Covid 19 Vaccine Biotech Firm Moderna Question Writing Assignment Help. Covid 19 Vaccine Biotech Firm Moderna Question Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a case studies case study and need support to help me study.
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- In summer 2020, Stephane Bancel, CEO of biotech firm Moderna, faces several challenges as his company races to develop a vaccine for COVID-19. The case explores how a company builds a digital organization, and leverages artificial intelligence and other digital resources to speed its operations, manage its processes and ensure quality across research, testing and manufacturing. Built from the ground up as such a digital organization, Moderna was able to respond to the challenge of developing a vaccine as soon as the gene sequence for the virus was posted to the Web on January 11, 2020. As the vaccine enters Phase III clinical trials, Bancel considers several issues: How should Bancel and his team balance the demands of developing a vaccine for a virus creating a global pandemic alongside the other important vaccines and therapies in Moderna’s pipeline? How should Moderna communicate its goals and vision to investors in this unprecedented time? Should Moderna be concerned it will be pegged as “a COVID-19 company?”
Covid 19 Vaccine Biotech Firm Moderna Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
LSTD 301 American Public University System W6 Miranda Rights Law Discussion Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a law discussion question and need support to help me study.
A 19-year-old student, Sally, has been arrested by the police for possession of a small amount of marijuana while driving home from a college party. Assume that the police officer had probable cause to stop Sally for drunk driving. During the search of Sally’s pockets incident to her arrest, the police find an unregistered handgun, a bag of prescription drugs issued to a woman named “Judy O’Heary, aged 74,” and $5,000 in cash in her car.
When the police confronts her with these items, she says, “I need those pills because of my back pain. And, I have no idea where that gun came from.” The police officer then asks her why you need more than 350 tablets of painkillers, and she states, “You have no idea how bad my back hurts.”
Based on her statements about the pills, the police charge her with intent to sell and distribute prescription drugs. At trial, her attorney makes a motion to suppress the admission of the statements, arguing in relevant part that she made the statement without being given her Miranda rights. In response, the police argue that she made statements voluntarily and not under duress. Answer the following questions as the law enforcement agent.
How do you think that the judge will rule on this motion to suppress? Does it matter that she was already under arrest at the time of her statements?
HIM FPX 4660 Capella Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
Identifying Risks
Analyze a health care organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis) in relation to privacy and security risks and HIPAA compliance. Write a risk report (3-4 pages) providing background information on privacy and security and summarizing SWOT analysis findings.
Health care has advanced tremendously over the years, and so have privacy and security issues. As health care becomes more complex, the interaction between the law and health care continues to increase. This interaction includes legal violations, such as malpractice and other litigation, and privacy breaches through electronic access. Federal legislation, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), requires health care organizations to protect health information. HIPAA also provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information. While no official, prescribed HIPAA compliance training program exists, health care organizations typically offer training to employees to ensure adherence to HIPAA guidelines and regulations. Requiring internal training is one way organizations can lower the risk of HIPAA violations occurring.
Many roles within the health care industry, including physicians, nurses, ancillary health professionals, and security and compliance professionals, are required to conduct themselves according to a set of professional ethics. These ethical standards are designed to ensure that patients feel safe sharing their private medical issues without fear of having those issues shared inappropriately or indiscriminately. Health care professionals face ethical dilemmas because of their access to this confidential information. For example, health care professionals may have access to health records for neighbors, friends, or family members. Adhering to a professional code of ethics and creating an environment of privacy and confidentiality is critical to adhering to the spirit of HIPAA laws. One way to assess risks and HIPAA compliance is to analyze the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in relation to privacy and security. This is called a SWOT analysis. A SWOT can be an effective business tool to use as a starting point to improve business practices.
For this first course assessment, you will assume the role of a HIM analyst for Valley City Regional Hospital, part of the Vila Health system, in North Dakota. One of your major tasks is to create the hospital’s privacy and security plan. As part of that task, the hospital’s director of quality assurance has asked you to prepare a SWOT analysis and report.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 1: Describe the purposes and scope of the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
- Describe HIPAA’s purpose and scope.
- Distinguish between privacy and security risks in health information management.
- Competency 2: Integrate privacy rules and regulations into health information management processes.
