Complete PowerPoint for Foster Innovation Course Business Finance Assignment Help

Complete PowerPoint for Foster Innovation Course Business Finance Assignment Help. Complete PowerPoint for Foster Innovation Course Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Assignment: Design Thinking: Evaluation

In the business world, the final phase of design thinking is where a solution strategy is selected and a business case is made for the viability of the chosen solution. If the previous phases have been enacted diligently, the proposed solution has a very good chance of leading to an innovation.

By now, you have identified an issue or problem in your workspace that can be improved in some tangible way. You have generated a list of ideas that could lead to this improvement, and collaborated with your classmates to gain alternate perspectives and solutions. It is now time to step back from this process and evaluate how design-thinking can be applied to real-world business problems at your organization.

For this Assignment, imagine you have an opportunity to meet with the VP of Customer Services. You have 15 minutes to present on the value of the department’s use of design thinking to come up with a solution to a problem the team is experiencing.

By Day 7

Submit a PowerPoint-style presentation with a pitch script in the Notes section outlining your pitch for the use of design thinking to solve a problem. Be sure to include the following, with any other relevant information that you think is essential to an effective pitch:

  • Identify the potential customers or end users that would be positively affected if the organization adopted the more formal design thinking process.
  • Explain whether design thinking could be effectively integrated into the organization, and why?
  • How would you convince stakeholders within the organization of its value?

Be sure to draw on the articles by Brown (2008) and Brown and Anthony (2011) from this week’s Resources to support your conclusions.

Complete PowerPoint for Foster Innovation Course Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Global Inequality assignment Humanities Assignment Help

  • You will receive an incomplete grade (zero) for minimalist submissions or submissions which do not demonstrate understanding and thorough explanation of the concepts, or which simply copy and paste from the assigned reading.
  • In each of the answers, you should apply facts about commodity chains to illustrate the concepts. Don’t generalize about countries in the zones, but refer to workers, businesses, and states of the different zones
  • While doing Individual Assignment- Modern Society , you may need…

Watch video,

read the PDF “supply and demand and proximate and Ultimate“,

read “Read and View: Unequal Exchange in Commodity Chains” doc.

read “Modern Society

View the PPT Modern Society

watch video

look African Exploiitation NYT interactive:…


Substance abuse project help Health Medical Assignment Help


Directions: Project #4 will consist of three sections: Early Intervention-College, Early Intervention-Elementary, Treatment. Each section will require the student to explore the topic beyond chapter parameters.

Section #1 – Misuse of stimulants

For section #1, pretend that you are a drug abuse prevention specialist for the University of North Florida. You have been asked to prepare a creative one-page flyer for students in the dorms on non-medical prescription drug use. Please read the following article, Misuse and abuse of ADHD medication, and use the contents of the article to create your flyer. Your flyer will need to include:

1) some of the major symptoms of stimulant substance abuse as discussed in the article

2) physical consequences of stimulant abuse mentioned in the article and more severe consequences such as death

3) a statement indicating availability of time management and test anxiety courses offered by UNF Academic Center for Excellence (include contact info)

4) UNF Counseling Center contact info (emphasize that it is free, confidential, and never listed on their academic records)

5) a statement that friends with valid stimulant prescriptions should never give medication to anyone else at any time, especially for studying purposes.

Be sure to make the flyer eye-catching, professional, and use graphics to convey your point.

Quick Tips: You can submit multiple files for Module #4, but make sure to attach them as only one submission. In other words, there should be one attempt with all files attached. Email me if you have any questions.

Section #2 – Early intervention

For section #2, pretend that you are a drug abuse prevention specialist for a local elementary school. The principal has asked you to prepare a creative one-page flyer for teachers on how to identify at-risk students. Your flyer will need to cover the points listed below based on your book. Feel free to add additional information, as you deem appropriate.

  • List of signs that may indicate drug abuse or related problems
  • Tips on how to address a student that may have a potential problem (confidentiality, etc…)
  • What steps should be followed when a substance abuse or violence issue is suspected (find this information in your textbook)
  • Provide your name, credential and contact information if teachers should have further questions or need to talk to someone

Be sure to make the flyer eye-catching, professional, and use graphics to convey your point.

