Create a Budget Humanities Assignment Help

Create a Budget Humanities Assignment Help. Create a Budget Humanities Assignment Help.

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How about a R&R & R&R2 program . Is this something like you all were thinking? The Cognitive Centre developed the internationally accredited cognitive-behavioral Reasoning and Rehabilitation programs. The programs teach skills and values which are antagonistic to antisocial behavior and are essential to the achievement of pro-social competence. Guided by research conducted of R&R, you have R&R2 that is specialized and shorter programs that are tailored to the needs of specific groups of offenders and other antisocial individuals.

L.A. has three prison facilities, one being a state prison, and we could proposal this program for the adult facilities and the two juvenile facilities. This program has seen success and there is a lot of information to help put the project together. The budget would have to cover instructors, training, counselors, researchers, and administrative cost. It seems feasible. If we provided services at just these facilities it would keep overhead way down. Just rent a small office for a training and HQ.

We could also put in the proposal to apply for the Second Chance Act grant to help continue funding.

Group Project: City Council Presentation

The City of Los Angeles, California has been struggling with a continually climbing crime rate over the past 10 years. The Mayor has authorized an additional budget of 2 million dollars to help address the increasing crime rate. Your group will need to decide how these funds should be used and create a budget, 2-page written proposal, and a PowerPoint presentation outlining how the funds will be used. You will also need to include why you believe your proposed programs or services will help to decrease or stop the increase in crime.

For this assignment you will be split up into groups of 4-5 students (based upon the number of students in the class). Each group will have its own discussion area. You will need to work together in the discussion area to assign roles and responsibilities amongst yourselves. There you can also communicate and decide how your group would like to spend the 2 million dollars in funding, potential programs and/or services that the funds could be used for, and divide out tasks to complete all the assignments. Part of your grade will be on how effectively you communicate with your group members in the discussion board. By the end of this week your group should:

Decide what programs and/or services that your group would like to propose (how the 2 million dollars should be spent).

Assign roles and responsibilities for who will do what to complete the budget, written proposal, and PowerPoint presentation. Note that it may take a few people to complete the PowerPoint presentation with one person combining all the slides together if more than one person works on the PowerPoint.

For additional support and ideas for how to get started, check out the links below to some supplemental videos:

How to Create a Project Budget

Create a Budget Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Disaster mental health ( responses) 1-1 Health Medical Assignment Help


Question 1

Spreading of fake news in the social media sites has become a common trend in the modern world. The rise of conspiracy theorists has led to an increase in questions about various disasters that have happened in multiple fields. The changing media landscape has caused a lot of psychological discomfort to the victims of the tragedies and their families and close ones. It has been seen that people who are not appreciated in real life tend to find others with the same psychological issues on the internet and go on to empower each other. Raising questions about fake news and passing personal opinions on the media platforms may open up psychological wounds for those victims of the disaster or those related to them. Families have been seen living in fear after threats sent to them from social media platforms.

Question 2

Spreading of rumors in various groups of people through the media platforms has been on the rise. It has led to the news providing media like newspapers and TV stations to be untrusted by people. The spread of fake news can be curbed by doing thorough research and confirmation before letting out the information also to avoid causing psychological pain to people who might be affected. Further traumatization of the victims can be combated through the finding of new and better ways to let out accurate information and avoid bringing new ideas about a disaster when it has already been solved .such information should be discrete and not let out carelessly since it can cause psychological traumatization. The government should also make an effort to stop and deal with the individuals involved in spreading false information and ideas through social media platforms.


Michael Barbaro. (2018, May 24). Listen to ‘the Daily’: Putting ‘Fake news’ on trial. The New York Times – Breaking News, World News & Multimedia.



1.Discuss the ways that the changing media landscape is affecting the psychosocial consequences of the disaster, for better or for worse.

