criminal case brief Law Assignment Help

criminal case brief Law Assignment Help. criminal case brief Law Assignment Help.

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Criminal Case Brief

For this assignment, you will research a case and present and present a summary of your findings as a case brief.

Read the following case: State of Minnesota v. Daryl Negel Curtis A17-0390 January 10, 2018. (State v. Curtis, 905 N.W.2d 609 (Minn., 2018) State v. Curtis, 905 N.W.2d 609 (Minn., 2018)

Note: State Supreme Court cases like this can be found in Fastcase by following the below procedure in this video Finding a Fastcase State Supreme Court Case

After reviewing the case, address the following in a case brief:

  • What are the basic key facts of the case? Provide a summary of the facts.
  • What are the issues being decided on the case? Be sure to address each of the decisions if there are more than one.
  • How did the judge come to their decision? What was the rationale in the judges reasoning?
  • What impact does this case have on the competency requirement for defendants?

Use the below resources to help you structure your Case Brief.


  • Your paper should be 2 pages in length, with at least 3 references formatted according to Bluebook Standards. For writing assistance, consider using Grammarly or submitting your written assignment to the Writing Lab prior to submitting your

criminal case brief Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

​Importing Data Computer Science Assignment Help

Importing Data

The purpose of this assignment is to import data into the R environment.

Follow the steps below to execute the assignment.

  1. Download the “Beginning.RData” file.
  2. Import this data into the R environment within RStudio.
  3. Run the ls() command at the command prompt to show the list of variables in the workspace.

Provide a screenshot of the RStudio output showing the overview of the data objects contained in the Beginning.RData file. Save this submission in a Word document and submit it to the instructor.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


CPSS/370: Intake, Assessment, And Classification Wk 5 – Best Practices in Community Corrections Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Content

  1. Individuals transitioning from an institutional correctional setting to a community correctional setting may have different needs than those individuals entering an institutional setting. In this assignment, you will review a case study, assess the individual based on the information provided, and propose evidence-based practices for helping this individual transition back into society.Imagine you have been asked to create a transition plan for an individual transitioning out of an institutional correctional facility and into society. You will be presenting your transition plan to your supervisor in a detailed report that includes research as a rationale for your plan.Review the Case of Robert.Write a 700- to 1,050-word report with your plan to assist the individual in this case study, in which you:

    • Describe why community correctional assessment is necessary for this individual.
    • Use a community correctional assessment to determine the needs of this individual.
    • Describe evidence-based practices for working with this individual to address his specific needs as he or she re-enters society.

    Include a minimum of 2 sources.Format your report according to APA guidelines.


Write 300 words for each question on Discourse communities in workplace and academically. Writing Assignment Help

2+ quotes from Writing about Writing 1st or 2nd edition. I attached the pdf version of this writing.

  1. During this course, we have discussed workplace discourse communities. With these workplace discourse communities in mind, explain some of the communicative similarities/differences between these and academic discourse communities (in terms of communication).
  2. What impact has this class had on you as a writer? Choose different readings/concepts discussed in class that have made you think differently about writing persuasively, What is the biggest lesson you will take with you concerning the social nature of language and argumentation as you move beyond ENG?

can use any of the following chapters:

Gee’s “Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics,”

Johns’ “Discourse Communities and Communities of Practice,”

Swales’s “The Concept of Discourse Community,”

Lucille McCarthy “A Stranger in Strange Lands” or Penrose and Geisler’s “Reading and Writing without Authority”


Two journal Writing Assignment Help

1.Self Assessment

This reflective assessment gives you the opportunity to look backward, forward, and inward as you think through your personal history with writing and reading, both in school and out of of school. Select from among the prompts you see below to generate this first document for your final ePortfolio.

Requirements: 300 words minimum, multimodal

Guiding Prompts: You do not need to address all of the following prompts and questions, select those you find useful.

-Your Writing Process: Describe the central strategies of your writing process. When and how did you learn them? How have they changed over time and what experiences have been most influential to you? How do you expect to use them in WR39C? Explain and use examples.

-You and UCI: How have your experiences in your writing classes at UCI influenced your personal history as a writer in academic contexts? Has the WR39 series of courses influenced your ability to make effective choices about how to approach writing assignments in other classes? Assignmentssuch as lab reports, business memos, blue book exams, short response papers, and any other examples of writing you have been assigned in here at UCI? In other words, have you applied what you learned in the WR 39 series to writing assignments in other classes? Have other classes and assignments influenced your writing process; if so, which ones?Please explain using specific examples.

