Colorado Technical University Online Health Information Systems Essay Science Assignment Help

Colorado Technical University Online Health Information Systems Essay Science Assignment Help. Colorado Technical University Online Health Information Systems Essay Science Assignment Help.

I’m working on a science question and need support to help me study.
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Type: Individual Project

Unit:  Health Information Systems, Standards, Policy, and Information Governance

Due Date:  Wed,5/26/21

Grading Type:  Numeric

Points Possible:  100

Points Earned: Points Earnednot available

Deliverable Length:  3-4 pages

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Assignment Description

Write a paper of 3-4 pages, not including the title page and reference page, that addresses the following:

As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, complete the following:

  • Discuss how you would go about implementing a health information technology (HIT) strategic plan for data security, privacy, and quality management for your organization.
  • Discuss why the steering committee is very important for the success of the HIT strategic plan, and explain who should be included on the steering committee and why.
  • There are seven major elements that must be included in a strategic plan for it to be successful. Discuss how you would incorporate three of the seven elements if you were to develop a plan, and discuss which departments would be included on the steering committee and why.

    • For example, if reducing medical errors is a major priority for the organization, then this goal must be reflected in the priorities for the HIT development, paying attention to medical records, clinical protocols, and clinical decision support systems (CDSS).

Elements of a strategic plan include the following:

  • Statement of corporate goals and objectives
  • Statement of HIT goals and objectives
  • Priorities for the application portfolio
  • Specifications of overall HIT architecture and infrastructure
  • Software development plan
  • HIT management and staffing
  • Statement of resource requirement

Please submit your assignment.

Colorado Technical University Online Health Information Systems Essay Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

COMM 419002 Towson University Coca Cola Effective Laissez Faire Style Question Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Write 11 page ethnography, follow directions given, will tip if all requirments are met. Example of ethography in file below. Choose any organization and just make data up.

Procedure: You are a storyteller! An academic storyteller is called an ethnographer. It is a person who studies and tells the stories of specific cultures. You are to research an organization’s culture through the use of participant observation and interviews. You will gather data both passively and actively. You will gather their stories and help explain the meaning and importance of those stories through a written report. Businesses use these reports to target their customers, develop action plans, and to improve organizational cultures.


  • In his original book Organizational Culture and Leadership (1985), Edgar Schein outlined a model of organizational culture that articulates three interrelated levels of culture: its artifacts and creations, its values, and its basic assumptions.


For details go to:


A. Artifacts and creations, consists of the tangible, physical, or hearable things in the environment of the organization.


1. Researchers often begin their study of an organization’s culture by familiarizing themselves with its artifacts.


2. Although artifacts and creations are observable elements of organizational culture, they should not be confused with the culture itself.


B. Schein (1985) defined values as an individual’s or group’s “sense of what ‘ought’


to be, as distinct from what is.”


1. Values are inherently intangible, cognitive constructions, but many are expressly articulated or codified by the organizational




2. Organizational members (particularly leaders) may articulate a value that contradicts the artifacts and behaviors.


C. Basic assumptions represent the essence of culture for Schein.


1. Members holding the basic assumptions find behavior that deviates from them to be incomprehensible.


2. Schein put forward five basic assumptions around which organizational cultures may form.


a. Humanity’s relationship to nature.


b. The nature of reality and truth.


c. The nature of human nature.


d. The nature of human activity.


e. The nature of human relationships.


D. Schein’s model offers a useful means for both the researcher and the organizational member to comprehend the culture of an organization and provides a tool for digging into the deep layers of organizational culture so that one does not mistake surface elements for the heart of the culture.


Goal: To conduct a QUALITATIVE ethnographic study exploring an organizational setting using a model/theory of organizational culture as a method of analysis.


Outcome: A 10-15 page typed paper (not including the cover page, abstract page, references, or appendixes) is required. APA formatted (this includes citations, cover pages, abstract, headings, subheadings, organization, appendixes, and references). Sample APA paper is available at :


  • You must incorporate a minimum of 20 sources. More sources are always welcome. These sources will focus on your theoretical model, the concept of organizational culture, other organizational culture studies and your actual organization.


