Community College of Philadelphia Ethics in Research Based on Nursing Paper Writing Assignment Help. Community College of Philadelphia Ethics in Research Based on Nursing Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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1. Dr. Kligman ran experiments on humans who are in prison. Discuss in detail one of the ethical principles from the textbook relevant to this situation.
2. This is a one-sided, biased story of abuse, moral indifference and greed. There is always the other side. As a nurse who understands the parts of a research study and the related research ethics, what further information would you like to know to make an impartial and fair-minded decision about this ethical situation?
3. When conducting research on human subjects, there are always risks and benefits. Can you imagine a time in which yourself or a family member might choose to take part in an experimental treatment for which the risks/benefits are not known? Put yourself into that person’s shoes and describe your feelings in one paragraph.
4. In your opinion, should prisoners now be allowed to become research subjects while in prison? A) Why, and B) why not? (Fully discuss both aspects.)
Community College of Philadelphia Ethics in Research Based on Nursing Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PSY 120 Grossmont Cuyamaca District Mental Disorders and Psychoanalysis Report Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
In your own words please type the answers to the Objectives from Lecture for Chapters Fourteen and Fifteen and submit them here. (Blue “Submit” button in the upper right hand corner). Devote at very minimum one paragraph to each question (objective) or question part. These questions will be the possible short answer questions for the Exam This Friday January 29th.
Detailed Instructions:
To be accepted all homework assignments must be typed
Again, these answers and examples need to be in your own words. In your own words means “as if you were explaining the answer or a concept from this class to a friend”. Submissions with too high a plagiarism/similarity score will not be accepted.
Please clearly separate your answers for each objective so it is clear to which objective you are answering.
For full credit you must reference or cite your information even if pulled it from the textbook, my lecture, my lecture slides, posted YouTube videos or any other internet source!
Every question should have at least ONE reference or citation
- NOTE: It is OK and I expect you to pull the answers from my lecture, the lecture slides, the text and outside internet sources I just need you to reference or cite it! Use APA Style or these simple examples:
- Example: If you got the information from my lecture use slide numbers or approx. time stamps: (Lecture Ch 4, Slide 13) or (Lecture Ch 4, 10:50-12:00)
- Example: If you got the information from the text book use the page numbers: (Textbook, pg 84-86)
- NOTE: It is OK and I expect you to pull the answers from my lecture, the lecture slides, the text and outside internet sources I just need you to reference or cite it! Use APA Style or these simple examples:
Chapter Fourteen has four objectives:
What is the cause of mental disorders?
Describe how someone can correctly recognize a potential mental disorder
Give a detailed description and TWO examples of the following FIVE categories of mental disorders:
Somatic Symptom Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Mood Disorders
What makes a Personality Disorder different from a principle disorder and give a detailed description and TWO examples of the THREE major categories of Personality Disorders.
Chapter Fifteen has four objectives:
Describe the core principles of the FIVE major types of psychological therapies:
Freudian Psychoanalysis
Humanistic Therapy
Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Therapy
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Describe THREE Cognitive Distortions with a detailed description and a real-life example.
Describe the FOUR major categories of medications with TWO examples.
Describe Self Therapy and provide THREE examples of how you can provide Self Therapy.
BIOL 1101 The Best Food Source for Mice Weight Gain Lab Report Science Assignment Help
*Lab is not needed to complete this assignment* You are simply making notes based on facts as in what will happen in the situations. Answer all questions and make notes for all statements.
Figure 1. Nesting Mice
Can You Pick the Best Food for Your Pet?
The processes of science give you a way to investigate the preferences of mice (Figure 1) for various food types or any other question in a scientific context. Science is a careful and methodological approach to studying the world around us. You can observe, experiment, model, and test, which yield results. You can use logic and reason to interpret the results. Others in the field must be able to repeat and verify your results. Science must be reproducible. In addition, things that are considered scientific must be testable and must be open to the possibility of being shown to be false. This is called being falsifiable.