-Your Writing Outside of School: Has the WR39 series of courses influenced the strategies you use when you write or communicate outside of school, perhaps in your communities or in your extra-curricular activities? Are you using the same strategies in different contexts as you consider the demands of different situations, both in school and out? If so, please explain why, and give examples.

2.Please complete an annotated bibliography for at least:

Please submit your entry as a Word Doc and insert them in the in the google doc “Class Annotated Bibliography” found in the Collaborations section. Please insert your source alphabetically.

An annotation is, basically, an evaluative summary. It is a coming to terms with the author’s project. Accordingly, you need to make sure you cover the following points (though you do not need to answer every question specifically). You might want to take a look at the google doc found in the collaborations section. I posted an example of an annotated bibliography entry that covers everything that is needed. Also, if you would like more info and some examples, explore the following link: Purdue Online Writing Lab: Annotated Bibliographies.

  • summarize the source:
    • What is the topic/subject/problem? What is the author’s project? What are some of the main claims and overall argument?
  • assess the source:
    • What kind of evidence/materials/examples are used? How well does the evidence work to support the author’s argument? What kind of methods, or methodology, is used? Especially in the scholarly articles, you should see a methodology explicitly stated.
    • Are there any specific strengths and weaknesses of the argument?
  • reflect on the source:
    • Will this source be useful to your research, why or why not? If you think the source will be useful, how do you see it working to shape your argument (i.e. how will you integrate it into your argument)? Has this source changed how you think about your topic?



Examine the administration of the courts when addressing sentence alternatives. Law Assignment Help

After reviewing the reading topics and course learning objectives, students will select a subject of interest for a 7-10 page research paper supported by a minimum of 5 academic peer reviweed sources. The paper is due at the end of Week 7. In your response to the discussion board “Research Paper Topic”, post the topic you wish to research, the course learning objective with which it aligns, and why this topic is of special interest to you. I will approve, comment, or disapprove. Please wait for approval before you begin your research. This should be completed by the end of Week 2. The following are the six course learning objectives from which you can base your topic:

  1. Examine the organizational structure and the administration process of the U.S. justice system.
  2. Differentiate among the various components that influence the administration of the criminal justice system.
  3. Describe the use of force and the use of discretion in criminal investigation.
  4. Examine the administration of the courts when addressing sentence alternatives.
  5. Analyze the American correctional system and its use of alternative programs when administering justice.
  6. Identify common ethical issues that occur in the criminal justice system.

Research paper topics must be based upon one of the six course learning objectives. When submitting the selected research topic by the end of Week 2, students must identify not only the topic of their research paper but also the course learning objective with which it is aligned.

When writing your research paper be sure to focus upon the aspect of criminal justice that you are addressing from the perspective of the course learning objective with which it is associated. You must support points made in the research paper with scholarly resources. Your personal opinion must be limited and will not be a determining factor in the final grade. Instead, your grade is determined by how well you support your argument utilizing the materials discussed in this course and research and reference material you locate.

What I do not want is a regurgitation of what is in the readings. Expand on the readings; do not repeat it. Direct quotes should be used sparingly and limited to instances where the original meaning would be lost if not directly quoted. Document your facts utilizing standard APA style 6th edition.

This paper is to be submitted to me as indicated on the Course Schedule and Grading Policy Summary Table. The paper is to be in APA format 6th edition and the body of the paper is to be between 7 and 10 pages. The body of the paper does not include the title page, table of contents, appendix or references. Abstracts should not be included and will not count as part of the body of the paper if included.

This is to be of high quality, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and of original work. Plagiarism will be dealt with harshly. You are to title your paper by your last name. For example, an individual with the last name of Smith would name their paper “smith.docx” with “.docx” being the MS Word file extension. You are to submit your paper by uploading it to the Assignments area in the course site prior to the due date as indicated in the Course Schedule and Grading Policy Summary Table.

You must submit your research paper to this assignment as a Word document. Other formats will not be accepted. The date of your submission is based upon the date you successfully submit your research paper in the correct Word format.

Examine the administration of the courts when addressing sentence alternatives. Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGMT671-2001A-01 Diagnosis Issues Writing Assignment Help

As an experienced leader, you know that the company needs to be proactive, be perceptive, and respond quickly to the ever-changing internal climate and external environment. You currently have an initial assessment of the climate and the external factors affecting Heavy WorX. It seems necessary to inform senior leaders that organizational development (OD) relies on valid diagnostic information about current problems and possible opportunities for improvement.

