Consultation Dialogue in Action Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Consultation Dialogue in Action Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Consultation Dialogue in Action Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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A – 500 Words
Part I:
Compare and contrast action research (AR), process consultation (PC), and appreciative inquiry (AI) to traditional consulting practices. How are they integrated? Explain your rationale and support your views with literature from at least 3 different sources, making sure that the sources are properly cited in APA style.

Part II: What assumptions or questions did your client have about your proposal and consulting approach? How did you explain the partnership and approach, and what language did you use to help the client understand?

B – 500 words
Part I:
Refamiliarize yourself with the theories and philosophical approaches of the following:

  • Action research (AR)
  • Process consultation (PC)
  • Appreciative inquiry (AI)
  • Whole-system thinking
  • Organization consulting

Part II: Inform your classmates of the organization with whom you will be doing your consulting project. Your post should include the following:

  • Type of organization
  • Description of and information on the organization (e.g., Web sites, press, and published documents)
  • Number of employees or key members
  • Opportunities that were initially identified
  • Issues the organization faces on which you will be focusing

Part III: Reflect and share your current comfort level with your knowledge of AR, PC, AI, and the implementation of your project. What are you most excited about? What concerns you most?

Consultation Dialogue in Action Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG 111 Northern Virginia Community College Race and Identity Discussion Writing Assignment Help

1. Gathering Background Information for Evidence (from the San Diego Museum of Man)

Research is often reading/watching/learning more than you will actually use in your final product, but all information is important to creating a good response or research paper. I want you to develop good background knowledge to inform yourself of this important subject.

First, watch this video on the story of race, at the main History page of the online exhibit. When you click on the link below, look for the small image at the right that states “Watch the Story of Race Movie” and watch it. You don’t have to summarize it, just learn from it. The Story of Race:

Next, visit the two pages linked below. Each of the pages in this section of the museum website has several sub-pages that you can use to gather ideas for your response paper.

(Six slide shows on race; visit all of them or just the ones that most interest you, that you think will give you useful information)

(Five slide shows on race; likewise, visit all of them or just the ones that most interest you)

2. Summarizing Videos (50% of final grade)

These two links below are to videos that you will watch and summarize in several paragraphs (as many as you need to give enough of the major details). You can also use the information in them as evidence in your response paper, so take notes as you watch or watch again, both for your summary and for evidence in your response.

Are We So Different:

Inter + FACE:

3. Your Response Paper (50% of final grade)

Use what you learned in parts 1 and 2 above as evidence in a three-page paper about what you understand about race and identity. Use also your ideas from your essay on identity, because race and identity intersect, either inside of you or in society. Be as detailed as you can be, since part of your grade for the response will be based on the specific evidence and ideas that you write in your paper. I will also be looking for a good introduction, thesis statement, and conclusion. You will be graded also on your use of formal English, meaning proper grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.


Consulting Essay Writing Assignment Help

A – 500 words

When you reflect on the initial request of your client, consider the following questions:

  • What role did you take in response to your client?
  • What could you have done differently?
  • Does your role fit clearly into one of the models of consultation (i.e., expert, doctor, or process consultant)? Explain your answer.

B – 500 words

  • What were the questions that had the biggest impact on your client?
  • As you reflect back, what was happening in your own mental processes?
  • What biases have you identified in your own perceptions, emotions and judgment?
  • What are your next steps?


Fresno City College High School Musical Movie Report Humanities Assignment Help

Watch a musical of your choice (can be live or on DVD). Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the name of your musical?
  1. Who wrote the musical?
  1. What is the story of the musical?
  1. Name the 2 leading characters and the actors that portrayed them
  1. Name the 2 most popular songs from your musical.
  1. In what year was your musical written? Did the songs from the musical also become popular at that time?
  1. Did you choose this musical because you liked the music, or because you liked the story, or because you liked the actors? Defend your musical.


Fresno City College Mozart Symphony Number 40 Classical Concert Report Humanities Assignment Help

You can choose to attend either a Jazz or Classical concert.

