Connections Academy Mexican American War Portfolio Writing Assignment Help

Connections Academy Mexican American War Portfolio Writing Assignment Help. Connections Academy Mexican American War Portfolio Writing Assignment Help.

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Mexican-American War Portfolio Directions

Directions: For this portfolio project, you will evaluate whether the Mexican-American War was justified.


You have been reading about the war between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848. It sprang out of a dispute between two countries over the southern border of Texas. The U.S. claimed the Rio Grande as the border, while Mexico claimed the Nueves River farther north. Each based its claim, in part, on agreements made at the end of the Texas war for independence, which ended in 1836. Each also based its claim on nationalism, or national self-interest, and a desire to expand its territory. For this portfolio project, you will explore different perspectives regarding the Mexican-American War. You will then present your findings in a short essay. Your final product will describe each point of view. It should give historically accurate facts. Your portfolio assignment has four steps:

  1. Research the Mexican-American War—its causes, the course of the conflict, and its results.
  2. Examine the Pearson Realize Civic Discussion Sources A–E for additional information.
  3. Analyze your research.
  4. Form your judgment and write your essay.

Step 1

Conduct the following research to complete your assignment:


Source of Information

List basic facts about the root of the conflict—include who, what, when, where, and why.

Describe the Texans’ actions—how Texas came to exist.

List some differences between the Texan and Mexican perspectives.

Describe the beginnings of the conflict.

Describe the course of the war and its results.

You can use note cards, type your notes on a computer, or use another note-taking method. You may use EBSCOhost databases and Grolier Online™ encyclopedias to identify reference materials for this activity. Follow the directions below to access these resources.


  1. From your EMS home page, select EBSCO under Links.
  2. Select Student Research Center – High School & Middle School.
  3. Narrow your search using the Search By Topic menu.
  4. Narrow your search further or use the Find field, and then select the Search button.


  1. From your EMS home page, select Grolier Online™ under Links.
  2. Select a resource from the menu on the left or type your search criteria into the Find it Fast! Field and select the Go button. Alternatively, conduct a safe search on the Internet or at your local library for information about the Mexican-American War.

Step 2

Before you write your essay, answer the following questions:

  1. What allowed settlers to establish a colony in Texas.
  2. How did the interaction between the settlers in Texas and the Mexican government develop and change over time?
  3. How do you think the perspectives of the Texas settlers and the Mexican government would vary?
  4. On what things might the Mexican government and the Texas settlers agree?
  5. How can you demonstrate the differences in the perspectives about Texas and its independence with historically accurate facts?

Step 3

You will be writing a short essay for your final product. In order to evaluate whether the Mexican-American War was justified, you need to consider the perspective of each side. In establishing the perspective of each side, you will need to use the actions, words, and circumstances of each side and how the sides interacted with one another in order to build your logical argument.

Connections Academy Mexican American War Portfolio Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ACCT 3323 Saint Marys University Advantage Making Business Decisions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BC # 1 Competitive Advantage Making Business Decisions

(Estimated time 1-1.5 hours)

Review the Broadway Café (Assume café is in Halifax) virtual tour at you will have to copy the link into your browser. Virtual tour not necessary to do the assignment. Just assume you have inherited the cafe from your grandfather and you are located in Halifax. The Cohesion Case overview link has the same info.

Be sure to use handouts (attachments) and the text to provide additional support for your answers. State any assumptions you feel you need to make.

Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model is a useful tool to aid organizations facing the challenging decision of entering a new industry or industry segment. The Five Forces Model helps determine the relative attractiveness of an industry and includes:

  • Buyer Power
  • Supplier power
  • Threat of substitute products or services
  • Threat of new entrants
  • Rivalry among existing competitors
  • Deliverables:

    1. Perform a detailed Porter’s Five Forces analysis for The Broadway Cafe. (Be sure to highlight entry barriers, switching costs, and substitute products)

    2. Determine which of Porter’s Three Generic strategies you will use as you rebuild The Broadway Cafe for the 21st century (explain why)



    PSY 351 Wilmington University Week 2 Modes of Consciousness Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

    Our writing assignment for the week deals with the interface between attention and consciousness. After learning about the cocktail party phenomenon, please describe a scenario you may have encountered in your life that seems to fit the description of the phenomenon. Also, after reading about the phenomenon known as ‘inattentional blindness’ and watching the video demonstration (the basketball clip), I want to know your reaction to this video. Does it surprise you that ‘missed’ some crucial information watching the video the first time?