- Explain the purpose and benefits of identifying security and privacy risks.
- Competency 3: Analyze the relationship between security and privacy in health care.
- Compare/contrast privacy and security characteristics.
- Competency 4: Analyze legal and ethical implications related to Health Information Management.
- Determine professional, ethical, and legal risks in health information management.
- Competency 5: Communicate effectively in a professional and ethical manner.
- Create documents that are clear, well organized, professional, and generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
To prepare for this assessment you will need to view this media piece: Vila Health: Identifying Risks. Based on your findings from the media piece, you will perform a SWOT analysis. Next, you will prepare a report that supplies the narrative to accompany your SWOT analysis.
In this first assessment, you will assume the role of a HIM analyst for Valley City Regional Hospital, part of the Vila Health system, in North Dakota. One of your major tasks is to create the hospital’s privacy and security plan. As part of that task, the hospital’s director of quality assurance has asked you to prepare a SWOT analysis. To help you complete your SWOT analysis, the director of quality assurance has arranged for you to meet with the risk management manager to gather information about the risk audit the hospital recently completed.
This assessment consists of two parts.
Part 1: Conduct a SWOT analysis based on your findings from the Vila Health: Identifying Risks media piece.
You will be able to create a PDF document of your SWOT analysis within the media piece. In accordance with HIPAA law, professionalism, and ethical standards, your SWOT analysis will need to focus on Valley City Regional Hospital’s strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities related to protecting the privacy and security of health information.
Within the weaknesses and threats quadrants of your SWOT analysis, be sure to answer these questions:
- What health information management privacy and security risks did you identify for Valley City Regional Hospital?
- What health information management professional, ethical, and legal issues did you identify for Valley City Regional Hospital?
Part 2: Prepare a risk report that provides introductory information about privacy and security in health information and summarizes key SWOT analysis findings.
In your risk report, please be sure to include the following headings and address the questions under each heading:
HIPAA’s Purpose and Scope (1/2 page)
- What is HIPAA?
- What is its purpose?
- What is its scope?
Privacy vs. Security (1/2 page)
- What does privacy mean in health information management?
- What does security mean in health information management?
- How are privacy and security alike?
- How are they different?
Purpose and Benefits of Identifying Privacy and Security Risks (1/2 page)
- Why do health care organizations want to identify privacy and security risks?
- What are the benefits of identifying these risks?
- Who benefits from health care organizations identifying privacy and security risks?
SWOT Analysis Findings (1 to 2 pages)
- How would you headline the key findings from each of the four quadrants of your SWOT analysis?
Conclusion (1 to 2 paragraphs)
- What are the two to three most important points you want the director of quality assurance to remember from your risk report and your SWOT analysis?
Additional Requirements
- Length: 3 to 4 double-spaced pages plus the SWOT PDF.
- Format: Times Roman, 12-point font.
- APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Include a separate works cited page for your references.
- Writing: Create clear, well-organized, professional documents that are generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Resources: SWOT Analysis
- Allscripts Healthcare Solutions. (2018). SWOT analysis. MarketLine, 1–8.
- Capella University Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide.
- Please consult this guide as needed to conduct independent research on course topics. This resource will direct you to scholarly, peer-reviewed, and authoritative resources.
- Skillsoft. (n.d.). Using SWOT analysis to identify risks [Job Aid].
- SWOT Analysis | Transcript.
- Resources: Privacy and Ethics
- AHIMA. (2018). Ethics. Retrieved from
- Anonymous. (2018). Social media violating patient privacy. Health Care Collector: The Monthly Newsletter for Health Care Collectors, 31(9), 8–9.
- Chapman, S. (2017). Make patient privacy a priority. For the Record, 29(2), 18–21.
- Goodwin, M. (2016). Vulnerable subjects: Why does informed consent matter? Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 44(3), 371–380.
- Oachs, P. K., & Watters, A. L. (Eds.). (2016). Health information management: Concepts, principles, and practice (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: AHIMA Press. Available from the bookstore.
- Chapter 2, “Legal Issues in Health Information Management,” pages 42–75.
- Appendix C, “AHIMA Code of Ethics.”