CLASSICAL CONCERT REPORT to be viewed online. No live concert attendance is required. You must choose a concert from my list which is posted inside the class. Do not choose a concert on your own.

A classical concert is one that features wind band music, opera, orchestral, or choral groups.

Take a picture of yourself watching the concert and paste it into the document to receive credit.

Write your report in essay format. You must answer all questions to receive credit. Your report should be at least 2 pages in length, double spaced, no larger than 12 point font.

  1. Date of concert attended (you must attend a concert during the same semester that you take this class)
  2. What was the name of the group(s) that performed?

3. Where was this concert held? Please describe the hall.

  1. What type of music was played at this concert?
  2. List all of the pieces that were performed, including the composer’s names.
  3. Select 4 pieces that interested you from the entire concert and write 1 paragraph for each of those pieces (this section will be at least 4 paragraphs long). In music, “a piece” is a complete musical song. A symphony has 4 different pieces which are called movements and each one of these movements can be used as a separate piece of music.

Provide a narrative of your observations using the ELEMENTS of music: Melody, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, instrumentation, texture, form, etc. Describe the major musical characteristics of each piece, including the solos, tempo, dynamics, instrumentation, or themes, etc.

  1. Describe the musicians. What instruments were played?
  2. What were your most favorite and least favorite pieces of the night? Describe what you liked and disliked about them.
  3. Would you attend another concert of this type? Why or why not?

Please note: I cannot open WPS or WPD files. Send the reports as Word, RTF, OTD, Pages, or PDF files.



Fresno City College The Avant Garde John Cage Discussion Question Humanities Assignment Help

Pick a composer whose music that you either enjoy or can appreciate and tell the class what you discovered when listening to their music. Please use at least 5 musical terms when describing their music.

• After The Second World War – Leonard Bernstein.mp3

• After The Second World War – Russia_ Dmitri Shostakovich.mp3

• Composers Of The Avant-Garde – France & USA_ Edgard Varse.mp3

• Composers Of The Avant-Garde – USA _ John Cage.mp3

Your initial response should be at least 125 words.

Finally, respond to one other student regarding their choice of composer.

Fresno City College The Avant Garde John Cage Discussion Question Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

American University Discrimination Prejudice and Stereotypes Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

1. In this week’s Task you will explore prejudice and discrimination.

Read the chapter on Prejudice, Discrimination and Stereotyping in Together: The Science of Social Psychology.

Conduct a search, (e.g., YouTube or Ted Talk) to find at least four videos on the topic of prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination.

Using the videos you chose, develop working definitions of prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination.

Remember the The Implicit Association Test (IAT) from Week 7? This week we’re going to revisit the site but choose a different set of tests to explore! Choose three different biases you might want to take a look at and take the test associated with them.

1. Write one paragraph for each term defining prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination. Describe how these may have shown up for you during your implicit bias tests! PLEASE BE SPECIFIC!

2. Write a 300-500 word paper discussing:

a. the etiology of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination

b. how bias has changed over the years

c. what you might recommend for how prejudice and biases can be improved

2. In this week’s Lesson you will further explore prejudice and discrimination.

Review the PowerPoint on Prejudice and Discrimination

Reflect on your choices of IAT tests and your scores. Discuss them with a friend, family member, or colleague.

Watch the videos:

Individually or with a friend, family member, or colleague develop a scenario in which prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination are exemplified. Write an outline delineating when, where, and how discrimination takes place in the scenario. Give examples of how this situation can be rectified.

Prepare an essay outlining a time when you experienced prejudice, stereotypes, and/or discrimination. Who was involved? How did you feel? Do you still experience strong feelings about that particular experience?

Upload your Activity 3 scenario outline and Activity 4 paper to Moodle. Both may be typed on the same Word document


Practice and Theory of Consulting Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

A – 500 Words

  • Define the whole system approach and why it is so important to organizations.
  • Explain your rationale and support with literature by citing 3 scholarly references in APA style.
  • How might you use this approach in the discovery phase with your client?