How can you convince senior leadership that you need to gather diagnostic information about the current climate and the company’s situation? Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Identify and describe 5 diagnostic models or data-gathering techniques that could potentially be used at Heavy WorX, and include a comparison and contrast between the models and techniques.
  • Choose 3 diagnostic models or data-gathering techniques to use to diagnose the problem at Heavy WorX, and describe why they are recommended.
  • Describe how the data will be analyzed and used to create a diagnosis of the problems at Heavy WorX.
  • How will you determine the root cause of the problems at Heavy WorX?
  • Explain your role in diagnosis, and discuss the support and resources you might need.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.


Finish the following 2 questions Computer Science Assignment Help

At Bayside Financial, where you work as a project manager, you have been asked to conduct user training sessions for a new information system. You must develop a specific schedule for the tasks (the estimated task duration for each is shown in parentheses):

First, confirm arrangements for the training facility you plan to use (3 days).

After you have confirmed the training facility, two tasks can begin at the same time: you need to send an e-mail message to all department managers announcing the training sessions (1 day) and you can develop the training material (5 days).

As soon as the training material is complete, you can work on two tasks at once: arrange to have copies of handout material printed (2 days) and develop a set of PowerPoint slides (5 days).

When the PowerPoint slides are ready, you conduct a practice training session with the instructor who will assist you (2 days).

Finally, when the practice session is over and the handout material is ready, you can conduct the user training sessions (4 days).

1(35 pts) Create a Gantt chart that shows the WBS. (You don’t have to use any special software, you may create your diagram in powerpoint or word)

2(35 pts) Create a PERT chart that shows the project. Use a format similar to Figure 3-18 on page 82. (You don’t have to use any special software, you may create your diagram in powerpoint or word)

Q1To get full credit, WBS and Gantt chart should be provided as your textbook does. Each task, its durations and predecessor tasks should be listed and drawn.

35.0 pts

Correct Answer

28.0 pts

Predecessors Tasks or Duration Missing

20.0 pts

Visual Diagram (Gantt chart) missing

18.0 pts

Predecessors error

Predecessors of some tasks are not correct

9.0 pts

Major Error

The solution has major errors, please check the comments and the solution sheet if available.

0.0 pts

Incorrect/Missing Answer

35.0 pts

Q2.To get full credit, PERT chart should be provided as your textbook does. Each task name, its ID and predecessor tasks should be drawn.

35.0 pts

Correct Answer

28.0 pts

Task Names or Duration Missing

18.0 pts

Predecessors error

Predecessors of some tasks are not correct

9.0 pts

Major Error

The solution has major errors, please check the comments and the solution sheet if available.

0.0 pts

Incorrect/Missing Answer

35.0 pts


As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, how would training occur for your team, what strategies might you use, what security methods may you recommend be used? Writing Assignment Help

  1. Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, how would training occur for your team, what strategies might you use, what security methods may you recommend be used?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


Chemistry lab Science Assignment Help


You have a summer internship working in a jewelry laboratory where your job is to explore the properties of some alloys (mixtures of metals) of silver, rhodium and platinum in order to make brighter jewels at a lower cost.

One day, while preparing an alloy, you accidentally left the bottles near the melting furnace and the labels became charred (burned) and unreadable. OH NO! You now have three unlabeled bottles of metallic powder. Your task is to perform experiments to identify the metals in these bottles before your supervisor returns. From a chemical handbook available in your lab, you find that the densities of silver, rhodium and platinum are 10.5, 12.4 and 21.45 grams per cubic centimeter, respectively.

There are several objectives of this lab:

  • Orient yourself with the virtual lab environment.
  • Practice computing the densities of unknown objects.
  • Practice recording data and taking notes from experimental procedures.
  • Analyze data to make valid scientific conclusions.

The procedure below is but one way to perform the following lab experiment. As you work through the experiments, consider other ways that you may possibly carry out each step or even propose a new lab procedure in your report. Record any necessary notes and data in the pages that follow the procedure below. Write your report using the guidelines at the end of this document.


Preparing the Lab

  • From the course home page, click on the Virtual Lab Tutorial link to watch the overview of using the virtual lab.
  • From the course home page, access the lab environment by clicking on the Virtual Lab link.
  • After the lab environment loads, click ‘File’ then ‘Load an Assignment.’
  • Select the ‘Molarity and Density’ category.
  • Select the ‘Metals Density Problem’ assignment.
  • At this point, you have prepared the laboratory with the require supplies to complete your experiments.