- Appendix F, “Sample Consent Form.”
- Resources: E-discovery
- Lamont, J. (2017). Emerging content formats challenge e-discovery. KM World, 26(8), 28–30.
- Melnik, T. (2016). Beyond HIPAA: Privacy and security due diligence in health care transactions. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 18(1), 45–48.
- Organization of Legal Professionals. (2014). E-discovery in healthcare: What legal and healthcare professionals need to know [Video] | Transcript. Retrieved from
Santa Barbara City College Child Observation and Social Distance Esssay Humanities Assignment Help
Individual Paper
Child Observation
(100 points)
WATCH this video (Links to an external site.) for an explanation of paper instructions!
Objective: In this individual assignment, you will demonstrate and apply your knowledge of physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development in infancy and early childhood by conducting a naturalistic observation.
Length: 6-7 double-spaced pages. This includes the cover and reference pages. You will submit a Google Doc link for this assignment.
Instructions: Arrange to observe a child 0-5 years old for at least 30 minutes. Your observation can be of a sibling, family member, or friend’s child; it can also be in a hospital nursery, daycare center, or preschool (*see NOTE below: alternate video option due to the pandemic). Try to take basic health precautions, be as unobtrusive as possible (i.e., avoid direct interaction with the child) and follow the steps outlined below:
- Observe and take note of the physical and social setting, ongoing activities, and the children’s responses to the conditions and activities;
- Focus on one particular child and describe his/her characteristics and behaviors in more detail (you may use a pseudonym to protect your subject’s confidentiality). Observe a child while engaged in an activity rather than a passive occupation such as watching TV! Ask an adult caretaker any questions you may have and include their responses in your paper (e.g., the child’s age, any developmental issues, etc.);
- Write a 6-7 double-spaced pages paper in American Psychological Association (APA) format that includes the following IN THIS ORDER:
A. COVER PAGE with paper title (create your own) and author (your name)
B. brief INTRODUCTION that presents your child subject and previews the concepts to be analyzed (approx. 1 paragraph; 10 points)
C. your actual OBSERVATIONS written as a narrative; no bullet points (approx. 1.5-2 pages; 20 points)
D. in-depth ANALYSIS of three human development concepts or theories covered in lecture or the textbook as they relate to the behaviors observed. Expand on concepts and include sub-concepts, if appropriate. Clearly INDICATE by boldfacing which concepts you are using. For example: “Two-year old Johnny played with Legos alongside his friend, illustrating the concept of cooperative play, which is when…” OR: “Three-year old Monica hung on the monkey bars, which can be analyzed in the context of motor skill development…” (approx. 2 pages; 45 points)
F. insightful CONCLUSION that integrates (rather than summarizes) your observations by providing a piece of insight (deep and clear understanding; approx. 1 paragraph; 10 points)
G. REFERENCE PAGE listing your textbook and any other optional but credible sources
H. PADELT BOARD – Post images, video and/or text to this PADLET BOARD (Links to an external site.), which represent everyday life examples of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development or Erikson’s psychosocial theory (age range 0-5 only). What would these theorists post?? Write from their perspective; Be creative; have fun, and be sure to include your name! (post by paper due date; 5 points)
I. WRITING & CLARITY: Write in a clear and organized style, free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. Paraphrase rather than quote, and cite reliable sources only (10 points)
Formatting: Your paper should be submitted online as a Google Doc link (Links to an external site.). American Psychological Association (APA) formatting guidelines are available here at Purdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.). It is NOT necessary to include an author note, abstract or headings such as Methods and Discussion. You do, however, need to include the following:
- Cover page with paper title (use your creativity) and author name (your first & last name)
- 12-point font, double-spacing throughout, 1-inch margins
- In-text citations (e.g., textbook and any optional but credible sourcesLinks to an external site.)
- References page (e.g., textbook and any optional but credible sourcesLinks to an external site.)
Late papers will be subject to the regular 25%/day penalty unless you contact me ahead of time.
If your paper is based on a video not included in the set provided (e.g., YouTube), it will not be graded (virtual observations are OK).
General Guidelines:
- Write in complete sentences and provide detailed analyses, but do not exceed (or write less than) the 6-7 pages limit (you will be penalized for extra pages). Pay attention to the structure and flow of your paper.