B – 5 pages

You have either started collecting data with the client organization or you will start collecting it soon. Respond to the following questions:

  • What ways have you started to collect data? Discuss your initial analysis.
  • Why was this approach selected?
  • What is the presenting problem, and what are the underlying problems that you are uncovering?


American Health Sciences Divine Command Theory Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

1. In 500 words or more (no less), explain how one might apply the meta-ethics of Divine Command Theory to an egoist theory, a consequentialist theory, and a deontological theory.

You may use examples, but you will still need to include a full scholarly definition of each, with commentary. You may use any scholarly source other than a dictionary, to include online video lectures. You may use Wikipedia as a starting point, but be aware that Wikipedia is not a scholarly source and therefore can never be quoted in your paper. You will need to include inline citations in your essay (last name, date, pg#) and must cite any sources in the reference list of your essay. If you include an inline citation, there must be a corresponding entry in the reference list and vice versa. You can find tools and examples of APA citation formats at the Purdue University Online Writing Lab.

2. For this assignment, you must only cite scholarly philosophical works***

The American Psychological Association (APA) created a formal guide for exactly how to format your bibliography so that it is useful to a reader who wants to follow your line of reasoning. This is extremely important in academic work because it shows that you performed your due diligence and proper research before setting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard as the case may be). Annotations to a bibliography are short summaries of the content of the work. For this assignment, you are specifically showing me that you actually read the article, book chapter, or whatever else by doing these summaries. Each annotation needs to be long enough to convey confidence that you know what’s going on; about 100 words or so should do it.

Your bibliography must include 5 citations and their associated annotations. Each combined citation/annotation entry is worth 20 points. These points are based on your proper formatting of the citation, inclusion of all necessary elements, proper selection of a scholarly work, and reasonable and understandable annotation write-up.

There are strictly four parts to every bibliographic entry, though each of these can be broken down further. Still, if you remember these four elements, you won’t have much trouble and you will always be pretty close.

Author (formatted as last name, first initial, middle initial). Date (formatted as the year of publication set in parenthesis). Title (for title formatting rule, visit this site). Retrieval Information (usually the publishing house or website)

If you include all four of these elements, then your citation will almost certainly be close enough the your reader can follow along. For the purpose of this class though, you need to adhere strictly to the APA format guidelines. Follow the link to the Purdue OWL for more information.


American College of California Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth Edition Presentation Law Assignment Help

TURNITIN SCORE MUST BE AT OR BELOW 20%…as I will be checking

APA FORMAT PLEASE with use of Quotations…citeing accordingly

to beginning work on this assignment, read the required textbook
chapters and articles for this week. Select two tests about which to
write your review. The first test must be selected from List A and the
second test must be selected from List B. Your choice of tests include
the following:

List A (Select one test from this list.)

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS–IV)
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fifth Edition (WISC-V)
  • Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence- Fourth Edition (WPPSI – IV)

List B (Select one test from this list.)

  • Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-III)
  • Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC-II)
  • Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition (KTEA-3)
  • Sequential Tests of Educational Progress (STEP)
  • Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB5)
  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Third Edition (WIAT- III)
  • Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV) Tests of Achievement
  • Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV) Tests of Cognitive Abilities

Create a PowerPoint presentation with 10-12 slides (not including the title and reference slides) entitled Review of [Insert the name of the tests reviewed].
Your presentation must provide at least one slide for each of the
required topics and include appropriate citations of your referenced
sources. Separate reference slides, which follow APA formatting
guidelines for a References page, must be included at the end of the
presentation. You must create your own template and organize your
presentation in the sequence provided. Do not use a font smaller than 18
pt. You are encouraged to insert relevant figures and graphics. Make
sure to appropriately cite any images, tables, figures, or information
from the test publisher’s website used. The notes section of each slide
must include the text for oral comments you would make while presenting
the materials to a live audience.

