Credential Provider Executive Summary Business Finance Assignment Help

Credential Provider Executive Summary Business Finance Assignment Help. Credential Provider Executive Summary Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Provide an executive summary to your team on how to credential providers. You will need to consider the following:

  • Type of provider being credentialed
  • Steps they will go thru to be credentialed
  • Educational background needed
  • Does this provider have an NPI number?
  • State the provider will work in
  • Is there a standard application?
  • Is an onsite visit needed; why or why not
  • Who gets credentialed (list at least 5 specialties)
  • Are all facilities credentialed?

Gather your research from at least 2 sources, other than your textbook. Cite your sources using APA guidelines. All submitted work should be free of grammatical errors.

Credential Provider Executive Summary Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Soap Note Anorexia Health Medical Assignment Help


Chief complaint: Lack of appetite for food

A) Please fallow instruction. I need you to make up a soap note for a 12 years female patient diagnose with Anorexia. Please fallow the format of the sample or template,that I sent to you as an attachment. Please fill out the template completely using your own words for the assessment finding. I included the soap note template you must plug the information. I need you to provide the following: APA format with at 5 references at least no older than 5 years.

1) The Diagnosis ICD 10 code

2) 3 differential diagnoses with ICD 10 code describe and discuss

3) Complete vital sign, BMI

4) Complete Chief patient compliant

5) Subjective Information

6) PMH, PSH, FH, ROS completed. Provide complete and concise summary of pertinent information.

7) Complete Objective Information

8) Lab Tests

9) Allergies

10) Complete physical exam with critical elements related to subjective data.

11) Perform Assessment

12) Minimum of 3 differentials supported by S + O data. Final diagnosis noted and optimal and thorough subjective and objective assessment is presented for final diagnosis.

13) Create a Plan

14) Plan includes pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments as well as education provided. The plan is supported by evidence/guidelines, and the follow-up plans are noted.

15) Self-Assessment & Clinical Guidelines

16) Analyze quality and relevance of S + O data and the evidence for diagnosis. Use of clinical evidence based reasoning and literature in designing plan of care, compare to plan of care.

B) Discuss Anorexia


Infectious organism game Health Medical Assignment Help

  • Go to the website using this link: Outbreak at Watersedge
  • Click the Play button to start the game.
  • Follow the instructions. They will lead you on a search for an infected organism.
  • Once you have found the infected organism, write a three- to four-page review of the process you went through and the results you obtained. You must identify the disease found and define the epidemiological process you used. Make sure to describe how you used it. This paper must be written in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1” margins. Use at least two references that support your findings.

This game was developed by the Midwest Center for Life-Long-Learning in Public Health (MCLPH) funded in part by a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration, DHHS, Public Health Training Center Program. MCLPH is part of the Centers for Public Health Education and Outreach at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health


Mini Strategy ( See Attached). Business Finance Assignment Help

Week 3 Mini-Strategy and Informal Oral Presentation
Select one of the companies that were originally chosen for your Week 1 Individual Assignment, as the basis to complete this Team Assignment. Or you can choose a completely different organization.
Create a 6 to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, include the following in your outline:
1.Evaluate the organization’s mission statement, vision statement and values’ statement.
2.Discuss the organization’s current goals and objectives.
3.Assess the organization’s current status:
4.Leadership, Board members, organizational Structure, Number of employees
5.Report the most recent financial results including annual revenues, annual after-tax earnings, and five years of year-end stock prices.
6.Perform competitor analysis.
7.Develop, at least one strategic recommendation that is designed to realize growth.
8.Create a profile of the current CEO including the following:
9.Background and accomplishments, Education and educational experiences, Length of time in the current position, Major career accomplishments, Leadership and management styles
10.Vision for the company
11.Innovative accomplishments
13.Reference page at end of slide deck.
Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Supporting Material: Mini-Strategy Outline Week 3 Mini Strategy Grading Guide


Program a genetic algorithm in Java Programming Assignment Help

  • 1) Program a Genetic Algorithm to find an integer number between 0 and 31 that maximizes the function f(x)=x^2
  • For the 1st generation, you need to print the process and result of selection, crossover, and mutation operation in detail; you need to show the process of each operation by printing corresponding integer value and bits (binary values).
  • You also need to decide and print the crossover point and the mutation point.
  • From the 2nd generation, you don’t have to print all results of selection, crossover, mutation operations, but you need to print the result of each generation until you find the answer.

