Columbia University Deficiency of Folate in the Human Body Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Columbia University Deficiency of Folate in the Human Body Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Columbia University Deficiency of Folate in the Human Body Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
(/0x4*br />  This video is an outstanding discussion of how leadership is distributed in all organizations and how that relates to change initiatives. It will be very helpful for developing your final change initiative plans… reflect on the questions that are asked towards the end of the video and think about how your answers relate to implementing your change initiative.  >> Consider the course content this semester and your readings/video this week. What do distributed leadership, democratic leadership, and effective leadership in common? How do they differ? How does leadership relate to Berkana Institute’s Theory of Change? Your text’s theories of organizational change?<<  Readings:  Daly, A. J., & Finnigan, K. S. (2010). A bridge between worlds: Understanding network structure to understand change strategy. Journal of Educational Change, 11, 111-138. doi: 10.1007/s10833-009-9102-5

Columbia University Deficiency of Folate in the Human Body Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Columbia University Indigenous Story of the Fair Skin Nation Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The age group is 6 to 12

The title of my story that I pick is FAIR SKIN NATIONELCC 102 Language and Literacy in Early Childhood Creating an Indigenous Storybook Assignment – 20%. Due Date: Wed March 22 /25 / 26 (see below) Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4 The purpose of this assignment is for you to research an Indigenous story, turn it into a book, and to share a video of you  reading the book and practicing ways to engage with children. You will not be with children in the video, but often  people who read books to children on recorded videos will talk as though they are interacting with the children. Part 1: Creating Your Book • Pick an Indigenous story (might be a traditional story, a topic to explore, and so on) • Create a storybook aimed at a specific age group of your choice • Make sure you references where you got the ideas for your book  • Your book should include relevant Indigenous content including language, images, and story content.  • If you are using someone else’s illustrations, ensure you have permission Part 2: Record Yourself Reading the Book Aloud • Film a video of you reading the book • Share your video on the Moodle forum • Your video must include:  o An introduction of the book including the title, author, illustrator, and a question for the children asking  for their predictions o In the video you must be reading the book out loud using good presentation and engagement skills (with  your imaginary audience). This means we must be able to see your face and at least part of your body in  the recording.  o After you have read the book, describe an activity idea for families to extend exploration of the topic Part 3: Provide Feedback to your Peers • Watch all of your classmates’ submissions  • Give feedback to your classmates on Moodle (at least 2) after watching their videos Part 4: Reflect on Your Experience • Submit a reflection to the instructor on the experience, making clear connections to course material. • Reflect on the following aspects of your experience: o The experience of finding Indigenous material for the book o The process of creating a book o The experience of reading the book o The feedback you received from peers Submission: • You will submit your video on a forum on Moodle and respond to classmates on that forum as well. You must  post your video to the forum by Monday March 22 at 12pm (noon). • Spend the week watching classmates’ submissions and giving feedback. Feedback must be completed by Thursday March 25 by midnight. • You will submit your reflection on the assignment on Moodle by Friday March 26 by midnight. Grading: • The assignment will be graded using the rubric below.ELCC 102 Language and Literacy in Early Childhood – Creating an Indigenous Storybook Assignment Rubric Criteria Excellent 4 pts Good 3 pts Fair 2 pts Poor 0 – 1 point Book Book was age appropriate.  Book was culturally relevant to  Indigenous Culture (language,  illustrations, story). Book included reference to  inspiration for the story. There is detailed effort put into  the creation of the book (could  be given to children to read,  cover is made of sturdy  material) Book was age appropriate  and culturally relevant to  Indigenous Culture, but  missing one of language,  illustrations, or story.  There is effort put into the  creation of the book (could  be given to children to  read, there is an obvious cover). Book was age  appropriate and  culturally relevant to  Indigenous Culture, but  missing two of language,  illustrations, or story. Book is printed  Book has very small pieces of  Indigenous Culture or Book was not culturally relevant  to Indigenous Culture. Book is printed on paper  without a cover.  Video All elements of introducing the  book were included: title,  author, illustrator, prediction.  Student showed excellent  presentation skills (tone,  volume, pitch, pacing, fluency,  clarity, eye contact, body  language, facial expressions). Student frequently utilized  open-ended questions or other  engagement strategies  appropriate to the book.  Information for families at the  end of the video is engaging and  appropriate. Three elements of  introducing the book were  present. Student demonstrated good presentation skills  and open-ended questions  or other engagement  strategies. Information provided to  the families at the end of  the video was appropriate. Two elements of  introducing the story  were present. Student showed fair  presentation skills and  use of basic engagement  strategies. Information provided to  the families at the end of  the video was  appropriate. One element of introducing the  story was present or No elements of introducing the  story were present. Student demonstrated poor  presentation skills and  engagement strategies were  missing or poorly executed. Did not provide information to  families at the end of the video  or it was inappropriate.  Feedback Student gave feedback to more  than two classmates. Feedback included references to  course materials.  Student gave feedback to  two classmates. Feedback included  references to course  materials.  Student gave feedback  to two classmates. Student gave feedback to one  classmate. Or Student did not give feedback to  classmates.  Reflection Included reflection on all  elements: experience of finding  the Indigenous material, the  process of creating a book, and  the experience of reading the book. Clear connections to  course materials are made in  the reflection.  Included reflection on all  elements: experience of  finding the Indigenous  material, the process of  creating a book, and the  experience of reading the  book. Included reflection on  two of the elements. Included reflection on one of  the elements.  


