Colorado Technical University UWEAR and PALEDENIM Ethical Dilemma Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Colorado Technical University UWEAR and PALEDENIM Ethical Dilemma Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Colorado Technical University UWEAR and PALEDENIM Ethical Dilemma Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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View this Ethical Dilemma to learn more about the relationship between Joe, the salesman for UWEAR, and Bill, the customer. Bill and Joe have a history of business dealings which you will analyze using ethical principles. It seems that their dealings are in the grey area of business conduct and it’s important to discuss the dilemma to understand the implications of this behavior.

Once you have read the ethical dilemma, discuss the following questions with your classmates:

  • Are Bill’s gifts a form of bribery?
  • Which ethical theory supports your view? Why?
  • What other ethical issues might be associated with the relationship between Bill and Joe?

Colorado Technical University UWEAR and PALEDENIM Ethical Dilemma Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Northeastern University Theatre Department Production Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Watch a show online and compose a response for the show. The show could be a drama, an opera, (the show in a theater )etc.NOT a movie or a film. The requirements are below:

Assignment:See one professional theatre production at an established venue, preferably in Boston, and one Theatre Department production, and write a 2-3 page paper for each (that is 2 papers) outlining your responses to the productions. Your ability to communicate in clear, concise writing is as important as your attentive, considered perceptions of each production. The content of each response paper is purposely left somewhat open. Use the following guidelines to help you shape your own compelling ideas about the productions.You should include the link of the show in the end of your paper.


  • Two to three pages (each) double spaced, one inch margins, twelve point font, appropriate cover page, appropriate research and/ or citations as needed.
  • Save the link of the show in the end of your paper.
  • Use appropriate terminology to describe the event.
  • Discuss the production/ dramaturgical aspects of the show,eg:

o Were the designers all “working on the same show”? o Did one aspect of the production stand out from the

others? Was this appropriate?
o Did the design and technology of the production

contribute to or detract from a satisfying experience? o What unique or compelling elements did you observe about the stagecraft or design being used in these

o How was the experience of this live theatre event different from what a movie or television even might been?

This is not a critique of individual performances, though you may reference them in relationship to your overall response to the play.


Gavilan College Haircutting Hairstyle Comparison Questions Writing Assignment Help

I upload my assignment. Please follow the instructions from the Assignment. Assignment is sectioned into 3 Parts. There is the questions to answer of all Part 3 only have to do b, c and d question. I will do a question myself. I don’t know how many pages for this assignments. So I put 3 pages but this is not correct because may be this assignment covers in 2 pages or may be 4 pages. There is no limit of the pages . I am only concentrating the answers of my question.


Harrisburg University Differences Between Internet Intranet and Extranet Diagram Computer Science Assignment Help

  • Create a diagram for each – you cannot copy and paste one from the Internet
  • What are the similarities
  • What are the differences?
  • Is one more secure that the other, is so identify them?
  • Can they all be linked together? if, so how.
  • Can they be linked to other networks such as cellular, radio frequencies, RFID and others?
  • What are their primary use? Internet, Intranet and Extranet.
  • Other important information you reveal during your research.

Minimum 5 pages (not including the title page, abstract and references)

Must be in proper APA to receive credit.

Must have at least 5 references from an journal article no later than 5 years.


Brookdale Community College Culture of Heterosexuality and LGBTQ Co Culture Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Find a co-culture new to you to broaden your co-culture base. PUT us/me/you in that Co-culture. This project is to focus on a “co-culture”, not a “counterculture.” Examples of co-cultures could be based on ethnic or cultural identification, religious beliefs, lifestyle choices, atheism, ageism, gender, recovery status, e.g. alcoholics, or general belief systems or group identity found living in harmony within the dominant culture. The co-culture would be one you are likely to encounter in our immediate geographic region. More co-culture examples might be those with Learning disabilities like ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Overweight/Obese(eating disorders) Hinduism,Islam, Judaism,Social classes that struggle, Ethnic groups like Mexicans, Muslims, LGBTQ+, Feminists,” Alt-Right” groups. Use terms like: norms, values, gender roles, symbols,

Requirements: 5 to 7 pages not including 10 source annotated bibliography, double spaced



Los Angeles Pierce College Healthcare System Philosophical Exegesis Reflection Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Exegesis’s Include:

You don’t need an introduction or a conclusion but your first sentence should be a stand-alone paragraph which states your thesis. Your thesis should say something like “I will argue that Peikoff has a better solution to the case at hand because ….” (This comes generally from the 4th task.)  The because part is crucial — that’s the argumentative component of your thesis.  