You can use function itself as your fitness function. When your program produces an average of candidates is equal to or greater than 29, then you can accept it as a terminating condition.

Start your program with the following initialization.

  • Population size: 8
  • Crossover probability: 100%
  • Mutation probability: 5%

2) Program a Genetic Algorithm to find an integer number between 0 and 31 that minimizes the function f(x)=(x-9)^2 . Design your program with the necessary parameters.



Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methodologies Powerpoint Business Finance Assignment Help


Assume you have been selected to provide a presentation to constituents within your area of educational interest regarding an explanation of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodologies. Based on the assigned readings for this week as well as additional sources you identify and reference, develop a PowerPoint presentation focusing on the fundamentals of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodologies.

Your presentation should include the following:

  • Provide the definition and description of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research.
  • Explain the fundamental similarities and differences of each approach.
  • Determine the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Support your presentation with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 12 slides (with a separate reference slide)

Notes Length: 200 words for each slide

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.

attached are books and resources to help :

Can you label cover page

Lackey EDR-8203

Week 3

North Central

Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Methodologies Powerpoint Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Law Criminal Justice Business Finance Assignment Help

Discretion in the U.S. criminal justice system was at one time defined by Roscoe Pound, a legal scholar and educator (1960) as follows: “an authority conferred by law to act in certain conditions or situations in accordance with an official’s or an official agency’s own considered judgment and conscience.” Discuss the following:

  • Do you think there is too much discretion in the criminal justice system? Explain.
  • Are there certain jobs or roles in the criminal trial process (from investigation through appeal) that have more discretion than other jobs or roles?
  • Is there too great a concentration of discretion in particular jobs or roles in the criminal justice system?
  • Do you think it would be desirable to limit the amount of discretion in the criminal justice system? If so, how would you do this? What might be the effects?


school assignment school Early Childhood Education book Child Family School Community Writing Assignment Help

This assignment requires that you interview a family with a with a young child and develop a profile of the family.

To prepare for this interview:

  • Select
    a family with a child between the ages of birth and eight. This family
    can be a friend, relative ( outside your immediate family), neighbor, or
    a a family in your early childhood classroom program. Try to select a
    family as different as possible from your own.
  • Review and print the interview Questions from the“Family Profile Form”
  • Arrange a time to interview the family. Your interview is likely to last approximately one hour.

During the Interview:

  • Be
    sure to let the family know that you are completing this interview as
    part of an assignment for your ECE 11 Child, Family, and Community
    course, and that the purpose of this assignment is to support your
    mastery of course materials.
  • Let parents share anything about
    their family and culture that they feel is pertinent even if it is not
    specifically mentioned in the interview questions.

After the Interview, prepare your Family Profile
• Using the interview questions as a guide, describe the family.

• Select one of the theories (bio-ecological, sociocultural, or family systems) presented in your textbook.

  • How
    would you use this theory to explain the family’s functioning at the
    present time? Provide examples of how the theory you selected helps you
    understand this family overall. Be sure to integrate course materials
    into your response.
  • What risk factors or strengths do you feel the family has? Be sure to consider family
    support and resiliency.
  • Turn in the completed profile form and your accompanying narrative addressing the
    above items by the due date

Family Profile Form

Family Members Names (please use first names only):

Ages of children:

Interview Questions

What kinds of cultural practices are important to your family?

What is your family’s ethnicity? Race?

What languages are spoken in your home?

What kind of pressures are you facing in the current economic climate?

