Create a insight maker model Computer Science Assignment Help. Create a insight maker model Computer Science Assignment Help.
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Create a model as described in the video (Video URL:
Write a summary/abstract on the model and share the link in the assignment submission and in the discussion group. You can share the link as a comment to your own main posting, so we can all see the hard work that you did. I am sure that you can come up with a few paragraphs or more that explain what you have done.
> Model the problem that you described
> Analyze your results that you got from the model
> Are the results reasonable?
> What insights were gained?
Create a insight maker model Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Complete Argumentative Essay (JENISE) Writing Assignment Help
TOPIC: insurance companies should not be allowed to charge higher wages based on a person’s age
English Composition II – Week 6 Assignment
Writing an Academic Essay Rough Draft
Purpose of assignment: To compose a rough draft of an academic paper, using exigence, audience, purpose, and research.
Procedure: In previous assignments and discussions, you selected a topic to write about, explored its exigence, audience, purpose, and researched the topic using credible, scholarly sources. Now you will put it all together into a rough draft.
The purpose of your essay (to define, to evaluate, or to propose) will be up to you, but your essay must demonstrate a clear purpose.
The audience for your essay can be any group of readers who are affected by or interested in your topic. However, there must be a clear and specific sense of addressed and invoked audiences.
The purpose of this essay is not to prove whether you are right or wrong, but to represent in a fair manner different views of your topic and contribute in a meaningful way to an ongoing conversation about the topic. You may think of your essay as an “argument of inquiry”; intended to lead your audience to a deeper understanding of an issue that affects them.
Your rough draft should meet the following guidelines:
1.Between 900 and 1200 words
2.Include quotations, paraphrases, and summaries from four or more scholarly sources representing more than one side of the issue
3.Qualifies authors (i.e., shows why your sources are credible)
4.Withholds personal opinion
5.Is written in third person
6.Multimodal elements, such as photos or graphics, may be included at your discretion
7.Includes APA Style in-text citations and a References page
8.Has been closely edited so it contains few or no mechanical errors
You will have a chance to revise this essay for Week 8; however, writing is a process that no one “gets right” on the first draft. Allow yourself plenty of time to work on this paper and even write a few drafts before you submit one for peer review and grading. For more on peer review, see below.
compare between 2 building ( palace ) Writing Assignment Help
part 1 : i need to write Write a Research
part 2 : answer the question by Collecting
More image evidence or Reading material about
Your architect or
project building
part 3 : Draw a Tree
Diagram This
is the outline
for the Essay
From Part 1 to 3 I need it in power point – part 4 winch is the essay i need it in word document please
Part 4 : writing the essay
first an abstract then ………
1- write a general information about the Topcapi palace , and general information about al hambra palace in Spain
2- describe the plan between 2 palaces
3- describe from interior and exterior between 2 palaces
4- describe the special feature of the palaces
5- compare the courtyards , garden and portals in details
can you take the information from archnet
Paraphrase it from the books ( DON’T USE wikipedia )
No plagiarism
Write the reference WITH APA style
Philosophy writing paper -02 Writing Assignment Help
Choose ONE !! of the following on which to write your unit one Essay.
Word count at least 750.
1. Explain the conflict between morality and sympathy, as described by Jonathan Bennett, that Huck Finn, Heinrich Himmler, and Jonathan Edwards all faced. How do these individuals resolve this conflict, according to Bennett? Discuss Phillip Hallie’s criticism of Bennett’s conclusions in light of Hallie’s analysis of cruelty (in both of his articles). Why do you agree or disagree with Hallie’s critique of Bennett?
2. Why do you agree or disagree that the “human values vs. vital values” distinction made by Todorov keeps us from degrading into “brutes” or a “war of all against all?” Do you agree or disagree with Todorov’s view that humans reveal their true selves when they are tortured? What light does Milgram’s experiment shed on this problem? What differing conclusions do Milgram and Todorov come to with regard to human nature?
aims to enable students to understand and analyse OB theories and concepts and apply them in real-life situations. You have to analyse two questions. Create a minimum of 5 slides Business Finance Assignment Help
Critically analyse one question from topic 1 and one from topic 2:
- “Employer and employee relationship are changing in modern workplace” – analyse this statement with two examples from your workplace experiences. (Related to Week 1 topic, Chapter 1 of the textbook).
- “In general, organisations are more effective when they satisfy stakeholder needs and expectations” – critically analyse this statement with an example from your workplace experiences. (Related to Week 1 topic, Chapter 1 of the textbook).
- Apply the five values that are commonly studied across cultures into your workplace setting. (Related to Week 2 topic, Chapter 2 of the textbook).
- There are five types of individual behaviour in organisations. Choose one from your workplace experiences and critically analyse with examples. (Related to Week 2 topic, Chapter 2 of the textbook).
- Describe a stressful experience that you have faced in your organisation. What strategies did you use to deal with the stressful event? Was it effective? Why or why not? (Related to Week 2 topic, Chapter 4 of the textbook).
Create a maximum of 9 slides in the following manner:
- a title slide
- up to three slides per question, and
- Two slides that have a list of references to support your argument for answer 1 and answer 2. Use a reference list for answer 1 and a second reference list for answer 2.
I have a 5 Questions and for each question I required below 3 steps. Please check the attached file. Computer Science Assignment Help
Below are 5 escalated L2 customer support tickets to resolve. For each ticket, you must use your technical expertise to find the solution based on your root-cause analysis. Do not attempt to open a ticket with our support organization to assist in your resolution.