The media plays a crucial role in the public’s life, bringing positive and negative psychosocial effects of a disaster. Psychosocial consequences usually occur during and after a disaster, and these can be extended in the long-term. Disaster sufferers can continue experiencing physical, psychological, and emotional anguish, depending on their exposure to news, social media interactions, and conspiracy theories. The conspiracy theorists Alex Jones, for example, aggravated Sandy’s trauma Hook victims by publicly harassing them (Barbaro, 2018). Parents could experience emotional pain if they are accused of staging the deaths of their children. Hopwood and Schutte (2017) illustrate that exposing major disasters on media can have negative psychological consequences. Most studies have also established that receiving information on major disasters is similar to experiencing an actual event (Hopwood & Schutte, 2017). Generally, conspiracy theories by Alex Jones increased depression, fear, and anxiety among the Sandy Hook victims. Evidence also reveals that there is a connection between watching the disaster coverage on television and panic or post-traumatic stress. On a positive note, the media can help to form online communities that share similar interests. Disaster sufferers can, therefore, connect and share stories to enhance their recovery by reaching out to each other which poses to motivate them in resilience. Overall, the media aims to attract followers and earn money. Thus, it gains profits by escalating psychological consequences.

2-Reflect on the ways that media (social or otherwise) positively and negatively impact crisis management. How can we quell the rumor mill? How do we combat further traumatization?

Media can have advantages or disadvantages in crisis management. Firstly, social media provides a platform for the public and relevant organizations to share ideas. For example, Instagram or Twitter media enables people to raise their issues and concerns. People can debate and sharing information as well as ideas via social media sites to promote crisis management. Social media can stimulate material and monetary donations to help disaster victims (Alexander, 2014). Secondly, the media allows by supporting people to collaborate to solve crises. It can mobilize leadership, skills, support systems, and logistics. Besides performing the mobilization role, the media can serve as a monitoring and assessment tool. It helps people to gather information and monitor programs to enhance crisis management (Alexander, 2014).
In contrast, social media can be the source of harmful rumors and inaccurate information. Most studies stated people who feel attention or nervous should stay away from social media during crises that can fuel unrest and dramatization. The spread of false data can increases confusion during the onset of disasters (Alexander, 2014). Hence, it is vital to control the spread of rumors. Relevant authorities, for instance, should monitor social sites to identify misleading information.

Lastly, organizations should use their social media platforms to communicate. It is vital to share encouraging or healing stories to decrease further traumatization. The public should learn how to use social media productively especially in crisis circumstances by sharing valuable information and disregarding fake data.

Alexander, D. E. (2014). Social media in disaster risk reduction and crisis management. Science and Engineering Ethics, 20(3), 717-733.

Barbaro, M. (2018, May 24). Listen to ‘The Daily?: Putting ‘Fake News? on Trial. Retrieved from…

Hopwood, T. L., & Schutte, N. S. (2017). Psychological outcomes in reaction to media exposure to disasters and large-scale violence: A meta-analysis. Psychology of Violence, 7(2), 316-327.



During the last decade, social media has become an essential source for news and updates in different fields. According to Alexander (2014), social media is the second preferable news source after television for Americans. Nowadays, I believe social media has become the number one source of news. We see hundreds of government organizations of different countries and even government leaders using various platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to deliver messages. However, using or relying on social media for news during emergencies is a double-edged sword. Utilizing different types of social media during disasters could be positive or negative, based on many factors. For example, age is a factor because older adults tend to accept news only from official sources (Alexander, 2014). Other factors could be related to gender, and community awareness to stope or decrease rumors. False news can result in adverse psychological effects and vice versa.

1.Discuss the ways that the changing media landscape is affecting the psychosocial consequences of disaster, for better or for worse.

The media landscape can improve or decrease different aspects of the community’s psychosocial status. No one can be sure claiming that media content during a disaster can affect people in one particular way, especially when there is a diversity of the community (e.g., young, elderly, people with mental health conditions) all have access to social media. Hopwood & Schutte (2017), conducted a meta-analysis study that discussed the different opinions/studies regarding the effect of media exposure during disasters widely. Many studies concluded that exposure to social media during disasters could indirectly traumatize the community (Hopwood & Schutte, 2017). On the other hand, a significant number of studies concluded that there was no relationship between exposure to news after the disaster and negative psychological impacts.

