CPSS 300 University of Phoenix Reentry Plan of King County Paper Law Assignment Help

CPSS 300 University of Phoenix Reentry Plan of King County Paper Law Assignment Help. CPSS 300 University of Phoenix Reentry Plan of King County Paper Law Assignment Help.

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Assignment Content

  1. In this assignment, you will identify goals and strategies involved in the prerelease planning stage of the reentry process for inmates and offenders. This will help to create a plan for reentry.
    Review and conduct research on the following goals included in the reentry process:

    • Goal 1: Address housing needs of inmates post-incarceration.
    • Goal 2: Assist inmates in obtaining employment post-release.
    • Goal 3: Provide resources for mental health, medical, and substance abuse treatment during and after incarceration.
    • Goal 4: Connect offenders with appropriate government benefits.

    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper to describe strategies for meeting these goals. For each goal:

    • Describe the goal and how it relates to reducing recidivism.
    • Identify 2 strategies for accomplishing the goal.
    • Describe 3 activities per strategy, and how the activity will benefit the offender.

    Include a minimum of 2 sources as evidence to support your paper.
    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

CPSS 300 University of Phoenix Reentry Plan of King County Paper Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

LC Cultural Diversity & Pursuit of Social Progress of Media & Communication Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications report and need support to help me learn.

Final paper is an academic research paper focusing on an urgent global challenge through the
lens of media and communication in a global/local context. Potential challenges could include,
for example, pandemic and equity nationally/globally in the global media; governance and social
media in political conflict, (mental) health as a human right, gender-based violence and social
movements, and the future of democracies/labor/security/climate migration and the new
technologies. The global challenge to be focused on should be further specified in context and
connected with media and communication from the perspective of one’s choice. For example,
the plight of Uighurs in China could be approached in terms of conducting a comparative
rhetorical analysis of Chinese media coverage (e.g. China Daily) of alleged forced labor with the
Western coverage of it (e.g. Reuters, NYTimes).

Use of a sample case (such as in the example above) to be analyzed more in depth encouraged.
Inclusion of at least two academic sources required. The final paper should include the following
sections: title page, academic background exploration of the topic, clarification of a research
question, sample case subjected to analysis, elaboration of findings, conclusions, references.
Please note: scholarly and other sources must be cited and listed in references.

Length 7-8
pages (1.5 spaced).


University of Miami Art Terms Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.

I. VOCABULARY: Define the following:

– curriculum:

– inter-disciplinary:

– craftsmanship:

– craft:

– non-objective:

– symmetry:

– illusion of form:

– texture:

– emphasis (principle of design):

– goal (in a lesson plan):


II. FILL IN the blank:

1. “Period” and “movement” are used to describe times and styles in _______ ___________.

2. __________________ is one of the best reasons to teach art to children.

3. Shapes can be organic or _________________.

4. “Composition” refers to the _____________________ of elements and images in a work of art.

5. ________________ is often considered the “foundation” when studying art.

6. Twentieth century art is frequently ____________________.


III. PLANNING A LESSON: Answer the following:

1. DBAE: Discipline-based Art Education:

LIST and DESCRIBE the FOUR aspects of DBAE.


2. Hands-on activity:



2. SELECT ONE of the cultures below and create a LESSON PLAN.

Use art or craft from the culture as the basis for the lesson and activity.

Japan – Mexico – Native American – Sweden – Aboriginal (Australia) – India

Name your selection and DESCRIBE the art or craft:

WRITE a LESSON PLAN for the art or craft described above.

Grade level? ______________ Include the following:

– Objective:

– Materials:

– Vocabulary (at least three):

– Introduction:

– Activity:

– Assessment/Evaluation:

3. A few more questions:

– Describe an “enrichment” activity that would enhance/expand your “culture” lesson. (Field trip; guest speaker; reading; etc.)

– If this LESSON was part of a UNIT…what would be the content/topic of the unit?

Name 2 other ART lessons/activities that could be part of the unit.

– Use BLOOM”S TAXONOMY to write 3 questions on 3 different levels about the lesson above.

4. Your thoughts:

– What is an important question to ask each time you design a lesson?

– Do students benefit more from learning “hands-on” skills and techniques or is it more important to focus on art history and cultural issues?

– Should students have “individual” experiences or do they gain more from working on group projects?


IV. And consider this:

1. IMAGINE you have been teaching art at an public school for five years. Money directed to a new science program

will NOT allow for art in the curriculum and the school board is planning to cut all funding.

Teachers are encouraged to write letters to the school board to argue for the value of Art Education.