- Use your automatic spellcheck!! Check for grammar and spelling mistakes before submitting your paper.
- Paraphrase (write in your own words) rather than quote. Remember: you are demonstrating and applying your knowledge of course topics rather than simply summarizing an interesting observation! Avoid plagiarism by paraphrasing; substituting only a few words is still considered plagiarism. See additional information on plagiarism here (Links to an external site.).
- Assume your reader is a layperson who is unfamiliar with course concepts. Briefly define technical terms before explaining and applying them.
- Cite reliable sources only, if you choose to cite sources other than your textbook/lectures. These include peer-reviewed articles (primary research) and, to a lesser extent, websites with the extensions .edu (e.g., universities), .org (legitimate organizations), or .gov (government agencies).Commercial .com websites such as Wikipedia or “” are NOT considered reliable sources. The SBCC library Links to an external site.has additional information on this topic.
- Check out the sample student paper
downloadprovided for a suitable example, but avoid plagiarizing (Links to an external site.)!
You are encouraged to seek assistance from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.) (APA formatting) and the SBCC Writing CenterLinks to an external site.. The latter provides both online drop-in hours and appointments.
*NOTE: Normally, students would be provided access to the SBCC Orfalea Early Learning Center in order to conduct their observations. However, given current safety measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a video alternative is provided below. Please follow these specific guidelines if you choose this option.
VIDEO or Zoom ALTERNATIVE: You may choose to base your observations on the video clips provided below or, alternatively, on a 30-minute virtual (e.g., Zoom) session with your subject, if you are unable to observe a child face-to-face due to the current health crisis.
I. Watch each of the 10 short child observation video clips (Links to an external site.) showing children engaged in free play and exploration (approximately 25 minutes altogether).
II. Select three video clips to be the basis of your observations. Label these clearly in your introduction as in “My observations were based on the video clips Pushing Prams, Baking Bread, and Bug Hunting“. Avoid losing points for failing to label your videos.
III. Follow the rest of the instructions for the in-person assignment, i.e., describe the behaviors of the child followed by an in-depth analysis of THREE developmental concepts in total (one concept/child/video). Try to focus on a single child per video, as outlined in the paper instructions.
Central Virginia Community College Production Line of the Managers Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me study.
What are you going to do to best resolve this staffing shortfall and get the cups to the customer on time?
Citation Style:
You are the Line Manager in a manufacturing plant of 400 employees. You are responsible for the Paper Cup line, a (3) shift, 6 day per week operation (Mon-Sat) that has 9 different stations on the line. Each shift has its own Shift Supervisor who also reports to you. Each station MUST be populated or the line can’t run. The Company sells some of its products, but not your line, to the US Navy SeaBee base in Gulfport, MS. There are several other lines in the plant with similar but different products. Over the years, employees have changed jobs frequently thruout the plant. It is now Monday morning at 7am, but on Friday, you were advised that:
2 long term employees had just resigned under the “At Will” doctrine
1 employee on third shift has been suspended for 2 weeks for violation of the Substance Abuse Policy.
2 employees have been approved for FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) to tend to elderly parents for 1 month
2 employees have “bid out” under the company’s job posting system
The Sales Dept just called and the Company just received an order from the NOLA Superdome for 1,000,000 cups that must be delivered by Saturday for the Saints home opener on Sunday.
Ashford University Supporting a Thesis Statement Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management writing question and need support to help me study.
6-1 Discussion: Supporting a Thesis Statement
Based on your reading in the webtext, select and respond to one of the following thesis statements. Your response should be two to three paragraphs long and should include your position on the issue. Cite at least three specific pieces of historical evidence.
In the long run, busing helped Boston because it desegregated the school system, provided equal educational opportunity for minority students, and set the stage for racial healing and an improved racial climate in the twenty-first century.
In the long run, busing hurt Boston because it led to violent racial strife, contributed to white flight, and damaged the quality of the public school system.
In response to your peers, explain what you learned from reading their post and how their thesis statement compares to your own. You may respond to peers who selected either of the two thesis statements.