The scientific method is a pathway that guides the acquisition of scientific knowledge. It is a framework for critical thinking that lessens the uncertainties in discovery, especially when it is reviewed and repeated, as science always is. Though often presented as a rigid set of steps that must occur in a specific order, the scientific method may include some or all of these steps (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Five Steps of the Scientific Method
Observation involves witnessing a natural phenomenon. Perhaps you notice something that does not make intuitive sense to you. Or, you might be curious about the weather, plants, or a certain animal species. Observations that are recorded are called data (singular: datum). Data may be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative data are descriptive. Examples of qualitative data include:
- The shape of a snake’s scales
- The pattern of remodeled bone as a result of healing after a break or in response to changes in physical activity
- The nesting behaviors of mother birds
Quantitative data include specific measurements of a particular parameter, such as time, temperature, mass, or volume. Examples of quantitative data include:
- How many triangular scales the snake has
- The increase of bone remodeling cells called osteoclasts, based on the rate of exercise
- The number of eggs a bird lays per nesting period
From the observations, generate a question that you wish to answer. You might ask why or how an event happens or what outside influences affect why or how an event happens.
To answer your question, formulate an educated guess, or hypothesis. The hypothesis is an answer to your question from the previous step. It describes a possible, testable outcome. The hypothesis is said to be an educated guess because formulating the hypothesis typically requires research into ideas and existing outcomes related to the hypothesis. Hypotheses can be written in terms of independent and dependent variables.
If a hypothesis is supported through experimentation, you can share your results, allowing others to benefit from your discoveries. You can design further experiments that look at the system in greater depth.
Note that even a negative result, one which disproves the hypothesis, is useful because it eliminates possible wrong explanations. It is important to remember that any hypothesis that can be tested experimentally is a good hypothesis, even if it is proven wrong.
The experiment is a test of the hypothesis you formulated. It provides results that either support or disprove the hypothesis. In a controlled experiment, one parameter is varied among test groups that are otherwise treated the same. There are different types of controls.
Types of Controls
Negative control groups do not receive treatment and are compared to experimental groups that do receive treatment. For example, a researcher studying the efficacy of a new antibiotic would test an experimental group of bacteria in the presence of the new antibiotic. The negative control group of bacteria would only be treated with water.
Positive control groups are expected to produce a positive result. A positive control might be used to compare the efficacy of the new antibiotic against an existing one that is known to be effective at killing a particular strain of bacteria.
If the bacteria do not grow in the presence of the positive control antibiotic but do grow in the presence of the experimental antibiotic, the researcher has evidence that the new antibiotic is ineffective against that bacterial strain. If, on the other hand, the bacteria do not grow in even the presence of plain water, the researcher has evidence that something went wrong with the experiment. For example, the culture used might be dead, or the bacteria may be unable to grow under the conditions selected.
Other types of experimental set-up may be used when a controlled experiment would be unethical or impractical. For example, scientists use a natural controlled experiment to compare two existing populations, such as smokers and nonsmokers.
Types of Variables
In controlled experiments, the parameter that is varied by the scientist is called the independent variable. Another parameter, measured during the course of the experiment, is called the dependent variable. In an experiment where the effect of caffeine on reaction time is tested, consumption of caffeine is the independent variable and reaction time is the dependent variable. The experimenter controls whether or not caffeine is consumed and how much, and the reaction time is measured.
An experiment should only have one independent variable. To understand why this is the case, think about the bacteria experiment. If the bacteria exposed to the new experimental antibiotic were grown at 21 °C and the bacteria exposed to the positive control antibiotic were grown at 37 °C, the researcher would not know if antibiotic sensitivity was dependent upon antibiotic type or temperature.
Experiments are often performed multiple times. Not only must experiments be properly controlled, but they must also have results that are consistent and repeatable. Any result can happen once by random chance. To show that the independent variable has an effect on the dependent variable, it should have that effect most of the time. If the results only occur in 1 out of 10 experiments, the independent variable likely does not cause that effect. However, if the results occur in 10 out of 10 experiments, the independent variable likely causes that effect. Experiments are usually performed in triplicate, or three times.
Model Organisms
Not all organisms can be studied in depth. So, several animal species are designated as model organisms. Model organisms are chosen to represent classifications of organisms. For example, E. coli is a model for bacterial studies. Model organisms are used to learn about that specific organism, about genes or proteins that many organisms share, or about humans who are not usually experimented on. Model organisms have been widely studied, are easily cared for in laboratory environments, and have particular experimental advantages. Some experimental advantages are having a genome that is completely mapped, being robust, and being easily manipulated during an experiment. Mice, fruit flies, the nematode C. elegans, and E. coli are examples of model organisms.
Results must be evaluated to ensure that the experiments were conducted properly and that conclusions are valid. The evaluation process in science also includes review of conclusions by the greater scientific community and reproduction of results by other researchers.
