Compare and contrast them with each other. Create an example of something in the field of marriages, families, or relationships and explain how each of the different techniques might be used in a research study. Writing Assignment Help

Compare and contrast them with each other. Create an example of something in the field of marriages, families, or relationships and explain how each of the different techniques might be used in a research study. Writing Assignment Help. Compare and contrast them with each other. Create an example of something in the field of marriages, families, or relationships and explain how each of the different techniques might be used in a research study. Writing Assignment Help.

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class: child development

Reflective Essay!!

PROMPT: Using at least two formal citations, describe each of the five Data Collection Techniques outlined at the end of this chapter. Compare and contrast them with each other. Create an example of something in the field of marriages, families, or relationships and explain how each of the different techniques might (or might not) be used in a research study about it. Which way do you think would be the best method for a researcher to use for the example you came up with?

? Five data collection techniques: If you use any of this information below defining any of the 5 data collections it is from the BOOK and quote and cite it !!!! ?

1) Interviews, questionnaires and surveys-

The most common data-gathering technique in family research involves personally interviewing respondents or asking them to complete self-report questionnaires about their attitudes and past or present behaviors. When conduct-ing interviews, researchers ask questions in person or by telephone. Gallup polls use telephone surveys. Alterna-tively, a researcher may distribute paper-and-pencil or Web-based questionnaires that respondents complete by themselves. Increasingly viewed as comparable in reliability to paper-and-pencil questionnaires, Internet surveys use e-mail or Web-based formats (Coles, Cook, and Blake 2007). Examples of the latter can be found at, which facilitates the design, distri-bution, and some analysis of online surveys ( from book ) page 49

2) Naturalistic Observation

“In naturalistic observation (also called “participant observation” or “field research”), the researcher spends extensive time with respondents and carefully records their activities, conversations, gestures, and other aspects of everyday life. This data-gathering technique often accompanies the interaction–constructionist theoretical perspective. The researcher attempts to discern family relationships and communica-tion patterns and to draw implications and conclusions for understanding family behavior in general. The study of women living in trailer parks employed naturalistic ob-servation as well as interviews. Over a period of sixteen months, researchers spent twelve to twenty hours in each woman’s home, sometimes taking part in family meals (Notter, MacTavish, and Shamah 2008)” ( from book) page 50

3) Focus groups

“A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which, in a group setting, a researcher asks a gathering of ten to twenty people about their attitudes or experiences regarding a situation (Stewart and Sham-dasani 2015). Researchers have used focus groups, for ex-ample, to explore how parents feel about their overweight children (Jones et al. 2009). Participants are free to talk with each other as well as to the researcher or group leader. Focus group sessions last between one and two hours and are typically electronically recorded and then transcribed or entered into a computer for later analysis. The study of Chinese and Korean immigrants, discussed earlier in this chapter, is based on data collected in eight San Francisco area focus groups (Wong, Yoo, and Stewart 2006).” ( from book) page 50

4) Experiments and laboratory observation

“In an ex-periment or in laboratory observation, behaviors are carefully monitored or measured under controlled con-ditions. In an experiment, subjects from a pool of similar participants are randomly assigned to groups (experimen-tal and control groups) that are subjected to different expe-riences (treatments). For example, families with children who are undergoing bone marrow transplants may be asked to participate in an experiment to determine how they may best be helped to cope with the situation. One group of families may be assigned to a support group in which the expression of feelings, even negative ones, is encouraged (the experimental group). A second group may receive no special intervention (the control group). If at the conclusion of the experiment the groups dif-fer according to measures of coping behavior, then the outcome is presumed to be a result of the experimental treatment. Because no other differences are presumed to exist among the randomly assigned groups, the results of the experiment provide evidence of the effects of thera-peutic intervention (Babbie 2014).”

page 51

Clinician’s case studies

“We also obtain information about families from case studies compiled by clinicians—psychologists, psychiatrists, marriage counselors, and social workers—who counsel people with marital and family problems.” page 51