There are many ways of writing an ethnography. However, there are several factors that must be addressed to make sure your readers understand what you studied and why you studied it. You are writing an OBJECTIVE ETHNOGRAPHY. The following format and questions are meant to GUIDE you.


****** NO first person or the use of our class textbook shall be used in this paper


The general organizational pattern is: See sample paper format at:




  • Cover page
  • Body includes (estimated pages)
  • Reference pages
  • Appendixes


  • Introduction 1/2 page


  • Literature Review 1 page


  • Methodology/Method Section ½-1 page


  • Analysis Section 2-4 pages


  • Conclusion 1/2


SPECIFIC CONTENT: Follow these steps and the paper will write itself.


  • Introduction (about 1 page – see sample below)


  • This is a set-up for the study.
  • It should offer an explanation/brief history of the organization/people you are studying use sources to establish credibility for the people or organization.
  • It should discuss the goals of the study. Why is it important to study this group and this organization?
  • This section offers a clear thesis/preview outlining the organizational structure/parts of the paper.


  • Literature Review (about 1 pages) (Use the two articles you read in this section “Icecream” and “Beer Guys”)


  • According to Taylor and Proctor (2005) “a literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers. In writing the literature review, your purpose is to convey to your reader what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic, and what their strengths and weaknesses are. As a piece of writing, the literature review must be defined by a guiding concept (e.g., your research objective, the problem or issue you are discussing, or your argumentative thesis). It is not just a descriptive list of the materials available, or a set of summaries” (para. 1).
  • A literature review must prove there is a need for your study. It does so by including these things:
  • Paragraph one:Use 3+ sources to tell me why it is important to study organizational culture.
  • Paragraph two:Use 3+ sources to tell me about Edgar Schein’s model of culture.What is it and how has it been used before by other researchers?
  • Paragraph three: Use 1-2 sources to tell me how your topic (CSR or Diversity) and organization should be studied from a cultural perspective using Schein’s model and the research question.
  • What research question are you using?
    • How is the concept of diversity integrated into the everyday functioning of X organization by management and/or employees?
    • How has X organization communicated caring and concern to employees during the Covid 19 pandemic?




  • Methodology (about 1/2 page1 long paragraph)


  • How do you fit into the picture? What do you bring to the study? What are your goals? What are your experiences. How are you bracketing your biases?


  • Analysis of data (3 +-pages)


  • Provide an internal preview explaining how Schein’s theory will be used as a framework to guide the discussion below. This part of your paper is organized by artifacts, values, and basic assumptions.


  • This will be the long part of your paper. Here you present your findings, engage in thick description, analyze/interpret the data you collected by applying your model. Go through your research, find out if there is any pattern, major points that come up again and again, discrepancies that are important to note. Make sure you explain why you chose the information you are presenting and why you leave out other aspects that you also explored but are not telling us about. You are describing the culture.
  • Similar to any other paper, you need to support and develop your main points by using specific examples(interviews) from your data collection. You can structure your study around


  • Thematic units (Artifacts, Values, and Assumptions)
  • Distinct cultural practices within the group you studied
  • Creating an argument means:


  • Claim X is a great place to work because of its training program
  • Support
  • Analysis
  • Conclusion


  • Employee face book pages say this………
  • My interviewee says so too
  • Newspaper articles say the same thing


  • All evidence points to this organization having an effective training program.


  • Repeat and answer your research question
  • Link it back to the literature review. How are the ideas of others linked to your research?


  • Strengths and weaknesses of your study.What would you do differently next time?


  • References (APA)


  • Appendix


  • This will include your observation log and any extraneous information


  • It must be typed or scanned into the paper.




  • Use the CRAAP test with judging source citations. Using any sources such as textbooks, Wikipedia, and in a formal research paper is a bad idea.
  • You must use published research describing your theory/model Anytime your theory/model is mentioned there must be a citation from the original author of the theory/model.