WRITE your letter below.

2. You are writing a lesson plan and have decided on the content, the project and the assessment…

What 3 other things do you think are most important to take into consideration when making the plan?




3. How can creativity be encouraged in the art classroom?



Part 1: Look at the images below and fill in:


2. representational – OR – abstract – OR – non-objective?


download-9.jpg 1. 2.


download-7.jpg 1. 2.


abstract-art-hero.jpg 1. 2.


rubens 1-2.jpg 1. 2.


300px-'Unique_Forms_of_Continuity_in_Space',_1913_bronze_by_Umberto_Boccioni.jpg 1. 2.


download-8.jpg 1. 2.


download-11.jpg 1. 2.


download.jpg 1. 2.


download-3.jpg 1. 2.


image-1.jpg 1. 2.

Part 2:

Look at the images in your ART HISTORY page packet and answer the following:
NAME 2 similarities and 2 differences for each of the images:

1. The Praying Nobleman (Mesopotamia) and The Discus Thrower (Ancient Greece)

Same: __________________ __________________ Different: ____________________ __________________

2. The Pont du Gard (Ancient Rome) and the Palatine Chapel (Dark Ages)

Same: _________________ ___________________ Different: ____________________ __________________

3. The Mona Lisa (Italian Renaissance) and Young Girl Reading (Rococo)

Same: _________________ ___________________ Different: ____________________ __________________

4. Arnolfini Portrait (Northern Renaissance) and The Oath of the Horatii (Neo-Classicism)

Same: _________________ ___________________ Different: ____________________ __________________


VI. (Be sure to answer all the questions)


If this is true…

– WHAT features of TODAY’S world of the early 21st century should be included in the current art curriculum at this time?

– What artistic skills should young art students learn?

– What is considered “beautiful” and “meaningful” in 2020? (Include a minimum of 5)







MCAOM Management Styles Productivity & Ethical Behavior Self Assessment Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing exercise and need guidance to help me understand better.

To assess your involvement with the class, you will undertake a series of self-assessments throughout the semester on issues ranging from your management traits to ethical behavior to decision-making styles, and others. These self-assessment tools are available in the textbook, pages are provided in the course schedule below. After each self-assessment, you will write a short one-paragraph summary of what you learned about yourself (not to exceed 200 words), and what it means for your future professional career. Even though the course schedule provides deadlines for the self-assessments, they are soft deadlines (i.e., tentative, not enforced), since you will not be submitting those short summaries to me at the end of each week. Instead, at the end of the semester, you will merge these paragraphs into a single document and will add an overall conclusion that summarizes your experience.


SU Journalism Evolving in The Future Enables to Receive Live News Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Write a 1-page journal entry (approximately 250 words) in which you:

  1. Describe how you think journalism will evolve in the future. Will these changes lead to an overall improvement in journalism? Why or why not? How has the past information expansion changed the environment or activities of current-day journalism?
  2. Complete the page/word amount requirement.
  3. Write with clarity, following mechanics and formatting requirements.


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length. A Journal Sample [PDF] has been provided for your reference. No sources are required for this journal.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Explain the influence of information accessibility through different forms of media on individual and social norms.



GCU Ethical Codes and Public Demands to Authorities Discussion Law Assignment Help

DQ1-DQ1-Ethical codes guide the behavior of attorneys, police officers, and judges. Attorneys, police officers, and judges are expected to operate under the letter of the law without expressing bias or personal views during work hours. On off hours, those rules are often not as clear, yet we, as the public, still demand higher ethical standards of off-duty criminal justice personnel. Should off-duty members of the legal arena be held to a higher standard? If they are found to be in violation of those standards off duty, should they be punished to a lesser extent? Where does duty end and personal lives begin?

DQ2-Activities of law enforcement personnel are under greater scrutiny than ever before due to the fact that the public is constantly monitoring law enforcement activities with recording devices. Further, many police officers are now compelled to wear video cameras as part of their uniform. Does the constant presence of monitoring have a cooling effect on law enforcement activities? In other words, will law enforcement personnel be less willing to take aggressive but appropriate measures to combat crime if they are subject to near constant monitoring and recording? Does this create ethical dilemmas for law enforcement? Explain.

provide a citation in each of answer.


Requirements: 250 words eachs guide the behavior of attorneys, police officers, and judges. Attorneys, police officers, and judges are expected to operate under the letter of the law without expressing bias or personal views during work hours. On off hours, those rules are often not as clear, yet we, as the public, still demand higher ethical standards of off-duty criminal justice personnel. Should off-duty members of the legal arena be held to a higher standard? If they are found to be in violation of those standards off duty, should they be punished to a lesser extent? Where does duty end and personal lives begin?