BOOK: Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society

Lamanna, Mary Ann; Riedmann, Agnes; Stewart, Susan D

Compare and contrast them with each other. Create an example of something in the field of marriages, families, or relationships and explain how each of the different techniques might be used in a research study. Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

history pargraph Humanities Assignment Help

America: It brought diseases that killed of 90-95% of the Native Americans. Discovered new crops and animals to be sent back to Europe. Colonized America. Europe: Got Europe filthy rich during the commercial revolution with mercantilism. The raw materials getting sent back improved economy. Europe traded with African chiefs for slaves to work plantations and mines in the new world. Africa’s population was devastated and there was extreme death. Europeans traded and captured slaves to work in the new world. Slaves worked plantation and mines to send more raw materials to Europe.


please let me know if the links work, Writing Assignment Help

You are creating a business plan to add an outpatient lab located on Local Hospital campus. This plan is being submitted to senior leadership of Local Hospital for consideration.

These two documents will provide you with the information that you need to complete this project. Use the assumptions given as the basis, and BE CREATIVE to complete the rest.


please read direction carefully this is a two part assignment. Writing Assignment Help


  • Download this word document to your computer.
  • Include the Assignment Rubric at the end of your document.
  • Create a title page by putting your cursor above the table and clicking down until you have a blank title page to format OR using Insert Tab-> blank page
  • Carefully follow all directions for this assignment.
  • Remember to provide evidence to support your responses as well as citations and references (including the article you are analyzing)! For example, when answering 1b. You would include how your problem statement meets the 5 criteria for problem statements that you learned in Module 1. Include citations and references from the textbook, course content, and your research article throughout your analysis. This is required. Failure to do so will result in point loss or rejection of your paper.
  • Use the same research study that you selected in Select a Study in Module 2 to answer these questions for Analyses #1 & 2.
  • You must use the template provided in the course, and include the entire question prior to your response. The template will expand to accommodate your responses. Your paper will not be accepted if the instructions are not followed completely.
  • Keep the template in black font (as provided), but use royal blue font for your responses.
  • Well thought out and comprehensive answers to the analysis questions will generate a critical analysis of your research article, a skill that all baccalaureate-prepared, health care and human services professionals need to acquire in order to provide evidence-based care to their patients/clients.
  • Use APA format for all citations and references. Use the correct file naming procedure for your submissions.
  • For Analysis #1 answer: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (covers modules 1-3); (Due Module 4)
  • For Analysis #2 answer: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (covers Modules 4-6); (Due Module 6)

1. Problem Statement/Purpose Statement

a. What is the complete Title of the research experiment that you selected in the Select a Study assignment in Module 2? [It must be one of the options specified for the assignment – do NOT find your own article, as your paper will not be accepted]

b. Provide a properly formatted reference (APA format) for the article:

c. Follow the same five criteria directions you did in the Module 1 “Problems Everywhere” discussion forum and write a problem statement for this research experiment. (Hint: citations and references needed; use the readings to inform/guide/support your responses throughout this paper).

d. Using the definition for a research “purpose”, what do you think the purpose of this research experiment is?

e. In your opinion, is this experiment important to our health care system in this country? Why? Why not?

2.Research Question/Hypotheses

a. Using your textbook and course content define the term hypothesis and write one for the research study you are analyzing.


b. Using your textbook (hint: citations and references needed) and course content, define the term simple hypothesis and write one for the research study you are analyzing. Then define the following terms and use your simple hypothesis to write a directional and a null hypothesis.

Simple hypothesis:

Directional hypothesis:

Null hypothesis:

3.Identification and Operational Definitions of Study Variables

a. Name the independent and dependent variable/s in your study



b. Concept of Operationalization: In an experimental research study, the researchers hope to find that applying the IV will change the DV. In order to determine if the change occurred (or how much of a change occurred), the researchers must clearly define both the IV and DV, and specify exactly how the variables will be measured in the study. For example, suppose researchers want to determine the effect of steroid use (IV) on aggression (DV) in male youth. They must define what they mean by “steroid use” and specify how it is to be measured (i.e., participant-reported daily use of over-the-counter anabolic steroid products for the purpose of increasing muscle mass) as well as define and specify their DV (i.e., as measured using the Aggression Scale for Adolescents [Orpinas & Frankowski, 2001]).