About This Lab
In this lab, you will investigate the question of the best food source for an upcoming mouse metabolism study. You will test multiple food sources. Mice are omnivores and eat a variety of foods. You will then determine which food source will be best for the study based on the fact that it generated the most weight gain. After concluding which of the options will be best for the study, you will repeat your experiment in triplicate, or with three different mice, to confirm your result.
Assume that previous researchers have used one unit of cooked pasta for mouse metabolism studies and that mice do indeed gain weight eating a diet of cooked pasta. In your experiment, please use cooked pasta as a positive control. For the negative control, you should not feed the mouse any food items. When working with real live mice, this type of experiment would be heavily regulated. Mice can only survive without food for so long and you would not be allowed to perform an experiment in which a mouse starved to death. Be mindful of this when planning your experiment. Your virtual mouse can also die if not fed, which would be a failure in your experiment. You cannot compare a dead mouse as a negative control to your living experimental mice.
Open the simulation by clicking on the virtual lab icon below. The simulation will launch in a new window.
You may need to move or resize the window in order to view both the Procedure and the simulation at the same time.
Follow the instructions in the Procedure to complete each part of the simulation. When instructed to record your observations, record data, or complete calculations, record them for your own records in order to use them later to complete the post-lab assignment.
Experiment 1: Find the Best Mouse Diet for Weight Gain
- Develop a hypothesis about the best food source for mouse weight gain. Record the hypothesis to reference later.
- Take a light box and a balance from the Instruments shelf and place them onto the workbench.
- Take a mouse cage from the Containers shelf and place it onto the workbench.
- Move the mouse cage onto the balance. The value you see displayed is the mass of the cage, a full water bottle, and the other materials inside the cage.
- Press the ZERO button on the balance with the mouse cage on it. The balance should now read 0.000 g.
- Take a mouse from the Materials shelf and place it into the cage.
- If the balance has been appropriately zeroed, the reading on the balance should reflect the mass of the mouse alone. Record the mass and move the mouse cage back to the workbench.
- Take a Petri dish from the Containers shelf and place it onto the workbench.
- Take cooked macaroni from the Materials shelf and add it to the Petri dish. (One unit of food is added automatically). Cooked macaroni is the positive control for this experiment.
- Place the Petri dish of food into the mouse cage.
- Move the cage into the light box.
- Use the up and down arrows on the light box to adjust the number of days. Run the light box for 1 day.
- Press the blue Start button to begin. You will notice a light turn on in the light box. Note: Time passing in the light box has been sped up for you in the virtual lab.
- Remove the cage once the display for the number of days reads “0”. In the virtual lab, you can assume the cage is cleaned, the water bottle is washed and refilled, and the balance is re-zeroed for the cage each time you take the cage out of the light box. You do not need to perform these cleaning steps.
- Remove the dish of food from the cage.
- Put the cage on the balance and measure the mass again. This is the mass of the mouse after one day of the food source. Record the results.
- Empty the cage and the dish of food into the waste bin, then place them in the sink.
- Repeat steps 3 – 17 for each of the other food sources and for no food (negative control).
Experiment 2: Replicate the Experiment
- Identify the food source from Experiment 1 that led to the most weight gain. Record this food source to reference later. You will now try to confirm that the food caused weight gain, as you saw in the first experiment.
- Repeat Experiment 1, steps 3 – 17 for five new mice as follows:
- Positive control
- Negative control
- Experimental group, trial 1
- Experimental group, trial 2
- Experimental group, trial 3
Be sure to use the same type of food for each of the three experimental food trials.
- Clear the bench of all materials, containers, and instruments, then return to your course page to complete any assignment for this lab.
Central Ohio Technical College Data Driven Decision Making Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help
please use excel and not minitab!
The set of problems below are Normal distribution problems. Please solve these problems using Minitab as the analysis tool and integrate your results from Minitab into your solution for each problem. For each problem (and sub-problem) present the results in a short non-statistical report. (For all Normal distribution problems, it is better to draw a picture and mark all relevant information on the picture first. This will help solving the problem right)
1.A certain component for the newly developed electronic diesel engine is considered to be defective if its diameter is less than 8 mm or greater than 10.5 mm. The distributions of the diameters of these parts is known to be normal with a mean of 9.0 mm and a standard deviation of 1.5 mm. If a component is randomly selected, what is the probability that it will be defective?
(Source: Unknown – 366HM?)
2.A farmer believes that the yields of his tomato plants have a normal distribution with an average yield of 10 lbs. and a standard deviation of 2 lbs. The farmer would like to identify the plants which yield the highest 5% and save them for breeding purposes. Calculate the yield which separates the highest 5% of yields from the lowest 95% of yields.