  • The research question must appear at the end of the literature review. The literature review should progress towards this –question logically and with transitions. It should be clear that there is a need for your study.
  • The analysis must apply and utilize a communication model/theory
  • The conclusion must answer the research question and be supported by the analysis


T0 Get You Started (Sample intro):


The Organizational Culture of Trader Joes




It all started in 1967. When Trader Joe himself, Joe Coulombe, took a small chain convenient store and made it into the well-known, family-friendly super market known as Trader Joes (Traderjoes, 2018, p. 1). All of Trader Joes employees seem to share the same belief that value is important. According to the company’s website, value is “great everyday prices on all our great products — no sales, no gimmicks, no clubs to join, no special cards to swipe.” (Traderjoes, 2018, p. 2). Trader Joes lives up to their mission because they keep their prices low while still delivering great tasting food. The company can do this because their products are under the “Trader Joe” name, and they “buy direct from the supplier whenever possible, bargaining for the best prices” (Traderjoes, 2018). After interviewing with multiple Trader Joes managers and employees from different Trader Joes in Maryland; it is evident that they truly value their customers and want to serve them the best food at the best prices. Trader Joes doesn’t want people to have a specific look, they embrace individuality and uniqueness. Rather, they want their employees to have specific character traits which include: outgoingness, selflessness, and the propensity to want to serve others (Mission, 2018, p. 3) .


The goal of this study is to find out if community is co-created through the organizational culture of employees at Trader Joes. This will first be done through the literature review which is going to explore the importance of organizational culture through the use of Edgar Schein’s (1985) model of culture. Second, qualitative research will be conducted from Trader Joes management and employees through researching Trader Joe’s social media pages and seeing what employees and customers are saying about the company as well as conducting interviews of management and employees from different Trader Joes in Maryland.Third, Schein’s 3 step model will be applied to the data.Finally, a conclusion will offer analysis and links between the findings and past research.


Cal Poly Pomona University Hilton Hotel and MarketWatch Investing Stock Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a rocket science multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.

(18 points) Although the analyst ratings are available on the Yahoo Finance website, your mentor wants you to examine an alternative resource. Your mentor asks you to review the “MarketWatch Investing Overview Stock” information for your chosen company and compare the results to “MarketWatch Investing Overview Stock” information” to Marriott and Darden. Please discuss Darden, Marriott, and your chosen company.

(6 points) Darden Restaurants Inc. – Stock Symbol DRI traded on the NYSE

MarketWatch Investing Overview Stock information

(2 points) What date did you visit this web page? (1 point plus 1 point for the two links- please make sure to include the required Investing Overview link and the Analyst Estimates link)

(2 points) Based on the information on the Analysts Estimates page –…

What was the Current rating shown on the Analyst Estimates page (Buy, Overweight, Hold, Underweight, or Sell)?…

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Underweight…

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Overweight

You may also want to watch the following short 90 second video

As a reminder, you are using the definition of overweight or underweight as it pertains to individual stocks.

Based on your research thus far, do you agree or disagree with the Analysts Estimates rating by the MarketWatch approach?

(2 points Why or Why not? – In 50 to 80 words, please provide two reasons for why you agree or disagree with the Investing Overview and the Analyst Estimates stock rating for Darden Restaurants Inc. provided by MarketWatch – in three to five sentences.

(6 points) Marriott International Inc. – Stock Symbol MAR traded on the Nasdaq

MarketWatch Investing Overview Stock information

(2 points) What date did you visit this web page? (1 point plus 1 point for the two links- please make sure to include the required Investing Overview link and the Analyst Estimates link)

(2 points) Based on the information on the Analysts Estimates page –…

What was the Current rating shown on the Analyst Estimates page (Buy, Overweight, Hold, Underweight, or Sell)?

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Underweight…

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Overweight

You may also want to watch the following short 90 second video

As a reminder, you are using the definition of overweight or underweight as it pertains to individual stocks.