With that example in mind, how did the researchers operationalize the IV and DV, and how did they collect data on their DV (i.e., exactly how did they determine if the IV had changed/had an impact on the DV, or exactly how did they know that the DV had been impacted or changed)? Please explain thoroughly:

4. Literature Review

Before researchers begin their experiment they review the literature to see what previous experiments might have taken place using the same or similar variables; nobody wants to reinvent a wheel. Literature Reviews are relatively short and are always located between the abstract and the methods sections of a research article. Locate the Literature Review in your research study. It will be below the abstract, before methods and either:

  • under a section called Introduction
  • OR Literature Review
  • ALTERNATIVELY, there may be no specific heading.

Note that it is NOT in the Abstract.

a. Where, SPECIFICALLY, is the Literature Review in your article? (Page number? Column? Paragraph/s?)

b. Read carefully through the Literature Review section in your study and name the specific variables that are being addressed in the Literature review section only.

c. After reviewing the course content on primary and secondary sources, search the Reference page of your article for 1 primary source OR 1 secondary source that you are certain about just from reading the title in the citation. List the number or Authors of the citation and whether that citation is primary or secondary. Use the readings/course content to provide a rationale for your selection (i.e., use the buzz words that are posted on the content page to help you – what words clue you in that is it primary or secondary?):

d. At the beginning or end of the Literature Review, and before the Methods section the researchers summarize what they found in earlier studies on the variables of interest. Researchers use this summary to point out a GAP in the literature. A gap is something that is still not understood, or perhaps still not fully explored. Researchers often state this as their aim in conducting their study. Review the section carefully because they may point to more than one gap or area in need of further research.

What GAP(S) did the researchers point out in your study? Please explain thoroughly.

5. Study Design

a. Using your understanding of the multiple research study designs from your textbook and the content pages, identify the research design used for this study and provide a rationale for your decision (i.e., provide a definition of the type of design that you identify in your research article):

b. In your opinion, was this design appropriate for this study? Why or why not? Base this on evidence from your readings and course content.

c. Remember that extraneous variables (variables other than the IV and the DV) can impact/affect the DV (may contribute to the change in the DV, outcome or results). In other words, they may be threats to internal validity of the study.

Were threats to internal validity (extraneous variables) controlled in this study? How? Give specific examples.

d. Think of another extraneous variable that should/could be controlled in this study. Why? (i.e., how do you think this variable might affect the DV or the outcome of the study?):

e. How would YOU have controlled for this extraneous variable?

6. Protection of Human Subjects in Research

a. Do the researchers indicate that they took steps to protect the human subjects that were a part of their study? Identify what steps they took and how they describe their application to their research study. Explain why this is necessary/required (I need to “hear” that you understand the meaning, importance and ethical necessity of these measures in your response).

7. Population, Sample, and Setting

Important Note: No matter what the researchers themselves tell you, do not be fooled into thinking that the sample is the population! This is a common misconception in research studies! Remember, the population is the complete set of persons or things possessing the characteristics that the researchers want to study/want to infer their results to. At the end of the study (in the Discussion, Implications, Limitations sections) researchers discuss who their results are being inferred to or generalized to: For example, all smokers? All overweight teenagers. These are often much different from the limited group they sampled: i.e., a military base, hospitals in another country, etc. It is a very good idea to read these sections before determining WHO or WHAT the population is for this study. You might be very surprised! Still confused? Check this short video out:

7a.. Identify the POPULATION for this study:

b. Specifically, how was the SAMPLE selected from this population? Exactly how did they select the actual participants – what was the process? (i.e., were there inclusion and exclusion criteria; how did they recruit the sample and determine who would become part of the study, or who would be excluded?)

c. How large was the sample? Tell me the exact number that actually participated in the study (just give me ONE number here):

d. In your opinion, does the sample “represent” the population for this study? (i.e., is the sample similar to the overall population that the researchers might want to infer the results to?) Why or Why Not? Explain your answer:

e. Where did this study take place (there may be multiple locations, i.e., Laboratory, clinic, school, other):

8. Data collection INSTRUMENT

Data are collected so that researchers can measure the impact that the IV has had on the DV. Instruments are used to collect these data. Instruments may include surveys, scales, telephones, questionnaires, interviews, lab tests, etc.? Review carefully – remember instruments used may be more than things like thermometers, scales, etc.

