Colorado Technical University Applying Statistics to Business Decision Making PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

Colorado Technical University Applying Statistics to Business Decision Making PPT Business Finance Assignment Help. Colorado Technical University Applying Statistics to Business Decision Making PPT Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Deliverable Length:

5-6 slides with speaker notes (75 word minimum per slide) APA form


Big data is everywhere, and various businesses around the world are driven by big data. While some businesses rely on big data for organizational decision making, this does not mean that the implications and applications of big data are properly used to ensure optimal effectiveness for the organization

For this scenario, you have been appointed as a business analyst for Big D Incorporated, charged with providing authoritative recommendations to the Board of Directors. As the business analyst, the recommendations that you provide will be based upon data calculated from statistically appropriate formulas. Be reminded that you are not the company’s statistician yet. However, as the business analyst, you are therefore responsible for interpreting statistical data and making the appropriate recommendations.

Big D Incorporated was offered a series of business opportunities, and it is your job as the business analyst to provide expert insight and justification for recommendations regarding these potential prospects.

Assignment Details

Big D Incorporated has a business opportunity to provide two different types of information to a new client. As the business analyst, you are tasked to assess the financial feasibility of this opportunity. The new client is a retailer and looking to expand its product offerings. However, the client is requesting Big D Incorporated to assist in the decision-making process.

Prepare a presentation that addresses the following:

  • Explain the difference between nominal and ordinal data.
  • List 3 qualitative attributes of outdoor sporting goods that the client may want to ask consumers. Make sure 1 of the qualitative attributes is nominal.
  • For each ordinal attribute, assign names for the endpoints of a 5-point rating scale.
  • Explain the difference between interval and ratio data.
  • List 2 quantitative attributes of outdoor sporting goods that market researchers might want to measure.
  • Explain the difference between a population and a sample.

Colorado Technical University Applying Statistics to Business Decision Making PPT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Strayer University Strategic Value of Employee Benefits Programs Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

To attract, motivate, and retain good workers, companies need to define what an employee wants from the employment relationship. One way to define employee needs is to consider “total rewards,” which are everything an employee perceives to be of value resulting from working for the company. Benefits are a core element of total rewards and the ever-growing package of offerings have evolved. You must now work with the company to define precisely where the various programs will be categorized.

Write a six- to seven-page paper in which you do the following:

Identify and discuss at least three important variables that almost always should be considered by organizations when developing employee benefits programs. Be sure the response is specific and relevant.

Compare and contrast income protection programs and pay for time not worked programs, both of which are usual elements of benefits programs. How are the programs similar? Are they mandatory?

Research and discuss at least four to five of what may be referred as “Other Benefits” that you could recommend to the management team as necessary elements for the benefits package. Hint: Flextime and product or service discounts are good examples.

Develop an employee benefits package for any exempt or non-exempt position (you must designate which) level of your choosing, making sure you support the selection of your program elements.

oNote: The preferred method for presenting your benefits package information is using a table or exhibit.

oExamples:US Bank Benefits at a Glance and UW-Madison New Employee Benefits Summary.


Use at least five quality academic resources in this assignment, one of which must be the assigned textbook.

NOTE: You are not allowed to use non-academic websites except for those listed in the course resources list, or SHRM, ASTD, HCI, or WorldatWork. There are no exceptions to this requirement.


DAT 560 University of Phoenix Smart Parking Space App Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

This work  illustrates how data analytics can be used to create strategies for sustainable organizational success while integrating the organization’s mission with societal values. You’ll apply statistical time series modeling techniques to identify patterns and develop time-dependent demand models.?You’ll practice organizing and delivering a presentation to senior decision-makers. The PowerPoint presentation includes an audio component in addition to speaker notes.  

