Colorado State University Sarin Chemical Agent Case Study Law Assignment Help

Colorado State University Sarin Chemical Agent Case Study Law Assignment Help. Colorado State University Sarin Chemical Agent Case Study Law Assignment Help.

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Select one of the following biological agents or chemical agents:

  • Ebola,
  • ricin,
  • anthrax,
  • VX,
  • sarin, or
  • mustard agent.

Based on the agent you selected, describe the capability, intent, vulnerability, and consequence of a terrorist using your chosen agent in an attack. You should address the prompts below based on your findings.

  • Do you believe terrorist organizations have the capability to produce and deliver a weapon with the agent you selected?
  • What is the effect on homeland security?
  • Would there be a desire for terrorists to use this agent?
  • Would using a weapon with the agent you selected produce the intended effects?
  • Create a chart or graph describing the symptoms and effects of the agent selected.

Additionally, write a brief post-attack recovery plan describing how you would respond to the use of this agent on the population.

Your assignment must be at least three pages in length, not counting the title page or references page. You are required to use two scholarly resources to support your response.

Colorado State University Sarin Chemical Agent Case Study Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

EN 225 Bowie State University The Heros Journey in Shrek The Movie Essay Humanities Assignment Help


Your final project for the semester will demonstrate your close reading and analysis skills, your understanding of the concepts related to heroism and ethics that we covered this semester through the books and movies we studied, and your ability to organize and communicate your own ideas clearly in writing. Please read the instructions carefully to make sure you meet all of the requirements and ask if you have questions about anything.

Choose a hero or superhero, find out more about them, and write an essay that analyzes them using some of the concepts we studied this semester (like the hero’s journey or ethical positions). I encourage you to choose a hero we haven’t discussed in class – there are so many interesting ones! Here’s a very brief list to start your thinking: Shrek (hero or antihero?), Anna and/or Elsa from Frozen, Merida from Brave, any of several characters from Star Trek, Aang from Avatar, Naruto, WandaVision, Katniss from Hunger Games, etc.


Capella University Social Contracts Exercise Humanities Assignment Help

  • There is a very delicate balance between the freedoms that individuals enjoy in society and the authority that governs them. Benjamin Franklin (1755) addressed this in a now-famous quote: “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Key ethical theorists Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau considered the relationship between individuals and their governments and social institutions in terms of social contract theory. This suggests that a person’s ethical and political responsibilities are based on understood agreements (with government, with social institutions, with each other) that shape society.  As you prepare for this assessment, you will consider examples of the balance (and sometimes tension) between individual freedom and social institutions and choose one to address in an essay.The draft needs to meet the following criteria:
  • Competency 1: Explain the nature of ethical issues.
    • Explain the ethical basis for the relation of individuals to their government.
  • Competency 2: Critically examine the contributions of key thinkers from the history of ethics.
    • Describe the social contract theories of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau.
  • Competency 3: Engage in ethical debate.
    • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of theories as they relate to a selected issue.
  • Competency 4: Develop a position on a contemporary ethical issue.
    • Apply traditional social contract theories to a selected contemporary issue.


Bowie State University Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Harry Potter is definitely a literary superhero, both in terms of the character’s heroism and the tremendous popular success of the series. The first Harry Potter novel became a sensation shortly after it was published in 1997 (in the U.K. as Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone; 1998 in the U.S. as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – because of marketing). When Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the fourth book in the series, was published in July 2000, there was so much excitement that bookstores had to hide their copies before the official release date and many stores had midnight release parties.