a. What specific instrument/s was/were used to COLLECT DATA in this study? (I am looking for the instrument/s, not the data.). For example, what did the researchers use to measure/collect data for the study outcome (DV)?

b. How did the researchers describe their data collection INSTRUMENT/s and how they used it/them? Be specific.

c. Using definitions and descriptions of RELIABILITY (inter/intraobserver reliability) presented in the text and on the content pages, describe what steps were taken to assure that the data collected in this study are reliable? (i.e., Were the observers calibrated? Did they standardize their procedures? Was their data collection instrument calibrated? Specifically, describe everything you see that suggests that the researchers tried to collect reliable data by taking steps to improve inter/intraobserver reliability). Explain your answer thoroughly:

9.Data analysis. Remember, data analysis procedures are different from data collection instruments/tools! Review the textbook and content pages on data and statistics before responding. Additionally, for a quick reminder of difference between descriptive and inferential statistics, check out these videos: OR

a. Define descriptive statistics and identify/name the DESCRIPTIVE statistics used to organize, describe and summarize data in this study

b. Define inferential statistics and identify/name the INFERENTIAL statistics used to infer results to the population.

c. Google the name of ONE of the Inferential statistical tests mentioned in your research study. What does your source say about this inferential test? Why do you think your authors chose this inferential test for their study (think about the Levels of Measurement for example)? Please explain. Please provide a link to your findings and do not forget to cite the information and write a reference page citation on this source, as well. (Note: the researchers may note that they used particular software to analyze the data, such as SAS, SPSS, Stata, etc. These are NOT descriptive or inferential statistics; they are software packages that can perform analysis of the data – for example, they can be programed to run Chi Square, T-Tests, ANOVAs, and more advanced analyses).

10. Conclusions/implications/limitations

a. In light of this research experiment’s methods, what do you think is the major strength of this study? Please support your response thoroughly. This question refers to the study methods, not the purpose or outcome of the study.

b. In YOUR opinion what is/are the study’s major limitation/s? Please support your response thoroughly. Again, this question is related to the study design and methodsnot the outcomes for the study.

c. Review the Acknowledgment section, or any area of your study that acknowledges funding sources, or other contributions. As you review, think about the possibility of “funding bias” or “sponsorship bias” (i.e., might the study outcomes support the interests of, or favor the funders or sponsors of the research in some way?).

Define bias and indicate whether the funding source/s listed in this research study suggest that the study’s findings may be biased based upon the funding source or sponsor of the study? Please defend your answer thoroughly and let me hear that you understand the research concept of bias in your response!


University of The Cumberlands Zara Five Competitive Forces Model Paper Writing Assignment Help

The ability to summarize a salient point is every bit as important as being able to write several pages of a detailed analysis or prose. There are numerous case studies on Michael Porter’s Five Competitive Forces Model. Find one and summarize the case study to others in no more than one or two paragraphs. Respond to another learner by critically reading his or her analysis and address whether or not you agree (answering why, or why not), using arguments you have either read in the text, slides or online. Remember to reference the source so the other reader can review the case study as well to formulate his or her response to you. Grammar, capitalization, spelling, word usage (do not use a translator) are all important elements this week, so I recommend that everyone use the College-provided Grammarly tool.

I have attached the reference for link and pdf



history / paragraph Humanities Assignment Help

Select any four of the six questions of your choice. Each question should be at a minimum of two pages with all parts answered. No title page necessary, you can use any sources to develop your answers and you do not need to cite the sources. This first research set the foundation, parameters expectations for all other critical thinking assignments. Once completed submit as up load into canvas. Grader will be posted to the grade book. This first essay exam counts for twenty percent of your overall grade.

  1. Define the origins of Renaissance. Why did the Italian Renaissance produce such a strong spirit of Humanism? Discuss the major contribution Leonard da Vinci? How was the Northern Renaissance in Northern Europe different from the Italian Renaissance?
  2. Discuss the importance of the Maritime Exploration prior to 1450 and after 1450. Who opened up the Window of Exploration and what technological innovations did the Europeans employ?

3.Discuss the origins of the Protestant Reformation? Martin Luther and John Calvin were contemporaries of one another, but different from a religious theology, how?