Nevertheless, Hopwood & Schutte, 2017, concluded that communities with a history of disasters and violence are more susceptible to negative psychological impacts. However, the psychological effect of exposure to social media during emergencies can be seen today during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some people and even organizations argue the virus is not contagious as the “media portray it,” while others argue those people are following the conspiracy theory. The psychosocial impact of that can be seen clearly through people’s daily activities when others take precautions very seriously while others are not.

2.Reflect on the ways that media (social or otherwise) positively and negatively impact crisis management. How can we quell the rumor mill? How do we combat further traumatization?

One of the most effective measures to reduce rumors is to establish official platforms or official accounts in existing media platforms to keep people updated with correct information. In the absence of official news or even if it was delayed, rumors take place. For instance, according to Castillo et al. (2011), as stated in Alexander (2014), in the aftermath of the 2010 Chile earthquake, the scarcity of information from official agencies was the main reason for rumors spread, which negatively impacted the community.


Hopwood, T. L., & Schutte, N. S. (2017). Psychological outcomes in reaction to media exposure

to disasters and large-scale violence: A meta-analysis. Psychology of Violence, 7(2), 316–327.

Alexander, D. E. (2014). Social media in disaster risk reduction and crisis management. Science

and Engineering Ethics, 20(3), 717-33. doi:…


write one thoughtful response for each post at least 200 words.


Need questions answered. “The Things They Carried” Must have basic grasp of literature and “American” thought and knowledge on Vietnam War Humanities Assignment Help

Previous tutor not qualified. Now I have one hour before it is due!. I’m handing it all to you here. The story, my take on it. Please do not accept if you do not have a basic understanding of US political, cultural thought on Vietnam War. I will upload story after accepted. If you have to google this all, that’s fine, but no plagiarism.

Anatomy of a Story—Breakdown. Use complete sentences – be thorough but brief. Answer “philosophically” when possible. Attached is an aspect of the story I wrote, but you need to read the story. I’m attaching it here so you have an idea of what I was thinking.

1) Summary – what is this story about? What makes this story distinctly American?

2) Author bio – short bio and key question: is there anything in this bio that shines light on the story?

3) Whose story is it? Narrator (describe with key details) and point of view

4) Who is the antagonist or key other characters?

5) What is the main conflict (s)?

6) What is the setting? (place and time frame of the story)

7) What is the climax?

8) Is there an epiphany in the story? If so, what is it?

9) Is there imagery (symbols, metaphors) that tell you something more? i.e. have larger ideas attached to them?

10) What stands out to you about the language used (the diction or word choice?). Or, is there a particularly compelling scene or moment? BE SPECIFIC here.

11) How does the story resolve?

12) Now look at the story through ONE of the literary lenses we have discussed (Feminist literary theory, Marxist literary theory, Critical Race Theory). Define the theory.

13) –If selecting Feminist Literary Theory – what does this story tell us about male and female gender roles? About patriarchy in our society?

–If selecting Marxist Literary Theory – what does this story tell us about class in our society?

–If selecting Critical Race Theory – what does this story tell us about race in America?

14 & 15) How did you respond to the story? Why did you choose this story? What did it make you think or feel?

Bonus: 2 points extra credit for creative execution of the

“Anatomy of A Short Story.”


recording question Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Recording assignment

No unread replies.No replies.

Recording exercise: You are going to do some basic LSI data collection. This is actually harder than you expect (that’s why it is worth what it is worth).

You need to collect 2 recordings of 2 different events (that is they must be at different times with different people). You cannot be present, or speaking, in these interactions. You must place a recording device and leave.

What to record: 2 recordings each over two minutes (4 minutes total) on two different occasions (with slightly different people each time)

Good places to record include: family dinner, zoom/phone calls between friends or family, discussions over study sessions ‘lounge’ discussions.