In terms of genre, Harry Potter is clearly a fantasy novel – specifically a quest fantasy – and shares some of the humor and absurdity of Roald Dahl’s books. Here’s an interesting article about the tradition of British children’s fantasy (Links to an external site.). It’s also a coming-of-age narrative (each novel shows a significant step in Harry’s maturation over a school year, and the series as a whole covers his growing up from childhood to young adulthood). And it’s a school story: the story mostly takes place among children at a boarding school, and their rivalries, friendships, and conflicts with each other and with the school authorities drive the action. The coming-of-age and school story narrative forms intersect in an interesting way: each of the first six books begins with Harry leaving his Muggle home, going to school, and then leaving school to reenter the Muggle world. This roughly follows the pattern of a traditional rite of passage, marking a stage of growth, as described by Arnold van Gennep and Victor Turner: separation, transition (liminality), and reincorporation.

Some literary critics have compared J.K. Rowling’s writing unfavorably to that of Ursula K. LeGuin, Philip Pullman, and C.S. Lewis. But I think the novel succeeds in several ways: it blends several genres, it blends moments of humor with moments of deep emotion, and it can be enjoyed by readers at multiple levels. More experienced, older readers catch more of the humor, social commentary (fairly light in the first novel, but increasing in later novels), and may feel more connection to the sense of loss and finding meaningful relationships. Younger readers sympathize with Harry’s struggles and his making friends, and enjoy the adventure and magic. Furthermore, the books increase in complexity, emotional weight, and length as the series continues.

The series as a whole is a coming-of-age narrative, with one book per year from ages 11-17 (7 books total). It begins with Harry the child first learning about his true heritage and identity, and ends with Harry the young man taking on the adult responsibility of facing Voldemort in a final battle and saving his world. This narrative arc is similar to the hero’s journey (Links to an external site.) described by Joseph Campbell and seen in ancient myths around the world and modern films. Each book also presents a shorter version of the same narrative arc. Here, the letters arriving from Hogwarts are the “call to adventure” and Hagrid’s arrival is “meeting the mentor,” the train trip to Hogwarts is “crossing the first threshold,” and finding the philosopher’s stone in his pocket is “the ultimate boon.” Harry returns to the Dursley household and the Muggle world at the end of the book, where he was so miserable in the past, but he has been transformed by finding out who he really is, finding friends and family, and having proved himself in the serious battle with Voldemort and the (important but less earth-shaking) battle for the House Cup.

Several themes develop through the series, but we can see a lot of them in the Sorcerer’s Stone. In particular, we see Harry finding his place in the world and finding a family. The depth of Harry’s trauma is only really clear starting in Book 5, but we already know about it here. Harry gains so much in this first book, starting with Hagrid appearing with the only birthday cake he’s ever known, meeting Ron, becoming friends with him and then Hermione and Neville, becoming part of the Hogwarts family, and leaving with wizard photos of his parents. Hagrid’s last gift to Harry – the photo album with old photos of his parents – is more significant than it might seem, tucked in after the climactic battle. We know that Harry’s deepest lack and deepest desire is for his parents, for his family. The Mirror of Erised is illusory, but the photo album is a tangible connection to his parents that he can carry with him back to the ordinary world.

The first adaptation of the Harry Potter books was into film, but now there are many forms. One of my favorite scene adaptations is the delivery of the Hogwarts letters. It’s different than in the book, but very effective!Link (Links to an external site.)You can see several more good clips from the Sorcerer’s Stone here: (Links to an external site.)Link (Links to an external site.)

?the assignment is this below ?? ?

Today’s discussion has two parts, the first focuses on your impressions of encountering Rowling’s world, and the second about two of the major themes in the book. After you’ve posted, please browse through and comment on a classmate’s post.

1) What are your memories of reading or seeing Harry Potter? Was it important to you growing up?

2) What house would you be in if you went to Hogwarts, and why?

3) What’s your favorite moment of humor in the novel? Was there anything that made you laugh? What does it add to the story?

4) More seriously, what is the significance of the Mirror of Erised? (What does the name mean?) What does Harry come to understand about it? How does Rowling deal with the larger theme of desire and longing?

5) What are some of the different kinds of heroism in the novel?