Saint Mary University Potential Natural Hazards Geographic Information Paper Science Assignment Help

1.Go to and read the page about “Disaster Risk”

2.You will be writing a report comparing and contrasting the potential natural hazards, vulnerability and coping capacity for the following four countries:





With the use of the data below (Compiled from PreventionWeb, 2020), and from your own research, compare and contrast the “Hazards”, “Vulnerability” and “Coping Capacity” for the four different locations. Explain why the differences exist in the context of their natural environments, level of development, and differing disaster scenarios in those regions (be specific) and the potential differences in the vulnerabilities of the populations.  This should be approximately 2-3 pages of single-spaced typed text. You can also include graphics or figures associated with the data provided to assist with your response, but these should be in addition to the text requirements. Your report should have in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your report (not included in the 2–3-page write-up). 


Hostos Community College Teaching Student with Communication Disorder Discussion Writing Assignment Help


1st. paragraph is an introduction and summary of the chapter with, at least, 3 or 4 “full & well-developed sentences;

-2nd paragraph – you explain further what is the “most important, or main topic or controversial issue with, at least, 3 or 4 “full & well-developed sentences;

-3rd paragraph – Why do you agree or disagree with the author’s main point (What other perspectives are available regarding this point, even is you agree with the author (with, at least, 3 or 4 “full & well-developed sentences);  

-4th paragraph – This is YOUR conclusion regarding what you have read.  Think about it, as if you are a “defense lawyer” and you are advocating for the arguments that you presenting/ writing.

Topic:  Best Practices in Effective Classroom Planning, Time Management & Balancing Your Life.

Page 1 of 2


Brookline College Oklahoma City View Types Assemblies Layout Practice Engineering Assignment Help

HE 1. This example for Assemblies layout. So, here we must have assembly cover blueprint (close assembly, open assembly and Bill of Materials), and several (4 – 6) small blueprints with a part on the one sheet (or two small parts). On the details sheets have to put model view and 2-3 standard views (usually top and front view, sometimes plus right view). If you think about viewing some specific details on the any body, please make detail / crop / auxiliary views for it.

HE 2. This example for dimensions and tolerances. Please, make your blueprint as similar as example (must includes all dimensions and all tolerances)

HE 3. It is example for specific views. So, this blueprint must include: model, front, right, section, broken-out and crop views of this body. Notice for build it: 7=3.5+3X ->X=… -> Diameter of outer circle is 7+X, diameter of construction circle is 7-X

HE 1 and HE 3 use inches, HE 2 stays in the mm



Source Comparison Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

Source Comparison Worksheet

Read Distinguishing Sources by Type from the University Library.