Section #3 – Treatment & Evaluation

For section #3 you are going to conduct a local resource inventory for substance abuse treatment, and provide an example of violence prevention questions to be used for a program evaluation survey.

Doing research on your own through the internet, local phone book and other appropriate resources, find a treatment center or service for each of the conditions listed below. One separate resource for each, please.

In your answer response, list the organization/provider’s name, contact information (phone, address, email) and describe in detail what services they provide. All resources identified need to be Duval County based.

  • Find a local resource for treating a tobacco addiction
  • Find a local resource for treating alcoholism
  • Find a local resource for treating narcotic addiction

Please go to the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) website at

If you were to evaluate a high school violence prevention program, it would be beneficial to have your pre-test and post-test questions mirror the questions of a national survey such as YRBSS, so that your results can be compared to national, local, or regional norms. Please create a 5-question survey using only the exact questions from the YRBS that measure high school violence. You’ll need to click on the Questionnaires tab under YRBSS. Under 2017 Questionnaires, click on the Word version of the standard high school survey and find only the five questions that would measure high school violence. Please do not reword questions, and make sure to include any definitions of terms listed in the questions in the YRBSS (i.e., bullying).


research question: systems theory Humanities Assignment Help

3 pages on identifying a problem facing society (mental health prevention in children) and a systems theory approach to the problem, I have provided most of the research and outline already, just need to synthesize and write.

APA format and references.

Scope of Problem:

How can teaching and improving social skills in children prevent the development of mental health issues? Supported by research

“The Need for a Preventive Focus in Child Mental Health
Interest in prevention is also reflected in the goals that have been set for our nation’s
health. One of the original objectives of Healthy People 2000 was to reduce the prevalence of
mental health disorders in children and adolescents to less than 17%, from an estimated 20%
among youth younger than 18 in 1992 (DHHS, 1991). As of 1997, the summary list of mental
health objectives for Healthy People 2000 included reducing suicides to no more than 8.2 per
100,000 youth (aged 15-19) and reducing the incidence of injurious suicide attempts among
adolescents to 1.8% and, more specifically, to 2.0% among female adolescents (DHHS, 1997). A
number of other objectives were related to child and adolescent mental health. One of the risk
reduction objectives in the Violent and Abusive Behavior category was to reduce the incidence of
physical fighting among adolescents aged 14-17 from a baseline of 137 incidents per 100,000 high
school students per month to 110 per 100,000 (DHHS, 1997). Two additional objectives in this
category were to increase to at least 50% the proportion of elementary and secondary schools
that include nonviolent conflict resolution skills and to extend violence prevention programs to at
least 80% of local jurisdictions with populations over 100,000 (DHHS, 1997). It is unlikely that
these goals will be met by the year 2000.
There is growing concern in our country as increasing numbers of children and adolescents
are having difficulty managing the challenges of development. Between 12% and 22% of
America’s youth under age 18 are in need of mental health services (National Advisory Mental
Health Council, 1990), and an estimated 7.5 million children and adolescents suffer from one or
more mental disorders (OTA, 1986). In addition to the personal suffering experienced by children
with emotional or behavioral problems and their families, mental health disorders also have a
tremendous cost to society. According to the National Advisory Mental Health Council (1990),
in 1990 mental illness cost the United States an estimated 74.9 billion dollars.
Prevention of Mental Disorders – 6/00
While a number of recent reviews (e.g. Kazdin & Weisz, 1998; or see special issue of
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 27, 1998) and meta-analyses (Casey & Berman, 1985;
Kazdin, Bass, Ayers, & Rogers, 1990; Weisz, Weiss, Alicke, & Klotz, 1987; Weisz, Weiss, Han,
Granger, & Morton, 1995) provide evidence that childhood disorders are amenable to treatment,
the literature must be interpreted cautiously. There is still a great deal to be learned about specific
types of treatments, their appropriateness for certain disorders, and the factors that contribute to
treatment success and failure. We have not reached the point where we are able to serve all
children effectively. As suggested by the Institute of Medicine in their report to Congress on the
state of prevention research in mental health, it is important not to overlook the significance of
prevention even if treatment efforts have been unsuccessful; in fact, prevention may play a
particularly important role for these types of disorders (IOM, 1994).
It is clear that to reduce levels of childhood mental illness, interventions need to begin
earlier, or ideally, preventive interventions need to be provided prior to the development of
significant symptomology. In addition, efforts need to be increased to reach the many children
that do not have access to treatment. Many children and adolescents with clinical levels of
problems never receive appropriate mental health services or they receive inappropriate services
(Knitzer, 1985; Tuma, 1989). Another problem with service delivery is that some children only
become eligible for therapeutic services after they have entered another system such as special
education or juvenile court and this is usually after their problems have begun to escalate”