Data processing tools

Scenario: A city’s administration isn’t driven by the goal of maximizing revenues or profits but instead looks at improving the quality of life of its residents. Many American cities are confronted with high traffic and congestion. Finding parking spaces, whether in the street or a parking lot, can be time consuming and contribute to congestion. Some cities have rolled out data-driven parking space management to reduce congestion and make traffic more fluid. 

You’re a data analyst working for a mid-size city that has anticipated significant increments in population and car traffic. The city is evaluating whether it makes sense to invest in infrastructure to count and report the number of parking spaces available at the different parking lots downtown. This data would be collected and processed in real-time, feeding an app that motorists can access to find parking space availability in different parking lots throughout the city. 

Instructions: Work with the provided Excel database. This database has the following columns:

  • LotCode: A unique code that identifies the parking lot
  • LotCapacity: A number with the respective parking lot capacity
  • LotOccupancy: A number with the current number of cars in the parking lot
  • TimeStamp: A day/time combination indicating the moment when occupancy was measured
  • Day: The day of the week corresponding to the TimeStamp
  • Insert a new column, OccupancyRate, recording occupancy rate as a percentage with one decimal. For instance, if the current LotOccupancy is 61 and LotCapacity is 577, then the OccupancyRate would be reported as 10.6 (or 10.6%).
  • Using the OccupancyRate and Day columns, construct box plots for each day of the week. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Is the median occupancy rate approximately the same throughout the week? If not, which days have lower median occupancy rates? Which days have higher median occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?
  • Using the OccupancyRate and LotCode columns,construct box plots for each parking lot. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Do all parking lots experience approximately equal occupancy rates?Are some parking lots more frequented than others? Is this what you expected?
  • Select any 2 parking lots. For each one, prepare as catter plot showing occupancy rate against TimeStamp for the week 11/20/2016 –11/26/2016. Are occupancy rates time dependent? If so, which times seem to experience highest occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?


Your audience is the City Council members who are responsible for deciding whether the city invests in resources to set in motion the smart parking space app. 

Complete the following in your presentation: 

  • Outline the rationale and goals of the project. 
  • Utilize boxplots showing the occupancy rates for each day of the week. Include your interpretation of results.
  • Utilize box plots showing the occupancy rates for each parking lot. Include your interpretation of results.
  • Provide scatter plots showing occupancy rate against time of day of your selected four parking lots. Include your interpretation of results. 
  • Make a recommendation about continuing with the implementation of this project.


Rasmussen College Blueprint to A Negotiation Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

In this module, you learned the importance of planning prior to entering the negotiation waters. In order to stay afloat during the process, you need a strong plan of action and the ability change direction when the tide changes. Keeping with a nautical theme, your assignment will center on purchasing a boat from Captain Bob’s Boat Emporium. You spent months searching for the perfect boat and located it at Bob’s. The price of the boat is currently $25,000, which based on your research is about 15% higher than the Fair Market Value. In a few days you are meeting with Randy, a salesperson from the store.

In your paper for this week you will address the following:

  1. Compare and contrast, then select the appropriate approach that you should take for this situation: distributive versus integrative.
  2. Create a plan for negotiation in which you address the following:
    1. Define the interests of both parties
    2. Identify your limits
    3. Generate alternatives
    4. Set a target price
    5. Analyze the other party

Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.


Rasmussen College Planning for The Negotiation Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Review the scenario from the project introduction below:

Fact Pattern

Obviously, Michelle is upset and would like to negotiate a better shift. From the materials this week, we learned the importance of strategizing and planning for a negotiation. Even before she steps foot into Nikki’s office, actions need to be taken in order for the negotiation to start off on the right foot. For this part of the project you will be advising Michelle on how to plan for the negotiation with Nikki. In a 3-4 page paper (you may go longer depending on the length and level of detail in your plan), address the following:

  1. Select and support whether Michelle should take an integrative of distributive approach to the negotiation. Be sure to fully define both and argue the pros and cons of each prior to making a selection.
  2. Once an approach is selected, the next step is to formulate a plan. A solid foundation to a good negotiation involves creating an effective plan. For this section, create a plan for Michelle in which you address the following points:
    • Define the issues.
    • Assemble issues and defining the bargaining mix.
    • Define the interests of both parties
    • Define the resistance points.
    • Define Michelle’s alternatives and select a BATNA.
    • Define Michelle’s objectives (targets) and opening bids (where to start).
    • Assess constituents and the social context in which the negotiation will occur.
    • Analyze the other party.
    • Plan the issue presentation and defense.
    • Define protocol-where and when the negotiation will occur, who will be there, what the agenda will be, and so on.