  1. Explain the case at hand back in your own words.

    1. This should be no more than one paragraph.  It’s just a quick summary so I know how you’re understanding the case.

  2. Explain the theories of the two philosophers that are assigned in that particular week.

    1. This should be where you show that you understand the arguments of the philosophers that are covered in a particular topic.  So if you’re writing on the Healthcare Case Analysis, you’d explain the arguments of Peikoff and Bradley.
    2. This should be completely neutral — just a succinct presentation of the arguments that isn’t influenced by or that mentions the case.
    3. This should be at least two paragraphs, and probably more like four.

  3. Present an argument applying the philosophers’s arguments to the case at hand.

    1. Here you should take the work you did in task two and apply that to the story.  So if you were writing on Healthcare, you might say that Peikoff’s theory would put Jim in world X because of reason Y and then justify that.  You’d then do the same with Bradley.
    2. This should be at least two paragraphs, and could easily be four.

  4. Present an argument explaining why one philosopher has a better solution to the case at hand.

    1. Do to this you need to explain what you think a successful solution to the case would demonstrate and then show how one of the philosophers does this better than the other.
    2. This should be one to two paragraphs.

  5. Explain what you would do and why.

    1. This should be exactly one paragraph.

First Exegesis:


In this exegesis you have 5 tasks:

  1. Give a clear and concise explanation of the case at hand.
  2. Give a thorough, philosophical exegesis of the relevant aspects of Bradley’s and Peikoff’s arguments. (Click here for some tips on how to do a successful exegesis.)
  3. Present an argument applying the relevant philosophers to the case at hand. This should include an argument justifying in which world each philosopher would place Jim and why.
  4. Present an argument explaining why one of the philosophers can be viewed as offering a more successful solution to the case at hand.
  5. In no more than one paragraph, explain what solution you would propose for Jim.

Consider Jim. Jim has worked in middle management his entire life.  He had the option of paying in to his company’s managed healthcare system, but decided he wanted to keep the money instead and invest it in case he ever needed acute medical treatment.  Unfortunately, on his 40th birthday, Jim decided to buy a red Corvette with that money.  6 months later, Jim went to a doctor to see why he was feeling so awful.  The doctor diagnosed Jim with emphysema, diabetes, and kidney failure.  All three of these conditions are the result of Jim’s lifestyle choices: smoking, poor eating and exercise habits, and excessive drinking.  These conditions are chronic and will require treatment for the rest of Jim’s life including cutting-edge lung and kidney treatments and weekly meetings with a nutritionist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, etc.

Here are the two possible healthcare “worlds” for Jim (he must be “placed” in one of them):

  1. A) Participate in a universal healthcare system, paid for by income taxes, which doesn’t provide Jim with the latest-and-greatest medical technology but does meet basic standards of care.


  1. B) Participate in a pay-for-service system, which allows Jim to pay for whatever treatment he wants and/or can afford but will not treat him unless he pays for the service.

Second Exegesis:


In this exegesis you have 5 tasks:

  1. Give a clear and concise explanation of the case at hand.
  2. Give a thorough, philosophical exegesis of the relevant aspects of Thomson’s and Marquis’s arguments.(Click here for some tips on how to do a successful exegesis.)
  3. Present an argument applying the relevant philosophers to the case at hand. This would involve arguing for what Thomson would say about Susan’s and Tammy’s decisions and what Marquis would say about Susan’s and Tammy’s decisions.
  4. Present an argument explaining why one of the philosophers can be viewed as offering a more successful solution to the case at hand.
  5. In no more than one paragraph, present an argument of your own regarding the moral status of Susan’s ans Tammy’s decisions.  