    Papers should be written in APA format and should be 1-3 pages in length. Please be sure to address both the cocktail party phenomenon and inattentional blindness. Please submit your paper through Canvas by 11:59 pm on tuesday. Please be sure to include citations and full references for each source utilized.

    resources: cocktail party effect –…

    basketball clip-…


    Park Univ Native Americans Tribal Sovereignty and Unions Labor Laws Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

      1. How would you argue the first three requirements on behalf of the discharged employee? (1) Garcia was engaged in protected activity, (2) the employer was aware of the activity, and (3) the activity was a substantial or motivating reason for Garcia’s discharge.
      2. Assuming that the first three requirements are established, how would you argue on behalf of the employer that Garcia would have been discharged even if he had not engaged in his protected activity?
      3. If you were a member of the NLRB, how would you rule? What is the remedy?
    1. Submitted in a Word or PDF document. All questions were answered. Assignment contains at least four complete paragraphs. Sentences are single spaced within each paragraph. Double space between paragraphs. Provide 3 web-based scholarly references to support answers. Web-based references are scholarly articles, journals, or videos.


      STA 3215 UIC Patients Admitted to The Hospital with Infectious Diseases Paper Mathematics Assignment Help

      1. If you selected Option 2 (Patients at NLEX hospital):

        Claim: The average age of all patients admitted to the hospital with infectious diseases is less than 65 years of age. Test the claim using α = 0.05 and assume your data is normally distributed and σ is unknown.

        Based on your selected topic, perform and document the following steps:

        1. Write the null and alternative hypothesis symbolically and identify which hypothesis is the claim.
        2. Is the test two-tailed, left-tailed, or right-tailed? Explain.
        3. Which test statistic will you use for your hypothesis test; z-test or t-test? Explain.
        4. What is the value of the test-statistic? Show your calculation
        5. What is the P-value? Explain how you determined it
        6. What is the critical value? Explain how you calculated it
        7. What is your decision? Reject the null or do not reject the null? Explain why you made your decision including the results for your p-value and the critical value.
        8. State the final conclusion in non-technical terms.

      Please show your work for the construction of the test-statistic and explain your process for finding the p-value and critical value. You may use the Equation Editor to format your calculation steps on the Word document or attach an Excel spreadsheet clearly showing each calculation for #B4 and #B5, but your answers still need to appear on the Word document. Also, be sure to number each response in your paper using the same numbers as above


      Insuffcient Emerging Competency Proficiency Mastery
      Correctness Points:0 (0.00%)

      Less than half of parts of all problems are solved correctly.

      Points:18.125 (12.50%)

      At least half of the parts of all problems are solved correctly.

      Points:27.1875 (18.75%)

      The majority of parts of all problems are solved correctly.

      Points:30.8125 (21.25%)

      Almost all parts of all problems are solved correctly.

      Points:36.25 (25.00%)

      All parts of all problems are solved correctly.

      Work Shown

      Points:0 (0.00%)

      Less than half all work is shown.

      Points:18.125 (12.50%)

      At least half of all work is clearly shown.

      Points:27.1875 (18.75%)

      The majority work is clearly shown.

      Points:30.8125 (21.25%)

      Almost all work is clearly shown.

      Points:36.25 (25.00%)

      All work is clearly shown.


      Points:0 (0.00%)

      Less than half of the explanations are complete and correct.

      Points:18.125 (12.50%)

      At least half of the explanations are complete and correct.

      Points:27.1875 (18.75%)

      The majority of the explanations are complete and correct.

      Points:30.8125 (21.25%)

      Almost all explanations complete and correct.

      Points:36.25 (25.00%)

      All explanations are complete and correct.


      Points:0 (0.00%)

      Less than half of the equations, expressions, and variables are properly formatted using the equation editor tool in Microsoft Word.