In your paper, follow standard mechanics in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Provide proper APA cited research: in text and full citations.

Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.



Embry Riddle University Small Island Development Trade Challenges Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Prepare a 2-3 page case study that summarizes the Small Island Development Trade Challenges.

  • Research additional sources and comment on findings regarding the challenges presented.
  • Conclude with potential solutions to these challenges. ( aviation related)
  • Include additional research and resources to support case study.
  • Use current APA formatting. (Links to an external site.) This includes a title page, header, restatement of the title on the top line above the introductory paragraph, a reference page, and all in-text and reference citations.


A slide presentation by chief economist, Brian Pearce. Information includes air connectivity diagrams, measurement, means to an economic end, and transport investments.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (pdf)Preview the document

“This paper highlights some of the key challenges in transport and trade logistics facing SIDS and identifies areas of potential action with a view to meeting these challenges and explores potential opportunities.”

Embry Riddle University Small Island Development Trade Challenges Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

California National University Americans Socio Political Thinking Questions Humanities Assignment Help

For this question(s), please try to put aside your own political views, and look objectively at the political polarity in the United States.

Why are so many Americans polarized in their socio-political thinking? Answer each of the three parts, but be sure to do some research and give examples.

1. Both liberals and conservatives stereotype each other, and tend to believe only the opposing party is prone to extremism. What are some of the stereotype each group has about the other? Do gender, ethnic and other stereotypes factor into this?

2. What economic and socio-political events over the past couple of decades might have created this kind of absolute “black and white” thinking? Is fear a factor?

3. We are now able to see/hear only the views we want to see/hear in social media, network news, news magazines, etc. Is the separation of media sources into these camps part of what created the problem, is it a result of it, or both? Is social media also part of that problem?

Again, be sure to leave your own political opinions behind and look at the situation objectively as you can. Avoid vilifying any one party, and look at social trends overall.


Answer the 3 questions in about one page long please, thank you.


Colorado Technical University Network Security Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Before answering questions:

Network Security Plan document shell

  • Use Word
  • Title Page
    • Course number and name
    • Project name
    • Student name
    • Date
  • Table of Contents (TOC)
    • Auto generated TOC
    • Separate page
    • Maximum of 3 levels deep
    • Before submitting your project, update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date.
  • Section Headings (Create each heading on a new page with TBD as the content, except for sections listed under New Content).
    • Project Outline
    • Overview of Network and Existing Security
    • Risk Assessment
    • Security Architecture Plan
    • Security Policies
    • Incident Response
    • Implementation Plan

——————————-XX XX———————————————————————————————————


Provide an overview of the existing network architecture, including the following:

  • Description of the network
  • The topology
  • Protocols allowed
  • Connectivity methods
  • Network equipment
  • Number of routers, switches, and any other network equipment, such as VPN concentrators, proxies, etc.
  • A summary of the current security devices in use on the network
    • List the type of device, the vendor, and provide a brief description of how the device is used


AUMC The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walkers Everyday Use Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The process of characterization is that which every author uses to make, build, or create a character. In most cases this process is carried out in three ways: 1) the author has the character say things that tell us what kind of person he or she is, 2) the author has the character do things that reveal what sort of person we are reading about (or hearing, or seeing), and 3) the author also often has other people reveal things about the character (the closer to the person another character is the better—more reliable—is the information).

