Critical reading essay Humanities Assignment Help

Critical reading essay Humanities Assignment Help. Critical reading essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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Choose 2 textual options the book Sula by Toni Morrison, the movie get out, or The book Persepolis by Marjane satrapi. Then pick a scene from both textual options and conduct a close reading of each text. Thesis statement will synthesize the take aways from both close readings merging them into a symphony of meaning. Needs to be 5-6 pages. Include concrete textual examples throughout the paper so for example one quote for each paragraph to support the claim. Each paragraph should link to and develop the thesis statement. This is a comparative analysis essay.

Critical reading essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

k-Nearest Neighbor Classification Computer Science Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is to perform k-Nearest Neighbor classification, interpret the results, and analyze whether or not the information generated can be used to address a specific business problem.

For this assignment, you will use the “Adult Incomes” data set from the Topic Materials.

ABC Survey Company collects data via surveys that it then sells to marketing departments. Marketing departments typically do not like missing data. Since survey takers typically do not like to answer questions regarding their salary, the one question usually missing from the survey results is, “Is your annual salary $50,000 or more?”

You are the analyst who has been tasked with finding a way to impute (i.e., fill-in) the answer to the question, “Is your annual salary $50,000 or more?” This information can best be imputed based upon how individuals answer other survey questions related to their marital status, educational level, occupation, and familial relationship status. If this important question can be accurately imputed, then the worth of the survey data provided by ABC Survey Company increases dramatically.

Question 1: Using only “Marital_Status,” “Education,” “Occupation,” and “Relationship” variables, find the number of neighbors (k) that minimizes the error rate. Use a range of k between 3 and 10. Include the “k Selection Error Log” output when submitting the answer.

Question 2: Using the same variables and the k selected in Question 1, rerun the nearest neighbor model using the feature selection option in the IBM SPSS Modeler. What is the set of variables that minimize the error rate? Include the “Predictor Selection Error Log” output when submitting the answer.

Question 3: Using the value of k and the set of variables that minimizes the error rate, rerun the k-Nearest Neighbor model. What is the classification table? Include the pivot table output when submitting the answer.

Question 4: Consider the following individual: Marital_Status=Never-married, Education=Masters, Occupation=Sales, and Relationship=Not-in-family. Based on the k-Nearest Neighbor model from Question 3, how would this individual be classified? Provide the predicted income level (“>50K” or “<=50K”) and explain the process that you used to determine the income level. Include the table illustrating the data when submitting the answer.

Question 5: Describe the model building process you used to determine whether or not a particular survey taker earned an annual salary of $50,000 or more. Include discussion of the accuracy of the k-Nearest Neighbor model and how it can be used in practice to impute the answer to the question, “Is your annual salary $50,000 or more?”


Assignment Computer Science Assignment Help


  1. Compute the order of the curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + 7*x + 25 over the finite field with 47 elements
  2. On the curve defined by y^2 + x*y = x^3 + x over GF(2^8) compute the inverse of the point (1,1)
  3. On the curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 + x^2 + x + 1 over the finite field with 701 elements, find a generator and show its order.
  4. On the curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + 4187*x + 3814 over finite field of size 6421 compute the sum of the points (3711,373) and (4376,2463).
  5. On the elliptic curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + 3361*x + 6370 over finite field of size 8461 compute 1001 times the point (1735, 3464).
  6. On the elliptic curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + 1800*x + 1357 over finite field of size 8191, let P1 = (1794, 1318) and P2 = (3514, 409), compute the sum of 13 times P1 plus 28 times P2.



A Strategic Approach to Enterprise Risk Management at Zurich Insurance Group Literature Review About 700 words, (70 or more words per paragraph, 10 paragraphs, one for each article review) Writing Assignment Help

This case study describes how the Zurich Insurance Group has implemented and evolved its enterprise risk management (ERM) approach for more than 10 years across the globe. It describes how Zurich has organized its governance structures and ERM champions to help integrate ERM into the business model that focuses on promptly identifying, measuring, managing, monitoring, and reporting risks that affect the achievement of strategic, operational, and financial objectives. This includes adjusting their risk profiles to be in line with Zurich’s stated risk tolerance to respond to new threats and opportunities in order to optimize returns. In this assignment you will conduct a review of the literature on this case study and write a literature review on this topic. There are many sites that can assist in the formatting and content of a literature review. Here is an example:

Some of the questions or areas to consider are:

1. How do Zurich ERM tools help them better understand their existing and emerging risks?

2. How are Zurich’s risk roles and responsibilities impacting their risk culture?

3. Why is it important to include a Business Resilience program in your organization’s ERM program?

4. How is Zurich’s Capital Management program helping their ERM program?

5. Give some examples on how Zurich has created new value through their ERM program.

Literature Review Expectations:

At least 10 peer-reviewed articles are to be included in the literature review. It should be organized by theme or subject of the article. A minimum of one paragraph is required per article. The review must be synthesized, and the articles analyzed for content as it relates to the content of the case study above. It must be free of grammatical errors. No evidence of plagiarism.