Read the Porr and Zimmerman articles (see Learning Activities folder).

Analyze and evaluate the Porr and Zimmerman articles for their credibility as a doctoral research source.

Complete the table below. The first row has been completed as an example.

Source Evaluation Criteria Porr Article Zimmerman Article

Use of APA format for in-text citations and references Use of in-text citations No APA in-text citations 

Authors’ credentials and affiliation

Source publication (Is the source peer reviewed according to Ulrich’s?)

Scholarly writing (comment on author’s use of scholarly writing)

Use of supporting evidence

Value as a doctoral research source

Reflection question: Both articles addressed the same topic—leadership versus management. What insights can you gain from comparing the two sources’ research value? How will you apply these insights in your doctoral research?

Based on the readings, write a 125-word evaluative discussion on the differences and similarities between management and leadership styles. Use the pre-formatted pages following this page.

Include in-text citations and a reference list.

Title of the Paper 

Your Name

Institution Name

Course Name

Instructor’s Name

Assignment Due Date

Title of the Paper

Begin the paper here. Double space the entire document. Indent the first line by one-tab key (0.5 inches). University of Phoenix accepts one space after a period. The first paragraph is the introduction in every paper and does not contain a subheading. Provide a brief overview of the general topic and end with a preview of the topics discussed in the paper. Unless the paper is a self-assessment analysis or a reflections paper, never write using first person: I, me, my, mine, etc. Never write academic papers using second person: you, your, yours, etc.  Using editorial “we” and “our” is not acceptable. For more information on writing style and grammar, review the APA Manual, Chapter 4.


The final Level 1 heading in every paper is for the conclusion section and eliminates the need to add “In summary,” or “In conclusion” as the start of the final paragraph. The conclusion summarizes the key points made in the paper with no new information or analysis. The conclusion is simply a recap of the most notable information presented in the paper.


[NOTE: References are listed in alphabetical order.  All references listed in the reference list must have an in-text citation from that source in the body of the paper.  For additional examples of reference formatting, see Chapter 10 of the APA Manual]

Journal Article Example

Ainsworth, S., & Purss, A. (2009). Same time, next year? Personnel Review, 38(3), 217-235.

Authored Book Example

Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2007). Management: Leading and collaborating in a competitive world (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Chapter in an Edited Book Example

Eatough, V., & Smith, J. (2008). Interpretative phenomenological analysis. In C. Willig & W. Stainton-Rogers (Eds.), The Sage handbook of qualitative research in psychology (pp. 179-195). Sage Publications.

Magazine Article Example

Kuttner, R. (2003, September 8). The great American pension-fund robbery. Business Week, 24-26.

Dissertation Example

Lisbon, E. I. (2010). A study of leadership preferences by generation. (Publication No. 3455137) [Doctoral dissertation, Our Lady of the Lake University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Webpage on a Website Example

Moore, T. G. (2017, December). Self-compassion may improve resiliency. Mayo Clinic.…

Website Example

World Health Organization (2018, March). Questions and answers on immunization and vaccine safety.…

Source Comparison Worksheet Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Stony Brook University Fast Foods and Beverages Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management spreadsheet and need guidance to help me understand better.

Describe your business (history and background, you are making this up)

You are in the planning stage.

Describe in writing what information you will need to store in your database. What tables you will need (and why). What types of queries you will need (or would be useful), and what forms and reports will be helpful for your business. You should have at least three queries.

List the tables(minimum of 4) and how they will be constructed. Include the attributes.

For Example: If I had a Customer table, I would need: 

Customer Last Name

Customer First Name

Customer Street Address

Customer City etc….

I chose to base it around a food business but it is all made up basically


Santa Monica College Iran History Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  • Iran Deal: Describe the history and goals of Iran Nuclear Agreement between Iran and P 5+1. Begin with the roots of the US-Iran conflicts and Iranian’s memories of CIA-led coup in 1953. Explain the US-Iran relation transformations during the time of the Shah of Iran. What was the situation after 1979 Iranian Revolution such as during Iran-Iraq war between 1980-1988? When and why Iranians pursued a nuclear program? What are the alternatives now that Trump exited this international treaty?


