Critical Thinking Essay Writing Assignment Help

Critical Thinking Essay Writing Assignment Help. Critical Thinking Essay Writing Assignment Help.

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  • Recall Clifford’s evidentialist argument from Module 2 and contrast Clifford’s position with one of the nonevidentialist positions encountered in either Module 5 or Module 6. Decide which position, evidentialism or nonevidentialism, more closely aligns with your own point of view and argue for that position. You must have access to the textbook which is Encountering The Real: Faith and Philosophical Enquiry by Pojman/Rea, Solomom,Kierkegaard. Please read the assignment correctly. Must be 12 font doubled spaced and 1200 to 1500 words
  • Introduction paragraph
      1. Give a brief explanation of the conflict between evidentialism and non-evidentialism.
      2. State clearly your thesis about which is true- evidentialism or non-evidentialism. (This is best done with a sentence similar to: “I will argue that ______ is true.”)
    1. Explanation paragraph one:
      1. Explain one of the theories (you can choose which you would like to discuss first).
      2. Do not discuss the alternate theory in this paragraph.
      3. Explain why someone would think that theory is true.
    2. Explanation paragraph two:
      1. Explain the second theory
      2. Explain why someone would think it is true
      3. Explain the major distinction between this theory and the previous one
    3. Reason paragraph one:
      1. State the first reason for your thesis
      2. Explain what the reason means
      3. Explain why someone should believe the reason is true
    4. Reason paragraph two:
      1. State the second reason for your thesis
      2. Explain what the reason means
      3. Explain why someone should believe the reason is true
    5. Objection paragraph:
      1. State a reason why someone would think that one of your reasons is not true or does not support your thesis statement (remember the recorded lecture I posted about evaluating arguments and what an objection is)
      2. Explain how the objection hurts your reason
      3. Explain why someone would think that this is true
      4. Do not discuss a response to the objection in this paragraph- you should ONLY be discussing the objection
    6. Response paragraph:
      1. State the reason someone might think the objection fail (This should NOT be a simple restatement of the reason)
      2. Explain why the reason disproves the objection
      3. Explain why someone should this is true.
    7. Conclusion:
      1. Recap the progression of the paper
      2. Do not offer any new ideas or thoughts
    8. References
      1. Make sure your references are formatted in the MLA style
      2. You can find assistance on that here:
      3. I would discourage you from using resources other than those provided in the course. Typically, outside references, such as those found on the internet, confuse students more than help them.

Critical Thinking Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Write a Java program Programming Assignment Help

Write a Java program that reads the input graph as a text file, and finds the Minimum Spanning Tree rooted at the node specified as a run time argument. Your program should be invoked as

java ShortestPathFinderApp input-file root-node destination-node

where input-file is the name of a text-file that contains the weighted adjacency list, root-node is the starting point to the shortest path algorithm and the destination-node is the node whose shortest path you will be printing at the end of the program.

Your program should compute the shortest path, and print the routing table entry of the root node for the destination-node represented as a three column row as follows:

Node Cost Next-Hop

In addition, your program should print the path used by the root node to reach the destination node. For example, if the shortest path from root node A to C is through B, your program should print the path is AàBàC.


Describe an example from the National Archives Humanities Assignment Help

For your reflection assignment for this week, please select one primary example from the archive and address the following in a two-page reflection assignment:

  • Describe the example you have selected and provide the specific URL and the image
  • Explain the origins and context of the example
  • Include examples from the textbook this week that help develop your analysis of the work and its context
  • Provide a link to contemporary issues in government to help discuss the influence that these documents continue to have on contemporary cultural patters


Impact of Big Data in business applications Writing Assignment Help

In the book “Guide to Big Data Applications” that we are using, there is a discussion of the impact of Big Data in business applications (see Ch. 17 attachment). This topic is quite relevant for US as well but the article is written from a foreign country perspective. There is plenty more information on this topic in the general literature as well. Read and understand such material and write a report on the impact of Big Data in business applications. You should provide statistical data on this topic as well as organizations that are using Big Data for the benefit of their customers.

Report should be free from spelling and grammar errors. For writing this report you should check both print and online resources. List all the references in full at the end of the Report. It need not take up a page by itself. Use the APA format for references. Looking for analysis of the ideas that you present and so any item quoted should be brief.