Central State University Principle of Marketing Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Using the steps in the market research process, design market research from the information gained from the movie. Follow the information attached to determine the market research needed to be conducted. In a proposal format (minimum 2 pgs., single space, cover and reference page) , outline all areas of the process as it relates to the documentary. Be creative in your approach and answer the following:

  1. What is the problem?
  2. What type of research will you conduct?
  3. What type of data will you collect?
  4. What your methods (tools) will use to conduct your research?
  5. Who is your target population?



Savannah State University Police and Society & Community Policing Discussion Law Assignment Help

it’s 3 assignments each assignment needs to be in a seperate word document.
Police and society

.1. Explain the landmark decision in Terry v. Ohio, which established a police officer’s right to pat down or frisk a person they have stopped to question. What was the key issue in this case? Respond in complete sentences.

Community policing

2. You are a newly selected police chief in your city. The city manager has assigned you the task of forming a committee (no more than 20 persons) to begin early planning for the implementation of COPPS. Drawing from the discussion of internal and external stakeholders in the text, answer the following question: “In your community, what representatives of law enforcement, government, and the community are critical participants in order to properly address this scenario?”

In this assignment please include the makeup of your committee and explain the reason for selecting the members.

This assignment should be one page in length, use proper grammar, and formation

3. Write a complete, one page summary over Chapter 7. Please use complete sentences and proper grammar. photos of chapter are attached. No Plagiarism

Savannah State University Police and Society & Community Policing Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of South Florida Out in The Night Movie Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Choosing a film (Out in the night (2014)) you will explore issues concerning systemic racism or discrimination based on sex and/or gender in American society in
1. Reflection Paper (3 pgs).Use a header on the left of the page (single-spaced) with your name and date. Provide a concise review (3 pgs. min. double-spaced with 12 point Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins) of the main themes of the film, style of presentation, and what you learned from this film that impacts your own view of race, racism, or other forms of discrimination in America. Additional topics for your reflection may include what you thought were strengths and weaknesses of the film, and if you think others should watch it or would benefit from watching it. Be specific with examples drawn from the film to illustrate your points.


Northlake College The Roads to Serfdom Article Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Students should demonstrate that they can distinguish the relevant points that form a logically coherent argument. They should also be able to construct criticisms which effectively undermine, through the use of appropriate counter-examples, some premise of that argument.

Your assignment is to read any ONE of the following four articles written by Theodore Dalrymple located in the final chapter of the required textbook:

The Frivolity of Evil .pdf The Frivolity of Evil .pdf – Alternative Formats

How and How Not to Love Mankind

What We Have to Lose

Roads to Serfdom

Roads to Serfdom

Then, FOR THE ARTICLE YOU CHOOSE TO WRITE ON, you will type a 1000-1500 word response in which you address EACH of the following points IN YOUR OWN WORDS: 1) What is the author’s main argument? 2) How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)? 3) Do you agree or disagree with him? 4) Why or why not? 5) Apply the insights of at least two of the readings we have studied in this course (in chapters 1-9) to your analysis. Make sure to give a substantive explanation of how the philosophers’ insights are relevant to the topic you are discussing.


UNH There Are N Firms in A Cournot Oligopoly Model Game Theory Problems Economics Assignment Help

This assignment requires the understanding of Simultaneous-Move Games: Mixed Strategies. There are four questions with this assignment. If you are interested, I will upload the remaining questions in Word document.

(due Tuesday, Oct. 20st, 2 pm)

Here’s one of the four questions.

4. Suppose there are n firms in a Cournot oligopoly model. Let qi denote the quantity produced by firm i, and let Q = q1 + q2 +…+ qn be the aggregate quantity in the market. Let P denote the market clearing price and assume that the inverse market demand is given by P(Q)=a – Q (when Q<a, else P=0). Assume that the total cost for firm i of producing quantity qi is C(qi) = cqi . That is, there are no fixed costs and the marginal cost is constant at c, where we assume c < a. Following Cournot, suppose that the firms choose their quantities simultaneously. What is the Nash equilibrium? What happens as n approaches infinity?