CRIJ 1313 Central Texas College Jail Systems of the Youngsters Essay Law Assignment Help

Chapter 7

  1. You are a police officer who encounters several juveniles trying to steal a 12-pack of beer from some other juveniles who have just bought the beer from a nearby liquor store. You break up the disturbance with the help of your partner and now must decide what to do. The group of juveniles who tried to steal the beer did not hurt the others in any way and were apparently just after the beer. Nonetheless, the other kids are angry and resentful. Both groups are obviously too young to drink alcohol. Both groups are known to be occasionally truant, but they have no record and are not known drug users. Furthermore, the liquor store owner is known to sell both beer and hard liquor to minors, although this is the first time you have caught juveniles right as they leave his store.
  2. Questions to discuss in your three-paragraph posting:
    • How do you handle the juveniles who tried to steal the beer? Do you punish them for attempted robbery, for possession of alcohol, for both, or for neither?
    • How do you handle the juveniles who just bought the beer? Do they have rights as victims?
    • How do you handle the liquor store owner, who is the only one in his store at this time and who was clearly the one who sold them the beer?
    • Which law enforcement approach do you think is best in this case: legalistic, watchman, or service? Would you treat the three different groups differently in any way (for instance, a watchman approach to the juveniles and a legalistic approach to the store owner)? If so, how?


UOTC Quest Mutual Fund Portfolio Manager Change Process Change Initiative Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Change Initiative Paper Details:

The change initiative paper is to be based on a personal change experience within enterprise, management, and or leadership. Think of a meaningful change you were involved in as a leader, follower, or observer. You will assess this change and reflect on it by incorporating your personal experiences along with concepts covered in this course (any areas connected to our change puzzle).

As you think about concepts to include, do not feel obligated to incorporate every topic we discuss (or plan to cover) within your paper. Hone in on the areas that are most relevant to your experiences and provide in-depth background on the concepts and how they relate to the change you are detailing.

You should use fully developed paragraphs and include supporting references related to course concepts and your personal change initiative (where appropriate). The paper should be formatted following APA 7 professional style guidelines, including a title page, proper spacing and headings, citations, and references. An abstract is optional for this submission. Your final product for Week 3 should have at a minimum, five paragraphs providing thorough assessment and reflection.

Describe your change initiative (Minimum of one page)

Provide an overview of the change initiative by addressing, at minimum, the following areas.

  • Geographic setting (include information about where the institution or organization is located, its culture, and demographic characteristics)
  • The organizational mission
  • What prompted the change initiative(s)?
  • Who initiated the change?
  • What was the goal of the change?

Course Topics (Minimum of one page and minimum of one paragraph per topic)

  • Assess at least three topics covered in this course and relate them to your change initiative. (Introduction to Change Process, Perspectives of Social
    Change, Authority, Leadership,
  • It is not necessary to include every course topic in your paper–only those that are most relevant.
    • Text Book
      • Leading at a Higher Level
      • ISBN: 9780134857589
      • Authors: Ken Blanchard

Conclusion (Minimum of one paragraph)

  • Summarize the initiative and reflect on the outcomes, both positive and negative.
  • If you are reflecting on a current initiative, reflect on the current status and your predictions.


Source Comparison Worksheet Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Stony Brook University Fast Foods and Beverages Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management spreadsheet and need guidance to help me understand better.

Describe your business (history and background, you are making this up)

You are in the planning stage.

Describe in writing what information you will need to store in your database. What tables you will need (and why). What types of queries you will need (or would be useful), and what forms and reports will be helpful for your business. You should have at least three queries.

List the tables(minimum of 4) and how they will be constructed. Include the attributes.

For Example: If I had a Customer table, I would need: 

Customer Last Name

Customer First Name

Customer Street Address

Customer City etc….

