Computational Statistics with applications in R code on R Studio. Need code and output for the problem that need so. Mathematics Assignment Help

Computational Statistics with applications in R code on R Studio. Need code and output for the problem that need so. Mathematics Assignment Help. Computational Statistics with applications in R code on R Studio. Need code and output for the problem that need so. Mathematics Assignment Help.

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Computation Statistics with application in R code in R Studio. Need code and output for problems that need it.



Exercise 2.6(b) in the Givens & Hoeting book (instead of Newton-Raphson you can use the quasi-Newton method BFGS in the R function “optim”, or the Nelder-Mead method).



Assume the state of the weather in Sydney on any particular day can be modelled using a state space S = {1 ≡ sunny, 2 ≡ overcast, 3 ≡ wet}. Also assume that the likelihood of any state depends only on the state on the previous day. A sunny day is followed by a sunny day 60% of the time and otherwise it is overcast. An overcast day is equally likely to be followed by either a sunny or a wet day. 20% of days after a wet day are also wet, but 20% are sunny. (a). Write down the transition probability matrix for this Markov chain. (b). Draw the state transition diagram for this chain and check if it is irreducible or reducible. If reducible, identify the equivalence classes. (c). If it is sunny all weekend, calculate the probability it is also sunny on Monday. (d). Calculate the probability that a Monday is wet if the previous Monday was wet. (e). Calculate the probability that Wednesday through Friday are all sunny, if the previous Sunday was sunny. (f). Write down the equilibrium equations and, if possible, solve for the equilibrium distribution both algebraically and using R.




Computational Statistics with applications in R code on R Studio. Need code and output for the problem that need so. Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Data Set Paper Writing Assignment Help

Format of the Project:

The Data Exercise must be posted to the LEO Student Assignments as a Attachments are limited to a maximum two files in doc, docx., xls. xlsx., or rtf. formats. OTHER FORMATS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE, will not be reviewed or graded.

Please note that hand-written and scanned works, pdf. files, jpg. files, as well as files posted in google drive, will not be accepted or graded.

Please note that starting from the Fall 2020 semester the UMGC moved to the 7th Edition of the APA Style. The links to the 7th Edition of the APA Style methodology are posted in Content – Course Resources – Writing Resources.

No more than 20% of the text of the project should be made up of quotes.

Please note that Use of the 7th Edition APA Citation Methodology is required for all parts of the assignment.

Written projects must be:

  1. typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, with margins no wider than one inch
  2. have footnotes or endnotes, with correct citations
  3. have a bibliography of sources used
  4. include, for each entry, the author, title, city and state of publisher, publisher’s name, year, and page numbers
  5. prepared using word processing software (Microsoft Word preferred), in a manner similar to the preparation of a written assignment for classroom submission

Data exercise #1 Assignment

Consists of two parts.

Part 1: Expenditures Approach to Calculating GDP (weight 50% of the assignment grade)

Complete the following exercise

Visit the Bureau of Economic Analysis website at From the drop-down menu under “Data”, click on “by Economics Account”.

Then click on “National”> “Gross Domestic Product > and “Full Release and Tables”. (To find “Full Release and Tables” you need to scroll down the page to the section “Current Release”.

Use table 3 (Gross Domestic Product: Level and Change from Preceding Period). Tables are located at the end of the Release, so you need to scroll all the way down to the tables.

The left columns are nominal GDP (and its components) and the right half represents real GDP (chained 2012 dollars).

  • Create the table that contains the following information for the last available quarter. Please note that using the data for previous quarters will produce grade zero for this part of the project.

You need this information from both parts of the table 3- (nominal GDP (and its components) from left columns and real GDP (chained 2012 dollars) from the right part of the table 3). Omit the intermediate lines found in Table 3 on the web site.

Gross domestic product

Personal consumption expenditures

Gross private domestic investment

Net exports of goods and services

Government consumption expenditures and gross investment

b) Calculate the percentage (the proportion) of each category in nominal GDP and in real GDP.

Using Nominal GDP:

[Personal consumption expenditures / Nominal GDP]*100%

[Gross private domestic investment / Nominal GDP]*100%

[Net exports of goods and services / Nominal GDP]*100%

[Government consumption expenditures and gross investment/ Nominal GDP]*100%

And using Real GDP:

[Personal consumption expenditures / Real GDP]*100%

[Gross private domestic investment / Real]*100%

[Net exports of goods and services / Real GDP]*100%

[Government consumption expenditures and gross investment/ Real GDP]*100%

Present the information that you received (a) and (b) as a table(s) in your project.

