Criminal Justice Business Finance Assignment Help

Criminal Justice Business Finance Assignment Help. Criminal Justice Business Finance Assignment Help.

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As you learned in Chapter 2 of The Mismeasure of Crime, data was first measured in this century, and the measurement of social phenomena and crime has grown and evolved over time into a much more sophisticated process of data collection and analysis. For example, the first known form of data collected was from censuses. This data collection originally began as a form of tax and military assessment thousands of years ago. The type of data and methods of data collection have since evolved into the more sophisticated examples seen today, such as the development of the UCR, which has resulted in a comprehensive database of crime statistics.

For this assignment, you will use the data in Exhibit 2.5 of Chapter 2 in your Mismeasure of Crime text as a basis for your submission. Exhibit 2.5 provides you with the homicide rate data for a sample of large U.S. cities for the years 1880–1915. Choose any three cities represented to perform a comparative analysis of the historical data.


  1. Based on your reading of the Hernon and Schwartz article What Is a Problem Statement?, draft a narrowly focused problem statement that can be examined using appropriate criminal justice research methods for the data presented.
  2. Compare the 1880 and 1915 homicide rates in Exhibit 2.5 of Chapter 2 in your Mismeasure of Crime text to the most recent UCR homicide rates for the cities chosen. Retrieve the rates from the FBI’s UCR site, linked in the Resources.
  3. Analyze whether the current rates are higher or lower.
  4. Explain factors that might account for the differences.


  • Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Resources and citations: Format according to APA guidelines.
  • Required page count: 3–5, not including the cover page or the references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Criminal Justice Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Full Vargas Case Study- 2 part Humanities Assignment Help


Part 1: Read the entire “Vargas Family Case Study” (all eight sections). Consider the progress (or lack thereof) over the past eight sessions. Using the “Discharge Summary Outline” template; include the following in your outline:

  1. A brief summary of what was going on with the family
  2. A review of the initial treatment goals
  3. Theories and interventions used
  4. A brief discharge summary for the family treatment
  5. Clinical recommendations for sustained improvement or referrals for additional services

Part 2: Review the “Vargas Family Case Study” and the provided literature regarding current trends and integrative models of family therapy. Identify two potential evidence-based or integrative models to which you would consider referring the Vargas family if problems persist. Compose a 6-12-slide PowerPoint presentation to be shared with your class. Be sure to include the following elements for each of the two models:

  1. A brief overview of the model
  2. The target demographic and presenting concerns the model addresses
  3. The research supporting the model
  4. Please note: Online students need to include detailed speaker notes of what would be said if giving the presentation in person.




question below Business Finance Assignment Help

sustainable marketing course

The purpose of the reflective journal entries is to discover your passion around a social or environmental issue. The
Reflective Journal will answer questions around “Where do I fit in this world?”; “What strengths do I have to make a
“and “How can I apply business concepts to reduce any social or environmental injustices that matter the
most to me


  •  Please submit one copy to the dropbox by the due date and bring one printed copy to the class on the due date.
  •  You will be put into teams to discuss the questions during class. You will NOT be sharing your written
    reflections but your printed copy allows you to view what you have written to contribute to the discussion.
  •  Please use 1” margins, 1.5 spacing and size 11 font.
  •  Minimum word count is 1000 words and maximum word count is 3000 words for each journal entry.
  •  You must be present in class for your group’s reflection meeting to get marks for your written reflection

  1. What social or environmental problem is of most concern to you? Why? Have you personally experienced this problem or
    known others who have? Discuss the importance of the problem you selected especially as it relates to what matters most to you in reflection and Provide examples or tell stories that illustrate how the importance of the problem you have identified
    affects your life.


Human behavior Humanities Assignment Help

In order to provide the appropriate intervention, social workers first need to have conducted a thorough assessment. Having a comprehensive understanding of a client and their social environment, including the influence of racism and ethnocentrism, allows a social worker to accurately identify the presenting problems and help the client develop goals to address their needs. Not completing a full assessment may result in inaccurately identifying the presenting problem and pushing goals on the client to which they do not agree. A good assessment is the best foundation for treatment planning.

In addition, evidence based practice requires social workers to use the best available evidence to inform their practice decisions. This assignment helps you prepare for the final project by beginning to identify the presenting problem and possible goals, as well as beginning the research process to inform your treatment recommendations when working with the identified client in a case study.

To prepare: Conduct research in the Walden library to locate at least 1 peer-reviewed scholarly resource(s) that could inform your assessment or intervention with the case you plan to use in your final project.

By Day 7

Submit a 2-3 page paper in which you:

Identify the case you will be using for the final project

Describe the presenting problem(s)

Describe 2 goals for the client based on their presenting problem

Identify a specific peer-reviewed article and explain how it could inform understanding of the problem/population, development of goals, or intervention and treatment plan

Explain how ethnocentrism and racism may influence the case (make sure to draw from this week’s assigned readings)


write 250-300 words ( My topic is about Fast food and obesity in United States) Writing Assignment Help

his project asks you to analyze the arguments that two stakeholder organizations make about their conflicting views on a given issue. You will find common ground between their two viewpoints, and suggest a compromise that both stakeholders can actually do.

These guiding questions will help you choose two specific stakeholder organizations with seemingly incompatible viewpoints about an issue. After you have answered the questions, use the rest of the assignment sheet to start drafting your paper, or follow your instructor’s directions.