First, use the following title: (but put nothing in bold–I use bold here only for emphasis)

The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” 

           Your thesis—the final sentence in your first paragraph—must be something like the following: 

In “Everyday Use,” Dee is characterized by what she does, what she says, and what others say about her.


In Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” Dee is characterized by what she does, what she says, and what others say about her.

           Your next three topic sentences—the first sentence in each of the next three paragraphs must be—(1) Dee is characterized by what she does.  (2) Dee is further characterized by what she says.  (3) Dee is also characterized by what others say about her.  These must be the opening sentences of paragraphs two through four.

           Your final paragraph—a conclusion—must begin with (one of the following) In conclusion, Finally, or In summary, or even another equally conspicuous and emphatic transition to a concluding statement/paragraph.

           Clearly, what you have to do is fill in your paragraphs with the appropriate materials. In paragraph one you should introduce your topic in a general way, concluding with an explicit thesis. Your body, the three interior paragraphs, must provide adequate “proof” through particular instances—explicitly quoted from the text—that substantiate the assertion of the topic sentence. You must include explicit things the person says and does, as well as important things others say about the person in order to satisfy these requirements. Your conclusion must conclude. In other words, you must give no further support—the province of the interior paragraphs—the body of the essay. You must pull things together, remind the reader what you have attempted to do, and be certain to revisit the key words in your thesis—and title as well—(here at least—your character’s name and the word characterization).

           If this essay seems fundamental, of course it is. The task  is to remind you of the old standard five-paragraph essay format: tell them what you are going to tell them—tell them—then tell them what you told them. 


Nova Southeastern University Decision Making in Problem Solving Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

apa format

apa citations and in-text citations

2 pages

  1. The first step in the decision making/problem solving process is to identify the problem. (We cannot solve a problem unless we know what the problem is!) The second step involves consideration of all the alternatives to the problem. In this step, we weigh the advantages and disadvantages to each possible solution or decision.Consider a decision that you must make in the near future or a decision that you recently made. What criteria did you use or will you use to weigh the alternatives?
  2. Define the term “root cause.” Why is it important to determine the root cause of any problem?
  3. Groupthink is a term that we all need to add to our working vocabulary. Groupthink occurs when a group of decision makers focus more on just reaching a decision than on making the right decision. It is the “any decision is better than no decision” mentality. Identify and explain one strategy for overcoming groupthink.
  4. Groupshift is another phenomenon in group decision making. Define the term groupshift. In your opinion, is groupshift a positive action or negative action?
  5. Why should we collect input from employees before we make a decision?
  6. Identify and explain one reason why a change plan might fail.
  7. Explain why it is important to any change plan to monitor progress and to celebrate success.

[supanova_question] This includes a title page, header, restatement of the title on the top line above the introductory paragraph, a reference page, and all in-text and reference citations.


A slide presentation by chief economist, Brian Pearce. Information includes air connectivity diagrams, measurement, means to an economic end, and transport investments.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (pdf)Preview the document

“This paper highlights some of the key challenges in transport and trade logistics facing SIDS and identifies areas of potential action with a view to meeting these challenges and explores potential opportunities.”

Embry Riddle University Small Island Development Trade Challenges Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

California National University Americans Socio Political Thinking Questions Humanities Assignment Help

For this question(s), please try to put aside your own political views, and look objectively at the political polarity in the United States.

Why are so many Americans polarized in their socio-political thinking? Answer each of the three parts, but be sure to do some research and give examples.

1. Both liberals and conservatives stereotype each other, and tend to believe only the opposing party is prone to extremism. What are some of the stereotype each group has about the other? Do gender, ethnic and other stereotypes factor into this?

2. What economic and socio-political events over the past couple of decades might have created this kind of absolute “black and white” thinking? Is fear a factor?

3. We are now able to see/hear only the views we want to see/hear in social media, network news, news magazines, etc. Is the separation of media sources into these camps part of what created the problem, is it a result of it, or both? Is social media also part of that problem?