  • Write a report (2 pages double – spaced), which contains an analysis of the results you received.

In this report consider, but do not be limited to the following:

  1. Why was the nominal GDP greater than the real GDP? By how much?
  2. GDP is composed of a number of categories. What category makes up the largest portion of GDP? What category makes up the smallest portion of GDP?
  3. What is “Gross private domestic investment”? What does gross private domestic investment measure?
  4. What is “Net exports of goods and services”? Why it is negative?
  5. In the left part of the table 3 (nominal GDP) find the category “National defense”. How much was the National defense for the last quarter? Calculate percentage of National defense out of “Government consumption expenditures and gross investment”. Calculate percentage of National defense out of GDP.
  6. Please analyze and discuss the significance of the data that you received for this Data exercise. Reflect on what you have learned from this exercise.

Part 2: Income Approach to Calculating GDP (weight 50% of the assignment grade)

Complete the following exercise:

Go to

Visit the Bureau of Economic Analysis website at From the drop-down menu under “Data”, click on “by Economics Account”. Then click on “National”, “Gross Domestic Product, and “Full Release and Tables”. Use table 7 (Relation of Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product, and National Income) and table 8 (Personal Income and its Disposition).

  • Create the table that contains the following information for the last available quarter. Please note that using the data for previous quarters will produce grade zero for this part of the project.

Omit the intermediate lines found in Tables 7 and 8 on the web site.

Gross domestic product

Gross national product

Net national product (you should calculate it as Gross national product minus Consumption of fixed capital)

National income

Personal income

Present the information that you received in your project.

2. Write a report in your own words (1 page, double-spaced), which contains the analysis of the results you received. In this report consider, but do not be limited to the following:

  • What is the difference between gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP)? What is the difference in what GDP measures compared to GNP?
  1. Based on the table, what calculations must you make to determine GNP from GDP?
  2. What is national income (NI)? What does NI measure?
  3. Which was higher in this year, GNP or NI? By how much?
  4. What calculations must you make to determine NI from GNP?
  5. NI is composed of a number of categories. What category makes up the largest portion of NI?
  6. Please analyze and discuss the significance of the data that you received for this Data exercise. Reflect on what you have learned from this exercise.


ePortfolio complete the 3 part assignment Humanities Assignment Help

Part 1: Getting used to ePortfolios


In this discussion you’ll have a chance to look over sample ePortfolios to get an idea of what they’re all about.


If you are new to ePortfolios:

1.Look at the below examples

  • CANVAS examples:

Physical Geography (Links to an external site.)

Cultural Geography (Links to an external site.)

WIX examples:

College 1 (Links to an external site.)

Oceanography (Links to an external site.)

Weebly examples:

College 1 (Links to an external site.)

Oceanography (Links to an external site.)

2. Briefly describe what you like about 2 ePortfolio. Think about the strengths of each portfolio.

If you have completed a ePortfolio in a previous class (or another school):

  • Describe your experience with the tool (ease of use, tutorials used, how long it took to build your pages, etc.).
  • Pass along any advice/suggestions you have for using ePortfolios.

3.If you have public content in your ePortfolio, share your URL.

For your Response to at least 2 classmates Ask for clarification (that is, ask questions) if needed.

1.Offer any additional ideas you might have about creating an ePortfolio.

Part 2 : Get ePortfolio Feedback & Share Your Progress


A large reason to complete an ePortfolio is so that you have a place where you can show others your work, whether it’s for transfer to another college or a job. Getting feedback and ideas from others will help you get an idea of what really works well in your portfolio and even ideas about other things you can do to make your portfolio really shine.


  • Post a link to your portfolio with a short paragraph describing:
    • What you have done so far on the portfolio.
    • Ideas you have that haven’t been implemented yet.

oAny questions or concerns you have that you would like feedback on.

For your Response to at least two classmates Look over at least two of your classmates’ ePortfolios.

  • Ask for clarification (that is, ask questions) if needed.
  • Make a list of 3-4 things that you like about their ePortfolio.
  • Pretend that you are the intended audience for this portfolio (an employer or a 4 year school). Make suggestions for improvements on the following:
    • Visual appeal (Do pictures enhance the page? Is the layout easy to follow?)

oContent (Is the content appropriate? Is the writing clear?)