DQ2-Activities of law enforcement personnel are under greater scrutiny than ever before due to the fact that the public is constantly monitoring law enforcement activities with recording devices. Further, many police officers are now compelled to wear video cameras as part of their uniform. Does the constant presence of monitoring have a cooling effect on law enforcement activities? In other words, will law enforcement personnel be less willing to take aggressive but appropriate measures to combat crime if they are subject to near constant monitoring and recording? Does this create ethical dilemmas for law enforcement? Explain.

provide a citation in each of answer.


Requirements: 250 words each

GCU Ethical Codes and Public Demands to Authorities Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

NUR 115 University of Denver Cultural Competence on Healing Reflective Paper Humanities Assignment Help


Reflective Journaling Guidelines and Rubric

Reflective journaling is an evidence-based practice that assists students with strengthening personal knowledge of self as well as assimilating course concepts into their existing base of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Students will be provided with weekly reflective journaling prompts that address course topics, readings, and classroom exercises. Reflective journals will be submitted online to the learning management system (Canvas) via a text entry box provided on the journal submission link.

Respond to the specific questions assigned each week as the primary focus of your reflection.
You may also reflect on additional topics, thoughts, or experiences as desired.

NOTE: This assignment is set up to automatically award full points to students upon submission of their reflective journals to the online system; however, the instructor will review submissions and may deduct or adjust points if submissions do not meet the expected criteria as outlined in the rubric shown below and in the course syllabus.

20-19 points

18-17 points

16-0 points

Evidence of deep, insightful, reflection and personal learning associated with the classroom topics, readings, and journal questions. Reflective statements incorporate material explored in that week’s specific class.
Reflection responses total at least 150 words in length.

Evidence of adequate reflective thought and personal learning associated with the classroom topics, readings, and journal questions.
Reflection responses total at least 150 words in length.

Provides minimal reflective thought, does not clearly demonstrate personal learning that occurred or did not complete weekly journal. Reflection responses total less than the required length.

Total Possible Points = 20 per each journal


BUS 419 Strayer University WBS Outline & Diagram Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


This is the second of four assignments which, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to your selected project.

Now, it is time to develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) and project schedule for the project that you discussed in your Project Proposal assignment.


This assignment requires you to:

  • Create a WBS for your project using the proper format (MS Word, MS Excel, Visio, or any other applicable format) to depict the WBS graphically (see Figure 4.1 from Chapter 4 of Successful Project Management). Alternatively, you may use a coded format using MS Word (see Figure 4.3 from Chapter 4 of Successful Project Management: as an example). The example is in MS Project format, but the same could be done in MS Excel.
  • Create a project schedule that lists all of the core activities, dates (start and finish), and resources to complete your project. While it is recommended that you use MS Project, you can use MS Excel to create your schedule. Your project schedule must contain at least 30 separate activities or tasks, including the critical path.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) and schedule for a project using appropriate digital tools (Word, Excel, Project, Visio, etc.).


UCI Canonization of Musical Works Questions Humanities Assignment Help

The idea of forming a canon, or the canonization of musical works in music scholarship, stems from creating and applying criteria for works deemed noteworthy over a certain period of time. The scholars, critics, and journalists in this NPR series have constructed what they believe are recordings that have, or will stand the test of time. I don’t agree with all of their assertions, but that is why we dive into the work.


You will search for, choose, and write about one song from “The South Got Something To Say: A (Links to an external site.) Celebration Of Southern Rap.” (Links to an external site.)

I purposely directed you to songs/albums from the earlier portions the list. Again, historical and foundational knowledge is important.

  • Choose one song from 1989-2009. Please notice this list features songs and albums. You may use the Southern Rap Canon Playlist (Links to an external site.) to help you decide.
  • Read the description that accompanies your song/album, and listen. If you choose an album, you may choose one song from this album, and find the audio on YouTube.
  • You may write in bullet point short answer style, but please make it clear which question you are answering.
    • The name of the song, and the year it was released.
    • The name of the album, if it’s included in the description.
    • The state the artist comes from (state pictures are listed next to the title).
    • An interesting fact about the song or artist written in the description.
    • Why did you choose this song?
      • What element in either the lyrics or production stood out to you?
    • Why do you think this song/album was included as part of a canon of Southern rap?


CJUS 535 Liberty University Impact of Technology on Modern Society Discussion Law Assignment Help

please respond to the following discussion post with 500 words or more 2 references and 1 biblical viewpoint.