Let’s consider the story of Susan.  Susan was an avid fan of Bon Jovi, so much so that she traveled around the country and attended every single Bon Jovi concert in the US.  Tragically, after leaving one such concert, Susan was raped and became pregnant. After much contemplation, 11 weeks into her pregnancy Susan decided to get an abortion. Since she lived in an informed consent state, she went to meet the gynecologist 2 days before she planned to have the procedure. As mandated by law, the doctor performed an ultrasound and discovers that the fetus’s cerebral cortex is malformed to such an extent that if the fetus were to be born she (it is a girl) would never develop the cognitive capacities beyond those of a two year old.  Although Susan had planned to have the abortion, this bit of knowledge further strengthens her decision. 

Now consider Tammy.  Tammy’s situation is identical to Susan’s expect that Tammy had decided to carry the pregnancy to term (Tammy didn’t want an abortion, so she didn’t have an informed consent meeting; however, through the normal course of pre-natal care, she had an ultrasound that revealed the fetus had the same condition as Susan’s did).  She was quite happily preparing for the birth of the child when she realized that the due date was during the week long Bon Jovi-fest far, far away from where she lived.  Upon realizing this (well into her 6th month of pregnancy), Tammy elects to have an abortion.

Los Angeles Pierce College Healthcare System Philosophical Exegesis Reflection Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of California Irvine Food and Culture Readings Essay Writing Assignment Help

Synthesis Assignment

You have read Kevin Chung’s essay “Fried Rice: My Taste of Culture, Home and Family,” and you have read Amy S. Choi’s article “What Americans can Learn from Other Food Cultures.” This week, you have also read Suenary Philavanh’s article “Food Strengthens Cultural Identity for International Student.” Find the points that are similar between these three texts and find the points that are different. Write a synthesis pointing out the similarities and differences between these three texts.

  • Your synthesis should be 1 page in length (300 words)
  • Do not include quotes in your synthesis, but DO paraphrase, and use in-text citations when referring to the ideas of the authors
  • Format your paper according to MLA
  • Post your synthesis on Canvas by 10:00am on Friday 4/24
  • Submit your synthesis matrix as well (See the Synthesis Tutorial video in the link below)

Before you start your synthesis:

  • Create your own synthesis matrix (as shown in the tutorial above)


Strayer University Paula Plaintiff Legal Claims and Civil Court Case Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

In this assignment, you’ll need to decide whether Paula Plaintiff has any legal claims arising from a series of unfortunate events. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow, making sure to fully explain the basis of your decision.

Paula Plaintiff is shopping at her favorite store, Cash Mart. She is looking for a new laptop, but she can’t find one she likes. Then, realizing that she is going to be late for an appointment, she attempts to leave the store, walking very fast. However, before she can leave, she is stopped by a security guard who accuses her of shoplifting. Paula, who has taken nothing, denies any wrong doing. The officer insists and takes Paula to a small room in the back of the store. The guard tells Paula that if she attempts to leave the room she will be arrested and sent to jail. At this point, the guard leaves the room. Paula is scared and waits in the room for over an hour until the manager comes in and apologizes and tells Paula that she is free to go.

About this same time, Geoffrey Golfer is hitting golf balls in his backyard. Geoffrey decides to break out his new driver and hits a golf ball out of his backyard into the Cash Mart parking lot. The golf ball hits Paula Plaintiff on the head and knocks her unconscious just as she is leaving the store.


In a 6–10 paragraph paper, answer the following questions:

  • What types of legal claims could Paula make against Cash Mart and Geoffrey? Consider the following:
    • What are the possible tort claims that Paula can make against Cash Mart? Discuss the elements of the claim and how those elements relate to the facts in the scenario.
    • Was Geoffrey negligent when he hit the golf ball that injured Paula? Discuss the elements of negligence and use facts from the scenario to support your decision.
    • If Paula files a negligence claim against Geoffrey will she file in civil court or criminal court? Explain the difference between civil court and criminal court.