Ashford University Supporting a Thesis Statement Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Capella University Privacy and Security of Health Information Question Health Medical Assignment Help
Write a security report (4-5 pages) that identifies potential security and technical safeguard violations in a health care organization’s audit report. Include evidence-based recommendations to address these potential violations and prevent them from occurring in the future.
The shift from paper to electronic health records has created the need for organizations to design proper controls and auditing procedures. These controls and procedures must assure the appropriate handling of data in compliance with HIPAA security and privacy rules. At the same time, access to electronically stored health data can be a matter of life and death. Controls must include access to the data needed to manage emergency situations.
Prior to the passage of the Health Insurance and Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA), national guidelines or legal security standards for protecting health information did not exist. Even so, technological advances continued, and organizations began to rely more heavily on electronic processes, creating an evident need for security standards. The HIPAA Security Rule is designed to protect the privacy of health information when using communication technologies and electronic processes. Privacy and security are intimately linked. Any organization that houses private data must also guard against its release so that information remains secure and private.
For this assessment, you will continue your work as a HIM analyst at Valley City Regional Hospital. A quality control report released by risk management indicated potential security issues, including password protection. As a result, the risk management department completed a risk audit. The hospital’s risk management manager has provided additional information about the audit he conducted. You have been asked to evaluate the audit and compile a security report.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 3: Analyze the relationship between privacy and security in health care.
- Describe access, authentication, and authorized use of health information.
- Compare/contrast the HIPAA Security Rule and the HIPAA Privacy Rule.
- Distinguish between proper and improper parameters for physical safeguards.
- Recommend a list of evidence-based technical safeguards and security controls, including examples of types of uses and users.
- Competency 5: Communicate effectively in a professional and ethical manner.
- Create a clear, well-organized, professional security report that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
As part of your preparation for Assessment 3, please complete the following:
- View this media piece: Vila Health: Security | Transcript.
- As you view the media piece, consider security requirements and the potential security violations presented. Based on your analysis of the media piece, you will prepare a security report that outlines the security issues you identified and presents recommendations to remedy the identified issues.
- Revisit your previous assessments. Because of the close relationship between privacy and security, you may choose to incorporate elements of these previous assessments into this one.
- In Assessment 1, you prepared a SWOT analysis and a risk report, the narrative accompanying the SWOT analysis.
- In Assessment 2, you analyzed potential privacy violations that occurred in Valley City Regional Hospital and prepared a compliance checklist. This checklist outlined for staff members the steps they need to follow when releasing patient information. Health care organizations often use checklists, such as the one you developed, as quality control measures.
For this assessment, you will continue your work as an HIM analyst at Valley City Regional Hospital. The quality control committee has released notification that potential issues with password protection exist within the organization. Computers containing patient information are not secure; passwords are openly displayed.
As a result, the risk management department completed a comprehensive risk audit. The hospital’s risk management manager has provided you with additional information about the audit he conducted. You will find this information in the Vila Health: Security media piece. The audit specifically addressed issues related to security and technical safeguards. Your task is to evaluate the audit, compile a master list of potential security violations, and then present recommendations to address these potential violations and prevent them from occurring in the future.
Be sure to include all of the following headings in your 4–5 page security report and answer the questions underneath each heading:
Proper Access, Authentication, and Use of Health Information (1 page)
- What constitutes proper access, authentication, and authorized use of health information?
HIPAA Privacy Rule vs. HIPAA Security Rule (1 page)
- What are the HIPAA Privacy Rule’s requirements?
- What are the HIPAA Security Rule’s requirements?
- How are these rules the same?
- How are they different?
Note: Consider which elements from Assessment 1 might be appropriate to incorporate here.
Proper vs. Improper Parameters for Physical Safeguards (1 page)
Note: The names of these safeguards come from the Security Rule.
- What are these safeguards?
- How do the security parameters for these safeguards vary by level of authority and job role?
Recommendations (1 to 1 1/2 pages)
- What are the potential security violations you identified in the Vila Health: Security media piece?
- What evidence-based technical safeguards and security controls would you recommend to address and prevent the identified security violations from occurring?
- What are some examples of uses and users with your evidence-based recommendations?
Note: Throughout your security report:
- Incorporate specific examples from the media piece, your experience in this course and/or the workplace, and from your readings and research.