      Points:18.125 (12.50%)

      At least half of the equations, expressions, and variables are properly formatted using the equation editor tool in Microsoft Word.

      Points:27.1875 (18.75%)

      The majority of equations, expressions, and variables are properly formatted using the equation editor tool in Microsoft Word.

      Points:30.8125 (21.25%)

      Almost all equations, expressions, and variables are properly formatted using the equation editor tool in Microsoft Word.

      Points:36.25 (25.00%)

      All equations, expressions, and variables are properly formatted using the equation editor tool in Microsoft Word.



      DEP 2004 Premature Ejaculation Disorder Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

      APA written standards:

      Title page (1) Check Rubric Criteria.

      Abstract (1) The abstract must have at least 1 paragraph with no less than 8 lines.

      Content pages (5) Your assigned topic is developed here.

      Conclusion (1) Should be your own analysis of your findings. At least half a page.

      References (1). Therefore, there must be a minimum of nine (9) pages per project.

      Only academic sources will be accepted, which means no Googles or Wikipedia.

      By copying and pasting information to complete any assignment during the class such as Research papers, or Discussion Forums would not be tolerated. Therefore, your grade will be “0” grade.

      Therefore, there must be a minimum of 9 pages per project.

      Use APA citation style in the body of your paper so I know where the information came from (like your text does).This is the (Author, date) you see in your text. It gives credit to original author’s research and are alphabetized by the author’s last name.

      Your research will be your own research and writing. No copying or pasting information!!!

      This is are some of the factors you can utilize to develop your Literature Review content (5 pages)!

      These are some of the aspects you may utilize as a guide: This is only a general guide in case you don’t know how to start a literature research. It varies according to the theme. In your own words. No copy and paste as I will not accept it and it is penalized as plagiarism.

      Elaborate on your topic as a definition or concept.

      Why the name of the disorder / concept or definition?

      If it is the Psychological disorders, please, refer to the DSM-5 info online to define the criteria for the disorder according to the DSM-5 edition.


      Scholars or theorist related to that topic



      Different types


      Treatment plans for short-term goals and long-term goals

      Tips or suggestions on how to overcome the disorder

      How it can be applied to your field

      Evidence-based therapies for specific disorder. You will be expected to complete a Research Paper and submit it for the class:

      The paper must be 5 pages in content with a 9 pages total, using APA 7th Edition format style. The research paper will account for 20% of your grade and it must include the following aspects:

      In addition, it must be typed using APA style, and Times New Roman, and font 12, and double space and you must provide the 3 FNU database resources to support your information. (It must include at least three (3) academic/scholarly journals (Primary Sources) from journals).

      DEP 2004 Premature Ejaculation Disorder Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

      Florida State University Diversity and Inclusion in Sports Paper Writing Assignment Help

      I’m working on a management question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

      Each student will pick a “diversity” related issue within their chosen realm of sport management. For example (and DO NOT choose this) you could analyze how Colin Kaepernick kneeling impacted the 49ers marketing, etc.

      Each student will prepare one essay based on a specific topic or issue. Each essay will be no less than 1,500 words (should more likely be closer to 2,000 words) and no more than 2,500 words, not including references, headers, etc. The assignment will be completed in APA format.

      Your paper should have a minimum of 5 sources; 2 from in-class and 3 external academic sources.

      Each essay will critically examine a current event, team, celebrity, organization, or other aspect of contemporary sport culture related to diversity. To do this, you will need to offer an interpretive analysis of the issue at hand using both course concepts and outside sources. This paper should not be only a summary of the topic, but should instead be a critical analysis.

      These essays are not book reports.You should not write essays that detail the auto-biographical on-goings of the world of sport. Rather, you will use your essay to create a series of arguments (based on research), and integrate both theoretical frameworks and real world examples to support your assertions.

      The course is diversity in sport. The book is Diversity and inclusion in sport organizations.

      Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective is a comprehensive introduction to the ways in which people differ—including race, gender, age, mental and physical ability, appearance, religion, sexual orientation, and social class—and the importance of these differences for sport organizations.