I chose to base it around a food business but it is all made up basically


Santa Monica College Iran History Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  • Iran Deal: Describe the history and goals of Iran Nuclear Agreement between Iran and P 5+1. Begin with the roots of the US-Iran conflicts and Iranian’s memories of CIA-led coup in 1953. Explain the US-Iran relation transformations during the time of the Shah of Iran. What was the situation after 1979 Iranian Revolution such as during Iran-Iraq war between 1980-1988? When and why Iranians pursued a nuclear program? What are the alternatives now that Trump exited this international treaty?


CRIJ 1313 Central Texas College Jail Systems of the Youngsters Essay Law Assignment Help

Chapter 7

  1. You are a police officer who encounters several juveniles trying to steal a 12-pack of beer from some other juveniles who have just bought the beer from a nearby liquor store. You break up the disturbance with the help of your partner and now must decide what to do. The group of juveniles who tried to steal the beer did not hurt the others in any way and were apparently just after the beer. Nonetheless, the other kids are angry and resentful. Both groups are obviously too young to drink alcohol. Both groups are known to be occasionally truant, but they have no record and are not known drug users. Furthermore, the liquor store owner is known to sell both beer and hard liquor to minors, although this is the first time you have caught juveniles right as they leave his store.
  2. Questions to discuss in your three-paragraph posting:
    • How do you handle the juveniles who tried to steal the beer? Do you punish them for attempted robbery, for possession of alcohol, for both, or for neither?
    • How do you handle the juveniles who just bought the beer? Do they have rights as victims?
    • How do you handle the liquor store owner, who is the only one in his store at this time and who was clearly the one who sold them the beer?
    • Which law enforcement approach do you think is best in this case: legalistic, watchman, or service? Would you treat the three different groups differently in any way (for instance, a watchman approach to the juveniles and a legalistic approach to the store owner)? If so, how?


UOTC Quest Mutual Fund Portfolio Manager Change Process Change Initiative Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Change Initiative Paper Details:

The change initiative paper is to be based on a personal change experience within enterprise, management, and or leadership. Think of a meaningful change you were involved in as a leader, follower, or observer. You will assess this change and reflect on it by incorporating your personal experiences along with concepts covered in this course (any areas connected to our change puzzle).

As you think about concepts to include, do not feel obligated to incorporate every topic we discuss (or plan to cover) within your paper. Hone in on the areas that are most relevant to your experiences and provide in-depth background on the concepts and how they relate to the change you are detailing.

You should use fully developed paragraphs and include supporting references related to course concepts and your personal change initiative (where appropriate). The paper should be formatted following APA 7 professional style guidelines, including a title page, proper spacing and headings, citations, and references. An abstract is optional for this submission. Your final product for Week 3 should have at a minimum, five paragraphs providing thorough assessment and reflection.

Describe your change initiative (Minimum of one page)

Provide an overview of the change initiative by addressing, at minimum, the following areas.

  • Geographic setting (include information about where the institution or organization is located, its culture, and demographic characteristics)
  • The organizational mission
  • What prompted the change initiative(s)?
  • Who initiated the change?
  • What was the goal of the change?

Course Topics (Minimum of one page and minimum of one paragraph per topic)

  • Assess at least three topics covered in this course and relate them to your change initiative. (Introduction to Change Process, Perspectives of Social
    Change, Authority, Leadership,
  • It is not necessary to include every course topic in your paper–only those that are most relevant.
    • Text Book
      • Leading at a Higher Level
      • ISBN: 9780134857589
      • Authors: Ken Blanchard

Conclusion (Minimum of one paragraph)

  • Summarize the initiative and reflect on the outcomes, both positive and negative.
  • If you are reflecting on a current initiative, reflect on the current status and your predictions.


Source Comparison Worksheet Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Stony Brook University Fast Foods and Beverages Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management spreadsheet and need guidance to help me understand better.

Describe your business (history and background, you are making this up)

You are in the planning stage.

Describe in writing what information you will need to store in your database. What tables you will need (and why). What types of queries you will need (or would be useful), and what forms and reports will be helpful for your business. You should have at least three queries.

List the tables(minimum of 4) and how they will be constructed. Include the attributes.

For Example: If I had a Customer table, I would need: 

Customer Last Name

Customer First Name

Customer Street Address

Customer City etc….