Based on your research thus far, do you agree or disagree with the Analysts Estimates rating by the MarketWatch approach?

(2 points) Why or Why not? – In 50 to 80 words, please provide two reasons for why you agree or disagree with the Investing Overview and the Analyst Estimates stock rating for Marriott International Inc. provided by MarketWatch – in three to five sentences.

(6 points) Your Company. – Stock Symbol ____ traded on the ____

MarketWatch Investing Overview Stock information – link for Your Company

(2 points) What date did you visit this web page? What date did you visit this web page? (1 point plus 1 point for the two links- required Investing Overview link and the Analyst Estimates link)

(2 points) Based on the information on the Analysts Estimates page – – Analyst Estimates for Your Company

What was the Current rating shown on the Analyst Estimates page (Buy, Overweight, Hold, Underweight, or Sell)?

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Underweight…

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Overweight

You may also want to watch the following short 90 second video

As a reminder, you are using the definition of overweight or underweight as it pertains to individual stocks.

Based on your research thus far, do you agree or disagree with the Analysts Estimates rating by the MarketWatch approach?

(2 points) Why or Why not? – In 50 to 80 words, please provide two reasons for why you agree or disagree with the Investing Overview and the Analyst Estimates stock rating for Your Company provided by MarketWatch – in three to five


Colorado Technical University Wk 3 Information in Healthcare Systems Project Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a science question and need support to help me study.

Individual Project

Health Information Systems Technology and Applications




Points Earnednot available

6-8 slides

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Assignment Details

Assignment Description

As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, you realize the need for seamless integration among all operating systems of the departments within the health care organization (HCO). Discuss the importance electronic health record (EHR) conceptual framework integration and achieving interoperability.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the stakeholders of the different departments that expresses the importance of the interoperability of all computing systems within the health care organization. In this presentation, you should address the ramifications of the lack of integration of the information systems among the departments.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.


Differentiating Learning Environment Report Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english report and need support to help me study.

The topic is “Differentiating Learning Environment”. The paper should be 4 pages with at least 5 sources and edited in APA 7th editition.


Teach about (differentiate) online classrooms, blended classrooms, and flipped classrooms.

– For each type of online classroom discuss the following:

– Person credited for developing the classroom

– the history of… how did this type of classroom come into fruition

– learning theory classroom is based upon define the classroom… describe how it is structed

– pros and cons of each classroom

– how to assess the success or failure of the classroom type



University of California Behavior Change and Communication Literature Review Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications Essay and need guidance to help me learn.

Literature Review: Summary of theoretical/scholarly literature reviewed for the case (at least 5 sources cited)

The communication campaign that I analyze:

#breakfreefromplastic Movement. 2016.
The #breakfreefromplastic movement was launched in 2016. The global movement envisions a future that is free from plastic pollution. The members share common goals and values of social justice and environmental protection by tackling plastic pollution from extraction to disposal (across the plastics value chain). It focuses more on prevention than cure. The movement’s principles include reducing waste, sustainable lifestyles, responsible material lifecycle, and responsible production, among many.

The whole paper instruction: The purpose of this paper is to link theoretical/scholarly material about behavior change and communication to a “real world” campaign. You will select a campaign of interest to you that used a media channel to reach it’s intended audience. This could include traditional news outlets, the blogosphere, various social media outlets, or some combination of these channels. You will then critique and analyze the case from the theoretical frameworks and perspectives in the scholarly literature you have chosen. Your case study should conclude with a summary of lessons learned from the case and/or any recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used behavior change theory more strategically to realize more favorable outcomes.

Please write the literature review section with at least 5 sources related to my topic.

University of California Behavior Change and Communication Literature Review Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Colorado Technical University Online Week 4 Electronic Health Records Project Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a science question and need support to help me study.