      It offers strategies for managing diversity in work and sport environments and provides an overview of diversity training that can be implemented in the workplace. Grounded in research and theory and outlining best practice, this fully updated and revised edition includes more international examples and expanded coverage of topics, such as critical disability studies, women of color, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex issues, as well as useful teaching and learning features in every chapter and additional online resources.

      This is important reading for students working in the fields of sport business, sport management, sport development or sport coaching, HR management in sport, sport in society, sport participation, ethical leadership in sport, or introductory sport management courses.


      ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Micro economics Questions Economics Assignment Help

      Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

      All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

      1. Explain the effects of low price-guarantee on the price.

      2. If a group of sellers could form a cartel, what quantity and price would they try to set?

      3. What do you understand by discriminatory monopoly? Bring out the conditions that enables the monopoly firm to charge different prices for its product in different markets.


      TRVL 4011 JWU Destination Management Organization Strategy Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

      For this assignment, you will need to use your knowledge of DMO marketing and social and digital media to help the region of Catalonia Spain connect Tourists with their local awesome food offerings outside of Barcelona’s city limits.

      • After reviewing the attached case study, please draft a Marketing proposal outline to the Catalonia Tourism Board highlighting your ideas and strategies to aid their efforts in overcoming the tourism pressures of Barcelona. In your proposal, lay out a plan that offers a successful marketing concept aimed at reducing the current over-tourism situation in Barcelona. Your plan will also create a sustainable flow of visitors to the outer cities and towns, highlight the unique offerings of the region, and provide the visitor with a memorable experience.
      • The sky is the limit for your solution, there is no budget and any digital platform is acceptable; however, remember that this solution will need to be implementable and realistic in nature.


      MGT 311 Saudi Electronic Inspection Control Operations Managment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

      • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
      • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
      • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
      • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
      • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

      [supanova_question] academic sources will be accepted, which means no Googles or Wikipedia.

      By copying and pasting information to complete any assignment during the class such as Research papers, or Discussion Forums would not be tolerated. Therefore, your grade will be “0” grade.

      Therefore, there must be a minimum of 9 pages per project.

      Use APA citation style in the body of your paper so I know where the information came from (like your text does).This is the (Author, date) you see in your text. It gives credit to original author’s research and are alphabetized by the author’s last name.

      Your research will be your own research and writing. No copying or pasting information!!!

      This is are some of the factors you can utilize to develop your Literature Review content (5 pages)!

      These are some of the aspects you may utilize as a guide: This is only a general guide in case you don’t know how to start a literature research. It varies according to the theme. In your own words. No copy and paste as I will not accept it and it is penalized as plagiarism.

      Elaborate on your topic as a definition or concept.

      Why the name of the disorder / concept or definition?

      If it is the Psychological disorders, please, refer to the DSM-5 info online to define the criteria for the disorder according to the DSM-5 edition.


      Scholars or theorist related to that topic



      Different types


      Treatment plans for short-term goals and long-term goals

      Tips or suggestions on how to overcome the disorder

      How it can be applied to your field

      Evidence-based therapies for specific disorder. You will be expected to complete a Research Paper and submit it for the class:

      The paper must be 5 pages in content with a 9 pages total, using APA 7th Edition format style. The research paper will account for 20% of your grade and it must include the following aspects:

      In addition, it must be typed using APA style, and Times New Roman, and font 12, and double space and you must provide the 3 FNU database resources to support your information. (It must include at least three (3) academic/scholarly journals (Primary Sources) from journals).

      DEP 2004 Premature Ejaculation Disorder Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

      Florida State University Diversity and Inclusion in Sports Paper Writing Assignment Help

      I’m working on a management question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

      Each student will pick a “diversity” related issue within their chosen realm of sport management. For example (and DO NOT choose this) you could analyze how Colin Kaepernick kneeling impacted the 49ers marketing, etc.

      Each student will prepare one essay based on a specific topic or issue. Each essay will be no less than 1,500 words (should more likely be closer to 2,000 words) and no more than 2,500 words, not including references, headers, etc. The assignment will be completed in APA format.

      Your paper should have a minimum of 5 sources; 2 from in-class and 3 external academic sources.