Guidelines on Report & References:

  • Report should be 9 pages of analysis and conclusions
  • Clearly identify the title, contain an abstract
  • Reports should use single line spacing, Times New Roman 12 font, 1” margins, with no cover page
  • 5-7 references should be from reputable sources
  • The idea of references is that the reader should be able to locate the reference item using the information provided in the paper. So, the reference citation should be complete.
  • Use reliable sources such as major companies (IBM, AT&T, Google, etc.)
  • Do not use any textbook as a reference source
  • Do not use any newspaper sources (NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, etc.)
  • Do not use sources such as Wikipedia,,, etc.


unit 7 psych discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Applied Psychology Research – Human Factors

Research in psychology sometimes tests the use of products to improve the well-being of people. For example, in the online article you read in your studies for this unit, “Undoing Dyslexia via Video Games,” the authors describe how the Fast ForWord program is used to help children with dyslexia to distinguish between sounds.

For this discussion:

  • Find an example of how applied psychology has been used to develop or improve a product in the interest of human well-being. Note: if you are working with the topic of product development for your Unit 9 assignment on applied research in psychology, the product must be different from the one you select for this discussion.
  • Describe the product, and explain how it is used to promote well-being. What does research tell us about the effectiveness of the product? Provide the reference for the source that studied the product.
  • Use APA (6th edition) style and formatting for citing references.



Paper 2: Facing the Ethical Dilemma: Creating DM Model to Resolving an Ethical Issue Humanities Assignment Help

You are now asked to do the following….”If given the opportunity to make an ethical decision, how would you go about doing this?” Paper 1 caused you to reflect on the meaning of ethics and your own personal beliefs about what is moral, right and ethical. Now Paper 2 is meant to lead you to develop your own model for making ethical business decisions. In order to accomplish this, you will choose a case from the Beyond Integrity book and then follow a “classic decision-making” process for resolving the issue, keeping in mind what you have previously said about your beliefs and what is important to you.

This Paper 2 should be 3-4 pages long and follow APA format. Case Study Grading Rubric found under Course Resources will be used to review and grade your assignment.

Paper 2: Facing the Ethical Dilemma: Creating a DM Model to Resolving an Ethical Issue.

Paper 1 caused you to reflect on the meaning of ethics and your own personal beliefs about what is moral, right and ethical. Now Paper 2 is meant to lead you to develop your own model for making ethical business decisions. In order to accomplish this, you will choose a case from the Beyond Integrity book and then follow a “classic decision-making” process for resolving the issue, keeping in mind what you have previously said about your beliefs and what is important to you. Chapter 1 of the text allows us to discuss at least 3 models for making ethical decisions; and we supplemented this with a number of other examples. You have the opportunity to create your own model and use it to resolve a case from the text, and then to critique this model for its effectiveness.

Below is Dr. Bucci’s Model for Ethical Decision-Making (ETHIC2)

Introduction: E –Examination. You have already developed you views on your feelings, motivations, worldview and responses to injustice. Now it is time to organize these thoughts:

  • T – Tenets or Guiding Beliefs. What have you determined are the underpinnings of your ethical point of view? What have you said you believe about God, about people, about business? Articulating Scriptures, moral principles, and beliefs from your readings that form the foundation of your theology of business. These should be clearly defined, drawn from cited sources.
  • H – Hierarchy of Values. What are the principles upon which you will make choices? What standards of behavior will guide your on-going decisions? Your values need to be prioritized to avoid conflicts. Consider elaborating on what your values mean and how this order developed.
  • I – Identification: State the Issue – “Is it ethical to …”
  • C – Consideration of Outcomes OR Consequences: Now work through your DM process to resolve the issue. Model a checklist from the examples given out in class or make your own, based on your values. How will your beliefs & values stand in light of the following?
  • C – Convincing Moral Argument: Using your DM model, you formed a pattern for making a decision. Now, using a persuasive style, defend your position with a Convincing Moral Argument speaking in the language of business with consideration of the Business impact. Express your beliefs and values using Moral reasoning but with consideration of the Business impact:

You will now choose a case from the Beyond Integrity book and then resolve it this way:

  • Define the issue and establish the facts
  • Who is affected (stakeholders)
  • Understand the nature of how this happened (and why)
  • Others’ Rights
  • Existing Laws / Standards
  • Social Mores and Principles
  • Cultural Uniqueness
  • Economic
  • Legal
  • Social
  • Financial
  • People / Stakeholders
  • (you do not have to use all of these, but they need to be understood and demonstrated)

Conclusion – Summarize: Now do a critique of Your Model. How did it help, what might need to change? Were your values aligned to guide the decision? Did you clearly defend your values?




1 Facts

2 Issue

3 Stakeholders

4 Consequences

5 Obligations

6 Character & Integrity

7 Potential Actions

8 Gut Check



1 Ask 6 Qs

2 Clarify Role

3 Clarify Facts

4 Clarify Decisive Values/ Principles

5 Clarify Options & Conseq.

6 JB Choose Action

7 JB Defend Choice



1 Examination (P1)

2 Tenets or Beliefs

3 Hierarchy of Values

4 ID Issue / Stakeholders

5 Consider Outcomes / Conseq

6 Convincing Moral Argument

7 Sum / Critique

Paper 2: Facing the Ethical Dilemma: Creating DM Model to Resolving an Ethical Issue Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Research Paper Writing Assignment Help


  • In this course, you are required to complete a research paper about ONE of the topics of your choice discussed in the course.
  • Compile a list of references that you will use to support the content of your “Research Paper” assignment. A minimum of six scholarly sources are required.