  • List at least ten stakeholder groups that have a voice or viewpoint on your topic.
  • Choose four specific stakeholder organizations and write their slogans or mission statements. You can find slogans or mission statements on the organization’s website. Be sure to cite your sources.
  • Analyze two stakeholder organizations that seem to have conflicting viewpoints on your topic. What are their viewpoints, and how are they different?
  • Stay with your two stakeholder organizations from question 3. What do they have in common? Describe the goals or values that the organizations share.
  • Given the shared goals and values that your two organizations share, describe a part of your topic that they could both agree on—that’s your common ground.
  • Explain how your two stakeholder organizations could achieve a compromise. What would each stakeholder organization have to contribute? What would each stakeholder organization have to give up?
  • What needs to happen to accomplish your compromise? Prove that your compromise will actually work using research.

Unless your instructor has told you otherwise, you should begin drafting your argument below. Write a draft of your thesis statement and 250 words about your stakeholder organizations, their common ground, and your proposed compromise.

after you read the instruction write about my topic.

( My topic is about Fast food and obesity in United States)



Hello, Please Write a research brief on the topic of labor and management relations in faith-based organizations. Humanities Assignment Help

• Be sure to include the following in your research brief:
o Should teachers at faith-based schools and professors at faith-based universities engage in collective bargaining? Why or why not?
o Should faith-based schools continue to have the right to hire based on certain bona fide occupational qualifications (BFOQ)?
o Should faith-based schools have the right to determine what benefits they offer their employees under their healthcare plan?
o A brief summary of each outside reference including what it has to say about the topic of labor-management relations in faith-based organizations.
• Use appropriate section headings to organize your brief.
• Your research brief should be 600 words and include a title page and reference page. The paper must be formatted in APA 6th edition. You must use, at a minimum, Holley, W. H., Jennings, K. M., & Wolters, R. S. (2012). The labor relations process (10th Ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western & two sources from professional and/or peer reviewed journals for a total of three references. References should be at least 3-5 pages and published within the last 3-5 years.
Secular Pressures Associated with Government Funding … government-funded, faith-based social service organizations (Vanderwoerd, 2003).

Hello, Please Write a research brief on the topic of labor and management relations in faith-based organizations. Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Research about Pakistan Economics Assignment Help

I want 2 paper about Pakistan macro economy.

First paper including:

Analyze the broad political environment (macro politics): is it an established democracy? If so, since when? Is it competitive authoritarian regime? Where does it stand in the democracy spectrum? What are the chances of successful democratic transition versus a reversal? Election? Protests? Neighbors?

Identify foreign aid flows (from where? to what sectors?). Can you find any hints of open politically goals or politically wise/unwise methods? Has it changed overtime?

Cite your sources.

Second paper:

Read the attached file and then make a description of Pakistan according to acemoglu explanation of extractive and inclusive institutions.


Paper Correction APA Format Health Medical Assignment Help

I have a paper that was graded and shows what needs corrected and what the instructor wants to see. I will post the assignment itsself, the original paper and the corrections she wants and her comments.

Assignment and Requirements:

Economic Concepts Paper


Provide a 3–5 page summary that discusses the following concepts (be sure to include definitions and examples of each):

  • The concepts of utility and elasticity
  • Shifters that may affect the supply and demand relationship
  • How economies of scale affect profit maximization
  • Discuss the relationship between supply and demand in today’s competitive healthcare markets as well as the factors that may influence this relationship. Include examples to demonstrate how the concepts above are used to evaluate financial viability in a healthcare organization.


  • Please use your readings, Discussions, and current experiences in your response.
  • Make sure that you save a copy of the Assignment that you submit.


The finished Assignment should be a 3–5 page descriptive paper, excluding the title page and references. The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained.

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above)

Your writing assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th edition format for organization, style, and crediting sources including:
  • properly formatted header
    • 12-point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font
    • use of in-text citation title page and reference page
    • use of headings (if applicable

    Comments from Instructor:

  • I wanted to send you the beginning graded paper, it is missing APA, and it is missing cites, it is missing you also. This is a paper you write after reading about it, using cites to support your words with terrific follow up. This has not pupose statement, no flow and no cites in the first paragraph. Please see attached papers.

The papers below are the original and the one with the instructors comments.


research about Pakistan Economics Assignment Help

I want 2 paper about Pakistan macro economy.

First paper including:

Analyze the broad political environment (macro politics): is it an established democracy? If so, since when? Is it competitive authoritarian regime? Where does it stand in the democracy spectrum? What are the chances of successful democratic transition versus a reversal? Election? Protests? Neighbors?

Identify foreign aid flows (from where? to what sectors?). Can you find any hints of open politically goals or politically wise/unwise methods? Has it changed overtime?

Cite your sources.

Second paper:

Read the attached file and then make a description of Pakistan according to acemoglu explanation of extractive and inclusive institutions.


Strategic Analysis Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Please read this information on IT sourcing strategies:

Find 2 peer-reviewed articles from academic journals on information technology sourcing. Summarize each article and compare and contrast the sourcing approaches in each article. Identify the factors that were important in each sourcing strategy and whether the sourcing decision was strategic for the long term or tactical for the short term. Which strategy did you think was more effective and why? The paper should be in APA format and 4-5 pages, not counting the title page and reference pages. Make sure you have in-text citations and a reference page.

*Introduction, Conclusion, and subheadings are mandatory

*No Plagiarism

*APA format


Criminal Justice Business Finance Assignment Help

Criminal Justice Business Finance Assignment Help

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