- Substantiate your assertions and recommendations with references to current, scholarly and/or authoritative sources.
Additional Requirements
- Length: 4- to 5-page double-spaced security report.
- Format: Times Roman, 12-point type.
- References: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Include a separate works cited page for your references. For an APA refresher, consult this resource: APA Style and Format.
- Writing: Create a clear, well-organized, professional security report that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Resources: Security
- Andre, T. (2017). Cybersecurity: An enterprise risk issue. HFM (Healthcare Financial Management), 71(2), 40–45.
- McLaughlin, P. (2017). HIPAA security challenges in the current technology ecosystem. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 19(2), 5–12.
Resources: Personal Health Access
- Capella University Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide.
- Please consult this guide as needed to conduct independent research on course topics. This resource will direct you to scholarly, peer-reviewed, and authoritative resources.
- Sampat, B., & Prabhakar, B. (2017). Privacy risks and security threats in mHealth apps. Journal of International Technology & Information Management, 26(4), 126–153.
Resources: Mobile Devices and Cybersecurity
- Hegwer, L. R. (2017). Securing data against cyber threats. Healthcare Executive, 32(5), 10–18.
- Liss, B. (2017). HIPAA and mobile health: Where’s the app for that? Computer & Internet Lawyer, 34(9), 9–12.
- Oachs, P. K., & Watters, A. L. (Eds.). (2016). Health information management: Concepts, principles, and practice (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: AHIMA Press. Available from the bookstore.
- Chapter 15, “Health Information Exchange,” pages 449–477.
- Capella University Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide.
HSA 3109 Rasmussen College Foundations of Managed Care Question Business Finance Assignment Help
Palm Beach State College Childhood Obesity & Type Ii Diabetes Discussion Post Humanities Assignment Help
We are seeing children diagnosed with Type II diabetes in grade school; what are your thoughts regarding childhood obesity and its link to type II diabetes? How can we, as a nation, realistically prevent childhood obesity?
Requirements Summary
- Post one initial discussion post regarding the topic. Your initial post should be at least 5 sentences and provide detailed and well-thought-out comments regarding the topic.
- Post one comment to one of your classmates regarding their initial post. Comments to classmates should also be detailed and share your thoughts regarding their comments…just as if you were having a face-to-face conversation. The discussion post to your classmate should be at least 3-5 detailed sentences.
Respond to the student’s response:
Childhood obesity is annoyingly becoming a nuisance in the US, affecting more children than it is even reported. It is a condition that predisposes to many other dangerous diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), and high cholesterol levels, which we initially knew as adulthood diseases. Among the factors causing the condition are diet choices, lack of exercise, psychological issues, family factors among others. Its link to diabetes type II because it affects insulin in the body, a compound that carries glucose in our bodies. Due to affected insulin levels, a person cannot adequately use or balance glucose levels in their body, predisposing to the development of diabetes II.
I would think that the best way we can prevent childhood obesity is by the adults living as good role models, eating healthily and having regular physical exercises. The ‘foods’ or snacks packed for children in grade school for lunch or servings served at schools should be carefully assessed and ensured to have the ‘correct’ adequate nutritional requirements for a diet. Additionally, limiting or reducing advertisements on media about junk food could be beneficial to these children and in the long run, lead to the prevention of childhood obesity.
Capella University Steps for Release of Patient Information Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
Develop a release of patient information compliance checklist (3-4 pages) for hospital staff members to follow. Include an introduction that covers the HIPAA Privacy Rule, proper and improper use of health information, and existing controls to protect patient confidentiality and privacy.
Electronic health records and modern communication technologies have made health information increasingly accessible. As a result, maintaining privacy requires the handlers of health information to know and follow release of information (ROI) protocols closely. ROI is also critical to the quality of the continuity of care. ROI also plays a significant role in billing, reporting, and other functions related to patient care processes.
ROI procedures must clearly define privacy and confidentiality, often used interchangeably. However, they are distinctly different concepts. Privacy refers to the freedom from intrusion into an individual’s personal information. Confidentiality refers to the sharing of information with unauthorized users. Confidentiality is usually viewed as an ethical responsibility; however, privacy is more of a legal matter.