Review the topics in the course and choose a topic to focus your research paper on. Some suggestions include:

  1. Pharmacological treatment for substance use disorders
  2. The history of the increase in opiate addiction
  3. Opiate replacement treatment approaches
  4. Detoxification from alcohol and opiates
  5. The psychopharmacology of methamphetamines
  6. Create an outline for the final paper that follows standard outline formatting standards. Be sure to include the following in your outline to ensure the final paper addresses all required content:
  1. Brief history of the drug
  2. Psychopharmacology of the drug
  3. Current trends or issues
  4. Societal concerns or issues related to the topic
  5. Significance or relevance of topic to the counseling profession
  6. Any future implications

Your research paper should be 1,500-2,000-words and reflect critical thinking and analysis. Refer to the Academic Writing Guidelines Resource located in the Course Materials section for assistance with this.

APA style is required for the body of this assignment, and solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


gen499 week 4 discussion 1 Writing Assignment Help

Elements of Critical Thinking
Prepare Icon Prepare: In preparation for discussing the importance of critical thinking skills, please read the following articles: Critical Thinking and the Challenges of Internet (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Common Misconceptions of Critical Thinking. You may also read other applicable sources found under the Week Four Resources tab to gain a better understanding of what it takes to be a critical thinker.
Reflect Icon Reflect: Reflect on the characteristics of a critical thinker. What makes you a critical thinker? Critical thinking gets you involved in a dialogue with the ideas you read from others in this class. To be a critical thinker, you need to be able to summarize, analyze, hypothesize, and evaluate new information that you encounter.

Write Icon

Write: For this discussion, you will address the following prompts. Keep in mind that the article or video you’ve chosen should not be about the topic “critical thinking,” but should be about someone making a statement, claim, or argument. One source should demonstrate good critical thinking skills and the other source should demonstrate the lack or absence of critical thinking skills. Personal examples should not be used.

  • Explain at least five elements of critical thinking that you found in the reading material.
  • Search the Internet, media, or the Ashford University Library, and find an example in which good critical thinking skills are being demonstrated by the author or speaker. Summarize the content and explain why you think it demonstrates good critical thinking skills.
  • Search the Internet, media, or the Ashford University Library and find an example in which the author or speaker lacks good critical thinking skills. Summarize the content and explain why you think it demonstrates the absence of good, critical thinking skills.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length, which should include a thorough response to each prompt. You are required to provide in-text citations of applicable required reading materials and/or any other outside sources you use to support your claims. Provide full reference information of all sources cited at the end of your response. Please use correct APA format when writing in-text citations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and references (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..


Police and Civilian Budget Preparation and Centralized Budgeting Business Finance Assignment Help

Prepare to participate in a debate on the following topic: Should police departments train sworn police officers to complete financial reports and prepare budgets or hire civilian personnel for these tasks? Do civilians have enough knowledge of policing to properly prepare good budgets addressing policing needs? Can sworn officers fulfill this task without proper degrees/education?

Part I

Create an outline supporting your position. You should include a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

Part II

Create an outline countering your original position. You should have a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

Prepare to participate in a debate on the following topic: Should budget authority be granted across multiple levels in a criminal justice organization or centralized by a separate city or government unit?

Part I

Create an outline supporting your position. You should include a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.

Part II

Create an outline countering your original position. You should have a minimum of 5 points and each point should be fully supported with sub points.


natural resource policy and administration paragraph for paper Science Assignment Help

Case option: analyze a single case that we have not studied in the syllabus readings, using frameworks we have studied

Choose a case (an instance of natural resource conflict, policy
making, or administration) and analyze it using one or two frameworks
we’ve studied. The framework that I chose was the debate over Payment for Ecosystem Services. However I do not have a case. I have attached the resources that can be used and additional ones need to be added.

Make an argument about how the frameworks (or some element of them)
helps us understand the case. Include at least two sources beyond the
syllabus, which provide the empirical details of your case.

  • A paragraph describing your intentions for the paper, including
    your best guess at the specific question you wish to answer in the
    paper, or the argument/thesis your paper will support.
  • A list of sources, which satisfies the requirements listed above
  • A key quote from at least one source, and a comment about how that quote helps to support your argument or answer your question One source is a website:…


Critical Thinking Essay Writing Assignment Help

Critical Thinking Essay Writing Assignment Help

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