      Each essay will critically examine a current event, team, celebrity, organization, or other aspect of contemporary sport culture related to diversity. To do this, you will need to offer an interpretive analysis of the issue at hand using both course concepts and outside sources. This paper should not be only a summary of the topic, but should instead be a critical analysis.

      These essays are not book reports.You should not write essays that detail the auto-biographical on-goings of the world of sport. Rather, you will use your essay to create a series of arguments (based on research), and integrate both theoretical frameworks and real world examples to support your assertions.

      The course is diversity in sport. The book is Diversity and inclusion in sport organizations.

      Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective is a comprehensive introduction to the ways in which people differ—including race, gender, age, mental and physical ability, appearance, religion, sexual orientation, and social class—and the importance of these differences for sport organizations.

      It offers strategies for managing diversity in work and sport environments and provides an overview of diversity training that can be implemented in the workplace. Grounded in research and theory and outlining best practice, this fully updated and revised edition includes more international examples and expanded coverage of topics, such as critical disability studies, women of color, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex issues, as well as useful teaching and learning features in every chapter and additional online resources.

      This is important reading for students working in the fields of sport business, sport management, sport development or sport coaching, HR management in sport, sport in society, sport participation, ethical leadership in sport, or introductory sport management courses.


      ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Micro economics Questions Economics Assignment Help

      Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

      All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

      1. Explain the effects of low price-guarantee on the price.

      2. If a group of sellers could form a cartel, what quantity and price would they try to set?

      3. What do you understand by discriminatory monopoly? Bring out the conditions that enables the monopoly firm to charge different prices for its product in different markets.


      TRVL 4011 JWU Destination Management Organization Strategy Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

      For this assignment, you will need to use your knowledge of DMO marketing and social and digital media to help the region of Catalonia Spain connect Tourists with their local awesome food offerings outside of Barcelona’s city limits.

      • After reviewing the attached case study, please draft a Marketing proposal outline to the Catalonia Tourism Board highlighting your ideas and strategies to aid their efforts in overcoming the tourism pressures of Barcelona. In your proposal, lay out a plan that offers a successful marketing concept aimed at reducing the current over-tourism situation in Barcelona. Your plan will also create a sustainable flow of visitors to the outer cities and towns, highlight the unique offerings of the region, and provide the visitor with a memorable experience.
      • The sky is the limit for your solution, there is no budget and any digital platform is acceptable; however, remember that this solution will need to be implementable and realistic in nature.


      MGT 311 Saudi Electronic Inspection Control Operations Managment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

      • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
      • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
      • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
      • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
      • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

      [supanova_question] academic sources will be accepted, which means no Googles or Wikipedia.

      By copying and pasting information to complete any assignment during the class such as Research papers, or Discussion Forums would not be tolerated. Therefore, your grade will be “0” grade.

      Therefore, there must be a minimum of 9 pages per project.

      Use APA citation style in the body of your paper so I know where the information came from (like your text does).This is the (Author, date) you see in your text. It gives credit to original author’s research and are alphabetized by the author’s last name.

      Your research will be your own research and writing. No copying or pasting information!!!

      This is are some of the factors you can utilize to develop your Literature Review content (5 pages)!

      These are some of the aspects you may utilize as a guide: This is only a general guide in case you don’t know how to start a literature research. It varies according to the theme. In your own words. No copy and paste as I will not accept it and it is penalized as plagiarism.

      Elaborate on your topic as a definition or concept.

      Why the name of the disorder / concept or definition?

      If it is the Psychological disorders, please, refer to the DSM-5 info online to define the criteria for the disorder according to the DSM-5 edition.


      Scholars or theorist related to that topic



      Different types


      Treatment plans for short-term goals and long-term goals

      Tips or suggestions on how to overcome the disorder

      How it can be applied to your field

      Evidence-based therapies for specific disorder. You will be expected to complete a Research Paper and submit it for the class:

      The paper must be 5 pages in content with a 9 pages total, using APA 7th Edition format style. The research paper will account for 20% of your grade and it must include the following aspects:

      In addition, it must be typed using APA style, and Times New Roman, and font 12, and double space and you must provide the 3 FNU database resources to support your information. (It must include at least three (3) academic/scholarly journals (Primary Sources) from journals).