Some conditions

  • Recordings must be natural (e.g You may not ‘fake’, script, or participate in your recordings. Believe me, scripts are obvious. I know the sound of your voice.)
  • Settings and talk must not require the use of the body (eg playing a computer game, handing over money at a cashier, doing a bench press, picking up mail)
  • Do not record anyone ordering, or buying anything. Do not record anyone ordering coffee.
  • Settings must have minimal background noise (don’t record the mail room)
  • recordings must occur at different times, you may not record one conversation broken into three recordings.
  • You need to be able to clearly hear everything everyone is saying (eg its audible). Re-listen to your recordings after you submit them to check that what I hear is audible (eg your phone will have a clearer playback than the file you upload, but I grade you one file)

Along with your two recordings you will post around 100 words about each recording. In it you will describe

  1. What kind of speech event it is (e.g. a lecture, hanging out, dinner). Please differentiate *activity* (what I want) from *location* (what I dont want, here, I want that in 3 separately).
  2. In each recording identify one kind of action OTHER than questions/answer (or anything remotely like those) that occurs in the recording. For this I am grading you on understanding actions. Read chapter 1 and 2 on this and watch the day 2 lecture.
  3. Where it is
  4. Who is in the recording

Finally you must upload FILES. This will require three different posts. Do not embed the recordings. You will not get credit if you embed them. Title the files as follows.

[student number] + [surname] {recording01/02/03}

eg 123456ReynoldsRecording01.mp3

There are points relating to get the format and title right. I will not check your title/format is correct for you.

recording rubric online.PNG


Immigration and Thy neighbor Humanities Assignment Help

Now read Case study number 16.2 Churches as Sanctuaries for the undocumented

Q.2 How would you balance the biblical mandate to submit to civil authority and the commands to care for the vulnerable? Do you have to chose between them, or is there an alternative that satisfies both obligations? In your answer how does the parable relate to the treatment of undocumented immigrants and refugees today, and how do we balance civil and religious calls to justice in this case.

What I am looking for is an engagement with the scripture as it applies to the case study as well as any other class material from Thursday that might apply such as the beloved community and love thy enemy or from chapter 16 that might help in explain your answer to this question above. The scripture isn’t similar in scenario, but def in response with principles and virtues of the community (worshipers). If possible leave an open ended questions for classmates and you to respond to each other.



Read the files and answer the questions. You only have to use the files Business Finance Assignment Help

Scientific Glass Case Instructions–Maximum of 4 pages

Learning Objectives

1. Explore the flexibility as a driver supply chain strategy.

2. Develop and analyze alternative inventory management strategies, and identify the trade offs between managing centralized and decentralized inventory.

3. Understand the relationships among finance, sales, operations and supply chain management and the impact these relationships can have in shaping an inventory management system.

Case Instructions

Scientific Glass Spreadsheet (Student).xlsx

1. (20 Points) Using Exhibit 1, prepare a table to analyze and compare the changes in key financial KPIs between 2008 and 2009, as follows:

  • Inventory growth rate, inventory turns, and sales growth
  • Net Working Capital and Days Working Capital
  • DIO, DSO, DPO, and CCC

2. (20 points) Using the supporting data and analysis from #1, provide a one paragraph analysis of the current situation at SG. Identify the key symptoms and provide clear problem statements to identify the root causes that result in the symptoms and poor performance. Please use the course strategic framework tools, concepts, and Operations Rules for your analysis.

3. (20 points) Using the data in Exhibit 3, what is the optimal inventory level for Griffin 500 ml Beaker given the cost of underage is 48 cents, cost of overage is 2 cents and average bi-weekly demand (1 warehouse) is 433.4 units and standard deviation of bi-weekly demand is 51 units?

4. ( 15 points) If you are consulting Scientific Glass, what strategic actions should management take to fundamentally improve the company’s long-term performance? Each recommendation on actions should improve in more than one dimension.

Read the files and answer the questions. You only have to use the files Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

EECE 3220 using queues problem Programming Assignment Help

1. Introduction

This assignment gives you experience working with the queue class template we developed in lecture. Your program will model two lanes–an express lane and normal lane–in a grocery store, using a Queue object for each. You’ll read a file telling you when each customer arrives and how long they’ll take, use that information to fill a pair of queues, and then empty each queue to simulate the process of serving customers.

Section 2 provides a specification for the assignment, providing details on how your program should handle input and output. The output specification includes a breakdown of what the auto-graded test cases evaluate. Section 3 lists a few useful hints for completing the program.