For each ticket please write a correct and professional statement for
A) detailed paraphrase of the customer’s issue – not just a copy/paste from the ticket
B) The determined root cause of the issue (if applicable)
C) Either a summary of the resolution steps or, if you could not identify one.
I have a 5 Questions and for each question I required below 3 steps. Please check the attached file. Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
What is a conceptual framework? Health Medical Assignment Help
A conceptual framework is “a set of relatively abstract and general concepts that address the phenomena of central interest to a discipline, the propositions that broadly describe those concepts, and the propositions that state relatively abstract and general relations between two or more of the concepts” (Butts & Rich, 2018, p. 96).
Conceptual frameworks have a practical value because they guide research and practice. Each conceptual framework of nursing gives the disciple a unique perspective of the metaparadigm concept and provides a path for concrete theories.
In this assignment, you are going to locate a conceptual framework that you could use in advanced nursing practice. Explain how your chosen conceptual framework of nursing relates to the unique perspective of the metaparadigm concept of person/client, nurse, health, and environment and apply the value of a conceptual framework to advanced nursing roles. Keep in mind, that the conceptual framework is used to allow for practical applications of the metaparadigm concept that will lead to a concrete theory.
Assignment Details
For this Assignment, your paper must be 3 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Minimum requirement of at least five sources of support. use APA 6th Edition
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY before you decide to take this order Here is the question that I got: In thinking about the body of literature that you will be exploring in your research, what are some of factors that constrain or encourage male participation an Humanities Assignment Help
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY before you decide to take this order
Here is the question that I got:
In thinking about the body of literature that you will be exploring in your research, what are some of factors that constrain or encourage male participation and what are some of the factors that constrain or encourage female participation with a) online engagement; b) social media engagement; c) YouTube? In other words, are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender. I ask about the three categories of use because there may be similarities or differences in the usage rates. Do you think that the usage behaviors are impacted by the social or cultural aspects of the context region or country you are studying? Your response should include relevant literature and share the perspectives of authors who write about these topics.
below are some of my explanations:
o What are some things that hold back or encourage male participation with online engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?
o What are some things that hold back or encourage male participation with social media engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?
o What are some things that hold back or encourage male participation with YouTube? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?
o What are some things that hold back or encourage female participation with online engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?
o What are some things that hold back or encourage female participation with social media engagement? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?
o What are some things that hold back or encourage female participation with YouTube? Are there barriers to involvement or factors that support online use, social media use and YouTube use based on gender?
o Do you think that the usage behaviors (meaning how males and females engage online, on social media, and on youtube) are impacted by the social or cultural aspects of the context region or country you are studying?
Note: Online engagement- talk about websites just on the internet. Ex. Google scholar, google doc, zoom, skype, Microsoft team, adobe,
– The response should be approximately 20 pages not including references. The response should be double-spaced.
– You can add diagrams to support your answer (with clear explanation)
– APA style paper
– I will provide you a brief about my research study subject and my research questions as well. So that you can make a connection between your answer and my study.
– In the end, you are required to send me all the resources that you used for your answer. However, academic resources are important to use instead of utilizing sites, etc..
Utilize Structured Query Language (SQL) to create and interact with the database. Computer Science Assignment Help
For this assignment, you will continue to work with the scenario you began in Chapters 1-5. Reread the information from each of these assignments at the end of each chapter. (Again, the “Westlake Research Hospital” scenario will act as an example throughout this course.)
- Reread your selected scenario at the end of all previous chapters.
- Read your scenario for Chapter 6 on pages 123-124.
- Review the “Deliverables” section below.
- Review the “Suggestions for Scenarios” section on page 124 of your textbook for important details and ideas to assist you with your deliverables.
- Read the “Westlake Research Hospital” scenario on page 18, pages 41-45, page 61, page 80, page 101, and page 124. Click here to review the suggested answer for this scenario to gain an understanding of what is expected of you on this assignment.
- Your final deliverable will be a script file that you create from your database. To generate an SQL Script, right click on the database, go to TASKS on the context menu, and then GENERATE SCRIPTS. In the wizard you should change “Script Data” from “false” to “true” and then generate a script of the database you have built to turn in.
- Complete the numbered tasks in the “To Do” section for your scenario, EXCEPT number 6. You DO NOT need to create a data dictionary. The table below shows where you can find each list of tasks:
Scenario | Page Number for “To Do” List |
Wild Wood Apartments | Page 123 |
National security easy 55 questions Law Assignment Help
Hi please see attached file and check if you can answer these questions with the following book as your reference:
1. Baker, James E. (2007). In The Common Defense. New York, N.Y: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-87763-3.
I don’t have a copy of it.
please keep in mind that Regarding numbers 15 and 42 of the midterm. Question 15 is in the true or false sections but appears in the Fill in the Blank and number 42 is in the Fill in the Blank section and is a True or Falsequestion; they are in the wrong sections, pls answer accordingly.
please answer these questions with focus and don’t answer unless 100% sure of the answers please.
[supanova_question] to review the suggested answer for this scenario to gain an understanding of what is expected of you on this assignment.
- Complete the numbered tasks in the “To Do” section for your scenario, EXCEPT number 6. You DO NOT need to create a data dictionary. The table below shows where you can find each list of tasks:
Scenario | Page Number for “To Do” List |
Wild Wood Apartments | Page 123 |