I have attached the complete chapter for your review on it


be willing to write a paper Law Assignment Help

Chapter Eight describes two different types of qualitative interviewing methods. Identify and describe each type of interview. Also, explain what type of research is most compatible with each type of interview.

At the end of your paper explain the benefits of qualitative interviewing for data.

You will summarize each question above in a one-page paper. Your paper should be completed in APA style formatting. Your paper should be double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman 12-pt. font. You must have a title page and bibliography page. You much include two scholarly references. You may use your textbook, but it does NOT count as one of the required references.



you need to develop a corporate social responsibility strategy for AB sugar company Business Finance Assignment Help

This assignment is made up of a report (2500 words)

You are expected to conduct an independent piece of research that considers different industries/organisations and management practices across different geographical locations by evaluating how corporate social responsibility practices have been undertaken and critically discuss alternative approaches and solutions.

Using key themes from this module, you need to develop a corporate social responsibility strategy for ONE of the companies from the following list:

1 – AB SUGAR. I have chosen this company as my targeted company

2 – ACCA





Write a report to be presented to the board of directors responsible for the company’s corporate social responsibility strategy. Your report should include an analysis of the proposed strategy taking into account the following issues:

  1. Explore corporate social responsibility in different organizational and national contexts focusing on the six core characteristics of CSR – relate them to the organisation of your choice from the case studies pack.
  2. Explore the variety of theoretical avenues and the diversity of theoretical concepts in CSR and relate them to the chosen organisation. You need to apply at least three models/theories within this section.
  3. Examine strategic approaches used currently by the chosen corporation in fulfilling their community responsibilities

4 Make recommendations identifying how a more sustainable CSR strategy can be developed for your chosen company. The suggestions should analyse the following aspects:

  • How ecological responsibilities could be further enhanced in the chosen organisation’s corporate strategy
  • How the chosen company might enhance social welfare by developing products for consumers or responding to demands from consumers for greater responsibility.
  • How the chosen organisation might enhance their CSR strategy in regards to the recruitment and retention of employees.
  • You need to ensure that the recommendations given are original and are proposed in accordance with your understanding of the selected case study.

5 – Conclusion

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

  1. Build a systemic framework including both internal and external factors to identify/examine their impact on a business’ social responsibility
  2. Understand various models of corporate social responsibility and apply to practical examples
  3. Critically evaluate business practices to articulate debates concerning social responsibilities and response to ethical dilemmas
  4. Critically review approaches for engaging stakeholders in social responsibility and sustainability programmes

you need to develop a corporate social responsibility strategy for AB sugar company Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Evaluating an International HRM Strategy Business Finance Assignment Help

word count: 3000

For this assignment, you will need to take the role of a HR manager, taking part in an internal evaluation of your international organisation’s human resource management strategy. As a result will be expected to submit a report with your recommendations to the HR Director.

Please select an appropriate (Multinational Corporation) MNC of your choice. Your audit is from an ‘HR’ perspective as it is likely that the business will establish a joint venture in the new market which will require some staff to be recruited locally and also the relocation of some expatriate staff from within your organisation to manage the new venture alongside those of your joint venture partner.

Your report should highlight the HR functions as listed below. Your report will analyse a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 of the following HR Practices:

1.Recruitment and Selection

2.Training and Development

3.Reward Management

After 1 – 3 above you have to include the following approaches to the HR practices :

In each of your chosen areas of HR practice, please identify how your recommended strategies will impact upon:

I.Organisational Performance

II.Employee Commitment

III.Workforce Flexibility

I. Workforce Quality

In addition the report should include:

The purpose of the report – a brief overview of the selected sector for the last five years and its developments and challenges and future needs. This assignment will assess all of the learning outcomes for this module.

Your data response should include an analysis, using both qualitative and quantitative data, of the following:

•Key economic drivers in the Host country

•A comparative analysis of HR systems globally

•Organisational issues that influence the development and implementation of HRM strategy (Cross-cultural training for expatriates, T&D section) and the social aspect of the host country in the (PESTLE analysis). Please use the following structure below as a guide to the content your tutor(s) will expect to see in your assignment based upon the learning outcomes being assessed.

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
L01: Critically examine the economic drivers in the international business environment that influence HRM strategies and evaluate the main HRM theories and models in relation to economic drivers.
L02: Evaluate the effectiveness of HRM strategies in achieving the goals of employee commitment, flexibility, quality and strategic integration
L03: Critically Analyse the differences in approach to HRM Globally and outline possible reasons for such differences
L04: Critically evaluate the theory and evidence about the relationship between HRM and organisational performance
L05: Analyse the organisational, national and cultural specific issues that influence the development and implementation of HRM strategy
L06: Demonstrate the management skills required in international business to successfully engage and win support from key stakeholders


GANTT Chart Health Medical Assignment Help

  • Review the information provided for an example EHR implementation, including each activity’s duration and predecessor(s):
Activity Duration (days) Predecessor
A Create the EHR vision 5
B Identify the planning horizon 10 A
C Obtain buy-in from affected parties 30 B
D Develop a financing and acquisition strategy 10 C
E Develop functional, data, and technical strategies 45 C
F Conduct vendor selection 45 D, E
G Plan the EHR implementation 15 C, E, F
H Conduct benefits realization study 10 A-H
  • Draw the PERT or GANTT chart for this implementation based on the information provided.
  • Indicate the critical path on the PERT or GANTT chart.
  • Your file should be in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, or Adobe Acrobat format.
  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Submit your PERT or GANTT chart for grading.
  • Reminder: You must upload your completed document using Browse My Computer. Then, hit the Submit button to successfully complete the assignment submission process. Do not copy and paste text into the text box.