2. Specification

Input specification

The only user input to this program is a file name. Your program should open and read the specified file, which always contains 10 input lines representing 10 customers. Each line contains the following information:

  • A single character representing the lane: ‘N’ for normal, ‘E’ for express
  • An unsigned integer representing the customer’s arrival time
    • File contents are sorted in order of arrival time
  • An unsigned integer representing the customer’s service time (how long it takes to serve a customer once they reach the front of the line)

So, for example, the first three lines of the input file file1.txt represent two express lane customers and one normal lane customer arriving at times 2, 7, and 8, with service times 3, 1, and 4:

E 2 3
E 7 1
N 8 4

Output specification and grading rubric

Your program is essentially broken into two parts: reading the file and filling the queues, then emptying the queues to simulate serving customers. The test cases use two separate input files, file1.txt and file2.txt. I’ve collected the full program output based on each input file in a pair of files, file1_output.txt and file2_output.txt, which are provided below as downloadable files. Remember, your program doesn’t print to a file–it prints to the screen!

Reading the file (10 points)

To show that your program reads the file correctly, the program must do the following:

  • Prompt for and read the file name
  • Print a line indicating you’ve started reading the file
  • As each line of the file is read, print a message listing:
    • The customer number
    • The lane to which they’re going
    • The customer’s arrival and service times
  • Print a line indicating you’re done reading the file

For example, here’s the output my program generates while reading file1.txt. The file name on the first line is user input; the program prints everything else:

Enter input file name: file1.txt
Reading file1.txt ...
Customer 1 to normal lane (A = 1, S = 5)
Customer 2 to express lane (A = 2, S = 3)
Customer 3 to express lane (A = 3, S = 2)
Customer 4 to normal lane (A = 5, S = 7)
Customer 5 to express lane (A = 6, S = 1)
Customer 6 to express lane (A = 8, S = 2)
Customer 7 to normal lane (A = 9, S = 4)
Customer 8 to express lane (A = 11, S = 3)
Customer 9 to normal lane (A = 12, S = 3)
Customer 10 to express lane (A = 13, S = 2)
Done reading file1.txt

Serving customers (40 points)

This part of the program is a loop that runs as long as at least one of four conditions is satisfied:

  • You’re serving a customer from the express lane
  • You’re serving a customer from the normal lane
  • There are customers waiting in the express lane
  • There are customers waiting in the normal lane

While those conditions control when the loop ends, your loop also needs a variable representing time, which starts at 1 and increments every loop iteration. Each time through the loop, your program may take at least one of four actions (although it may do none of these), each of which should be indicated by a line of output:

  • Start serving a new customer from the express lane
  • Start serving a new customer from the normal lane
  • Finish serving a customer from the express lane
  • Finish serving a customer from the normal lane

To start serving a new customer from either lane, three conditions have to be satisfied:

  • You’re not serving anyone from that lane
  • There’s at least one customer waiting in that lane
  • The current time is greater than or equal to the arrival time of the customer at the front of the queue for that lane

Each customer’s service time tells you how many cycles you need to spend serving them. Once that time is up, you can treat the current customer as done and you’ll be available to serve a new customer. Note that:

  • You’ll need to track how long the current customer has left
  • A customer with a service time of 1 will start and finish in the same loop iteration
  • If you finish serving a customer in one iteration, the next customer starts in the following iteration.

The output my program generates while serving the customers represented in file1.txt is below:

T = 1: Serving customer 1 in normal lane
T = 2: Serving customer 2 in express lane
T = 4: Done serving customer 2 in express lane
T = 5: Serving customer 3 in express lane
T = 5: Done serving customer 1 in normal lane
T = 6: Serving customer 4 in normal lane
T = 6: Done serving customer 3 in express lane
T = 7: Serving customer 5 in express lane
T = 7: Done serving customer 5 in express lane
T = 8: Serving customer 6 in express lane
T = 9: Done serving customer 6 in express lane
T = 11: Serving customer 8 in express lane
T = 12: Done serving customer 4 in normal lane
T = 13: Serving customer 7 in normal lane
T = 13: Done serving customer 8 in express lane
T = 14: Serving customer 10 in express lane
T = 15: Done serving customer 10 in express lane
T = 16: Done serving customer 7 in normal lane
T = 17: Serving customer 9 in normal lane
T = 19: Done serving customer 9 in normal lane
Done serving all customers