Again, be sure to leave your own political opinions behind and look at the situation objectively as you can. Avoid vilifying any one party, and look at social trends overall.


Answer the 3 questions in about one page long please, thank you.


Colorado Technical University Network Security Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Before answering questions:

Network Security Plan document shell

  • Use Word
  • Title Page
    • Course number and name
    • Project name
    • Student name
    • Date
  • Table of Contents (TOC)
    • Auto generated TOC
    • Separate page
    • Maximum of 3 levels deep
    • Before submitting your project, update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date.
  • Section Headings (Create each heading on a new page with TBD as the content, except for sections listed under New Content).
    • Project Outline
    • Overview of Network and Existing Security
    • Risk Assessment
    • Security Architecture Plan
    • Security Policies
    • Incident Response
    • Implementation Plan

——————————-XX XX———————————————————————————————————


Provide an overview of the existing network architecture, including the following:

  • Description of the network
  • The topology
  • Protocols allowed
  • Connectivity methods
  • Network equipment
  • Number of routers, switches, and any other network equipment, such as VPN concentrators, proxies, etc.
  • A summary of the current security devices in use on the network
    • List the type of device, the vendor, and provide a brief description of how the device is used


AUMC The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walkers Everyday Use Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The process of characterization is that which every author uses to make, build, or create a character. In most cases this process is carried out in three ways: 1) the author has the character say things that tell us what kind of person he or she is, 2) the author has the character do things that reveal what sort of person we are reading about (or hearing, or seeing), and 3) the author also often has other people reveal things about the character (the closer to the person another character is the better—more reliable—is the information).

First, use the following title: (but put nothing in bold–I use bold here only for emphasis)

The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” 

           Your thesis—the final sentence in your first paragraph—must be something like the following: 

In “Everyday Use,” Dee is characterized by what she does, what she says, and what others say about her.


In Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” Dee is characterized by what she does, what she says, and what others say about her.

           Your next three topic sentences—the first sentence in each of the next three paragraphs must be—(1) Dee is characterized by what she does.  (2) Dee is further characterized by what she says.  (3) Dee is also characterized by what others say about her.  These must be the opening sentences of paragraphs two through four.

           Your final paragraph—a conclusion—must begin with (one of the following) In conclusion, Finally, or In summary, or even another equally conspicuous and emphatic transition to a concluding statement/paragraph.

           Clearly, what you have to do is fill in your paragraphs with the appropriate materials. In paragraph one you should introduce your topic in a general way, concluding with an explicit thesis. Your body, the three interior paragraphs, must provide adequate “proof” through particular instances—explicitly quoted from the text—that substantiate the assertion of the topic sentence. You must include explicit things the person says and does, as well as important things others say about the person in order to satisfy these requirements. Your conclusion must conclude. In other words, you must give no further support—the province of the interior paragraphs—the body of the essay. You must pull things together, remind the reader what you have attempted to do, and be certain to revisit the key words in your thesis—and title as well—(here at least—your character’s name and the word characterization).

           If this essay seems fundamental, of course it is. The task  is to remind you of the old standard five-paragraph essay format: tell them what you are going to tell them—tell them—then tell them what you told them. 


Nova Southeastern University Decision Making in Problem Solving Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

apa format

apa citations and in-text citations

2 pages

  1. The first step in the decision making/problem solving process is to identify the problem. (We cannot solve a problem unless we know what the problem is!) The second step involves consideration of all the alternatives to the problem. In this step, we weigh the advantages and disadvantages to each possible solution or decision.Consider a decision that you must make in the near future or a decision that you recently made. What criteria did you use or will you use to weigh the alternatives?
  2. Define the term “root cause.” Why is it important to determine the root cause of any problem?
  3. Groupthink is a term that we all need to add to our working vocabulary. Groupthink occurs when a group of decision makers focus more on just reaching a decision than on making the right decision. It is the “any decision is better than no decision” mentality. Identify and explain one strategy for overcoming groupthink.
  4. Groupshift is another phenomenon in group decision making. Define the term groupshift. In your opinion, is groupshift a positive action or negative action?
  5. Why should we collect input from employees before we make a decision?
  6. Identify and explain one reason why a change plan might fail.
  7. Explain why it is important to any change plan to monitor progress and to celebrate success.