Individual Project

HIT Systems Planning/Information Requirements




Points Earnednot available

3-4 pages

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Assignment Details

Assignment Description

As the manager of CTU Health Care Systems, you have done your research on three vendors to which you would like to outsource the implementation of the electronic health records (EHRs) for the clinics. As the manager, you have a number of critical decisions regarding the electronic medical record systems. At first, you thought you could either implement the existing EHR system at the other acute care organization or implement an entirely new EHR in both facilities.

You met with your staff, and after researching several companies that offered both products and services, you have solicited request for proposals (RFPs) from the following three companies:

  • ABC Systems Consulting, the leading company in health care systems integration services, refused to bid on the systems integration required for bringing the current EHR system into the other organization. This was because of the risks and time requirements for designing, implementing, and testing the large number of interfaces required and the required time line for the completion of the project as identified by the client.
  • XYZ EHR Systems proposed that its new, recently redeveloped EHR be implemented in both facilities, which included a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) module, standardized drug interaction alert functionality, and customizable clinical alert functionality. It estimated that the merged entity would get a much better price than $50 million for purchasing this new system. Unfortunately, XYZ was unable to provide evidence of successful installation of its recently redeveloped EHR system at a similarly large delivery network or anywhere.
  • QRS EHR Systems, a leading provider of EHR systems for large acute care facilities, proposed that its EHR be installed in both acute care organizations with a $50–60 million price tag. QRS included a CPOE module, standardized drug interaction alert functionality, as well as evidence-based clinical alert functionality. QRS also had a physician office EHR system with an embedded patient registration system; however, QRS has had minimal experience with integrating the physician office registration system with the acute care (hospital) registration system—an integration feature that was a priority for this project based on the client’s information technology (IT) strategic plan.

The stakes surrounding your recommendation to the chief information officer (CIO) and chief executive officer (CEO) could not be higher in terms of dollars and your career.

Discuss the following in your paper of 3-4 pages, not including title page and reference page:

  • What pieces of information are the most critical for your decision on selecting the right vendor?
  • What other options, if any, do you have?
  • What are the critical success factors in the case?
  • What are your recommendations to the CIO and CEO based on the RFPs that you received?

Please submit your assignment.


Colorado Technical University Week 4 Informations in Healthcare Systems Discussion Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a science question and need support to help me understand better.

Discussion Board

HIT Systems Planning/Information Requirements




Points Earnednot available

400-600 words

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Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm Central).

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

CTU Health Care Systems has five clinics that serve nearly 2 million residents in a large metropolitan area and treat over 500,000 patients annually. Now that you have successfully implemented the electronic health record (EHR) at the main facility, it is time to integrate the clinic’s information technology (IT) with the main hospital’s EHR. In preparation for the implementation of an EHR system for the five clinics, the health care system implemented an electronic document (ED) and content management (CM) system to handle the imaging, indexing, and storage of selected hard copy documents from active patient paper medical records so that in the future, to support continuity of care needs, key documents would be retrievable through the EHR system. However, the health care system lacked the level of internal IT and health information services staff resources required to manage the implementation of hardware and software to handle the actual paper conversion process, so these aspects of the project were outsourced.

Discuss the following:

  • As the health care system prepares to select an outsource company as its vendor for this project, what types of information should you gather from each vendor under consideration?
  • What are the potential benefits that a health care system could gain from implementing a document imaging and management project prior to implementing an EHR system?


Central Florida Role of the King Solomon in the New Testament Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy question and need support to help me study.

Please complete the following readings before the next session:

Knowing the Bible 101: P. 104 – 116, Chapter 5

Read the following selections from the Bible:

Joshua 1-6

Judges 2

I Samuel 17

II Samuel 5

II Chronicles 36

Ezra 9-10

Nehemiah 4

In this session, we covered a lot of names and events. The purpose of this learning activity is to allow you to explore more deeply God’s use of everyday people in completing His purposes by selecting one person from our reading, providing a short biography of this person, and discussing the significance of this person in the grand “story” of Scripture.