Cuyamaca College Advocate a Corporate Social Responsibility Position Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

You are responsible for writing and submitting a paper that advocates either the shareholder-value perspective or stakeholder-theory perspective on corporate responsibility, as discussed in the video, book, and classroom discussions. Only those sources may be used in fulfillment of the assignment—the use of any outside sources without citation (which will not be accepted) constitutes plagiarism.

Begin by clearly stating that one position is morally superior to the other, then develop a carefully structured argument to support your position. You should NOT use your very limited word count to explain the perspective to the instructor. Take for granted that your reader is an expert in your source material, and add value by convincing the reader that the perspective you have chosen is more moral than the alternative.

If you have kept up with the corporate responsibility course content, absorbing the readings, videos, and class discussions, you will be able to write the paper effectively and efficiently. If you have not, you will need to become well versed in the both corporate responsibility positions before writing (without the benefit of class discussions), which will reduce the amount of time that you have available to craft an excellent paper.

The paper must be between 275 and 300 words (absolutely no more); place your name and word count in the upper right-hand corner of your paper. As you did with your Business Ethics News Item paper, you should think in terms of writing a 350-400 word paper, and then paring it down and crafting it into a very tight, brief paper that fits into the required word range. Do not write a “short” paper and then engage in puffery. The paper must be double spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font, and attached to this assignment as a Microsoft Word document by the date and time listed in the course schedule. This time is a cutoff—you are welcome to submit the paper early. Papers that miss the cutoff will lose 25% of their points if submitted anytime in the following 24 hours, and will not be accepted after that time. Your grade will be determined based on how closely your paper matches the above requirements, along with the depth and persuasiveness of your advocacy for your position. Invest sufficient time into thinking through, drafting, and refining your paper: It accounts for 20% of your course grade.


Roads to Serfdom

Then, FOR THE ARTICLE YOU CHOOSE TO WRITE ON, you will type a 1000-1500 word response in which you address EACH of the following points IN YOUR OWN WORDS: 1) What is the author’s main argument? 2) How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)? 3) Do you agree or disagree with him? 4) Why or why not? 5) Apply the insights of at least two of the readings we have studied in this course (in chapters 1-9) to your analysis. Make sure to give a substantive explanation of how the philosophers’ insights are relevant to the topic you are discussing.


UNH There Are N Firms in A Cournot Oligopoly Model Game Theory Problems Economics Assignment Help

This assignment requires the understanding of Simultaneous-Move Games: Mixed Strategies. There are four questions with this assignment. If you are interested, I will upload the remaining questions in Word document.

(due Tuesday, Oct. 20st, 2 pm)

Here’s one of the four questions.

4. Suppose there are n firms in a Cournot oligopoly model. Let qi denote the quantity produced by firm i, and let Q = q1 + q2 +…+ qn be the aggregate quantity in the market. Let P denote the market clearing price and assume that the inverse market demand is given by P(Q)=a – Q (when Q<a, else P=0). Assume that the total cost for firm i of producing quantity qi is C(qi) = cqi . That is, there are no fixed costs and the marginal cost is constant at c, where we assume c < a. Following Cournot, suppose that the firms choose their quantities simultaneously. What is the Nash equilibrium? What happens as n approaches infinity?


Cuyamaca College Advocate a Corporate Social Responsibility Position Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

You are responsible for writing and submitting a paper that advocates either the shareholder-value perspective or stakeholder-theory perspective on corporate responsibility, as discussed in the video, book, and classroom discussions. Only those sources may be used in fulfillment of the assignment—the use of any outside sources without citation (which will not be accepted) constitutes plagiarism.

Begin by clearly stating that one position is morally superior to the other, then develop a carefully structured argument to support your position. You should NOT use your very limited word count to explain the perspective to the instructor. Take for granted that your reader is an expert in your source material, and add value by convincing the reader that the perspective you have chosen is more moral than the alternative.

