit 6. This unit continues the portion of the course about research designs. This week we shift away from quantitative methods to consider what constitutes qualitative research. Ethnography, netnography, and ethnomethodology are touched on. Qualitative research encompasses three principal methods: participant observation, intense interviewing, and focus groups.

Participant observation is described in detail, with special attention to the role of the researcher (complete observer, mixed participant and observer, or covert participant). Interviewing is discussed, with particular attention to the selection of informants. Focus groups are described as a third general type of social research (for the next 2 units).

More specifically, the methods we are addressing this week are:

  • Interviews
  • Field work
  • Ethnography, netnography, and ethnomethodology
  • Focus Groups
  • Observations

Your Discussion activity will be to conduct a mini-qualitative study (better if related to your topic, but not a requirement).

Note: For your research proposal, you will be asked to identify a specific method. Continuing from Unit 4, you will learn more about the various methods in detail. As you formulate your research proposal, use the activities during these weeks to determine whether the method used that week will be the best fit for your proposal. As you determine fit, bear in mind the trade-offs for sampling, measurement, and determining cause-and-effect relationships.

To set the stage for this, check out the following video interviewing Suhdir Venkatesh. He earned his doctorate in Sociology by field work – infiltrating a Chicago gang and observing its operations. He earned a doctorate and scored a sweet book deal and the gang and community suffered because of it (his worked disrupted a clandestine economy and social system –albeit illegal, but very stable for community members)Sudhir Venkatesh on Gang Leader for a Day (Links to an external site.)Sudhir Venkatesh on Gang Leader for a Day


For this discussion, you won’t be asked to go undercover or infiltrate a gang or terrorist organization, but you will be engaging in a mini-qualitative experience.

Choose one of the following Methods to complete your discussion assignment:

  1. Interview: To utilize this method (Intensive Interviewing), you will need to:
    1. Identify a person with expertise or experience in your topic area
    2. Develop an outline with questions and follow questions to drill down.
    3. Record the conversation – notes, audio, or video
  2. Observation: To utilize this method you will need to select an Overt or Covert structure and plan for a way to record what you observe – field notes or audio/ video recording.
    1. Overt observation: go to a public place, e.g., shopping center, sporting event, etc. and observe the individuals & environment for at least 1 hour.
    2. Covert observation: there are so many live webcams from zoos to Disney World. Observe the video stream for at least 1 hour and observe the individuals & environment.
  3. Netnography (virtual ethnography): To utilize this method, you will need to select an online community to study. Due to the online constraints you will not be able to view this community for very long. That stated, you will need to spend enough time with the online community to identify:
    1. Characteristics of the group
    2. Customs/ practices, and possibly language usage of the group
    3. Social processes, hierarchies, interactions of members
    4. Note: this method requires a great deal of time and an emphasis on description.
  4. Focus Group: To utilize this method, you will need to select a group of no less than 7 individuals and:
    1. Focus group leader actively encourages discussion among participants on the topics of interest.
    2. It’s generally best to have group members be strangers and avoid power differentials.
    3. Usually groups are, by design, homogeneous by categories one wants to compare.
    4. The outcomes emphasize discovering unanticipated findings and exploring hidden meanings.

In the Discussion area

  • Present the following in the discussion thread:
    • Qualitative Method type and a brief overview of your procedure (This includes any questions you created/ used, place, time, etc.)
    • A brief statement of the outcomes of your inquiry
    • A brief statement of the strengths and weaknesses of your inquiry.


Ashford University Medieval Music and Medieval Dances Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Please listen to these 14 videos (about 2-3 minutes of each at least) centering around medieval music and please write a sentence or two describing the music as you hear it or give your thoughts on the music or the instruments.


Medieval Plainchant

Secular Music

Medieval Dances

Medieval Minstrels (street performers)

Medieval Love Songs:

Love Song with the Lute:

Medieval Instruments:

String Instruments:

The Fiddle (medieval Violin) and tambourine on his foot

The Harp

The Dulcimer:

The Hurdy Gurdy:

Wind instruments:

The Medieval Recorder which was an early Flute made of wood:

The bagpipe:

The Crumhorn:

The Gemshorn (a goat’s horn) :


Medieval Trumpets:


FIU Integrated Care America 21st Century Healthcare Training Needs Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is the primary federal agency for improving access to healthcare by strengthening the healthcare workforce, building healthy communities, and achieving health equity.

Integrated care involves a team of primary care, dental, and behavioral health practitioners working together using a systematic, cost-effective approach to patient care.

After the reading the following HRSA Report:

– Discuss what are the 4 main recommendations given on this report and the rationales for each one.

1-2 double space pages APA format, with references from the Report given.

Thank you!!!.


PSY 3800 SUO Factors Impacting School Performance Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

PSY3800 Introduction to Psychological Testing and Assessment SU01

Factors Impacting School Performance

Research has consistently shown that the relationship between intelligence and school performance explains only 25 percent of the variance. Hence, success in school must be related to other factors as well.

Based on your understanding of the above statement, answer the following questions:

  • What is your informed opinion on this relatively low variance? Is this surprising for you? Why or why not?
  • Which factors, other than intelligence, may impact school performance?
  • What role could counselors play in fostering these additional factors in order to enhance school performance?
  • Use an APA style


– Discuss what are the 4 main recommendations given on this report and the rationales for each one.

1-2 double space pages APA format, with references from the Report given.

Thank you!!!.


PSY 3800 SUO Factors Impacting School Performance Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

PSY3800 Introduction to Psychological Testing and Assessment SU01

Factors Impacting School Performance

Research has consistently shown that the relationship between intelligence and school performance explains only 25 percent of the variance. Hence, success in school must be related to other factors as well.

Based on your understanding of the above statement, answer the following questions:

  • What is your informed opinion on this relatively low variance? Is this surprising for you? Why or why not?
  • Which factors, other than intelligence, may impact school performance?
  • What role could counselors play in fostering these additional factors in order to enhance school performance?
  • Use an APA style


– Discuss what are the 4 main recommendations given on this report and the rationales for each one.

1-2 double space pages APA format, with references from the Report given.

Thank you!!!.


PSY 3800 SUO Factors Impacting School Performance Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

PSY3800 Introduction to Psychological Testing and Assessment SU01

Factors Impacting School Performance

Research has consistently shown that the relationship between intelligence and school performance explains only 25 percent of the variance. Hence, success in school must be related to other factors as well.

Based on your understanding of the above statement, answer the following questions:

  • What is your informed opinion on this relatively low variance? Is this surprising for you? Why or why not?
  • Which factors, other than intelligence, may impact school performance?
  • What role could counselors play in fostering these additional factors in order to enhance school performance?
  • Use an APA style


– Discuss what are the 4 main recommendations given on this report and the rationales for each one.

1-2 double space pages APA format, with references from the Report given.

Thank you!!!.


PSY 3800 SUO Factors Impacting School Performance Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

PSY3800 Introduction to Psychological Testing and Assessment SU01

Factors Impacting School Performance

Research has consistently shown that the relationship between intelligence and school performance explains only 25 percent of the variance. Hence, success in school must be related to other factors as well.

Based on your understanding of the above statement, answer the following questions:

  • What is your informed opinion on this relatively low variance? Is this surprising for you? Why or why not?
  • Which factors, other than intelligence, may impact school performance?
  • What role could counselors play in fostering these additional factors in order to enhance school performance?
  • Use an APA style


Colorado State University Fire Risk Global Warming Paper Writing Assignment Help

Colorado State University Fire Risk Global Warming Paper Writing Assignment Help

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