      DEP 2004 Premature Ejaculation Disorder Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

      Florida State University Diversity and Inclusion in Sports Paper Writing Assignment Help

      I’m working on a management question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

      Each student will pick a “diversity” related issue within their chosen realm of sport management. For example (and DO NOT choose this) you could analyze how Colin Kaepernick kneeling impacted the 49ers marketing, etc.

      Each student will prepare one essay based on a specific topic or issue. Each essay will be no less than 1,500 words (should more likely be closer to 2,000 words) and no more than 2,500 words, not including references, headers, etc. The assignment will be completed in APA format.

      Your paper should have a minimum of 5 sources; 2 from in-class and 3 external academic sources.

      Each essay will critically examine a current event, team, celebrity, organization, or other aspect of contemporary sport culture related to diversity. To do this, you will need to offer an interpretive analysis of the issue at hand using both course concepts and outside sources. This paper should not be only a summary of the topic, but should instead be a critical analysis.

      These essays are not book reports.You should not write essays that detail the auto-biographical on-goings of the world of sport. Rather, you will use your essay to create a series of arguments (based on research), and integrate both theoretical frameworks and real world examples to support your assertions.

      The course is diversity in sport. The book is Diversity and inclusion in sport organizations.

      Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective is a comprehensive introduction to the ways in which people differ—including race, gender, age, mental and physical ability, appearance, religion, sexual orientation, and social class—and the importance of these differences for sport organizations.

      It offers strategies for managing diversity in work and sport environments and provides an overview of diversity training that can be implemented in the workplace. Grounded in research and theory and outlining best practice, this fully updated and revised edition includes more international examples and expanded coverage of topics, such as critical disability studies, women of color, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex issues, as well as useful teaching and learning features in every chapter and additional online resources.

      This is important reading for students working in the fields of sport business, sport management, sport development or sport coaching, HR management in sport, sport in society, sport participation, ethical leadership in sport, or introductory sport management courses.


      ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Micro economics Questions Economics Assignment Help

      Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

      All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

      1. Explain the effects of low price-guarantee on the price.

      2. If a group of sellers could form a cartel, what quantity and price would they try to set?

      3. What do you understand by discriminatory monopoly? Bring out the conditions that enables the monopoly firm to charge different prices for its product in different markets.


      TRVL 4011 JWU Destination Management Organization Strategy Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

      For this assignment, you will need to use your knowledge of DMO marketing and social and digital media to help the region of Catalonia Spain connect Tourists with their local awesome food offerings outside of Barcelona’s city limits.

      • After reviewing the attached case study, please draft a Marketing proposal outline to the Catalonia Tourism Board highlighting your ideas and strategies to aid their efforts in overcoming the tourism pressures of Barcelona. In your proposal, lay out a plan that offers a successful marketing concept aimed at reducing the current over-tourism situation in Barcelona. Your plan will also create a sustainable flow of visitors to the outer cities and towns, highlight the unique offerings of the region, and provide the visitor with a memorable experience.
      • The sky is the limit for your solution, there is no budget and any digital platform is acceptable; however, remember that this solution will need to be implementable and realistic in nature.


      MGT 311 Saudi Electronic Inspection Control Operations Managment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

      • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
      • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
      • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
      • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
      • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

      [supanova_question] academic sources will be accepted, which means no Googles or Wikipedia.

      By copying and pasting information to complete any assignment during the class such as Research papers, or Discussion Forums would not be tolerated. Therefore, your grade will be “0” grade.

      Therefore, there must be a minimum of 9 pages per project.

      Use APA citation style in the body of your paper so I know where the information came from (like your text does).This is the (Author, date) you see in your text. It gives credit to original author’s research and are alphabetized by the author’s last name.

      Your research will be your own research and writing. No copying or pasting information!!!

      This is are some of the factors you can utilize to develop your Literature Review content (5 pages)!

      These are some of the aspects you may utilize as a guide: This is only a general guide in case you don’t know how to start a literature research. It varies according to the theme. In your own words. No copy and paste as I will not accept it and it is penalized as plagiarism.