3. Hints

The template files I’ve provided contain some hints, particularly the main program. Additional hints are here:

Items in queue

You can use the array-based queue template we designed in class (or, if you’re feeling unnecessarily ambitious, redesign it), which is provided below. You do need some way of representing the data stored in each queue entry, though. I used the QItem class that’s also provided with the assignment, which stores each customer’s number, arrival time, and service time. I’ll let you decide what functions are necessary for your solution; feel free to redefine that class or completely ignore it.

File handling hints

We talked briefly about file I/O in Lecture 2, covering ifstream objects for input and noting that you can use an ifstream the same way you use cin.

While there’s an eof() function for ifstream objects, you don’t necessarily need it. A statement using the input extraction operator >> returns false if it fails to read anything, which you can use to your advantage. If myfile.txt contains a list of integers, the code below will read all of those values:

int main() {
ifstream in1; // Input file stream
int inval; // Input value"myfile.txt");
while (in1 >> inval) {
// do something to process input
return 0;

Customer service hints

Did you carefully read the description of the customer service process, particularly the short lists that describe:

  • The conditions under which you continue to handle customers?
  • The actions this loop might take each time you go through?
  • The conditions under which you start handling a new customer?
  • The conditions under which you finish handling a new customer?

If not, you might want to go back and take some detailed notes on that section. Those points come directly from my solution so, while you’re absolutely welcome to solve this problem any way you want, do know that the description’s based on a working program.


Short Answer Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Please answer the following questions briefly, point form answers are acceptable:

Please explain:
1. The COST Principle:

2. The Concept of RELEVANCE:


4. What is the main objective of Financial Reporting?

5. Why are ADJUSTING ENTRIES necessary? What is the ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE that requires adjusting entries?

6. What is meant by the term “ACCRUAL BASIS ACCOUNTING”?

7. Explain the term: CLOSING THE BOOKS

8. Explain the difference between PERMANENT and TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS

9. Please explain how a business entity can report a profit while showing a negative balance, a liability, in its bank account.

10. Please explain why a Prepaid Expense is an asset, and Unearned Revenue is a liability.

[ You may pay attention to the effect each of the above items on the cash account]


: Laplace and Z-Transforms Properties Engineering Assignment Help

Apply Laplace transform properties to determine the Laplace transform of the following functions

Consider a linear time invariant (LTI) system of Figure Q2. Given that the input of the system X(s) is a unit step function and the output Y(s) of the system is described by the following expression:

Figure Q2

Determine the following characteristics of the LTI system:

  • The transfer function H(s). [4 Marks]
  • The output response y(t) for an input signal x(t) = 5t u(t).[8 Marks]
  • The inverse Laplace transforms of [8 Marks]

Consider the causal continues-time LTI system characterized by the following differential equation

(i)Use Laplace transform method to determine the poles, zeroes, region of the convergence (ROC) and the output response y(t) of the system.[14 Marks]

  • Sketch the pole-zero pattern of and its ROC.[6 Marks]


Western Modern History Writing Assignment Help

*You have to answer two (only 2) of the following sets of questions. For each set you select you have to provide an essay that is at least 2 pages long (that is a minimum). You have to fully address each set of questions you select. You have to provide factual support to general statements. You have to use your own words and express your own ideas. Plagiarism in any section of the exam will lead to an F on the whole exam. Each essay is worth 12.5 points. No late work will be accepted.

1. Draw a comparison between Fascism and Nazism in terms of the theoretical beliefs and the way in which those beliefs materialized once Mussolini and Hitler came to power.

2. Describe Hitler’s road to power from the time he failed to take control by force in 1923 to the point he established himself as the supreme power of the state. What were the keys to his success in establishing a totalitarian state?

3. What is the connection between World War 1 and the rise of totalitarian regimes in Russia, Germany, and Italy? Provide specific details.


Create a Budget Humanities Assignment Help

Create a Budget Humanities Assignment Help

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