Choose one of the following people from the Old Testament: Ruth, Joshua, Solomon, Nehemiah, Abraham, Sarah. Read the sections of scripture that describe this person to answer the following questions:

  • How does Scripture describe this person?
  • What can we glean about their character from the text?
  • Why do you think their story is included in Scripture?
  • What do you think we’re supposed to learn from their story?
  • How do you see God using them in His grand story of the redemption of Israel?

Your paper should be 2-3 pages long.

The reading assignment is about the verses above at the beginning of the question you can pick anyone to write about. Thank you so much I will be sending your one more work for this week


CPPU Market Watch Approach Analysis and Estimates Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a hospitality multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

(18 points) Although the analyst ratings are available on the Yahoo Finance website, your mentor wants you to examine an alternative resource. Your mentor asks you to review the “MarketWatch Investing Overview Stock” information for your chosen company and compare the results to “MarketWatch Investing Overview Stock” information” to Marriott and Darden. Please discuss Darden, Marriott, and your chosen company.

(6 points) Darden Restaurants Inc. – Stock Symbol DRI traded on the NYSE

MarketWatch Investing Overview Stock information

(2 points) What date did you visit this web page? (1 point plus 1 point for the two links- please make sure to include the required Investing Overview link and the Analyst Estimates link)

(2 points) Based on the information on the Analysts Estimates page –…

What was the Current rating shown on the Analyst Estimates page (Buy, Overweight, Hold, Underweight, or Sell)?…

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Underweight…

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Overweight

You may also want to watch the following short 90 second video

As a reminder, you are using the definition of overweight or underweight as it pertains to individual stocks.

Based on your research thus far, do you agree or disagree with the Analysts Estimates rating by the MarketWatch approach?

(2 points Why or Why not? – In 50 to 80 words, please provide two reasons for why you agree or disagree with the Investing Overview and the Analyst Estimates stock rating for Darden Restaurants Inc. provided by MarketWatch – in three to five sentences.

(6 points) Marriott International Inc. – Stock Symbol MAR traded on the Nasdaq

MarketWatch Investing Overview Stock information

(2 points) What date did you visit this web page? (1 point plus 1 point for the two links- please make sure to include the required Investing Overview link and the Analyst Estimates link)

(2 points) Based on the information on the Analysts Estimates page –…

What was the Current rating shown on the Analyst Estimates page (Buy, Overweight, Hold, Underweight, or Sell)?

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Underweight…

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Overweight

You may also want to watch the following short 90 second video

As a reminder, you are using the definition of overweight or underweight as it pertains to individual stocks.

Based on your research thus far, do you agree or disagree with the Analysts Estimates rating by the MarketWatch approach?

(2 points) Why or Why not? – In 50 to 80 words, please provide two reasons for why you agree or disagree with the Investing Overview and the Analyst Estimates stock rating for Marriott International Inc. provided by MarketWatch – in three to five sentences.

(6 points) Your Company. – Stock Symbol ____ traded on the ____

MarketWatch Investing Overview Stock information – link for Your Company

(2 points) What date did you visit this web page? What date did you visit this web page? (1 point plus 1 point for the two links- required Investing Overview link and the Analyst Estimates link)

(2 points) Based on the information on the Analysts Estimates page – – Analyst Estimates for Your Company

What was the Current rating shown on the Analyst Estimates page (Buy, Overweight, Hold, Underweight, or Sell)?

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Underweight…

Please visit the following web sites to learn more about the Analyst definition of the future performance of a particular security as Overweight

You may also want to watch the following short 90 second video

As a reminder, you are using the definition of overweight or underweight as it pertains to individual stocks.

Based on your research thus far, do you agree or disagree with the Analysts Estimates rating by the MarketWatch approach?

(2 points) Why or Why not? – In 50 to 80 words, please provide two reasons for why you agree or disagree with the Investing Overview and the Analyst Estimates stock rating for Your Company provided by MarketWatch – in three to five


Colorado Technical University Online Health Information Systems Essay Science Assignment Help

Colorado Technical University Online Health Information Systems Essay Science Assignment Help

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