[supanova_question] This includes a title page, header, restatement of the title on the top line above the introductory paragraph, a reference page, and all in-text and reference citations.


A slide presentation by chief economist, Brian Pearce. Information includes air connectivity diagrams, measurement, means to an economic end, and transport investments.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (pdf)Preview the document

“This paper highlights some of the key challenges in transport and trade logistics facing SIDS and identifies areas of potential action with a view to meeting these challenges and explores potential opportunities.”

Embry Riddle University Small Island Development Trade Challenges Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

California National University Americans Socio Political Thinking Questions Humanities Assignment Help

For this question(s), please try to put aside your own political views, and look objectively at the political polarity in the United States.

Why are so many Americans polarized in their socio-political thinking? Answer each of the three parts, but be sure to do some research and give examples.

1. Both liberals and conservatives stereotype each other, and tend to believe only the opposing party is prone to extremism. What are some of the stereotype each group has about the other? Do gender, ethnic and other stereotypes factor into this?

2. What economic and socio-political events over the past couple of decades might have created this kind of absolute “black and white” thinking? Is fear a factor?

3. We are now able to see/hear only the views we want to see/hear in social media, network news, news magazines, etc. Is the separation of media sources into these camps part of what created the problem, is it a result of it, or both? Is social media also part of that problem?

Again, be sure to leave your own political opinions behind and look at the situation objectively as you can. Avoid vilifying any one party, and look at social trends overall.


Answer the 3 questions in about one page long please, thank you.


Colorado Technical University Network Security Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Before answering questions:

Network Security Plan document shell

  • Use Word
  • Title Page
    • Course number and name
    • Project name
    • Student name
    • Date
  • Table of Contents (TOC)
    • Auto generated TOC
    • Separate page
    • Maximum of 3 levels deep
    • Before submitting your project, update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date.
  • Section Headings (Create each heading on a new page with TBD as the content, except for sections listed under New Content).
    • Project Outline
    • Overview of Network and Existing Security
    • Risk Assessment
    • Security Architecture Plan
    • Security Policies
    • Incident Response
    • Implementation Plan

——————————-XX XX———————————————————————————————————


Provide an overview of the existing network architecture, including the following:

  • Description of the network
  • The topology
  • Protocols allowed
  • Connectivity methods
  • Network equipment
  • Number of routers, switches, and any other network equipment, such as VPN concentrators, proxies, etc.
  • A summary of the current security devices in use on the network
    • List the type of device, the vendor, and provide a brief description of how the device is used


AUMC The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walkers Everyday Use Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The process of characterization is that which every author uses to make, build, or create a character. In most cases this process is carried out in three ways: 1) the author has the character say things that tell us what kind of person he or she is, 2) the author has the character do things that reveal what sort of person we are reading about (or hearing, or seeing), and 3) the author also often has other people reveal things about the character (the closer to the person another character is the better—more reliable—is the information).

First, use the following title: (but put nothing in bold–I use bold here only for emphasis)

The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” 

           Your thesis—the final sentence in your first paragraph—must be something like the following: 

In “Everyday Use,” Dee is characterized by what she does, what she says, and what others say about her.


In Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” Dee is characterized by what she does, what she says, and what others say about her.

           Your next three topic sentences—the first sentence in each of the next three paragraphs must be—(1) Dee is characterized by what she does.  (2) Dee is further characterized by what she says.  (3) Dee is also characterized by what others say about her.  These must be the opening sentences of paragraphs two through four.