I chose to base it around a food business but it is all made up basically


Santa Monica College Iran History Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  • Iran Deal: Describe the history and goals of Iran Nuclear Agreement between Iran and P 5+1. Begin with the roots of the US-Iran conflicts and Iranian’s memories of CIA-led coup in 1953. Explain the US-Iran relation transformations during the time of the Shah of Iran. What was the situation after 1979 Iranian Revolution such as during Iran-Iraq war between 1980-1988? When and why Iranians pursued a nuclear program? What are the alternatives now that Trump exited this international treaty?


CRIJ 1313 Central Texas College Jail Systems of the Youngsters Essay Law Assignment Help

Chapter 7

  1. You are a police officer who encounters several juveniles trying to steal a 12-pack of beer from some other juveniles who have just bought the beer from a nearby liquor store. You break up the disturbance with the help of your partner and now must decide what to do. The group of juveniles who tried to steal the beer did not hurt the others in any way and were apparently just after the beer. Nonetheless, the other kids are angry and resentful. Both groups are obviously too young to drink alcohol. Both groups are known to be occasionally truant, but they have no record and are not known drug users. Furthermore, the liquor store owner is known to sell both beer and hard liquor to minors, although this is the first time you have caught juveniles right as they leave his store.
  2. Questions to discuss in your three-paragraph posting:
    • How do you handle the juveniles who tried to steal the beer? Do you punish them for attempted robbery, for possession of alcohol, for both, or for neither?
    • How do you handle the juveniles who just bought the beer? Do they have rights as victims?
    • How do you handle the liquor store owner, who is the only one in his store at this time and who was clearly the one who sold them the beer?
    • Which law enforcement approach do you think is best in this case: legalistic, watchman, or service? Would you treat the three different groups differently in any way (for instance, a watchman approach to the juveniles and a legalistic approach to the store owner)? If so, how?


UOTC Quest Mutual Fund Portfolio Manager Change Process Change Initiative Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Change Initiative Paper Details:

The change initiative paper is to be based on a personal change experience within enterprise, management, and or leadership. Think of a meaningful change you were involved in as a leader, follower, or observer. You will assess this change and reflect on it by incorporating your personal experiences along with concepts covered in this course (any areas connected to our change puzzle).

As you think about concepts to include, do not feel obligated to incorporate every topic we discuss (or plan to cover) within your paper. Hone in on the areas that are most relevant to your experiences and provide in-depth background on the concepts and how they relate to the change you are detailing.

You should use fully developed paragraphs and include supporting references related to course concepts and your personal change initiative (where appropriate). The paper should be formatted following APA 7 professional style guidelines, including a title page, proper spacing and headings, citations, and references. An abstract is optional for this submission. Your final product for Week 3 should have at a minimum, five paragraphs providing thorough assessment and reflection.

Describe your change initiative (Minimum of one page)

Provide an overview of the change initiative by addressing, at minimum, the following areas.

  • Geographic setting (include information about where the institution or organization is located, its culture, and demographic characteristics)
  • The organizational mission
  • What prompted the change initiative(s)?
  • Who initiated the change?
  • What was the goal of the change?

Course Topics (Minimum of one page and minimum of one paragraph per topic)

  • Assess at least three topics covered in this course and relate them to your change initiative. (Introduction to Change Process, Perspectives of Social
    Change, Authority, Leadership,
  • It is not necessary to include every course topic in your paper–only those that are most relevant.
    • Text Book
      • Leading at a Higher Level
      • ISBN: 9780134857589
      • Authors: Ken Blanchard

Conclusion (Minimum of one paragraph)

  • Summarize the initiative and reflect on the outcomes, both positive and negative.
  • If you are reflecting on a current initiative, reflect on the current status and your predictions.


Source Comparison Worksheet Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Stony Brook University Fast Foods and Beverages Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management spreadsheet and need guidance to help me understand better.

Describe your business (history and background, you are making this up)

You are in the planning stage.

Describe in writing what information you will need to store in your database. What tables you will need (and why). What types of queries you will need (or would be useful), and what forms and reports will be helpful for your business. You should have at least three queries.