Mental Health Prevention through teaching of social skills (social and emotional learning):

“General social/emotional cognitive skill-building programs A number of the programs
identified in our review focus on generic social/emotional cognitive skill-building as a means to
reduce psychopathology, a wide range of deleterious outcomes which share common risk factors,
as well as to promote social/emotional competence. As research, experience and practicality have
dictated, these programs are often school-based and directed at elementary students.”

“Protective factors are variables that reduce the
likelihood of maladaptive outcomes under conditions of risk. Although less is known about
protective factors and their operation (Rutter, 1985; Kazdin, 1991; Luthar, 1993), at least three
broad domains of protective factors have been identified. The first domain includes characteristics
of the individual such as cognitive skills, social-cognitive skills, temperamental characteristics, and
social skills (Luthar & Zigler, 1992). The quality of the child’s interactions with the environment
comprise the second domain. These interactions include secure attachments to parents (Morissett,
Barnard, Greenberg, Booth, & Speiker, 1990) and attachments to peers or other adults who
engage in positive health behaviors and have prosocial values. A third protective domain involves
aspects of the mesosystem and exosystem, such as school-home relations, quality schools, and
regulatory activities. Similar to risk factors, some protective factors may be more malleable and
thus, more effective targets for prevention.
Coie et al. (1993) suggested that protective factors may work in one or more of the
following four ways: directly decrease dysfunction; interact with risk factors to buffer their
effects; disrupt the mediational chain by which risk leads to disorder; or prevent the initial
occurrence of risk factors. By specifying links between protective factors, positive outcomes, and
reduced problem behaviors, prevention researchers may more successfully identify relevant targets
for intervention (Coie et al., 1993; Dryfoos, 1990).
The specification of intervention goals is an important component of preventiveintervention
research and practice. This requires both an understanding of risk and protective
factors that contribute to outcomes, and also the identification of competencies that are presumed
mediators or goals of the intervention. Although these goals may include the prevention of
difficulties (e.g., absence of psychopathology, abstention from substance use), they also involve
the promotion of healthy developmental outcomes (Pittman & Cahill, 1992). Further, the
prevention of deleterious outcomes involves the enhancement of competency mediators (e.g.,
effective social problem-solving as a mediator of reductions in delinquency).”

Who is affected, How are they affected, What’s
the economic impact of the problem, and why is it a problem?

All information needed on this website: talk about the prevalence and impact on the individual, family, and community level, economic costs of treatment later in life opposed to prevention, in severe cases incarcerations -> cost of criminal justice system

Systems Framework (Use a systems-oriented theoretical framework to conceptualize the presenting problem
and describe its potential ecological causes. That is, what are the individual, familial,
community and social factors)


please post for both dicusion posts Business Finance Assignment Help

please post 150 words for each post

Discussion 1.2: Review a vision and mission statement of an organization you know. This can be the company you work for or simply an organization you would like to know more about. Using the information from the text or other outside evaluation tools, provide a critique of the vision and mission statements.

Discussion 1.3: Review the cases in your text. A summary of these cases can be found in the content section of the book. You will each use one of these cases to produce a thorough analysis the last week of this course. Post your case selection and brief statement of why this case interests you. Each week, you can begin to analyze the case in preparation for that final assignment.