If you have kept up with the corporate responsibility course content, absorbing the readings, videos, and class discussions, you will be able to write the paper effectively and efficiently. If you have not, you will need to become well versed in the both corporate responsibility positions before writing (without the benefit of class discussions), which will reduce the amount of time that you have available to craft an excellent paper.

The paper must be between 275 and 300 words (absolutely no more); place your name and word count in the upper right-hand corner of your paper. As you did with your Business Ethics News Item paper, you should think in terms of writing a 350-400 word paper, and then paring it down and crafting it into a very tight, brief paper that fits into the required word range. Do not write a “short” paper and then engage in puffery. The paper must be double spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font, and attached to this assignment as a Microsoft Word document by the date and time listed in the course schedule. This time is a cutoff—you are welcome to submit the paper early. Papers that miss the cutoff will lose 25% of their points if submitted anytime in the following 24 hours, and will not be accepted after that time. Your grade will be determined based on how closely your paper matches the above requirements, along with the depth and persuasiveness of your advocacy for your position. Invest sufficient time into thinking through, drafting, and refining your paper: It accounts for 20% of your course grade.


Roads to Serfdom

Then, FOR THE ARTICLE YOU CHOOSE TO WRITE ON, you will type a 1000-1500 word response in which you address EACH of the following points IN YOUR OWN WORDS: 1) What is the author’s main argument? 2) How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)? 3) Do you agree or disagree with him? 4) Why or why not? 5) Apply the insights of at least two of the readings we have studied in this course (in chapters 1-9) to your analysis. Make sure to give a substantive explanation of how the philosophers’ insights are relevant to the topic you are discussing.


UNH There Are N Firms in A Cournot Oligopoly Model Game Theory Problems Economics Assignment Help

This assignment requires the understanding of Simultaneous-Move Games: Mixed Strategies. There are four questions with this assignment. If you are interested, I will upload the remaining questions in Word document.

(due Tuesday, Oct. 20st, 2 pm)

Here’s one of the four questions.

4. Suppose there are n firms in a Cournot oligopoly model. Let qi denote the quantity produced by firm i, and let Q = q1 + q2 +…+ qn be the aggregate quantity in the market. Let P denote the market clearing price and assume that the inverse market demand is given by P(Q)=a – Q (when Q<a, else P=0). Assume that the total cost for firm i of producing quantity qi is C(qi) = cqi . That is, there are no fixed costs and the marginal cost is constant at c, where we assume c < a. Following Cournot, suppose that the firms choose their quantities simultaneously. What is the Nash equilibrium? What happens as n approaches infinity?


Cuyamaca College Advocate a Corporate Social Responsibility Position Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

You are responsible for writing and submitting a paper that advocates either the shareholder-value perspective or stakeholder-theory perspective on corporate responsibility, as discussed in the video, book, and classroom discussions. Only those sources may be used in fulfillment of the assignment—the use of any outside sources without citation (which will not be accepted) constitutes plagiarism.

Begin by clearly stating that one position is morally superior to the other, then develop a carefully structured argument to support your position. You should NOT use your very limited word count to explain the perspective to the instructor. Take for granted that your reader is an expert in your source material, and add value by convincing the reader that the perspective you have chosen is more moral than the alternative.

If you have kept up with the corporate responsibility course content, absorbing the readings, videos, and class discussions, you will be able to write the paper effectively and efficiently. If you have not, you will need to become well versed in the both corporate responsibility positions before writing (without the benefit of class discussions), which will reduce the amount of time that you have available to craft an excellent paper.