           Your final paragraph—a conclusion—must begin with (one of the following) In conclusion, Finally, or In summary, or even another equally conspicuous and emphatic transition to a concluding statement/paragraph.

           Clearly, what you have to do is fill in your paragraphs with the appropriate materials. In paragraph one you should introduce your topic in a general way, concluding with an explicit thesis. Your body, the three interior paragraphs, must provide adequate “proof” through particular instances—explicitly quoted from the text—that substantiate the assertion of the topic sentence. You must include explicit things the person says and does, as well as important things others say about the person in order to satisfy these requirements. Your conclusion must conclude. In other words, you must give no further support—the province of the interior paragraphs—the body of the essay. You must pull things together, remind the reader what you have attempted to do, and be certain to revisit the key words in your thesis—and title as well—(here at least—your character’s name and the word characterization).

           If this essay seems fundamental, of course it is. The task  is to remind you of the old standard five-paragraph essay format: tell them what you are going to tell them—tell them—then tell them what you told them. 


Nova Southeastern University Decision Making in Problem Solving Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

apa format

apa citations and in-text citations

2 pages

  1. The first step in the decision making/problem solving process is to identify the problem. (We cannot solve a problem unless we know what the problem is!) The second step involves consideration of all the alternatives to the problem. In this step, we weigh the advantages and disadvantages to each possible solution or decision.Consider a decision that you must make in the near future or a decision that you recently made. What criteria did you use or will you use to weigh the alternatives?
  2. Define the term “root cause.” Why is it important to determine the root cause of any problem?
  3. Groupthink is a term that we all need to add to our working vocabulary. Groupthink occurs when a group of decision makers focus more on just reaching a decision than on making the right decision. It is the “any decision is better than no decision” mentality. Identify and explain one strategy for overcoming groupthink.
  4. Groupshift is another phenomenon in group decision making. Define the term groupshift. In your opinion, is groupshift a positive action or negative action?
  5. Why should we collect input from employees before we make a decision?
  6. Identify and explain one reason why a change plan might fail.
  7. Explain why it is important to any change plan to monitor progress and to celebrate success.

[supanova_question] This includes a title page, header, restatement of the title on the top line above the introductory paragraph, a reference page, and all in-text and reference citations.


A slide presentation by chief economist, Brian Pearce. Information includes air connectivity diagrams, measurement, means to an economic end, and transport investments.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (pdf)Preview the document

“This paper highlights some of the key challenges in transport and trade logistics facing SIDS and identifies areas of potential action with a view to meeting these challenges and explores potential opportunities.”

Embry Riddle University Small Island Development Trade Challenges Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

California National University Americans Socio Political Thinking Questions Humanities Assignment Help

For this question(s), please try to put aside your own political views, and look objectively at the political polarity in the United States.

Why are so many Americans polarized in their socio-political thinking? Answer each of the three parts, but be sure to do some research and give examples.

1. Both liberals and conservatives stereotype each other, and tend to believe only the opposing party is prone to extremism. What are some of the stereotype each group has about the other? Do gender, ethnic and other stereotypes factor into this?

2. What economic and socio-political events over the past couple of decades might have created this kind of absolute “black and white” thinking? Is fear a factor?

3. We are now able to see/hear only the views we want to see/hear in social media, network news, news magazines, etc. Is the separation of media sources into these camps part of what created the problem, is it a result of it, or both? Is social media also part of that problem?

Again, be sure to leave your own political opinions behind and look at the situation objectively as you can. Avoid vilifying any one party, and look at social trends overall.


Answer the 3 questions in about one page long please, thank you.