List the tables(minimum of 4) and how they will be constructed. Include the attributes.

For Example: If I had a Customer table, I would need: 

Customer Last Name

Customer First Name

Customer Street Address

Customer City etc….

I chose to base it around a food business but it is all made up basically


Santa Monica College Iran History Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  • Iran Deal: Describe the history and goals of Iran Nuclear Agreement between Iran and P 5+1. Begin with the roots of the US-Iran conflicts and Iranian’s memories of CIA-led coup in 1953. Explain the US-Iran relation transformations during the time of the Shah of Iran. What was the situation after 1979 Iranian Revolution such as during Iran-Iraq war between 1980-1988? When and why Iranians pursued a nuclear program? What are the alternatives now that Trump exited this international treaty?


CRIJ 1313 Central Texas College Jail Systems of the Youngsters Essay Law Assignment Help

Chapter 7

  1. You are a police officer who encounters several juveniles trying to steal a 12-pack of beer from some other juveniles who have just bought the beer from a nearby liquor store. You break up the disturbance with the help of your partner and now must decide what to do. The group of juveniles who tried to steal the beer did not hurt the others in any way and were apparently just after the beer. Nonetheless, the other kids are angry and resentful. Both groups are obviously too young to drink alcohol. Both groups are known to be occasionally truant, but they have no record and are not known drug users. Furthermore, the liquor store owner is known to sell both beer and hard liquor to minors, although this is the first time you have caught juveniles right as they leave his store.
  2. Questions to discuss in your three-paragraph posting:
    • How do you handle the juveniles who tried to steal the beer? Do you punish them for attempted robbery, for possession of alcohol, for both, or for neither?
    • How do you handle the juveniles who just bought the beer? Do they have rights as victims?
    • How do you handle the liquor store owner, who is the only one in his store at this time and who was clearly the one who sold them the beer?
    • Which law enforcement approach do you think is best in this case: legalistic, watchman, or service? Would you treat the three different groups differently in any way (for instance, a watchman approach to the juveniles and a legalistic approach to the store owner)? If so, how?


UOTC Quest Mutual Fund Portfolio Manager Change Process Change Initiative Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Change Initiative Paper Details:

The change initiative paper is to be based on a personal change experience within enterprise, management, and or leadership. Think of a meaningful change you were involved in as a leader, follower, or observer. You will assess this change and reflect on it by incorporating your personal experiences along with concepts covered in this course (any areas connected to our change puzzle).

As you think about concepts to include, do not feel obligated to incorporate every topic we discuss (or plan to cover) within your paper. Hone in on the areas that are most relevant to your experiences and provide in-depth background on the concepts and how they relate to the change you are detailing.

You should use fully developed paragraphs and include supporting references related to course concepts and your personal change initiative (where appropriate). The paper should be formatted following APA 7 professional style guidelines, including a title page, proper spacing and headings, citations, and references. An abstract is optional for this submission. Your final product for Week 3 should have at a minimum, five paragraphs providing thorough assessment and reflection.

Describe your change initiative (Minimum of one page)

Provide an overview of the change initiative by addressing, at minimum, the following areas.

  • Geographic setting (include information about where the institution or organization is located, its culture, and demographic characteristics)
  • The organizational mission
  • What prompted the change initiative(s)?
  • Who initiated the change?
  • What was the goal of the change?

Course Topics (Minimum of one page and minimum of one paragraph per topic)

  • Assess at least three topics covered in this course and relate them to your change initiative. (Introduction to Change Process, Perspectives of Social
    Change, Authority, Leadership,
  • It is not necessary to include every course topic in your paper–only those that are most relevant.
    • Text Book
      • Leading at a Higher Level
      • ISBN: 9780134857589
      • Authors: Ken Blanchard

Conclusion (Minimum of one paragraph)

  • Summarize the initiative and reflect on the outcomes, both positive and negative.
  • If you are reflecting on a current initiative, reflect on the current status and your predictions.


Columbia University Deficiency of Folate in the Human Body Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Columbia University Deficiency of Folate in the Human Body Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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