You will create and submit your assignment by using the ecree link. Just click on the link and start writing. Your work will be saved automatically. You’ll see some feedback on the right-hand side of the screen, including text and videos to help guide you in the writing process. When you’re ready, you can turn in your assignment by clicking Submit at the bottom of the page.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Determine if a plaintiff can make legal claims based on the events in a given scenario.


Post University Workplaces Engineer Diversity Readings Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

In our readings and resources, we have explored how to make diversity training more effective. What have been your experiences or the experiences of a peer or relative in diversity training? How were these experiences positive and negative? How could the training be improved?

Watch Video
Creating a Respectful Workplace Training Video, Workplace Diversity Training

User: CRM Learning, L.P. –
Added: 10/22/12

YouTube URL:

Watch Video
Measuring Diversity Initiatives with Toni Tenicela, Global Leader at IBM

User: PeopleMattersOnline –
Added: 8/5/13

This video focuses on training programs available for diversity in the workplace. You will learn that a training program’s primary goal is to develop a respectful workplace. This video provides advice on diversity training from an IBM executive.

Watch Video
5 Keys To Make Diversity Training More Effective

User: n/a –
Added: 8/20/11

YouTube URL:

Watch Video
Diversity Activity

User: Troy Stende –
Added: 8/5/09

YouTube URL:

This video focuses on five excellent areas to focus on when setting up your diversity training event. This is an excellent video. Pay attention; embracing our differences and our similarities are equally important.


LIT 3155 USF Six Characters Searching for An Author Play Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Write at least 15 sentences. Cite at least two of the sources indicated in addition to the plays listed. Make sure that your answer addresses all parts of the question selected

In what way is Six Characters in Search of an Author the play about the problem of illusion and reality? What is “real” in this play? In what sense does the play anticipate the Theatre of the Absurd? (Refer to the class lecture, Martin Esslin’s definition of the Theatre of the Absurd and Supplementary Notes on the play.) Cite specific aspects of the play that illustrate the concepts.


This video focuses on five excellent areas to focus on when setting up your diversity training event.

This is an excellent video. Pay attention; embracing our differences and our similarities are equally important.


LIT 3155 USF Six Characters Searching for An Author Play Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Write at least 15 sentences. Cite at least two of the sources indicated in addition to the plays listed. Make sure that your answer addresses all parts of the question selected

In what way is Six Characters in Search of an Author the play about the problem of illusion and reality? What is “real” in this play? In what sense does the play anticipate the Theatre of the Absurd? (Refer to the class lecture, Martin Esslin’s definition of the Theatre of the Absurd and Supplementary Notes on the play.) Cite specific aspects of the play that illustrate the concepts.


This video focuses on five excellent areas to focus on when setting up your diversity training event.

This is an excellent video. Pay attention; embracing our differences and our similarities are equally important.


LIT 3155 USF Six Characters Searching for An Author Play Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Write at least 15 sentences. Cite at least two of the sources indicated in addition to the plays listed. Make sure that your answer addresses all parts of the question selected

In what way is Six Characters in Search of an Author the play about the problem of illusion and reality? What is “real” in this play? In what sense does the play anticipate the Theatre of the Absurd? (Refer to the class lecture, Martin Esslin’s definition of the Theatre of the Absurd and Supplementary Notes on the play.) Cite specific aspects of the play that illustrate the concepts.


This video focuses on five excellent areas to focus on when setting up your diversity training event.

This is an excellent video. Pay attention; embracing our differences and our similarities are equally important.


LIT 3155 USF Six Characters Searching for An Author Play Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Write at least 15 sentences. Cite at least two of the sources indicated in addition to the plays listed. Make sure that your answer addresses all parts of the question selected

In what way is Six Characters in Search of an Author the play about the problem of illusion and reality? What is “real” in this play? In what sense does the play anticipate the Theatre of the Absurd? (Refer to the class lecture, Martin Esslin’s definition of the Theatre of the Absurd and Supplementary Notes on the play.) Cite specific aspects of the play that illustrate the concepts.


Colorado Technical University UWEAR and PALEDENIM Ethical Dilemma Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Colorado Technical University UWEAR and PALEDENIM Ethical Dilemma Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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