Global Inequality assignment Humanities Assignment Help

  • You will receive an incomplete grade (zero) for minimalist submissions or submissions which do not demonstrate understanding and thorough explanation of the concepts, or which simply copy and paste from the assigned reading.
  • In each of the answers, you should apply facts about commodity chains to illustrate the concepts. Don’t generalize about countries in the zones, but refer to workers, businesses, and states of the different zones
  • While doing Individual Assignment- Modern Society , you may need…Watch video,

read the PDF “supply and demand and proximate and Ultimate“,

read “Read and View: Unequal Exchange in Commodity Chains” doc.

read “Modern Society”

View the PPT Modern Society

watch video

look African Exploiitation NYT interactive:…

And do the Individual Assignment- Modern Society

Global Inequality assignment Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

homework help Science Assignment Help

Week 10. Post your original “primary post”
of at least 125 words for one of the following three bulleted items.
Also, reply to a fellow student on any topic.

  • (1)
    Trophic Cascades in theSerengeti.
    Watch Dr. Cox’s video on “What
    Rinderpest eradication taught us about the Serengeti”, which can be
    found in the Instructor Insights folder for this week. Then address the
    following questions: (a) How did eradication of Rinderpest from East Africa
    increase both the tree and giraffe populations in the Serengeti? (b) How
    did eradication of Rinderpest from East Africa increase the population of
    predator species in the Serengeti? (c) What does this tell us about

  • (2)
    Shrinking Red Knots.
    Read two of the following three articles: Briggs
    (2016); Dussault (2016); Zimmer (2016). (A) In your own words summarize
    the basic story that the articles have in common. (B) Of the two articles
    you read, which of them do you prefer? Why?

  • (3)
    When the Snowpack Melts Early.
    Read the article by Miller (2013) about
    the impact of early melting of mountain snowpack on fish in fresh-water
    rivers of Arizona. (A) What are the consequences of early melting on the
    lifecycle of river dwelling fish? (B) Which of these do you think poses
    the greatest threat to fish?


Cox, J. F. (2017). What Rinderpest eradication taught us
about the Serengeti. [Video]

Briggs, H. (2016, May 13). Shrinking bird pays the bill for Arctic warming.
Retrieved from

Dussault, J. (2016, May 12). Climate change chould be shrinking these arctic
birds. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved from…

Miller, S. (2013) Early snowmelt could mean disaster for
river ecosystems. Retrieved from

Zimmer, C. (2016, May 12). Climate change and the case of the shrinking red
knots. The New York Times. Retrieved from…

Bottom of Form


One page of reflection paper of music concert Writing Assignment Help

Pretend that you attend a concert and turn in a written reflection on what you saw. Describe whatever you find interesting about the experience (audience, sound of the music, instruments, etc!). Relate some aspect of the concert to something we have discussed in class.

You must submit proof that you were at the concert in the form of a ticket stub or selfie.

I’m going to attach slides of classes later, and please give me a form of a ticket or selfie later on even if you don’t attend the concert.

Length: One page


State Statues Business Finance Assignment Help

Debbie the defendant walked onto the front patio of Larry’s house and grabbed a laptop that was sitting on a table on the patio. Once Debbie left the patio, she went around to Larry’s backyard. She saw a window open in the kitchen. Debbie reached in through the window and was able to take a digital camera sitting on a table by the window in the kitchen. As Debbie was walking from the backyard toward the front of the house to leave, she noticed Larry pulling into his driveway. Debbie yelled at Larry, “stay away from me, or I will kill you!” Debbie then jumped into the bushes next to Larry’s house to hide.

Larry saw Debbie walking from the backyard of his house carrying something in her hands, but he was not sure what she had. Larry was scared that someone would be walking from his backyard. Larry called 911 and reported “a suspicious person” in his yard. The police immediately responded and were able to arrest Debbie who was still in the bushes next to Larry’s house. At the time of arrest, Debbie was holding a digital camera and laptop. Larry said he recently bought the laptop for $750. He paid $150 for the digital camera.

Next, locate the Minnesota State statutes regarding the following crimes:

For your written assignment, assume you are the prosecutor. Write a paper that addresses the following questions:

  • Based on the wording of Minnesota statutes, what crimes, if any, do you feel Debbie committed?
  • What are the elements of the offense she should be charged with?
  • What are the differences between the possible crimes?
  • What is the likelihood that Debbie will be convicted of these crimes?

Please be sure to prepare your assignment following APA citation and format requirements. You must include proper citations to any source you relied on for information that you include in your paper.