(Source: Unknown – 368HM?)
3.The number of hours before a battery must be replaced in Wellbuilt watches is normally distributed with a mean of 1,900 hours and a standard deviation of 145 hours. What proportion of watch batteries fail before 1,600 hours? Suppose that during the next six months, more than 50% fail before 1,600 hours. From a problem-sensing perspective, what might you conclude? Explain.
(Source: Unknown – 290BS?)
4.Canine Crunchies Inc. (CCI) sells large bags of dog food to warehouse clubs. CCI uses an automatic filling process to fill bags. The weights of the filed bags are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 50 kilograms and a standard deviation of 1.25 kilograms.
a.What is the probability that a filled bag will weigh less than 49.5 kilograms?
b.What is the probability that a randomly sampled filled bag will weigh between 48.5 and 51 kilograms?
c.What is the minimum weight a bag of dog food could be and remain in the top 15% (by weight) of all the bags filled?
(Source: GSFS-Eighth edition)
5.An Internet retailer stocks a popular electronic toy at a central warehouse that supplies the eastern United States. Every week the retailer makes a decision about how many units of the toy to stock. Suppose that the weekly demand for the toy is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 2,500 units and a standard deviation of 300 units.
a.If the retailer wants to limit the probability of being out of stock of the electronic toy to no more than 2.5% in a week, how many units should the central warehouse stock?
b.If the retailer has 2,750 units on hand at the start of the week, what is the probability that weekly demand will be greater than inventory?
c.If the standard deviation of weekly demand for the toy increases from 300 units to 500 units, how many more toys would have to be stocked to ensure that the probability of weekly demand exceeding inventory is no more than 2.5%?
(Source: GSFS-Eighth edition)
Northwestern Polytechnic University Cybersecurity and Internet of Things Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
For this assignment, review the article:
Abomhara, M., & Koien, G.M. (2015). Cyber security and the internet of things: Vulnerabilities, threats, intruders, and attacks. Journal of Cyber Security, 4, 65-88. Doi: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.414
and evaluate it in 4 pages (1200 Words)using your own words, by addressing the following:
- What did the authors investigate, and in general how did they do so?
- Identify the hypothesis or question being tested
- Summarize the overall article.
- Identify the conclusions of the authors
- Indicate whether or not you think the data support their conclusions/hypothesis
- Consider alternative explanations for the results
- Provide any additional comments pertaining to other approaches to testing their hypothesis (logical follow-up studies to build on, confirm or refute the conclusions)
- The relevance or importance of the study
- The appropriateness of the experimental design
When you write your evaluation, be brief and concise, this is not meant to be an essay but an objective evaluation that one can read very easily and quickly. Also, you should include a complete reference (title, authors, journal, issue, pages) you turn in your evaluation. This is good practice for your literature review, which you’ll be completing during the dissertation process.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be approximately three pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. (Remember, APA is double spaced)
- Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.
- Be clear and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
SCS 285 Southern New Hampshire University Research Literacy in Social Sciences Paper Other Assignment Help
I’m working on a research & summaries multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Select two research studies that utilize each methodology type and explore Drug Courts and whether or not they are effective (six in total).
Now that you have conducted your preliminary research and chosen the research studies you will use to help craft your research question, you will need to evaluate each of your research studies to determine patterns in data-collection types.
- What data-collection patterns do you notice?
- Are there some data-collection types that seem to be used more in your area of study in the social sciences?
- What about the other social sciences?
- Why do you think that is?
- How can using certain data-collection types more than others create a threat to credibility?
- What are the benefits of multiple data-collection types?
- What are the drawbacks of multiple data-collection types?
- What is the link between varied data collection and credibility risks?
- What are some common types of data collection used in each of the social sciences?
- Why do you think certain social sciences seem to favor particular types of data collection over others?
SCS 285 Southern New Hampshire University Research Literacy in Social Sciences Paper Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Abnormal Psychology and Therapy Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Each week you are to post a thoughtful answer to the prompt and leave a thoughtful reply to at least TWO other student’s posts.
Good rule of thumb for length: A good original discussion post should have at least 325 words total (for all sections)
You will be participating in a discussion within a smaller “class” of about 20 students so you can better get to know your fellow students in a smaller group and for consistency.
Each weekly discussion is worth fifteen points total and must be completed by the Sunday 11:59pm deadline. No “makeups” or participation allowed after the 11:59 Sunday deadline.