The paper must be between 275 and 300 words (absolutely no more); place your name and word count in the upper right-hand corner of your paper. As you did with your Business Ethics News Item paper, you should think in terms of writing a 350-400 word paper, and then paring it down and crafting it into a very tight, brief paper that fits into the required word range. Do not write a “short” paper and then engage in puffery. The paper must be double spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font, and attached to this assignment as a Microsoft Word document by the date and time listed in the course schedule. This time is a cutoff—you are welcome to submit the paper early. Papers that miss the cutoff will lose 25% of their points if submitted anytime in the following 24 hours, and will not be accepted after that time. Your grade will be determined based on how closely your paper matches the above requirements, along with the depth and persuasiveness of your advocacy for your position. Invest sufficient time into thinking through, drafting, and refining your paper: It accounts for 20% of your course grade.


Roads to Serfdom

Then, FOR THE ARTICLE YOU CHOOSE TO WRITE ON, you will type a 1000-1500 word response in which you address EACH of the following points IN YOUR OWN WORDS: 1) What is the author’s main argument? 2) How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)? 3) Do you agree or disagree with him? 4) Why or why not? 5) Apply the insights of at least two of the readings we have studied in this course (in chapters 1-9) to your analysis. Make sure to give a substantive explanation of how the philosophers’ insights are relevant to the topic you are discussing.


UNH There Are N Firms in A Cournot Oligopoly Model Game Theory Problems Economics Assignment Help

This assignment requires the understanding of Simultaneous-Move Games: Mixed Strategies. There are four questions with this assignment. If you are interested, I will upload the remaining questions in Word document.

(due Tuesday, Oct. 20st, 2 pm)

Here’s one of the four questions.

4. Suppose there are n firms in a Cournot oligopoly model. Let qi denote the quantity produced by firm i, and let Q = q1 + q2 +…+ qn be the aggregate quantity in the market. Let P denote the market clearing price and assume that the inverse market demand is given by P(Q)=a – Q (when Q<a, else P=0). Assume that the total cost for firm i of producing quantity qi is C(qi) = cqi . That is, there are no fixed costs and the marginal cost is constant at c, where we assume c < a. Following Cournot, suppose that the firms choose their quantities simultaneously. What is the Nash equilibrium? What happens as n approaches infinity?


Cuyamaca College Advocate a Corporate Social Responsibility Position Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

You are responsible for writing and submitting a paper that advocates either the shareholder-value perspective or stakeholder-theory perspective on corporate responsibility, as discussed in the video, book, and classroom discussions. Only those sources may be used in fulfillment of the assignment—the use of any outside sources without citation (which will not be accepted) constitutes plagiarism.

Begin by clearly stating that one position is morally superior to the other, then develop a carefully structured argument to support your position. You should NOT use your very limited word count to explain the perspective to the instructor. Take for granted that your reader is an expert in your source material, and add value by convincing the reader that the perspective you have chosen is more moral than the alternative.

If you have kept up with the corporate responsibility course content, absorbing the readings, videos, and class discussions, you will be able to write the paper effectively and efficiently. If you have not, you will need to become well versed in the both corporate responsibility positions before writing (without the benefit of class discussions), which will reduce the amount of time that you have available to craft an excellent paper.

The paper must be between 275 and 300 words (absolutely no more); place your name and word count in the upper right-hand corner of your paper. As you did with your Business Ethics News Item paper, you should think in terms of writing a 350-400 word paper, and then paring it down and crafting it into a very tight, brief paper that fits into the required word range. Do not write a “short” paper and then engage in puffery. The paper must be double spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font, and attached to this assignment as a Microsoft Word document by the date and time listed in the course schedule. This time is a cutoff—you are welcome to submit the paper early. Papers that miss the cutoff will lose 25% of their points if submitted anytime in the following 24 hours, and will not be accepted after that time. Your grade will be determined based on how closely your paper matches the above requirements, along with the depth and persuasiveness of your advocacy for your position. Invest sufficient time into thinking through, drafting, and refining your paper: It accounts for 20% of your course grade.


Colorado State University Sarin Chemical Agent Case Study Law Assignment Help

Colorado State University Sarin Chemical Agent Case Study Law Assignment Help

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