Marketing Plan for “-” Writing Assignment Help

Develop a 12- to14-page marketing plan (not including the title and reference pages, charts and/or graphs) for any product of your choice. Your marketing plan must:
Analyze the specific marketplace situation in detail, including organizational strengths, weaknesses, environmental opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).
Develop an organizational mission statement, and forecast performance goals using your situational analysis.
Design a marketing strategy based upon your objectives.
Create an appropriate integrated marketing mix, which will include your ability to effectively appeal to the specific market segments you will be targeting.
Develop a written summary and specific recommendations for the implementation of your plan.


Bottom of Form


One page of reflection paper of music concert Writing Assignment Help

Pretend that you attend a concert and turn in a written reflection on what you saw. Describe whatever you find interesting about the experience (audience, sound of the music, instruments, etc!). Relate some aspect of the concert to something we have discussed in class.

You must submit proof that you were at the concert in the form of a ticket stub or selfie.

I’m going to attach slides of classes later, and please give me a form of a ticket or selfie later on even if you don’t attend the concert.

Length: One page


State Statues Business Finance Assignment Help

Debbie the defendant walked onto the front patio of Larry’s house and grabbed a laptop that was sitting on a table on the patio. Once Debbie left the patio, she went around to Larry’s backyard. She saw a window open in the kitchen. Debbie reached in through the window and was able to take a digital camera sitting on a table by the window in the kitchen. As Debbie was walking from the backyard toward the front of the house to leave, she noticed Larry pulling into his driveway. Debbie yelled at Larry, “stay away from me, or I will kill you!” Debbie then jumped into the bushes next to Larry’s house to hide.

Larry saw Debbie walking from the backyard of his house carrying something in her hands, but he was not sure what she had. Larry was scared that someone would be walking from his backyard. Larry called 911 and reported “a suspicious person” in his yard. The police immediately responded and were able to arrest Debbie who was still in the bushes next to Larry’s house. At the time of arrest, Debbie was holding a digital camera and laptop. Larry said he recently bought the laptop for $750. He paid $150 for the digital camera.

Next, locate the Minnesota State statutes regarding the following crimes:

For your written assignment, assume you are the prosecutor. Write a paper that addresses the following questions:

  • Based on the wording of Minnesota statutes, what crimes, if any, do you feel Debbie committed?
  • What are the elements of the offense she should be charged with?
  • What are the differences between the possible crimes?
  • What is the likelihood that Debbie will be convicted of these crimes?

Please be sure to prepare your assignment following APA citation and format requirements. You must include proper citations to any source you relied on for information that you include in your paper.


Marketing Plan for “-” Writing Assignment Help

Develop a 12- to14-page marketing plan (not including the title and reference pages, charts and/or graphs) for any product of your choice. Your marketing plan must:
Analyze the specific marketplace situation in detail, including organizational strengths, weaknesses, environmental opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).
Develop an organizational mission statement, and forecast performance goals using your situational analysis.
Design a marketing strategy based upon your objectives.
Create an appropriate integrated marketing mix, which will include your ability to effectively appeal to the specific market segments you will be targeting.
Develop a written summary and specific recommendations for the implementation of your plan.


Bottom of Form


One page of reflection paper of music concert Writing Assignment Help

Pretend that you attend a concert and turn in a written reflection on what you saw. Describe whatever you find interesting about the experience (audience, sound of the music, instruments, etc!). Relate some aspect of the concert to something we have discussed in class.

You must submit proof that you were at the concert in the form of a ticket stub or selfie.

I’m going to attach slides of classes later, and please give me a form of a ticket or selfie later on even if you don’t attend the concert.

Length: One page


State Statues Business Finance Assignment Help

Debbie the defendant walked onto the front patio of Larry’s house and grabbed a laptop that was sitting on a table on the patio. Once Debbie left the patio, she went around to Larry’s backyard. She saw a window open in the kitchen. Debbie reached in through the window and was able to take a digital camera sitting on a table by the window in the kitchen. As Debbie was walking from the backyard toward the front of the house to leave, she noticed Larry pulling into his driveway. Debbie yelled at Larry, “stay away from me, or I will kill you!” Debbie then jumped into the bushes next to Larry’s house to hide.