Annotated bibliography Writing Assignment Help

My topic is: feminist movement in Australia.

In this first assignment for our unit you will be setting out your proposal for the Wikipedia page that you intend to create this semester. Please see this example (in attached file) that a past student has kindly granted permission for you to view. (Note: this student has a description of the topic at the beginning but does not describe the sections. In your assignment you will be describing your sections in a few sentences). Word count at least 1000

You should think of this assignment as offering proof that your proposed topic is verifiable and notable; that it doesn’t involve any original research(including your own); and finally, that it offers a neutral point of view. You are also setting out to prove that your article has sufficient evidence and interest to stretch to one final paper by the end of semester, and that the evidence coming from multiple, non-biased sources . You might discover in the process of writing this proposal that your proposed stub is not going to make it. That is part of the purpose of this task so it’s essential that you start working on it from Week 2. Think of this as a space to test whether your chosen stub can go the distance. If you discover that you cannot provide sufficient evidence, then you need to find a more viable stub. You must convince your tutor–and yourself–that this Wikipedia article is worth pursuing for the duration of semester.

Everything you include in your Word document must be your own work. Do not copy and paste in anything that already exists in your chosen stub.

Your proposal must be submitted as a Word document and follow this format:

  1. the Stub title (what is your article going to be called?)
  2. the proposed titles of sections within your article and a description of each section (you must list at least 4 sections including a description for each). Check out similar pages for an idea for how to structure your article. Some stubs will already have a lead section, others will not. If your chosen stub doesn’t have a lead section, you can include one in this assignment as one of the four sections within your article. For this task, you should not copy into your Word document any part of the Stub article that is already in the Wikipedia main space.
  3. reference list of 5 sources that you will draw on to start writing your article (these must be GOOD sources according to the standards of Wikipedia, the University, and your chosen topic area. Again, check out good quality articles in order to see what qualifies as relevant and usable sources). The sources used for this proposal must be in English. You must privilege academic sources where possible.
  4. make sure you consistently adhere to the conventions of one referencing style – MLA, APA for example – for in text citations, or footnotes, and your reference list
  5. an annotation must follow the bibliographic details for each of the five sources stating how each will contribute to your article (tell us briefly HOW you are going to use each source and WHY they show that your chosen stub article is worth expanding. Be sure to pick sources that are of a high standard)

Learning outcomes:

When you have completed this assignment, you will have developed some experience with:

  • writing in a global electronic network
  • producing public knowledge
  • making authoring choices within the frameworks of intellectual property and open licensing
  • mastering the technical challenges of writing on wiki
  • mastering the cultural challenges of creating and promoting writing within the rules of an electronic discourse community


Corporate Social Responsibility Management Practices Business Finance Assignment Help

word count: 2500 (not including executive summary and reference)

This assignment is made up of a report

You are expected to conduct an independent piece of research that considers different industries/organisations and management practices across different geographical locations by evaluating how corporate social responsibility practices have been undertaken and critically discuss alternative approaches and solutions.

Using key themes from this module, you need to develop a corporate social responsibility strategy for ONE of the companies from the following list:

1 – AB SUGAR I have chosen this company as my targeted topic

2 – ACCA





Write a report to be presented to the board of directors responsible for the company’s corporate social responsibility strategy. Your report should include an analysis of the proposed strategy taking into account the following issues:

  1. Explore corporate social responsibility in different organizational and national contexts focusing on the six core characteristics of CSR – relate them to the organisation of your choice from the case studies pack.
  2. Explore the variety of theoretical avenues and the diversity of theoretical concepts in CSR and relate them to the chosen organisation. You need to apply at least three models/theories within this section.
  3. Examine strategic approaches used currently by the chosen corporation in fulfilling their community responsibilities

4 Make recommendations identifying how a more sustainable CSR strategy can be developed for your chosen company. The suggestions should analyse the following aspects:

  • How ecological responsibilities could be further enhanced in the chosen organisation’s corporate strategy
  • How the chosen company might enhance social welfare by developing products for consumers or responding to demands from consumers for greater responsibility.
  • How the chosen organisation might enhance their CSR strategy in regards to the recruitment and retention of employees.
  • You need to ensure that the recommendations given are original and are proposed in accordance with your understanding of the selected case study.

5 – Conclusion

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

  1. Build a systemic framework including both internal and external factors to identify/examine their impact on a business’ social responsibility
  2. Understand various models of corporate social responsibility and apply to practical examples
  3. Critically evaluate business practices to articulate debates concerning social responsibilities and response to ethical dilemmas
  4. Critically review approaches for engaging stakeholders in social responsibility and sustainability programmes


Critical reading essay Humanities Assignment Help

Critical reading essay Humanities Assignment Help

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