When making suggestions, try to use language that is constructive and polite. For example: You could do X more…; I noticed that there wasn’t a lot of X…; X seemed interesting but I thought you might add Y…

Part 3

inal Portfolio Checklist

The following must be included in your ePortfolio:

  • An Introduction about you
  • Work Experience
  • Education
  • 3 Course Artifacts & Reflections
  • Artifact for course Student Learning Outcome 1 and 1-2 page reflection
  • Artifact for course Student Learning Outcome 2 and 1-2 page reflection
  • Artifact for course Student Learning Outcome 3 and 1-2 page reflection

(See Add Artifacts & Reflections to ePortfolio)


MC 411 LSE Media Imperialism In The Age of Networked Digital Communication Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I am writing a Summative Essay and I need assistance in creating an outline to organize the paper. I will provide the question and topic of the paper below with several readings, lecture slides, and notes for references and additions for the outline below as well as instructions for the paper to keep in mind when forming the outline.

***I only need an outline and not a paper***

Question: In an age of networked digital communication, media imperialism is no longer a concern. Discuss.

Position: I would like disagree with this statement – media imperialism is still a concern, even during the age of networked digital communication.

Examples for this paper/outline can come from any or all of the readings provided below as well as any other additional relevant and scholarly readings found online. If listing quotes and/or references to readings, please provide appropriate page numbers (use as many readings as possible)!

For the essay, the instruction state:


Clear introduction in which you identify clear thesis statement and the steps you will take to answer it

Main body of text: 3-4 clear points that help you make you thesis statement

Clear conclusion in which you sum up central argument, justify why you have made it, outline why it is important for global media and communications

Define key concepts!

At start of essay

Framed and situated in the literature

Reading & Research

Make sure you move beyond each week’s set texts – this will help you build on the arguments we have explored in class

Aim is for you to develop your own critical analysis that build on but importantly goes beyond points discussed in class

At a minimum consult with the recommended readings – you also get marks for showing you have conducted your own research and reading to generate you own literature review into relevant scholarship (i.e. work in global media and communications)


As above, aim for critical rather than descriptive points – contextual, specific, and justified arguments, rather than vague or descriptive claims

You must use academic evidence to support your claims

Including empirical material is good, but must be supported by academic evidence – case studies should not replace the engagement with the relevant academic texts and theories

Case studies should be used in a way that allows you to apply your argument to the ‘real’ world – they should not replace your engagement with the literature

Anticipate adversaries – engage critically with your own argument


Avoid informal language (e.g. “don’t” always should be “do not”, “it’s” always should be “it is” etc.).


All quotes (direct or paraphrased) need a page number

Make sure the style you select is consistent

Any web materials (from news media for eg) need date you last accessed them

Journal articles need article title, author name, year of publication, name of journal, volume and issue number, and article page numbers

Any books need author name(s), year of publication, book title, place of publication, publisher

Additional Notes:

– Do not make the essay a summary of your notes. Focus on the theoretical argument, drawing on notes to fill out the substance of the essay.

– Avoid a colloquial or casual style and adopt an academic style of writing. An academic style will aim for accuracy, logic and analysis. An exciting presentation of what you believe to be the case rather than what the literature supports will not compensate for the absence of accuracy, logic and analysis.

– Include an introductory paragraph indicating how you will interpret the essay question, why this is an important or significant issue, and how the essay will provide an answer. Define key concepts as you use them and refer back to the question so that the essay is focused.

– It is generally helpful to provide some detailed examples of the issues discussed. Case studies are sometimes appropriate, but these should be carefully justified and not dominate the essay. Consider alternative arguments or contradictory evidence that may raise problems for your argument and indicate how you might resolve these issues.

– A methodological focus may be included: eg, what empirical difficulties are involved in addressing the question or operationalising concepts? Or a historical focus: how has the problem changed over time or how have people previously attempted to address the question? Decide what your focus is and do not attempt to include all possible approaches.

– Include a concluding section in which you reflect upon the arguments and issues discussed in the body of the essay and link these back to the essay question. This conclusion may also refer forward to future developments in research and in society.