Larry saw Debbie walking from the backyard of his house carrying something in her hands, but he was not sure what she had. Larry was scared that someone would be walking from his backyard. Larry called 911 and reported “a suspicious person” in his yard. The police immediately responded and were able to arrest Debbie who was still in the bushes next to Larry’s house. At the time of arrest, Debbie was holding a digital camera and laptop. Larry said he recently bought the laptop for $750. He paid $150 for the digital camera.

Next, locate the Minnesota State statutes regarding the following crimes:

For your written assignment, assume you are the prosecutor. Write a paper that addresses the following questions:

  • Based on the wording of Minnesota statutes, what crimes, if any, do you feel Debbie committed?
  • What are the elements of the offense she should be charged with?
  • What are the differences between the possible crimes?
  • What is the likelihood that Debbie will be convicted of these crimes?

Please be sure to prepare your assignment following APA citation and format requirements. You must include proper citations to any source you relied on for information that you include in your paper.


Marketing Plan for “-” Writing Assignment Help

Develop a 12- to14-page marketing plan (not including the title and reference pages, charts and/or graphs) for any product of your choice. Your marketing plan must:
Analyze the specific marketplace situation in detail, including organizational strengths, weaknesses, environmental opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).
Develop an organizational mission statement, and forecast performance goals using your situational analysis.
Design a marketing strategy based upon your objectives.
Create an appropriate integrated marketing mix, which will include your ability to effectively appeal to the specific market segments you will be targeting.
Develop a written summary and specific recommendations for the implementation of your plan.


Bottom of Form


One page of reflection paper of music concert Writing Assignment Help

Pretend that you attend a concert and turn in a written reflection on what you saw. Describe whatever you find interesting about the experience (audience, sound of the music, instruments, etc!). Relate some aspect of the concert to something we have discussed in class.

You must submit proof that you were at the concert in the form of a ticket stub or selfie.

I’m going to attach slides of classes later, and please give me a form of a ticket or selfie later on even if you don’t attend the concert.

Length: One page


State Statues Business Finance Assignment Help

Debbie the defendant walked onto the front patio of Larry’s house and grabbed a laptop that was sitting on a table on the patio. Once Debbie left the patio, she went around to Larry’s backyard. She saw a window open in the kitchen. Debbie reached in through the window and was able to take a digital camera sitting on a table by the window in the kitchen. As Debbie was walking from the backyard toward the front of the house to leave, she noticed Larry pulling into his driveway. Debbie yelled at Larry, “stay away from me, or I will kill you!” Debbie then jumped into the bushes next to Larry’s house to hide.

Larry saw Debbie walking from the backyard of his house carrying something in her hands, but he was not sure what she had. Larry was scared that someone would be walking from his backyard. Larry called 911 and reported “a suspicious person” in his yard. The police immediately responded and were able to arrest Debbie who was still in the bushes next to Larry’s house. At the time of arrest, Debbie was holding a digital camera and laptop. Larry said he recently bought the laptop for $750. He paid $150 for the digital camera.

Next, locate the Minnesota State statutes regarding the following crimes:

For your written assignment, assume you are the prosecutor. Write a paper that addresses the following questions:

  • Based on the wording of Minnesota statutes, what crimes, if any, do you feel Debbie committed?
  • What are the elements of the offense she should be charged with?
  • What are the differences between the possible crimes?
  • What is the likelihood that Debbie will be convicted of these crimes?

Please be sure to prepare your assignment following APA citation and format requirements. You must include proper citations to any source you relied on for information that you include in your paper.


Marketing Plan for “-” Writing Assignment Help

Develop a 12- to14-page marketing plan (not including the title and reference pages, charts and/or graphs) for any product of your choice. Your marketing plan must:
Analyze the specific marketplace situation in detail, including organizational strengths, weaknesses, environmental opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).
Develop an organizational mission statement, and forecast performance goals using your situational analysis.
Design a marketing strategy based upon your objectives.
Create an appropriate integrated marketing mix, which will include your ability to effectively appeal to the specific market segments you will be targeting.
Develop a written summary and specific recommendations for the implementation of your plan.


Complete PowerPoint for Foster Innovation Course Business Finance Assignment Help

Complete PowerPoint for Foster Innovation Course Business Finance Assignment Help

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