There can be no denying the impact that technology has had on our modern society. The field of law enforcement is not immune to these changes. Part of the readings for this week focused on the ‘3-I model,’ which includes geographical Information systems (GIS), predictive policing, and social media. Discuss these technologies in detail. Then, explain how these technologies can be applied to a strategic intelligence apparatus. Also, discuss which of these you feel can be the most beneficial to intelligence-led policing. Be sure to defend your answer with scholarly research and remember to integrate a Biblical perspective to your posting.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ to help you decide.

  • Read the description that accompanies your song/album, and listen. If you choose an album, you may choose one song from this album, and find the audio on YouTube.
  • You may write in bullet point short answer style, but please make it clear which question you are answering.
    • The name of the song, and the year it was released.
    • The name of the album, if it’s included in the description.
    • The state the artist comes from (state pictures are listed next to the title).
    • An interesting fact about the song or artist written in the description.
    • Why did you choose this song?
      • What element in either the lyrics or production stood out to you?
    • Why do you think this song/album was included as part of a canon of Southern rap?
  • [supanova_question]

    CJUS 535 Liberty University Impact of Technology on Modern Society Discussion Law Assignment Help

    please respond to the following discussion post with 500 words or more 2 references and 1 biblical viewpoint.

    There can be no denying the impact that technology has had on our modern society. The field of law enforcement is not immune to these changes. Part of the readings for this week focused on the ‘3-I model,’ which includes geographical Information systems (GIS), predictive policing, and social media. Discuss these technologies in detail. Then, explain how these technologies can be applied to a strategic intelligence apparatus. Also, discuss which of these you feel can be the most beneficial to intelligence-led policing. Be sure to defend your answer with scholarly research and remember to integrate a Biblical perspective to your posting.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ to help you decide.

  • Read the description that accompanies your song/album, and listen. If you choose an album, you may choose one song from this album, and find the audio on YouTube.
  • You may write in bullet point short answer style, but please make it clear which question you are answering.
    • The name of the song, and the year it was released.
    • The name of the album, if it’s included in the description.
    • The state the artist comes from (state pictures are listed next to the title).
    • An interesting fact about the song or artist written in the description.
    • Why did you choose this song?
      • What element in either the lyrics or production stood out to you?
    • Why do you think this song/album was included as part of a canon of Southern rap?
  • [supanova_question]

    CJUS 535 Liberty University Impact of Technology on Modern Society Discussion Law Assignment Help

    please respond to the following discussion post with 500 words or more 2 references and 1 biblical viewpoint.

    There can be no denying the impact that technology has had on our modern society. The field of law enforcement is not immune to these changes. Part of the readings for this week focused on the ‘3-I model,’ which includes geographical Information systems (GIS), predictive policing, and social media. Discuss these technologies in detail. Then, explain how these technologies can be applied to a strategic intelligence apparatus. Also, discuss which of these you feel can be the most beneficial to intelligence-led policing. Be sure to defend your answer with scholarly research and remember to integrate a Biblical perspective to your posting.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ to help you decide.

  • Read the description that accompanies your song/album, and listen. If you choose an album, you may choose one song from this album, and find the audio on YouTube.
  • You may write in bullet point short answer style, but please make it clear which question you are answering.
    • The name of the song, and the year it was released.
    • The name of the album, if it’s included in the description.
    • The state the artist comes from (state pictures are listed next to the title).
    • An interesting fact about the song or artist written in the description.
    • Why did you choose this song?
      • What element in either the lyrics or production stood out to you?
    • Why do you think this song/album was included as part of a canon of Southern rap?
  • [supanova_question]

    CJUS 535 Liberty University Impact of Technology on Modern Society Discussion Law Assignment Help

    please respond to the following discussion post with 500 words or more 2 references and 1 biblical viewpoint.

    There can be no denying the impact that technology has had on our modern society. The field of law enforcement is not immune to these changes. Part of the readings for this week focused on the ‘3-I model,’ which includes geographical Information systems (GIS), predictive policing, and social media. Discuss these technologies in detail. Then, explain how these technologies can be applied to a strategic intelligence apparatus. Also, discuss which of these you feel can be the most beneficial to intelligence-led policing. Be sure to defend your answer with scholarly research and remember to integrate a Biblical perspective to your posting.


    CPSS 300 University of Phoenix Reentry Plan of King County Paper Law Assignment Help

    CPSS 300 University of Phoenix Reentry Plan of King County Paper Law Assignment Help

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