      Elaborate on your topic as a definition or concept.

      Why the name of the disorder / concept or definition?

      If it is the Psychological disorders, please, refer to the DSM-5 info online to define the criteria for the disorder according to the DSM-5 edition.


      Scholars or theorist related to that topic



      Different types


      Treatment plans for short-term goals and long-term goals

      Tips or suggestions on how to overcome the disorder

      How it can be applied to your field

      Evidence-based therapies for specific disorder. You will be expected to complete a Research Paper and submit it for the class:

      The paper must be 5 pages in content with a 9 pages total, using APA 7th Edition format style. The research paper will account for 20% of your grade and it must include the following aspects:

      In addition, it must be typed using APA style, and Times New Roman, and font 12, and double space and you must provide the 3 FNU database resources to support your information. (It must include at least three (3) academic/scholarly journals (Primary Sources) from journals).

      DEP 2004 Premature Ejaculation Disorder Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

      Florida State University Diversity and Inclusion in Sports Paper Writing Assignment Help

      I’m working on a management question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

      Each student will pick a “diversity” related issue within their chosen realm of sport management. For example (and DO NOT choose this) you could analyze how Colin Kaepernick kneeling impacted the 49ers marketing, etc.

      Each student will prepare one essay based on a specific topic or issue. Each essay will be no less than 1,500 words (should more likely be closer to 2,000 words) and no more than 2,500 words, not including references, headers, etc. The assignment will be completed in APA format.

      Your paper should have a minimum of 5 sources; 2 from in-class and 3 external academic sources.

      Each essay will critically examine a current event, team, celebrity, organization, or other aspect of contemporary sport culture related to diversity. To do this, you will need to offer an interpretive analysis of the issue at hand using both course concepts and outside sources. This paper should not be only a summary of the topic, but should instead be a critical analysis.

      These essays are not book reports.You should not write essays that detail the auto-biographical on-goings of the world of sport. Rather, you will use your essay to create a series of arguments (based on research), and integrate both theoretical frameworks and real world examples to support your assertions.

      The course is diversity in sport. The book is Diversity and inclusion in sport organizations.

      Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective is a comprehensive introduction to the ways in which people differ—including race, gender, age, mental and physical ability, appearance, religion, sexual orientation, and social class—and the importance of these differences for sport organizations.

      It offers strategies for managing diversity in work and sport environments and provides an overview of diversity training that can be implemented in the workplace. Grounded in research and theory and outlining best practice, this fully updated and revised edition includes more international examples and expanded coverage of topics, such as critical disability studies, women of color, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex issues, as well as useful teaching and learning features in every chapter and additional online resources.

      This is important reading for students working in the fields of sport business, sport management, sport development or sport coaching, HR management in sport, sport in society, sport participation, ethical leadership in sport, or introductory sport management courses.


      ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Micro economics Questions Economics Assignment Help

      Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

      All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

      1. Explain the effects of low price-guarantee on the price.

      2. If a group of sellers could form a cartel, what quantity and price would they try to set?

      3. What do you understand by discriminatory monopoly? Bring out the conditions that enables the monopoly firm to charge different prices for its product in different markets.


      TRVL 4011 JWU Destination Management Organization Strategy Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

      For this assignment, you will need to use your knowledge of DMO marketing and social and digital media to help the region of Catalonia Spain connect Tourists with their local awesome food offerings outside of Barcelona’s city limits.

      • After reviewing the attached case study, please draft a Marketing proposal outline to the Catalonia Tourism Board highlighting your ideas and strategies to aid their efforts in overcoming the tourism pressures of Barcelona. In your proposal, lay out a plan that offers a successful marketing concept aimed at reducing the current over-tourism situation in Barcelona. Your plan will also create a sustainable flow of visitors to the outer cities and towns, highlight the unique offerings of the region, and provide the visitor with a memorable experience.
      • The sky is the limit for your solution, there is no budget and any digital platform is acceptable; however, remember that this solution will need to be implementable and realistic in nature.


      MGT 311 Saudi Electronic Inspection Control Operations Managment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

      • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
      • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
      • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
      • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
      • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


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