References must be cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.) For assistance with creating a visually engaging and readable presentation, you may review Garr Reynolds’s tips for creating presentations. (Links to an external site.)

presentation must cover each of the following topics in the order
presented below. Two tests may be discussed on the same slide using the
side-by-side comparison format.
Required topics to be addressed for each test:

  • Name of the test, author or authors, publisher and publication date
  • Qualifications of the test user
  • Common professional uses of the test
  • Explain
    what the test is purported to measure along with any reliability and
    validity evidence that supports the author’s or publisher’s claims.
  • Describe
    the appropriate applications of the test in terms of the population(s)
    on which the test is validated (including age ranges) and any
    information regarding populations for which the test’s use is not
  • Subtest names and brief descriptions
  • Administration and scoring procedures
  • Cost and administration time
  • Your
    critique of the instrument, including an evaluation of the test’s
    strengths and weaknesses as a measure of the theoretical constructs of
    intelligence and/or achievement
  • Evaluate reviewers’ comments
    from at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article published in
    the last 10 years that provides an appraisal of basic measurement issues
    related to the tests you selected.

The presentation

  • Must
    consist of 10 to 12 slides (not including title and reference slides)
    that are formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. (Links to an external site.)
  • Must include a separate title slide with the following:
    • Title of presentation
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must
    use the assigned chapters in the course text and a minimum of 1
    peer-reviewed journal article published within the last 10 years.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include separate reference slides formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Donoso, O.A., Bernandez, B., & Horin, E.V (2010). Use of psychological tests within vocational rehabilitation. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.32, 191-200. Retrieved from…

  • The
    full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost
    database in the Ashford University Library. The authors present
    findings from a study in which they examined the testing practices of
    professionals who conduct psychological assessments for the vocational
    rehabilitation system.

Salthouse, T.A. (2014). Evaluating the correspondence of different cognitive batteries. Assessment, 21(2), 131-42. Retrieved from

  • The
    full-text version of this article can be accessed through the Sage
    database in the Ashford University Library. The author analyzed data
    from two cognitive batteries including the WASI-IV to determine the
    correspondence of ability factors between the two batteries.

TEDx Talks (2014, June 26). Do standardized tests matter? Nathan Kuncel TEDxUMN (Links to an external site.). [Video file]. Retrieved from

  • Nathan
    Kuncel discusses the importance of standardized test scores. The
    presentation includes a discussion of the relationship between scores
    and both academic and career achievement.

TEDx Talks (2012, December 3). None of the above – Why standardized testing fails: Bob Sternberg at TEDxOStateU (Links to an external site.). [Video file]. Retrieved from

  • Former
    American Psychological Association President, Bob Sternberg, discusses
    the faults in standardized testing and provides recommendations for
    assessment practices to meet contemporary societal needs.

Blickle, G., Kramer, J., & Mierke, J. (2010). Telephone-administered intelligence testing for research in work and organizational psychology: A comparative assessment study. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 26(3), 154-161. Retrieved from

  • The
    full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost
    database in the Ashford University Library. The authors used the
    Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT) to assess the quality of intelligence
    testing by telephone with a sample of working adults and compared the
    results with intelligence testing by face-to-face test administration.

Reynolds, G. (2014). Top ten slide tips (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from

  • The author of this web-based article provides important tips on how to design an engaging slide presentation.

R. J., Bimey, D. P., Stemler, S.E, Otterbach, R., Randi, J., Jarvin,
L., Naples, A., Newman, T., Parish, C., & Grigorenko, E.L. (2014). Testing the Theory of Successful Intelligence in teaching grade 4 Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106(3), 881-899. Retrieved from

  • The
    full-text version of this article can be accessed through the EBSCOhost
    database in the Ashford University Library. The authors presented
    findings from a study in which they investigated whether prior successes
    with educational interventions grounded in the theory of successful
    intelligence could be used as the primary basis for instruction in
    language arts, mathematics, and science.


Consultation Dialogue in Action Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Consultation Dialogue in Action Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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