4.Why was Oliver Cromwell important? Discuss the significance of the English Civil War and Glorious Revolution and the Bill of Rights.

5. Why caused the Thirty Years’ War and why did it become the first modern war and the treaty of the Peace of West Westphalia was the first modern peace?

6. Why is Machiavelli usually considered the “father of modern political thought “? Why was Machiavelli more interested in “what is “rather than “what ought to be”? According to Machiavelli what was wrong with Italy of his own day?

history / paragraph Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Exchange rates Business Finance Assignment Help


Assume that your company purchases inventories from a Mexican supplier on December 15. The invoice specifies that payment is to be made on March 15 in Mexican Pesos in an amount of 150,000 Pesos. Your company operates on a calendar year basis.

Assume the following exchange rates and dates:

December 15……………..$0.04:1 Peso

December 31……………..$0.05:1 Peso

March 15…………………..$0.06:1 Peso

Submission Requirements:

Prepare a PowerPoint slide presentation illustrating the following:

  • The journal entry by your company on December 15, the adjusting entry on December 31, and the payment entry on March 15.
  • Note an explanation of the transaction after each journal entry.
  • Describe the rationale for each entry, utilizing GAAP standards when possible.
  • Review the grading rubric following this assignment, to understand how you will be graded on this assignment. Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.


Cash Budget / Working Capital Management Writing Assignment Help

Q -1

Cash Budget

Close to 50% of the typical industrial and retail firm’s assets are held as working capital. Many newly minted college graduates work in positions that focus on working capital management, particularly in small businesses in which most new jobs are created in today’s economy.

To prepare for this Discussion: Shared Practice, select two of the following components of working capital management: the cash conversion cycle, the cash budget, inventory management, and credit policies. Think about scenarios in which your selected topics were important for informing decision making. Be sure to review the video links above and conduct additional research using academically reviewed materials, and your professional experience on working capital concepts to help develop your scenarios. Support your discussion with appropriate examples including numerical examples as necessary.

a. Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

b. Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from your own research.

350-400 Word / APA format / In-text Citation / References

Q – 2

Adams, Incorporated would like to add a new line of business to its existing retail business. The new line of business will be the manufacturing and distribution of animal feeds. This is a major capital project. Adams, Incorporated is aware you an in an MBA program and would like you to help analysis the viability of this major business venture based on the following information:

 The production line would be set up in an empty lot the company owns.

 The machinery’s invoice price would be approximately $200,000, another $10,000 in shipping charges would be required, and it would cost an additional $30,000 to install the equipment.

 The machinery has useful life of 4 years, and it is a MACRS 3-year asset.

 The machinery is expected to have a salvage value of $25,000 after 4 years of use.

 This new line of business will generate incremental sales of 1,250 units per year for 4 years at an incremental cost of $100 per unit in the first year, excluding depreciation. Each unit can be sold for $200 in the first year. The sales price and cost are expected to increase by 3% per year due to inflation.

 Net working capital would have to increase by an amount equal to 12% of sales revenues. The firm’s tax rate is 40%, and its overall weighted average cost of capital is 10%.


1. If the company spent $40,000 last year in the upkeep of the empty lot, should this cost be included in the analysis? Why or why not?

2. Disregard the assumptions in part 1 above. What is the machinery’s depreciable basis? What are the annual depreciation expenses?

(Need only Answer) Doesn’t matter word count


Artificial Intelligence_Assignment. Computer Science Assignment Help

2.6: The current controller visits the locations in the to_do list sequentially.

Change the controller so that it is opportunistic; when it selects the
next location to visit, it selects the location that is closest to its
current position. It should still visit all the locations.

Give one example of an environment in which the new controller visits
all the locations in fewer time steps than the original controller.

Give one example of an environment in which the original controller
visits all the locations in fewer time steps than the modified

(d) Change the controller so that, at every step, the
agent heads toward whichever target location is closest to its current

(e) Can the controller from part (d) get stuck and never
reach a target in an example where the original controller will work?
Either give an example in which it gets stuck and explain why it cannot
find a solution, or explain why it gets to a goal whenever the original

Textbook: for reference.