Colorado Technical University Network Security Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Before answering questions:

Network Security Plan document shell

  • Use Word
  • Title Page
    • Course number and name
    • Project name
    • Student name
    • Date
  • Table of Contents (TOC)
    • Auto generated TOC
    • Separate page
    • Maximum of 3 levels deep
    • Before submitting your project, update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date.
  • Section Headings (Create each heading on a new page with TBD as the content, except for sections listed under New Content).
    • Project Outline
    • Overview of Network and Existing Security
    • Risk Assessment
    • Security Architecture Plan
    • Security Policies
    • Incident Response
    • Implementation Plan

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Provide an overview of the existing network architecture, including the following:

  • Description of the network
  • The topology
  • Protocols allowed
  • Connectivity methods
  • Network equipment
  • Number of routers, switches, and any other network equipment, such as VPN concentrators, proxies, etc.
  • A summary of the current security devices in use on the network
    • List the type of device, the vendor, and provide a brief description of how the device is used


AUMC The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walkers Everyday Use Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The process of characterization is that which every author uses to make, build, or create a character. In most cases this process is carried out in three ways: 1) the author has the character say things that tell us what kind of person he or she is, 2) the author has the character do things that reveal what sort of person we are reading about (or hearing, or seeing), and 3) the author also often has other people reveal things about the character (the closer to the person another character is the better—more reliable—is the information).

First, use the following title: (but put nothing in bold–I use bold here only for emphasis)

The Characterization of Dee in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” 

           Your thesis—the final sentence in your first paragraph—must be something like the following: 

In “Everyday Use,” Dee is characterized by what she does, what she says, and what others say about her.


In Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” Dee is characterized by what she does, what she says, and what others say about her.

           Your next three topic sentences—the first sentence in each of the next three paragraphs must be—(1) Dee is characterized by what she does.  (2) Dee is further characterized by what she says.  (3) Dee is also characterized by what others say about her.  These must be the opening sentences of paragraphs two through four.

           Your final paragraph—a conclusion—must begin with (one of the following) In conclusion, Finally, or In summary, or even another equally conspicuous and emphatic transition to a concluding statement/paragraph.

           Clearly, what you have to do is fill in your paragraphs with the appropriate materials. In paragraph one you should introduce your topic in a general way, concluding with an explicit thesis. Your body, the three interior paragraphs, must provide adequate “proof” through particular instances—explicitly quoted from the text—that substantiate the assertion of the topic sentence. You must include explicit things the person says and does, as well as important things others say about the person in order to satisfy these requirements. Your conclusion must conclude. In other words, you must give no further support—the province of the interior paragraphs—the body of the essay. You must pull things together, remind the reader what you have attempted to do, and be certain to revisit the key words in your thesis—and title as well—(here at least—your character’s name and the word characterization).

           If this essay seems fundamental, of course it is. The task  is to remind you of the old standard five-paragraph essay format: tell them what you are going to tell them—tell them—then tell them what you told them. 


Nova Southeastern University Decision Making in Problem Solving Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

apa format

apa citations and in-text citations

2 pages

  1. The first step in the decision making/problem solving process is to identify the problem. (We cannot solve a problem unless we know what the problem is!) The second step involves consideration of all the alternatives to the problem. In this step, we weigh the advantages and disadvantages to each possible solution or decision.Consider a decision that you must make in the near future or a decision that you recently made. What criteria did you use or will you use to weigh the alternatives?
  2. Define the term “root cause.” Why is it important to determine the root cause of any problem?
  3. Groupthink is a term that we all need to add to our working vocabulary. Groupthink occurs when a group of decision makers focus more on just reaching a decision than on making the right decision. It is the “any decision is better than no decision” mentality. Identify and explain one strategy for overcoming groupthink.
  4. Groupshift is another phenomenon in group decision making. Define the term groupshift. In your opinion, is groupshift a positive action or negative action?
  5. Why should we collect input from employees before we make a decision?
  6. Identify and explain one reason why a change plan might fail.
  7. Explain why it is important to any change plan to monitor progress and to celebrate success.


Colorado Technical University Applying Statistics to Business Decision Making PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

Colorado Technical University Applying Statistics to Business Decision Making PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

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