Privacy specialists believe that patient information belongs to patients, and they have a right to protect themselves from the potential impacts of having their information available to providers and other users. However, release of patient information is often needed for providing patient care and serving other purposes. HIPAA establishes the standard to protect patients’ confidential information and specifies the procedures for releasing it.
In this assessment you will continue on in your new role as a HIM analyst for Valley City Regional Hospital. You will gather information from the hospital’s risk manager about privacy issues and develop a three- to four-page compliance checklist, including an introduction, for the release of patient information for all hospital staff members to follow. You will want to make sure that your checklist specifically addresses the privacy issues the risk manager shared with you.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 1: Describe the purposes and scope of the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
- Explain how the HIPAA Privacy Rule applies to audit violations.
- Competency 2: Integrate privacy rules and regulations into health information management processes.
- Outline the release of information process, including procedures, used for highly sensitive data.
- Distinguish between proper and improper use of health information.
- Describe the process to de-identify patient information.
- Describe controls to protect patient confidentiality and privacy.
- Competency 5: Communicate effectively in a professional and ethical manner.
- Create a clear, well-organized, professional compliance checklist that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
To successfully complete this second course assessment:
- View this media piece: Vila Health: Privacy.
- As you view the media piece, keep in mind privacy requirements and the potential privacy violations presented. Based on the media piece, you will develop a compliance checklist, outlining for staff members the steps they need to take to release patient information.
- Review the risk report and SWOT analysis you completed in Assessment 1. You may have an opportunity to incorporate elements from some of your previous work into this assessment.
In this assessment you will continue on in your new role as a HIM analyst for Valley City Regional Hospital. The director of quality assurance likes the risk report you recently prepared (Assessment 1). Now, he would like you to complete another task.
Other leaders have brought to his attention some concerns about whether hospital staff professionals are consistently complying with privacy requirements. He’d like you to gather information from the hospital’s risk manager about this issue. The Vila Health: Privacy media piece will provide information about the risk manager’s insights. Your task will be to develop a three- to four- page compliance checklist, including an introduction, for the release of patient information for all hospital staff members to follow. You will want to make sure that your checklist specifically addresses the privacy issues the risk manager shared with you.
Be sure your ROI checklist includes all of the following:
- What are the major steps hospital staff members need to follow when releasing patient information?
- How does the HIPAA Privacy Rule apply to each step in the process?
- What are the proper procedures to follow when de-identifying patient information?
Also include an introduction to your checklist. Your introduction needs to address all of the following questions:
- What is the HIPAA Privacy Rule and how does it apply to the ROI process?
- What constitutes proper and improper use of health information?
- What controls does Valley Regional Hospital have in place to protect patient confidentiality and privacy?
Note: As a best practice, consider completing the checklist first. As you write the checklist, you may discover information you want to include in your introduction.
Additional Requirements
- Length: 3- to 4-page double-spaced compliance checklist with an introduction.
- Format: Times Roman, 12-point type.
- APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Include a separate works cited page for your references.
- Writing: Create a clear, well-organized, professional compliance checklist that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Resources: Release of Information
- Anderson, C., Baskerville, R. L., & Kaul, M. (2017). Information security control theory: Achieving a sustainable reconciliation between sharing and protecting the privacy of information. Journal of Management Information Systems, 34(4), 1082–1112.
- Campbell, K. L., & Parsi, K. (2017). The new age of patient transparency. Healthcare Executive, 32(6), 40–43.
- Capella University Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide.
- Please consult this guide as needed to conduct independent research on course topics. This resource will direct you to scholarly, peer-reviewed, and authoritative resources.
- Strauss, L. J. (2018). The opioid crisis and release of protected health information. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 20(1), 55–56.
- Resources: Documentation Standards
- Grzybowski, D. M. (2015). Documentation disasters: Are you a lemming or a leader? Medical Records Briefing, 30(10), 11–14.
- This article, based on observations and opinions on the legal health record (LHR) and data integrity, describes what has been happening to medical record documentation throughout the United States.
- Schaeffer, J. (2016). Poor documentation: Why it happens and how to fix it. For the Record, 28(5), 12–15.
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