(Please use this question if there is more than one child in the family).

How do the siblings get along?

Describe your transition to parenting.

What do you see as your family strengths?

kinds of things support you in your role as a parent? For example,
extended family, childcare arrangements, and friendships?

What do you find most stressful about being a parent?

1 hour ago

school assignment
school Early Childhood Education
book Child Family School Community Roberta Berns ISBN 9781305088979 Copyright 16 Publisher Cengage Edition 10
bookmark ECE11Child Family and Community


Earlly childhood education /child,family,school,community Writing Assignment Help

This assignment requires that you interview a family with a with a young child and develop a profile of the family.

To prepare for this interview:

  • Select a family with a child between the ages of birth and eight. This family can be a friend, relative ( outside your immediate family), neighbor, or a a family in your early childhood classroom program. Try to select a family as different as possible from your own.
  • Review and print the interview Questions from the“Family Profile Form”
  • Arrange a time to interview the family. Your interview is likely to last approximately one hour.

During the Interview:

  • Be sure to let the family know that you are completing this interview as part of an assignment for your ECE 11 Child, Family, and Community course, and that the purpose of this assignment is to support your mastery of course materials.
  • Let parents share anything about their family and culture that they feel is pertinent even if it is not specifically mentioned in the interview questions.

After the Interview, prepare your Family Profile
• Using the interview questions as a guide, describe the family.

• Select one of the theories (bio-ecological, sociocultural, or family systems) presented in your textbook.

  • How would you use this theory to explain the family’s functioning at the present time? Provide examples of how the theory you selected helps you understand this family overall. Be sure to integrate course materials into your response.
  • What risk factors or strengths do you feel the family has? Be sure to consider family
    support and resiliency.
  • Turn in the completed profile form and your accompanying narrative addressing the
    above items by the due date

Family Profile Form

Family Members Names (please use first names only):

Ages of children:

Interview Questions

What kinds of cultural practices are important to your family?

What is your family’s ethnicity? Race?

What languages are spoken in your home?

What kind of pressures are you facing in the current economic climate?

(Please use this question if there is more than one child in the family).

How do the siblings get along?

Describe your transition to parenting.

What do you see as your family strengths?

What kinds of things support you in your role as a parent? For example, extended family, childcare arrangements, and friendships?

What do you find most stressful about being a parent?


Capstone Reflection Health Medical Assignment Help

Reflection Assignment #3: Meeting Essential III

This week, reflect on your perception of healthcare delivery models and the nurse’s role in public health programs as it has evolved over the course of your RN-BSN program at WCU. Identify specific healthcare delivery models you support, and compare and contrast public health programs you are familiar with. How does your academic work support evidence of meeting the following?

Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

  • Outcome #2: Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice.
  • Outcome #5: Participate in the process of retrieval, appraisal, and synthesis of evidence in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team to improve patient outcomes.
  • Outcome #6: Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, interprofessional perspectives, and patient preferences in planning, implementing, and evaluating outcomes of care.
  • Outcome #7: Collaborate in the collection, documentation, and dissemination of evidence.

Review your past academic work, evaluate your effectiveness at meeting this program essential, and ponder the impact that this proficiency will have on your future.

Identify how you met the essential by referring to the assignment(s) specifically in your response. Additionally, reflect on and make connections between your academic experience and real-world applications.

Showcase your academic work related to this essential and these outcomes in your ePortfolio and directly reference it in your reflection response.

Recommended: Refer to work you completed for NURS 561 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and NURS 350 Research in Nursing, as well as other courses, to gather academic examples and evidence of having met this essential.

Your reflection should be 1-1/2 to 2 pages, and APA formatted. Reference and cite any sources you use

* Use NURS 561 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention assigntment attached about drug use and misuse (in the research performed to gather the information) , and NURS 350 Research in Nursing in the importance of research in the nursing process


Credential Provider Executive Summary Business Finance Assignment Help

Credential Provider Executive Summary Business Finance Assignment Help

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