Please make this outline as detailed and organized as possible. Please include potential thesis statement with a 5-8 paragraph organization (Introduction, 3 main points with 2 paragraphs per point, and Conclusion). Please make sure that the thesis statement previews the main points of the paper and how the question itself will be answered. This is imperative. Thank you!!


Beowulf Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

The topic for this paper is Beowulf and the Old English poetic traditions. It looks at Beowulf‘s place in the Old English tradition of crafting poetry, so you would have to look at other examples of Old English poetry to see how Beowulf compares and differs.

It is 7-12 pages long in MLA format (United States).

You must quote directly from a minimum of five different secondary sources and all primary sources that are being analyzed (Beowulf is a primary source).

It must include information on how significant issues of the time period were reflected in the text(s) that is/are being analyzed.

No sloppy or rushed work, please! I am giving a good amount of time.

Attached are the detailed directions.

Of course, I will help you with anything you need! Just reach out to me.



Week 4: Assignment: Testing a Manufacturer’s MPG Claim: Part 1 Mathematics Assignment Help

Companies often develop and test hypotheses about their products. For example, car manufacturers will test their cars to determine fuel efficiency and miles per gallon. To ensure that products are safe and that they perform as advertised, regulatory and consumer protection groups also test companies’ claims.

For this Assignment, you are working at a firm that conducts independent testing for heavy industry. Recently, an automobile manufacturer has been in the news for complaints about the highway gas mileage of their latest model minivan. You receive a contract from a consumer action group to test and write a report on the company’s claim that its minivans get 28 miles per gallon on the highway. The car company agrees to allow you to select randomly 35 low-mileage fleet minivans to test their highway mileage. Your test results gave you the following data:

29.7 24.5 27.1 29.8 29.2 27.0 27.8 24.1 29.3

25.9 26.2 24.5 32.8 26.8 27.8 24.0 23.6 29.2

26.5 27.7 27.1 23.7 24.1 27.2 25.9 26.7 27.8

27.3 27.6 22.8 25.3 26.6 26.4 27.1 26.1

Submit Part 1 of your report according to the following prompts.

Part 1: Sample Mean, Standard Deviation, and Confidence Interval

Complete the following and include your results and responses in your report:

  • Include a brief introduction that provides a context for the assignment you have been given by your firm.
  • Calculate a 95% confidence interval around your sample mean. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
    • Note: Include your calculations. If your calculations are submitted separately, make note of where they can be found.
  • Is the company’s claimed mean inside your confidence interval? (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
  • What does that result indicate about the company’s claim? (75 words, or 1 paragraph)

Note: For each prompt, be sure to reference at least one scholarly source to support your answer.

Week 4: Assignment: Testing a Manufacturer’s MPG Claim: Part 1 Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Week 4 Assignment Health Medical Assignment Help

Scholar-Practitioner Project: Creating an Algorithm

Tracking the spread of diseases can be an intricate, complex, and labor-intensive process. As a result, automated surveillance systems utilizing algorithms are employed to interpret data. In this segment of your Scholar-Practitioner Project, you develop a simple algorithm to interpret data related to the disease or condition you selected last week. To aid your development, review your Learning Resources and research the construction of algorithms.

To complete this portion of your Scholar-Practitioner Project, write a 1- to 2-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Identify the indicators you chose to include and explain why they are appropriate.
  • Describe the logical process of the algorithm (you may wish to illustrate using a diagram).
  • Justify any other salient features of the algorithm.
  • Evaluate the strengths and limitations of the algorithm.

Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


Legal and Ethical Scenarios Discussion Law Assignment Help

Evaluate two of the three scenarios listed below and explain the best solution for each. Include comments related to any ethical issues that arise. Support your responses with appropriate cases, laws, and other relevant examples by using at least one scholarly source in addition to the textbook for each scenario. Must be in APA 7th edition format and there is no page limit.

Scenario 1—International Trade

The Director of Purchasing for parts distribution company wants to purchase steel coach screws from Germany; however, he is not sure what the best option is. The director comes to you and asks your opinion. You know that Germany, Canada, and Korea are the best sources for obtaining this product. While your research shows coach screws from Germany are of the highest quality, the United States imposes a tariff of 12.5%, which makes this option noncompetitive.

  • Which US trade laws should you consider when selecting a country?
  • Is there any way by which you can seek a reduction on the tariff? If so, how? If not, why?
  • Select an alternative country (Canada or Korea) for purchasing the coach screws and explain your reasons for selecting the country.