Take some time with this to give honest posts and real replies. (Don’t rush through it – nobody likes fakes!) The goal of classroom discussions in meaningful interaction with your fellow students. The idea is that you will get to know your classmates and learn then from each other.
To receive full credit each week you must reply to the prompt with an organized and thoughtful answer at least one paragraph in length for each section and your two replies must also be thoughtful answers at least a paragraph in length.
This week’s prompt:
This weeks prompt has four sections. Please organize and separate your response to reflect these four sections:
What did you find the most interesting in what you learned week four (Abnormal Psych and Therapy) of the course? Anything that you think might stay with you long after this course is over? Describe to the class what that was and include relevant vocab.
Now that you have almost completed perhaps your first collegiate course in psychology. What have you learned? What material have you found valuable in your daily life. Explain what that material you have learned to the class and HOW it connects to your daily life.
What ideas and preconceptions did you have about psychology or life in general that have now changed because of material learned in this course? Perhaps examples of false “pop psychology”. How have you changed your previous views? Be as specific as possible.
What did you find perhaps a little unclear about any content of the course? Any questions perhaps your fellow students could answer?
NewSchool of Architecture and Design The Carroltons Case Study Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment Three
• The Carroltons’ are deliberating whether to purchase a
house or continue to rent for the next 10 years.
• They are assured by both of their employers that no
transfers to new locations will occur for at least this
number of years.
• Plus, the high school that their children attend is very
good for their college prep education, and they all like
the neighborhood where they live now.
• They have a total of $40,000 available now and
estimate that they can afford up to $2,850 per month for
the total house payment.
instrument that is expected to earn at the rate of 6%
per year.
of each year the same amount as the monthly 15-year
mortgage payments.
Franklin Pierce College Safety of COVID 19 Vaccines Discussion Science Assignment Help
Choose any topic related to vaccines, clinical trials, safety, ethics, trust in the medical establishment, or the roll out of vaccines in the United States and Worldwide. For example maybe you want to learn more about how a specific vaccine works? Or how do the clinical trials work? Maybe you want to know more about why some communities are disproportionately impacted by Covid. Or maybe you want to learn about how vaccines are being rolled out in your local community, a particular state, in the United States in general, or elsewhere in the world. Use this as an opportunity to explore one of these ideas in more detail and share wha you learn with the class.
- Summarize an article or website on one of these topics in 5-7 sentences (4 pts)
- Share your thoughts on how individuals, health care providers, and/or governments can work together to get world vaccinated 5-7 sentences
- Post the link to your article or website (1 pt)
- include a picture (1 pt)
CGS 3095 FIU Unique Ethical Problems In Information Technology Questions Programming Assignment Help
Objectives: Students will reflect on the importance and application of ethics in information technology by analyzing specific scenarios and answering diverse ethical questions. Future implications will be discussed by analyzing the ethical issues posed in a Star Trek TV series episode.
Instructions: Review the resources listed on the prerequisite section. Then proceed to answer the questions presented in this assignment.
- Maner, W. (1996). Unique ethical problems in information technology. Science and Engineering Ethics, 2(2), 137-154.
- Star Trek the Original Series Episode 10 Season 3: “Plato’s Stepchildren”.
- Star Trek the Original Series Episode 15 Season 3: “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield”.
Additional Notes & Requirements:
- Write the question number as a header for each answer in your submission.
- Assignment is due shortly after the end of class.
- Answers must be submitted in plain text using Canvas only. Do NOT submit any files.
- Each question must be answered in order to receive credit.
- Answers must have a minimum of 150 words per question unless stated differently in the question’s instructions.
- Assignments not following this requirement may receive a zero (0) or a substantially reduced grade.
- Answers will be graded on completion
- Questions:
- Summarize the justifications given by Walter Maner’s paper “Unique Ethical Problems In Information Technology” for the study of computer ethics and share your opinion.
- What ethical issues did you identified in the Star Trek Original Series episode “Plato’s Stepchildren”? How can these issues be associated or related to present day (modern) issues?.
- What was the pivotal ethical issue in the Star Trek Original Series episode “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield”. What lessons can be drawn from this episode? How is the ethical issue portrayed relevant or related to the present day?
Community College of Philadelphia Ethics in Research Based on Nursing Paper Writing Assignment Help
Community College of Philadelphia Ethics in Research Based on Nursing Paper Writing Assignment Help