Part IV: Project Portfolio Humanities Assignment Help



Type of service:



Double spacing

Paper format:


Number of pages:

3 pages

Number of sources:

4 sources

Paper detalis:

Part IV: Project Portfolio

Use the needs assessment from your Week 1 organization, and the assessment tools created in Week 2.

Create an Assessment on organizational culture.

Include the following:

Describe one issue of diversity in the workplace you chose.

Discuss how diversity impacts the organizational culture.

Identify potential cultural impacts of change.

Identify the government regulations and rules that apply to your workplace and the resulting effects on organizational culture.

Explain why leaders and the organization must follow government and
industry regulations when making decisions and demonstrating ethical
behavior. Consider laws as outlined by Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, Food and Drug Administration, Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, Securities and
Exchange Commission, Federal Communications Commission and National
Labor Relations Board.

Present the usefulness of IO/P principles, and the theories and
techniques that could be applied in the assessment and creation of
organizational culture.

Cite a minimum of two sources.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

[supanova_question] for reference.


Part IV: Project Portfolio Humanities Assignment Help



Type of service:



Double spacing

Paper format:


Number of pages:

3 pages

Number of sources:

4 sources

Paper detalis:

Part IV: Project Portfolio

Use the needs assessment from your Week 1 organization, and the assessment tools created in Week 2.

Create an Assessment on organizational culture.

Include the following:

Describe one issue of diversity in the workplace you chose.

Discuss how diversity impacts the organizational culture.

Identify potential cultural impacts of change.

Identify the government regulations and rules that apply to your workplace and the resulting effects on organizational culture.

Explain why leaders and the organization must follow government and
industry regulations when making decisions and demonstrating ethical
behavior. Consider laws as outlined by Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, Food and Drug Administration, Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, Securities and
Exchange Commission, Federal Communications Commission and National
Labor Relations Board.

Present the usefulness of IO/P principles, and the theories and
techniques that could be applied in the assessment and creation of
organizational culture.

Cite a minimum of two sources.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

[supanova_question] for reference.


Part IV: Project Portfolio Humanities Assignment Help



Type of service:



Double spacing

Paper format:


Number of pages:

3 pages

Number of sources:

4 sources

Paper detalis:

Part IV: Project Portfolio

Use the needs assessment from your Week 1 organization, and the assessment tools created in Week 2.

Create an Assessment on organizational culture.

Include the following:

Describe one issue of diversity in the workplace you chose.

Discuss how diversity impacts the organizational culture.

Identify potential cultural impacts of change.

Identify the government regulations and rules that apply to your workplace and the resulting effects on organizational culture.

Explain why leaders and the organization must follow government and
industry regulations when making decisions and demonstrating ethical
behavior. Consider laws as outlined by Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, Food and Drug Administration, Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, Securities and
Exchange Commission, Federal Communications Commission and National
Labor Relations Board.

Present the usefulness of IO/P principles, and the theories and
techniques that could be applied in the assessment and creation of
organizational culture.

Cite a minimum of two sources.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

[supanova_question] for reference.


Part IV: Project Portfolio Humanities Assignment Help



Type of service:



Double spacing

Paper format:


Number of pages:

3 pages

Number of sources:

4 sources

Paper detalis:

Part IV: Project Portfolio

Use the needs assessment from your Week 1 organization, and the assessment tools created in Week 2.

Create an Assessment on organizational culture.

Include the following:

Describe one issue of diversity in the workplace you chose.

Discuss how diversity impacts the organizational culture.

Identify potential cultural impacts of change.

Identify the government regulations and rules that apply to your workplace and the resulting effects on organizational culture.

Explain why leaders and the organization must follow government and
industry regulations when making decisions and demonstrating ethical
behavior. Consider laws as outlined by Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, Food and Drug Administration, Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, Securities and
Exchange Commission, Federal Communications Commission and National
Labor Relations Board.

Present the usefulness of IO/P principles, and the theories and
techniques that could be applied in the assessment and creation of
organizational culture.

Cite a minimum of two sources.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.


Compare and contrast them with each other. Create an example of something in the field of marriages, families, or relationships and explain how each of the different techniques might be used in a research study. Writing Assignment Help

Compare and contrast them with each other. Create an example of something in the field of marriages, families, or relationships and explain how each of the different techniques might be used in a research study. Writing Assignment Help

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