Scenario 2 – Bribery

Slyce Pizza Company purchased four commercial refrigerators for the restaurants and eight pizza ovens from a supplier in Italy. Between the shipping costs, delays, and unanticipated duties, the purchasing manager was worried that his boss would be upset about the total costs. In an effort to reduce costs, the manager offered a US Customs officer $500 in cash to re-classify the imported goods to reduce the amount of duties owed.

  • Analyze the legal and ethical ramifications of the purchasing manager’s offer to the customs official?
  • Would it make a difference if the purchasing manager offered to donate $500 to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital if the officer expedited the paperwork necessary to release the goods from customs custody?

Scenario 3—Environment

Recycling Genie is a new company that contracts with Best Buy and other electronics retailers for the collection of old computers, monitors, televisions, and cell phones dropped off at their facilities. The electronics contain lead, mercury, and polyvinyl chlorides that are known to have toxicological effects such as cancer, kidney disease, and brain damage. Recycling Genie has been in negotiations to ship the e-waste to companies in China, Vietnam, and Mongolia.

  • What are the legal and ethical concerns with shipping e-waste to these countries?

Textbook Information: Bagley, C.E. (2015). Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century (8th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285860374


Legal and Ethical Scenarios Law Assignment Help

Analyze the facts in the two scenarios below and develop appropriate arguments/resolutions and recommendations. Support your responses with appropriate cases, laws, and other relevant examples by using at least one scholarly source in addition to the textbook for each scenario. Do not copy the scenarios into the paper. Cite sources in APA format 7th edition on a separate page. Paper must be 4 to 5 pages in length.

Scenario 1—Bankruptcy

Rusty Weaver, a project manager for the Tipton Machinery, filed a petition in bankruptcy under Chapter 7, seeking to discharge $75,000 in credit-card debts and $45,000 in student loans. Weaver’s wife died and left him with two children, Paul, who attended college, and Diana, who was thirteen years old. According to Weaver, Diana was an “elite” swimmer who practiced ten to fifteen hours a week and placed between first and third at more than thirty competitive events. Diana was homeschooled with academic achievements that were average for her grade level. His petition showed a monthly income of $5,325 and expenses of $5,200. The expenses included annual homeschool costs of $8,200 and annual swimming expenses of $5,000. The expenses did not include college costs for Paul, or airfare for his upcoming summer trip to Europe, and other items. The trustee allowed monthly expenses of $4,227, with nothing for swimming, and asked the court to dismiss the petition.

  • If Weaver qualified for Chapter 7, which debts would be discharged? Which debts would not be discharged? Why?
  • Using the median income from your state, does Weaver qualify for Chapter 7?
  • Should the court grant the trustee’s request? Does Weaver have other options if the Chapter 7 petition is dismissed?

Explain your answers and support them with relevant scholarly sources and case law.

Scenario III—Insider Trading

During a session with her doctor, Billy Mooney, Maggie Mason mentioned in confidence the imminent merger of Walgreens with Rite-Aid. Mason’s ex-husband, Gus Mason, was on the board of directors at Walgreens. Mooney communicated the information to a securities broker, Olive Green, who immediately made trades in Walgreen’s securities for her own account and for her customers’ accounts.

  • Did Mooney, Maggie Mason, Gus Mason, or Olive Green engage in illegal insider trading? Explain the potential culpability of each party. Include possible civil or criminal penalties for each party.
  • Was the conduct of the parties ethical?

Explain your answers and support them with relevant scholarly sources and case law.

Textbook Information: Bagley, C.E. (2015). Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century (8th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285860374


​Simple Web App Programming Assignment Help

Simple Web App


1. Install VS if necessary

2. Create a new project

a. Filter language on C#

b. Select ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)

c. Choose MVC as the project template

3. Add a new Model class called UserModel to the Models folder

a. Add the following properties to the UserModel class

ID (int)

FirstName (string)

LastName (string)

Age (byte)

RegisterDate (DateTime)

4. Add a new Controller class called UserController to the Controllers folder

a. Make the default Index function create a new UserModel object and pass

it to the view.

b. Make another Index function that accepts a UserModel object and passes

that to the view. It will also need the HttpPost attribute.

c. Make a Test function that accepts a first name and a last name and

returns a string containing the passed in values.