Performing the Experiments

  • Select the ‘Solutions’ tab if it is not already selected. You should now see four items including the distilled water and the three unknown metals. If not, verify that you have selected the correct assignment by following the steps in the “Preparing the Lab” section again.
  • Place the unknown ‘Metal 1’ onto the workbench by clicking on it.
  • We will also need a balance (scale) and weigh boat. Add these items to the workbench by locating them in the ‘Tools’ and ‘Glassware’ tabs, respectively.
  • Ensure the scale has been tared (or ‘zeroed out’) by verifying zero mass being shown on its display.
  • Add the weigh boat to the scale and record its mass. Then, tare the scale again so that we can negate the mass of the weigh boat when obtaining the mass of the unknown sample.
  • Click and drag the ‘Metal 1’ sample to the weigh boat. A dialog box should appear like the one shown below:
  • We want to use an amount in the range of 3-15 grams of our unknown metal. Click the ‘Hold to Pour’ button several times until we have dispensed an amount within the desired range. If you dispense too much of the metal, you will need to restart by removing the scale and weigh boat (by right-clicking and selecting ‘Remove’). Record the mass of your unknown in the table for Metal 1 data below.
  • Acquire the 10 mL graduated cylinder and 250 mL beaker from the ‘Glassware’ tab and place on the workbench.
  • Place the distilled water onto the workbench.
  • Fill the 250 mL beaker with distilled water clicking and dragging the water to the beaker. A similar dialog box as in Step 6 will appear allowing you to fill the beaker. Note: In a real lab, we cannot transfer water to the graduate cylinder directly from the bulk water container because it will dispense too much too quickly!
  • Transfer a small amount of distilled water in the range of 2-7 mL to the 10 mL graduated cylinder from the beaker by clicking and dragging the beaker to the graduated cylinder. If you add too much, right-click and click ‘Remove’ to start over. Record this initial volume in the table for Metal 1 data below.
  • Right-click on the graduated cylinder and click ‘Detailed View’ to take a closer look and view the graduations on the cylinder.
  • Transfer your measured amount of metal powder to graduated cylinder. Record this final volume in the table for Metal 1 data below.
  • Ensure that you have recorded all needed date and clear the workbench by right-clicking on an empty area in the workbench and selecting ‘Clear Workbench.”
  • Compute the density of Metal 1 from your collected data and record it in the table for Metal 1 data below.
  • Repeat the procedure to collect density data for two more trials of Metal 1.
  • Repeat the procedure to collect density date for three trials each for Metal 2 and Metal 3.

Figure 1: Dialog box that appears when the metal’s container is dragged to the weigh boat.


This section should include notes about any observations or data collected during the lab.


This section will include all data collected during the lab.

Unknown Metal 1 Data

Measurement (variable)

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Mass of metal (m1)

Initial Volume (Vi)

Final Volume (Vf)

Density (D)

Average Density

Unknown Metal 2 Data

Measurement (variable)

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Mass of metal (m2)

Initial Volume (Vi)

Final Volume (Vf)

Density (D)

Average Density

Unknown Metal 3 Data

Measurement (variable)

Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3

Mass of metal (m3)

Initial Volume (Vi)

Final Volume (Vf)

Density (D)

Average Density

*Note: You can copy and paste your data tables into your report later.

Report Requirements

This section contains key information that must be included in your typed report.

  • Define the problem in a manner that is clear and insightful.
  • Identification of the strategies used during the lab.
  • Clear hypothesis statement and other potential solutions that identify any relevant contextual factors (i.e. real-world costs).
  • Clear presentation of data including any tables or other figures that are relevant to understanding your stated conclusions at the end of the report.
  • Clearly stated results (proper identification of all three metals) and discussion possible improvements to the procedure.
  • Conclusive statements arguing in favor of your findings.

Note: All reports will be graded using the rubric embedded within the course.

Here are some questions to consider as you write your report:

  • Does my problem statement make sense?
  • Have I summarized my strategies/procedures well enough to be replicated by an outsider?
  • Did I have a valid hypothesis at the start of the lab? Have I expressed this in my report?
  • Do my tables and/or graphs make sense?
  • Are my conclusions valid based on my supplied data?
  • Did I thoroughly summarize my laboratory experience in a concise, factual way such that the reader can understand my processes and findings the conclusion section alone?


criminal case brief Law Assignment Help

criminal case brief Law Assignment Help

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