5. Add a view called Index to the Views/User folder

a. Set the view’s model to the UserModel

b. Include this on the page: <script


c. Make the page look like the attached screenshot

d. Use Html.BeginForm to make the submit button call the Index(UserModel)


-It should end up calling that function and populating the text

boxes with the values entered

e. Make the Ajax Submit button call the Test function using JQuery’s


1. Should pass the first name and last name values that were entered

into the textboxes to the function

2. On success it should pop up an alert whatever you made the Test

function return

[supanova_question] (8th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285860374


​Simple Web App Programming Assignment Help

Simple Web App


1. Install VS if necessary

2. Create a new project

a. Filter language on C#

b. Select ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)

c. Choose MVC as the project template

3. Add a new Model class called UserModel to the Models folder

a. Add the following properties to the UserModel class

ID (int)

FirstName (string)

LastName (string)

Age (byte)

RegisterDate (DateTime)

4. Add a new Controller class called UserController to the Controllers folder

a. Make the default Index function create a new UserModel object and pass

it to the view.

b. Make another Index function that accepts a UserModel object and passes

that to the view. It will also need the HttpPost attribute.

c. Make a Test function that accepts a first name and a last name and

returns a string containing the passed in values.

5. Add a view called Index to the Views/User folder

a. Set the view’s model to the UserModel

b. Include this on the page: <script


c. Make the page look like the attached screenshot

d. Use Html.BeginForm to make the submit button call the Index(UserModel)


-It should end up calling that function and populating the text

boxes with the values entered

e. Make the Ajax Submit button call the Test function using JQuery’s


1. Should pass the first name and last name values that were entered

into the textboxes to the function

2. On success it should pop up an alert whatever you made the Test

function return

[supanova_question] (8th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285860374


​Simple Web App Programming Assignment Help

Simple Web App


1. Install VS if necessary

2. Create a new project

a. Filter language on C#

b. Select ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)

c. Choose MVC as the project template

3. Add a new Model class called UserModel to the Models folder

a. Add the following properties to the UserModel class

ID (int)

FirstName (string)

LastName (string)

Age (byte)

RegisterDate (DateTime)

4. Add a new Controller class called UserController to the Controllers folder

a. Make the default Index function create a new UserModel object and pass

it to the view.

b. Make another Index function that accepts a UserModel object and passes

that to the view. It will also need the HttpPost attribute.

c. Make a Test function that accepts a first name and a last name and

returns a string containing the passed in values.

5. Add a view called Index to the Views/User folder

a. Set the view’s model to the UserModel

b. Include this on the page: <script


c. Make the page look like the attached screenshot

d. Use Html.BeginForm to make the submit button call the Index(UserModel)


-It should end up calling that function and populating the text

boxes with the values entered

e. Make the Ajax Submit button call the Test function using JQuery’s


1. Should pass the first name and last name values that were entered

into the textboxes to the function

2. On success it should pop up an alert whatever you made the Test

function return

[supanova_question] (8th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285860374


​Simple Web App Programming Assignment Help

Simple Web App


1. Install VS if necessary

2. Create a new project

a. Filter language on C#

b. Select ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)

c. Choose MVC as the project template

3. Add a new Model class called UserModel to the Models folder

a. Add the following properties to the UserModel class

ID (int)

FirstName (string)

LastName (string)

Age (byte)

RegisterDate (DateTime)

4. Add a new Controller class called UserController to the Controllers folder

a. Make the default Index function create a new UserModel object and pass

it to the view.

b. Make another Index function that accepts a UserModel object and passes

that to the view. It will also need the HttpPost attribute.

c. Make a Test function that accepts a first name and a last name and

returns a string containing the passed in values.

5. Add a view called Index to the Views/User folder

a. Set the view’s model to the UserModel

b. Include this on the page: <script


c. Make the page look like the attached screenshot

d. Use Html.BeginForm to make the submit button call the Index(UserModel)


-It should end up calling that function and populating the text

boxes with the values entered

e. Make the Ajax Submit button call the Test function using JQuery’s


1. Should pass the first name and last name values that were entered

into the textboxes to the function

2. On success it should pop up an alert whatever you made the Test

function return


Computational Statistics with applications in R code on R Studio. Need code and output for the problem that need so. Mathematics Assignment Help

Computational Statistics with applications in R code on R Studio. Need code and output for the problem that need so. Mathematics Assignment Help

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